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1. I will guard everything within the limits of my post and quit my post only when properly

2. I will obey my special orders and perform all my duties in a military manner.

3. I will report violations of my special orders, emergencies, and anything not covered
in my instructions, to the commander of the relief.

A​​lfa, ​b​ravo, Charlie, Delta, Echo, Foxtrot, Golf, Hotel, India, Juliett, Kilo, Lima, Mike,
November, Oscar, Papa, Quebec, Romeo, Sierra, Tango, Uniform, Victor, Whiskey, X-ray,
Yankee, Zulu

1. Name of Rifle: United States service rifle, Model of 1903. Less formally known as the
2. Length: 44 7/8 inches.
3. Bayonet Info: Length; 16 inches. Weight; 1 pound. Name: The m1905 Bayonet.
4. Cyclic Rate of Fire (number of times it can be shot per minute): 20.
5. Caliber: .30-06
6. Maximum range: 2500 yds.
7. Maximum effective range: 500 yds.
8. Weight: 8.67 lbs or 8⅔ lbs
9. The m1903a3 is single shot , clip fed, and bolt action.
10. There are 5 rounds per magazine.
11. It was used in World War 1, World War 2, and began to be phased out during the Korean War
although some small Marine Corps Units used it.
12. Manufactured in Springfield, Massachusetts by the company Remington.
13. Cleaning kit is located in the butt of the rifle.
14. The purpose of inspection arms is to check if there’s a round in the chamber
M1903 parts

Personal Appearance
Drill Team

Perfect Attendance
Personal Appearance
Drill Team

Academic Achievement
Perfect Attendance
Personal Appearance
Drill Team

Superior Cadet
Academic Achievement
Perfect Attendance
Personal Appearance
Drill Team


What does JROTC stand for?

J​​unior​ R​​eserve​ O​​fficer​ T​​raining​ C​​orps

What is the mission of JROTC?

The mission of JROTC is to motivate young people to become better citizens.

What Congressional Act Started JROTC?

National Defense Act of 1916

What is the Key to success in JROTC?

Name one of the main objectives of JROTC?

● Provide and Encourage Citizenship

● Strengthen Self-Esteem

● Develop Leadership Potential

● Improve Physical Fitness and Health

● Promote High School Completion

● Provide Incentive to Live Drug-Free

● Enhance Communication and Life Skills (Mathematics and Science)

What does LET stand for?

L​​eadership​ E​​ducation​ T​r​ aining

What does SAI stand for?

S​​enior​ A​​rmy​ I​​nstructor

What is the name of your SAI?

Formerly Lieutenant Colonel Richard Wasserman (LTC Wasserman)

What does AI stand for?

A​​rmy​ I​​nstructor

What is the name of your AI?

Current: Sergeant First Class James Long (SFC Long)

The cadet’s school name, school Principal’s name, or other school related items.

● Name: Dr. Ronald E. McNair Academic High School

● Mascot: Cougars

● Principal: Ms. Kathleen McCabe

● Location: Jersey City, NJ

● Named after astronaut who died in the ​Challenger​ incident(Dr. Ronald E. McNair)

What is the key to success in JROTC?

The key to success in JROTC is teamwork.

What are the two types of awards?

Unit Awards and Individual Awards

What are the two types of individual awards?

Institutional Awards and National Awards

What are the three levels of distinction that JROTC units can earn?​​|

Merit Unit, Honor Unit and Honor Unit with Distinction.

What is the highest military award? Second? Third?

The ​Medal of Honor​​ is awarded to officers and enlisted personnel alike for individual acts
of bravery in combat.

The ​Distinguished Service Cross​​ is awarded to a person who, while serving in any capacity
with the Army, distinguished him/herself by extraordinary heroism not justifying the award of a
Medal of Honor.

The ​Silver Star​​ is awarded for gallantry in action for example, being engaged in an action
against an enemy of the United States.

What is the oldest military award?

The ​Purple Heart​​ is awarded to those wounded or killed as a result of engaging the enemy
while serving in the U.S military.


