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Salma Fadhillah Sugandi


Summary Seed Program

From the lecture on, Wednesday 17th we learnt something called SEED program. The
SEED itself stands for Social for Economic Development. SEED program is an intercultural
transformational leadership program that need students to work as a team in international
and multicultural culture to learn experientially in the real life content of a poor Southeast
Asian Community. One of the reason they launched the program is because the world will
need a leaders who are socially responsible and able to emphatize with the poor and people
from less privileged backgrounds. SEED program also intend to make a new paradigm in
management education by impart the knowledge and skills, and change mind-sets to enable
the future graduates.
We can’t forget the fact that the world is under a lot of pressure and problems such
as globalization, economic crisis, and in need of economic and environmental sustainability.In
order to achieves the goals, they need to do some things such as develop shared objectives
with the poor people, provide them with the necessary ideas, knowledge and capabilities to
understand, etc.
From the presentation there are two types of SEED learning. The first type is learning
objectives that contain learning to learn, socially responsible responsive leaders,
transformational leaders, entrepreneurial and creative leaders. The second type is the
methodology that tell us to immersion, practice, observation, do creative presentation, and
identify seize business.
There are also some challenge that SEED has to face. The first thing is fitting SEED into
business schools by adding seed as an extracurricular studies and also a course of studies. The
second is to develop SEED or similar programs in new context such as to meet the needs of
community and society.The third is to develop new programs with values and approaches
similar to SEED. The fourth is to develop SEED and similar programs to form the core
curriculum to achieve a university’s vision. And the last but not least is to develop a studies
program which involve SEED type experiential practical application.

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