Chinese Lessons

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English Name Chinese Name Pinyin Local Name

Afghanistan 阿富汗 a1 fu4 han4 Afghanestan
Albania 阿尔巴尼亚 a1 er3 ba1 ni2 ya4 Shqiperia
Algeria 阿尔及利亚 a1 er2 ji2 li4 ya4 Al Jaza'ir
Andorra 安道尔 an1 dao4 er3 Andorra
Angola 安哥拉 an1 ge1 la1 Angola
Anguilla 安圭拉 an1 gui1 la1 Anguilla
Antarctica 南极洲 nan2 ji2 zhou1 Antarctica
Antigua and Barbuda 安提瓜和巴布达 an1 ti2 gua1 he2 ba1 bu4 da2 Antigua and Barbuda
Argentina 阿根廷 a1 gen1 ting2 Argentina
Armenia 亚美尼亚 ya4 mei3 ni2 ya4 Hayastan
Aruba 阿鲁巴 a1 lu2 ba1 Aruba
Australia 澳大利亚 ao4 da4 li4 ya4 Australia
Austria 奥地利 ao4 di4 li4 Österreich
Azerbaijan 阿塞拜疆 a1 sai4 bai4 jiang1 Azarbaycan

Bahamas 巴哈马 ba1 ha1 ma3 Bahamas
Bahrain 巴林 ba1 lin2 Al Bahrayn
Bangladesh 孟加拉国 meng4 jia1 la1 guo2 Bangladesh
Barbados 巴巴多斯 Ba1 ba1 duo1 si1 Barbados
Belarus 白俄罗斯 bai2 e2 luo2 si1 Byelarus
Belgium 比利时 bi3 li4 shi2 Belgique/Belgie
Belize 伯利兹 bo2 li4 zi1 Belize
Benin 贝宁 bei4 ning2 Benin
Bermuda 百慕达群岛 bai3 mu4 da2 Bermuda
Bhutan 不丹 bu4 dan1 Bhutan
Bolivia 玻利维亚 bo1 li4 wei2 ya4 Bolivia
Bosnia and Herzegovina 波斯尼亚 - 黑塞哥维那 bo1 si1 ni2 ya4 - hei1 se4 ge1 wei2 na4 Bosna i Hercegovina
Botswana 博茨瓦纳 bo2 ci2 wa3 na4 Botswana
Brazil 巴西 ba1 xi1 Brasil
Brunei Darussalam 文莱达鲁萨兰国 wen2 lai2 da2 lu3 sa4 lan2 guo2 Negara Brunei Darussalam
Bulgaria 保加利亚 bao3 jia1 li4 ya4 Bulgaria
Burkina Faso 布基纳法索 bu4 ji1 na4 fa3 suo3 Burkina Faso
Burundi 蒲隆地 pu2 long2 di4 Burundi

Cambodia 柬埔寨 jian3 pu3 zhai4 Kampuchea
Cameroon 喀麦隆 ka4 mai4 long2 Cameroon
Canada 加拿大 jia1 na2 da4 Canada
Cape Verde 佛得角 fo2 de2 jiao3 Cabo Verde
Central African Republic 中非共和国 zhong1 fei1 gong4 he2 guo2 Republique Centrafricaine
Chad 乍得 zha4 de2 Tchad
Chile 智利 zhi4 li4 Chile
China 中国, 中华 zhong1 guo2, zhong1 hua2 Zhongguo
Colombia 哥伦比亚 ge1 lun2 bi3 ya4 Colombia
Congo, Dem. Rep. (Kinshasa) 刚果民主共和国 gang1 guo3 min2 zhu3 gong4 he2 guo2 République Démocratique du Congo
Congo, Republic of(Brazzaville) 刚果共和国 gang1 guo3 gong4 he2 guo2 République du Congo
Costa Rica 哥斯达黎加 ge1 si1 da4 li2 jia1 Costa Rica
Côte d'Ivoire Ivory Coast 科特迪瓦 ke1 te4 di2 wa3 Cote d'Ivoire
Croatia 克罗地亚 ke4 luo2 di4 ya4 Hrvatska
Cuba 古巴 gu3 ba1 Cuba
Cyprus 塞浦路斯 se4 pu3 lu4 si1 Kibris, Kypros
Czech Republic 捷克共和国 jie2 ke4 gong4 he2 guo2 Ceska Republika

