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CI 150 Geotechnics

Sample Revision Test


Please answer all questions.

Each question is assigned equal marks. (5 marks per question)
Time allocated 1 hour

Part I: Year 1 Geology

1) Under what climatic conditions does chemical weathering predominate?

2) What type of slope failure would you expect where bedding daylights (dips
out of a slope)?

3) How does transport distance influence the characteristics of transported


4) What are the main stages involved in a geotechnical site investigation?

5) What problems would you expect in a deep foundation excavation in black


Part 2: Year 1 Soil Mechanics

6) Give 3 examples of cases where raft foundations would be used.

7) Sketch the variation in horizontal pressure acting against the retaining wall
illustrated in Figure 1.

8) Define the following terms :

i. Water content (w)
ii. Degree of saturation (Sr)

9) Explain the difference between the terms “compaction” and “consolidation”?

10) Explain the terms plastic limit and liquid limit. How would you determine the
plastic and liquid limit for a soil?
Part 3 Year 2 Soil Mechanics

11. List two advantages of using the triaxial apparatus instead of the direct shear
box when testing to establish soil strength and stiffness.

12. Figure 2 below gives the axes for plotting a Mohr’s circle for a triaxial test,
the Mohr-Coulomb failure envelope is also included. Plot a Mohr’s circle for
a stress state where the soil is just about to fail in shear.

13. Figure 3 below gives a plot of specific volume (v) against the natural
logarithm of the mean stress (ln p’) for an idealized soil undergoing isotropic
compression and swelling. Clearly indicate on this diagram which is the
normal compression line and which is the swelling line.

14. Define the overconsolidation ratio for a soil subject to one-dimensional

compression in an oedometer, explaining all terms used.

15. Write down the equation for Darcy’s law as commonly used in soil mechanics,
explaining all terms.

16. Figure 4 below gives a flownet for flow through a dam. If the permeability
of the dam is 10-8 m/s, what is the rate of flow through the dam in m3/s. The
equation q = kH may be of use to you.

17. One of the requirements for the theoretical solution is that the deformation be
compatible. What is meant by a “compatible deformation.”

18. Consider the vertical cut illustrated in Figure 5 below. In undrained

conditions, failure is assumed to occur along a planar failure plane inclined at
45o to the horizontal, as indicated, and at failure the shear stress along this
plane, τ, equals the undrained shear strength su (Tresca failure criterion).
Using limit equilibrium, derive an expression for the minimum depth of cut,
H, that will just induce failure. Take the saturated unit weight of the soil to be

19. Figure 6 below gives a scenario that can be considered when applying the
limit equilibrium method to determine the undrained bearing capacity of a
shallow foundation. The failure plane is assumed to be the arc of a circle
centred at point 0. The limit equilibrium method can be applied by
considering moment equilibrium about the point 0. Using this approach write
down an expression for the maximum load the foundation can carry, Q, in
terms of B, α and su.

20. Figure 7 below gives a load displacement curve for a typical shallow
foundation. Indicate on this plot the region where the soil is behaviour is
elastic, where the soil behaviour is elasto-plastic and where the soil behaviour
is plastic.
Figure 1: Question 7

Excavated Soil

Figure 2 Question 12

Figure 3 Question 13

ln p’

Figure 4 Question 16

Water surface in reservoir

Figure 5

W 2
45o 2

Figure 6


Figure 7 Question 20



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