Literacy Lesson - Case Study Version

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Lesson Plan Template

Name Miss Padgett

Subject Early Literacy—Writing

Grade Level First

Date/Duration October 23rd, 2018

RATIONALE Standards (SAS and PA Keys)

Standard - CC.1.4.1.E
Choose words and phrases for effect.
Standard - CC.1.4.1.F
Demonstrate a grade-appropriate command of the conventions of standard English grammar,
usage, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling. • Capitalize dates and names of people. •
Use end punctuation; use commas in dates and words in series. • Spell words drawing on
common spelling patterns, phonemic awareness and spelling conventions.
Standard - CC.1.4.1.I
Support the opinion with reasons related to the opinion.

Big Idea Statement

Words that describe objects are important to the writing process because they paint a picture in
the readers’ mind.
Opinions are our feelings.

Essential Question Statement

What are describing words?
How do we use describing words?
What is my opinion?
How do I write my opinion?

Objective Statement (Audience, Behavior, Condition, Degree)

Students will be able to identify the texture of various objects after holding them.
Students will be able to identify descriptive words after reading a book about thanksgiving.
Students will be able to describe their favorite thanksgiving food after reading the story.


LESSON PROCEDURE Pre-Assessment of Students

Students will be given a bin with various different materials inside of it. They will be asked to
feel the objects and describe them to their partner. After each student has had the opportunity
to feel an object they will come up with one word to describe it. It is okay if they use the same
describing word as another friend.
Students that may have Problems: MJ and Alex may try to throw the materials at other
Behavior Modification: I will circulate around the room with the materials and hold them in my
hands and have each student feel the different items.

Activating Prior Knowledge

Ask the students if they have ever touched an object like this before. Ask the students to
compare and contrast the materials with other materials in their immediate environment. How
is this similar to an object in the classroom? Is it soft? Is it rough? How is this different from
other objects in the classroom? What does it feel like?
Students that may have Problems: Kyle, Alex, Cody, MJ, and Rosalee may begin to scream or cry
during this point if they feel the questions are too difficult.
Behavior Modification: Instead of having students answer the questions I will compare the
object to something in the classroom and the students will have to hold up a green agree card or
a red disagree card.

Hook/Lead-In/Anticipatory Set
As a small group we will read The Perfect Thanksgiving which will model several describing
words for the children to use in their writing later. As we read, I will stop at different describing
words and ask the students what they think this word means and if they could use it to describe
a food.
Students that may have Problems: Brooke, Alex, Donavin, Kyle, and Cody will have difficulty
with this because staying on topic and reading instruction are not their strong suits.
Behavior Modification: While I am reading this aloud to the students, I will act out the parts for
students so that it is more of a play rather than a read aloud. Also, I will do this in two minute
segments to break up instruction for more engagement from the students. If this does not work
I will involve the students by having them act the scenes.

Modeling the Concept

Students will guess the describing word that I use in a sentence. The sentences will be
prewritten and I will read them to the students and ask them to point to the describing word in
the sentence.
Students that may have problems: Rosalee, Brooke, MJ, Cody, Alex, Donavin, and Kyle will have
difficulty with this activity due to not understanding letter correspondence and not being on
grade level.
Behavior Modification: In order to help students with this section I will bring in an item that
corresponds to the describing word in order to increase participation and engagement.

Guiding the Practice

Students will say one sentence using a describing word and their friends will have to identify
the describing word.
Students that may have Problems: All students will struggle with this.
Behavior Modification: I will give students a describing word and then they will build a
sentence using our sentence strips.

Providing Independent Practice

Students will get a holiday sheet with a turkey on it. They will describe their favorite
thanksgiving food or dessert. The students will use the describing words we have talked about
and other describing words they already knew. They will then draw their favorite thanksgiving
food or dessert using details to demonstrate the describing words.
Students that may have Problems: Rosalee, Brooke, Cody, MJ, Alex, Kyle will have difficulty with
this task because they either refuse to complete tasks or cannot focus on tasks.
Behavior Modification: If students work on the picture portion for five minutes then they will
be able to earn one minute of free time. If students work on the writing portion for three
minutes they will be able to earn a minute of free time. Students will be given describing words
to use. The describing words will be on vocabulary cards.

Closure/Summary/Review of Learning
As a small group, friends will share their favorite thanksgiving food and discuss three describing
words they used to paint a picture in their audiences’ mind.
Students that may have Problems: All students will struggle with this portion.
Behavior Modification: Students will come up to the front of the classroom and share with the
whole class. I will underline and highlight students describing words and then they will read
one of them to the class.

TRANSITIONS Students will stand up and walk back to their seats with their favorite thanksgiving food or
dessert to share at home.
Sentence Strips
Describing Word Flash Cards
The Perfect Thanksgiving

EVALUATION OF THE Formative Evaluation

LEARNING/MASTERY Using a running record to identify the describing words that children know
OF THE CONCEPT Using a running record to mark the describing words children were able to identify
Using a marker to highlight the describing words in their writing and check it off on sheet with
their names.

Summative Evaluation

STUDENT SUPPORTS When questions are asked their will be wait time so that each student has a fair chance to
answer the question.
If students need a hard surface to write about their favorite thanksgiving food or dessert they
will be able to use the back of a white board.
If students have difficulty seeing the material, they will be allowed to come closer to view the

If students have fine motor difficulty they will be able to use fat markers to draw.
If students do not celebrate thanksgiving they may talk about their favorite holiday food during
a holiday they celebrate.
If students are not able to sit on the floor because it is difficult to get up they may sit in a chair.

Students will be asked to add more detail to their writing using additional describing words.
They will be required to use five describing words instead of three.
Add more detail to their picture so that someone could know what their thanksgiving food or
dessert is like just from looking at the picture.

REFLECTION Fill out after the lesson

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