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Youth Hostels

Nowdays, when young people ………….. (travel), they often ………………. Youth hostels for
accommodation. These simple places ………………. (provide) beds, bathrooms and sometimes kitchen
facilities. Youth hostels are everywhere but 100 years ago they ……………….(not exist). The man who
………………. (start) the hostel movement was Richard Schirrmann, a teacher in Germany.

One day in 1909, while he and his students ……………………….. (hike) in the countryside, it
……………….(begin) to rain. According to some sources, Shirrmann and his students ……………..
(spend) the night in a barn, other sources say they ………….. (sleep) in a school. While he
………………………… (wait) for the rain to stop, Shirrmann began to think about the need for
accomadation for school groups. Schirrmann ……………………… the first hostel in 1912. Today, there are
about 5,000 youth hostels in over 100 countries and number …………………. (grow).

Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets.

1. I was very tired last night. I …………………… (fall asleep) while I ……………………….. (watch)
my favourite TV show.
2. Jack’s family ……………………… (go abroad) every summer.
3. This milk ……………………………. (smell) spoilt. Let’s open a new bottle.
4. ……………………..You ………………….. a high mark in the history exam last week?
5. Marianne …………………… (photograph) everyone while we ………………… (perform) at the
talent show last week.

Rewrite the following sentences.

1. What’s your opinion of this idea? (think)

2. She has a habit of interrupting people. (often)

3. Whose jacket is this? (belong)

4. Ellen was in the middle of her homework when we arrived (doing)

5. How much was the meal? (pay)

Correct the errors
1. I was listening to my Ipod when I walked.
2. What time your flight took off yesterday?
3. Mike calls me always at about 10 o’ clock.
4. Our school is needing three new teachers.
5. When I was younger, I guitar lessons for a year.
Past tenses: There may be more than one possible.
Every year/ now/ always/ at the moment/ often/ never/ tomorrow/ usually/ on Saturday/ sometimes
1. I am walking into the classroom ……………………….. I’ll phone you later.
2. ………………………, Joe has a big party on his birthday.
3. Do you ………………….. ride your bike to school?
4. We are setting off at noon ………………………….
5. My mum …………………….. works late.
The Smiths won .lna million pounds in last nights lottery. Complete the dialogue with the verbs in brackets. Use t

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