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The general purpose of a building transportation system is to enable occupant and goods to
move, or be moved, in a reasonably for comfortable, quick, and efficient way. Hallways,
staircases, and elevator shafts (not the passenger cars) is also an integral part of the physical
building facility of the building transportation system.
For large or multi-storey building, building transportation system is designed to minimize the
occupant movement.

For example in the hotel, if travel between a guest's room and other parts of the facility or to the
outside takes more time, the guest feels it unreasonable or in convenient, he or she may perceive
the level of building transportation system service is low.

But some facilities are designed so that guests must walk past shops, restaurants and etc. as they
enter or leave the premises, as well as shopping mall.

Types of transportation systems in a building

1. Stairs
2. Corridor
3. Lifts
4. Escalators
5. Travelators and other mechanized handling equipment; example dumbwaiter, gondola

Stairs & Corridor:

Staircase and corridors can be made of wood, stone metal, reinforced cement concert and etc.

Lifts are elevators used for vertical transportation of passengers and goods. These are enclosed
cars made of light metal. The cage is operated in pulley system by power driven motors. These
may be manually operated or automatic. Lifts may be of high speed or slow speed according to
situation and as required.

An escalator is a conveyor transport device for transporting people, consisting of a staircase
whose steps move up or down on tracks that keep the surfaces of the individual steps horizontal.

A moving walkway, moving sidewalk, or travelator is a slow conveyor belt that transports people
horizontally up to the practical limitations of about 300 m. It works in a similar manner to an
escalator. In both cases, riders can walk or stand. The walkways are often supplied in pairs, one
for each direction. There are particularly useful in large railways and airports terminals, as well
shopping complexes, and may be inclined up to about 15o where level differentials occur.

A small box elevator designed for the carriage of lightweight freight.

A gondola is also called a cable car, is a type of aerial lift which is supported and propelled by
cables from above. It consists of a loop of steel cable that is strung between two stations,
sometimes over intermediate supporting towers. The cable is driven by a bull wheel in a
terminal, which is typically connected to an engine or electric motor.

Differentiate each type of building transportation system

Staircase Corridor Escalator Lift

a) Slow and a) High operating a) Suitable for a) Suitable for
tiring journey. capacity. building high high rise
b) High operating b) No waiting up to 3 or 4 building.
capacity. time. stories. b) Medium
c) No waiting b) The operational
time. operational capacity.
d) Facilities to capacity of c) High-speed.
escape during medium. d) The average
an emergency c) A short waiting time
in the waiting time. of
building. approximately
30 seconds

Principle of interior circulation

It is important to consider the principles concerning vertical transportation to analyze the

effectiveness of devices which provide vertical transportation. The circulation of people in the
interior of a building is a complicated activity. It is affected by number of factors.

1. Mode (horizontal and vertical movement)

People will be generally being walking horizontally, except where they are using passenger
conveyers. They will change mode from horizontal to vertical movement, in order to reach a
higher or lower level. To do this they will use stairs, moving walks and ramps (passenger
conveyers, escalators or lifts).

2. Movement type (natural or mechanically assisted)

People will move naturally when walking, and be mechanically assisted when using moving
walks and ramps (passenger conveyers, escalators or lifts).

3. Complications (human behaviour)

The movement of people around building is complex – because humankind is complex.

Individuals have their own concept of routes: their own purpose for travel: their own level of
urgency: her own characteristic of age of age, gender, culture, handicap etc. There is
unpredictably in the human behaviour

The interior circulation of a building must be designed:

1. To consider all circulation routes

These include principle and secondary circulation areas, escape routes, service routes and
waiting areas.

2. To provide clear and obvious routes

Pedestrian should be able to see the route to take perhaps assisted by good colour coded

3. To ensure that the circulation patterns are rational

An example is the avoidance of pedestrians passing through a lift lobby, where other
persons are waiting.

4. To ensure incompatible types of circulation do not coincide

This refers to goods trolleys being pushed across a pedestrian mall in a shopping centre.

