AE Assignment V

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Department of Mechanical Engineering

ME 5ME6.2A - Automobile Engineering

Course Instructor: Vinod Kr. Verma
UNIT V: Automotive Air Conditioning and Automotive Safety

PART-A (short answer)

1. What are the alternative safety devices in automobiles? Give their characteristics.

2. Compare active and passive safety devices.

3. Explain various components of air conditioning system?

4. List few model of cars with rear air-conditioning channel ducts

5. What are the various faults and remedies in air conditioning system?

6. Suggest few more safety devices/systems that you can suggest.

7. What is the use of air bag? How it works, explain in detail.

8. How seat belts are working? Are they active or passive safety device?

9. Do we use filters in air-conditioners? If yes, write its purpose.

10. Does automotive air conditioning effects the fuel consumption? Justify your answer.

PART-B (Detail Answer)

1. How GPS devices are helpful in automobiles. List various advantages along with safety.

2. List various types of refrigerants, field of application, their advantages & disadvantages?

3. How load is calculated in air conditioning system? Write various parameters those influence
the load on AC.

4. How radio ranging is working as safety device? Explain with one case study or example.

5. What is NVS & GPS? Explain in detail

PART-C (Field Assignment)

1. Collect following data about the road accidents happened in India & world in last 5 to 10
years and mention them category wise with accident reasons. Try to project these statics using
bar graph or pie graph. In your 2-3 page report (submit this report i.e. Part-C, using ERP in doc
format by due date)

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