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Pacing Guide

Name: Shelby Cornelius

Grade Level: 2nd Subject: Science

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday


Week One Parts of a Plant What Plants Writing About Students will
GLE 0207.1.1 Worksheet Need Worksheet Science plant their own
Recognize that plants Plants Life bean plant in a
and animals are What Plants Need pot.
made up of smaller Cut Out
parts and use food,
water, and air to

Introduction to parts
of a plant.

Week Two Introduction to Parts of Different Animal Paper Animal Paper

Quiz on parts and parts of an Animals Foldable. Mache Project Mache Project
needs of plants. animal and the (Label Parts) Continued
many different
species in the Watching My
world. Plant Grow
Journal Entries

Week Three Creating a New Quiz on parts and GLE 0207.2.1 Where Do Plants
What Animals Animal Species needs of animals. Investigate the Grow? Flipbook
Need Worksheet Activity habitats of
(document different kinds of Watching My
What Animals needs) local plants and Plant Grow
Need Cut Out animals. Journal Entries

Introduction to the
different habitats
of plants.
Week Four Where Do Habitat Shoe Box Habitat Shoe Box Habitat Shoe Box
Introduction to the Animals Live? Project Project Project
different habitats Flipbook Continued Continued
of animals.
Match Animals to Watching My
Different Plant Grow
Journal Entries


Week Five Game of GLE 0207.2.2 “My Discoveries “My Discoveries

Habitat Shoe Box Jeopardy on the Investigate living During the Field During the Field
Project different habitats things found in Trip” Project. Trip” Project.
Presentation of animals and different places. Continued
FIELD TRIP to Watching My
different places in Plant Grow
town to investigate Journal Entries
what things are
found in certain
Week Six Review for test. Oral Test with GLE 0207.2.3 The Oxygen-
CENTERS teacher on Identify basic ways Carbon Dioxide
content learned that plants and Cycle Worksheet
thus far. animals depend on
each other. Watching My
Plant Grow
Introduction to Journal Entries
how plants and
animals depend
on each other.

Week Seven Group Poster GLE 0207.3.1 Activity on Activity on

Activity on Boards on Recognize that Carnivores. Herbivores
Decomposition Oxygen-Carbon animals eat plants
Dioxide Cycle and or other animals
Decomposition. for food.
Introduction to
what types of
animals eat what.
Week Eight Write a short Lesson on the Herbivore, GLE 0207.4.1
Activity on story describing Food Chain Omnivore, and Compare the life
Omnivores the habitat of an Carnivore Song cycles of various
organism based Creation of a organisms.
on what food Food Chain Quiz on
Introduction to the
they eat. Poster. Carnivores,
similarities and
Herbivores, and differences of life
Omnivores. cycles of various


Week Nine Life Cycle of a Life Cycle of a Life Cycle of a Life Cycle of a
Life Cycle of a flower. Bunny Snake Lion
Spider Activity (producer) (primary (secondary (top level
(decomposer) consumer) consumer) consumers)

Week Ten Comparison of Presentation of Creating a Life GLE 0207.4.2

Comparison of Life Life Cycles Group Comparison Cycle with Realize that
Cycles Group Project. Group Project Pictures Activity parents pass along
Project. (continued) physical
(5 organisms characteristics to
their offspring.
Introduction to
how parents pass
along physical
characteristics to
Week Eleven My Heredity Tree Traits that Game on CENTERS
Find the Parent Activity Offspring’s Share Heredity
Worksheet with Parents.
(graphic organizer)

Week Twelve Reflection of Watch Lion King BIG Review for Written Test on
ZOO Field Trip Field Trip Movie Test all content
covered from
Class Discussion on Oral Test till now.
Unit Title: Life Cycles of Different Organisms Grade Level: 2nd

Guiding Question: How do life cycles of different organisms compare to one another?

State Content Skills Activities Assessment(s) Resources


GLE 0207.4.1 Life Cycles of 1. Students Students will Students will Life Cycle
Different will be able to take notes. (fill be assessed Power Point
Organisms identify the in the blanks) through class
different types discussion.
of organisms.

2. Students
will be able to
similarities &
differences of
multiple life

GLE 0207.4.1 Life Cycle of a Students will 1. Spider fun 1. Students 1. Student
Spider be able to fact worksheet workbook will workbook
break down be graded
and label the 2. Watch video 2. Spider fun
life cycle of a and fill out the 2. Journal fact worksheet
life cycle of a entries will be
spider. 3. Video on of
spider. graded at the
end of the the life cycle
3. Students unit. of a spider
will complete
their work
book on the
life cycle of a

4. Journal
entry on what
learned about
GLE 0207.4.1 Life Cycle of a Students will 1. The teacher 1. Students 1. “A Tiny
Plant. be able to will read to will be Seed” by Eric
breakdown the class, “A assessed on Carle
and label the Tiny Seed” by their plant
life cycle of a 2. Video on
Eric Carle cycle flipbook.
the life cycle
2. Watch a 2. Journal of a plant.
video on the entries will be
life cycle of a graded at the 3. Flip Art
plant and then end of the Template
as a class unit.
create a plant
diagram on
the class
bulletin board.

