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Year 12- Assessment Task

Subject: Mathematics Stage: 6 Year: Advanced

Weighting: 15% Due date: 25/05/18

You will be awarded a mark from: 0 –20

Topic: Bivariate data analysis.

This assignment requires you to develop a critical bivariate data analysis. You will demonstrate
your mathematical thinking to find if there is a relationship between fat and calories in
restaurant sandwiches. You will apply the mathematical concept and knowledge of bivariate
data in a real-life context using technologies.

What do you need to submit?

1) The video
2) The spreadsheet you created.
3) Any additional document you used/created.
Everything will be submitted on Google Classroom.

Additional requirements: The video should be maximum 4 minutes in the .mp4 format. You
will be explaining how you solved each question. All answers require an EXPLANATION.
Any answer without a justification will NOT be graded.

Tips: You can record your screen while working and your voice to explain what you are doing.
Where appropriate, accelerate your shots so that your video does not exceed 4 minutes.
You can solve question 4 by using a paper and a pen, then film your working out and EXPLAIN
each step.

Assessment outcomes:
Syllabus outcomes:
A student:
 solves problems using appropriate statistical processes MA12-8
 chooses and uses appropriate technology effectively in a range of contexts, models and
applies critical thinking to recognise appropriate times for such use MA12-9
 constructs arguments to prove and justify results and provides reasoning to support
conclusions which are appropriate to the context MA12-10
 construct a bivariate scatterplot to identify patterns in the data that suggest the presence
of an association
 use bivariate scatterplots (constructing them where needed), to describe the patterns,
features and associations of bivariate datasets, justifying any conclusions
- describe bivariate datasets in terms of form (linear/non-linear) and in the case of linear,
also the direction (positive/negative) and strength of association (strong/moderate/weak)
 calculate and interpret Pearson’s correlation coefficient (𝑟) using technology to
quantify the strength of a linear association of a sample
 model a linear relationship by fitting an appropriate line of best fit to a scatterplot and
using it to describe and quantify associations
- fit a line of best fit to the data by eye and using technology
- interpret the intercept and gradient of the fitted line
 use the line of best fit to make predictions by either interpolation or extrapolation
- distinguish between interpolation and extrapolation, recognising the limitations of
using the fitted line to make predictions, and interpolate from plotted data to make predictions
where appropriate
 construct, interpret and analyse scatterplots for bivariate numerical data in practical

Assessment details:

Do you like McDonald’s sandwiches? How about a cheese and ham sandwich or a fajita
sandwich? Well, think before satisfying your food cravings…
The daily nutrient guidelines for an average adult man to maintain his current weight is 2500
calories while for a woman is at 2000. Therefore, if you are not careful, you could be gaining
weight by consuming a lot more calories than you think.
All food contain at least one type of fat, an important part for good health. Notably, some are
healthy while others are ‘unhealthy’.
The purpose of this investigation is to see if there is any relationship between fat and calories
in restaurant sandwiches.
1) If we suppose that there is a relationship between the two variables, do you think it is
reasonable to predict the fat from the calories, or is it more logical to predict calories
from the amount of fat? Explain your answer.
2) Gather and record the number of total calories for various grams of fat (total fat) present
in 14 restaurant (including fast food chains) sandwiches of your own choice in a
- The minimum amount of fat in your data should be 5g.
- The maximum amount of fat in your data should be 35g.
If the energy in kJ, don’t forget to convert it.
3) Create a scatterplot on the same spreadsheet and describe it.
4) Construct a line of best fit and display its equation.
a) Interpret the gradient of the line of best fit.
b) Use equation of the best fit line to estimate the number of calories in a sandwich of
50g of fat.
c) Use the graph and interpolation to predict the number of calories in a sandwich that
contains an amount of fat of your choice.
d) Use the graph to extrapolate the number of calories in a sandwich of 3g of fat.
e) Are there any limitations to extrapolating beyond the data used to create this model?
5) Calculate and interpret Pearson’s correlation coefficient.
Sample answer and marking criteria

1) Criteria Marks
Provides an answer with a reasonable justification 1

There is no really correct answer, but students should explain their choice. For example, some
might say it is better to predict calories from fat because according to online search, 1g of fat
is equal to 9 calories. Others might say that the daily intake of fat of a healthy person is
approximately 20% from the calories and therefore, if we know that a person is healthy we can
estimate the number of fat in every meal.