Denmark 丹麦 dan1 mai4 Danmark
Djibouti 吉布提 ji2 bu4 ti2 Djibouti
Dominica 多米尼克 duo1 ming2 ni2 jia1 Dominica
Dominican Republic 多米尼加共和国 duo1 mi3 ni2 jia1 gong4 he2 guo2 Dominicana, Republica

East Timor Timor-Leste 东帝汶 dong1 di4 wen4 Timor
Ecuador 厄瓜多尔 e4 gua1 duo1 er3 Ecuador
Egypt 埃及 ai1 ji2 Misr
El Salvador 萨尔瓦多 sa4 er3 wa3 duo1 El Salvador
Equatorial Guinea 赤道几内亚 chi4 dao4 ji3 nei4 ya4 Guinea Ecuatorial
Eritrea 厄立特里亚 e4 li4 te4 li3 ya4 Hagere Ertra
Estonia 爱沙尼亚 ai4 sha1 ni2 ya4 Eesti Vabariik
Ethiopia 埃塞俄比亚 ai3 sai4 e2 bi3 ya4 Ityop'iya

Fiji 斐济 fei3 ji4 Fiji
Finland 芬兰 fen1 lan2 Suomen Tasavalta
France 法国 fa3 guo2 France
French Guiana 法屬圭亞那 fa3 shu3 gui1 ya4 na4 Guyane
French Polynesia 法属波利尼西亚 fa3 shu3 bo1 li4 ni2 xi1 ya Polynésie Française

Gabon 加蓬 jia1 peng2 Gabon
Gambia 冈比亚 gang1 bi3 ya4 The Gambia
Georgia 格鲁吉亚 ge2 lu3 ji2 ya4 Sak'art'velo
Germany 德国 de2 guo2 Deutschland
Ghana 加纳 jia1 na4 Ghana
Great Britain 英国 ying1 guo2 Great Britain
Greece 希腊 xi1 la4 Ellas, Ellada
Greenland 格陵兰 ge2 ling2 lan2 Kalaallit Nunaat, Grønland
Guatemala 危地马拉 (瓜地馬拉) gua1 di4 ma3 la1 Guatemala
Guinea 几内亚 ji1 nei4 ya4 Guinee
Guyana 圭亚那 gui1 ya4 na4 Guyana

Haiti 海地 hai3 di4 Haiti
Holy See 梵帝冈 fan4 di4 gang1 Citta del Vaticano
Honduras 洪都拉斯 hong2 du1 la1 si1 Honduras
Hong Kong 香港 xiang1 gang3 Xianggang
Hungary 匈牙利 xiong1 ya2 li4 Magyarorszag

Iceland 冰岛 bing1 dao3 Lyoveldio Island
India 印度 yin4 du4 Bharat
Indonesia 印度尼西亚, 印尼 yin1 du4 ni2 xi1 ya4, yin4 ni2 Indonesia
Iran 伊朗 yi1 lang3 Iran
Iraq 伊拉克 yi1 la1 ke4 Iraq
Ireland 爱尔兰 ai4 er3 lan2 Éire
Israel 以色列 yi3 se4 lie4 Yisra'el
Italy 意大利 yi4 da4 li4 Italia

Jamaica 牙买加 ya2 mai3 jia1 Jamaica
Japan 日本 ri4 ben3 Nippon
Jordan 约旦 yue1 dan4 Al Urdun

Kazakhstan 哈萨克斯坦 ha1 sa4 ke4 si1 tan3 Qazaqstan
Kenya 肯尼亚 ken3 ni2 ya4 Kenya
Kiribati 基里巴斯 ji2 li3 ba1 si1 Kiribati, Kiribas
Korea, Democratic People's Rep. (North Korea) 北韩, 北朝鲜 bei3 han2, bei3 chao2 xian3 Choson
Korea, Republic of (South Korea) 韩国, 光州 han2 guo2, guang1 zhou1 Han-guk
Kuwait 科威特 ke1 wei1 te4 Al Kuwayt
Kyrgyzstan 吉尔吉斯斯坦 ji2 er3 ji2 si1 si1 tan3 Kyrgyz Respublikasy

