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Sofia: I can´t sleep. Can you read me a bed-time story?

Mum: Honey, I´m sorry, it´s too late and tomorrow will be a long day.

Sofia: Please Mum! …a short one… please!

Mum: Ok, you win … but then you go to sleep. It´s a deal!

Sofia: deal!

Mum: Ok! I am going to tell you the story of a wooden marionette that wanted to be a real boy.

Sofia: How can that be possible?

Mum: Well, there was a fairy that helped him, but he had to prove that he was a good boy.

Sofia: And how he did it?

Mum: He had a cricket friend that was his conscience.

Sofia: A cricket friend? …Wooowww!!!


(Jiminy Cricket singing - When you wish upon a star)

Jiminy Cricket: Nice ah? …I know that some of you don´t believe that dreams became true, I also didn´t
believe it, but I will tell you why I changed my opinion.
Once upon a time I was walking alone when I saw a light through a window and I decided to
get in. It was the house of an old man called Geppetto, he was a toy maker. Something
called my attention, a puppet, a kind of marionette … lovely ahh?
(he hears a noise and hide)

Geppetto: Some paint and it´s ready! It´s going to be perfect! (tra lara lara lara pam pam, tra lara lara lara
pum pum) …Look a big difference!
Your name will be …”Pinocchio” , …Yes, I like it “Pinocchio” …do you like your name? …of course
you do! …Come here! (start singing little wooden head and dancing)

Ohh , it´s too late, it´s time to go to bed! …I wish you were real! …A real boy!!! Good night
Pinocchio! (Yawns and leaves the room)

Jiminy Cricket: A real boy? Ha, ha, ha … crazy man!

(Blue Fairy comes in)

Blue Fairy: Good Geppetto you have given too much happiness to others, you deserve to have your wish
become true.
Little puppet made of pine, …Wake! …the gift of life is done!

Pinocchio: I can move!,… I can talk!, I can walk!

Blue fairy: Yes Pinocchio, I have given you life because tonight Geppetto wished for a real boy!

Pinocchio: Am I a real boy?

Blue fairy: No, Pinocchio …to make Geppetto´s wish become true will be entirely up to you!

Pinocchio: up to me?

Blue fairy: Prove yourself to be brave, truthful, unselfish, and some day you will be a real boy.

Pinocchio: A real boy?

Blue fairy: It´s not going to be easy, you have to choose between right and wrong.

Pinocchio: And How will I know?

Blue fairy: Your conscience will tell you.

Pinocchio: What´s a conscience?

Jiminy cricket: What´s a conscience? …A conscience is that weak small voice that people don´t want to
listen to…that´s just the problem with the world today.

Pinocchio: Are you my conscience?

Jiminy cricket: Who me?

Blue fairy: Would you like to be his conscience?

Jiminy Cricket: I… I … I …well

Blue fairy: …Very well, what´s your name?

Jiminy cricket: Iam cricket, Jimney cricket.

Blue fairy: I name you Pinocchio´s conscience, counselor in moments of temptation!

Jiminy cricket: Fantastic!

Blue fairy: Now, remember Pinocchio …be a good boy and always let your conscience be your guide.

Jiminy cricket: Goodbye my lady!

Pinocchio: Bye!

Jiminy cricket: Well, I have to advise you like a father.

Pinocchio: Why?

Jiminy cricket: Don´t you want to be a real boy?

Pinocchio: yes!

Jiminy cricket: ok, sit down, the world is full of temptations.

Pinocchio: temptations?

Jiminy cricket: yes, temptations. Sometimes the wrong things seem right or vice versa. Do you understand?

Pinocchio: No.

Jiminy cricket: I´m going to help you anytime you need me. Just whistle like this …(whistles)

Pinocchio: like this? …(whistles)

Jiminy cricket: No, No …try again.

Pinocchio: like this? (whistles)

Jiminy cricket: No, listen (whistle)

Pinocchio: (whistles properly)

Jiminy cricket: That´s it!

(Sing – Give me a little whistle)

Geppetto: Hey…Who´s there?

Pinocchio: I´ts me!

Geppetto: …me who? (takes a gun)

Pinocchio: I´m here.

Geppetto: Pinocchio! …You can talk!

Pinocchio: Yes, and I can move.

Geppetto: This is not true! Iam dreaming … wake me up! …say something!

Pinocchio: Hello!
Geppetto: You spoke!

Pinocchio: Yes, the blue fairy came and now I have a conscience and one day I will be a real boy.

Geppetto: Blue fairy?, Conscience? … my wish! … I asked for it and now it´s real.
We must celebrate this!!! (they dance and sing)

Geppetto: It´s time to sleep.

Pinocchio: Why?

Geppetto: everybody must sleep. Tomorrow you must go to school.

Pinocchio: Why?

