Curriculum Document

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Chemical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Gadjah Mada University has

continuously been committed to produce globally competitive graduates as reflected through the
regular evaluation on its curriculum. Curriculum 2011 has an important characteristic with the
implementation of Outcome Based Education (OBE). The competencies that will be gained by the
graduates (program outcomes/PO) are translated into learning outcomes (LO) of each course. The
program outcomes were formulated by considering the inputs from stakeholders, through
benchmarking to other established chemical engineering departments in Indonesia as well as in
ASEAN region, and considering standards set by international organization such as IChemE (UK) and
ABET (USA). Based on the improved curriculum (Curriculum 2011), it is hoped that the undergraduate
program is ready to be accredited by an international organization.

The dynamics of the community and industry have always been one of the most important
contributing factors that determine the content and form of our curriculums. New graduates are
prepared with the abilities to adapt to the changes so that they will have a strong global
competitiveness supported by ability to pursue long life learning process. Curriculum 2011 also puts
an emphasis on students’ soft skills; such as communication, teamwork, leadership and
entrepreneurship which are developed in formal courses and also through “hidden curriculum” that is
included into formal courses. Furthermore, to broaden the horizon of the graduates, the required
number of credits for elective courses is increased from 8 (in Curriculum 2006) to 10 credits.
Furthermore, students are also allowed to take courses from other departments, and even other

Beside the above mentioned changes, one of the most important additions of Curriculum
2011 is related to safety. The safety aspect has become an inseparable part of chemical engineering
subjects, both explicitly and implicitly. Although formal course in safety is only 2 credits, safety is
explicitly part of other courses such as Process Equipment Design, Plant Design, and Plant Design
Project. In addition, safety is also part of lab work, research and Research Project and other courses.

Recently, the competitiveness in a chemical product is determined by the characteristic of the

product, whether it be in a microscopic or macroscopic scale. Those characteristics might be the size
distribution of particles, size distribution of pores, chemical stability, surface characteristic, aesthetic
aspects, etc. Such competition in the fine chemicals production has driven the formation of a new
branch in the chemical engineering studies, i.e. product engineering. Product engineering is defined
as the effort to connect molecular nature/process with macroscopic characteristics in order to control
the production process thus the wanted specifications of the product can be reached. As in the
Curriculum 2006, product engineering is still an important part of the Curriculum 2011 because of its
increasing importance in the upcoming years.

The overall population growth in Indonesia and the rest of the world, combined with the
demand of a higher standard of living, give rise to the need of the graduates’ awareness and
competencies concerning sustainable development, environment and safety. Those three aspects are
delivered deeper in a couple of specialized courses or as hidden curriculum in most of the other

Finally, the success of a curriculum will be measured with the competencies achieved by the
graduates and their ability to compete in the work market. This will be carried out through a cycle of
quality control that will eventually become a continuous improvement process. This continuous
improvement is essentially the spirit of the curriculum evaluation process.

Yogyakarta, March 2011

Head of Chemical Engineering Department
Faculty of Engineering
Universitas Gadjah Mada

Ir. Moh. Fahrurrozi, M.Sc., Ph.D


Cover ................................................................................................................................................... i
Preface ................................................................................................................................................ ii
Table of Content ................................................................................................................................. iii
1. Introduction .................................................................................................................................. 1
2. Academic System ........................................................................................................................ 1
3. Objectives (Competencies) .......................................................................................................... 2
4. Course Distribution in Each Semester ......................................................................................... 3
5. Relevance of Curriculum Contents with Competences (Program Objectives) ............................ 9
6. Flow chart ................................................................................................................................... 12
7. Graduation Requirement ............................................................................................................ 13
8. Credit Count Allocation Worksheet ............................................................................................ 14
APPENDIX: Course Syllabuses ....................................................................................................... 19


Chemical Engineering Department, Universitas Gadjah Mada was established in 1946. Since
then, the department has been become one of the most prominent chemical engineering educations
in Indonesia and has attracted best high school graduates from all over Indonesia.
Currently, the department has 36 academic staffs (25 PhD holders). Beside undergraduate
program, the department also run master and doctorate program. Total student body is: 650
undergraduate students, 90 master students, and 22 doctorate students.
The vision of Chemical Engineering Department as an institution is as follows:
“To become a department that gives a national contribution through Tridharma Perguruan
Tinggi1as well as become an internationally recognized institution”. This institutional vision is
translated more specifically into the department’s vision on the undergraduate education as follows:
“To be a chemical engineering undergraduate program that produces graduates that have a good
ethical value, national insight, international qualities, and the flexibility for self-development”.

The department’s educational vision is translated into the department’s mission statement as:
“Chemical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, UGM educates the students in order to
build excellent logical thinking through student-learning centered processes based on real societal
and industrial problems in which the academic atmosphere is directed to promote personal
development and entrepreneurial attitudes and also to accelerate acclimatization to international
environment. In addition, graduates are also prepared to attain competencies and awareness to
take advantage of Indonesia natural resources in a sustainable manner”


Undergraduate program in Chemical Engineering Department is 4 years program. Each

academic year comprised of 2 semesters. Academic load is measured in credit unit. Average
students register classes that are equivalent to 20 credit units per semester. To complete the
undergraduate program, students must earn minimum 148 credit units with grade point average of
2.0 (on 4 scales).
Each credit unit is equivalent to 50 minutes lecture session, up to 1 working hour on
homework and other assignment, plus up to 1 working hour of individual study. This approximate
working hour is for average students and for average normal technical courses.
Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) uses grading system in an alphabetical form (A, B, C, D and E).
Each of the alphabetical grades means:
Alphabetical Grade Explanation Equivalent
Numerical Grade
A Very Good 4
B Good 3
C Fair 2
D Less 1
E Poor 0
Passing grade for most courses is D. Some core courses and projects require C as the minimum
passing grade. Beside the total credits and grade point average (GPA) requirements, students must
have passing grades in all courses.

Tridharma Pendidikan Tinggi: It is 3 pillars of higher education activities as mandated by legislation in
Indonesia, i.e.: education, research and community empowerment. Tridharma (Indonesian) means three
honorable responsibilities.


The objectives required to be achieved by Chemical Engineering Department can be

categorized based on time frame of student academic and professional stages, as follows:

a. Long-term Objectives (Program Educational Outcomes, PEO)

Long-term objectives are attributes expected to be possessed by Chemical Engineering graduates

after 5-years of working experience. Through analysis on future trends, benchmarking to other
prominent institutions, tracer study, and user feedback, long-term objectives (program educational
outcomes) of Chemical Engineering Department can be formulated as follows:

1. Fully comprehending values, attitudes, and ethics of chemical engineering professional;

2. Being able to identify, formulate, and solve chemical engineering problems with always
upholding safety aspects and environmental sustainability;
3. Being able to plan, organize, and perform experiments, and also to collect, analyze, and interpret
4. Being able and willing to follow the latest technology and use it for engineering practices, and to
commit life-long learning;
5. Having skills in communication and in working in a team, and possess leadership in
multidisciplinary society.

b. Competences (Program Outcomes, PO)

To achieve the long-term objectives, the students can be declared to be chemical engineering
graduates if they are able to show several specific competencies. Moreover, they must be capable
and willing to develop themselves continuously in order to achieve the long-term objectives. The
undergraduate education is designed to facilitate the students, upon the completion of their
courses, to achieve the following competencies:

1. Mastering fundamental concepts of Chemical Engineering;

2. Being conscious of natural resource potentials and its utilization for human’s benefits;
3. Mastering the basic of Process Engineering which includes Product Engineering and Process
Design by always upholding safety and environmental sustainability;
4. Understanding material behaviors and properties based on knowledge of macrostructure,
microstructure and also materials compositions;
5. Understanding principles of chemical industry equipment;
6. Being well-versed with calculation methods as a base for making engineering decisions;
7. Understanding the basics of economic evaluations as a base for project feasibility appraisal;
8. Having the capability to design and conduct simple experiments, and also to collect, analyse, and
interpret the data;
9. Comprehending and respecting values, attitudes, and ethics of professional chemical engineers;
10. Possessing sufficient basics for continuous self-developments;
11. Having good communication skills and ability to work in a team;
12. Having ability to follow contemporary issues.

PO will be implemented in learning outcomes (LO) of each course as shown in the syllabus


Semester I
Obligatory Lecture (L)/
No. Course Code Course Credit (Ob)/ Labwork (P)/
Optional (Op) Final Project (FP)
1. TKK1100 Analytical Chemistry 3 Ob L
2. TKK1101 Organic Chemistry 1 2 Ob L
3. TKK1102 General Chemistry 3 Ob L
4. TKK1103 Mathematics 1 3 Ob L
5. TKK1104 English for Engineering 2 Ob L
6. TKK1105 Physics 1 3 Ob L
7. UNU1100 Pancasila (State Ideology) 2 Ob L
8. MMS1407 Success Skill 1 Ob L
Total 19

Semester II

Obligatory Lecture (L)/

No. Course Code Course Credit (Ob)/ Labwork (P)/
Optional (Op) Final Project (FP)
1. TKK1200 Physical Chemistry 1 2 Ob L
2. TKK1201 Organic Chemistry 2 2 Ob L
TKK1202 Materials of Construction for
3. 2 Ob L
Chemical Engineering
4. TKK1203 Mathematics 2 3 Ob L
5. TKK1204 Prime Mover 2 Ob L
6. TKK1205 Physics 2 3 Ob L
7. TKK1205 Machine Element 2 Ob L
8. FIF2320 The Philosophy of Science 2 Ob L
9. UNU3000 Civics 2 Ob L
Total 20

Semester III

Obligatory Lecture (L)/

No. Course Code Course Credit (Ob)/ Labwork (P)/
Optional (Op) Final Project (FP)
1. TKK2100 Physical Chemistry 2 2 Ob L
2. TKK2101 Chemical Engineering Principles 1 2 Ob L
TKK2102 Mathematics in Chemical
3. 3 Ob L
4. TKK2103 Electrical Power Engineering 2 Ob L
TKK2104 Chemical Engineering
5. 3 Ob L
Thermodynamics 1
6. TKK2105 Engineering Economics 2 Ob L

7. TKK2106 Material Analysis Labwork 2 Ob P
8. TKK2107 Instrumental Chemical Analysis 2 Ob L
9. TKK2108 Engineering Drawing 2 Ob L
Total 20

Semester IV

Obligatory Lecture (L)/

No. Course Code Course Credit (Ob)/ Labwork (P)/
Optional (Op) Final Project (FP)
1. TKK2200 Chemical Engineering Principles 2 2 Ob L
2. TKK2201 Chemical Industrial Processes 1 2 Ob L
TKK2202 Water and Waste Water
3. 2 Ob L
TKK2203 Numerical Method and Computer
4. 3 Ob L (2), P (1)
5. TKK2204 Chemical Process Safety 2 Ob L
TKK2205 Chemical Engineering
6. 3 Ob L
Thermodynamics 2
TKK2206 Material Transport and
7. 3 Ob L
8. TKK2207 Chemical Process Labwork 2 Ob P
9. TKK2208 Entrepreneurship 1 Ob L
Total 20