Lao 老挝 lao3 wo1 Lao
Latvia 拉脱维亚 la1 tuo1 wei2 ya4 Latvija
Lebanon 黎巴嫩 li2 ba1 nen4 Lubnan
Lesotho 莱索托 lai2 suo3 tuo1 Lesotho
Liberia 利比里亚 li4 bi3 li3 ya4 Liberia
Libya 利比亚 li4 bi3 ya4 Libiyah
Liechtenstein 列支敦士登 lie4 zhi1 dun1 shi4 deng1 Liechtenstein
Lithuania 立陶宛 li4 tao2 wan3 Lietuva
Luxembourg 卢森堡 lu2 sen1 bao3 Luxembourg, Letzebuerg
Macao (Aomen) 澳门 ao4 men2 Aomen
Macedonia, Rep. of 马其顿 ma3 qi2 dun4 Makedonija
Madagascar 马达加斯加 ma3 da2 jia1 si1 jia1 Madagascar
Malawi 马拉维 ma3 la1 wei2 Malawi
Malaysia 马来西亚 ma3 lai2 xi1 ya4 Malaysia
Maldives 马尔代夫 ma3 er3 dai4 fu1 Dhivehi Raajje
Mali 马里 ma3 li3 Mali
Malta 马耳他 ma3 er3 ta1 Malta
Marshall-Islands 马绍尔群岛 ma3 shao4 er3 qun2 dao3 Marshall-Islands
Martinique 马提尼克 ma3 ti2 ni2 ke4 Martinique
Mauritania 毛里塔尼亚 mao2 li3 ta3 ni2 ya4 Muritaniyah
Mauritius 毛里求斯 mao2 li3 qiu2 si1 Mauritius
Mexico 墨西哥 mo4 xi1 ge1 Estados Unidos Mexicanos
Micronesia 密克罗尼西亚 mi4 ke4 luo2 ni2 xi1 ya4 Micronesia
Moldova 摩尔多瓦 mo2 er3 duo1 wa3 Moldova
Monaco 摩纳哥 mo2 na4 ge1 Monaco
Mongolia 蒙古 meng3 gu3 Mongol Uls
Montenegro 黑山 hei1 shan1 Crna Gora
Morocco 摩洛哥 mo2 luo4 ge1 Al Maghrib
Mozambique 莫桑比克 mo4 sang1 bi3 ke4 Mocambique
Myanmar, Burma 缅甸 mian3 dian4 Myanma Naingngandaw
Namibia 纳米比亚 na4 mi3 bi3 ya4 Namibia
Nauru 瑙鲁 nao4 lu3 Nauru
Nepal 尼泊尔 ni2 bo2 er3 Nepal
Netherlands 荷兰 he2 lan2 Nederland/Holland
New Caledonia 新喀里多尼亚 xin1 ka1 li3 duo1 ni2 ya4 Nouvelle-Calédonie
New Zealand 新西兰 xin1 xi1 lan2 Aotearoa
Nicaragua 尼加拉瓜 ni2 jia1 la1 gua1 Nicaragua
Niger 尼日尔 ni2 ri4 er3 Niger
Nigeria 尼日利亚 ni2 ri4 li4 ya4 Nigeria
Norway 挪威 nuo2 wei1 Norge

Oman 阿曼 a1 man4 Saltanat Uman

Pakistan 巴基斯坦 ba1 ji1 si1 tan3 Pakistan
Palau 帕劳 pa4 lao2 Belau
Palestinian National Authority 巴勒斯坦 ba1 le4 si1 tan3 Filastin
Panama 巴拿马 ba1 na2 ma3 Panama
Papua New Guinea 巴布亚新几内亚 ba1 bu4 ya4 xin1 ji3 nei4 ya4 Papua Niu Gini
Paraguay 巴拉圭 ba1 la1 gui1 Paraguay
Peru 秘鲁 bi4 lu3 Peru
Philippines 菲律宾 fei1 lu:4 bin1 Pilipinas
Poland 波兰 bo1 lan2 Polska
Portugal 葡萄牙 pu2 tao2 ya2 Portugal
Puerto Rico 波多黎各 bo1 duo1 li2 ge4 Puerto Rico

