BEEP 3 - Beep On Grammar

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Ric hmond Publishing ®

58 St Ald ates
Oxfo rd OX 1 1ST
United Kingdom Contents

© Brend an Dunne, Robin Newton

© Santillana Educación, S.L., 2012

Al! rights reserved 1 Have you got... ? 2

No part of th is w ork may be re produeed, stored in a retrie val system
or t ra nsm ltted in any form, electronic, mechanical, photocopying or Prepositions of place 3
oth ervv ise w lt hout t he prior permission in writing of the copyright
holders. Any infraction of the rights rnent ion ed w ould be considered
2 What time is it? 4
a violat ion of the Intel lectual prop erty (Article 270 of the Pe nal Code)
If you need to photocopy or sean any fragment of this work, conta ct
CED RO (Ce ntro Español de Derechos Rep rográficos,
Present simple for routines 5
Printed in China 3 Adjectives: tall, short,
ISB N 97 8-84-66 8-1550-5
CP: 381 245 fat, thin, strong, scary 6
D.L. M-8 17 5-201 2
Possessive pronouns: his, her 7
Writers: Bre ndan Dunne, Robin Newton
Music and Recordings: Ri era Sound, Suena Estudio 4 Like / doesn't like 8
Publishing Director: VlCk i Caballero Anderson Can 9
M an aging Editor: An d rea Turner
Development Editor: Mi randa Fr iel
5 Has it got ... ? 10
Editorial Team: Bea tr iz Rornán, Grace L1oyd,
Idoia Llama, Sil via RU lz, Ernilie Kerton, Ell ie Koster
It's got ... / It hasn't got ... 11
Art Director: José Crespo
Art Coordination: Rosa Marín, Javier Te¡eda
6 Present continuous 12
Cover Desig n: M anuel Estrad a Design
Design: Cristina Vergara Where is ... ? 13
IIlustrators: Beehive Illus tration. Jim Peacoc k,
M oreno Ch lacchiera; Flo r García M erino 7 Adjectives: new, old,
Technical Director: Á ngel Garcla Encin ar fast, sLow 14
Technical Coordination: Rocío Lorninc har Ro mero
layout: Marina Gómez fvlu t Is it ... ? 15
Photo Research: Arnparo Rodr íguez

Every effort has been made to trace the holders of copyright,

8 Do you li ke . .. ? 16
but if an y omissions can be rectified, the publishers will be
pleased to make the necessary arrangements.
Have you got... ? Prepositions of place

pencil? the table.

Yes, I have. on
rubber? the book? the chair.
No. I haven't. under
sharpener? Where's the ruler? Ws the computer.
the pen? the school bag.
the cupboard.
Write the questions and answers.

Hove yau gat o j'Jehcil Look and answer.


6 ...=~ ~--¿ . ~i" "" . ' -, \G-G4.+ ?./ ~~ , O""'U~e,o.... .

This is your bagoAnswer the questions in 1.

"1 ~ 5 h~""t..f

2 o. b~k

..........-_----..,.--_...,•.----_ _ _ _ _~
Where's the shoe? ---'----"-_-:'-_ _ _----.:
3 2
4 3
6 6 Where's the school bag? • - - - ,- , - - ...- p=

2 3
What time is it? Present si mpLe for routi nes

, get up seven o'clock.

seven o'clock.
It's at half past eight.
half past nine. have my breakfast
go to school nine o 'clock .

Read and draw the time.

Write sentences.

'o- f 00"
" 12 ,
• 3 ()
l '. 6 .' In
1 It's eight o'clock. 2 It's half past twelve.

3 It's half past seven. 4 It's three o'clock.

3 lJlet ur at halr rast Six.
Look and write the time.
11 12


1 5


1 2

3 4 6

4 5
Adjectives: tall, short, fat, Possessive pronouns: his. her

thin, strong, scary

He's fat. black
She's thin. His
stmng. Her
scary. shoes are white

Look and describe the characters.

Look and complete the sentences with His or Her.

1 5 1 dog is black and white. 5 nose is small.

2 6 2 nose is big. 6 shoes are white.
3 7 3 cat is black. 7 hair is short.
4 8 4 shoes are grey. 8 hat IS big.

