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Lecture 1
Planning Law and Procedures

Policy / Polisi In General

• general rule of conduct
• Oxford English Dictionary- ‘the body of enacted or customary rules recognized by a
community as binding’.
Guideline based on the • Merriam-Webster Dictionary- ‘a binding custom or practice of a community : a rule
Guidelines / Fraction from
policy /Petunjuk yg perlu of conduct or action prescribed or formally recognized as binding or enforced by a
Garispanduan policy
diikuti dari dasar yg telah controlling authority ’
• Mechanism used by the government or the
authorities to implement and authorize
policies that are formulated for the purpose
Standard / Piawaian
indicator & parameter of developing the nation : Physically, socially,
economically and politically

Definasi Perundangan : Segala undang-undang yang diluluskan oleh badan

perundangan ataupun kuasa-kuasa dibawahnya. Istilah yang digunakan untuk HIRARKI MAHKAMAH DI MALAYSIA
perundangan :
Undang-undang yang
diluluskan oleh Parlimen
selepas merdeka

Undang-undang yang dibuat • MAHKAMAH TINGGI
selepas Malayan union • MAHKAMAH TINGGI
sehingga merdeka – contoh Malaya (Malaysia Barat)
( Sabah & Sarawak )
ORDINAN ordinan lalu lintas – sekarang
dipanggil akta lalu lintas. -
Undang-undang yang dibuat
oleh YDPA semasa darurat. • MAHKAMAH SESYEN • MAHKAMAH SESYEN Mahkamah
(Terikat dengan
Undang-undang yang mahkamah
Undangan Negeri kecuali
Sabah dan Sarawak.


Undang-undang bertulis adalah :

RESOURCE •Perundangan yang dibuat oleh parlimen dan
dewan –dewan negeri mengikut kuasa yang
diberikan oleh perlembagaan masing-masing.
•Perundangan kecil atau yang dikuasakan
Unwritten law diperbuat oleh seseorang atau badan-badan di
Written law bawah kuasa yang diberikan kepada mereka
oleh akta parlimen atau enakmen dewan-dewan SUMBER UNDANG-UNDANG
negeri . MALAYSIA
English law
/ common

Federal Undang-undang tidak bertulis adalah: Sumber undang-undang

Customary tidak bertulis
Sumber undang-undang
law Law • Keputusan-keputusan kehakiman di mahkamah
LAW teringgi, mahkamah persekutuan dan
jawatankuasa kehakiman kes-kes yang
RESOURCE dibicarakan di mahkamah Undang- Undang- Undang- Keputusan Perundangan
•Adat resam penduduk tempatan yang telah dan
IN diterima sebagai undang-undang oleh
undang inggeris undang Adat undang Islam Mahkamah

mahkamah kecil
MALAYSIA •Prinsip-prinsip undang inggeris yang dapat
Islamic digunakan bagi keadaan tempatan
State law Seksyen
Seksyen 3 5.Akta
Akta undang- Adat Adat Hindu Adat
undang Adat & Cina
undang- temenggung pepatih Bumiputra
Court undang Sivil 1956
sivil 1956

Dewan Perundangan Persekutuan ialah Parlimen sementara tiap-tiap ketiga

belas Negeri yang menjadi persekutuan mempunyai Dewan Negeri masing-masing
PERSEKUTUAN & NEGERI ( FEDERAL & STATE) Kuasa pemerintahan dibahagi di antara Persekutuan dan Negeri – Perlembagaan Persekutuan
Jadual 9, Senarai 1 – Senarai Persekutuan, Senarai 2 – senarai negeri dan senarai 3 – senarai bersama
Badan Perundangan:
• Yang dipertuan Agung
• Kuasa Perundangan Persekutuan adalah terletak pada PARLIMEN yang • Dewan Negara
mengandungi YANG DIPERTUAN AGUNG dan dua majlis iaitu DEWAN NEGARA dan • Dewan Rakyat
• 222 AHLI
DEWAN RAKYAT. • Dipilih oleh rakyat
70 senator,44 daripadanya dilantik oleh
• DEWAN UNDANGAN NEGERI adalah badan perundangan peringkat NEGERI yang diPertuan agong dan 26 anggotanya
dipilih dari tiap-tiap negeri

Pembahagian Kuasa Perundangan ( JADUAL 9)

Perkara 74 Perlembagaan Persekutuan

• Parlimen boleh membuat undang-undang mengenai perkara-perkara di dalam

senarai persekutuan dan senarai bersama dan

• Dewan undangan negeri boleh membuat undang2 mengikut senarai negeri dan
senarai bersama


Evolution of Planning Law in

The landscape profession is directly involved with
the natural resources management and is
closely related to the planning profession.

