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Week -4

Environmental Engineering – II

Design of Sanitary Sewers

Dr.Amir Farooq

PhD. Environment Management

MSc. Environmental Engineering
BSc. Civil Engineering
Procedure for designing of Sanitary Sewer

i) Draw line to present proposed sewer in each street to be

served with an arrow head to indicate the direction of
flow of sewage

ii) Locate the manholes by giving Identification Numbers to

ease to detect fault in system

iii) Sketch limits of the service area for each lateral.

iv) Measure the service areas for each lateral

v) Prepare tabulation (Hydraulic Statement)


 It is necessary to determine velocity and depth

of sewage in a pipe when it is flowing partially

 Various graphs for determining hydraulic

elements for partial flow are available; they are
used to determine depths of flow and velocities
A 915-mm (36 inches) circular sewer pipe is laid on a slope of
0.003. n = 0.013 when the sewer is full. What will the velocity of
the flow be when a sewer is carrying 8.5 m3/min?
Slope = 0.003
Dia = 36”
n = 0.013


The lowest inside level at any cross-section of a sewer

is known as the INVERT LEVEL at that cross section.

Sewers must be laid at a particular slope to attain self
cleansing velocities. The required slope (while laying the
sewers) is achieved through calculations of invert levels.

IL = NGSL/RL – Depth of Sewer – Thickness of Sewer – Dia of Sewer

IL = Invert level
Minimum Cover = 3 feet or 1 meter
Know Upper & Lower Inver level of Sewer, gradient can be calculated as
given under
S = (IL Upper – IL Lower) / Span of Sewer
 U/S IL = NGSL/RL – Depth of Sewer – Thickness of Sewer – Sewer Dia
 D/S IL = U/S Invert Level – Drop (Length x slope)


When equal dia sewers discharge in a manhole and the same
dia sewers receives the total discharge, LOWEST D/S I.L.
among the discharging sewers will be carried as U/S I.L. for the
receiving sewer.
When receiving sewer dia is greater than the discharging sewer;
 Keep the crowns at the same level
 Drop the U/S I.L. of the receiving sewer by the difference in the
dia of the two sewers.
 It is the depth of the trench to be dug for the sewer line &
 Cutting = IL – thickness of Pipe – Bedding provided
Effects of Flow Variation on Velocity in a Sewer

 Variation in Sewage Discharge Results in Variation depth of

 Thus, leads to variation in hydraulic mean depth (r)
 Changes in hydraulic mean depth, affects flow velocity (which
depends directly on r2/3)
 Sewer must be checked and maintain a minimum velocity of
about 0.6 m/s at the time of minimum flow (assumed to be
1/3rd of average flow).
 Design should also ensure development of a maximum
velocity of 2.6 m/s at least at the time of maximum flow and
preferably during the average flow periods also.
 However, velocity generated must not exceed the scouring
value at time of maximum flow.
Design of Sanitary Sewer
Q-1 A circular sewer is to carry 2.5 m3/min of sanitary
sewage when flowing full. Conditions are such that minimum
allowable grade must be adopted. Taking n=0.015 determine
the commercial pipe size
Q-2 A 300 mm sewer is laid at minimum slope. What is
maximum population that can be served by the sewer if the
average water consumption is 300 lpcd.
Q-3 Design a sanitary sewer to serve a population of
15,000 person supplied with a water at a rate of 300 lpcd.
Assume necessary data to arrive at design flow.
Q-4 Calculate the size and slope of a trunk sewer serving
a population of 0.5 million. Water consumption is estimated to
be 350 lpcd. A value of 0.013 may used for n. Assume other
necessary data.
Q-5 A sewer length of 100 m and 300 diameter has its
two ends at levels of 200m and 199.7m respectively.
Calculate the capacity of the sewer when running full.
Sewer Material
 Materials used for transport of water can be used for carriage
of sewage
 However, use of less expensive material is common

 Types of Pipes based on material

PVC, AC, PCC, RCC, C.I., Steel, Clay

 Cast Iron and Steel Pipes

 Used when sewage line is under pressure
 PCC Pipes

 Normally used for small storm drains and sanitary

 Made in three classes with three wall thicknesses.
 Sizes: 100 mm – 610 mm.
 Concrete pipes > 610 mm in size are reinforced.
 RCC Pipes

 RCC pipes are most commonly sued pipes for

conveyance of sewage.
 These are normally used for combined, large storm
drains and sanitary sewers in urban areas.
 These pipes are made in five classes with two wall
thicknesses in class-I and three wall thicknesses in
other four classes.
 Dimensions available for RCC pipes are shown in
 Strength of RCC Pipes

 Three edge-bearing test is used to determine the strength of

RCC pipes.
 Load is applied on the pipe to produce 0.25 mm crack.
 It defines the load that can be safely supported by the sewer.
 Sewer Shapes

 Sewer Pipes can be Circular, rectangular and Square

 Circular Shapes are Preferred following reasons
 It gives maximum Cross-Sectional area for amount of
material in the walls
 Pre-cast circular pipes can be casted more conveniently
 Circular pipes are more stable in trenches
 Posses good hydraulic properties
 Strongest shape to withstand the external pressure,
hence circular shape is more important in case of deep

 Sewer design requires prior knowledge of soil

and site conditions to determine overburden
loads that will be placed on buries pipes.
 Total load on buried pipes is the sum of live load
and backfill load.
 Live loads on the surfaces rarely influences the
design of sanitary sewers because of their
greater depths.
 Backfill load is of more concern.
Backfill Load on Sewers:

Backfill load on buries pipes can be calculated using

Marston’s Equation.

