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Personas Method


Personas are archetypes that give life to a particular group of citizens or busi-
nesses and give them concrete characteristics. The construction of a persona
is usually based on ethnographic material and thus reflects the users’ actual
needs, skills, values, interests, goals and dreams. Only rarely does a persona
correspond to the reality of a specific interviewee; on the contrary, it is an idea-
lized composite drawn from a group of people. Personas express the charac-
teristics of a population segment and often also embody one or more potential
solutions. They are thus not merely a communication tool for disseminating
knowledge about the target group, they are also an analytical tool that acts as ­
a pointer toward the development of new, targeted initiatives.

Personas can:

• Stimulate the generation of ideas. 

• Bring the target group into close focus in the course of the development process.
• Be used as a tool for continuous development and action, even after the innova-
tion process is completed.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
scoping & learning analysis idea & test of new communication
project about the concept concepts of results
design users


Our advice and contributions to the ministerial projects are measuring
based on MindLab’s process model, which consists of seven
stages. In some projects MindLab only contributes to the
implementation of particular stages, while in others we are
involved throughout.

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