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Tel: 477550; 07804 659516; Absence message line: 477555

Dear Parents & Carers,

Our Autumn Term is already in full swing and we have all started to wrap up warmly! As the
weather is now getting chillier, please make sure your child has a warm, waterproof jacket,
hat, gloves and scarf (if appropriate). We have a very busy term ahead of us- please see
below for information.
Kind regards,

Jo White, Depute Head Teacher Tuesday 30th October 2018


As you know, we recently had a team of inspectors from Education Scotland and the Care
Inspectorate visit us. Thank you to those of you who managed to come along to any of the
parent focus groups.
The feedback from our inspection will be published on the Education Scotland website at the
link below on Tuesday 30th October. This outlines our strengths, areas for improvement and
evaluations of the quality indicators.
There will be a meeting, to which you’ll be invited, to discuss the findings from our inspection
further. Please keep an eye on the website for the date of this.
We have just started using a new profiling tool, SeeSaw, and gathered your views about this
at our Parent Contact in September. Staff will be working together to develop guidance as
to how we are using this to track and record progress in school and to consider how you can
be involved in this also. We will be holding SeeSaw Shared Learning events in December.
Vision, Values and Aims
We recently consulted children and families about our school Vision- Learning for Life, Values
(based on our Bounce Back Health and Wellbeing Curriculum) and Aims- Learning,
Respecting and Believing. We had a great response and feedback indicated that everyone
feels that our Vision and Aims are right for our school. Due to the number of Values we have,
feedback has shown us that we shoud narrow these down so there are fewer. Lots of our
current values are similar. Our Pupil Council will be reviewing these and gathering pupil’s
We also ran a competition to design a school logo which features our Vision, Vaues and
Aims. We had lots of wonderful entries and will be voting for the winner soon. The winning
design will be painted as a mural in school.
Our Nursery will soon be expanding! As part of the Thursday 1 November

development work for this, work will be being carried out 5.30-6.30pm p1-p3
throughout the school. Phase 1 has been completed which 7-8pm P4-P7
involved relocating our electicity cupboard. Phase 2 is due to
begin in mid- November and involves work being carried out £2 ENTRY
in our classrooms. We are very much looking forward to having
newly decorated rooms with new Smartboards, carpets and
heating. Further information about the upcoming works is to
Staff News
Mrs Forbes, HT, is currently absent from school. In her absence, I will be your main point of
contact. Please catch me in the playground or make an appointment at the school office if
you have anything you need to discuss. Mrs Ross, P6/7 class teacher, is also absent from
school. Miss Morris and Mrs Thomson are currently teaching P6/7. Please get in touch if you
have any queries.

Poppies will be on sale in school from After School Clubs- Term 2

Tuesday 30th October. The
suggested donation for a poppy is  Gymnastics with Mr Stephen-
20p. Prefects will be visiting classes Mondays 3.15-3.45pm P4 + P5,
this week to sell them. 3.45- 4.15pm P6 + P7
 Drumming with Mr Stephen-
Mondays 4.15- 4.45pm P6 + P7
Fundraising  Brownies- Thursdays 3.15- 4.15pm
This year we will be supporting Radio Tay’s Cash
 Guides- Tuesdays 3.15- 4.30pm
for Kids appeal. They have supported us by
providing a large donation to support our Summer
Lunch Club as well as providing Christmas Gifts as
Pupil Council
part of Mission Christmas. We will be fundraising for
Cash for Kids by joining in with their Christmas
Please check out the website to see
Jumper Day on 7th December. It will be £1 to take
part. what we’ve been up to!

Christmas Events
Dates for your diary
Christmas Panto-
4th December £2.50
Please check our website:
Christmas Fayre-
17th December 1.30pm
Christmas Concert-
19th December 1.30pm

Fancy a cuppa and a chat? We have recently introduced We have our school
Come along to Gail’s a ‘parents’ section to our Foodbank which is fully
drop in for parents school library. There are lots of stocked, not just with food
and carers which is fiction books available to products but sanitary
held on a Monday borrow. Please help yourself! If products also. This is
morning between 9 and 10 am you have any books which located in the main school
in Room 5! you have finished reading foyer. Please help yourself
then please donate into our to anything you may need.
school office.

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