5. To minimize the movement of people and goods

This would bring associated activities together e.g. Sales & marketing: personnel &

Building transportation locations

The design and allocation of portals (entrances, doorways, gates etc), corridors, stairs and
mechanical handling equipment (ramps, escalators, lifts etc.) must be coordinated in such a way

1. Free flow of people, goods and vehicles

2. Occupy the minimum allocation of space
3. Bottlenecks are prevented

The efficiency of the interior circulation is dependant of the building, shape tall/slender and
low/squat buildings are inefficient. The ideal shape is compact. The factors which affect the
circulation efficiency are:

1. The relative location of rooms

2. The relationship of major spaces with entrances and mechanical elements
3. The importance of journey undertaken



Lift is elevator or is a transport device used to move goods or people vertically. It required in all
buildings that over three storeys. Minimum standard service of the lift is one lift is for every four
storeys. The maximum distance lift from the lift lobby is 45 m. Meanwhile the floor space in the
lift car is based on an area of 0.2 m2 per person.

The positioning of lift should be at locations which provide easy means of access for all building
users, example for the offices, hotels, apartments, etc. the lifts is located at the central entrance of
the lobby. The grouping of lifts is essential for user convenience.

The requirement of the lift system

A building should be studied carefully to install an elevator system; it is because of the cost and
many factors. Among the factors that influence the decision whether to install it or not, an
elevator system in a building is as follows:-

a) The requirements of the law

b) The importance of building users
c) Overcoming the emergencies in buildings

a) The requirements of the law

Uniform Building Local by Law 1984 set of a non-residential building must be installed elevator
system if the building is less than 4 storey building. The minimum number of the lift is one lift is
for every four storeys. In this case, the owners have no choice and must conform to this law.

b) The importance of building users

Offices, hospitals, shopping malls or apartment is the focal point masses. The owners of a
building certainly have their own economic interests and want a lot of visitors to come to their
building so the owner is responsible to provide as much convenience for the visitor. The
convenient elevator service is one of the intended facilities.

c) Overcoming the emergencies in buildings

The owner of a building is responsible to ensure the safety of building users and the requirement
of the fire brigade so that the building has an elevator must also provide the fire emergency lifts.
As fire emergency lift is rarely used, it shall be sufficient merely to provide a regular lift to the
fire brigade in the event of fire.

The types of lift system

The types of lifts can be divided into two; there are electric lift and hydraulic lift.

Electric lift
The electric lift is an elevator where the car is raised and lowered by traction steel ropes. Mostly
the electric lift required for tall or high-rise buildings. The basic components of the electric lift
include a car lift, a pit and etc as illustrated in Figure 3 (a). Elevator is suspended from cables
that were supported by lifting conveyor machinery (machinery pressure vessel) placed on the top
of the building. Conveyor machinery lifting and lowering the car as it is directed. The car was
driven in the vertical movement up and down in the lift well by a roller system and guide rails.
When lifting conveyor machinery placed at the top of the building, the building structure must be
able to support the weight of the elevator machinery fully loaded with counterweights. Heavy-
weight counterweights are usually equal to the weight of the car, including 40% of the weight
carrying capacity. If it is not practical to be placed at the top of the building (and the elevator is
used for low-rise buildings that require low speed), a machinery, lifting belts can be placed in the
basement next to lift conveyor path.

Figure 3(a) The Electric Lift

Hydraulic lift
The hydraulic lift is an elevator using a hydraulic ram and a fluid driven piston mounted inside a
cylinder. The hydraulic lift required for low-rise buildings. The maximum travel of the hydraulic
lift is 21 m and the speed up to 0.75 m/s. A hydraulic lift has the basic components that same as
electric lift unless it is not suspended from the top floor of the building. It is supported by a
hydraulic ram and a fluid driven piston, which can be lowered down into the lift well as shown in
Figure 3 (b). Cars lifted and lowered by a fluid driven piston mounted underneath. Oil from the
reservoir is pumped in the piston and thereby lifts the car up. When the car lifted to the required
level, the pump will be stopped. Lifts then lowered by releasing oil back into the reservoir slowly
so the car down by gravity. Hydraulic lift is connected by hydraulic ram and a fluid driven piston

therefore it can be placed anywhere in the building. It is usually placed in the engine room at the
basement. Sound isolation is not critical, as the hydraulic lift it is very slick and smooth and not
noisy. But is a good practice to provide the engine room with acoustic insulation to avoid the
possibility of vibrations in the hydraulic piping.