Semester V

Obligatory Lecture (L)/

No. Course Code Course Credit (Ob)/ Labwork (P)/
Optional (Op) Final Project (FP)
1. TKK3100 Stage-Wise Separation Processes 3 Ob L
2. TKK3101 Chemical Industrial Processes 2 2 Ob L
3. TKK3102 Transport Phenomena 2 Ob L
4. TKK3103 Industrial Process Equipment 2 Ob L
5. TKK3104 Heat Transfer 3 Ob L
6. TKK3105 Principles of Management 2 Ob L
TKK3106 Utilization and Conservation of
7. 2 Ob L
Natural Resources
8. Elective Courses 2 Op L
9. Elective Courses 2 Op L
Total 20

Semester VI

Obligatory Lecture (L)/

No. Course Code Course Credit (Ob)/ Labwork (P)/
Optional (Op) Final Project (FP)
TKK3200 Heat and Mass Transfer
1. 3 Ob L
2. TKK3201 Chemical Reaction Engineering 1 3 Ob L
3. TKK3202 Process Control 2 Ob L
TKK3203 Mathematical Modeling and
4. 3 Ob L (2), P (1)
5. TKK3204 Unit Operation Labwork 2 Ob P
6. TKK3205 Research Methodology 1 Ob L
7. UNU4500 Student Community Services 3 Ob
8. Elective Course 2 Op L
9. Elective Course 2 Op L
Total 21

Semester VII

Obligatory Lecture (L)/

No. Course Code Course Credit (Ob)/ Labwork (P)/
Optional (Op) Final Project (FP)
1. TKK 4100 Chemical Plant Design 4 Ob L (3), P (1)
2. TKK 4101 Chemical Reaction Engineering 2 3 Ob L
3. TKK 4102 Product Engineering 2 Ob L
TKK 4103 System Analysis and Optimization
4. 2 Ob L
in Chemical Engineering
5. TKK 4104 Process Equipment Design 3 Ob L
6. TKK 4105 Research Project 2 Ob FP
UNU 1000 - Religion Studies
7. 2 Ob L
8. Elective Course 2 Op L
Total 20

Semester VIII

Obligatory Lecture (L)/

No. Course Code Course Credit (Ob)/ Labwork (P)/
Optional (Op) Final Project (FP)
1. TKK 4200 Chemical Plant Design Project 3 Ob FP
2. TKK 4201 Comprehensive Oral Examination 1 Ob FP
3. TKK 4202 Engineering Ethics 0 Ob L
4. TKK 4203 Industrial Placement 2 Ob FP
TKK 4204 Comprehensive Written
5. 1 Ob L
6. TKK 4205 Research Project Seminar 1 Ob FP
Total 8

List of Elective Courses

Elective Skill Course Code Course Name

TKK3301 Principles of Food Science
TKK3302 Fundamentals of Bioprocess
TKK3303 Applied Bioprocess
TKK3304 Industrial Food Processing
Biological Products TKK3305 Industrial Microbiology
Engineering And Bioprocess TKK3306 Cell and Molecular Biology
TKK3307 Fermentation Technology
TKK3308 Toxicology and Food Safety
Food and Agricultural Product
TKK3401 Non-renewable Energy
Energy and Environment
TKK3402 Renewable Energy

Elective Skill Course Code Course Name
TKK3403 Energy Management and Conservation

TKK3404 Energy Utilization

TKK3405 Cleaner Production
TKK3406 Waste Treatment Engineering
TKK3407 Introduction to Nuclear Engineering
TKK3408 Radiochemistry
TKK3409 NuclearMaterials
TKK3410 Hydrogeology
TKK3411 Petrology
TKK3412 Geochemistry
TKK3413 Petroleum Geology
TKK3414 Petroleum Geochemistry
Fundamental of Ground Water
TKK3416 Geochemistry of Geothermal
TKK3501 Advanced Computer Programming
TKK3502 Fluid Dynamics in Chemical Engineering
Process Modelling and System
Computer Aided Design and TKK3504 Computer-Aided Process Design
Safety Engineering
TKK3505 Process Safety and Risk Analysis

TKK3506 Process Safety Management

TKK3507 Industrial Instrumentation
TKK3508 Automatic Control
TKK3601 Polymer Technology
TKK3602 Ceramics Technology
TKK3603 Metal Materials
TKK3604 Advanced Material Engineering
Material Engineering and
TKK3605 Particle Technology
Advanced Technology
TKK3606 Enhanced Equilibrium Separation I
TKK3607 Enhanced Equilibrium Separation II
TKK3608 Membrane Technology
TKK3609 Nuclear Materials
TKK3701 Operational Research
TKK3702 Introduction to Industrial Engineering
TKK3703 Macro-Economics
Industrial Engineering and
TKK3704 Micro-Economics
TKK3705 Marketing Management
TKK3706 System Analysis
TKK3707 Quality Control

Elective Skill Course Code Course Name
TKK3708 Work System Design
TKK3709 Production Planning and Control
TKK3710 Reliability Engineering
Logistic Management and Supply-Chain
TKK3712 Factory Layout Planning
TKK3713 Principles of Marketing
TKK3714 Project Management
TKK3801 Introduction to Business
TKK3802 Introduction to Economics
TKK3803 Econometrics
TKK3804 Macro-Economics

Industrial Economics TKK3805 Development Economics

TKK3806 Project Evaluation
TKK3807 Cooperative Economics
TKK3808 History of Economical Thinking
Quantitative Method of Decision

Detail learning objectives (LO) of each course is given in APPENDIX. The course sequence is given in
the chart given in Section 6.


As described in the syllabus of each course listed in the Appendix, LO (learning outcomes) of each course (subject)
contributes to the achievement of the program outcomes (PO2) as mapped in the following table. Number in the columns referred to
PO listed in Section 3.

Competences (PO)
Course (Subject)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Analytical Chemistry √ √ √ √
Organic Chemistry 1 √ √ √
General Chemistry √ √ √ √
Mathematics 1 √ √ √
English for Engineering √ √ √
Physics 1 √ √ √
Pancasila (State Ideology) √ √ √ √
Success Skill √ √ √ √
Physical Chemistry 1 √ √ √
Organic Chemistry 2 √ √ √
Materials of Construction for Chemical Engineering √ √ √
Mathematics 2 √ √ √
Prime Mover √ √ √
Physics 2 √ √ √
Machine Element √ √ √
The Philosophy of Science √ √ √
Civics √ √ √
Physical Chemistry 2 √ √ √

Competencies:1=fundamental concept, 2= natural resource utilization, 3=design, safety, sustainability, 4=material behavior, 5=equipment principle,
6=calculation, 7=economy evaluation, 8=research, 9=ethic, 10= life-long learning, 11=communication and team work, 12=contemporary issue

Competences (PO)
Course (Subject)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Chemical Engineering Principles 1 √ √ √ √
Mathematics in Chemical Engineering √ √ √
Electrical Power Engineering √ √ √
Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics 1 √ √ √ √
Engineering Economics √ √ √
Material Analysis Labwork √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Instrumental Chemical Analysis √ √ √ √ √
Engineering Drawing √ √
Chemical Engineering Principles 2 √ √ √ √
Chemical Industrial Processes 1 √ √ √ √ √
Water and Waste Water Treatment √ √ √ √
Numerical Method and Computer Programming √ √ √ √
Chemical Process Safety √ √ √
Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics 2 √ √ √ √
Material Transport and Sedimentation √ √ √ √ √ √
Chemical Process Labwork √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Entrepreneurship √ √ √ √ √
Stage-Wise Separation Processes √ √ √ √ √ √
Chemical Industrial Processes 2 √ √ √ √ √
Transport Phenomena √ √ √ √ √ √
Industrial Process Equipment √ √ √ √
Heat Transfer √ √ √ √
Principles of Management √ √ √ √ √
Utilization and Conservation of Natural Resources √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Elective Courses
Elective Courses
Heat and Mass Transfer Operation √ √ √ √
Chemical Reaction Engineering 1 √ √ √ √ √ √
Process Control √ √ √ √

Competences (PO)
Course (Subject)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Mathematical Modeling and Computation √ √ √ √ √
Unit Operation Labwork √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Research Methodology √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Student Community Services √ √
Elective Course
Elective Course
Chemical Plant Design √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Chemical Reaction Engineering 2 √ √ √ √ √ √
Product Engineering √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
System Analysis and Optimization in Chemical Engineering √ √ √
Process Equipment Design √ √ √
Research Project √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Religion Studies √ √ √ √ √
Elective Course
Chemical Plant Design Project √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Comprehensive Oral Examination √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Engineering Ethics
Industrial Placement √ √ √ √ √ √
Comprehensive Written Examination √ √ √ √ √ √
Research Project Seminar √ √ √ √ √ √ √

Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 3 Semester 4 Semester 5 Semester 6 Semester 7 Semester 8

Analytical Physical Physical Chemical Industrial Chemical Industrial Chemical Reaction Chemical Reaction Chemical Plant
Chemistry (3) Chemistry 1(2) Chemistry 2 (2) Processes 1 (2) Processes 2 (2) Engineering 1 (3) Engineering 2 (3) Design Project (3)

General Prime Movers Chemical Engineering Chemical Engineering Stage-Wise Separation Heat & Mass Transfer Chemical Plant Comprehensive
Chemistry (3) Principles 2 (2) Operation (3) Design (4) Oral Examination
(2) Principles 1 (2) Processes (3)

Organic Organic Material Analysis Chemical Process Transport Process Control Process Equipment Industrial
Chemistry 1 (2) Chemistry 2 (2) Lab Work(2) Labwork(2) Phenomena (2) (2) Design (3) Placement (2)

Mathematics in Chemical Numeric Method and Unit Operation Product Research Project
Mathematics 1 (3) Mathematics 2 (3) Heat Transfer (3)
Engineering (3) Comp. Programming (3) Labwork (2) Seminar (1)
Engineering (2)

Electrical Power Chemical Process Industrial Process Research Research Project Engineering Ethics
Physics 1 (3) Physics 2 (3) Methodology (1)
Engineering (2) Safety (2) Equipment (2) (2) (0)

System Analysis and Comprehensive Written

English for Materials of Construction for Chemical Engineering Chemical Engineering Utilization &Conservation Mathematical Modeling Optimization in Chem.
Chemical Engineering (2) Thermodynamics 1 (3) of Natural Res. (2) and Computation (3) Engineering (2) Examination (1)
Engineering (2) Thermodynamics 2 (3)

Engineering Material Transport Principles of Student Community Religion Studies

Pancasila (2) Civics (2) Services (3)
Economics (2) and Sedimentation Management (2) (2)
Machine Engineering Entrepreneurship
Success Skill (1) Elective Course (2) Elective Course (2) Elective Course (2)
Element (2) Drawing (2) (1)

The Philosophy Instrumental Chemical Water and Waste

Analysis (2) Elective Course (2) Elective Course (2)
of Science (2) Water Treatment (2)

19 credits 20 credits 20 credits 20 credits 20 credits 21 credits 20 credits 8 credits

Obligate course The courses can be taken after taking 50 credits (min. score D) The courses must be taken in sequence
The total of elective course is 10 credits The courses can be taken together with Chem. Eng. Process Laboratory
Figure 4. Flow Chart of 2011-Curriculum of Chemical Engineering Department
To graduate from the department (hold B.Eng. degree or Sarjana Teknik/ST in Indonesian), students
who join Chemical Engineering Department in year of 2011 and later must fulfill the following
1. Have completed all the final projects (Industrial Placement, Research projects, Plant Design
Project, and Student Community Service).
2. Have passed all the mandatory courses and elective courses with minimum of 148 total credits,
minimum GPA of 2.00, maximum D grade of 25% (37 credits) and without E score. For the
university mandatory courses, the minimum grade requirements are determined by the general
guidance of the university. Chemical Engineering Department requires the minimum grade of C for
the Comprehensive Examination (TKK4204).
3. Show satisfactory English proficiency equivalent to TOEFL score of 450 (paper based Institutional
Testing Program or International Testing) or Academic Proficiency Test (ACEPT) score of 209.
ACEPT is administered by the Language Training Centre and Academic Administration and
Admission Office UGM.
4. Students joined the department in the year of 2010 and before who experienced the transition from
Curriculum 2006 to Curriculum 2011 must consult the applicable transition rule.