President ​The Honorable Donald J. Trump

Vice President ​The Honorable Mike Pence

Speaker of the House ​The Honorable Paul Ryan

President Pro Tempore of the Senate ​The Honorable Orrin Hatch

Secretary of State ​The Honorable Mike Pompeo

Secretary of Treasury ​The Honorable Steven Mnuchin

Secretary of Defense ​The Honorable James Mattis

Attorney General ​The Honorable Jeff Sessions

Secretary of The Army ​The Honorable Mark T. Esper

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff ​General Joseph Dunford

Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff ​General Paul Selva

Chief of Staff of the United States Army ​General Mark Milley

Chief of Staff of the United States Air Force ​General David Goldfein

Chief of Naval Operations ​Admiral John Richardson

Chief of the National Guard bureau ​General Joseph Lengyel

Commandant of the Marine Corps ​General Robert Neller

Sergeant Major of the Army ​Sergeant Major of the Army Daniel A. Dailey

TRADOC Commander ​General Stephen Townsend

TRADOC Command Sergeant Major ​Command Sergeant Major David Davenport

Cadet Command Commander ​Major General John Evans

Cadet Command Command Sergeant Major ​Command Sergeant Major Kenneth Kraus

2nd Brigade Commander ​Colonel Kenneth Mintz

2nd Brigade Command Sergeant Major ​Command Sergeant Major Byron Larsen

2nd Brigade Chief ​Ms. Brenda Gainey

Director of JROTC ​Colonel Thomas Bell

NJ Senator ​The Honorable Cory Booker

NJ Senator ​The Honorable Robert Menendez

Governor of NJ ​The Honorable Phil Murphy

Mayor of Jersey City ​The Honorable Steven Fulop


What is the definition of leadership?

Leadership is the art of influencing someone to complete the mission in a desired manner by
providing purpose, motivation, and direction.

What are the three leadership styles? Explain.

Delegating – Giving decision making authority to subordinates.

Participating – Involving subordinates in the decision making process.

Directing – Instructing subordinates.

Define teamwork.

The cooperative effort on the part of a number of people working together to achieve a goal.

What are the Seven Army Values (Ethos)?

L​​oyalty​ ​–​ ​to bear true faith and allegiance to US Constitution, peers, etc.
D​​uty​ ​–​ ​to fulfill your obligations

R​​espect​ ​–​ ​to treat peoples they should be treated

S​​elfless Service​ ​–​ ​to put the welfare of the nation before your own
H​​onor​ ​–​ ​to live up to all values

I​​ntegrity​ ​–​ ​to do what is right, legally and morally

P​​ersonal Courage​ ​–​ ​to face fear, danger, or adversity

What are leadership traits? ​(JEDD J. BUCKLET II)

J​​ustice,​ E​​ndurance,​ D​​ecisiveness,​ D​​ependability,​ J​​udgment,​ B​​earing,​ U​​nselfishness,​ C​o​ urage,

K​​nowledge,​ L​​oyalty,​ E​​nthusiasm,​ T​​act,​ I​​nitiative,​ I​​ntegrity

What are the two special burdens of a leader?

Responsibility and accountability


What is a map?

A map is a line drawing to scale of a portion of the earth’s surface as seen from above.

What are the basic colors on a map and what do they represent?

Blue ​- Water

Black - Manmade Objects

Brown ​- Elevation and Relief

Green ​- Vegetation

Red ​- Major Roads/Highways + Cultural Features

What are the three types of North?

True North, Magnetic North, Grid North

What are the three types of maps?

Topographical, City-State, Geographical

What is the declination diagram?

A drawing that shows the angular relationship of grid, true, and magnetic north. It is measured in
degrees, minutes and seconds.

What are the five ​major​​ terrain features? ​Hint* [​H​idden​ ​V​alley​ ​R​anch​ ​Sa​ lad​ ​D​ressing]


What are the three minor terrain features?



What are the two supplementary terrain features?




What do the colors stand for on the United States Flag?

