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Key PAPER2 LISTENING Part 1 1B 2B 3C 4A 5A 80 76 Part 2 8C 9A 108 110 2A 138 Pat? 14 artists 15 12thuuly 16 Fridays 17 groups 18 lessons 19 timetable Part 4 2B 28 2A 8B 248 2A 130 PART 1 Test 2 Test 2 transcript This is the Cambridge Preliminary English Tas, Test 2. There ae four parts to the test. You wil eer each part twice. For each part ofthe tas there wl be tim fer you fo look thraugh the ‘questions and time for you to check your answers. Wht your answers onthe question paper. You will have sk minutes atthe end of the test to copy your answers onto the answer sheet The recording wit now be stopped. Please ask any questions now, because you must not speak turing the test [Pause] ‘Now open your question paper and lock at Pat 1. There are seven questions in this par. For each question thers are three pictures anda short recording. Choose the correct picture and puta tick inthe Box below Belore wo start, here isan example How did the woman get to work? ‘Woman: Oh, 'm so sorry 'm late = | missed the bus, | vas tying to decide whether to walk ‘or go back and get my bike when I saw my neighbour. Luckily he offered me ali, because he works noar here, [Pause] ‘The fist picture fs comect so thee sa tek in box Look at the three pictures for question 1 now. [Pause] Now we are ready fo start, Lsten careful. You wil hear each racodng twice. (ne. Wat has the boy lst? Boy: Mum—H ove it here. The city’s really intoresting and is quite easy to find my ay ‘ound, thanks to the map you gave me~ I don’t know what Id do without it. Pve ‘taken some great photos, but Ile my camera ona tram so I won't be able to show ‘youl And things are more expensive than | expected, so | don't think my money wil last very long, Can you send me some more? Thanks. Speak to you again soon. [Pause] Now stan again [The recording is repeated] (Pause) Two. What time does the race begin? Boy: Im running the race on Saturday, but I don't know where itis or when it begins. ‘Man: Wel you're going to run round the lke, Al the runners have o mest inthe car park and register by quarer to two, though the race wor't actually start until hal past. ‘There shouldbe about a hundred runners Boy: When wilt be over? I've go to catch a train at quarter past three, Man: I's 15 kometres! You won't be on time for that! (Pause) Now listen agin [The recording s repeat) [Pause} 131 key Three. Which musical instrument does the boy play pow? Gif: _Look-at this notica. The school’s starting trumpet lessons next term, Boy: Oh, the trumpet! That's an instrument 'd love to play. I's gota great sound, Gir: Yes, Imight try that, or maybe piano, l don't know. You learnt piano, n't you? Boy: Yes, | played the piano for years, Infact - until | took up the drums last year. You can't do everything, and I just felt they were more my sort of instrament, really. [Pause] Now listen again. [The recording is repeated) Pause} Four. What will the weather be lke tornarrow aftamoon? Woman: And now for tomorrow's weather, The day will start showery and windy. Those | ‘winds should cisenpaar by late morning, but the wet weather wil continue until wo! inte the evening, Although we might seo some bright sunny periods between the showers early on, by midday it wil be cloudy, with temperatures of no more than ten or twelve degrees ceniigrace. | Pause) | Now listen agin. | {The recording Is repeated} t [Pause] Five, What is the subject of Jemes Wison's ook? Man: This latest book by James Wison spar of a series of practical uides for young people itn by experts, The ft the sai, Cookery for Beginners, was writen By a wel-known television cook. I's ver clear and well writen, andi abest- | slr, Wilson's book, Computers for Beginners isn the bookshops now ands also ‘ery popular. And terelbe a book about photography called Photograohy for | Beginners, which wil come out next year. I's writen by a newspaper cameraman ‘and vil oerainly be fll of useful intormation [Pause] ‘Now tisten again. The recording is repeated) Pause] ‘SIX. Which part ofthe man's body hurts him at the moment? Doctor: It's been four weeks since your accident, hasn't it? So tall me how you are feeting How's the pain in your lags? Man: Mylegs were really hurting me until last week, but that's worn off now, 'm glad to say. So has the pain in my back. My shoulders stil fairy sore, though not as bad == it was, fortunately Doctor: I'm pleased to heer that. Let's take @ ook at you, anyuray. Pause} [Now listen again, [The recording is repeated] [Pause} Seven. Where was the man's knowladga of Spanish useful? | Woman: How was your trip, Peter? Men: Great. Iwas glad I learnt some Spanish before | went 132 PART2 Test 2 Women: Did you manage to order @ meal ina restaurant? ‘Man: Well, Iwas staying with English lends actualy, and I just ate at home with them. {did manage to explain what | wanted wien | went shopping though, and | was pleased about that. But | didn’t manage to tak to any ofthe Spanish people ‘who mere invited to my friends’ place ~ that was really disappointing. | coun’. Understand what they said to me, [Pause] "Now listen again. Tre recording is repeated) [Pause That isthe end of Part 1 [Pause] Now turn to Part 2, questions & 0 18 "You wil hear rac interview with @ man called Hany Park, who is talking about the adventure travel company he runs For each quastion, puta tick nthe correct box. Yeu now have 45 seconds to foak at the questions for Part 2 Pause] [Now we are ready to start. Listen caretuly. You will hear the recording twice. In: Hay Park, you run a travel company which organises adventure holidays in some cificult places, How did you fst become interested in ‘adventure travel”? Hany; Well. my fathor worked in an insurance company once he had 2 family. But before ‘that ha’d spent several years traveling the world, and he never stopped tling us about i Hs sores were much more exciting than the books | read, and they made ime want fo avel and nave adventures of my ov. Int; And what made you decide to start an adventure travel company’? Harry: Well, when | asin my twentles, travelled ait in cffrent countries. | went ‘exploring and climbing in mountains and deserts. | wanted to show other people how wonder ul thase things were, The business has been very