Fraction of Unit Dealing With Attributes
Underpinning Embedded learning
Module Local Core chemical Engineering Design Complementary Embedded learning
Year Module Title mathematics (SHE, sustainability,
Code Credit engineering practice practice Subject (transferable skills)
and science ethics)

% Credit % Credit % Credit % Credit % Credit

1 TKK1100 Analytical Chemistry 3 95 2.85 5 0.15 0
1 TKK1101 Organic Chemistry 1 2 85 1.7 15 0.3 0
1 TKK1102 General Chemistry 3 100 3 0
1 TKK1103 Mathematics 1 3 90 2.7 10 0.3
1 TKK1104 English for Engineering 2 100 2.0 Communication
1 TKK1105 Physics 1 3 85 2.55 15 0.45
1 UNU1100 Pancasila (State Ideology) 2 100 2.0
1 MMS1407 Success Skill 1 100 1.0 Communication, ethics
100 0.0
1 TKK1200 Physical Chemistry 2 90 1.8 10 0.2
1 TKK1201 Organic Chemistry 2 2 85 1.7 15 0.3
Materials of Construction for Chemical
1 TKK1202 2 10 0.2 60 1.2 20 0.4 10 0.2
1 TKK1203 Mathematics 2 3 85 2.55 15 0.45
1 TKK1204 Prime Mover 2 20 0.4 30 0.6 50 1
1 TKK1205 Physics 2 3 80 2.4 20 0.6
1 TKK1205 Machine Element 2 30 0.6 70 1.4
1 FIF2320 The Philosophy of Science 2 100 2.0 Ethics
1 UNU3000 Civics 2 100 2.0 Ethics
100 0.0
2 TKK2100 Physical Chemistry 2 2 80 1.6 20 0.4
2 TKK2101 Chemical Engineering Principles 1 2 80 1.6 15 0.3 5 0.1
2 TKK2102 Mathematics in Chemical Engineering 3 10 0.3 80 2.4 10 0.3

Underpinning Embedded learning
Module Local Core chemical Engineering Design Complementary Embedded learning
Year Module Title mathematics (SHE, sustainability,
Code Credit engineering practice practice Subject (transferable skills)
and science ethics)

% Credit % Credit % Credit % Credit % Credit

2 TKK2103 Electrical Power Engineering 2 10 0.2 20 0.4 70 1.4
Chemical Engineering
2 TKK2104 3 15 0.45 75 2.25 10 0.3
Thermodynamics 1
2 TKK2105 Engineering Economics 2 10 0.2 70 1.4 20 0.4
2 TKK2106 Material Analysis Labwork 2 10 0.2 30 0.6 60 1.2
2 TKK2107 Instrumental Chemical Analysis 2 10 0.2 20 0.4 60 1.2 10 0.2
2 TKK2108 Engineering Drawing 2 60 1.2 40 0.8
100 0.0
2 TKK2200 Chemical Engineering Principles 2 2 80 1.6 15 0.3 5 0.1
2 TKK2201 Chemical Industrial Processes 1 2 70 1.4 20 0.4 10 0.2
SHE, Sustainability,
2 TKK2202 Water and Waste Water Treatment 2 5 0.1 70 1.4 20 0.4 5 0.1
Numerical Method and Computer
2 TKK2203 3 10 0.3 70 2.1 10 0.3 10 0.3 Problem solving, IT use
SHE, Sustainability,
2 TKK2204 Chemical Process Safety 2 10 0.2 70 1.4 10 0.2 10 0.2 0
Chemical Engineering
2 TKK2205 3 80 2.4 10 0.3 10 0.3
Thermodynamics 2
Material Transport and
2 TKK2206 3 70 2.1 20 0.6 10 0.3
Communication, team
2 TKK2207 Chemical Process Labwork 2 10 0.2 50 1 20 0.4 20 0.4 Ethics
work, report writing
project planning, self
2 TKK2208 Entrepreneurship 1 100 1.0 Ethics
100 0.0
3 TKK3100 Stage-Wise Separation Processes 3 80 2.4 20 0.6

Underpinning Embedded learning
Module Local Core chemical Engineering Design Complementary Embedded learning
Year Module Title mathematics (SHE, sustainability,
Code Credit engineering practice practice Subject (transferable skills)
and science ethics)

% Credit % Credit % Credit % Credit % Credit

3 TKK3101 Chemical Industrial Processes 2 2 70 1.4 15 0.3 15 0.3
3 TKK3102 Transport Phenomena 2 10 0.2 80 1.6 10 0.2
3 TKK3103 Industrial Process Equipment 2 80 1.6 10 0.2 10 0.2 SHE
3 TKK3104 Heat Transfer 3 80 2.4 20 0.6 Sustainability
3 TKK3105 Principles of Management 2 50 1 20 0.4 30 0.6 Project planning
Utilization and Conservation of SHE, Sustainability,
3 TKK3106 2 80 1.6 10 0.2 10 0.2 0
Natural Resources Ethics
3 Elective Courses 2 100 2.0
3 Elective Courses 2 100 2.0
100 0.0
3 TKK3200 Heat and Mass Transfer Operation 3 80 2.4 20 0.6
3 TKK3201 Chemical Reaction Engineering 1 3 80 2.4 20 0.6
3 TKK3202 Process Control 2 10 0.2 70 1.4 10 0.2 10 0.2 SHE
Mathematical Modelling and
3 TKK3203 3 80 2.4 20 0.6 IT use, report writing
Communication, team
3 TKK3204 Unit Operation Labwork 2 50 1 50 1 0 SHE, Ethics
work, report writing
3 TKK3205 Research Methodology 1 20 0.2 50 0.5 30 0.3 tion retrieval, report
3 UNU4500 Student Community Services 3 20 0.6 20 0.6 60 1.8
3 Elective Course 2 100 2.0
3 Elective Course 2 100 2.0
100 0.0

Underpinning Embedded learning
Module Local Core chemical Engineering Design Complementary Embedded learning
Year Module Title mathematics (SHE, sustainability,
Code Credit engineering practice practice Subject (transferable skills)
and science ethics)

% Credit % Credit % Credit % Credit % Credit

IT use, report writing,
4 TKK4100 Chemical Plant Design 4 50 2 20 0.8 30 1.2 SHE, Ethics information retrieval,
project planing
4 TKK4101 Chemical Reaction Engineering 2 3 80 2.4 10 0.3 10 0.3 SHE
4 TKK4102 Product Engineering 2 80 1.6 10 0.2 10 0.2 SHE, Ethics
System Analysis and Optimization in
4 TKK4103 2 80 1.6 10 0.2 10 0.2
Chemical Engineering
4 TKK4104 Process Equipment Design 3 80 2.4 10 0.3 10 0.3 SHE, Ethics
IT use, report writing,
4 TKK4105 Research Project 2 50 1 25 0.5 25 0.5 0 information retrieval,
project planing
4 Religion 2 100 2.0 Ethics, sustainaility
4 Elective Course 2 100 2.0
100 0.0
IT use, report writing,
SHE, Sustainability, information retrieval,
4 TKK4200 Chemical Plant Design Project 3 10 0.3 10 0.3 80 2.4
Ethics project planing,
problem solving
4 TKK4201 Comprehensive Oral Examination 1 10 0.1 60 0.6 20 0.2 10 0.1 presentational skills,
effective use of IT
4 TKK4202 Engineering Ethics 100 Ethics

Underpinning Embedded learning
Module Local Core chemical Engineering Design Complementary Embedded learning
Year Module Title mathematics (SHE, sustainability,
Code Credit engineering practice practice Subject (transferable skills)
and science ethics)

% Credit % Credit % Credit % Credit % Credit

SHE, ethics,
commercial and professional
4 TKK4203 Industrial Placement 2 30 0.6 50 1 20 0.4 0
economics development
4 TKK4204 Comprehensive Examination 1 20 0.2 60 0.6 20 0.2 0
4 TKK4205 Seminar 1 20 0.2 60 0.6 20 0.2
Total Local Credits 148 26.3 60.9 24.8 10 26
Total ECTS 222 39.45 91.35 37.2 15 39 183
Minimum ECTS for BS Program
180 20 85 10 10 - 125
According to IChemE

1 Local Credit Equivalent to student

working hours of
1 local credit is equiuvelent to ECTS 1.5

Course Syllabuses


To give detail instruction to lecturers, syllabus is written in extended format as shown in the following tables.

Course: 1. Course code and number of credits : TKK 1100 3 SKS
Analytical 2. Prerequisites: -
Chemistry 3. Aim :
To understand the basic principles and protocols of qualitative and quantitative chemical
4. Learning outcome :
Level of Bloom Taxonomy
No Learning Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 To recognize the principles of the standard √
identification methods of chemical elements and
2 To determine quantitatively the amount of chemical √
elements and compounds in a substance.
3 To demonstrate the ability to formulate protocol for √
qualitative and quantitative chemical analysis.
5. Topics
a. Qualitative analysis of chemical elements and compounds
b. Volumetric analysis (Acidic-alkalimetry, oxidimetry, iodometry, argentometry, and
c. Gravimetric analysis.
For topic (a) need to be restricted to a number of elements, for example: element IA and IIA
in periodic table.
6. Competencies to be developed (based on PO):
Competencies no. 1, 3, 4 and 12
7. Emphasized topics:
Construct identification procedures of chemical elements or compounds and to construct high
precision quantitative analysis
8. Specific characteristics of learning
Combination of principles understanding (descriptive and argumentative) and of calculation.
9. Hidden curriculum (transferable skills):
Critical thinking, problem solving and analytical skills
10. Assessment system:
Written examinations and assignments
11. Feedbacks :
Questionnaire and personal communication
12. References:
a. Christian, G.D., 1986, “Analytical Chemistry”, 4 ed., John Wiley and Sons, New York.
b. Vogel, A.I., 1953, “Macro and Semimicro Qualitative Inorganic Analysis”, 4 ed., Longmans,
Green and Co., London.
c. Treadwell, F.P. and Hall, W.T., 1956, “Analytical Chemistry”, Volume I, Qualitative
Analysis, 5 ed., John Wiley and Sons, Inc., London.
d. Ewing, 1985, “Instrumental Methods of Chemical Analysis, 5 ed., McGraw Hill Book Co.,
New York.