Red ​–Hardiness and Valor

White​ ​–Hope, Purity, Innocence

Blue ​–Reverence to God, vigilance, Preservation, Justice

Who made the first flag and when was it made?

Continental Congress on June 14, 1777

Who wrote the "Star Spangled Banner"? How many verses?

Francis Scott Key during the War of 1812 at Fort McHenry in Baltimore, Maryland; 4 verses

What are the three names for the US flag?

The “Color,” “Standard,” or “Ensign”

What are the three most common types of flags flown in the military?
G​​arrison [20ft x 38ft]​→​Hung outside government buildings
P​​ost [10 x 19ft]​ →​
​ ​general display
S​​torm [5ft x 9 ½ ft]​→​ ​flown only in stormy weather
Where is a flag flown 24 hours/day?

On the moon

What is half-staff?

Flag positions halfway down the mast, used to honor and pay respect to military and nationally
important deceased persons or distress signal. Brought to position by raising to peak then lowering

What name is given to the first ten amendments?

The first ten amendments are known as the Bill of Rights.

What does the Constitution begin with?

The Preamble.

Who is the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces? ​(ARMY, NAVY, AIR FORCE, MARINE

The Commander-in-Chief of the entire Armed Forces is the President of the United States, The
Honorable Donald Trump.

What are the three branches of American Government?

Legislative Branch, Judicial Branch, Executive Branch

What is the main headquarters for all of the Unites States Armed Forces and where is its official

The Pentagon. Washington, DC

What is the purpose of Armed Forces Day and when is it celebrated?

It honors all branches of the armed services of the United States and is celebrated on the third
Saturday of May.

What is the Army Song?

“The Army Goes Rolling Along”

What is the top military position in the United States Army?

The Chief of Staff of the Army

What does TRADOC stand for and where is it located?

Tra​​ining and​ Doc​​trine Command (located in Fort Eustis, Virginia)

What does FORSCOM stand for and where is it located?

For​​ce​ Com​​mand (located at Fort Bragg, North Carolina)

Army (Enlisted) Pay Grades

● E1: Private with no insignia

● E2: Private

● E3: Private First Class

● E4: Specialist/ Corporal

● E5: Sergeant

● E6: Staff Sergeant

● E7: Sergeant First Class

● E8: Master Sergeant/ First Sergeant

● E9: Sergeant Major/ Command Sergeant Major/ Sergeant Major of the Army


What was the first state added to the Union?

Delaware- December 7, 1787

Which were the last two states added to the Union?

Alaska- January 3, 1959

Hawaii- August 21, 1959

What were some of the major battles of the Revolutionary War?

● Lexington –first battle

● Bunker Hill –first major battle where British defeated Americans June 17, 1775

● Saratoga –turning point in war

● Yorktown –battle where Americans defeated British

Where and when did the American Civil War begun? And end?
Fort Sumter, South Carolina in 1861. Appomattox Court House, Virginia in 1865.

Who were the two sides that fought in the Civil War?

Union and Confederacy

Who were the two sides that fought in WWI?

Major Central Powers –Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire, Bulgaria


Allied Powers –Britain, France, Russia, United States, Italy

Who were the two sides that fought in WWII?

Major Axis Powers –Germany, Italy, Japan

Major Allied Powers –Russia, United States, United Kingdom, France, China

Which American military officer became Supreme Commander of Allied Powers in the Pacific
during World War II?

General of the Armies Douglas MacArthur.

Which American military officer became Supreme Commander of Allied Powers in Europe during
World War II?

General of the Armies Dwight D. Eisenhower.

What is the birthday of the U.S. Army?

June 14, 1775

When is D-Day?

June 6, 1944 (Battle of Normandy began)

What is the highest rank in the United States Army + who has it?

General of the Armies of the United States –George Washington (lieutenant general at time but
given rank after death –will always have highest rank of any person in history to honor him) + John J.

What were the names of recent past Presidents and Vice-Presidents?

