SAP PPPI Configuration PDF

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SAP PPPI Configuration

Minimum Configuration of Process Management in SAP PPPI

Following are the steps to configure process management in SAP PPPI. The below bullet points are
configuration steps carried out the sequence in which it is arranged.


Copying Process Management Characteristics and Process Message Categories to your Client

It is always recommended to run the following 3 transaction code before you start the configuration for the
Process management.

Firstly Run transaction code O23c - Transport Predefined characteristics, to transfer process instruction
characteristics or process message characteristics from the SAP reference client (000) to your client.

Secondly you have to run transaction code O22c - Transport Predefined Message Categories – to transfer
or copy all the process message characteristics from the SAP plant to your plant; when you carry out this
configuration, you need to enter the plant and press execute button and then press the copy button in the
next screen to copy the process messages.

Thirdly you have to run transaction code CO60_VM to transport the display variants for PI Sheets
predefined by SAP from the SAP reference client to your logon client. Press the save button while


Releasing Characteristics Groups for Process Managements

Characteristic groups are defined by SAP to group a certain set of characteristics according to functions or
areas in which the characteristics are used; in Process management, the process message characteristics are
grouped under a group called “PPPI_01” and process instruction characteristics are grouped under a group
called “PPPI_02”.

For use of characteristics as process message characteristics, the process message characteristics should carry
characteristics group “PPPI_01”, similarly for use of characteristics as process instruction characteristics, the
process instruction characteristics should carry a characteristics group called “PPPI_02”.

Releasing the Characteristics Groups for Use - These groups are already defined by SAP in your SAP
client, though you need to release them for use as process messages and process instructions, for a given

Transaction code O08C, is used to release process message characteristics group for use in process messages
or process management. When you configure you need to configure release for the following groups:

PPPI_01 Process Message Characteristics

PPPI_03 Char. for Material Flow between Orders
PPPI_04 Special Applications

Transaction code O09C, is used to release process instruction characteristics group for use in process
instructions or process management. When you configure you need to configure release for the following

PPPI_01 Process Message Characteristics

PPPI_02 Process Instruction Characteristics
PPPI_03 Char. for Material Flow between Orders
PPPI_04 Special Applications


Creating Custom Process Message Characteristics & Process Instruction Characteristics

SAP offers a bunch of process message characteristics and process instruction characteristics along with
another big bunch of process messages categories and process instructions categories in a SAP plant 0001.

When you carry out the transport of predefined characteristics and transport of predefined process message
categories, the system brings all the process message characteristics, process message categories, and process
instruction characteristics (it doesn’t copy the process instruction categories to your respective plants and
you would need to create them manually with reference to those in 0001 plant); but you may need to create a
few characteristics manually when you design project specific process instruction categories and message
categories, the transaction code to create the process message characteristics is O25C (Change is O26C,
Display is O27C). Similarly you can create the process instruction categories using the same set of
transaction codes.

Process message or process instruction characteristics created using O25C has process management button
on the header screen, which contains you enter information of reference tables-fields used for automatic
population of characteristics values or function modules which would populate the data automatically.
Though you cannot make any changes in SAP defined standard characteristics.


Creating Control Recipe Destinations

Once you are done with the above 3 configuration steps, you need to create the control recipe
destinations using the transaction code O10c and if you are using an external control system then you need
to also configure the RFC destination for the control recipe destination. Along with this configuration, one
should also configure QDR system for the resources when you are using an external process control system.

A control Recipe destination contains the following:

a) The type of control recipe destination – Destination to which the process instructions are
transferred to. There are predominantly 2 types of destinations, one is an operator group inside of

SAP and the other is an external process control system. Type 1 is a shop floor destination in SAP to
which the process instructions arranged on an ABAP based PI sheet are transferred, similarly type 4
is an shop floor destination to which a browser based PI sheet is transferred, type 2 is an external
process control system which receives the process instructions as transferred by SAP and type 3 is an
external process control system which triggers the transfer of process instructions towards them.

b) Address of the destination – When the destination is an internal SAP based destination like type
1 and type 4, the Address can be name of the destination, but when the destination is an external
process control system then the address is the RFC destination of the external system.

c) Signature – You can include the signature details, the user name, password, digital
signature etc.

d) Assignment of instructions – You can assign process instructions to the destinations rather than
having them assigned to each and every material recipe.

You can also assign process instructions as a part of “automatically generated process instructions”,
these process instructions are generated when the control recipe is created.