Course : 1. Course code and number of credits: TKK 1101 2 SKS
Organic 2. Prerequisites: -
Chemistry 1 3. Aim:
To understand the molecular structures of organic compounds, the relations between the
functional groups to the macroscopic properties (chemical and physical), and various
possibilities of the compound synthesis based on characteristics the functional groups.

4. Learning Outcome: After successfully finishing this course, students are able
Level of Bloom Taxonomy
No Learning Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 To explain the mechanism of organic √
compound reactions based on basic concept of
chemical bond theory and molecular characteristics.
2 To generalize the mechanism of reaction between √
organic compounds*)having different functional
groups but similar characteristics.
3 To develop various paths of reactions to produce √
organic compounds from several possible raw
* For compounds: alkanes, cycloalkanes, alkenes, alkynes, alcohol and ether,
aldehyds and ketones.

5. Topics
a. Molecular structure and organics compound nomenclatures.
b. Physical and chemical characteristic of organic compounds relationship with its
chemical structure.
c. Synthesis and modification reactions of organic compounds based on their functional

Organic chemistry 1 covers a number of organic compounds: alkanes, cycloalkanes,
alkenes, alkynes, alcohol and ether, aldehyds and ketones.
6. Competencies to be developed (Based on PO):
Competencies no. 1, 3, 4
7. Emphasized topics:
a. Chemical structure relations with its physical and chemical characteristics.
b. Comprehension on reaction mechanism based on molecular stability theory (not only to
8. Specific Characteristic of learning
Descriptive and direct to analysis based on general principles about molecular stability,
functional group nature, etc.

9. Hidden curriculum (transferable skills):

Ability to follow contemporary issues.
10. Assessment System:
Written examinations and assignments
11. Feedback:
Questionnaire, direct communication
12. References:
Solomon, T.W.G and Fryhle, C.B., 2004, “Organic Chemistry”, 8ed., John Wiley and Sons,
New Jersey.

Course: 1. Course code and number of credits: TKK 1102 3 SKS
General 2. Prerequisites: -
Chemistry 3. Aim:
To understand the basic principles of chemistry which includes mass and energy balances,
stoichiometry, correlation between structure of atoms, molecules, and compounds with their
both physical and chemical macroscopic properties.
4. Learning Outcome: After successfully finishing this course, students are able
Level of Bloom Taxonomy
No Learning Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 To relate atomic structures, molecular structures with √
its macroscopic characteristic.
2 To relate various types of chemical and secondary √
bonding with the macroscopic characteristics.
3 To semi-quantitavely explain intermolecular √
4 To explain the definition of acid, base, and salt. √
5 To predict material characteristic based on its location √
in the periodic table.
6 To qualitatively explain the phenomena of ionic √

5. Topic
a. Atomic structure, atomic characteristic, and periodic table.
b. Molecule and atomic bonding
c. Molecular structure and intermolecular interaction
d. Classification, physical and chemical properties.
e. Mixtures, solution, chemical reaction, and nucleus reaction.
6. Competencies to be developed (Based on PO):
Competencies no. 1, 3, 4 and 12
7. Emphasized topics:
Correlation between basic theory of chemistry and macroscopic behavior of materials.
8. Specific Characteristic of learning
Encouraging the students to be descriptive and argumentative to develop their
comprehension. Theoretical description on product quality is suggested.
9. Hidden curriculum (transferable skills):
Critical thinking, life long learning

10. Assessment System:

Written examination (descriptive) and simple calculations and assignments.
11. Feedback:
Questionnaire and direct communication
12. References:
a. J.E. Brady; General Chemistry: Principles and Structure, 5 , John Wiley &Sons, Inc.,
New York Ed (1990).
b. D. Sobolev; General Chemistry, 6th, John Wiley &Sons, Inc., New York (1997).
c. E.Brady and Fred Senese; Matter and Its Changes, 4th Ed, John Wiley &Sons, Inc.,
New York (2004).

Course: 1. Course code and number of credits : TKK 1103 3 SKS
Mathematics 2. Prerequisites: -
1 3. Aim:
Understanding ofmathematical concepts especially differential and integral along with their
physical interpretation.Ability to perform analytical mathematical manipulation for integral
and differential problems.

4. Learning Outcome:After successfully finishing this course, students are able

Level of Bloom Taxonomy
No Learning Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6
1. To determine derivatives of functions with a single and √
multiple independent variables
2. To determine integral of arithmetic, trigonometric, √
exponential and logarithmic functions.
3. To apply simple mathematical operation involving vectors √
and matrices.
4. To develop mathematical equations for simple physical √
5. Topics
a. Functions and various coordinate systems
b. Limit
c. Differentiation
d. Introduction of partial differentiation
e. Examples of differential applications: maximization, minimization, correlation between
rates, and indeterminate forms.
f. Integration of various functions including multiple-integral
g. Introduction to vector operations and matrices.
6. Competencies to be developed (Based on PO):
Competencies no. 1, 6, and 10
7. Emphasized topics:
Comprehension on mathematical concepts and their physical interpretations.
8. Specific characteristics of learning
Exercising with real case problems whenever possible according to the level of the taught
concepts. Sufficient practices involving analytical-mathematical manipulation. Students
should also be introduced to spreadsheet to visualize functions and results of mathematical

9. Hidden curriculum (transferable skills):

a. Problem solving and analytical skills
b. Development of diligence and cautious attitude.
10. Assessment System:
Written examination and assignments.
11. Feedback:
Questionnaire and direct communication.
12. References:
a. Frank Ayres, JR., 1996, Calculus [Schaum’s Outline series], 2ed., Erlangga, Jakarta
b. Howard Anton, Calculus With Analytic Geometry, John Wiley & Sons, 1992
c. Purcell, E. J. and Varberg, D. 1987. Kalkulus dan Geometri Analitis. Jilid I. 5 ed.,
Prentice Hall, Inc. Alih Bahasa: Drs. I Nyoman Susila, dkk. Penerbit Erlangga, Jakarta
d. Wardiman, 1982, “Hitung Integral”, PT Hanindita, Yogyakarta

Course: 1. Course code and number of credits : TKK 1104 2SKS
English for 2. Prerequisite: -
Engineering 3. Aim:
To understand English technical terms in chemical engineering field and to be able to use
those terms correctly, both written and oral, with proper grammar for formal
4. Learning Outcome : After successfully finishing this course, students are able
Level of Bloom Taxonomy
No Learning Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 To understand English texts comprehensively √
(especially those related to chemical engineering).
2 To express ideas in formal English writing with proper √
3 To utilize commonly used software (such as √
PowerPoint slides) to convey ideas in an interesting
and effective presentation and efficient narration.
4 To formulate and deliver ideas and opinions clearly in √
discussions conducted in English.
5. Topics:
a. Grammar review.
b. Introduction to scientific writing.
c. Overview on effective presentation.
d. Technical terms in chemical engineering (given in the forms of chemical engineering
popular publications for the materials of presentation and discussion).
6. Competencies to be developed (Based on PO):
Competencies no. 10, 11, 12
7. Emphasized topics:
Specific technical terms in chemical engineering.
8. Specific Characteristic of learning:
Learning process is conducted by the principles of learning by doing. Students are given the
opportunity to be active in communication (presentation, discussions/ debate, and writing) in
9. Hidden curriculum:
Communication skills (oral, written), critical thinking, building confidence to deliver ideas
clearly, systematically, and convincingly.
10. Assessment system:
Performance in the class (active in discussions, etc.), written examinations, and assignments.
11. Feedback:
Questionnaire, direct communication, and additional questionnaire.
12. References:
a. Chemical Engineering Textbooks
b. English Grammar book (including TOEFL Preparation Books).
c. Various paper/articles in chemical engineering field form a wide variety of sources.

Course: 1. Course code and number of credits : TKK 1105 3 SKS
Physics 1 2. Prerequisites: -

3. Aim
To master and apply the concepts of basic physics as one of the fundamental concepts of
chemical engineering to analyze simple phenomenon.
4. Learning Outcome: After successfully finishing this course, students are able
Level of Bloom Taxonomy
No Learning Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 To apply the concepts of mechanics, heat, and gas to √
perform technical phenomenon calculation.
2 To analyze simple physical phenomenon based on √
the concept of mechanics, heat, and gas.

5. Topics
a. Mechanics ( Translational and rotational motion, force and torque, momentum, work,
potential and kinetics energy, statics of point and objects)
b. Hookes’ Law
c. Fluids statics
d. Expansion
e. Heat effects
f. Gas
6. Competencies to be developed (Based on PO):
Competencies no. 1, 4, 6.
7. Emphasized topics:
Application of basic concepts and mathematics, including differentiation and integration, to
analyze physical phenomena.
8. Specific Characteristic of learning
Emphasizing on comprehension and analysis. Complicated calculation and mathematical
manipulation should be avoided as much as possible. Ability to perform calculation with
mixed units should be introduced. Examples from real chemical engineering cases are
recommended. Sufficient exercise should be given.

9. Hidden curriculum (transferable skills):

a. Overview of chemical engineering profession and chemical engineering knowledge.
b. Introduction to the flexibility of chemical engineering applications.
c. Active learning.
d. Problem solving practices.
10. Assessment System:
Comprehensive written examination. Assignments which is used as practices and grade
11. Feedback:
Questionnaire, direct communication.
12. References:
a. Halliday, H., Resnick, R., and Walker, J., 1997, “Fundamentals of Physics. Extended”, 5
ed., John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York.
b. Alonso, M., and Finn, E.J, 1992, Dasar-Dasar Fisika Universitas, Jilid I dan II, 2 ed. (terj.
Prasetyo, L dan Hadi, K), Erlangga, Jakarta.
c. Sears and Zemansky, 1993, Physics untuk Universitas, Jakarta.
d. Halliday, D. and Resnick, R., 1992, Physics Jilid 1, Erlangga, Jakarta.
e. Halliday, D. and Resnick, R., 1992, Physics Jilid 2, Erlangga, Jakarta.