Currently no laws governing the landscape



In general :- 4 HIERARKI
evolution can be defined as the change in the inherited characteristics over successive
generations and gradual process in which something changes into a different and usually . THE UNDANG-
more complex or better form. UNDANG LAUT
Planning law in Malaysia is the basis of planning system in Malaysia nowadays. The Malaysian
planning law is closely modeled after the British counterpart.

the evolution of planning laws

In this context,
british colonial rule
in Malaysia can be summarized as which brought with it
successive changes in planning law government and the
common law system.
policy towards more advanced for the the royal
charter of
next generations and to a better form justice of 1807 is
the most
than the previous planning. significant event
in Malaysian
legal history

Evolution of Planning Law :

Town Board Enactment 1930 (TBE) –CAP 137
Sanitary Boards Enactment 1916

Town Boards Enactment CAP 137 - 1930 • This legislation was a consolidation of various
amendments of the Sanitary Boards
Town and Country Planning Act 1976 (1995 &
2001 Amendments) Enactment since 1916 and incorporated the provisions of
the Town planning Enactment related to preparation of General Town

• After the Second World War, on the reoccupation of Malaya by the

British, the Sanitary Boards Enactment was
renamed the Town Boards Enactment CAP
137 for uniformity with the Non-Federated Malay States.

Town Board Enactment 1930 (TBE) –CAP 137 • Reade’s solutions to resolve the problems were:
Inadequate town
planning powers or
1. Through drafting of a Town Planning legislation.
permanent policy high cost of improvement
(uncontrolled sub- 2. Town planning policy and administration that are permanent and
division of continuous by means of local or District Town Planning Committee and
Central Department of Town Planning, the latter acting in a coordinating
agricultural land) capacity between the various Government Departments and the
Sanitary Boards.
Charles Compton Reade
3. Preparation of General Town Plans and improvement
schemes in anticipation of town improvement or building or other
ISSUES !! developments in new or existing areas. The approved Town Plans
would be binding on both public and private developments, any
18th Jan 1921 Problems of departure from the plan would attract reprimand or penalties.
First government towns and
town planner for 4. Effective control of the giving out of State Land, and
Federated Malay sub-urban sub-divisions, re-subdivisions, building operations and
States (FMS)/ owners of land can fringes town developments works in accordance with the provisions of the
approved General Town Plan, or improvement scheme. In this regard,
Negeri - negeri develop their land he advocated a balance between extensive acquisition and unduly large
Melayu Bersekutu unconditionally reservations.


General Town Plans under TBE(Town Board Enactment)

Preparation of General Town Plans
• The system of General Town Plans introduced in town planning
• The preparation of a General Town Plan was also subjected to specific
legislation 1923 was retained. However, the scope and object of
procedure. The Draft Plan was required to be exhibited
the previous plans were deleted. The object of town
planning under CAP 137 were listed under the duties and powers of the
for a period of 3 months for public viewing and
Boards, i.e. concerns with health and sanitary conditions of the Board’s areas. inspection. During the period of exhibition, the Town Board or
• In particular, the “ the prevention and abatement of nuisances and the Municipal Committee was required to advertise once a week the place
regulation, prohibition of dangerous or unhealthy or offensive trades or and time at which such plans might be viewed and inspected.
occupations, and the limits within which such trades or occupations may be
carried out. • Publishing of the plan had also to be arranged in each issue of the
• The TBE empowered every Town Board to prepare a General Town Plan Government Gazette during the 3 month period. Objections can
for the whole or part of the area under its jurisdiction. The General Town Plan be lodged by residents and this has to be considered before the plan
was to provide for : can be approved. Amendments can be done using the same procedure.

a) streets, railway and other main communication;

• Sanitary Board
The effect of the General Town Plan was that the
b) zones or districts set apart for use for residential, commercial,
could refuse to approve a plan for any new building unless
industrial and agricultural or other specified uses; such a plan was in conformity with the General Town Plan.
c) reserves for Government purposes;
d) parks, recreation grounds and similar open spaces.

Flaws of CAP 137

Planning Issues in the 70’s
The general town plan had been based on the concept similar to a
zoning plan. Such plan was useful to ensure that new development conformed
to the prescribed standard of amenity and convenience, and control
changes in the use of existing building. New problems, came up which could not be
accommodate by the plan. • New Economic Policy
The substantial increase of population, the advance of road transport and a
supply of electric power was changing the face of the country. These influences • Regional Imbalance
resulted in a new growth in the size of the cities and towns.
Faced with this situation, the general town plan was found to be limited in • Rapid population increase
scope, providing only for the preparation of land use zoning plan using a very limited
and rigid range of land use classifications. The plans were broadly drawn, normally
followed the existing trends of development since a more radical solutions would
• Increase traffic
involved the local authority in compensation.
As such the plans could not contribute to the rapid development that had
taken place. Plans were also found to be physically oriented and lacked social and
economic considerations.

Current Statutes
• Town Board Enactment 1930
• Town and Country Planning Act 1976 (1995 &
2001 Amendments)
• City of Kuala Lumpur (Planning) Act 1970
• City of Kuala Lumpur (Planning) Act 1982

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