Kabar Itah: The Musrenbang Combines Bottom-Up and Top-Down Planning

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Kabar Itah

Edition 17 : February - April 2008

Community Development
The Musrenbang combines Bottom-up
As the shift in focus for exploration activities
shifts away from Central Kalimantan to East and Top-down Planning
Kalimantan where gold exploration in Jelai is
in full swing and looks very encouraging, and
where now we have five coal prospects in our
portfolio, the Yayasan is looking at how this
may affect our current activities in the upper
Kahayan area.
While currently there is no pressure to reduce
our community work, we have decided not to
expand at the same rate as we had planned.
With activities underway in 19 villages, we are
some distance removed from our goal of work-
ing in all 31 villages in the three subdistricts.
This would have made an excellent case study
for analysis of our development approach,
because it would have encapsulated three
complete subdistricts.
Nevertheless, there still is enough of an exam- Representatives from 12 villages attend Musrenbang Kecamatan in Tumbang Miri
ple with the 19 villages to demonstrate an ap-
proach that could be applied on a wider scale, Musyawarah Rencana Pem- the Village Development Plan,
both in Kalimantan and throughout Indonesia. bangunan (Musrenbang) is an also known as RPJM Desa or
The key ingredients for wider application are annual event where all relevant simply RKP Desa.
all there, with the three main players – com- stakeholders gather to discuss
munities, local governments, and a resource- development planning for the The top-down planning approach
based company – representing an institutional following year. The process takes is developed at the top level,
microcosm that is replicated throughout Indo- place at different levels, starting without active involvement of
nesia, where in order for development to move
from the village level in Janu- the community. This approach is
forward, revenue from resource companies is used by all levels of government
used to assist government and communities in ary, subdistrict level in February,
district level in March, and prov- – central, province, and district.
improving conditions for normal life. For example, in Gunung Mas
ince level in April. Since 2006,
What the company and YTS have been able
YTS has been actively involved District each department defines
to achieve is to implement a development a fixed budget, and this will limit
approach that brings all three key players to-
in the Musrenbang process at
each level. the types of programs that can
gether in a cooperative and mutually beneficial be proposed. The government
partnership. Our intention is to start promoting As one of the stakeholders, YTS brings these two approaches
this arrangement to governments and other has assisted in implementing
resource companies because we believe it can
together in the Musrenbang pro-
the bottom-up planning process cess, following laws No 32/2004
be readily adapted from place to place, and it through a participatory approach
needs wider scale application to demonstrate and PP 72/2005.
in 19 villages in three subdistricts
its viability.
within the upper Kahayan River Bottom-up planning is imple-
This will be one of our major goals in 2008. area. The approach uses the mented at the village and subdis-
PRA methodology to determine trict, whereas at the district and
the detailed social-economic con- province the bottom-up and top-
dition in each village. All villagers down approaches are combined.
Bardolf Paul contribute to the analysis, and The reason for this arrangement
Director the result will form the basis for is because at district and prov-
developing the master document, ince levels each department
continued to page 2
Community Development Technical Support
from page 1 New Technical Handbooks for Villagers
develops a Work Plan using the top- One of YTS’s central activities is helping to arrange the involvement of local
down planning approach. During the experts with groups of villagers who are keen to improve production levels
Work Plan Forum, the departments and quality in their livelihood activities. This capacity building process currently
listen to planning presentations from focuses on rubber cultivation, pig, chicken and cow rearing, and upland rice
subdistricts and villages. They then cultivation, which is expected to help improve the economy of the village,
adjust their work plans in response to especially for each household.
what they hear in the presentations. To support and complement the training and coaching by local experts, YTS has
The village inputs are reflected in developed a series of information handbooks – one for each topic. This reading
the work plans that are reviewed at material was developed together with the experts and addresses key issues that
the big Musrenbang meeting in the villagers face in their production activities. Much of the information comes from
District. Each element in the work existing resources, such as publications on animal husbandry, plantations, and
plan is reviewed to determine what to farming, and is combined with the
include or eliminate. expert’s own field experience.
The handbooks are not only useful
The final results of this meeting are in the group training, but also are
documented in the Regional Devel- handy reference guides when
opment Work Plan, which is pre- the training is put into practice.
sented in the Provincial Work Plan They tend to be shared widely
and Musrenbang. Any proposals throughout the community.
that can’t be included in the district
More work currently is underway
budget will be proposed again at the to improve the contents, and to
province level. However, at higher make them easier for villagers
levels of the Musrenbang, proposals to follow. If anyone is interested
are not reviewed item by item, only in obtaining a copy of these
as a summary of all the activities booklets, please contact us at New technical booklet for villagers
within each subdistrict, district, tambuhaksinta@gmail.com.
or province.