Course: 1. Course code and number of credits : UNU 1100 2 SKS
Pancasila3 2. Prerequisites: -
(State 3. Aim:
Ideology) To understand the values of Pancasila and apply them in social life.
4. Learning Outcome: After successfully finishing this course, students are able
(Base on DIKTI4 regulation No 265/DIKTI/Kep/2000)
Level of Bloom Taxonomy
No Learning Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 To understand and be able to apply the values of √
Pancasila and UUD 45 in social life as citizen of
Republik Indonesia.
2 To comprehend and understand various basic √
problems in national community which need to be
solved with Pancasila and UUD 45 as principal
3 To practice the values of Pancasila in responding to √
various changes in order to accomplish the
synchronization of technology, science, and
4 To apply Pancasila values in the learning process, √
thinking process, problem solving, and decision

5. Topics
Based on DIKTI regulation Nomor 265/DIKTI/Kep/2000,
a. Basis and aims of Pancasila lecture.
b. Internalization of values of Indonesian Exertion History.
c. National Law System and State Structure of Republik Indonesia based on
Pancasila and UUD 1945.
d. Dynamics of UUD 1945 implementation.
e. Pancasila as the philosophy system.
f. Pancasila as the ethics system.
g. Pancasila as the ideology.
h. Pancasila as the paradigm of national life. Actualization of Pancasila in the national
6. Competencies to be developed(Based on PO):
Competencies no. 3, 9, 10, 12
7. Emphasized topics:
Applications of Pancasila values in the daily life.
9. Hidden curriculum (transferable skills):
SHE, ethics, lifelong learning, understanding of societal needs and contemporary issues
10. Assessment system:
Written examination, assignments, and observation.
11. Feedback:
Questionnaire, direct communication, and additional questionnaire.
12. References:

Mandatory course for all majors
DIKTI: Directorate General of Higher Education
Course : 1. Course code and number of credits : MMS1407 1 SKS
Success 2. Prerequisites: -
Skills 3. Aim:
Students have learning and thinking skills and adapt to their living environment.
4. Topics
a. Living skills.
b. Learning skills.
c. Thinking skills.
6. Competencies to be developed (Based on PO):
Competencies no. 13, 14, 15.
7. Hidden curriculum:
Character building, soft kills, communication skills.
8. Assessment system:
Final exam, assignment, and presentation.
9. Feedback:
Questionnaire and direct communication
10. References: All of the books related with living, learning, and thinking skills.

Course: 1. Course code and number of credits : TKK 1200 2 SKS
Physical 2. Prerequisites: -
Chemistry 1
3. Aim:
To comprehend basic thermodynamics principles, phase equilibrium, reaction rate, and
chemical equilibrium.
4. Learning Outcome: After successfully finishing this course, students are able
Level of Bloom Taxonomy
No Learning Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 To use of basic thermodynamics principles to analyze √
various simple phenomena.
2 To apply thermodynamics principles to perform √
simple phase equilibrium calculations.
3 To apply basic concepts of reaction kinetics to √
perform simple chemical reaction rate calculations.
4 To quantitatively describe the composition and state √
of a chemical equilibrium.
5. Topics:
a. Basic concepts of thermodynamics.
b. Simple phase equilibrium.
c. Gibbs Phase Law
d. Rate of simple-homogeneous chemical reactions.
e. Simple chemical equilibrium
6. Competencies to be developed(Based on PO):
Competencies no. 1, 4, 6
7. Emphasized topics:
Comprehension on materials behavior based on the concepts of thermodynamics and
reaction kinetics.
8. Specific Characteristic of learning
Orientation on understanding, particularly on simple quantitative description.
9. Hidden curriculum:
Provide the scientific engineering thinking foundation.
10. Assessment system:
Written examination and assignments.
11. Feedback:
Questionnaire and direct communication.
12. References:
a. Moore, W.J., 1972, “Physical Chemistry”, Prentice Hall Inc, New York.
b. Alberty, R.A. and Daniels, F., 1983, “Kimia Physics”, terjemahan Dr. N.M. Surdia,
Penerbit Erlangga, Jakarta.
c. Sukardjo, 1985, “Kimia Fisika”, Bina Aksara, Jakarta.

Course : 1. Course code and number of credits : TKK 1201 2 SKS
Organic 2. Prerequisites: -
Chemistry 2 3. Aim:
To understand the molecular structures of organic compounds and their correlation with the
macroscopic natures (physical and chemical), various possible paths to synthesize organics
compounds based on the functional group identifications.
4. Learning Outcome: After successfully finishing this course, students are able
Level of Bloom Taxonomy
No Learning Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 To explain the mechanism of organic compounds √
reaction based on the basic concepts of chemical
boding theory and molecular natures.
2 To relate the reaction mechanism of various √
compounds*) with different functional groups but similar
3 To develop various paths of reactions to produce one √
organic compounds from several possibilities of raw
*) Compounds of carboxylic acid and its derivation, aromatic compounds,
carbohydrates, protein, and fat.
5. Topics:
a. Molecular structure and organics compound nomenclatures.
b. Physical and chemical characteristic of organic compound relationship with its chemical
c. Synthesis and modification reactions of organic compounds based on their functional
Organic Chemistry 2 covers a number of organic compounds: carboxylic acid and its
derivation, aromatic compounds, carbohydrates, protein, and fat.
6. Competencies to be developed(Based on PO):
Competencies no. 1, 2, 4
7. Emphasized topics:
a. Correlation between chemical structure and its physical and chemical characteristics.
b. Comprehension on reaction mechanism which based on molecular stability theory (not only
to memorize)
8. Specific Characteristic of learning
Descriptive and direct to analysis based on general rules about molecular stability,
characteristic of functional group, etc.).
9. Hidden curriculum (transferable skills):
Ability to follow contemporary issues.
10. Assessment System:
Written examination and assignments.
11. Feedback:
Questionnaire, direct communication
12. References:
Solomon, T.W.G and Fryhle, C.B., 2004, “Organic Chemistry”, 8ed., John Wiley and Sons,
New Jersey.

Course: 1. Course code and number of credits : TKK 1202 2 SKS
Materials of 2. Prerequisites: -
Construction 3. Aim:
for Chemical To understand the correlation between atomic/molecular structures of construction
Engineering materials with their physical and chemical properties; and also the phenomena of the phase
changes on the materials.
4. Learning Outcome: After successfully finishing this course, students are able
Level of Bloom Taxonomy
No Learning Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 To explain atomic/molecular structure of √
construction materials and to relate them with its
physical properties.
2 To explain the correlation between stress and √
strain; and also deflection theory of rods.
3 To interpret various phase diagrams, such as Fe- √
C phase diagram, and to have the ability to explain
various metal heat treatments.
4 To explain oxidation theory, corrosion, and the √
way to avoid them.
5 To recognize various construction materials, √
including non-metal and able to decide based on
each particular requirement.
5. Topics:
a. Atomic/Molecular structure of construction materials and the correlation with their
macroscopic properties.
b. Stress-Strain curve.
c. Deflection theory of rods.
d. Fe-C phase diagram.
e. Various metal heat treatments.
f. Oxidation theory, corrosion, and the way to avoid them.
g. Non-metal construction materials.
h. Basics of construction materials preferences
6. Competencies to be developed(Based on PO):
Competencies no. 1, 3, 4
7. Emphasized topics:
Atomic/Molecular structure of construction materials and the correlation with their
macroscopic properties.
8. Specific Characteristic of learning
Understanding of simple semi-quantitative description.
9. Hidden curriculum (transferable skills):
SHE, ethics
10. Assessment System:
Mid-term examination, Final examination, and assignments.
11. Feedback:
Questionnaire and direct communication
12. References:
a. Callister, Jr., W.D., 1994, “Materials Science and Engineering, an Introduction”, 3
ed., John Wiley & Sons, New York.
b. Van Vlack, L.H., 1960, Elements of Materials Science, 2 ed., Addison-Wesley
Publishing Company, Inc, London.
c. Van Vliet, G.L.J., and Both, W., 1984, Bahan-Bahan, cetakan pertama, Penerbit
Erlangga, Jakarta.

Course: 1. Course code and number of credits : TKK 1203 3 SKS
Mathematics 2 2. Prerequisites: -
3. Aim:
Understanding of mathematical concepts especially ordinary differential equation and its
physical interpretation. Skill to solve ordinary differential equation analytically.

4. Learning Outcome: After successfully finishing this course, students are able
Level of Bloom Taxonomy
No Learning Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 To analytically solve first and second order √
differential equations.
2 To solve simple third or higher order ordinary √
differential equation.
3 To develop differential equations from simple √
physical phenomena and solve them.
4. To express function expansion in series. √
5. To recognize complex numbers, special functions, √
and Laplace transformation.

5. Topics
a. Complex numbers and special functions.
b. First and second order ordinary differential equations.
c. Third or higher order homogeneous ordinary differential equations
d. Simultaneous ordinary differential equations.
e. Functional expansion with infinite series (Taylor, McLaurin, Fourier, etc.)
f. Laplace transformation
6. Competencies to be developed(Based on PO):
Competencies no. 1, 6 and 10
7. Emphasized topics
Understanding of mathematical concept and their physical interpretation.
8. Specific Characteristic of learning
Exercising with real case problems whenever possible according to the level of the taught
concepts. Sufficient practices involving analytical-mathematical manipulation. Students
should also be introduced to spreadsheet to visualize functions and results of mathematical
9. Hidden curriculum (transferable skills):
a. Problem solving and analytical skills
b. Development of diligence and cautious attitude.
10. Assessment System:
Written examination and assignments
11. Feedback:
Questionnaire and direct communication
12. References:
a. Kreyszig, E., 1993, ”Advanced Engineering Mathematics”, 6ed., John Wiley and Sons,
Inc., New York.
b. Reddick, H.W. and Miller, F.H., 1955, “Advanced Mathematics for Engineers”, 3 ed.,
John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York.
c. Wardiman, 1981, “Persamaan Diferensial (teori dan contoh-contoh penyelesaian
soal)”, Citra Offset, Yogyakarta.

