How To Make Two Part Question: Outline

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Nurul Maharani Putri/Pharmacy/UNIDA

In this question type, make sure that you have understood the questions well since your whole
essay must answer the question. Pay attention to the following example on Two-Part

Question :
Studies suggest that children spend more time on watching TV or using internet than they do
in the past and spend less on doing active or creative things. Why do you think this in the
case? What measurement and methods can be used to tackle it?
Answer :
You can make outline as your answer before making paragraph. You can make it by question
type and put your question as second paragraph, so the answer as third paragraph. For first
paragraph as introduction about problem. And for the last paragraph as conclusion of

Outline :
Paragraph 1 : introduction
Paragraph 2 : body 1
 Less of children's reading interest
 The influence of the internet and social media that take up the time for children to
 Lack of the role of parents in education at home
Paragraph 3 : body 2
 Introduce children by reading from small to instill a sense of reading
 Limit internet use for children that has a negative impact on him
 Give a little parent time as a good teaching role at home
Paragraph 4 : conculsion

Paragraf 1 : Pengenalan Masalah

Paragraf 2 : bagian 1
 Kurang minat membaca anak-anak
 Pengaruh internet dan sosial media yang menyita waktu anak untuk bermain
 Kurangnya peran orang tua dalam pendidikan di rumah
Paragraf 3 : bagian 2
 Kenalkan anak dengan membaca dari kecil untuk menanamkan rasa gemar
 Batasi penggunaan internet bagi anak yang berdampak negative baginya
 Berikan sedikit waktu orang tua sebagai peran pengajar yang baik di rumah
Paragraf 4 : kesimpulan

Put your outline in paragraph as bellow :

In this modern era, many children are born influenced by technological developments
such as the internet and television shows. Children prefer to watch TV rather than learn and
create creativity or active in learning. What is the life and role of parents for the growth and
development of their lives to create active and creative children?
The practical life of children with Internet makes the interest in reading books lost.
More enjoyable TV shows make children more fond of watching. Today many school
children prefer learning lessons from the internet that are instantly available rather than
reading books in the library. This makes the way of thinking of those who are not creative in
seeking knowledge. The influence of TV that defeats their learning interests is also the reason
for children's lack of active learning. And the freedom of children from parents in the use of
TV or internet without supervision. Until the time they have more is spent playing than
Making a creative and active child is very important. With the foundation of parents
and their roles that help children in their education. Reading is the main way to develop
children's ability to live with a creative mindset. Introduce children from childhood with
interesting reading. In addition, limit the use of the internet for children and start introducing
education while playing which is also fun from the internet. TV shows that parents can
choose to be educated can also help. Parents can provide impressions or learning. Introduce
children to the importance of time to practice children's activity in managing their learning.
The need for the role of parents in children's lives, requires parents to spend time with their
children. And play a direct role in the growth and development of children.
Many reasons children become less active and creative in their world. Among them is
due to lack of interest and role of parents, as well as abuse of children's time by watching TV
and the internet or social media. However, this can be overcome by the role of parents who
are aware of the importance of children's education. And the way parents provide interesting
education for children to create children's creativity.

Di zaman modern ini, banyak anak-anak yang terlahir dipengaruhi perkembnagan

teknologi seperti internet dan tayangan di televisi. Anak lebih senang mononton TV dari pada
belajar dan menciptakan kreatifitas dan aktif dalam belajar. Bagaimana kehidupan serta
peran orang tua bagi pertumbuhan dan perkembangan hidup mereka untuk menciptakan
anak yang aktif dan kreatif?
Kehidupan anak-anak yang praktis dengan intenet menjadikan minat membaca buku
hilang. Tayangan TV yang lebih menyenangkan menjadikan anak lebih gemar menonton.
Saat ini banyak anak sekolah yang lebih memilih resensi pelajaran dari internet yang
tersedia instant dari pada membaca buku di perpustakaan. Hal ini menjadikan cara berpikir
mereka yang tidak kreatif dalam mencari ilmu. Pengaruh TV yang mengalahkan minat
belajar mereka juga menjadi alasan kurang aktifnya anak-anak dalam belajar. Serta
kebebasan anak dari orang tua dalam penggunaan TV maupun internet tanpa pengawasan.
Hingga waktu yang mereka miliki lebih banyak dihabiskan dengan bermain dari pada
Menjadikan anak yang kreatif dan aktif sangatlah penting. Dengan pondasi orang tua
dan peran mereka yang membantu anak dalam pendidikannya. Gemar membaca menjadi
cara utama dalam mengembagkan kemampuan anak untuk hidup dengan pola piker yang
kreatif. Kenalkan anak sedari kecil dengan bacaan yang menarik. Selain itu, batasi
penggunaan internet bagi anak dan mulai kenalkan pendidikan sambil bermain yang juga
menyenangkan dari internet. Tayangan TV yang bisa dipilihkan orang tua menjadi tanyanga
berpendidikan juga dapat membantu. Penyediaan tayangan atau pembelajaran juga dapat
orang tua berikan. Kenalkan anak akan pentingnya waktu agar melatih keaktifan anak dalam
mengatur belajarnya. Perlunya peran orang tua dalam kehidupan anak, mengharuskan
orang tua meluangkan waktu bagi anak. Serta berperan langsung dalam pertumbuhan dan
perkembangan anak.
Banyak alasan anak-anak menjadi kurang aktif dan kreatif dalam dunia mereka.
Diantaranya disebabkan kurangnya minat dan peran orang tua, serta penyalahgunaan waktu
anak dengan menonton TV dan internet atau sosial media. Akan tetapi hal ini dapat diatasi
dengan peranan orang tua yang sadar akan pentingnya pendidikan anak. Dan cara orang
tua menyajikan pendidikan yang menarik bagi anak untuk menciptakan kekreatifitasan anak.

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