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What knowledge management model should an organization implement in order to

constantly improve its internal and external analyzes that serve as an input to make a

more efficient process of strategic planning?

(according to Nonaka and Takeuchi, 1995)

Organizational knowledge is one of the fundamental tools in business management mainly

because it comprises the knowledge, ways of doing and all knowledge that is applied to

generate value to all the goods, products and services of the company.

Ikujiro Nonaka and Hirotaka Takeuchi define this process as the talent of a company to

generate new knowledge, extend it among the members of the company and translate it into

their processes, products and services (Nonaka & Takeuchi, 1995).

The management model of Nonaka and Takeuchi is a model designed for the creation of

knowledge that also allows identifying and discerning tacit knowledge and explicit

knowledge supporting the processes of conversion of said knowledge among themselves.

This process of converting tacit knowledge into explicit knowledge is given thanks to the

spiral of knowledge proposed by the authors, in which tacit knowledge passes through a

phase of socialization in which the members of the organization share their ideas and

thoughts to then move to a level of externalization in which they begin to visualize these

doctrines that will finally be formalized in the combination phase, thus becoming explicit

knowledge that will become internalized in the company but in a learning form for all the

members of the company.

This knowledge management model helps to effectively develop strategic planning as it

transforms knowledge through the individual and group perspective.

Nonaka, I., & Takeuchi, H. (1995). The knowledge-creating company. Oxford University


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