2) Criteria Marks
Provides and presents the data of 14 sandwiches in spreadsheet with the limits of fat taken 2
in consideration
Provides data of less than 14 sandwiches OR does not present data in a spreadsheet OR 1
does not consider the limits

Sample answer:

Reminder: Any answer without a justification or explanation is not graded.

3) Criteria Marks
Creates a scatterplot effectively (with titles) AND, 4
describes it (pattern, direction, strength)
Completes 3 of: effective scatterplot, pattern, direction, strength 3
Completes 2 of: effective scatterplot, pattern, direction, strength 2
Completes 1 of: effective scatterplot, pattern, direction, strength 1
Sample answer:

The scatterplot shows a strong, positive, linear relationship between the amount of total fat and
calories in restaurant sandwiches.
Positive: as the amount of total fat increases, the number of calories increases.
Strong and linear: points on a scatterplot appear to lie fairly closely distributed in a linear

4) Criteria Marks
Clearly demonstrates how to use technology to construct line of best fit and shows equation 2
Constructs line of best fit without equation OR without explaining how it was done 1
Sample answer:

4)a) Criteria Marks

Good interpretation of the gradient 1
Sample answer: When the amount of fat increases by 1g, the number of calories increases by

4)b) Criteria Marks

Provides the correct working out with correct answer 2
Provides working out and makes progress toward the correct answer 1
Sample answer: 𝑦 = 11.339𝑥 + 192.21
= 11.339(40) + 192.21
= 647.77
≈ 648 𝑐𝑎𝑙𝑜𝑟𝑖𝑒𝑠
4)c) Criteria Marks
Shows an understanding of interpolation by choosing an appropriate amount of fat and 2
provides correct answer
Shows an understanding of interpolation by choosing an appropriate amount of fat but 1
provides a wrong answer
Sample answer: There are 360 calories in a sandwich that contains 15g of fat.

4)d) Criteria Marks

Provides correct answer 1
Sample answer: The amount of fat is 3g when the number of calories is 225.

4)e) Criteria Marks

Provides at least one logical limitation 1
Sample answer: Yes, all sandwiches contain an amount of fat which means the amount of fat
could not be equal to 0g and therefore, the value 192.21 has no meaning. Another limitation
would be: according to fast food facts website, the highest amount of fat in a sandwich (in a
restaurant or fast food chain) so far is 90g.

5) Criteria Marks
Demonstrates effectively how to find Pearson’s coefficient using technology and provides 2
a good interpretation
Demonstrates effectively how to find Pearson’s coefficient using technology with no or 1
wrong interpretation
Sample answer:

𝑟 = 0.955
𝑟 > 0.7 therefore, there is a positive and strong relationship
between fat and calories present in restaurant sandwiches.

Criteria Marks
Submit the video (not exceeding 4 min), spreadsheet and any additional document used on time 2

Governments throughout the world are being more and more vigorous in making

changes to raise the standards of learning. In order to gain a better understanding of where

students are in their learning, teachers use an essential tool, an assessment. This essay examines

the different types of assessment, focusing on assessment for learning and its importance as

well as the approaches to feedback and assessment design that would be used when teaching

Advanced Mathematics.

The word ‘assessment’ refers to the process of collecting, interpreting and using

evidence to judge students’ achievements in education (Harlen, 2007). There are three

principles of assessment: assessment as learning, assessment of learning referred to as

summative assessment, and assessment for learning often referred to as formative assessment.