Figure 3 (b) The Hydraulic Lift

The advantages and disadvantages of using electric and hydraulic lifts

Electric lift
a) Faster and smoother ride than hydraulics.
b) More energy efficient.
c) Cost little more to buy.
d) Uses no oil
e) All components are located at the top level of the building.

a) Equipment can be harder to service and maintain.

Hydraulic lift
a) Hydraulic lifts are suitable for use in low-rise buildings.
b) Hydraulic lift is cheaper because it has no cables, complex equipment, lot of safety
equipment and the machine room at the top of the building.
c) Due to the weight of the elevator car and the high burden borne by the piston, then the
need for other components can be reduced and thus the lift can bear a greater load.
d) The size of lift wells may be reduced in accordance with the size of the car because there
is no space required for counterweight.

e) Hydraulic ram and fluid driven piston are casting in a unit at the lift well.
f) Smooth ride characteristics.
g) Pump room can be located up to 10 m from the shaft

a) Due to the drilling in rocky areas, it requires substantial cost to put hydraulic lift
components then this may be a major limiting factors.
b) The uses of hydraulic ram and fluid driven piston, limit the hydraulic lift services to
applications with a maximum of 75 car trips ft (25m).
c) Due to the hydraulic system, the lift speed must not exceed 200fpm (100cm / s).
d) Hydraulic elevators consume more energy. Considerable amount of energy is wasted in
heating up the hydraulic fluid when building up the hydraulic pressure; some installations
may even need separate coolers to cool down the fluid to avoid overheating.
e) Due to the heavy use of non-weight balancer or counterweight, hydraulic lift requires
larger motor and more power to drive the oil pump and lift car.
f) Although the motor only operates for movement upwards, the energy used is almost
twice the energy needed by the electric lift.

The important factors to considered in choosing types of lift system

a) Building functions

The function of the building must be understood prior to the selection of an appropriate elevator
system can be made. Building which serves as a shopping centre for example must be aligned
with that purpose. Elevator used in hospital practice would not fit in a shopping centre.

b) Use of building

Different users of a building must be identified from a number of aspects, such as psychology
and sociology users. For example, in a hospital there are many types of users from among
doctors, patients, visitors and hospital support staff. Sustained level of comfort will be different
between users. The choice of a lift system must meet at least the minimum requirements of a
class of user.

Activities of consumers should also be included for example in shopping centres there are buyers
and sellers. On behalf of the seller may be important for them to be able to serve a lift system to
transport goods it sold, then lift items is needed.

For among the buyers, they must be convinced that adopting the concept of shopping centre
shopping in comfort and have an attraction to consumers shopping activities. All aspects of the
building and users must be reviewed before a decision is choosing a lift system for the building.

c) Building design

Mains positioning elevator in the building, its size, and the number of latitude it needed a lift to
be determined by the architect. Imperfect lift can affect the service elevator if the size is not

sufficient to determine the appropriate traffic flow for a building. A user just has to wait for more
than 30 seconds from the time it presses the button to call before getting a service lift. To achieve
these goals in the design lift, probably need a car lift is greater than the designed.

d) Financial

The financial position of the owner of the building should not be a measure of providing a lift in
the building. The cost of a lift system is very different and it depends on the quality of the service

e) Electrical power supply

In making decision to choice a lift is also to know what electricity energy needed to lift system.
Review should be made with the energy suppliers in order to ensure that the existing earned. In
this situation, the mechanical engineer should be in close contact with the electricity supply

f) The requirements of the specified authority

The requirements of the relevant authorities must be taken into account and adjusted when
selecting lift and control systems. The requirements of the law are as follows:
i. Uniform Building by Law 1984
ii. Regulations (Electrical and Elevator Products) Plant and Machinery
iii. Standards requirements in the installation of a lift as Factory and Machinery Department
BS and AS.

g) Burden elevator contract

The burden of the contract is the maximum load that can be carried by an elevator in accordance
with the design and construction of the elevator. It should be adjusted to the things mentioned in
the requirement of the authority.

h) Speed elevator contract

Speed elevator contract is the rate of speed of a contract lift moves up or down. Typically a
designer that determines the speed adjusted in accordance with the contract with the factors
mentioned in the requirement of the authority.

