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Welcome to Biology 20

Course: Biology 20 Teacher: Mr. R. Terakita

Semester/Year: Semester 1 2018-2019 Ms. A. Gunderson
School Phone: 403-345-3383 Email:
Class Period: 1 (Monday – Thursday 8:40 a.m. to 10:08 a.m. Friday 8:40 a.m. – 9:33 a.m.)

The major science themes developed in this course are diversity, energy, equilibrium, matter and
systems. These major concepts allow connections to be drawn among the four units of this course and
the following course in Biology 30. It is a challenging, but richly rewarding course for students interested
in the biological sciences. There will be four major units of study involving: Energy & Matter Exchange in
The Biosphere; Ecosystems & Population Change; Photosynthesis & Cellular Respiration; and Human
Systems. The program of studies for this course can be found at

 Science 10

 Textbook: Nelson Biology, Alberta 20-30
 3-Ring Binder to store materials
 Loose-leaf Paper or Scribbler for notes
 Calculator
 Pencils and erasers


Formative Assessment: Formative assessment is also known as assessment for learning.

Essentially, this is feedback that helps both students and teachers diagnose how learning is
progressing and what interventions may be needed to improve student learning. It helps
students focus their priorities on areas of concern and it informs the teacher as to whether or
not changes may be needed in planning lessons and activities. This will include some
assignments, labs, and quizzes. These items will be marked/corrected or submitted to the
teacher, but they will not directly contribute to the course mark.

Summative Assessment: Summative assessment is also known as assessment of learning. This

type of assessment is done after the learning is over. It informs students, parents, teachers and
Alberta Education how well the learning went. It is past tense. This forms the bulk of your
grade. It will include labs, assignments, projects, quizzes and exams.
Your mark for this course will be based upon assignments, projects, labs, quizzes, unit tests, and
a final exam. The four units of study will make up 70% of your final mark while the final exam
will make up the remaining 30%. Each unit has a different amount of emphasis according to the
Biology 20 Program of Studies.

The mark breakdown and tentative schedule for each unit is provided.

Within each unit:

Assignments/Labs/Projects/Quizzes 60%
Unit Exam 40%

Unit D: Human Systems 28% ~ 30 Classes

Labs, Daily Assign, Daily Quizzes (formative) - September 4th –
Assignments/Labs/Projects/Quizzes (summative) 16.8% October 17th
Unit D Exam (summative) 11.2%
Unit C: Photosynthesis & Cellular Respiration 10.5% ~ 12 Classes
Labs, Daily Assign, Daily Quizzes (formative) - October 18th –
Assignments/Labs/Projects/Quizzes (summative) 6.3% November 5th
Unit C Exam (summative) 4.2%
Unit B: Ecosystems & Population Change 17.5% ~ 18 Classes
Labs, Daily Assign, Daily Quizzes (formative) - November 6th –
Assignments/Labs/Projects/Quizzes (summative) 10.5% December 4th
Unit B Exam (summative) 7.0%
Unit A: Energy & Matter Exchange in The Biosphere 14% ~ 15 Classes
Labs, Daily Assign, Daily Quizzes (formative) - December 5th –
Assignments/Labs/Projects/Quizzes (summative) 8.4% January 8th
Unit A Exam (summative) 5.6%
Review of Biology 20 - ~6 Days

Final Exam 30 % Exams are January

17th – January 30th

** Progress reports will be handed out at the end of each unit **


 Respect all of those around you as well as yourself. Disrespect will not be tolerated towards
any staff, towards fellow classmates or towards property.
 Be responsible for your actions and your learning; remember that success is dependent on
 Regular attendance is vital to your success in this course.
 Come to every science class ready to learn. This means being on time, having all required
materials, and having the right attitude.
 If you miss a class, you are responsible to get the notes from one of your peers or to see me
for them.
 Take initiative to come to me with any questions or problems you may have. I am always
willing to provide extra help!
 Food and drinks are allowed in my class so long as we are not doing a lab. You will be given
notice of scheduled labs – food and drinks will not be permitted on those days for safety.
 Cell phones are not permitted in class unless otherwise stated. Devices will be confiscated
and returned to the owner at the end of class or the end of the day, however if this problem
persists, your parent(s) or guardian(s) will be contacted.

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