W = CωB2


W = Load on the pipe per unit length, Kg/m

ω = Weight of the backfill material per unit volume, Kg/m3

B = Width of the trench, m

C = Coefficient that depend on depth of trench, character of

construction and fill material.
Backfill Load on Sewers:

Backfill load on buries pipes can be calculated using

Marston’s Equation.

W = CωB2


W = Load on the pipe per unit length, Kg/m

ω = Weight of the backfill material per unit volume, Kg/m3

B = Width of the trench, m

C = Coefficient that depend on depth of trench, character of

construction and fill material.
For ordinary trench construction, C may be calculated from


H = depth of fill above pipe

B = Width of trench just below top of pipe
K = ratio of active lateral pressure to vertical pressure
μ’ = coefficient of sliding friction between fill material and sides
of trench
The product Kμ’ ranges from 0.1 to 0.16 for most soils as
shown in Table.

Provision of proper bedding is very important;

 in developing the strength of the pipe,

 assuring it is laid to the proper grade, and
 preventing subsequent settlement.
 In unfavorable soil conditions, bedding is particularly

 Load Factor:

 Load Factor expresses the increase in strength of sewer

by provision of proper bedding
 Depending upon the load factor, following four types of beddings are
provided for concrete pipes

Fig: Method of bedding concrete pipes and load factors applicable to strength

Brick Ballast Crushed Stone

Load Factor = 1.7 Load Factor = 1.9

Used under poor subsoil Used under poor subsoil
conditions, above the water table conditions, below water table
Concrete Cradle

Load Factor = 3.0

Used under increased strength
Sewer Construction
Construction of Sewer comprises of following steps

1) Excavation
2) Bracing
3) Dewatering
4) Pipe Installation/Laying
5) Backfilling
6) Construction of Appurtenances
1) Excavation
 Locate the centre line of the trench.
 Excavate according to size of the trench and required gradient.
 Start Excavation and construction preferably from end point.
 Excavation is relatively easy from the starting
 Depth increases as work proceeds (Deep excavation &
 Increases probabilities of run off of contractors.
2) Bracing

 Sheeting & Bracing for trenches in unstable material

 prevent caving or collapse of the walls.

3) Dewatering
 Required, If GWT is above the bottom of the trench.
 Sheeting, bracing and pumping for de-watering) .
4) Pipe laying Laying of pipes Old method

 Pipes are inspected to ensure that they

have no crack or defects.
 Chain and pulley arrangement (large &
deep trenches) or cranes
 Placing of pipes on line and grade in
trenches (excavated and dewatered)
 Joined & pressed together with a winch.
a) Offset line is located (Avoid disturbance and covering)
b) Measure Lay out of the trench from offset line and excavate.
c) Batten boards are placed across the trench at 10-15m intervals.
They are supported and fixed with ground as shown in figure.
d) The Centre line of the sewer is shown on the batten boards by a
nail, by the edge of upright cleat.
e) At the cleats, nails are fixed at the given gradient.
f) A cord is stretched along with these nails. This cord will be
according to required grade.
g) The centre line from the batten boards is transferred on the bottom
of the trench by means of a plumb rod. The grade is transferred
from the cord to the bed of trench by means of a stick marked in
even increments and having a short piece fastened at right angle to
its lower end.
h) Grade is checked by placing the short piece on the invert of each
length of sewer pipe and noting whether the proper mark touches
the cord.
Sewer Construction (Laying of Pipes)
 “Bell and Spigot” and Tongue and Groove joints

i) Bell and Spigot” joint

 Portland cement mortar or

bituminous material.
 Entrance is reduced by
wrapping spigot with an seal
or pieces of old ropes cord of
appropriate thickness.
 The gasket is driven into the
bell (calking Tool)
 Joint is filled with mortar or
 The inside of the pipe of
smoothen with a swab or
ii) Tongue and Groove Joint

 For 310-760 mm either joint can be used

 For > 760 mm only tongue and groove is
v) Backfilling

 Immediate Backfilling after laying and jointing of pipes

 Delayed backfilling in case of class A bedding to

permit setting up of Concrete to support the backfill.

 No water should be permitted to rise in backfilled


 Fill material (free of brush, debris, frozen material,

large rock and junks.

 Tamping in layers ( 6” thickness to a depth of 2’)

 Careful dropping upto 2’

 Thereafter rapid backfilling .

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