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Tatsuno DU setup

Document Number: DUSETUP- 102-09-08

Project: Retail Automation,



PUNE – 411013

Project : Retail Automation
Document : Tatsuno DU Setup Manual

This document contains information proprietary to Honeywell Automation India Limited (HAIL). This information must not be
disclosed to third parties or reproduced in whole or in part for any purpose whatsoever, without prior written permission of HAIL.

All products are trademarks of their respective owners.

Rev.No. Date By Remarks
0 17.11.2006 Vijay Patil Draft & release

Doc. No. : DUSETUP- 102-09-08 Rev. 0 Dated 17.11.2006 Sh t 2 o f 1 1

Project : Retail Automation
Document : Tatsuno DU Setup Manual

Table of Contents

1.0 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................. 4

1.1 Scope .....................................................................................................................................................................................4
1.2 Purpose .................................................................................................................................................................................4

2.0 DU Setup ............................................................................................................................................ 5

2.1 Firmware Version Check. –................................................................................................................................................5
2.2 DU Address Setup. – ..........................................................................................................................................................5
2.3 DU Manual to Auto mode-..................................................................................................................................................5
2.4 DU Auto to Manual mode-..................................................................................................................................................6
2.5 Manual DU product price set-............................................................................................................................................6
2.6 DU Câble Connections -.....................................................................................................................................................6

3.0 System setup .................................................................................................................................... 9

3.1 CommVerter Setup – ..........................................................................................................................................................9
3.2 Siteomat pump Setup – ......................................................................................................................................................9
3.3 Pump Interface & interface Additional features – ........................................................................................................10

4.0 Troubleshooting .............................................................................................................................. 11

Doc. No. : DUSETUP- 102-09-08 Rev. 0 Dated 17.11.2006 Sh t 3 o f 1 1

Project : Retail Automation
Document : Tatsuno DU Setup Manual


1.1 Scope

This document is targeted to serve as a guide to HAIL engineers for commissioning.

1.2 Purpose

This document will provide the procedures,

• How to check the version of the DU?
• How to assign the node address?
• How to put the DU in Manual to Auto & Auto to Manual mode?
• DU Connections?
• CommVerter Setup?
• Manual Price Set?
• Siteomat System setup?
• Trouble shooting Tips?

Doc. No. : DUSETUP- 102-09-08 Rev. 0 Dated 17.11.2006 Sh t 4 o f 1 1

Project : Retail Automation
Document : Tatsuno DU Setup Manual

2.0 DU Setup

2.1 Firmware Version Check. –

Check the firmware Version and it should be 2.3 or above




2.2 DU Address Setup. –

Ideal State:

Step 1: Press E - enter (Ask for Pin Code)

Step 2: Press code 2222 (Code can change in other site, enquire with station master or use
Universal CODE- 7177754)

Step 1: Press 19

Step 2: Enter or set the required pump address & then Press Enter
(For ex: address need to set is 3)

Don’t do any thing; Press E on the remote. Display will go to Ideal State.

2.3 DU Manual to Auto mode-

Ideal State :
Step 1: Press E ( Ask for Pin Code)
Step 2: Press code 2222 (Code can change in other site, enquire with station master or
use Universal CODE- 7177754)
Step 3: Press 18
Step 4: Press Enter (On display it will appear 1 or 2 it means Manual)
Step 5: Press 3 (for manual to Auto) & Enter

Don’t do any thing; Press E on the remote. Display will go to Ideal State.

Doc. No. : DUSETUP- 102-09-08 Rev. 0 Dated 17.11.2006 Sh t 5 o f 1 1

Project : Retail Automation
Document : Tatsuno DU Setup Manual

2.4 DU Auto to Manual mode-

Ideal State:
Step 1: Press E ( Ask for Pin Code)
Step 2: Press code 2222 (Code can change in other site, enquire with station master or
use Universal CODE- 7177754)
Step 3: Press 18
Step 4: Press Enter (On display it will appear 3 means Auto )
Step 5: Press 1 (for manual to Auto) & Enter
Don’t do any thing; Press E on the remote. Display will go to Ideal State.

2.5 Manual DU product price set-



2. PRESS 2222 & ENTER 00

3. PRESS 13 & ENTER The LITRE display shows 1 & the existing price
of the 1st product will be in the next column

4. Enter the new price & ENTER The LITRE display shows 2 & the existing price
of the 2nd product will be in the next column

2.6 DU Câble Connections -

Open the Junction box & check Communication Cable, Red (+) & White is (-), pls check
the actual cable colour running from communication port to junction box.

Doc. No. : DUSETUP- 102-09-08 Rev. 0 Dated 17.11.2006 Sh t 6 o f 1 1

Project : Retail Automation
Document : Tatsuno DU Setup Manual

Communication cable (Red (+) & White (-))


Doc. No. : DUSETUP- 102-09-08 Rev. 0 Dated 17.11.2006 Sh t 7 o f 1 1

Project : Retail Automation
Document : Tatsuno DU Setup Manual

Communication Port(CN062)

Doc. No. : DUSETUP- 102-09-08 Rev. 0 Dated 17.11.2006 Sh t 8 o f 1 1

Project : Retail Automation
Document : Tatsuno DU Setup Manual

3.0 System setup

3.1 CommVerter Setup –

RS 485 card to be used for communication, default baud rate should be 9600, change to 19200, and
change the Parity to even.

Speed: 19200 Parity: Even

3.2 Siteomat pump Setup –

Model should be – Tatzuno pump controller

Doc. No. : DUSETUP- 102-09-08 Rev. 0 Dated 17.11.2006 Sh t 9 o f 1 1

Project : Retail Automation
Document : Tatsuno DU Setup Manual

• Setup - Pump – add setting

This is the referance setting, it can vary site to site,

3.3 Pump Interface & interface Additional features –

Port – check the cable connection at CommVerter port, Timeout – can be vary
Debug check is required only when log file to be generated, if system is running fine,
please remove the same, it will increase system response time.

Doc. No. : DUSETUP- 102-09-08 Rev. 0 Dated 17.11.2006 Sht 10 of 11

Project : Retail Automation
Document : Tatsuno DU Setup Manual

4.0 Troubleshooting
• If the display is showing 82 it means there is problem with communication:
Check the communication cable in the printer & FCC Tb whether it is properly connected.
Check the commverter connection

• Function 20 is for Nozzle set up , check 20 – 1 :1 & 21 2 :2

• We have to assign the price manually also; system price is not accepting some times.
• Since there is no call stage in the DU , whenever we pull/open the nozzle the count
starts and FCC start sending the authorization command. If nozzle doen’t acknowledge
or it will acknowledge at the last moment, it will start in between, to avoid this we have
to set the du from pump add setting number of retries
Number of retries -3
Delay between retries- 7
Force pump check every -3

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