Qatar 卡塔尔 qia3 ta3 er3 Dawlat Qatar

Romania 罗马尼亚 luo2 ma3 ni2 ya4 Romania
Russia 俄罗斯 e2 luo2 si1 Rossiya
Rwanda 卢旺达 lu2 wang4 da2 Rwanda

Saint Kitts and Nevis 圣基茨和尼维斯 sheng4 ji1 ci2 he2 ni2 wei2 si1 Saint Kitts and Nevis
Saint Lucia 圣卢西亚 sheng4 lu2 xi1 ya4 Saint Lucia
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 圣文森特和格林纳丁斯 sheng4 wen2 sen1 te4 he2 ge2 lin2 na4 ding1 si1 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Samoa 萨摩亚 sa4 mo2 ya4 Samoa
San Marino 圣马力诺 sheng4 ma3 li4 nuo4 San Marino
São Tomé and Príncipe 圣多美普林西比 sheng4 duo1 mei3 São Tomé e Príncipe
pu3 lin2 xi1 bi3
Saudi Arabia 沙特阿拉伯 sha1 te4 a1 la1 bo2 Al Arabiyah as Suudiyah
Senegal 塞内加尔 se4 nei4 jia1 er3 Senegal
Serbia 塞尔维亚 sai1 er3 wei2 ya4 Srbija
Seychelles 塞舌尔 sai1 she2 er3 Seychelles
Sierra Leone 塞拉利昂 sai1 la1 li4 ang2 Sierra Leone
Singapore 新加坡 xin1 jia1 po1 Singapore
Slovakia 斯洛伐克 si1 luo4 fa2 ke4 Slovensko
Slovenia 斯洛文尼亚 si1 luo4 wen2 ni2 ya4 Slovenija
Somalia 索马里 suo3 ma3 li3 Somalia
South Africa 南非 nan2 fei1 South Africa
Spain 西班牙 xi1 ban1 ya2 España
Sri Lanka 斯里兰卡 si1 li3 lan2 ka3 Sri Lanka
Sudan 苏丹 su1 dan1 As-Sudan
Suriname 苏里南 su1 li3 nan2 Suriname
Swaziland 史瓦济兰 shi3 wa3 ji4 lan2 Swaziland
Sweden 瑞典 rui4 dian3 Sverige
Switzerland 瑞士 rui4 shi4 Schweiz (German), Suisse (French), Svizzera (Italian)
Syria 叙利亚 xu4 li4 ya4 Suriyah

Taiwan 台湾 tai2 wan1 T'ai-wan
Tajikistan 塔吉克斯坦 ta3 ji2 ke4 si1 tan3 Jumhurii Tojikiston
Tanzania 坦桑尼亚 tan3 sang1 ni2 ya4 Tanzania
Thailand 泰国 tai4 guo2 Prathet Thai
Timor-Leste 东帝汶 dong1 di4 wen4 Timor
Togo 多哥 duo1 ge1 Republique Togolaise
Trinidad and Tobago 特立尼达和多巴哥 te4 li4 ni2 da2 he2 Trinidad and Tobago
duo1 ba1 ge1
Tunisia 突尼斯 tu1 ni2 si1 Tunis
Turkey 土耳其 tu3 er3 qi2 Turkiye
Turkmenistan 土库曼 tu3 ku4 man4 Turkmenistan
Tuvalu 吐瓦鲁 tu3 wa3 lu3

Uganda 乌干达 wu1 gan1 da2 Uganda
Ukraine 乌克兰 wu1 ke4 lan2 Ukrayina
United Arab Emirates 阿拉伯联合酋长国 A1 la1 bo2 lian2 he2 qiu2 chang2 guo2 Al Imarat al Arabiyah al Muttahidah
United Kingdom 英国 ying1 guo2 United Kingdom
United States 美国 mei3 guo2 United States
Uruguay >乌拉圭 wu1 la1 gui1 Republica Oriental del Uruguay
Uzbekistan 乌兹别克斯坦 wu1 zi1 bie2 ke4 si1 tan3 Uzbekiston Respublikasi