Profile: Local Expert from Posu shares His Experience

Martho In testing the effectiveness of the rec- disease control, and finally planting
Unjung, ommended tapping method, Bapak out seedlings in the field.
familiarly Sri found that with the single cut
”To prove I am seriously following
known as technique latex production was nor-
the expert’s suggestions, this year I
Bapak Sri was mal, the tree was not damaged, and
will plant my rubber trees with 3x7m
born on 1 production lasted longer. With the
spacing and place all my efforts
January 1971 double cut technique there were good
into practicing the knowledge I got
in Karetau results in the beginning, but after a
from the training”, said Bapak Sri.
Sarian, and week latex production was reduced,
”I am very happy and excited about
has been and compared with the single cut
the activities supported by YTS.
living in method, the quality was lower. The
Local rubber expert Bp. Sri Previously, I had no idea about the
Tumbang risk of damage to the tree was also
best way to plant a rubber tree, what
Posu since 15 October 1996. He much higher.
to do if my plantation is attacked
started working with rubber in 2004,
In 2008, the Puruk Ruap group will by pests and diseases, what is the
following in the steps of his parents.
focus on growing seedlings. Bapak best way of tapping, how to grow my
He belongs to the rubber interest Sri commented that in theory working own improved seedlings, and how
group ‘Puruk Ruap’, and is always in a group should make things easier, to develop cooperation in a group.
thirsty for any knowledge coming but in reality it can be very difficult, I now have answers to all of those
from outside experts. Since 2006, as it requires good cooperation. He questions from the training and
he has been actively involved in is still excited with the training and from being actively involved in the
all trainings facilitated by YTS. In remains actively involved. This round activities. I suggested to the other
2006, the Puruk Ruap rubber group of training will cover land clearing, rubber farmers that they change
focused on technical training for seedbed preparation, roofing and their planting method, so that we all
rubber tree cultivation, including fencing, preparing and filling poly can develop better results together.
seedling selection, spacing, planting, bags, growing seedlings, moving I will continue to learn and share my
fertilizing, grafting, tapping, and pest seedlings to poly bags, nursery knowledge with other farmers who
and disease control. maintenance, fertilizing, pest and may need it.”

2 Kabar Itah - Edition 17

Community Development
Poverty Alleviation a Major Concern in East Kalimantan
On April 3rd, the stage-banner at the
Provincial Musrenbang in Samarinda,
East Kalimantan declared poverty alle-
viation to be the government’s central
theme in 2008. In a brief presenta-
tion, the Head of Bulungan District
also confirmed that poverty reduction
is one of his district’s five priorities:
alongside economic, human resource,
and infrastructure development; as
well as aiming to improve the quality of
Earlier, on March 25th, at the Dis-
trict Musrenbang, the District Head
of Bulungan had noted the need for
capacity-building at the village level,
in order that better use is made of the
funds about to be distributed to the
villages. Evidently, the government
understands that simply handing-out
money will not address the underlying
Poverty weighs heaviest on women like these in Bunau Village, East Kalimantan
causes of poverty.
Furthermore, he asked his staff to be in the Musrenbang, and top-down and needs of village communities can
more open to assistance from outside; planning in the Regional Work Units be identified and addressed, and real
such as to the community develop- (SKPD). However, these two systems aspirations understood.
ment work of YTS. He commended are poorly integrated at present, as not Poverty reduction was thus a recur-
YTS for its efforts in Central Kaliman- even the Subdistrict Heads are invited rent theme, at every level of the
tan and said that the District welcomed to attend the workshop (Forum SKPD) Musrenbang process. Although it was
our expertise. held prior to the District Musrenbang. expressed a little differently, it was
During the event, one Subdistrict Head a central concern during each of the
Without an exchange of information
complained that the District Service three village Musrenbang events that
between the Subdistrict and the Dis-
Departments impose inappropriate were facilitated by YTS this January.
trict level, the value of the Subdistrict
programs on Subdistrict staff with no For two-thirds of the community of
Musrenbang (held publicly in Sekatak
forward planning. He therefore recom- Sekatak experience poverty on a daily
for the first time this February) is in
mended that the various departments basis.
question, for the information gathered
visit the villages and conduct planning
from the village will have no impact on To address poverty, one must know
and information activities before com-
the District level planning. Perhaps the how to build human, social, and natu-
mencing their programs.
government should pay more attention ral capital, as well as financial capital.
In the Bulungan District, there is a to its own capacity to conduct bottom- Doubtless those who experience it
combination of bottom-up planning up planning; so that the real issues know best how to tackle it.

