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The Call of Duty (“Luke 15:11-24”)

Four main focus of the story:

1. Far Country
2. Younger Child (non-believers)
3. Older Brother (church goers)
4. Father(God)

The Far Country (“The Cotton Candy Land”)

 Being in the far country is not measured by distance.

o Wherever you are not in fellowship with God your life is a far country. You
do not belong there, because we are created in the likeness of God and we tend
to find our place somehow it is human nature.
o The essence of the far country – The desire to please ourselves and not God
 Younger: "He said, Father give me…" vs. 12

 He gathered all he had and traveled to distant country: vs. 13

 He squandered his estate in foolish living: vs. 13
 He spent everything: vs. 14
 A severe famine struck: vs. 14
 He had nothing: vs. 14
 He went to work ... to feed pigs: vs. 15
 He longed to eat his fill from the carob pods the pigs were
eating: vs. 16
 No one would give him any: vs. 16

 Older:

 He became angry: vs. 28

 He did not want to go in: vs. 18
 His father pleaded with him: vs. 29
 He replied to his father, I have been slaving ... I never
disobeyed your orders ... yet you never gave me a young goat
so I could celebrate with my friends: vs. 29
 This son of yours (not my brother ... your son!): vs.30
 Has devoured your assets with prostitutes: vs. 31

We have all been prodigal of the Father's gifts. We have all received of Him; yet we have
lived as though Christ had never died, we have lived with self at the center, away from the
compassionate loving heart and home of the Father.

Why did this young fellow go into the far country? One reason. He went away because he
was seeking to please himself. He was so intent on pleasing himself that he had no thought
for any loss or pain that might come to himself or to anyone else.

Self-pleasing, then, is the very essence of sin. Now, self-pleasing is expensive. Nothing can
be more so. He who is bent on pleasing himself is doomed to pay a terrible price. If self-
pleasing is my god, it will hurt me. It will also hurt others. No man ever sinned without
wounding somebody else.

Certain things stand out about the elder brother.

His whole attitude shows that his years of obedience to his father had been years of grim
duty and not of loving service.
His whole attitude is one of utter lack of sympathy. He refers to his brother, not as my brother
but as your son.
He had a peculiarly nasty mind. There is no mention of harlots until he mentions them.
He, no doubt, suspected and accused his brother of the sins he himself would have liked to

There are those who are lost as was this elder son.

o His type is seldom counted as lost, either by himself or others. This makes his
condition all the more hopeless.
o He is not away in the distant land among swine as is the case with his prodigal
brother, although he is just as lost.
o He is in an environment that is wholesome and clean. "Now the elder son was in the
o He was not a waster, as was his profligate brother. He was a worker. The fact that he
was in the field indicates that he was there as a toiler.
o The elder brother did indeed have some virtues which deserve respect. Socially he
had not brought reproach upon his father. He had resisted all temptation to physical
o He was industrious and thrifty.
o He despised slothfulness. He was the enemy of extravagance.
o His conduct created no scandal.
o He was the enemy of moral laxity.
o He did not gamble.
o He condemned lawlessness.
o He required himself to hate immorality.
o He was entitled to all the credit that was due him.
Notice his Inquiry: vs. 26-27

This elder brother had missed the high qualities in his father's life. He simply could not
understand his father's patience, forbearance, and grief over the younger brother's
absence from the home. His heart had become so frozen by selfish conceit that he lacked
understanding or compassion.

His brother was a notorious sinner; he himself was righteous. His brother deserved nothing
except to be abused and upbraided; he deserved to be praised and honored. He was an utter
stranger to what his brother had suffered because of his sin.

It is interesting to note that of the seven deadly sins of tradition, four are of the mind and
spirit and three pertain to the flesh. It was the sins of the flesh: lust, gluttony, and sloth that
overwhelmed the prodigal.
It was the sins of the spirit: pride, covetousness, envy, and anger that took captive the elder
brother. They are sins perhaps deadlier than the sins of the flesh.

Basically, these sins of the spirit are born of a conceit that makes all desires seem righteous
and good. In the end, they are repelled by the sins of others and proud of their own.

The sins of the spirit are insidiously scandalous. They easily deceive the public and those
who are in their power into thinking either that they are harmless, or, as a matter of fact, they
are most desirable. It is difficult to awaken such sinners to a realization of their sin.

Thus, both sons had revolted against their father, the younger from parental control, the elder
from parental love. Each wanted the same thing: to have his own way.

The far country is a land of poverty

Spent all...famine...want. It is always like that. It is costly to be in far country!

1. Cost both fellowship with the Father.

2. Cost both freedom -- ironic, that's what he left to find. Ended up a slave. The one
who stayed home was a slave to his own desires.

3. Cost them everything – the younger spent all. The older never enjoyed what he had.

Jer. 5:25, "Your sins have withheld My bounty from you."

Prov. 22:8, "The one who sows injustice will reap disaster." Sow iniquity, reap vanity.

The far country is a land of deception

He came to himself. Before that, he was out of his mind. Sin had distorted his vision,
clouded his mind. Sin is insanity. This same irrationality characterized the older brother.

As long as man is away from God, he is not really himself! Only himself when he is on
his way home!

Returning home from the far country

The older brother never came back. The younger did.

1. He recognized his desperate condition.

The ordinary slave was in some sense a member of the family, but the hired servant could be
dismissed at a day's notice. He was not one of the family at all. So, he came home; and,
according to the best Greek text, his father never gave him the chance to ask to be a servant.
He broke in before that.

That robe stands for honor; the ring stands for authority, for if a man gave to another his
signet ring it was the same as giving him the power of attorney; the shoes stand for a son as
opposed to a slave, for children of the family were shod and slaves were not.
Robe, ring, and royal sandals await the lost one. These three things answer exactly the prayer
which he meant to have prayed.

The robe is the answer to "I have sinned."

The ring is the answer to "I am no worthier to be called thy son."
The sandals constitute the answer to "make me one of thy hired servants."

These symbols are Eastern. Put the robe on him, the robe that befits the father's house. The
ring was the sign of relationship, of sonship. "Put a ring on this finger." He is my son. Give
him the sign of sonship. Put shoes on his feet. The slave was never permitted to wear shoes.
The badge of slavery was the absence of sandals.

One of the hardest things in the world is to stop being the prodigal son without turning into
the elder brother. - John Ortberg

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