Vanuatu 瓦努阿图 wa3 nu3 a1 tu2 Vanuatu
Vatican City State 梵帝冈 fan4 di4 gang1 Citta del Vaticano
Venezuela 委内瑞拉 wei3 nei4 rui4 la1 Venezuela
Vietnam 越南 yue4 nan2 Viet Nam

Yemen 也门 ye3 men2 Al Yaman

Zambia 赞比亚 zan4 bi3 ya4 Zambia
Zimbabwe 津巴布韦 jin1 ba1 bu4 wei2 Zimbabwe

A character may consist of between 1 and 64 stokes. The strokes are always written in the same direction and there is a set order to write the strokes of each character. In
dictionaries, characters are ordered partly by the number of stokes they contain.
The 39-stroke character (3 x thunder) means "the sound of thunder" and is always written doubled (靐靐). The 48-stroke character (3 dragons) means "the appearance of a
dragon walking".

Hear a recording of these characters

There are approximately 1,700 possible syllables in Mandarin, if you include the tones - only 400 or so if you ignore the tones. This compares with some 8,000 in English. As a
result, there are many homophones - syllables which sound the same but mean different things. These are distinguished in written Chinese by using different characters for
each one.

Not all the following characters are pronounced with the same tone, so to Chinese ears they sound different, but to Western ears they probably all sound the same. These
syllables can be distinguished in speech from the context and because most of them usually appear in combination with other syllables.
Hear a recording of these characters by 夏绘 (Xinghua)

If you look closely, you might notice that some of the characters above have parts in common. One element that appears in many of them is 旁 (páng), which means beside,
one side, other, side or self, but is used here as a phonetic component to indicate that these characters sound something like páng.
Some of the above characters are rarely used, and many usually appear in combination with other characters, and this helps to distinguish them. For example, 'to help' is 幫助
(bāngzhù), and stick is 棒子 (bàngzi).

More examples of homophones

It is even possible to write a text in Chinese using only one sound, pronounced with different tones, of course. This is exactly what Chinese linguist, Zhao Yuanren, did when he
wrote the "Story of Shi Eating the Lions" using nothing but the sound 'shi'. The story makes sense in written form, but is impossible to understand when read aloud, unless you
have memorised it.

You can see and hear the story on:

Compound words
Many Chinese verbs and adjectives consist of one character (syllable) but nouns often consist of two, three or more characters (syllables):
Omniglot Chinese
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 火车 [火車] huǒchē - "fire vehicle" - train
 火山 huǒshān - "fire mountain" - volcano
 风水 [風水] - fēngshuǐ - "wind water" - feng shui (rules in Chinese philosophy that govern spatial arrangement and orientation in relation to patterns of yin and yang and
the flow of energy)
 香水 xiāngshuǐ - "fragrant water" - perfume
 山水 shānshuǐ - "mountain water" - landscape
 山猫 [山貓] - shānmāo - "mountain cat" - leopard
 猫头鹰 [貓頭鷹] - māotóuyīng - "cat head eagle" - owl
 大学 [大學] - dàxué - "great learning" - university
 飞机 [飛機] - fēijī - "flying machine" - aeroplane
 收音机 [收音機] shōuyīnjī - "receive sound machine" - radio
 精神分裂症 jīngshénfēnlièzhèng - "mind split disease" - schizophrenia
 电脑 [電腦] diànnǎo - "electric brain" - computer
 电话 [電話] diànhuà - "electric speech" - telephone
 电车 [電車] diànchē - "electric vehicle" - trolleybus
 电影 [電影] diànyǐng - "electric shadow" - film/movie
 电路 [電路] diànlù - "electric road" - electric circuit
 电视 [電視] diànshì - "electric look" - TV
 电池 [電池] diànchí - "electric pool" - battery

Chinese (Mandarin)/Table of Initial-Final Combinations

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Subpages: Examples - Exercises - Stroke Order

Table of Possible Combinations of Chinese Initials and Finals[edit]

The table below shows all possible combinations of initials and finals in Pinyin (not including -r modified syllables). It also does not reflect the use of tones. Some combinations may only be valid with the
use of one tone, while others may be valid with multiple tones.


