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Name/Surname_____________________ Group_________________
1. Listen to the recording and circle the correct alternative. 12 P
1. The guest of the programme is:
a) a TV presenter b) a TV critic c) an actor
2. The host and the guest are speaking about:
a) the worst programme of the week
b) the best programme of the week
c)the most watched programme
3.The participants of the programme were
a) 16-year-old children b) 6-year-old children c) 9-year-old children
4. The children spent in the boarding school
a) one semester b) one-week c) one month
5. The biggest difference for the kids was
a) the food b) the discipline c) the uniform
6. After the experiment the kids were
a) upset b) positive c) it had no effect on their life
1. A. Underline the correct alternative. 5P
1. If you will pay/ paid in cash, we’ll/ ‘d be able to give you 10% discount.
2. If they win/ will win this game, they’d/ ‘ll be top of the league table.
3. I won’t come if/unless I feel better.
4. If she had/would have enough qualifications, we could/ be able to take her for this job.
5. If you don’t take/ won’t take antibiotics, your cough will get/gets much worse.
1.B Complete the sentences: 7P
1. I’d ask for help if______________________________________________.
2. They wouldn’t work so hard if____________________________________.
3. She won’t talk to him unless______________________________________.
4. He will get excited when________________________________________.
5. When I get home tonight_________________________________________.
6. If I didn’t study English__________________________________________.
7. When the weather is bad at week-ends_______________________________.

2. Fill in the gaps with the adjectives from the box in the correct form. 10 P
Bored/boring, tired/tiring,
1) I worked hard all day. Now I interesting/interested,
feel______________________. amazed/amazing,
2) She’s________________ of her job. She’s shocking/shocked,
looking for another. worried/worrying,
3) We were________________ to hear he’s 50. He disappointed/disappointing,
looks much younger. excited/exciting,
4) The book I am reading is______________. surprised/surprising,
5) We had an_______________ time at the fascinated/ fascinating,
restaurant. The place is awesome! insulted/insulting
6) Our financial situation is very_______________.
We spend more and more but we’re earning less and less.
7) 6.You look________________. What’s wrong?
8) Some of his comments were___________________.
9) My exam results were a little_______________________.
10) Children can’t go to sleep on Christmas Eve. They’re
3. Write how you feel in the following situations, using -ed adjectives. 4P
1. When I travel I feel ________________________________________________________.
2. When I watch a horror film, I feel ______________________________________________.
3. After a hard day at work I feel_________________________________________________.
4. When have exams I feel_____________________________________________________.
4.Underline the correct alternative. 6P
1. Many of life’s failure are people which/ that did not realize how close they were to success
when/ how they gave up.
2. The/ a apartment has a / air conditioning and central heating.
3. What a/ the surprise!
4. I am able / don’t able to play the piano.
5. I am completely lost, so I’ll stop and ask a/an woman for directions.
6. I work a few/ a little hours a day in a store, whose/ that gives me enough money to live.
5. Complete the sentences with the correct prepositions. 6P
1. You’ll get better________ playing the piano if you practice it every day.
2. My friend is gifted__________ sports. He is a national champion.
3. If you want to see the video just click _________ the link that is here.
4. Nina has a natural talent___________ languages. She can speak four foreign languages.
5. Richard is hopeless__________ mathematics.
6. The article focuses______ the real life of the African tribes.
6. Correct the mistakes in the following sentences. 10 P
1. I don’t able to come tonight because I didn’t manage to find a babysitter.
2. She’s be living abroad since the past five years.
3. He is the man where I was looking for.
4. I haven’t much free time, so I wasn’t able to finish the project.
5. There are a little day left until my birthday.
6. Write 3-5 sentences about what you have been doing lately. Use Present Perfect
7. Fill in with: manage to, can, could, to be able to, would.
1. My sister________________ get to the bank, although the traffic was terrible.
2. John_____________ speak English fluently and he is also__________ to speak a bit of
3. I ____________ travel to Europe but I was too busy working on the job that I have just lost.
4. I _________ ask for a pay rise if my boss weren’t such a mean person.
8. Circle the correct answer.
1. I don't like the weather in London. There is ____________ rain.
a. too many b. much c. too much
2. I made ____________ mistakes with her. That's why she left me.
a. enough b. too much c. too many
3. Why did you buy so ____________ bottles of milk?
a. many b. much c. enough
4. Sorry, I am late. _______________________ for a long time?
a) have you been waiting b) have you waited c) you waited
5. I _______ just_________ my homework. I can go out with you now.
a) have finished b) have been finishing c) finished
6. The restaurant__________ I go once a week is pretty expansive.
a) which b) where c) whose
9. Match column A with column B.

High heeled Money
Outdoor A queue
Industrial Table
Raise Engine
Jump Estate
Coffee Shoes
Search Market

10. Complete the sentences.

1. I couldn’t believe it when my brother’s friend tried to chat me ___________.
2. Can I try your jeans _________, please?!
3. She enjoys spending time with her father but she doesn’t get_____ with her mom very well.
4. If you scroll _________ you’ll find a link right at the top of the page.
5. Our neighbors are a nu________, they’ll never stop arguing.
6. This knife is absolutely us___________. It doesn’t cut properly.
6. She’s got the wonderful ab_________ to make people feel at home.
11. Continue the sentences, give news, react to the news.
1. Bad news I am afraid! ___________________________________________________
2. You’ll never guess what! _________________________________________________
3. Unfortunately, ___________________________________________________________
4. I have passed the exam! _____________________________________________________
5. I have a pay rise____________________________________________________________
12. Choose one topic (a, b, c) and write 100-120 words. Use active vocabulary.
a) a letter of advice to someone who is young and decided on a future profession;
b) write a dialogue between A and B (A-gives news, B- responds to the news)
c) write about a recent challenge/achievement

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