● Richard Milhous Nixon, Spiro Agnew/Vacant/Ford, 1969-1974 (Resigned-> Watergate)

● Gerald Rudolph Ford, Nelson Rockefeller 1974- 1977

● James Earl Jr., Walter Mondale 1977-1981

● Ronald Reagan, George H.W Bush 1981- 1989

● George Herbert Walker Bush, Dan Quayle 1989- 1993

● William Jefferson Clinton, Al Gore 1993- 2001

● George Walker Bush, Dick Cheney 2001- 2009

● Barack Obama, Joe Biden 2009-2017

● Donald Trump, Mike Pence 2017-

What are the names of the first 5 presidents of the United States?

1. George Washington

2. John Adams

3. Thomas Jefferson

4. James Madison

5. James Monroe

What officers have the rank of General of the Army of the United States?

● Ulysses S. Grant –4 star - civil

● William T. Sherman –2 star w/ us arms between –civil

● Philip H Sheridan –4 stars - civil

● George C. Marshall –5 star - WWII

● Douglas MacArthur –5 star - WWII

● Dwight D. Eisenhower –5 star - WWII

● Henry H. Arnold –5 star - WWII

● Omar Bradley –5 star –last person to receive rank - WWII

Who are the presidents on Mount Rushmore?

(Honorable) George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt, Abraham Lincoln

In what year were women allowed to join the ROTC program?



What is drill?

The execution of certain movements by which individuals or units are moved in a uniform manner
from Point A to Point B. Movements are executed in unison and with precision.

What training circular covers drill and ceremonies?

U.S. Army Training Circular 3-21.5

Describe the position of Attention:

● Back straight with your head straight forward

● Hands pinned to your side at the seam of your pants.

● Feet at a 45-degree angle

Who wrote the first drill and ceremonies manual?

Major General Baron Friedrich von Steuben (Prussia)

What was the name of the first drill and ceremonies manual?

The Regulations for the Order and Discipline of the Troops of the United States (the blue book) in
1779 was the first Army field manual.

What are the four ​types​​ of Command?

● Two-Part Command (w/ preparatory command/command of execution)

● Combined Command (at ease/rest/fall in/out)

● Supplementary Command (repeating)

● Directive Command (order)

What are the two ​parts​​ of a command?

Preparatory Command and Command of Execution

Which foot can you give the command ​halt​ on?

Either foot.

What is an element?

An individual, squad, section, platoon, company or larger unit forming part of the next higher unit.

What are two prescribed formations for platoons?

Line (elements side by side) and Column (elements one behind another)

What is a file?

A column, which has a front of only one element

What is a rank?

A line, only one element in depth

What is a formation?

The arrangement of elements of a unit in a prescribed manner.

What are parts to a command voice?

Tone, cadence, snap

What is a formation?

The arrangement of elements of a unit in a prescribed manner.

What are the marching steps lengths used in drill?

● 30 Inches – normal step/double-time

● 15 inches – half step

What are the 4 rest positions that can be given at the halt?

Parade rest, stand at ease, at ease, rest

What position are you allowed to speak while in formation?

The position of REST.

What is the rate of marching for "Quicktime"?

120 steps per minute

What is the rate of marching for "Double Time"?

180 steps per minute

What is tone?

A sound of distinct pitch, loudness, vibration, quality or duration; the particular or relative pitch of
a word or phrase

What is cadence?

The uniform rhythm in which a movement is executed or the number of steps or counts per minute
at which a movement is executed.

What is snap?

An immediate, sharp, precise response to a drill command


What is first aid?

First Aid is the immediate care given to casualties before treatment by medical personnel can be
made available.

What field manual covers first aid for soldiers?

FM 4-25.11

What are the four lifesaving steps?

1. Clear the ​A​irway

2. Stop the ​B​leeding

3. C​​heck for shock

4. D​​ress the wound

What are the two types of fractures?

● Open (Compound)

● Closed (Simple)

What are the three types of bleeding?

● Arterial (pulse bright red)

● Venous (steady dark red)

● Capillary (oozing)

What are the steps to stop the bleeding?

