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Ujian Akhir Semester

Prodi Gizi UNIMED

Semester Genap T.A 2017/2018
NIM: 5173240023
Mata Kuliah : Bahasa Inggris Terapan
Waktu : 60 menit

Exercise 1

Read the following passage and answer the question that follow

Botulism is a form of poisioning produced by a microorganism called Clostridium botulinum.

The word botulism originated from the Latin word botulus for sausage, in which botulism was first

identified. The spores created by C.botulinum are not harmful, as they groe in the soil and are

consumed by us regularly when we eat vegetables and fruits. However, once the spores are put in

airthight containers, the psores germinate and produce botulin, a deadly poison. Foods in cans and

glass or plastics jars provide the envoronment botulin needs to grow. The spores are averse to low

temperatures and will not develop in frozen food. Furthermore, they do not thrive in acidic, salty,

sweet, or dry foods.

How can consumers protect themselves against botulism? Any can that is swollen at the top

may be so because of pressure from gases produced by germinating spores. When opened, if the food

sprays out of the can, the contents should be thrown out immediately. You should not taste it, since

the tiniest bit could kill you.

The following are taken from the passage. Idetify whether each of the following is a statement of fact
or opinion.

1. “Botulism is a form of poisioning produced by a microorganism called Clostridium

botulinum”. (FACT)
2. ”The word botulism originated from the Latin word botulus for sausage, in which botulism
was first identified”. (FACT )
3. ”Any can that is swollen at the top may be so because of pressure from gases produced by
germinating spores”. (OPINION )
4. “When opened, if the food sprays out of the can, the contents should be thrown out
immediately”. (OPINION )
5. “You should not taste it, since the tiniest bit could kill you”. (OPINION )

Exercise II
Look at the graph of monthly average temperatures recorded in Jamaica over a year

1. Which month had the highest average temperature?

A) June

B) July

C) August

2. Which month had the lowest average temperature?

A) January

B) February

C) March

3. April and May have the same average temperature as June and July.

A) True

B) False

Exercise III

Read the paragraph and answer the questions

Glands manufacture and secrete necessary substances. Exocrine glands secrete their products
through ducts, but endocrine glands, or ductless glands, release their products directly into the
One important endocrine gland is the thyroid gland. It is in the neck and has two lobes, one on
each side of the windpipe. The thyroid gland collects iodine from the blood and produces thyroxine,
an important hormone, which it stores in an inactive form. When thyroxine is needed by the body, the
thyroid gland secretes it directly into the blood-stream. Thyroxine is combined in the body cells with
other chemicals and affects many functions of the body.
The thyroid gland may be underactive or overactive, resulting in problems. An underactive
thyroid causes hypothyroidism, while an overactive one causes hyperthyroidism. The former problem,
called myxedema in adults and cretinism in children, causes the growth process to slow down. A
cretin’s body and mind do not grow to their full potential. Hyperthyroidism, on the other hand, results
in extreme nervousness, an increase in heart action, and other problems.
Either hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism may result in goiter, or an enlarged thyroid gland.
A goiter will appear when the body is not getting enough iodine. Goiter is less common today, since
most people use iodized salt

1. The thyroid gland is called an endocrine gland because it

a. has ducts

b. has lobes

c. secretes directly into the bloodstream

d. is located in the neck

2. A cretin is

a. a child with hyperthyroidism

b. an adult with an underperforming thyroid gland

c. a young person with hypothyroidism

d. an extremely irritable child

3. Which of the following is a probable result of myxedema?

a. sluggishness

b. hyperactivity

c. overproduction of thyroxine

d. perspiration

4. A goiter is

a. a person with myxedema

b. a swollen thyroid gland

c. an underactive thyroid gland

d. a chemical

5. Exocrine and endocrine glands are distinguished from each other by whether they

a. secrete through ducts or without ducts

b. cause hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism

c. cause myxedema or cretinism

d. result in an enlarged or shrunken goiter

6. In line 1, the word “secrete” is closest in meaning to

a. indiscernible

b. emit

c. display

d. absorb
7. If a thyroid is not working enough, the illness is known as

a. hyperthyroidism

b. hyperactivity

c. excretion

d. hypothyroidism

8. The main idea of the passage is

a. how glands work

b. the function and illnesses of the thyroid gland

c. secretion with and without glands

d. the illnesses of an overactive thyroid gland

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