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RENAME USER old_user TO new_user

[, old_user TO new_user] ...

The RENAME USER statement renames existing MySQL accounts. An error

occurs for old accounts that do not exist or new accounts that already

To use RENAME USER, you must have the global CREATE USER privilege or
the UPDATE privilege for the mysql database. When the read_only system
variable is enabled, RENAME USER additionally requires the SUPER

Each account name uses the format described in For example:

RENAME USER 'jeffrey'@'localhost' TO 'jeff'@'';

If you specify only the user name part of the account name, a host name
part of '%' is used.

RENAME USER causes the privileges held by the old user to be those held
by the new user. However, RENAME USER does not automatically drop or
invalidate databases or objects within them that the old user created.
This includes stored programs or views for which the DEFINER attribute
names the old user. Attempts to access such objects may produce an
error if they execute in definer security context. (For information
about security context, see

The privilege changes take effect as indicated in


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