Tugas 2

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- Shy : ana is shier than fanny, but chia is the shiest person

- Helpful : Pen is helpfully to wrie than pencil, but spidol is the helpfuliest

- Lazy : lion is Lazier than bird, but cat is laziest

- Honest : maria is more honest than lina, but hana is the most honest

- Selfish : john is more selfish than finy but kezia is the most selfish

- polite : nanda is more polite person than livi, but nessa is the most polite

- Ambitious : randy is more ambitious than bean but sean is the most ambitious

- easy going : vinny is more easy going than david, but viny is the most easy going

- considerate : sessa is more considerate than suchi but nia is the most considerate

- smart : riri is smarter than nhike but nathal is the smartest

- fat : nia body is fatter than key but rizky is the fattest

- pretty : Gisele is prettier than yhuna but yuri is the prettiest

- tall : gideon is taller than omo but putra is the tallest

- Handsome : nofri is more handsome than dito but alex is the most handsome

- Famous : jokowi is more famous than ahok but obama is the most famous

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