The type and pattern of lift operations

Group of car lift control are as follow:

a. Single car control

i. The position of the car is always at the lobby or main floor.

ii. When, first landing call at any level of the building give the signal, the unoccupied
car at the lobby or main floor will respond.
iii. “In use” lights switched on at all level of floor.

iv. No further calls are accepted until the car is at rest or unoccupied.

b. Double/two car control

i. Co-ordinate by a central processor to optimize efficiency of the lift.

ii. Operate individually on a full or down collective control system.
iii. When the car at rest, one at the lobby and the second car at the mid-point of
building or at another convenient floor level.
iv. Priority car will answer landing calls from any floor except the entrance lobby.
v. If the car is unable to answer all call demands within a specific time, the other car
if available will respond.

c. Triple, quadrant or more cars (mostly for the building that have more zones)

i. When the car at rest, two at the lobby or main floor and the third car at the mid-
point of building or at another convenient floor level.
ii. Only the third car will answer landing calls from any floor except the entrance
iii. If the third car is unable to answer all call demands within a specific time, the
other car at the main floor if available will respond.
iv. Cars at main floor used only for passengers at the lobby rise to another level.
v. For high-rise building, the car is located in zones at every 2 levels as figure
below. The entire cars are available to answer landing calls from any floor.
vi. Control for three or more cars requires supervisory control to avoid peak demand.

Control arrangements of lifts


Possibilities of control arrangements are as follow:

a. Operator
The control arrangement for these types of lift is operate up and down by operator that
works in the car lift. Usually uses in prestige buildings and hotels for the benefit of
special guests.

b. Automatic/single control
The control arrangement for these types of lift is response to one call from either lift car
or landing. No further calls are accepted until the car is at rest. Only suited to light
occupancy and low-rise buildings that up to five floors.

c. Down collective
A call button is located at each landing entrance and a set of buttons in the car
corresponds to each floor. Landing calls are stored and answered in sequence as the lift
car descends. In upward direction, passengers are distributed in floor sequence by
selection within the car.

d. Directional (up and down) collective

Two call buttons are provided at each intermediate landing, one for up and the other one
for down. The lowest and the highest landings only require one button. A full set of
destination buttons are provided in the car. Landing callers simply press the direction
button and the call is stored. On a downward journey, the lift stops at all floors where
downward callers are waiting or where passengers want to go out. Likewise upward,
operating in sequence in response to stored calls.

e. Group collective
Applied where groups or banks of lifts occur in large buildings, using an interconnected
collective stored control system. This permits the closest lift travelling in the desired
direction to respond, rather than passengers waiting for one specific lift or having to press
every lift’s button.

f. Programmed control
This is an improvement of the group collective system, incorporating time-controlled
functions, where demand is known to be particularly high on some floors at certain
times. The lift cars can be programmed to be available at the ground floor during arrival
times and at upper floors during departure times. This lends itself to routines found in
office blocks, where regular hours are worked.

The function of lift equipment

a) Machine / Motor room

The motor room normally located above the well, containing; winding gear, traction
sheave, control panel, over speed governor and other components. The motor room must
be contained with adequate insulation and absorbent bedding for machinery. An overhead

universal beam for raising and lowering equipment and parts is essential in the motor
room during maintenance. Fan assisted ventilation to remove excess heat from electric
plant should also installed in the machine room. The door of motor room must lock and
only the building technician can access to the machine room.

b) Lift well/shaft
A lift well or shaft should incorporate the following features; water tightness, means of
drainage, plumb, vertical sides, smooth painted finish, ventilation void for emission of
smoke, permanent inspection lights and have no other services except those necessary for
operation of lift.

c) Lift car – A part of the lift which carries the passengers and/or other loads.

d) Rope system – A roping system is used to attach the motor/gear reducer, the elevator car
and the counterweight.