Prime Movers 1. Course code and number of credits : TKK 1204 2 SKS
2. Prerequisites: -
3. Aim:
To understand the basic principles and the characteristics of various prime movers used in
chemical industries.
4. Learning Outcome: After successfully finishing this course, students are able
Level of Bloom Taxonomy
No Learning Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 To recognize various combustion engines, turbine, √
and boiler.
2 To describe the function of combustion engines, √
turbine, and boiler.
3 To explain the working principles of combustion √
engines, turbine, and boiler.
5. Topics:
a. Fuel motor
b. Turbine
c. Boiler
d. Steam standardization
6. Competencies to be developed(based on Table V)
Competencies no. 3, 5, 7.
7. Emphasized topics:
Principles, characteristics, and efficiency of the prime mover system.
8. Specific Characteristic of learning:
Descriptive. Equipment principles sketch.
9. Hidden curriculum:
The important role of energy in human life, SHE, ethics, understanding of societal needs
and contemporary issues
10. Assessment system:
Written examination and assignments.
11. Feedback:
Questionnaire and direct communication.
12. References:
a. El Wakil, 1989, “Power Plant Technology”, McGraw Hill, New York.
b. Culp, L.W., 1988, “Principle of Energy Conversion”, McGraw Hill, New York.
c. Severn, Daglers and Miles, 1960, “Air, Steam and Gas Power”, McGraw Hill, New York.
d. Arismunandar, W., 1983, “Penggerak Mula, Motor Bakar Torak”, Penerbit ITB,

Course: 1. Course code and number of credits : TKK 1205 3 SKS
Physics 2 2. Prerequisites: -
3. Aim:
a. To master the concepts of basic physics as the fundamental concepts of chemical
b. To apply the concepts of physics to analyze simple phenomenon.
4. Learning Outcome: After successfully finishing this course, students are able
Level of Bloom Taxonomy
No Learning Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 To recognize vapor behaviors, pure substance phase √
diagrams, and mechanical equivalent of heat
2 To use the concepts of wave and vibration, optics, √
and light for technical phenomenon calculations.
3 To use the concepts of static and dynamic electricity √
for technical phenomenon calculations.
4 To analyze simple physical phenomenon both for √
undistributed and distributed system.
5. Topics
a. Vapor
b. Pure substances phase diagram
c. Heat-mechanics equivalent
d. Static electricity
e. Direct current.
f. Alternating current.
g. Vibration and wave.
h. Optics and light.
6. Competencies to be developed(Based on PO): Competencies no. 1, 4, 6.
7. Emphasized topics:
Application of basic concepts and quantitative interpretation on mathematical applications,
including differential-integration, to analyze physical phenomenon.
8. Specific Characteristic of learning
Emphasizing on comprehension and analysis. Complicated calculation and mathematical
manipulation should be avoided as much as possible. Ability to perform calculation with
mixed units should be introduced. Examples from real chemical engineering cases are
recommended. Sufficient exercise should be given.
9. Hidden curriculum (transferable skills):
a. Overview of chemical engineering profession and chemical engineering knowledge.
b. Introduction to the flexibility of chemical engineering applications.
c. Active learning.
d. Problem solving practices.
10. Assessment System:
Comprehensive written examination. Assignments which is used as practices and grade
11. Feedback:
Questionnaire, direct communication.
12. References:
f. Halliday, H., Resnick, R., and Walker, J., 1997, “Fundamentals of Physics. Extended”, 5
ed., John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York.
g. Alonso, M., and Finn, E.J, 1992, Dasar-Dasar Fisika Universitas, Jilid I dan II, 2 ed. (terj.
Prasetyo, L dan Hadi, K), Erlangga, Jakarta.
h. Sears and Zemansky, 1993, Fisika untuk Universitas, Jakarta.
i. Halliday, D. and Resnick, R., 1992, Fisika Jilid 1, Erlangga, Jakarta.
a. Halliday, D. and Resnick, R., 1992, Fisika Jilid 2, Erlangga, Jakarta.

Course: 1. Course code and number of credits : TKK 1206 2 SKS
Machine 1. Prerequisites: -
Element 3. Aim:
To understand various types and function of machine element in chemical industries
4. Learning Outcome: After successfully finishing this course, students are able
Level of Bloom Taxonomy
No Learning Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 To describe machine element √
2 To explain the function of machine element √
3 To explain the working procedure of machine √
5. Topics
a. Strain in machine element.
b. Coupling mechanism between machine elements.
c. Lubricants and lubrications
d. Bearings, gears, clutch, and bolts,
e. Standardization of machine elements
6. Competencies to be developed(Based on PO):
Competencies no. 4, 5, 11
7. Emphasized topics:
Functions of machine elements.
8. Specific Characteristic of learning:
Lecture, animations.
9. Hidden curriculum (transferable skills):
Critical thinking
10. Assessment system:
Written examination and assignments.
11. Feedback:
Questionnaire and direct communication.
12. References:
Juvinall, R.C., 1991, “Fundamentals of MachineComponent Design”, 2 ed., John Wiley and
Sons, New York.

Course : The 1. Course code and number of credits : UN 1207 2 SKS
Philosophy of 2. Prerequisites: -
Science 3. Aim:
To understand the philosophy of science, engineering, technology, culture, ethics and
fundamental laws of logic.
4. Learning Outcome: After successfully finishing this course, students are able
Level of Bloom Taxonomy
No Learning Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 To explain the role of philosophy in the development √
of science.
2 To explain the basic of science, scientific facilities, √
scientific methods, and scientific truth
3 Explain the relationship between science, technology √
and culture
4 Explain the ethics and mental attitude of engineering √
5. Topics
a. The meaning of philosophy
b. Historical development of science
c. The basic of scientific review
d. The scientific thinking
e. Logic
f. Methods of scientific thinking
g. Scientific truth
h. Relation of science, technology, and culture
i. Scientific ethics
j. Mental attitude of engineers
6. Competencies to be developed (Based on PO):
Competencies no. 9, 10, and 11.
7. Emphasized topics:
Logic of science, mental attitude of engineers, open minded.
8. Specific Characteristic of learning:
A review of a problem from different points of view.
9. Hidden curriculum:
Ethics, critical thinking, life long learning, understanding of societal needs and contemporary
10. Assessment system:
Written examination and assignments.
11. Feedback:
Questionnaire and direct communication.
12. References:
a. Fakultas Teknik UGM, 2010, “Sikap Mental & Etika Profesi Teknik, Ed. 9.
b. Gie, T.L., 2000, Pengantar Filsafat Ilmu, Liberty Yogyakarta
c. Martin, M.W., and Schinzinger, R., “Ethics in Engineering”, 2 ed., McGraw Hill Book
Company, New York.
d. Melsen, A.G.M. van, 1985, “Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Tanggungjawab Kita”, PT
Gramedia Jakarta.
e. Tim Dosen Filsafat Ilmu Fakultas Filsafat UGM,1996, “Filsafat Ilmu”, Liberty

Course: 1. Course code and number of credits: UNU 3000 2 SKS
Civics 2. Prerequisites: -
3. Aim:
To develop a sense of responsibility as the citizen of Republic Indonesia by
understanding the formal structure of the state and nation.

Learning Outcome : After successfully finishing this course, students are able

Level of Bloom Taxonomy

No Learning Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 To explain the importance of civics education. √
2 To explain functions and roles of citizen in the √
nation life.
3 To apply contextually the sense of spirit of √
nationality in the daily life.
4 To demonstrate the sense of nationality in the √
context of nations and character building
5. Topics:
a. Introduction
b. Definition of civics education.
c. Nature and elements of state and nation.
d. Rights and obligations of citizens
e. Civics and law of citizenship
f. Rule of law and human rights.
g. Wawasan Nusantara as Indonesia geopolitics
h. Geopolitics transformation into geostrategic in the context of National Resilience
i. National Strategy Politics
6. Competencies to be developed(Based on PO):
Competencies no. 9, 10, and 11
7. Emphasized topics:
Rights and obligations of each citizen.
8. Specific Characteristic of learning:
Emphasis on civics concepts comprehension in the daily life.
9. Hidden curriculum (transferable skills):
Ethics, critical thinking, lifelong learning, understanding of societal needs and contemporary
10. Assessment System:
Written examination and Assignments
11. Feedback:
Questionnaire and direct communication.
12. References:
a. Bakry, Noor Ms., 1996., Pendidikan Kewiraan, Liberty., Yogyakarta
b. Kaelan dan Ahmad Zubaidi., 2007., Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan., Paradigma.,
c. Lemhanas, 1974., Ketahanan Nasional., Penerbit Lemhanas., Jakarta
d. Lemhanas., 1992., Kewiraan untuk Mahasiswa., PT. Gramedia., Jakarta
e. Sudarsono, Sumarsono., 2002., Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan., PT. Gramedia.

Course : 1. Course code and number of credits : TKK 2100 2 SKS
Physical 2. Prerequisites: Have taken Physical Chemistry 1
Chemistry 2 3. Aims:
To understand materials properties based on theory and to apply them to predict product
4. Learning Outcome: After successfully finishing this course, students are able
Level of Bloom Taxonomy
No Learning Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 To analyze various phenomena based on concepts √
of system phases.
2 To quantitatively analyze the colligative properties √
of ideal and non-ideal solution.
3 To analyze the characteristic of heterogeneous and √
colloid systems.
4 To quantitatively analyze various phenomena of √
physical, chemical, and isothermal adsorption
5 To describe important properties of colloid: surface √
tension, emulsion theory, coagulation, and

5. Topics
a. Spontaneity and equilibrium
b. Chemical Equilibrium
c. Phase rules
d. Dispersion of system
e. Ideal and non-ideal solution
f. Equilibrium of condensed phase.
g. Equilibrium of non-ideal system.
h. Adsorption-Desorption equilibrium.

6. Competencies to be developed(Based on PO):

Competencies no. 1, 4, 6
7. Emphasized topics:
Comprehension on materials behavior: including correlation between macroscopical
behavior and microscopical properties.
8. Specific characteristic of learning:
Combination between comprehension and case study of wide range of materials
9. Hidden curriculum:
Introduction to product engineering.
10. Assessment system:
Written examination and assignments
11. Feedback:
Questionnaire and direct communication.
12. References:
a. Alberty, R.A., and Silbey, R.J., 1992, “Physical Chemistry”, John Wiley and Sons, Inc.,
New York.
b. Moore, W.J., 1955, “Physical Chemistry”, 2 ed., Prentice Hall, Inc., New York.
c. Blasstow, S., and Lewis, D., 1960, “Element of Physical Chemistry”, 2 ed., Van
Nostrand comp., Inc., New York.

Course: 1. Course code and number of credits : TKK 2101 2 SKS
Chemical 2. Prerequisites: Have taken mathematics 2
Engineering 3. Aim:
Principles 1 Ability to use chemical engineering fundamentals: material balance. Recognizing basic
principles of diffusional mass and momentum transfers.

4. Learning Outcome: After successfully finishing this course, students are able
Level of Bloom
No Learning Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 To evaluate calculation involving quantities with √
inconsistent unit.
2 To develop microscopic as well as macroscopic √
mass balance equations for steady and unsteady
state systems
3 To calculate simple steady-state macroscopic mass √
4 To explain purpose and intents of specific streams √
in processes (for examples: bypass, recycle, purge)
5 To explain basic concepts of diffusional mass and √
momentum transfers
5. Topics
a. Introduction to Chemical Engineering tools.
b. Introduction of units and dimension.
c. Mass balance formulation: batch-continuous, steady state-unsteady state, microscopic-
d. Rates of reaction and mass transfer.
e. Specific streams in processes (for examples: bypass, recycle, and purge streams)
f. Basic concepts of diffusional (molecular) mass and momentum transfers.
6. Competencies to be developed(Based on PO):
Competencies no. 1, 5, 6, and 8.
7. Emphasized topics:
a. Applications of mass balance on various cases (steady and unsteady-state, microscopic-
macroscopic etc.).
b. Formulation and solution of mass balance calculation for various simple process
equipment networks.
8. Specific Characteristic of learning:
Real case problems from industries are suggested.
9. Hidden curriculum (transferable skills):
Problem solving, analytical skills, and critical thinking
10. Assessment System:
Written examination, and assignments
11. Feedback:
Questionnaire, direct communication, and additional questionnaire.
12. References:
a. Soegiarto, 1981, “Diktat Kuliah Asas-asas Teknik Kimia”, Pusat Penerbitan Fakultas
Teknik Universitas Gadjah Mada.
b. Himmelblau, D.F., 1996, “Basic principles and Calculations in Chemical Engineering”,
Prentice-Hall International Inc., New Jersey.

