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10/30/2018 Lion Air plane crash: What we know so far about flight JT610 - Channel NewsAsia


Lion Air plane crash: What we know so far about ight JT610

Relatives of passengers on the crashed Lion Air ight JT610 wait at Bhayangkara R Said Sukanto hospital in Jakarta,
Indonesia, Oct 30, 2018. (Photo: Reuters/Willy Kurniawan)

29 Oct 2018 12:56PM

(Updated: 30 Oct 2018 02:41PM)


JAKARTA: A search and rescue mission is under way for passengers of Lion Air ight JT610 after it
crashed early on Monday (/news/asia/lion-air- ight-crashed-into-sea-after-taking-o -jakarta-
10873680) (Oct 29).

The plane lost contact 13 minutes after takeo from Jakarta at around 6.20am (7.20am
Singapore time), a spokesman for Indonesia's search and rescue agency said.

It was due to have landed in Pangkal Pinang, on the island of Bangka, at 7.20am, the Flightradar24
website showed. 1/21
Indonesian rescue o cials saidLion
thatAir plane crash:
all 189 What we know and
passengers so far crew
about flight JT610 -the
aboard Channel NewsAsia
ight are likely to have
been killed in the accident (/news/asia/lion-air-indonesia-crash-all-189-on-board-feared-dead-
10877728). Rescuers have begun retrieving human body parts (/news/asia/lion-air-crash-indonesia-
rescuers-retrieve-bodies-10875606) as well as debris from the wreckage, with remains of a baby
among those recovered.

Members of a rescue team line up body bags at a port in North Jakarta. (Photo: AFP/Resmi Malau)

In an update on Tuesday morning, Lion Air said human remains have been recovered in 24 body bags.


At least 10 bodies have been recovered and sent to the hospital for identi cation, said Muhammad
Syaugi, head of BASARNAS, Indonesia's national search and rescue agency. 2/21
10/30/2018 Lion Air plane crash: What we know so far about flight JT610 - Channel NewsAsia

Fourteen bags lled with debris from the crashed Lion Air jet have been collected. (Photo: AFP/Adek Berry)

Additionally, 14 bags of aircraft debris and personal belongings of those on board the plane have also
been retrieved.

Items such as handphones, handbags, identity cards and life vests were found in waters about 30
metres to 35 metres deep near where the plane lost contact with air tra c control.

► READ: Lion Air crash: 50 divers deployed for search mission, more bodies found
cid=h3_referral_inarticlelinks_24082018_cna) 3/21
"We Lionmain
hope we can see the plane's Air plane crash:- everything
body What we know so on
far about
the flight JT610 -of
surface Channel NewsAsia
the water has been
collected," Syaugi said.

Both the cockpit voice recorder and the ight data recorder are still missing.

An underwater acoustic beacon has been deployed to locate the main body of the plane. 

In addition to 15 vessels scouring the sea surface, the search and rescue agency added that four sonar
detectors were also deployed in areas where aircraft debris had been found a day earlier, o the shore
of Karawang, West Java. 

The ight path of Lion Air JT610. (Image: Flightradar24) 4/21
PASSENGERS AND CREW Lion Air plane crash: What we know so far about flight JT610 - Channel NewsAsia

There were 189 people were on board, including six crew members and two pilots. Two infants and a
child were among the passengers.

The nance ministry said about 20 of its employees were on the plane.

Also on board was Andrea Manfredi, an Italian former professional cyclist.

Indonesian o cials named the captain of the ight as Bhavye Suneja, who according to local media
reports, has been identi ed as an Indian national who has been with the airline for seven years.

According to Lion Air, Suneja and his co-pilot, Harvino, had 11,000 hours of ying between them and
had recent medical checkups and drug testing.

► READ: ‘Everyone was crying’: Lion Air crash victims' families grow frustrated as
authorities scramble for information

► READ: All 189 on board Lion Air jet that crashed in Indonesia feared dead


The plane was a Boeing 737-800 MAX, an updated and more fuel-e cient version of the
manufacturer's workhorse single-aisle jet. The rst Boeing 737 MAX jets were introduced into service
in 2017.

Lion Air took delivery of the aircraft, which was made this year, on Aug 13 - with its rst ight two
days later.

The plane with registration number PK-LQP had a technical problem on a previous ight but it had
been resolved according to procedure, Lion Air's CEO said.