Figure 46

Figure 47

Control recipe Destinations

Standard SAP has control recipe destinations which receive the process instructions and using which the
destination carries out the manufacturing and at the end of which they send back the process messages to
confirm their production activities or production status on a real time basis.

The control recipe destinations are assigned to the individual phases of an operation; which means that every
phase in a master recipe can carry different control recipe destinations. One control recipe is created for a
given destination and order combination.

The destinations or recipients of the process instructions can be SAP destinations or external process control
system destinations. If the destination is in SAP itself, then it can be a shop floor operator/operator group at a
plant or a production line or shop floor operator/operator group for a specific activity, executing the phase;
where as if the destination is an external process control system outside of SAP, then the process instructions
& process messages are interfaced with that external system.

The definition of the control recipe destination needs configuring the destination type, address of the
destination (in external system, the address is the RFC destination of the process control systems).

Control SAP External Control System



1&4 Destination lies in SAP ERP


2&3 Destinations lies outside of SAP ERP

system and is called as an External
Control System

Control Recipe Destinations Type 1 & 4 - Destination located in SAP ECC System

For shop floor destinations which are in SAP itself, there are 2 different types of destinations called “1” and
“4”, to represent them. The destination operator group of type 1 receives all the process instructions &
requested process messages well arranged on an ABAP based sheet or screen called as a PI-Sheet (one for an
order, for a destination). Whereas for a destination of type 4, a sheet containing all the process instructions
and requesting process messages, well arranged on a web based sheet browser based PI-Sheet is sent to the
internal operator/operator group.

Note: An ABAP based PISHEET is shown below, if the same is set for a destination type 4 – browser based
PI-Sheet, then the sheet with the information would appear in a browser in HTML format. With Destination
type there are standard BAPI’s and connections working, which would process the messages once sent back
to SAP by the respective destinations.

Note: In configuration for the destinations of type 2 and 3, you can assign process instructions which would
be automatically become a part of control recipe and would be downloaded to the external control system.
Whereas for destinations of type 1 and 4, there is a provision to assign the process instructions in a sequence
(making a list of suitable instructions) which are generated in the process order control recipe and
subsequently downloaded to the SAP operator/operator group.

Note: Transaction to create the Control Recipe destination is O10C.


Order Information

Process order number 10002569
Process order type PI01
Plant 0002
Process order Quantity 10
Control Recipe number 100000000029823
Reservation Number 561543
Destination 01 – Shop Plant 0002
Date/Time 25th Dec 2010

Operation/Phase Information

Operation Phase Description Phase Start Finish Date Destination

Relationships Date & & Time
0010 0011 01
0010 0012 01
0020 0014 01
0020 0015 01

Component Information

Operation Phase Component Description Qty UOM SLOC Batch

0010 0011 C1 C1 10
0010 0012 C2 C2 20
0020 0014 C3 C3 10
0020 0015 C3 C4 15

Requesting Phase Confirmations

Operation Phase Yield Scrap Set up Machine Text Reason

Time Time

Requesting Goods Issues

Component Qty UOM SLOC Batch Component Text Reason

C1 C1
C2 C2
C3 C3
C4 C3

Requesting Goods Receipts

Dynamic Function Call for MIGO_GR Transaction Code – Press here to access MB31 T - code

Control Recipe Destinations Type 2 & 3 - Destination outside of SAP (External Systems)

For control recipe destinations lying outside of the SAP system, i.e., external process control systems or
manufacturing execution systems lying outside of SAP, the process instructions are sent their through a
standard designed interface. There are majorly two control recipe destinations interacting with external
process control systems, namely “2” and “3”.

Destination type “2” is used when the SAP initiates the transfer or download of control recipe to the external
process control system (Push case); whereas “3” is used when the transfer or download of control recipe is
triggered by the external control system (Pull case).

Note - When the process control system is an external system, you can assign the process instruction
categories and have the system generate control recipes automatically.

Note: In configuration for the destinations of type 2 and 3, you can assign process instructions which would
be automatically become a part of control recipe and would be downloaded to the external control system.
Whereas for destinations of type 1 and 4, there is a provision to assign the process instructions in a sequence
(making a list of suitable instructions) which are generated in the process order control recipe and
subsequently downloaded to the SAP operator/operator group.

Note – For external control systems, it is required to define a RFC destination, so as to define the
connections to the control system and enable SAP to communicate with the system. The transaction code to
create is SM59.

Figure 2

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