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Vocabulary- financial literacy & street art

Complete the crossword below

3 4

6 7


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2. muscular o rgan that pumps blo o d fro m the veins into 1. Tho se parts o f the Americas which speak Spanish o r
the arteries, Po rtuguese, Latin-derived languages: So uth America,
6 . One who writes, especially as an o ccupatio n. Central America, Mexic
9 . The act o f pro jecting in video . 3. The mo ther o f o ne's father o r mo ther.
10 . An expenditure o f mo ney; a co st: 4 . o rdinal number (the number o ne in a series.)
5 . The act o f investing.
7 . the to tal amo unt o f mo ney made.
8. similar 'Ensino Médio ' in Brazil.

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