Pinyin table Pinyin table

b p m f d t n l g k h j q x zh ch sh r z c s

Group a (no (no Group a

zhi chi shi ri zi ci si
Finals final) final) Finals
a a ba pa ma fa da ta na la ga ka ha zha cha sha za ca sa a

o o bo po mo fo o

e e me de te ne le ge ke he zhe che she re ze ce se e

ê ê

ai ai bai pai mai dai tai nai lai gai kai hai zhai chai shai zai cai sai ai

ei ei bei pei mei fei dei nei lei gei hei zhei shei zei ei

ao ao bao pao mao dao tao nao lao gao kao hao zhao chao shao rao zao cao sao ao

ou ou pou mou fou dou tou nou lou gou kou hou zhou chou shou rou zou cou sou ou

an an ban pan man fan dan tan nan lan gan kan han zhan chan shan ran zan can san an

en en ben pen men fen nen gen ken hen zhen chen shen ren zen cen sen en

ang ang bang pang mang fang dang tang nang lang gang kang hang zhang chang shang rang zang cang sang ang

eng eng beng peng meng feng deng teng neng leng geng keng heng zheng cheng sheng reng zeng ceng seng eng
er er er

i yi bi pi mi di ti ni li ji qi xi i

ia ya lia jia qia xia ia

io yo io

ie ye bie pie mie die tie nie lie jie qie xie ie

iai yai iai

Group i Group i
iao yao biao piao miao diao tiao niao liao jiao qiao xiao iao
Finals Finals

iu you miu diu niu liu jiu qiu xiu iu

ian yan bian pian mian dian tian nian lian jian qian xian ian

in yin bin pin min nin lin jin qin xin in

iang yang niang liang jiang qiang xiang iang

ing ying bing ping ming ding ting ning ling jing qing xing ing
u wu bu pu mu fu du tu nu lu gu ku hu zhu chu shu ru zu cu su u

ua wa gua kua hua zhua chua shua ua

uo wo duo tuo nuo luo guo kuo huo zhuo chuo shuo ruo zuo cuo suo uo

uai wai guai kuai huai zhuai chuai shuai uai

Group u Group u
ui wei dui tui gui kui hui zhui chui shui rui zui cui sui ui
Finals Finals

uan wan duan tuan nuan luan guan kuan huan zhuan chuan shuan ruan zuan cuan suan uan

un wen dun tun lun gun kun hun zhun chun shun run zun cun sun un

uang wang guang kuang huang zhuang chuang shuang uang

ong weng dong tong nong long gong kong hong zhong chong rong zong cong song ong

ü yu nü lü ju qu xu ü

Group ü Group ü
üe yue nüe lüe jue que xue üe
Finals Finals

üan yuan lüan juan quan xuan üan

ün yun lün jun qun xun ün

iong yong jiong qiong xiong iong

b p m f d t n l g k h j q x zh ch sh r z c s
Pinyin table Pinyin table


Colour Legend:

"regular" initial or final

Final is in Group a or is a direct combination of:

 i+Group a final
 u+Group a final
 ü+Group a final
Final of i, u, ü groups is a modified combination of:

 i+Group a final
 u+Group a final
 ü+Group a final
syllable is direct combination of initial and final (or follows rules for standalone initials and finals, explained in pronunciation basics)

syllable is modified combination of initial and final

Modified i, u, and ü group finals:

The following finals in the i, u, and ü groups are a modified combination of i, u or ü with a group a final:

 ie=i+ê
 iu=i+ou
 in=i+en
 ing=i+eng
 ui=u+ei
 un=u+en
 ong=u+eng
 üe=ü+ê
 ün=ü+en
 iong=i+u+eng

Chinese Character Strokes

Chinese characters are made out of simple basic strokes. A good first step to learn Chinese characters is to learn the basic strokes. The table below lists all the basic strokes used in the modern
Chinese characters, giving the name and example characters. Click the Pinyin to hear the pronunciation of the stroke. If you want to know how to draw the stroke, click the example characters.

