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nd-of-tterm te
est 3
Listening Practical
P English
1  Listen to the conversa
ation. Where
e are the tw
wo 6 Complete the dialogu
ue with the words.
w There
e are
girls? (2 marrks) two words
s you do nott need. (10 marks)
anything ccorner doing
H lookingg want Wh hat
2  Listen aga
ain. Comple
ete the sente
ences. A: (1) ____ ____ are youu doing at the weekend?
8 marks) B: I’m goinng shopping on Saturday y afternoon.
1 Liz ________ her own _______.
_ A: What arre you (2) ________ for?
2 Sara thinks Liz’s costume is _____
___. B: p of boots .
A new pair
3 Sara ____ ____ female superheroes
s s. A: Are you u doing (3) ________ on Saturday
4 The girls _
_______ online for Sara’s
s costume. evening g?
B: No, I’m not.
y A: Do you (4) ________ to go to the e new cinema a on
Saturda ay night?
3 Write
W the words in the co
orrect categ
gory. B: Where is it?
5 marks) A: It’s on the (5) ________ of the High Street.
antasy freckkles e-book horror
beard fa
speakerrs tablet thriller wavy
y wi-fi Grammar
G r
A Compute ers and Films
technologgy 7 Complete the sentencces with the e correct pas
simple affirmative forrm of the wo
ords. (10 ma
_ ______
_____ __________
_ ______
_____ __________
_ get see ggo be travel
_ ______
_____ __________
_ 1 There _______
_ largge playing fie
elds at my old
_____ school.
2 Andy ________ a neew tablet.
4 Complete
C the
e sentences
s. (5 marks) 3 We ________ for a ruun this mornning.
1 These jean ns are too t_
___________ _; I need a 4 I _____
___ around AArgentina last summer.
bigger sizee. ___ Helen at the weekend
5 I _____ d.
2 Astronautss f_________ ___ in space
3 I want to b
buy a magaziine. I’m going g to go the 8 Write ques
stions using
g the past simple. Then
complete the
t short an nswers. (10 marks)
n________ ____.
4 I want to listen to music on my com mputer. I need
d 1 they / be / at / schoool / yesterday
some s___ _________. ______ ______________________ __________
5 I like c____
_________ fillms like Ace Ventura – it’ s No, they ___________.
really funn
ny! uy / any / breead?
2 you / bu
______ ______________________ __________
5 Complete
C thee sentences
s. There are two words No, I __
ou do not need. (10 ma
arks) 3 you / waatch TV / lasst night?
animaation arrest average robr ______ ______________________ __________
bber takeawway thrilling Yes, I __________.
_ .
1 My favouriite film is Froozen. It’s an _________
_ 4 David / play / footbaall match?
_________ _. There are no real acto ors in it! ______ ______________________ __________
2 I want to g
go to the ___ _______ for food. I want a Yes, hee ___________.
pizza for d
dinner. 5 Jessicaa / be / at / thee party?
3 That rollerr coaster ridee was ______ ____. ______ ______________________ __________
4 The policee caught the _________
_ as
a he was No, shee ___________.
running ou ut of the shop p.
5 I’m not tall or short. I’m
m _________ _ height.

