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Numele şi prenumele elevului:

Data susţinerii testului:

8 th grade
Anul şcolar 2017-2018
Disciplina - Limba engleză

Pentru rezolvarea corectă a tuturor cerinţelor se acordă 90 de puncte. Din oficiu se acordă 10
puncte. Timpul efectiv de lucru este de 45 de minute.

I.Complete the following sentences by supplying the correct form of the verb given in
brackets.Use the Present Perfect Simple. (5x4p=20p)

1.My neighbour ________________________(to repair) the roof of his house for a long time.
2.I______________________________(to be) to the dentist for two years.
3.He_______________________________(to live) here for one year.
4.Her cousin_____________________________(to be) a vegetarian for 7 years.
5.Mary_____________________________(not/to eat) anything and so she is so hungry.

II.Complete the sentences with a pronoun:some-,any-,no-,every- +one,where or thing.

1).Where are my sunglasses?They must be_____________________.
2).Is there ______________________ here who can speak french?
3).There is ____________________to do in the evening and________________to go.
4).The trouble is that_________________costs so much in the restaurants.
5).I have prepared ____________________to eat but it is _______________special.

III.Change the statements into reported speech. (5x 4p=20p)

1.”I am a policeman” ,he said.

He said (that)..................................................................................................................................

2.”We are staying in a hotel”,they said.

They said (that)..............................................................................................................................

3.”We will phone soon”,they told.

They told(that)..................................................................................................................................

4.”The boys went home at ten o’clock „they said.

They said (that)................................................................................................................................

5.”I have lost my purse”Nicola said.

Nicola said (that)...............................................................................................................................

IV. Complete the questions with the correct tags. (5x2p=10p)

1. You are Jake,________________?

2.That isn’t a stain on your blouse,________________?

3.He has got a holiday job,_______________________?

4.He didn’t see us,________________________?

5.She is working in a hotel,________________________?

V.Complete the comparisons using the adjectives in brackets. (5x2p=10p)

1.London is _____________________________(expensive) now than Paris.

2.Which is______________________________(beautiful) city in your country?

3.When is _________________________(good) time of year to visit Florida?

4.The_______________________(dry) places on earth are in Antarctica.

5.This is ________________________(interesting) book about New York I have ever read.

VI.Use an adjective with too/enough together with a verb to complete the sentences.(5x2p=10p)

Adjectives: big, fast, old, hot, hard

Verbs: go, notice, get, cook, put

1). He doesn’t work__________________________ good marks in his exam.

2).The barbecue is not ___________________________ the chicken yet.

3).My little sister is not_____________________________on her own.

4).He was driving____________________________ the scenery.

5).His surfboard is ___________________________in the back of the car.

VII.Write about your plans for your next(real or imaginary) holiday.(7 lines) ( 10 puncte)

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