S/N Stroke Direction Name Example Characters

1. diǎn 立, 文, 头, 主, 犬

2. héng 王, 天 , 二, 工, 大

3. shù 十, 中, 丰, 申, 干

4. piě 八, 须, 仅, 顺, 行

5. nà 入, 丈, 夫, 又, 伞

6. tí 冰, 湖, 凋, 泰, 冷

7. hénggōu 买, 卖, 定, 皮, 胥,
8. shùgōu 小, 水, 寸, 求, 刮
9. xiégōu 我, 贱, 伐, 代, 或
10. héngzhé 国, 口, 见, 目, 皿
11. shùzhé 医, 区, 凶, 出, 山
12. héngpiě 又, 友, 叉, 权, 麦
13. piědiǎn 女, 巡, 姜, 好, 妈
14. héngzhézhézhégōu 乃, 仍, 孕
15. héngxiéwāngōu 乙, 亿, 忆

16. shùwāngōu 乱, 扎, 己
17. héngzhéwāngōu 九, 几

18. shùzhéwāngōu 亏, 马, 号, 丐, 弓

19. wāngōu 家, 狐, 逐, 狗, 狄
20. héngzhégōu 羽, 包, 刀, 习, 勻
21. héngzhétí 计, 认, 识
22. héngzhézhépiě 及, 建, 极, 级

23. héngpiěwāngōu 邮, 队, 邓, 郊, 部

24. piězhé 公, 弘, 挨, 台, 抬
25. shùtí 民, 很, 良, 食, 狠
26. shùzhépiě 专, 传, 转, 砖
27. shùzhézhé 鼎
28. héngzhézhé 凹
29. héngzhézhézhé 凸

30. héngzhéwān 朵, 投, 沿, 剁
31. biǎnxiégōu 心, 必, 蕊, 沁, 密
32. héngxiégōu 飞, 气, 风


shuĭ guŏ 水果


yīng táo 樱桃

căo méi 草莓


níng méng 柠檬


píng guŏ 苹果


jú zi 橘子


lí 梨


xiāng jiāo 香蕉


pú tao 葡萄


pú táo yòu 葡萄柚


xī guā 西瓜


bō luó 菠萝

lĭ zi 李子


táo zi 桃子


shū cài 蔬菜


yē zi 椰子


qié zi 茄子


máng guŏ 芒果


xiăo huáng guā 小黄瓜


xìng 杏


yáng cōng 洋葱

shì zi 柿子


bō cài 菠菜


shí liu 石榴


shā lā 沙拉

Green beans

qīng dòu 青豆

Kiwi fruit

mí hóu táo 猕猴桃


huáng guā 黄瓜


lì zhī 荔枝


guì yuán 桂圆


hú jiāo 胡椒
I like celery

wŏ xĭ huan qín cài 我喜欢芹菜

I do not like garlic

wŏ bù xĭ huan dà suàn 我不喜欢大蒜


xiăo shuĭ luó bo 小水萝卜


yáng bái cài 洋白菜


mó gu 蘑菇


shēng cài 生菜


yù mĭ 玉米


tŭ dòu 土豆

xī hóng shì 西红柿


hú luó bo 胡萝卜


jiŭ cài 韭菜


bā jiāo 芭蕉

Balsam pear

kŭ guā 苦瓜


mĭ fàn 米饭

Lotus root

lián ŏu 莲藕


xiāng cài 香菜

Bamboo shoot

sŭn 笋

I do not like the beans

wŏ bù xĭ huan dòu lèi shí pĭn 我不喜欢豆类食品

Dairy products

rŭ zhì pĭn 乳制品


niú năi 牛奶

Ice cream

bīng qí lín 冰淇淋


huáng yóu 黄油


năi lào 奶酪


năi yóu 奶油

Frozen food

bīng dòng shí pĭn 冰冻食品


suān năi 酸奶


jī dàn 鸡蛋

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