"This plane previously ew from Denpasar to Cengkareng (Jakarta). There was a report of a technical
issue which had been resolved according to procedure," Edward Sirait told reporters, declining to
specify the nature of the technical issue. 5/21
10/30/2018 Lion Air plane crash: What we know so far about flight JT610 - Channel NewsAsia

Dozens of divers are taking part in the recovery effort after the crash of the Lion Air jet. (Photo: AFP/Handout)

He said Lion has operated 11 aircraft of the same model, the Boeing 737 Max 8, and the other planes did
not have the same technical problem. Sirait said there was no plan to ground the rest of its Boeing 737
Max 8 eet.

A BBC report said a technical logbook detailed an "unreliable" airspeed reading instrument on the
Bali-Jakarta ight on Sunday and di erent altitude readings on the captain and rst o cer's

Copies of several Lion Air technical documents have been circulating on social media, but they could
not be immediately con rmed as authentic. 6/21
10/30/2018suspended release of the
Boeing Lion Air plane
737 MAXcrash:
dayswe before
know so far
flight JT610 - Channeldelivery
commercial NewsAsia last year due to

an engine issue, according to airline safety and product review site

It said the engines were a product of a joint venture between US-based General Electric and France's
Safran Aircraft Engines.

A wallet belonging to a passenger of the ill-fated Lion Air ight JT 610 oats at sea in the waters north of Karawang,
West Java province. (Photo: AFP/Arif Ariadi)

Lion Air, Indonesia's biggest budget airline, is expanding the company. Earlier this year it announced
a US$6.24 billion order for 50 Boeing 737 MAX 10 planes. 7/21
Lion Lion Air of
has been involved in a number plane crash: What we
incidents, know so faraabout
including flight
fatal JT610crash
2004 - Channel
a collision between
two Lion Air planes at Jakarta's Soekarno-Hatta airport.

► READ: Indonesian aircraft was new, fell out of a clear sky minutes after take-o

► READ: Lion Air crash casts spotlight on Indonesia’s aviation safety record
indonesia-s-aviation-safety-10874772?cid=h3_referral_inarticlelinks_24082018_cna) 8/21
10/30/2018 PATH
FLIGHT Lion Air plane crash: What we know so far about flight JT610 - Channel NewsAsia

Preliminary ight tracking data from Flightradar24 shows the aircraft climbed to around 5,000ft
before losing, and then regaining height before nally falling towards the sea.

It was last recorded at 3,650ft and its speed had risen to 345 knots, according to raw data captured by
the respected tracking website, which could not immediately be con rmed.

Its last recorded position was about 15km north of the Indonesian coastline, according to a Google
Maps reference of the last coordinates reported by Flightradar24.

Kompas TV in a news report cited an air tra c controller at Jakarta's Soekarno-Hatta International
Airport as saying that takeo was normal for the Lion Air ight. But after a few minutes, the pilot
radioed back to request a return back to the airport.

The request was approved, but contact was lost shortly after.

"The plane crashed into water about 30 to 40 metres deep," search and rescue agency spokesman
Yusuf Latif told AFP. 

"We're still searching for the remains of the plane."

Videos and images of the plane's debris oating o the sea of Java have surfaced on social media. 9/21
10/30/2018 Lion Air plane crash: What we know so far about flight JT610 - Channel NewsAsia

Channel NewsAsia

WATCH: Debris from #LionAir flight #JT610 floating in the sea

off Java, after it crashed shortly after take off from Jakarta ( :
BNPB Indonesia)
12:06 PM - Oct 29, 2018

615 1,922 people are talking about this

Channel NewsAsia

IN PICTURES: Debris and personal belongings of those on

board #LionAir flight #JT610, which crashed on Monday morning
after taking off from Jakarta ( : BNPB Indonesia)
11:37 AM - Oct 29, 2018
970 3,639 people are talking about this

A Reuters report described the Boeing plane as "literally" falling out of the sky, near where shermen
Budi and Gauk began their morning about 15km o the coast.

"You could feel the explosion from the shockwave in the water," said Gauk, who goes by only one

Source: Agencies/mn/zl(rw)

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10/30/2018 Lion Air plane crash: What we know so far about flight JT610 - Channel NewsAsia
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Tony Gan
I took Lion Air..once....the landing was not what i expect from a commercial airline...although we
landed safely...i though the approach was too fast..this airline should be banned !
Like · Reply · 3 · 21h

Eme Aldy
Like · Reply · 1 · 21h

Lyall Taylor
The pilot apparently radioed air traffic control after takeoff, requesting to turn around and re-
land, which suggests to me there was a mechanical failure of some type.
Like · Reply · 1 · 21h · Edited

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