1. Direct Pressure

2. Elevation

3. Pressure Points

4. Tourniquet
What is a heat injury?

A loss of water and salt, loss of sweat while personnel work in the heat, a general dehydration of
the body.

What is CPR?

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation – used to restore heartbeat.

What does AIDS stand for?

Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome

What are the four types of burns?

Thermal, Electrical, chemical, laser

What does AED stand for?

Automated External Defibrillator


What does the star on the uniform represent?

● Yellow star: Honor Unit with Distinction

What does the wreath over the star represent?

Academic Excellence
What do the torches represent?

What do the cords on the uniform represent?

● Red​​: drill team

● Yellow​​: National Honors Society

● Black​​: Raiders

● Blue​​: Choir

● Green​​: Orienteering (Land navigation)

● White​​: Color Guard

● Purple​​: Academic Challenge

● Gold/Tan​​: Rifle Team

What is the gig line?

T​​he imaginary vertical line that runs from the top button of the shirt to the bottom of the
zipper​ ​used to align the uniform.

What army regulation covers the wear and appearance of Army uniforms and insignias?

AR 670-1


How is the JROTC beret positioned on the head?

● The beret’s edge is 1 inch above eyebrows and straight across forehead. The flash is centered
above the left eye. All excess material is pulled between the top and middle of right ear.

Where is the ROTC insignia placed on the cadet officer’s uniform?

5/8 inch above the notch on both collars, with the centerline of the insignia bisecting the notch
and parallel to the inside edge of the lapel.

Where are the torches (JROTC corps insignia) placed on the uniform?

The torches are centered on both lapels 1 ¼ inches below the ROTC insignia, with the centerline
of the insignia bisecting the ROTC insignia and parallel to the inside edge of the lapel (cadet officers).
Enlisted cadets wear their torches 1 inch above the notch.

On both the officer and enlisted cadet’s uniform, wear are the rank epaulets worn?

On the enlisted uniform the rank epaulets are centered on the shoulder between the bottom button
and the shoulder seam. Officer ranks (CPT, COL) are centered ¼ inch from the seam and ¼ between the
discs/diamonds on the shoulder. All other officer ranks are centered 5/8 inch from the seam, ¼ between
the disc/diamonds.

Where is the nameplate worn on the uniform?

The nameplate is centered between the top of the button and top of the pocket.

Where is the HU,MU, or HUD insignia (star) worn on the uniform?

The HUD insignia is worn ¼ inch above the right breast pocket on the male uniform. It can be
worn with the academic achievement wreath, in which case the star is still positioned ¼ inch above the

Where are the ribbons worn on the uniform?

The ribbons are centered 1/8 inch above the top of the pocket flap. Third and subsequent rows
may be aligned to the left to present a better appearance.

Where are special team pins (arcs) worn on the uniform?

When worn, the arc is centered between the bottom of the pocket flap and the bottom of the
pocket. If more than one is worn, they are to be spaced 1/8 inch apart.

Which shoulder patches are worn on each shoulder and where?

The JROTC patch is on the left, and the school patch is worn on the right. Both patches are
centered ½ inch below the shoulder seam.

What are the regulations for shoes?

Male black oxford shoes are authorized to wear, also known as Bates shoes.

Country: ​United States of America

Nation Capital​​: Washington, D.C.

State​​: New Jersey

State Capital: ​Trenton

State Bird: ​Eastern Goldfinch

State Flower: ​Violet

State Tree: ​The Red Oak

State Bug: ​The Honeybee

State Animal: ​The Horse

State Fish: ​The Brook Trout

State Fruit: ​The Blueberry

State Dance: ​Square Dance


I am an Army JROTC cadet. I will always conduct myself to bring credit to my family, country, school,
and the corps of cadets.

I am loyal and patriotic. I am the future of the United States of America.

I do not lie, cheat, or steal and will always be accountable for my actions and deeds.

I will always practice good citizenship and patriotism.

I will work hard to improve my mind and strengthen my body.

I will seek the mantle of leadership and stand prepared to uphold the Constitution and the American way
of life.

May god grant me the strength to always live by this creed.


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