Assessment as learning occurs when students monitor and reflect on their own learning to make

adjustments and adaptations to achieve a deeper understanding (Earl, 2013; Earl & Katz, 2006;

NSW Education Standards Authority [NESA], 2012). It is part of the process of metacognition

(Earl, 2013), an essential element from the Quality Teaching Model. It focuses on the role of

the students as a critical connector between their learning and assessment (Earl, 2013). The

teacher’s role is to guide students in developing self-monitoring methods to question their own

thinking. The teacher also helps students developing the necessary skills to become critical

thinkers as they cannot rely on a teacher all their life to tell them if the answer is ‘right’. An

effective assessment makes students stronger and more confident in asking reflecting questions

as considering a variety of strategies for learning and acting (Earl, 2013; Earl & Katz, 2006).

Assessment of learning provide evidence on students’ achievement against standards at a

particular time (Dixson & Worrell, 2016; Earl, 2006; Harlen, 2007; NESA, 2012). It usually

occurs at the end of a unit of work or chapter and is basically evaluating the learning outcomes
of each individual student (Gardner, 2010). Whether summative assessments provide a holistic

insight of students’ capabilities is a controversial issue (Dufaux, 2012).

The last principle, assessment for learning, is used by teachers to gain an understanding of

where their students are in their learning in order to guide their instruction and to make

decisions as how to make progress toward the learning goal (Dixson & Worrell, 2016; Earl,

2003; Harlen, 2007; NESA, 2012; William, 2017). Black and Wiliam (2010) define formative

assessment as “activities undertaken by teachers- and by their students in assessing themselves-

that provide information to be used as feedback to modify teaching and learning activities”

(p.82). Assessment for learning is considered as the most powerful tool for student learning.

Earl (2003) categorises assessment as learning as being a subset of assessment for learning. In

other words, it is an extension that emphasises the role of the student as a critical connector

between the assessment and learning process (Earl, 2003).

How assessment is constructed and used is dictated by its purpose. There are many reasons

why assessment is important, some which have been discussed. These include to monitor the

progress of the students, provide them a feedback and/or diagnose or remediate the barriers to

learning. Assessment provides information about whether the specified learning outcomes are

being met.

Black and Wiliam (2010) argue that improving formative assessments can actually raise the

standards. This means providing student with an effective feedback is critical to improve

student achievement (Cumming & Van der Kleij, 2016). They key word here is effective as

Hattie and Timberley (2007) and Shute (2008) argue that the impact of a feedback can be either

positive or negative. In the broadest sense, feedback refers to information “that has been

received which can subsequently be used for/or causes change within a cycle, gap or system”

(Dann, 2018, p.35). This means that the information must be specific and with specific

intentions in order to alter an existing state (Black & Wiliam, 1998; Shute, 2008). In addition,
as mentioned earlier in this paper, formative feedback is a key component of assessment of

learning. Its timing, purpose and focus are crucial to alter the learning gap. Hattie and

Timperley (2007) and Shute (2008) suggest that the timing of a feedback depends on the nature

of the task, for instance, if the task is difficult, an immediate feedback is more effective. Black

and Wiliam (1998) identify two purposes of feedback: directive and facilitative. The former

relates to correct the learning in terms of tasks and outcomes, and the latter relates to

elaboration and helping students figure out their next steps. In both cases, a formative feedback

reduces the cognitive load of a struggling student and provide useful information for correcting

misconceptions (Shute, 2008). This is especially the case of struggling or low-ability students

when performing a high-performance task. Furthermore, a feedback can be given in an oral or

written form. However, it is its validity that makes it effective (Dann, 2018). A feedback should

help the student to move forward in his or her learning toward a goal (Shute, 2008) regarding

its form. Black and Wiliam (1998) mention that the feedback is more effective if it is in the

form of comments rather than grades, however, in his book, William (2017) points out that the

comments should focus on how students can improve their learning and not what they have

missed or not achieved. He stresses that a feedback is formative “only if the learner uses the

information fed back to him or her to improve performance” (William, 2017, p.140). Therefore,

the relationship between the feedback and the goal is critical. Addressing the three feedback

questions: “Where am I going? How am I going? And Where to next?” makes the feedback

effective as it reduces the discrepancy between what students know and what students should

know (Hattie & Timperley, 2007, p.88).

