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MATH 242, SPRING 2018


1. Let K be a number field. A prime p ∈ N is said to be ramified in K if the ideal (p) is

divisible by a square of a prime ideal in OK , i.e. if (p) = p2 I for some prime ideal p.
Suppose that OK = Z[α], for some α ∈ OK . In this case, prove that p is ramified in K if
and only if p|∆K , where ∆K is the discriminant of K. (Hint: use problem 5 of HW 4).
Note that the statement of the problem is true without the assumption that OK = Z[α].

2. Determine the ideal class groups of Q( −6) and use it to show that the equation
y 3 = x2 + 6 has no integer solutions.

3. Determine the ideal class group of Q( −13) and find all the integer solutions to the
equation y 3 = x2 + 13.

4. Determinte the ideal class group of Q( −14).

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