e) Buffer – Buffer is provided at the lift pit. A device designed to stop a descending car or
counterweight beyond its normal limit of travel by storing or by absorbing and dissipating
the kinetic energy of the car or counterweight. They are usually oil loaded for lift speeds
exceed1.5 m/s and otherwise spring loaded uses for slower lifts.

f) Guide rails - Guide rails are part of the inner workings of most elevator and lift shafts,
functioning as the vertical, internal track. The guide rails are fixed to two sides of the
shaft; one guides the elevator car and the other for the counterweight. These rails operate
both as stabilization within the shaft during routine use and as a safety system in case of
emergency stops.

g) Lift pit
The lift pit is located below the lowest landing level, containing buffers. The depth of pit
varies is from 1.4 to 2.8 m, depending on lift specification.

h) Landing doors
Landing doors must be incombustible, preferably of sheet steel construction over a light
steel framework of about 30 mm overall thickness. It protects riders from falling into the

i) Emergency and safety switches

i. A stop switch- to halt the elevator while in motion and often used to hold an
elevator open while freight is loaded. Keeping an elevator stopped for too long
may trigger an alarm. Unless local codes require otherwise, this will most likely
be a key switch.
ii. An alarm button or switch- which passengers can use to signal that they have been
trapped in the elevator.
iii. Emergency Car Lighting In the event of power failure, emergency lighting in the
car will automatically turn on.

j) Other ancillary electric lift equipment

i. An elevator telephone, which can be used by a trapped passenger to call for help.
ii. Hold button: This button delays the door closing timer, useful for loading freight
and hospital beds.
iii. Call cancellation: A destination floor may be deselected by double clicking.
iv. Access restriction by key switches, RFID reader, code keypad, hotel room card,
v. Security camera
vi. Overload sensor. Prevents the elevator from moving until excess load has been
removed. It may trigger a voice prompt or buzzer alarm.

The operation of each lift component

a) Door operator – A motor-driven device mounted on the car which opens and closes the
car doors.

b) Landing push button – It is an external control push button, for going up & down.

c) Position indicator – A button that to show a level of floor in the lift car.

d) Landing car lock – A type of mechanical lock designed to prevent the opening of a hoist
way door from the landing side.

e) Landing entrance –A clear landing entrance should be provide in size 1500mm

wide x 1500mm deep in front of lift doors. The design should be provided for access by
wheelchair users.

f) Lift car guide shoes – A devices at the bottom of horizontal sliding door panels, which
stick into sill grooves and eliminate door panels swinging in or out.

g) Lighting system – The car interior lighting. Car illumination will turn on automatically
when the lift is operating.

h) Ventilation system - To enhance air circulation and comfort in the lift car. Air was
typically drawn from the elevator shaft into the car using a motorized fan. This air could
contain dust mites, germs and bacteria. With an elevator air conditioner, the air is much
cleaner because it is recirculated within the car itself and is usually filtered to remove

i) Sound insulation provisions – It is provided to eliminate the vibration and noise

transmission from the motor room.

The factor considered when planning the location of the elevators/lifts

The location of elevators shall be such that they are easily accessible and convenient to
circulation routes. When planning the location of elevators, the following principles shall be

a) Elevators should be located at the building entrances, as near to the centre of the
building area and the most distant functional areas do not exceed a maximum of
45 m.

b) Congestion at peak travel times is minimized by arranging the lift lobbies two lift doors
on either side of a walkway, rather than in a line of four doors along one wall. Where four
or more cars are required within a group, cars shall be placed in opposite banks.

c) As a general guide, the lobby width between two banks of passenger elevators shall not
be less than 3600 mm (~12 ft) and the lobby width between two banks of service

elevators should not be less than 4200 mm (~14’).

d) When designing the service core in relation to the floor plate, the designer must ensure
that the elevator lobby should not be used as a common or public thoroughfare at
ground-floor level.

e) Where elevators are accessed from corridors, they shall be located on one side of the
corridor only and shall be set back from the line of circulating corridors.

g) Elevator lobbies generate noise and shall be acoustically isolated from areas sensitive to
noise and vibration. Elevators shall not be placed over occupied spaces as this shall
require counter-weight safeties and reinforced pits.

h) Stairs shall preferably be located adjacent to elevator lobbies when possible.

i) Any decentralized banks and/or clustering of elevators shall be planned to include at

least two cars to maintain an acceptable dispatch interval between cars and to ensure
continuity of service.

j) Elevators shall preferably provide positive separation between passenger and freight
/service traffic flows.

k) In facilities that utilize interstitial floors and mechanical penthouses, at least one elevator
shall stop on these floors to facilitate equipment maintenance and removal.