success, but when | staced itl didn't know if make ary money. Int; Your company's called Far and Wie. How cid you choose the name? Harry: Wel just calla it Park Travel at frst. But everyone thought that was tribly boring! [My wife kept suggesting diferent things, but inthe end it was a customer who gave me the ie, Far and We fs also the tle of 2 book that a rend wrote, soit reminds me of him, to. In: Great... The places you visit are usually very unspoit, Harry. Some peopl think {i's nota good idea to take toursts there. What would you say to them? Hany: Well most ofthe placae we visit have no inhabitants, so we aren't eoing to spol people's way o life, er bring in things tke television ane flges! And | make sure ‘that we always take care ofthe environment. We are careful not to cause pollution, 0 we fake all ur rubbish away. Int: Some of the thinge you do are also dangerous. Do you enjoy Ganger? ary: Well it's act a question of enjoying it— I's just that you can’t do what I do without thinking about the possible dangers. 'm newer frightanad though fm taking a {group up a mountain or something ike that, just concentrato on what | have to do and get on witht 138 Key Int: You've been to some fascinating places, Harry. What's your favourite? Harry: W's in India. You travel long a river through spectacular scenery and up into the rmountaine in Madhya Pradesn. In the valley on the other side there's a wonderful (ld caste I's magical. The mountains hide it, 60 few people know it's there Int: Thanks for talking to us, Harry. Harry: Thank you. [Pause] Now ister again [The recoeding is repeated] [Pause] That isthe end of Part 2 (Pause) [Now tun to Part 3, questions 14 to 19. PARTS You will heer a man teling some young peqple about a four-week study prograrnme in a college. For each question, fo the missing information inthe numbered space. You now have 20 seconds fo look at Part 3 [Pause] [Now we are ready to start. Listen careful. You wil near the recorling twice. Mani if you want to study an interesting subject this summer, and improve your English at the same tima, Highaury College is offering three very good courses. As is always the ecse, each courae acts four weeks, Thore ie an English Literature course, which ‘il deal wth 20th-century writers and poets. There is also a course about T8th- century artists, which includes quided tours of the best gallaties, and finally @ course In Modem Architecture, with Visits 1o some of the city’s most famous buildings. Al the coursas bagin on the Mth of June and the last day of classes isthe 12th of July. Classes are fom 9 to 3:30, leaving you plenty of time for other activities in the jong summer evenings. Fridays ae also free for you to have a break because there ‘are lessons on Saturdays and Sundays, too, Now, about prices. The ful price of each course is £425, but the collage is offering spacial discounts for groups. The secretary has further details on that if you are interested, The price includes your accommodation atthe college hall~ in shared rooms —all meals, full use ofthe library, and eocial activties, such as parties, cutings, etc... Oh, | almast forget. al books are included oo, so you won't have to spend anything on that. But f you need extra lessons, then you have fo pay a fee. [And you have to make your own travel arrangemants to the college. All tne courses are for beginners, 50 you don’t need any previous knowledge of these subjects. Your English should be at a good level, of course, good enough t2 follow the lectures. you are interested, see the college secretary, he'll be abe to sive you copie ofthe registration forms and the timetable forthe course you want ‘So, does anyone have ary questions? [Pause] Now iste again [The recorcing is repeated) [Pause] That isthe end of Part 3. 134 PART 4 (Pauss] Now tum to Part 4, questions 20 10 25. Look atthe sir sentences for this part You wi hear a conversation betwoen a gil, Cate, and a boy, Tom, about a football tour acid if each sentence is correct or incerect. it's camect, puta tek in the Box under A fr YES. itis not correc, puta tick n the box under B for NO, You now have 20 seconds to ook at the questions for Part 4 [Pause] ‘Now we are ready to start: Listen carefully. You wil hea the recording twice, Tom: Hello, Cire! | read about you and the woman's football team in the dally paper. You ‘must be very pleased about being chosen to go on their national our ths summer. Glee: Thanks, Tor. didn't ease it was inthe paper. Tom: _It'says the other gitsin tho team are al alot older— does that meke you feet, norvous? (Cie: mused to it~ when joined our local club, Iwas only 14 and al the others were in ‘heir twenties — but the senior players were very helpfuland gave me lots of advice. ‘Now I'm a bit older I can help the other now payers when they join Tom: But what about your schoolwork? ft it ificult of iti? When I was in that tennis team, [never got my homework done on time because I had todo so much practising, That's why | gave it up Giaie: Really? Footbal's not oo bad. The matches areal at weekends and we train two evenings @ week, 50 there's stil plenty of time for homework, ‘Tom: But arent you planning to go to university when you lave school next year? Chi Well ts possibl to ctudy onortaacience of course, and I'd ike io do that one aay. ‘But think probably concentrate on my football career fist, so that's what Fl do ext year. Tom: [suppose you'd like to play for your country one day? Claire: Maybe! At the moment m just looking forward to playing against the citferent teams on this tou. Even if ve don't win every game, itl sil be a great experience! Tom: By the way when's yournext metch? Clee: On Saturday afternoon ~ please come and cheer us on, Tom! We're playing a team tha’s coming from Manchester, Tom: Wl | was bom in Manchester, you know! But don't wary. I won't miss the match, ‘and won't be shouting for the othr side either. [Pause ‘Now Iisten again, [The recording is repeated) [Pause] That isthe ond of Part 4 (Pause) You now have six minutes to check and copy your answers onto the answer sheet Note: Teacher, stop the recording here and time Sx minutes. Remind students when there is fone minute remaining Thatis the end ofthe test. 135

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