Geppetto: Because you have to learn.

Pinocchio: why?

Sofia: So, he became a real boy?

Mum: It was not so easy, He had to be obedient, and listen to his conscience.

Sofia: And did he do it?

Mum: Well he wanted to be a good boy but sometimes you take the wrong choices…


(Pinocchio goes to school)

Geppetto: Don´t forget your lunch! Now you are ready!

Pinocchio: Goodbye Dad!

Geppetto: Goodbye!

Male Fox: The circus is in thn town again!, do you remember when we cheat that man? …He thought you
were a puppet.

Female Fox: Yes, that stupid man…ha ,,,ha,,ha,, Hey look a wooden boy

Male fox: What? …look the puppet is alive!

Female fox: I have an idea! …we are going to be rich…

Male fox: ohhh sorry, sorry!!

Pinocchio: Don´t worry, it was nothing.

Female fox: Where are you going boy?

Pinocchio: I go to school.

Male Fox: To school? Ha,ha,ha…

Female Fox: You don´t need to go to school… with that face you could be an actor!

Pinocchio: Me, an actor?

Male fox: Of course, you can be a great performer!

Female Fox: Come with us, we will show you how… (they go singing)

Jiminy cricket: PSS!, …PSS, …PSS ….come here!

Pinocchio: Jiminy cricket I am going to be an actor!

Jiminy cricket: No, Pinocchio …Do you remember what I told you about temptation?

Pinocchio: yes.

Jiminy cricket: Well that´s temptation. Now you are going to tell them that you can´t go with them. Say
thank you for the invitation but you must go to school.

Female Fox: Pinocchio, Pinocchio…

Jiminy cricket: They are coming! …tell them what I told you!

Male Fox: Here you are! …come on, let´s go to the theatre!

Pinocchio: Goodbye Jiminy cricket!

Jiminy cricket: No, no! …what am I going to do? …I have to talk with his father. ..No! , I am going to solve it

Stromboli: Ladies and Gentlemen to finish this great show, Stromboldi “that´s me”. …I present you this
fabulous acting, the unique puppet that can sing and dance with no strings. Yes, with no strings!
…With you …”Pinocchio” (I have no strings song)
Jiminy cricket: Wooww!!! He is a success!!! …Now, he is a famous actor, he doesn´t need me anymore.


Geppetto: Where is Pinocchio? Iam really worried! …It´s too late! I am going to find him!

Stromboli: Bravo Pinocchio, bravo, bravisimo!! You will be very famous and Iam going to be rich!
One hundred, two hundred, three hundred, four hundred…

Pinocchio: Am I an actor now?

Stromboli: Of course you are, this is for you Pinocchio.

Pinocchio: For me? …thank you!!! …I go home to show it to my Dad!

Stromboli: Your Dad?, …sure your Dad. Ha, ha, ha… very funny …this is your house!

Pinocchio: No, no! Let me go!

Stromboli: Shut up! …you are my goldmine! Ha, ha,ha,ha…

Pinocchio: No, I want to go home… (cries)

Doll: Don´t cry! He is an evil man! He brought me here two years ago…he only cares the money! We can´t

Pinocchio: Of course we can, my friend Jiminy cricket is going to hel us, (shouts) Jiminy cricket, Jiminy
cricket! Help!! (whistles)

Doll2: We have tried many times…but we are still here.

Jiminy cricket: Pinocchio, what happened? Why are you there?

Doll: Mr Cricket … Stromboli, he locked us. Be careful he is very bad.

Doll2: Shh!... He is going to hear us…

Pinocchio: He lied to me! Please help us!

Doll: Look! …Who is she?

Pinocchio: My blue fairy!!! …What am I going to say?

Jiminy cricket: Just tell the truth!

Blue fairy: Pinocchio, Why didn´t you go to school?

Jiminy cricket: Come on, tell her!

Pinoccio: to school? … I was going to school when a monster appeared.

Doll2: ahhh …A monster?

Blue fairy? Were you scared?

Pinocchio: No, but they put me in a bag.

Blue fairy: and where was Jiminy cricket?

Pinocchio: The monster put him in another bag.

Blue fairy: And how did you manage to escape?

Pinocchio: I couldn´t. He hit me!

Doll: Pinocchio, your nose!!!

Doll2: It’s too much bigger!!!

Pinocchio: …What is happening to my nose?

Blue fairy: May be you are not telling the truth, the lies grow and grow like your nose.

Pinocchio: I told the truth!

Jiminy cricket: You must always tell the truth! …please Blue fairy give him another opportunity.

Pinocchio: I promise to tell the truth.

Jiminy cricket: Please, do it for me!

Blue fairy: I forgive you, but remember …if you are a bad boy you won´t be real! Goodbye!

Pinocchio: Look, my nose!

