Peace Talk People

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We will have a “Peace Summit” in our classroom next week. In order to prepare, students will be
assigned a key leader from the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Students should, as a homework assignment, carry out research on their assigned leader.
You should have:
1. Background Information (20 pts)
2. Personal history (20 pts)
3. Statements or actions regarding the Arab-Israeli conflict. (20 pts)
4. Picture of your person + title. (30pts)
All on a
5. Poster (10 pts)
Posters should include a photograph of their personality, his or her title (and former title[s] if
applicable), background and biographical information, and a brief description of her or his political views
and values on the Israeli-Palestinian question, with changes over time, quotations, and actions taken
where appropriate.
Be prepared to represent that person on the day of the summit.

KEY 1 st
, 3rd , 6th, 7th

Yasser Arafat, leader of Palestinian Authority Ezechi, Gabe, Anna, Brittany, Jade

Randa Siniora, director of the Jerusalem Women's Center for Legal Aid and Counseling-
Gisselys, Maya, Sam, Katie

Khaled Meshaal, leader of Hamas Seth, Joel, Jason, Ashley

Ramadan Shalah, leader of Palestinian Islamic Jihad-Arianna, Eva, Luis, Ashly

Marwan Barghouti, lieutenant of Yasser Arafat-Alison, Kayra, Taraji, William, Hunter

Sheikh Ahmad Yasin, spiritual leader of Hamas-Mia, Beza, Kevin, Geovanni

Tzipi Hotovely, current foreign minister of Israel-Lia, Cory, , Janila, Briana

Avigdor Lieberman , Janila

Ehud Barak, former prime minister of Israel-Laura, Shreya, Victor, Valeria

Avi Buskila, leader of Peace Now-Andree, Dylan, Danely, Ramon

Hagar Roublev, director of Bat Shalom-Emmanual, Hannah, Khadidja, IIsa, Itzel

Ariel Sharon, former prime minister of Israel-Taylor, Caroline, Alaysha, Yojan, Allston
Rabbi Shlomo Aviner, a leader of Ateret Yerushalayim, -Staffani, Nicholas, Brian,

Eli Yishai, former leader of Shas party-Jaden, Hailey, Riquelme, Jesus

Donald Trump, current president of the United States-Joshtin, Hardy, Christopher, Jason G, Uriel

Mike Pompeo, current U.S. secretary of state-Mauri, Madison, Juan, Braw, Jade

Barack Obama, former president of the United States-Hazael, Clare, Lucas, Rashad, Jason M., DJ

King Abdullah of Jordan-Jose, Kyra, Piper, Litzy

Bashar al-Assad, president of Syria-Tommy, Julian, Regan, Nabi

Hosni Mubarak, former president of Egypt –Yahanah, Savannah, Patricia, Ricky

Crown Prince Muhammad bin Salman OF Saudi Arabia-Sherlyn, Ashlyn, Alice, Amy

Abdel Fattah el-Sis, president of Egypt –Adrian, Mason, Stefan, Christopher

Ariel Sharon, former Prime Minister of Israel-deceased -Katie

George W. Bush, former president of the United States-Wynnton

Benjamin Netanyahu, current prime minister of Israel-Zach

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