Multiple factors should be taken into consideration when designing an assessment task

in mathematics. First of all, it is crucial to remember the purpose (the ‘why’) of the assessment

(Brahier, 2016). Year 12 students undertaking the Advanced Mathematics have their HSCs
exams therefore, it is important to design multiple formative assessments throughout the year

to provide them with an effective feedback that helps them improve and reach the learning

outcomes. Surely, diagnostic assessments have to be implemented at the beginning of each

topic to check students’ prior knowledge. Secondly, knowing ‘what’ are students being

assessed on is vital. A teacher must specify the outcomes that he or she needs to assess, then

design a task that relates to these particular outcomes. Thirdly, ‘how’ students are going to be

assessed is of high importance. A teacher decides if the assessment is going to be a group

project, an investigation or a presentation, yet it is how the content of the assessment is set that

will determine its effectiveness. Assessments designed using SOLO taxonomy assess the

extent to which each student has reached each level (Biggs & Collis, 2014). The SOLO levels

help the teachers and students discuss the levels of the task, students’ achievement of the task

and the next steps for learning (Biggs & Collis, 2014). In addition, the SOLO taxonomy allows

for differentiation, a crucial element in the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers

(APST) (Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership [AITSL], 2014).

In conclusion, there is no best type of assessment or feedback however, it has been

shown by a substantial amount of research that a formative assessment and an effective

feedback improve students’ achievement. In other words, teachers have to design assessments

that provide information that can be used by them and their students to address the three

feedback questions.

Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL). (2014). Retrieved from


Biggs, J. B., & Collis, K. F. (2014). Evaluating the quality of learning: The SOLO taxonomy

(Structure of the Observed Learning Outcome). New York, NY: Academic Press.

Black, P., & Wiliam, D. (1998). Assessment and Classroom Learning. Assessment in

Education: Principles, Policy & Practice, 5(1), p.7-74. Doi:


Black, P., & Wiliam, D. (2010). Inside the black box: Raising standards through classroom

assessment. Phi Delta Kappan, 2010, 92(1), 81-90. Doi:


Brahier, D. J. (2016). Teaching secondary and middle school mathematics (5th ed.). New York,

NY: Routledge.

Cumming, J. J., & Van der Kleij, F. M. (2016). Effective enactment of assessment for learning

and student diversity in Australia. In D. Laveault, & L. Allal (Eds.), Assessment for

learning: Meeting the challenge of implementation (pp. 55-73). Cham: Springer.

Dann, R. (2018). Developing feedback for pupil learning: Teaching, learning and assessment

in schools. New York, NY: Routledge.

Dixson, D. D., & Worrell, F. C. (2016). Formative and summative assessment in the classroom.

Theory Into Practice, 0-14. Doi: 10.1080/00405841.2016.1148989

Dufaux, S. (2012). Assessment for qualification and certification in upper secondary education:

A review of country practices and research evidence. OECD Education Working

Papers, 83. Retrieved from

Earl, L. M. (2013). Assessment as learning: Using classroom assessment to maximize student

learning (2nd ed., pp. 25-29). Thousand Oaks, California: Corwin. Get this from


Earl, L. M., & Katz, S. J. (2006). Rethinking classroom assessment with purpose in mind:

Assessment for, as and of learning. Manitoba Education. Retrieved May 5, 2018 from


Gardner, J. (2010). Developing teacher assessments: An introduction. In J. Gardner, W. Harlen,

L. Hayward, G. Stobart, & M. Montgomery (Eds.), Developing teacher assessment (pp.

1 – 11). New York, NY: Open University Press.

Harlen, W. (2007). Assessment of learning. Thousand Oaks, California: Sage Publications.

Hattie, J., & Timperley, H. (2007). The power of feedback. Review of Educational Research,

77(1), 81–112. Doi:10.3102/003465430298487

NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA). (2012). Assessment for, as and of learning.

Retrieved March 5, 2018 from


William, D. (2017). Embedded formative assessment (2nd Ed.). Bloomington, IN: Solution Tree


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