Doll2: It´s tiny again!

Jiminy cricket: She opened it!!! Let´s go…

Pinocchio: Wait!… My friends!!

Doll: thank you Pinocchio, but I can´t move and walk like you!

Doll2: I also can´t do it.

Pinocchio: I am not going to leave you!

Doll2: You are very big- hearted, thank you! (Jiminy cricket helps him)


Male Fox: He thinks we are his friends!!! Ha, ha, ha…

Female Fox: We have a lot of money, it was a good deal!

Male Fox: We need more like him!

Female Fox: Hi Pinocchio! … How is the actor?

Pinocchio: I don´t want to to be an actor anymore. Stromboli is an evil man!

Male Fox: Come with us, let´s play a game!

Pinocchio: I love games!!!

Jiminy cricket: Not again Pinocchio! …Pinocchio…What are you doing? …If you continue like this you will
never be a real boy! …Let´s go home. Your dad must be worried!

Pinocchio: ok!

Pinocchio: I don´t understand!, where is my dad? …something bad must have happened to him.


Sofia: …And where was Geppetto?

Mum: What happened is that he left his house to find Pinocchio and accidentally he fall to the bottom of the

Sofia: To the bottom of the sea? …Did he drown?

Mum: No, he didn´t. but a huge whale swallowed him.

Sofia: Ahh a whale! …poor Geppetto.

Mum: Don´t worry, when Pinocchio knew, he ran to save him.

Sofia: …and could he save him?


Geppetto: Five days without food! …I never thought to finish like this! …to die inside a whale, poor
Pinocchio, I miss him!

Pinocchio: Dad!!

Geppetto: I am becoming crazy! , I still can hear his voice!

Pinocchio: Dad it´s me! Pinocchio!

Geppetto: Pinocchio!!! (they hug) …I am so happy to see you again!


Sofia: …And how did they go out from the whale?

Mum: Pinocchio was very intelligent so he thought that if he started a fire the whale would sneeze, and it
did! …so they went out. Pinocchio saved his father, but he couldn´t survive, he drawn!

Sofia: No!!! , poor Pinocchio! And what happened with Jiminy cricket?

Mum: He was so sad because he thought Pinocchio was dead. But when they were crying…


(Geppetto, Jiminy cricket and doll crying)

Blue fairy: Pinocchio you had been brave, truthful and unselfish for that reason you will be a real boy, wake
up Pinocchio!

Pinocchio: Why are you crying?

Geppetto: Beacause Pinocchio is dead!

Pinocchio: Dad, I am not dead!!!

Geppetto: Pinocchio!!!

Jiminy cricket: You are alive, you are a real boy!!!

Pinocchio: Yes, I am, And so you are!!!

Doll: I am a girl!... And now I can walk!!!

Jiminy cricket: Thank you Blue fairy!!! (sings)

When You Wish Upon A Star

When you wish upon a star

Makes no difference who you are Little Wooden Head
Anything your heart desires Little wooden head go play your part
Bring a little joy to every heart
Will come to you Little do you know and yet it's true
If your heart is in your dream That I'm mighty proud of you
No request is too extreme Little wooden feet and best of all
When you wish upon a star Little wooden seat in case you fall
(Oh-ho! How graceful!)
As dreamers do My little wooden head
Like a bolt out of the blue
Fate steps in and sees you through
When you wish upon a star
Your dreams come true

Lyrics to Hi Diddle Dee Dee (pinocchio) Hi-diddle-dee-dee

An actor's life for me
A high silk hat and a silver cane
A watch of gold with a diamond chain

An actor's life is gay
It's great to be a celebrity
An actor's life for me
An actor's life is fun

An actor's life for me
A wax mustache and a beaver coat
A pony cart and a billy goat
An actor's life is fun
You wear your hair in a pompadour
You ride around in a coach and four
You stop and buy out a candy store
An actor's life for me!

I've Got No Strings I've got no strings

To hold me down
To make me fret, or make me frown
I had strings
But now I'm free
There are no strings on me
Hi-ho the me-ri-o
That's the only way to go
I want the world to know
Nothing ever worries me
Hi-ho the me-ri-o
I'm as happy as can be
I want the world to know
Nothing ever worries me
I've got no strings
So I have fun
I'm not tied up to anyone
They've got strings
But you can see
There are no strings on me
Dutch puppet
You have no strings
Your arms is free
To love me by the Zuider Zee
Ya, ya, ya
If you would woo
I'd bust my strings for you
French puppet
You've got no strings
Comme ci comme ca
Your savoire-faire is ooh la la!
I've got strings
But entre nous
I'd cut my strings for you
Russian puppet
Down where the Volga flows
There's a Russian rendezvous
Where me and Ivan go
But I'd rather go with you, hey!

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