1 1
nd-of-tterm te
est 3
9 Complete
C the
e sentences
s with will / won’t.
Discover Hawaii
10 marks)
1 _________ _ there be ro
obots in the future?
f Hawaii is like no other place on earrth. It has gott one
2 No, there _ _________. of the world's most actiive volcanoees and the wo orld's
3 I think all ccomputers __________ ha ave touch tallest sea mountain. M Modern surfinng started in
screens.  Hawaii. Buut perhaps Haawaii's most unusual feature
4 There ___ _______ be blackboards
b in schools in
n is its beautty and the peeople are as warm as the e
the future.  temperaturre.
5 Many stud dents ______ ____ learn att home The Island
through the internet. 
There are six
s major islaands in Hawaii. You'll find d
each islandd offers its owwn adventurres, activitiess and
sights. Kauuai is the oldeest island. You
Y can relaxx on
the beache es of the Cocconut Coast, visit Waimea
10 Complete
C the e is more than one
e text. There
possible ansswer in somee places. (10
0 marks) Canyon, orr take a boatt ride to marv vel at the
A Chiildren- Ryan n Hreljac towering clliffs of the Naapali Coast. Oahu island is
where mos st Hawaiianss live and work. Watch
R Hreljac was born in 1991 in Can nada. When h he
1) _________ __ just six yeaars old he (2) _________ _ professional surfers ridde the huge winter
w wavess of
aising moneyy for children n in Africa. Th
he idea came e North Shorre, relive Am merican historry at the
memorials and museum ms of Pearl Harbor,
H or take a
o him when h he (3) _____ _____ at scho ool. His
eacher (4) __ ________ the e class abou ut children wh ho surfing lessson on Waikkiki Beach. Maui
M is the seecond
had to walk foor hours som metimes acros ss deserts a nd largest isla
and and has ssome of the best beache es in
the world. The
T waters ooff Maui are also some of the
alleys just to
va o get water. And
A many of the children
5) _________ __ able to ma ake the long journey
j to ge
et best places s in the worldd to see whaales in the winter.
clean water. R Ryan (6) ___ _______ he needed
n to Hawaii’s Big Island is laarger than alll of the other
islands commbined. It haas got beaches, snow
build a well fo
or a village in
n Africa. In 19
999, Ryan
aised moneyy to build a well
w at the Ang golo Primaryy covered mountains, waaterfalls, rainforests and
S in a noorthern Ugan ndan village. Now, the Kilauea, onne of the worrld's most ac ctive volcanoes.
children in thee village (7) _________
_ never
n be Travel Info
w water again. Ryan n (8) _______ ___ to
Honolulu In
nternational A Airport (HNL
L) on Oahu iss
U and ((9) ________ __ pictures of
o the well an nd
Hawaii's major
m airport, serving as thhe entry poinnt for
he children wwith his digita
al (10) _____ _____. He pu ut
most of Haawaii's visitorrs. Finding ac
ccommodatio on in
hese picturess on his blog. Ryan then created
Hawaii is easy;
e there iss something for everyone e
R Well FFoundation, which
w has coompleted
from cheapp budget hote tels to luxury spa resorts. A
m projectss around the world, helping to bring
great way to
t travel arouund Hawaii is s by car but there
clean water to o many peop ple.
are a numbber of bus toours and boatt trips to diffe
2 Read the text
12 t again. C
Complete the sentences
11 Read
R ?
the textt. Who do you think this text is for? with one or
o more worrds. (8 markss)
2 marks)
1 ____________ bega n in Hawaii.
__ 2 In Hawaaii you can ssee landscappe places succh as
islands,, ____________, _______ _____,
____________, ____________, be eaches and
3 Most peeople live on __________ __.
4 The besst way to seee the islands is ____________.

1 2
nd-of-tterm te
est 3
13 Write
W about a person yo ou admire. Use
djectives, th
he past simpple tense an
nd the
questions to o help you. Write
W about 100 words.
10 marks)

P 1
W is their n
W are theey from?
D theirr appearance

P 2
W did theyy do?

P 3
W do you a admire this person?

__ ___________
__ ___________
__ ___________
__ ___________
__ ___________
__ ___________
__ ___________
__ ___________
__ ___________
__ ___________
__ ___________
_ ___________
__ ___________
__ ___________
__ ___________
__ ___________
__ ___________
__ ___________
__ ___________
__ ___________

Listening ___
___ / 10 Vocabulary
V __
____ / 20 Prac
ctical Englishh _____ / 10
Grammar ___ ___ / 30 Consolidation
C n _____ /10 Reading _____ / 10
Writing _____
_ / 10 TOTTAL ___________ / 100

1 3

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