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Contact No: +91 8746915463 Pritimay Tripathy

Email: iPhone Application Developer



✓ Having 3years 6months of experience in Analysis, Detailed Overall Design, Programming and
Maintenance with IOS related technologies involving product based applications.

✓ Experience as an IOS application developer with hands-on a multiple projects and technologies like
Objective C, Swift 3.0,Notification, Interface Builder, UIKit, Cocoa Touch, Core Data, Mapkit.

✓ Working as an iOS Application Developer in ITC Infotech India Ltd, Bengaluru.

✓ Hands-on experience on React-Native

1. Fashion Textile – Team Size 3

Theme: This project is all about textiles of clothes that you can also find in normal shopping applications.
But this is little different from those as this is basically an enterprise based application which shows all the
textiles of a clothes manufactured in a particular company. It’s still under development stage so it’s not
published yet in APP Store.
Tools: XCode, Storyboard, IOS Platform
Role: Developer.
Services: Swift 3 for coding, Core Graphics for animation, Core Data, AFNetworking for Wi-Fi connectivity,
Alamofire, Core Location Framework, etc.
Design Pattern & Process: MVC Design Pattern, Singleton Design Pattern, Agile Methodology.

2. Induction - Team Size 4

Theme: This application is for new joiners, employees as well as for guests who want to know about ITC
Infotech Ltd. This is not published on APP Store and internal.
Tools: XCode, Storyboard, IOS Platform
Role: Developer.
Services: Objective-C for coding, Core Graphics for animation, XML, AFNetworking for Wi-Fi connectivity,
JSON Parser, AVKit and AVFoundation FRAMEWORKS for video streaming.
Design Pattern & Process: MVC Design Pattern, Singleton Design Pattern.
Testing & Debugging: Using Leaks instrument

3. Mangaldeep - Team Size 3

Theme: Mangaldeep is an application, we developed for ITC Ltd. Which is basically used by the religious
people who believe in Indian traditional pujas etc.
Tools: Xcode, Storyboard, IOS Platform
Role: Developer.
Services: Objective-C for coding, HTML, Microsoft Azure Sync Service, JSON Parser, Core Data, Push
Notification Service.
Design Pattern & Process: MVC Design Pattern, Singleton Design Pattern.
Testing & Debugging: Using Leaks instrument.,Automated UI Testing.


4. LEAVERS 2015 - Team Size 2

Tools: Xcode, Storyboard, IOS Platform

Role: Developer.
Services: Objective-C for coding, JSON Parser, Core Data.
Design Pattern & Process: MVC Design Pattern
Testing & Debugging: Using Leaks instrument.

Leavers is an opportunity for Year 12 students from 2017 to celebrate the end of their schooling with their
friends. This application provides information to help the Leavers to plan, Advice to their parents or guardians
to help in planning Leavers without them and, Tips for Leavers to stay safe during Leavers and where to go for
help, if something goes wrong.


5. WEMA - Team Size 4

Tools: XCode, Interface Builder
Role: Developer

Services: Push Notification Service, Web Services (JSON), CoreData

Theme: The project aims to digitalize WEMA process which is handled manually by hard copy
document. WEMA is an acronym for Wet Ear Movement Advice, a hard copy document, used by
production executive to pick the harvested crop from the field and load it into truck, ship the
consignment with WEMA to plant and finally used by plant team to capture data at the time of
arrival, unloading and drying/shelling process

Educational Qualifications

1. Masters in Computer Application (MCA) from BPUT with 70%

2. Bachelor in Computer Application (BCA) from Utkal University
with 71% aggregate.
3. Senior Secondary Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry and Informatics
Practices from Central Board of Secondary Education with 66%
3. Higher Secondary from Central Board of Secondary Education with
60% aggregate.

Technical Expertise and Skills Summary:

Platforms - IOS, Windows 2003 / 2008 / XP / Vista/ 8, UNIX

Databases - Core Data, MySQL
Programming - Objective-C, HTML, Swift 3.0, React-Native(Hands-on)
IDE - X-Code, SDK Frameworks
Services - Core Graphics, HTML, JSON, Parsing, Networking

Personal Competencies

✓ I’ve confidence in the work and motives of other

✓ Ability to work in new and challenging environment
✓ Good Listener & Self-Motivated & Self Learner
✓ Good logical skills

Personal Details

Father’s Name - Mr. Umesh Chandra Tripathy

Gender - Female
DOB - Dec 2nd, 1991
Languages - English, Hindi,Oriya
Address - #70, Hutchins Road 3 Cross, Vivekanand Nagar, Bangalore
Hobbies - Badminton, Crafts making

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