An escalator is a conveyor transport device for transporting people, consisting of a staircase

whose steps move up or down on tracks that keep the surfaces of the individual steps horizontal.
Principal areas of usage include shopping centres, airports, transit systems, trade centres, hotels,
and public buildings.

Escalators, like moving walkways, are powered by constant-speed alternating current motors and
move at approximately 1–2 feet (0.30–0.61 m) per second. The typical angle of inclination of an
escalator to the horizontal floor level is 30 degrees with a standard rise up to about 60 feet
(18 m). Modern escalators have single-piece aluminium or steel steps that move on a system of
tracks in a continuous loop.

The requirements (persons per hour) of an escalator need to consider the following

a. Type of building (offices, shopping centre, movie theatre, subway station, airport; one-
way traffic, two-way traffic; single- or multi-purpose building).
b. Peak traffic times (office opening and closing
c. Population factor based on net usable area
d. Customer turnover rate per floor in department stores
e. Level of travelling comfort required on the unit (uncrowned, convenient, crowded)

The advantages of using escalators:

1. Escalators are public transport facilities to move from one level to another level with fast
and convenient, especially when there are many people who need to be transported.
2. It is capable of transporting a load of 12,000 persons per hour
3. Degradation rate is low.
4. Security rate is high with the various safety switches that act quickly to prevent serious
accidents, especially in elderly and children.
5. Escalators have the capacity to move large numbers of people
6. It can be placed in the same physical space as stairs would be.
7. They have no waiting interval, except during very heavy traffic.

The disadvantages of using escalators:

1. The cost of an escalator is very high and the cost of maintenance and repair services and
is also costly because it needs qualified specialist to repair.
2. If there is any damage, it needs time to be improved and this would interfere with the
internal circulation system of the building.
3. Spare parts are an important factor because it is very expensive and must be obtained
from abroad.
4. It cannot operate in the event of power failure.
5. There is still a minor accident such as tools or safety switch does not work as expected.

Arrangement of escalators
Escalators have five typical configuration options:

a. Single unit/A single escalator

The single unit is used to connect two levels. It is suitable for buildings with passenger traffic
flowing mainly in one direction. Flexible adjustment to traffic flow (e.g., up in the morning and
down in the evening) is possible.

b. Continuous arrangement (one-way traffic)/Escalator in one travel direction

This arrangement is used mainly in smaller department stores to link three sales levels. It
requires more space than the interrupted arrangement.

c. Interrupted arrangement (one-way traffic)/Escalator in one travel direction (arrangement-

While relatively inconvenient for the user, for the owner of the department store it provides the
advantage that due to the spatial separation of the upward and downward directions, customers
have to walk past specially placed merchandise displays.

d. Parallel, interrupted arrangement (two-way traffic)

This arrangement is used mainly in department stores and public transportation buildings with
heavy traffic volumes. When there are three or more escalators or moving walks, it should be
possible to reverse the direction of travel depending on the traffic flow. Arrangement: up and
down escalators or side by side or separated by a distance. The arrangement can be overlaps but
it is limited only for two levels in the building. The visitors or users had to walk around to get to
the next escalator to go up or down to the higher level or lower. The rationale for being adopt
this arrangement must been take into consideration, because the visitors or user had to through
the entire premise which it will attracts them to buy especially the stores held a low-cost selling.

e. Crisscross, continuous arrangement (two-way traffic)

This type of installation is the one used most frequently as it allows customers to travel quickly
to the upper floors without any waiting time. Depending on how the escalators are positioned,
the store fitter can open up the view onto the shop floor to stimulate customer interest in the
goods on display. The arrangement of the escalators is crisscross (one ways going up or down at
the different level) and it separated by horizontal measurement of the escalator. It can minimizes
structural space requirements by "stacking" escalators that go in one direction, frequently used in
department stores or shopping centers. The arrangement the can be avoided struggles of
fellow users escalator because there is only one place to board and one to exit. The arrangement
is more economical in terms of building space compared with a parallel arrangement.