6 7
doesn't ti ke

tennis. clirnb a tree.

likes He sw,irn.
doesn 't like
rollerblading. do gymnastics.

Look at the table and write sentences. Look and write sentences.

Sldlng Tennls Cycllng

® © ® ©

© © © ®
1 He doeSh't like skiihg. 1 He cah swilYl.

I 2

5 5

6 6

7 7

8 8

8 9

• got....
Has lt · ? It's got ... / It hasn't got ...

---'1 '"

a tail?
Yes, it has.
a tai'l,

No, it hasn 't. It's got wings,
wings? It hasn't got ~egs.

Write the questions and answer.

~~~ Look and complete.

(fl 0 1")

. ;)
l--r... }J?¿, ':-!,,:::..
~)~ l ..
l ~


<1 / '--. -­ -'
1 it / claws / got / Has?
Has ¡t got c!a\NS?

Yes, it has.
,, " ,1'~~-()

,.' fe:;:;'''';)'
, . \~'.)' ,

1 It's got a tail.

~~~ 5 _ _ ___ atail.

2 wings / it / Has / got ?

2 wings . 6 claws.

I " ' ,1 l _ _ _ __ _

3 _ _ _ _ six legs. _ _ _ _ _ two legs.

3 got / it / Has / a tail ?

[ ~}J ---- ~ l'b'~~í"t 1 8

_ _ ___ a tail , _ __ _ _ claws.
~ " ,.,.\

10 11
Present continuous Where is... ?
He's dancing.
Ile doing? in tl1 e caro
She's doing puzzles.
she doing7 M um? in the kitchen .
playing the guita¡-. Slle's
Where's Dad? in th e living room.
making models.
Granny? in th e garden.
in th e bathroom.
Look. circle and answer.

Look and complete.

1 2 3
1 Wllat's he I~do ing? She's g~rdehih9.

2 What's he I she doing? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __

4 5 6
1'-:'; R.'.....· . .
3 What's he I she doing? _ __ _ _ __ _ __ __ _

{~'St~ .

4 What's he I she doing? _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __

¡j'6.~.f 1 Where's Karim? He's ih fue q~rdeh.
t l' 2 Where's Grandad?
5 What's he / she doing? 1b~t 3 Where 's Dad?

ti 4 Where 's Karím's sister?


5 Where's Lucy?
6 What's he I she doing? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ 6 Where's Beep?

12 13
Adjectives: new, 15 it... ?
oLd, fast, slow

new and fast.

old and slow. Yes, it is.
Is it
fast? No, it isn 't.

Look, unscramble and write.

88 o ®
Look and write the answers and the questions.

~ andO
1 Is it fast? ./ _ _ _ _ __ _ __
1 ~ ....
.. It 's a (napel). It 's ~
2 Is it slow? ~ _ _ _ _ _ __ __

2 •
(kibe). It's D and
~ 3 Is it old? ~

O 4 Is it fast? ./

3 It's a (mnit). It's and ~ >. . JI

ff¡ I
5 Is it old ? No , it isn't.
Read. Draw and write. ~ -) 6 ? Yes, it is.

7 _ _ _ __ _ __ _? No, it isn't.
8 _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _? Yes, it is.

Look and complete tor you.

It's a ship. It's My is new. My 1S olld.

It 's old and slow. It's ohd My is fast. My is slloiVV.

14 15

Do you like... ?

making salldcastles?
Yes, Ido.
No, I don't.
taking photos?

Write the questions and circle for you.

you surfing 00 like

1 Do you Iike surth9 ? Yes, Ido. / No, I don't.
yOLl photos like 00 taking
2 ? Yes, Ido. / No, I dOIl't.
like 00 playing yOLl Frisbee
3 ? Yes, Ido. / No, I dOll't.
camping you 00 like
4 ? Yes, Ido. / No, I don't.
playing you cards 00 like
5 ? Yes, Ido. / No, I dOIl't.

Circle like or don 't like.

In !ha moming, Il,ka / don'! I,ke g . I I,ke / don'! I,ke ~iL

On Saturdays, I lika / don '! lika a~· Ilike / don'! like el)
In !ha Summar, II,ke/ don'! like ~. II,ke/ don'! like
~ .


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