Course: 1. Course code and number of credits : TKK 2102 3 SKS
Mathematics 2. Prerequisites: Have taken Mathematics 2
in Chemical 3. Aim:
Engineering To be able to construct differential equations for simple physical phenomena. Ability to solve
ordinary and partial differential equations.
4. Learning Outcome: After successfully finishing this course, students are able
Level of Bloom Taxonomy
No Learning Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 To construct differential equations and boundary √
condition for simple cases.
2 To solve analytically ordinary differential equations √
with particular functions, such as: Bessel Function.
3 To solve analytically partial differential equations √
4 To use Laplace and Fourier Transformation to solve √
ordinary and partial differential equations.
5. Topics:
a. Bessel function and its application to solve ordinary differential equations
b. Partial differential equations solution with variable combination method.
c. Partial differential equations solution with variable separation, including non-
homogenous form.
d. Introduction to Laplace and Fourier transformation to solve ordinary and partial
differential equations
6. Competencies to be developed(Based on PO):
Competencies no. 1, 6 and 10
7. Emphasized topics:
Construction of mathematical equations from simple cases and their analytical solution.
8. Specific Characteristic of learning
Combination of mathematical manipulation skills and comprehension. Spreadsheet usage
to visualize functions and results of mathematical calculation
9. Hidden curriculum (transferable skills):
a. Problem solving and analytical skills
b. Diligence development and work precision.
10. Assessment System:
Written examination and assignments
11. Feedback:
Questionnaire and direct communication
12. References:
a. Jenson, V.G., and Jeffreys, G.V.,1977, “Mathematical Methods in Chemical
Engineering”, Academic Press, London.
b. Mickley, H.S., Sherwood, T.S., and Reed, C.E., 1957, “Applied Mathematics in
Chemical Engineering”, Mc Graw Hill Book, Co. New York.
c. Rice, R.G., and Do, D.D., 1994, “Applied Mathematics and Modeling

Electrical 1. Course code and number of credits : TKK 2103 2 SKS
Power 2. Prerequisites: Have taken Physics 2
Engineering 3. Aim:
To understand industrial power system and electrical power equipments.
4. Learning Outcome: After successfully finishing this course, students are able
Level of Bloom Taxonomy
No Learning Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 Recognize basics of electrical safety √
2 To explain industrial power system √
3 To explain various electrical power equipments √
and their working principles.
4 To explain characteristics of electrical power √
equipments and perform simple calculations.
5. Topics:
a. Electrical safety
b. Industrial power system
c. One phase and three phase alternating current electricity, electric power.
d. Electricity Generator
e. Transformator
f. AC Motor
g. DC Motor
6. Competencies to be developed(based on Table V)
Competencies no. 3, 5, 7.
7. Emphasized topics:
Equipments characteristic as the base of equipments selection.
8. Specific Characteristic of learning:
Descriptive and simple calculations
9. Hidden curriculum:
SHE, teamwork
10. Assessment system:
Written examination and assignments
11. Feedback:
Questionnaire and direct communication.
12. References:
a. Soepartono, 1988, “Diktat Teknik Tenaga Listrik”.
b. Wildi, T., 2002., “Electrical Machines, Drives and Power Systems”., Prentice Hall.

Course : 1. Course code and number of credits : TKK 2104 3 SKS
Chemical 2. Prerequisites: Have taken Physics 2 and Physical Chemistry 1.
Engineering 3. Aim:
Thermodynamics Qualitative and quantitative understanding of various forms of energy, law of energy-
1 conservation, equations of state, and thermodynamics functions for simple cases.

4. Learning Outcome: Aftersuccessfully finishing this course, students are able

Level of Bloom Taxonomy
No Learning Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 To apply law of energy-conservation for simple √
flow and non-flow processes.
2 To apply correlation of thermodynamics functions, √
equation of state, and heat capacity to calculate
changes of values of thermodynamic quantities.
3 To apply law of energy conservation for processes √
involving phase transformations and chemical
4 To explain tendencies of various processes based √
on energy- quality analysis.
5. Topics:
a. Thermodynamic fundamental concepts.
b. First Thermodynamics Law for simple flow and non-flow processes
c. Equation of state
d. Heat effects for thermodynamics processes.
e. The concept of entropy (Second Thermodynamics Law)
f. Thermodynamics correlations and their application in various thermodynamics
6. Competencies to be developed(based on Table V)
Competencies no. 1, 3, 4, 6
7. Emphasized topics :
Quantitative analysis of energy, evaluation of the changes in values of thermodynamic
quantities based on thermodynamic fundamental concepts.
8. Specific Characteristic of learning:
Emphasizing on understanding of fundamental concepts and examples of applications in
simple real problems. Applications of thermodynamics concept to understand processes,
materialbehaviours, and equipment are strongly recommended.
9. Hidden curriculum:
SHE, sustainability, critical thinking, lifelong learning
10. Assessment system:
Written examination and assignments
11. Feedback:
Questionnaire and direct communication.
12. References:
a. Smith, J.M., Van Ness, H.C., and Abbott, M.M., 2004, “Introduction to Chemical
Engineering Thermodynamics”, 6 ed., McGraw Hill Book Company, New York.
b. Sandler, S.I., 1998, “Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics”, 3 ed., John Wiley &
Sons, New York.
c. Tester, J.W. and Modell, M., 1997, “Thermodynamics and Its Applications”, 3 ed.,
Prentice Hall PTR, New Jersey.

Engineering 1. Course code and number of credits: TKK 2105 2 SKS
Economics 2. Prerequisites: -
3. Aim:
To understand the concept of economic feasibility for chemical engineering field
4. Learning Outcome : After successfully finishing this course, students are able
Level of Bloom Taxonomy
No Learning Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 To apply the time value of money concept. √
2 To analyze profitability and economical interest of √
investment project
3 To determine investment alternatives based on √
benefit cost ratio analysis.
5. Topics:
a. Fixed capital and working capital.
b. Expenses type.
c. Time value of money concept.
d. Cash flow analysis.
e. Depreciation
f. Profit analysis.
g. Profitability parameters (NPV, ROI, Payback period, IRR/DCFRR, BEP, SDP, etc.).
h. Comparison methods of infestation planning alternatives
i. Decision making process based on economic analysis of infestation planning
j. Case analysis involving uncertainty.
k. Analysis of economic sensitivity.
6. Competencies to be developed(based on Table V)
Competencies no. 6, 7, 10.
7. Emphasized topics:
The importance of economic consideration in engineering decisions
8. Specific Characteristic of learning:
Emphasis on concept understanding through real examples, calculation methods, and
problem solving exercises.
9. Hidden curriculum:
a. Ethics (Emphasis on integrity during economy calculation, tax, and technical factors in
b. Problem solving and analytical skills
c. Consideration of indirect profit/advantages factors.
10. Assessment system:
Written examination, and assignments
11. Feedback:
Questionnaire, direct communication.
12. References:
a. Degarmo, E.P., Sullivan, W.G., and Bontadelli, J.A., 1993, “Engineering Economy”, 9
ed., Macmillan Publishing Company, New York.
b. Garrett, D.E, 1989, “Chemical Engineering Economics”, Van Nostrand Reinhold, New
c. Peters, M.S. and Timmerhaus, K.D., 2003, “Plant Design and Economics for Chemical
Engineers”, 5 ed., McGraw-Hill, Inc., New York.

Course: 1. Course code and number of credits : TKK 2106 (2 SKS)
Material 2. Prerequisites: Have taken Physics 2
Analysis 3. Aim:
Labwork a. To be able to perform physical and chemical analysis.
b. To understand the concepts of precision and accuracy of measurement.
4. Learning Outcome: After successfully finishing this course, students are able
Level of Bloom Taxonomy
No Learning Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 To employ the appropriate instrument, to conduct √
calibration and to do measurement with acceptable
precision and accuracy.
2 To apply the principles of humidity to measure air √
humidity with the use of psychometric chart
3 To use and set-up the appropriate √
apparatus/techniques to measure concentration of
components in liquid by applying basic principles of
physics and chemistry such as gravimetry, volumetry,
spectrometry, conductivity, etc.
4 To use and set-up appropriate apparatuses to √
determine physical properties of material/substance
4 To identify hazard and to respond appropriately on √
the safety issues related to laboratory activities
5 To identify environmental issues which are closely √
related to the experimental works.
5. Topics:
a. Temperature measurement
b. Air humidity
c. Calibration of measuring equipments: flow rate of liquid and gas
d. Break modulus and compression Strength of solid materials.
e. Surface tension and liquid viscosity measurement.
f. Volumetric analysis
g. Gravimetric analysis
h. Conductometry
i. Spectrophotometry
j. Boiling point increase of solution
6. Competencies to be developed(Based on PO):
Competencies no. 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11
7. Emphasized topics:
Skills of data collection (measurement), analysis, and interpretation.
8. Specific Characteristic of learning:
Practical work (in a team), assistance session
9. Hidden curriculum (transferable skills):
a. Acknowledge and be aware of the importance of materials properties in an experiment.
b. Perform simple experiments, collect, analyze, and interpret the data.
c. Ability to communicate and work in a team.
d. Be aware of risk aspects and safety.
10. Assessment System:
Skills, reports, and final examination.
11. Feedback:
Report, final examination, and grading form.
12. References:
a. Smith, J.M., Van Ness, H.C., and Abbott, M.M., 2004, “Introduction to Chemical
Engineering Thermodynamics”, 6 ed., McGraw Hill Book Company, New York.
b. Vogel, A.I., 2000, “Macro and Semimicro Qualitative Inorganic Analysis”, 4 ed.,
Longmans, Green and Co., London.
c. Ewing, G.W., 1985, Instrumental Methods of Chemical Analysis, 5 Ed.,McGraw-Hill
Book Company, New York.
d. Brown, G.G., 1953, ”Unit Operations”, 4 ed., John Wiley & Sons, New York.
e. Perry, R.H, and Green, D.W., 1997, “Perry's Chemical Engineers' Handbook”, 7 ed., Mc
GrawHill Book Co, New York

Course: 1. Course code and number of credits : TKK 2107 2 SKS
Instrumenta 2. Prerequisites : -
l Chemical 3. Aim:
Analysis To understand basic theory of working principles of instrument, application of instruments,
and how to operate those instruments to perform sample analysis.