Differences between types of arrangement escalator system

Single Unit Continuous Interrupted Parallel Crisscross

Arrangement Arrangement
Used to One way traffic One way traffic Two way Two way
connect two traffic traffic
Direction Mainly used in Separation of the Used mainly This
can be department upward and in department arrangement
adjusted to stores to link downward stores and allows
suit traffic sales levels escalators means public customers
flow that customers transportation to travel
have to walk buildings with quickly to
past strategically heavy traffic upper floors
placed flow without any
merchandise waiting
displays time

Location of an escalator

Escalator is moving conveyor transport device and is a part of the internal circulation facilities
building. It must be placed in the main routes in the circulation system of the building. This is
different with the lift service where it can be placed in group. It should be located in areas that
directly give services to the user going to the next level and should also provide at the dominant
view. This allows users:

i. Tracking escalator immediately

ii. Identifying individual destinations quickly each of the escalator.
iii. Allows the user to move towards the escalator with ease.

Separation of between two escalators

Separation between the escalators at a level which raises two problems:

a. Reduction of floor space necessary for the circulation of consumers and this resulted in
congestion, pushing each other’s and a waste of time.
b. Reducing number of lift in the building will force users to move a lot riding escalator in a
building. If it exceeds 3 storey and this will waste of time users.

Design and layout considerations


In choosing the escalator, there are a number of factors affect escalator designs. There including
physical requirements, location, traffic patterns, safety considerations, and aesthetic preferences.

a. Physical requirements

Physical factors like the vertical and horizontal distance to be spanned must be considered. These
factors will determine the pitch of the escalator and its actual length. The ability of the building
infrastructure to support the heavy components is also a critical physical concern.

b. Location

Location is important because escalators should be situated where they can be easily seen by the
general public. In department stores, customers should be able to view the merchandise easily.
Furthermore, up and down escalator traffic should be physically separated and should not lead
into confined spaces.

c. Traffic patterns

Traffic patterns must also be anticipated in escalator design. In some buildings, the objective is
simply to move people from one floor to another, but in others there may be a more specific
requirement, such as funnelling visitors towards a main exit or exhibit. The number of
passengers is important because escalators are designed to carry a certain maximum number of
people. For example, a single-width escalator travelling at about 1.5 feet (0.46 m) per second can
move an estimated 170 persons per five-minute period. The carrying capacity of an escalator
system must match the expected peak traffic demand, presuming that passengers ride single file.
This is crucial for applications in which there are sudden increases in the number of riders. For
example, escalators at stations must be designed to cater for the peak traffic flow discharged
from a train, without causing excessive bunching at the escalator entrance.

In this regard, escalators help in controlling traffic flow of people. For example, an escalator to
an exit effectively discourages most people from using it as an entrance, and may reduce security
concerns. Similarly, escalators often are used as the exit of airport security checkpoints. Such an
egress point would generally be staffed to prevent its use as an entrance, as well.

It is preferred that staircases be located adjacent to the escalator if the escalator is the primary
means of transport between floors. It may also be necessary to provide an elevator lift adjacent to
an escalator for wheelchairs and disabled persons.

d. Safety
Safety is also major concern in escalator design. Fire protection of an escalator floor-opening
may be provided by adding automatic sprinklers or fireproof shutters to the opening, or by
installing the escalator in an enclosed fire-protected hall. To limit the danger of overheating,
adequate ventilation for the spaces that contain the motors and gears must be provided. It is
preferred that a traditional staircase be located adjacent to the escalator if the escalator is the
primary means of transport between floors. It may also be necessary to provide an elevator lift
adjacent to an escalator for wheelchairs and disabled persons.

e. Aesthetic
Consideration should be given to the aesthetics of the escalator. The architects and designers can
choose from a wide range of styles and colours for the handrails and balustrades.

f. Carrying capacity
The carrying capacity of an escalator system must match the expected peak traffic demand,
presuming that passengers ride single escalator. This is crucial for applications in which there are
sudden increases in the number of riders.

