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10 Things To

1) Pre-game at home

2) Never Leave your drink unat-


3) Use the buddy system

4) Never trust a frat boy How to Stay

5) Never be alone with an un-
known frat boy
SAFE at a Frat
6) Bring your own booze
7) Know your limits

8) Stay off the tables– they’re wet

and you will slip

9) Always have a sober friend

10) Remember, the best way to

stay safe at a Frat party is to

Caption describing picture Sisters before Misters

or graphic.

Brooke Halpin
Sisters before Misters Inc.
Peyton Reynolds Visions a Blur, Speech is a Slur, thank
EDT 180 D ya Sir!
Publishing Assignment
How to Spot a Frat Boy Dangers of Frats
1) Usually wears pastel shorts and button down

2) Greek Letters you pretend to recognize

1) Potential Date Rape
3) Usually named Chad or Brad 2) Alcohol Poisoning

4) Cheesy or suggestive pick-up lines 3) Slippery Floors and Surfaces

4) Accept your white shoes will be RUINED
5) Lingering aroma of beer and Axe body spray
5) Broken Toes
6) Swipes up on Snapchat Stories for no appar-
ent reason
At the end of the day, Frats and their mem-
What is a Fraternity and 7) Will invite you to one of the following every bers have many stereotypes associated with
them. However, there is reason these stereo-
consequently a frat boy? week without fail : Tequila Tuesday, Wine types became. Stay Safe and when in doubt
Wednesdays, Thirsty Thursdays, Frisky Fri- call 911.
According to Urban Dictionary, a frater- days, Pool Side Saturdays.
nity is “a group of pretentious college boys who
pay a ton of money to relive their high school 8) Unlike media portrayal, Frat boys are not as
glory days by date-raping girls, childishly excluding cute as seen on TV. If it seems too good to
others who are different, and bullying their new be true, it probably is.
members in the name of brotherhood” while oth-
ers may define it as a group of boys that come
together to share interests and make friends.
A frat boy, as defined via Urban Diction- How to gracefully Avoid
ary, “A primate which oddly has opposable digits 1) Say “I have a boyfriend” at least three times
and some verbal ability. These knuckle-dragging
shaven apes are known for their ability to some- 2) Ask them to bring you a new drink– they will
how coax or force sexual intercourse with feeble- oblige, and that’s your cue to go
minded women, often through the use of Rohyp-
nol, alcohol, or other judgement-impairing sub- 3) Pretend you need to throw up and excuse
stances. Often majoring in business or communi- yourself to the bathroom (DO NOT LET HIM
cations, they are oddly absent from class, bare- COME)
ly scrape by, and get a job through their frat boy
4) Call an Uber
daddy's connections. Frat boy interests include
rape, steroids, SUVs, Abercrombie, any music
devoid of meaning and taste (including, but not
limited to: Jay Z, Nelly, and Dave Matthews)”

Now, not every frat boy fits underneath this cate-

Sources: Urban Dictionary

gory, however, from personal experience we can

vouch that at least 50% live up to this stereotype.
A typical frat involves wild parties and of course,
free alcohol. As college students, this prospect
seems hard to pass up. While we respect the
hustle to finesse free booze, we also want you to
live to see another frat party. Here are some safe,
easy, and effective ways to do so!

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