Turbinas A Gas Ejercicios

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TD 2 : Gas turbine

A) Basic gas cycle

Create the cycle of the gas turbine according to the diagram below:


Air inlet Burnt gases

2 3 4

Helps to get started with THERMOPTIM : see TD1

I/ Schema editor:
Create the various components from the table below:

General Outlet
Component type Component name Point name Fluid name Débit (kg/s)
Transfo point Air inlet 1 Air + 1
Compression Compressor 2 Do not fill Do not fill
Transfo point Fuel inlet Fuel C2H6 éthane* 1
Combustion Combustion chamber (CC) 3 Burnt gases**
Expansion Turbine 4 Do not fill Do not fill
Transfo point outlet 4 Do not fill Do not fill

+ Make sure that you choose the adapted gas model : ‘Air’ !

* Double clic on corps  Gaz pur  C2H6 éthane  OK

** Double clic on corps  Autres gaz composés  Gaz - brûlés  OK

NB : F4 gives information on the element under consideration

Save the schema "xxx.dia" (you must type .dia), for example TAGbasic.dia
II/ Interface between the schema editor and the simulator
The simulator is accessed from the drop-down menu:
Menu Spécial  Interface schéma / simulateur

Air inlet (1) : T=15°C. P=1 bar.

Fuel : Ethane. T=15°C. P= 5 bars (double clic on the point !)
Gas outlet : burnt gases (4). P=1 bar.

Compressor : compression ratio of 5. Isentropic efficiency 80%

Turbine : Isentropic efficiency 85 %. Expansion ration of 5 taux de détente égal à 5. Temperature ratio : = 4.

Combustion chamber: Impose the output temperature (in blue under lambda, bottom right of the screen)
Calculate once! (The mass flow rate displayed is the output flow, it is at 1 kg / s at the beginning of the
calculation but it then adapts).

What is the air coefficient ?. Note the fuel flow rate and the outlet temperature of the turbine. (Nb:  = 1 at the
stoichiometry,  <1 for an incomplete combustion and > 1 if the air is in excess)

STEP 1 : On the simulator main screen click on CALCULER  and note the efficiency, paying energy and
useful energy.
We can also inquire about the new composition of the burnt gases. Select the Combustion Chamber and display
gaz brûlés. The software has calculated the new composition of the exhaust gases.
Go back to the schema editor and select: special  afficher les valeurs. Note the values.

STEP 2 : Save the results from the simulator (xxx.prj). For example TAGbasic.prj
Click on Fichiers Résultats  Exporter les résultats (xxx.res). For example TAGbasic.res
This file may be opened with EXCEL.

STEP 3 : Draw the theoretical curves (“perfect air”) of the working coefficient (Cw) and the efficiency.
Place the values ​given by ThermOptim on these curves. Conclusion concerning the model "perfect
air"? Add a few points by performing simulations for other compression ratios.

NEXT STEPS: Other series of data can now be studied. For example, let us suppose that we want a coefficient
of excess air () equal to 1.5. Select the combustion chamber and make  imposed at 1.5. Then recalculate in the
If it is assumed that the combustion chamber causes a pressure drop of the order of 0.5 bar, what is the
consequence on the efficiency?

NB: check the box pression imposée par l’utilisateur to be able to impose a downstream pressure
different from the upstream point. It is also necessary to impose the turbine outlet pressure (1 bar) and
not the expansion ratio.

For a air mass flow of 1 kg / s, deduce the fuel flow rate, the cycle efficiency and the outlet
temperature. Examine the composition of the exhaust gases and the coefficient .
B) Improved cycle.


Air inlet
2 2p 3 4

Burnt gases Hot gases

Two options are possible: the first is to modify the previous scheme and incorporating two exchangers. (Do not
forget to save), but the simplest is to start a new cycle. Exit the software and restart it. Create the new cycle.

I/ Schema editor:
You can use the vertical mirror option to better arrange the diagram.

The introduction of the two "preheating" and "hot gas" exchangers is done at this stage without connection
between them. It is necessary first of all to specify the output temperatures of each branch so that the software
recognizes the hot fluid and the cold fluid. These temperatures will then be recalculated! Save your .dia schema:
for example TAGheating.dia

II/ Interface between the schema editor and the simulator

The simulator is accessed from the drop-down menu:
Menu Spécial  Interface schéma / simulateur
 Mettre à jour la table des éléments  Mettre à jour le simulateur à partir du schéma
 Enter the name of the project

Then select element by element and enter the data: known pressures and temperatures.

NB: in point 2p impose (provisionally) a temperature compatible with the heating of the cold fluid and at point 5
a temperature compatible with the cooling of the cold fluid. On the main screen of the simulator click on

It is now possible to connect the two exchangers. Create this link on the schema editor between 'preheating' and
'hot gases'. It appears in blue. Enter his name: "Heater". It is recalled that it is necessary to set 5 parameters so
that the exchanger is calculable.

Then double click on the blue junction. On the screen of the exchanger impose the inlet temperatures (2), the
mass flows (2) and impose a minimum pinch of 50 ° C, ie 5 values. The output temperatures and the heat
exchanges will then be obtained by clicking several times on calculer. Note the values ​of the parameters of the
exchanger. Then do the complete cycle calculation again. In case of convergence problem, it may be necessary
to assist the resolution by recalculating the cycle by element.

You can also use the component bilan in the schema editor to include the balance in the schema.

Draw the theoretical curves (perfect air) of the Working coefficient (Cw) and the efficiency. Place the values
​given by ThermOptim on these curves. Conclusion concerning the "perfect air" model?

For the same compression ratio selected in Part A, make the simulations and add these points on the curves.

For each of the calculated points:

 What is the burnt gases temperature?
 What is the fuel consumption gain (in %) compared to the basic gas turbine?

What is the influence of parameter  on the study?

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