Model sizes and other specifications

Escalator step widths and energy usage
(between Single-step Energy
Size Applications
balustrade capacity consumption
A rare historic
One passenger, design found
Very small 400 mm (16 in) with feet mostly in older 3.7 kW (5.0 hp)
together department
sites, uppermost
levels of
Small 600 mm (24 in) One passenger 3.7 kW (5.0 hp)
stores, when
space is limited
One passenger Shopping malls,
+ one package department 7.5 kW
Medium 800 mm (31 in)
or one piece of stores, smaller (10.1 hp)
luggage airports
Mainstay of
metro systems,
Two passengers
1,000 mm larger airports, 7.5 kW
Large – one may walk
(39 in) train stations, (10.1 hp)
past another
some retail


a) Top and Bottom Landing Platforms

These two platforms house the curved sections of the tracks, as well as the gears and
motors that drive the stairs. The top platform contains the motor assembly and the main
drive gear, while the bottom holds the step return idler sprockets. These sections also
anchor the ends of the escalator truss. In addition, the platforms contain a floor plate and
a comb plate. The floor plate provides a place for the passengers to stand before they step

onto the moving stairs. This plate is flush with the finished floor and is either hinged or
removable to allow easy access to the machinery below. The comb plate is the piece
between the stationary floor plate and the moving step. It is so named because its edge
has a series of cleats that resemble the teeth of a comb. These teeth mesh with matching
cleats on the edges of the steps. This design is necessary to minimize the gap between the
stair and the landing, which helps prevent objects from getting caught in the gap.

b) The Truss/supporting beams

The truss or supporting beam is a hollow metal structure that bridges the lower and upper
landings. It is composed of two side sections joined together with cross braces across the
bottom and just below the top. The ends of the truss are attached to the top and bottom
landing platforms via steel or concrete supports. The truss carries all the straight track
sections connecting the upper and lower sections.

c) The tracks
The track system is built into the truss to guide the steps. There are actually two tracks:
one for the front wheels of the steps and one for the back wheels of the steps. The relative
positions of these tracks cause the steps to form a staircase as they move out from under
the comb plate. On the inclined portion of the escalators, the step track is positioned to
create a staircase configuration at the steps. Then, as the steps transition at the top and
bottom of the escalator, the two tracks separate to allow the steps to "flatten out" at the
floor plate.

d) Steps
The manufacturers of the steps are in three widths: 24-in, 32-in and 40-in wide. The
depth of any step tread in the direction of travel shall not be less than 400mm (15.75in)
and the rise between treads shall not be more than 220mm (8.5in). Most steps today are
fabricated from cast aluminum, which is stronger and lighter than older escalator step

e) Handrail
The handrail provides a convenient handhold for passengers while they are riding the
escalator. Handrails should be provided on both sides of the stairs. In an escalator, the
handrail is pulled along its track by a chain that is connected to the main drive gear by a
series of pulleys. It is designed with fabric-rubber railings.

f) Safety device
Fire protection of an escalator floor opening may be provided by adding automatic
sprinklers or fireproof shutters to the opening, or by installing the escalator in an enclosed
fire-protected hall. To limit the danger of overheating, ventilation for the spaces that
contain the motors and gears must be provided.

g) Rise
Standard rise of the escalator is up to about 60 feet (18 m) with angle of inclination to the
horizontal floor level is 30 degrees. Typical escalator step rise is 8½ in (maximum).

h) Rope system
The rope system of the escalator is consists of electric motor, driver gear, return wheel,
chain guide and inner rail.


1. Electric motor
2. Drive gear
3. Handrail drive
4. Handrail
5. Step
6. Return wheel
7. Chain guide
8. Inner rail

i) Escalator pit
The escalator pit is required at the back of the escalator. The depth and length of the pit is
depending upon the rise of the escalator and width of the steps.

j) Headroom
Headroom of the escalator is measure from the level of floor or platform to the ceiling. If
the headroom on the underside of the escalators is less than 2200mm, this area must be
guarded to avoid hazard. The provision such as railings or solid wall is some means of
meeting this requirement.

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