3. Plant Cycle
Flip Art

4. Journal
entry on what
learned about

GLE 0207.4.1 Life Cycle of a Students will 1. Students 1. Students 1. Video on

Bunny be able to will observe a workbook will the life cycle
break down real Bunny be graded of bunny.
and label the
2. The class 2. Journal 2. Students
life cycle of a
Bunny. will watch a entries will be workbook.
video on the graded at the
life cycle of a end of the
bunny and unit.
then together
fill out a

3. Students
will complete
their work
book on the
life cycle of a

4. Journal
entry on what
learned about

GLE 0207.4.1 Life Cycle of a Students will 1. Students 1. Flip book 1. Movie on
Snake be able to will try to will be graded. the life cycle
break down figure out the of a snake
and label the next animal 2. Journal
life cycle of a life cycle by entries will be 2. Flip book
listening to graded at the template
clues from the end of the
teacher. unit.

2. The class
will watch a
movie about
the life cycle
of a snake and
then together
use post it
notes (labeled
first, then,
last), to tell
the order of
the life cycle
of a snake.

3. Life Cycle of
a Snake Flip

4. Journal
entry on what
learned about

GLE 0207.4.1 Life Cycle of a The students 1. Wolf fun 1. Students 1. Wolf fun
Wolf will be able to fact worksheet workbook will fact worksheet
break down be graded
and label the 2. The class 2. Students
life cycle of a will watch a 2. Journal workbook
video on the entries will be
wolf. 3. Video on
life cycle of a graded at the
wolf and then end of the the life cycle
together fill unit. of a wolf
out a diagram
on the life
cycle of a wolf.

3. Students
will complete
their work
book on the
life cycle of a

4. Journal
entry on what
learned about

GLE 0207.4.1 Comparison of Students will Students will The students 1. Magazines
Life Cycles be able to research the will be
collect life cycles of assessed 2. Tablets
(three days; research on the two through peer
day 1) the life cycle organisms discussion.
of two they are
organisms. comparing.

GLE 0207.4.1 Comparison of Students will Students will The students 1. Magazines
Life Cycles be able to put together will be
compare the their trifold assessed 2. Tablets
(three days; life cycle of poster and through peer
day 2) two practice discussion.
organisms. presenting.

GLE 0207.4.1 Comparison of Students will 1. Each group Students will NONE
Life Cycles be able to will present be assessed on
present the their trifold their project.
(three days;
day 3) comparisons poster to the
the life cycle class.
of two
organisms. 2. The
students who
are not
presenting will
have blank vin
diagrams to fill

GLE 0207.4.1 Creation of a Students will 1. “Animal Life Students will 1. Magazines
Life Cycle be able to Cycles: be assessed on
construct a life Growing and their picture 2. Life Cycle
cycle of an Changing” by life cycle. Game
organism of Bobbie 3. “Animal Life
their choosing Kalman. Cycles:
using pictures. Growing and
2. Creation of
a Life Cycle Changing” by
with Pictures
3. Life Cycle
Name: Shelby Cornelius

Content Area: Comparison of Life Cycles Group Project Grade Level: 2nd

I. Concept to be taught: A group project requiring student to compare two types of organism’s life cycle
to one another.

II. Instructional Objectives:

Standard: GLE 0207.4.1

 Students will be able to collect research on the life cycle of two organisms.
 Students will be able to present the comparisons the life cycle of two organisms.
 Students will be able to construct a diagram of a life cycle of an organism of their choosing.
 Students will be able to label the life cycle of two organisms.

III. Classroom teaching strategies and procedures:

A. Anticipatory Set: Each day during this project, the students will participate in a quick review
game with the teacher.

B. Student Learning Activities:

You Do: The teacher will go into detail explaining the project to the students. The teacher will
answer any questions and give many examples. In the front of the class, there will be a final
product tri-fold for the students to look at. The students will be comparing two of the five
organisms they have looked at in the past five days. The teacher will divide the students up into
groups of four. Group one will compare the life cycles of a spider and a snake. Group two will
compare the life cycles of a plant and a spider. Group three will compare the life cycles of a
bunny and a wolf. Group four will compare the life cycles of a snake and a wolf. Lastly, the
teacher will walk around and assist as needed.