Technical Support: Villagers learn Financial Management Skills

As a follow up to the annual program review in Tumbang All participants learned about leadership, group
Miri last December, representatives from each village motivation, developing work plans, budgeting and
attended one of a series of training workshops to improve financial reporting, monitoring, and evaluation.
the quality of financial management in the villages. Participants practiced creating an activity budget using
Three training events were organised in three villages in the village plan as a basis, and also financial reporting.
two rivers. The villages were Tumbang Tajungan in the
The main constraint in the training was the variation
Hamputung River, and Tumbang Sian and Mangkuhung
in educational background among the participants. To
in the Miri River.
optimize understanding, the training methodology was
From each village in the area, the VMG Head, the kept relatively simple. Follow up coaching will ensure that
Treasurer, and the Village Head came for the training. each management group will be able to perform their
tasks properly after the training.

3 Kabar Itah - Edition 17

Technical Support

New Round of Technical Support in Five Villages

In a new round of technical support agreed plan
to villagers, YTS is assisting rubber and contract,
cultivation and pig rearing activities in
members of the
five villages in the Kahayan Hulu Utara group receive
subdistrict. This support follows a step-
hands-on train-
wise procedure: ing and advice
on improving
Group Formation: Villagers form
Interest Groups consisting of 10-15
techniques. At
members who agree to work together
the end of the
with an outside expert and support one
contract, group
another in improving their production
members and
the manage-
Group Planning: Each group makes ment team
a simple plan of activities requiring evaluate the
outside technical support. The Village service provided
Management Group prepares a budget and use the les-
Rubber expert demonstrates the correct tapping method
based on the plan. sons learned to
improve the next
Scoping Visit: The outside expert changes in availability of the technical
round of training and assistance.
comes, has a look around, and final- experts. This affects the field training
izes the plan and contract agreement Payment: The management group schedule and arrangements. We need
with the villagers. During the process, coordinates the activities and makes to find more local experts to step in
the expert becomes familiar with local payments according to the schedule whenever these situations arise. An-
conditions and the people he or she of visits. other issue is conflict between villag-
will be working with.
There are a number of constraints with ers’ field activities, such as harvesting
Group Training: According to the above procedure, the main one being rice, and the training program.

Workshop: Protecting the Interests of Dayak Communities Agenda for 2nd Quarter
In mid-March, YTS attended a work- mal acceptance of these by making May
shop on ‘Strategic Planning’ in Muara village regulations and hosting semi- • Training on rubber, pigs, fish &
Teweh, on the Barito River. The nars. Everyone agreed that GEBRAK chickens in Kalteng
event was hosted by GEBRAK, the was an empowering organization, not
• Media design training
Kalimantan Indigenous Communities a political organization, but cadres in Palangka Raya
Empowering Movement. Altogether, are encouraged to be active in the
• Initial visit of experts to Kaltim
40 people took part, coming from political arena and to push for more
16 institutions mainly related to the locally-oriented policies. June
Credit Union (CU) movement. • Rubber plantation maintenance
YTS suggested that members of
The workshop opened by present- in Kalteng
GEBRAK become actively involved
ing the roadmap for the CU and in government development planning • Training on upland rice and chicken
GEBRAK in Central Kalimantan. The through the Musrenbang process, raising in Kaltim
participants had an active discussion as this strategic mechanism has the July
on rights, Dayak land and customary potential to make government plans • Follow up training on rubber, pigs,
law, and the government’s planta- and policies more appropriate to chickens and upland rice in Kalteng
tion policies. This was followed by a local needs and realities. However, and Kaltim
vigorous brainstorming session on to increase its effectiveness, the
GEBRAK’s three year strategic plan Musrenbang must have much more
for empowering Dayak communities. involvement from non-governmental Kabar Itah
Kabar Itah is the quarterly newsletter of Yayasan Tambuhak Sinta
In conclusion, the workshop agreed organizations. YTS also suggested (YTS), an affiliate of PT. Kalimantan Surya Kencana (KSK),
a mineral exploration company.
that in order to protect the interests including technical training as part of Published by: Bank Accounts:
of Dayak communities, they need to the ‘Rubber Farmer Union’ programs Yayasan Tambuhak Sinta Yayasan Tambuhak Sinta
Jl. Rinjani No. 39 BNI 1946
map out Dayak territory, rights, and that GEBRAK has in the Pulang Palangka Raya 73112 Palangka Raya Branch
Kalimantan Tengah-Indonesia Central Kalimantan
customary law; and to encourage for- Pisau and Murung Raya districts. Telp. +62 (0536) 3237184 INDONESIA
Fax. +62 (0536) 3229187 Number 0114981608

4 Kabar Itah - Edition 17

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