They do:

Day 1: The students will do research on their two organisms and plan out their trifold poster
board. They will decide who is to work on what part and how they want it to look. There will be
a rubric for them to follow and certain information must be included, but regarding their poster
design is entirely up to them. They will have to be creative and work as a team. They will have a
tablet, magazines, and all their notes and work from the previous week.

Day 2: The students will put their trifold together. The students are required to have a vin
diagram comparing their two organisms, a picture of both organisms, and one interesting fact
about each organism.
Day 3: PRESENTATION DAY! The students will present their trifold to the class. The part of the
poster they completed will be what they present to the class. Each group will have four to five
students, so the amount of talking is very minable. The students who are not presenting at the
time will fill out a blank vin diagram of the two organisms that are being compared in their
peer’s presentation.

C. Conclusion: The students will gather around the reading rug and have a closing discussion on
the project. The teacher will ask clarifying questions and see if the students enjoyed creating the

D. Differentiation Strategy: For ELS students, I will have a rubric translated into their dominant
language. When deciding the groups, I will make sure to have both struggling students and
advanced students. This project requires all types of skills, the students should be able to find
something they excel in. I will also make sure to continue moving from group to group making
sure all students are participating.

IV. Assessment

A. Informal: The students will be assessed during peer discussion within the group. They will
also be assessed on their participation in the group.

B. Formal: The students project will be graded and follow a rubric.

Name: Shelby Cornelius

Content Area: Life Cycle of a Bunny Grade Level: 2nd

I. Concept to be taught: The ability to break down and label the life cycle of a bunny.

II. Instructional Objectives:

Standard: GLE 0207.4.1

 Students will be able to label the life cycle of a bunny.

 Students will be able to break down and explain each step of the life cycle of a bunny.
 Students will be able to recall the information they learn and write about it in a journal.
 Students will be able to identify the life cycle of a bunny by looking at pictures.
 Students will be able to observe a bunny and make a prediction on the steps of the life cycle of a

III. Classroom teaching strategies and procedures:

A. Anticipatory Set: The teacher will bring in a rabbit for the students to observe and make a
prediction on what they think the life cycle of a bunny will look like. The teacher will ask
clarifying questions to get the students minds going. For example, do you think that baby
bunnies hatch from eggs or come from their mother’s womb?

B. Student Learning Activities:

You Do: The teacher will have the students watch a video on the life cycle of a bunny and then
tape up a large sheet of paper on the white board with empty boxes. As a class, they will fill in
the blank boxes with the steps of the life cycle of a bunny.

They Do: The students will complete their cycle of a bunny workbook. They will have to draw
each step of the life cycle of a bunny and write two sentences describing what is happening.

C. Conclusion: The students will write about what they learned about bunnies in their life cycle

D. Differentiation Strategy: There is a variety of activities in this lesson. This lesson meets bot
visual, auditory, and reading/writing learners. Coming up to the front of the class and observing
the bunny is a good way to assist kinesthetic learners.

IV. Assessment

A. Informal: The students will be assessed through class discussion during the anticipatory set
and the “you do” activity.
B. Formal: The students journal entries will be graded at the end of the unit. The life cycle of a
bunny workbook will also be for a grade.

Name: Shelby Cornelius

Content Area: Creation of a Life Cycle Grade Level: 2nd

I. Concept to be taught: The ability to independently break down a life cycle of an organism
II. Instructional Objectives:

Standard: GLE 0207.4.1

 Students will be able to create a life cycle on their own using pictures.
 Students will be able to break down the life cycle on an organism.
 Students will be able label the life cycle of an organism

III. Classroom teaching strategies and procedures:

A. Anticipatory Set: The teacher will read the story, “Animal Life Cycles: Growing and
Changing” by Bobbie Kalman. The teacher will ask clarifying questions as she reads.

B. Student Learning Activities:

You Do: The teacher will go over the assignment the students will have to complete. She will
show an example she has already created and answering any questions. The teacher will go over
all the materials the students can use and give a demonstration of the actual process of creating
the life cycle. She will cut out a few images and ask the students which organism’s life cycle they
think she is creating. The teacher will assist the students as best a she can, but the purpose of
this assignment is to see if the students can take the knowledge they learned in the past nine
days and use it to create a life cycle on their own.

They Do: The students will use pictures from magazines to create a life cycle of their choosing (it
cannot be one of the five organisms already studied). They will cut pictures out as well as arrows
and put their life cycle in order. Once the have completed it, the teacher will come check it. By
this time the students should have seen so many life cycles excluding the five in the project, this
should be an easy task.

C. Conclusion: The teacher will have the students play a game on life cycles to end this unit in a
fun way!

D. Differentiation Strategy: This lesson includes various activities that will meet all types of

IV. Assessment

A. Informal: Students will be assessed during class discussion during reading time.

B. Formal: Students will be assessed and given a grade on their FINAL life cycle!  Journal
entries will also be turned in for the final grade.

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