4. Learning Outcomes: After successfully finishing this course, students are able
Level of Bloom Taxonomy
No Learning Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 To explain the principles of sample analysis using √
spectrophotometer (UV/Vis spectrophotometer, IR
spectrophotometer, and Atomic Absorption
2 To explain principles of sample analysis using √
chromatography (Gas Chromatography (GC) and
High Performance Liquid Chromatography
3 To explain principles of sample a analysis using √
mass spectrometry (MS)
5. Topics:
a. Electromagnetic radiation.
b. Absorption of electromagnetic radiation.
c. UV/Vis Spectrophotometer.
b. IR Spectrophotometer.
c. Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS).
d. Chromatography.
e. Gas Chromatography (GC).
f. High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC).
g. Mass Spectrometry (MS).
6. Competencies to be developed(based on Table V)
Competencies no. 1, 3, 4, 8, 12.
7. Emphasized topics:
Quantitative and qualitative analysis of samples: organic, inorganic, single component, and
multi component.
8. Specific Characteristic of learning:
Emphasis on comprehension of instrument working principles and skills to operate the
instruments to perform sample analysis.
9. Hidden curriculum:
Problem solving and analytical skills, critical thinking
10. Assessment system:
Written examination, assignments.
11. Feedback:
Questionnaire, direct communication, and additional questionnaire.
12. References:
a. Ewing, G.W., 1985, Instrumental Methods of Chemical Analysis, 5 Ed., McGraw-Hill
Book Company, New York.
b. Human, M., 1985, Basic UV/Visible Spectrophotometry, Pharmacia LKB Biochrom
Limited Science Park, Cambridge, CB4 4FJ, England.
c. Hoffman, E.D., Charette, J., and Stroobant, V., 1996, “Mass Spectrometry, Principle and
Applications”, John Wiley & Sons, Chichester.
d. Lindsay, S., 1991, High Performance Liquid Chromatography, John Wiley & Sons,

Course: 1. Course code and number of credits :
Engineering 2. Prerequisites: -
Drawing 3. Aim:
To be able to interpret drawings of chemical industrial equipment and to sketch simple
engineering drawing manually or using a software
4. Learning Outcome: After successfully finishing this course, students are able
Level of Bloom Taxonomy
No Learning Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 To demonstrate procedures and standards used in √
engineering drawing.
2 To draw clearly orthography project on of various
3 To interpret engineering drawing of chemical industry √
4 To sketch simple engineering drawing manually
5 To utilize drawing software to sketch simple √
engineering drawing.
5. Topics
a. Introduction to engineering drawing
b. Orthography projection.
c. Engineering drawing interpretation.
d. Orthographic freehand drawing
e. Drawing by using software
6. Competencies to be developed(Based on PO):
Competencies no. 10, 11
7. Emphasized topics:
ability to interpret engineering drawing
8. Specific Characteristic of learning
Sufficient portion of drawing exercises.
9. Hidden curriculum (transferable skills):
Visual communication skills, teamwork
10. Assessment system:
Written examination, assignments, and homework.
11. Feedback:
Questionnaire, direct communication, and additional questionnaire
12. References:
a. Giesecke,F.E, Mitchell Alva, Spencer,H.C, Hill,I.L, Dygdon,J.T, and Novak,J.E, 1991,
Technical Drawing, 9 ed., Macmillan Publishing Company, New York.
b. La Heij,J, dan De Bruijn,L.A, 1995, Ilmu Menggambar Mesin, Cetakan ke 7, PT Pradnya
Paramita, Jakarta.
c. Marbun Moyn,BE, 1983, Menggambar Teknik Mesin, Cetakan ke 1, M 2 S, Bandung.
d. Sidheswar,N, Kannaish,P, and Sastry,V.V.S, Machine Drawing, TATA McGRAW-HILL
e. Takeshi Sato,G, dan Sugiarto H,N, 1999, Menggambar Mesin Menurut Standar ISO,
Cetakan ke 8, PT Pradnya Paramita, Jakarta.
f. Wie Yap, 1994, Understand Autocad, Cetakan ke 1, Andi Offset, Yogyakarta.

Course: 1. Course code and number of credits : TKK 2200 2 SKS
Chemical 2. Prerequisites: Chemical Engineering Principles 1
Engineering 3. Aim:
Principles 2 Ability to apply fundamentals of chemical engineering principles: energy balance. Recognizing
the basic principles of dimensional analysis and concepts of similarity. Recognizing the basic
concepts of humidity.
4. Learning Outcome: After successfully finishing this course, students are able
Level of Bloom Taxonomy
No Learning Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 To develop microscopic as well as macroscopic heat √
balance equations for steady state and unsteady state
2 T Calculate simple steady state macroscopic-heat √
3 To calculate simple simultaneous heat and mass √
4 To explain the phenomena of simultaneous mass and √
heat transfers (e.g. related to air humidity)
5 To deduce dimensionless-group equation of a √
phenomenon, and perform a simple similarity analysis.
5. Topics
a. Review of energy concept: internal energy, enthalpy, heat of phase changes, heat of
formation and reaction, and heat of combustion.
b. Developing heat balance equations: steady-state, macroscopic and microscopic,
reacting and non-reacting systems, constructing differential equation
c. Humidity: simultaneous heat and mass transfer.
d. Dimension and dimensional analysis: developing dimensionless group equation.
e. Concept of similarity and examples of simple similarity.
6. Competencies to be developed (Based on PO):
Competencies no. 1, 5, 6, and 8.
7. Emphasized topics:
a. Heat balance applications for various cases (steady and unsteady-state, microscopic and
b. Construction and calculation of heat balance equations for simple processes equipment
8. Specific Characteristic of learning:
Real industrial examples are strongly suggested
9. Hidden curriculum (transferable skills):
Problem solving, analytical skills, and critical thinking
10. Assessment System:
Written examination, assignments and homework.
11. Feedback:
Questionnaire, direct communication, and additional questionnaire
12. References:
a. Soegiarto, 1981, “Diktat Kuliah Asas-asas Teknik Kimia”, Pusat Penerbitan Fakultas
Teknik Universitas Gadjah Mada.
b. Himmelblau, D.F., 1996, “Basic principles and Calculations in Chemical Engineering”,
Prentice-Hall International Inc., New Jersey.
c. Giles, R.V., 1956, “Theory and Problems of Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics”, Schaum
Publishing Co., New York.
d. Johnstone, R.E. and Thring, M.W., 1957, “Pilot Plants, Models and Scale-up Methods in
Chemical Engineering”, McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York.

Course : 1. Course code and number of credits : TKK.2201 2 SKS
Chemical 2. Prerequisites: can be taken simultaneously with Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics 1
Industrial 3. Aim:
Processes 1 Ability to explain manufacturing processes and applications of various inorganic materials.
Understanding of efforts to accelerate the chemical reactions, increase yields, and separate
compounds existing in the product mixtures.

4. Learning Outcome: After successfully finishing this course, students are able
Level of Bloom Taxonomy
No Learning Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 To recognize inorganic commodity √
2 To identify factors influencing reaction rates. √
3 To explain various efforts to increase reaction yields by √
applying equilibrium principles.
4 To apply various methods to separate mixtures. √
5 To explain manufacturing processes of inorganic √
5. Topics:
Chemical industrial processes treating inorganic materials, including: Sulphur, Sodium,
Nitrogen, Phosphor, and Potassium compounds.

6. Competencies to be developed(Based on PO):

Competencies no. 2, 3, 4, 9 and 10.
7. Emphasized topics:
Ability to devise various efforts to increase conversion and rates of chemical reaction in
inorganic materials industrial processes.

8. Specific Characteristic of learning

Lectures and homework assignments.
9. Hidden curriculum (transferable skills):
Understanding of societal needs and contemporary issues, critical thinking
10. Assessment System:
Written examination and assignments
11. Feedback:
Questionnaire, direct communication, and additional questionnaire.
12. References
a. Austin, G.T., 1984, “Shreve’s Chemical Process Industries”, 5ed., McGraw Hill Book
Company, New York
b. Kobe, K.A., 1957, ‘Inorganic Process Industries”, the Macmillan Company, New York.
c. Riegel, E.R., 1949, “Industrial Chemistry”, 5ed., Reinhold Publishing Corporation, New

Course : 1. Course code and number of credits : TKK2202 2 SKS
Water and 2. Prerequisites: -
Waste Water 3. Aim:
Treatment. a. To understand various industrial water, its requirement, and the systems to provide it.
b. To understand the basic of environmental preservation especially the one that is related
to industrial processes.
4. Learning Outcome: After successfully finishing this course, students are able
Level of Bloom Taxonomy
No Learning Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6
1. To be able to analyze the influence of contaminants √
in the water and to design the system processes to
uptake them.
2. To be able to determine the quantity of chemicals √
needed in the water treatment processes such as
coagulant, disinfectant, and resin.
3. To be able to calculate and evaluate the fuel √
consumption to produce steam in the boiler.
4. To be able to explain the meaning and characteristics √
of toxic and hazardous wastes.
5. To be able to explain both of pollution prevention and √
waste treatment basic concepts for environmental
6. To be able to analyze the potential of pollution √
caused by any processes.
5. Topics
a. Various industrial water (cooling water, drinking water, process water, and boiler feed
b. Impact of contaminants in the water to heat transfer and process equipment
c. Cooling and heating systems in the chemical plant
d. Unit operation and unit process in the water treatment
e. Demineralization
f. De aeration
g. Boiler
h. Toxic and hazardous waste treatment
i. Potential of environmental pollution by industrial processes
j. Clean production concept
k. Solid, liquid, and gas waste treatment concepts
6. Competencies to be developed (Based on PO):
Competencies no. 2, 3, 5, and 9.
7. Emphasized topics:
The principle of preparation of various industrial water, clean production concept, and waste
8. Specific Characteristic of learning:
Concepts understanding. The concept application is given in case studies.
9. Hidden curriculum:
SHE, ethics, problem solving and analytical skills, teamwork, understanding of societal
needs and contemporary issues.
10. Assessment system:
Written examination and group assignments (written and oral presentation)
11. Feedback:
Questionnaire and direct communication.
12. References:
a. Samuel N. Luoma, 1984,”Introduction to Environmental Issues”, Macmillan Publishing
Company, New York
b. Pollution Prevention and Abatement Handbook 1998 toward Cleaner Production, The
World Bank Group in Collaboration with the UNEP and the UNIDO, 1999
c. Berne, F., and Cordonnier, 1995, ”Industrial Water Treatment: Refining Petrochemicals
and Gas Processing Techniques”, Gulf Publishing Company, New York.
d. Cheremisinoff, N.P., and Cheremisinoff, P.N., 1993, “Water Treatment and Waste
Recovery”, Prentice Hall.
e. Metcalf and Eddy, 2003, ”Wastewater Engineering, Treatment and Reuse”, 4 ed.,
McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York.

Course: 1. Course code and number of credits : TKK 2203 3 SKS
Numerical 2. Prerequisites: Have taken Mathematics in Chemical Engineering.
Method and 3. Aim:
Computer To be able to use numerical method to solve mathematical equations in chemical engineering
Programming and construct the computational program for the calculation. Ability to use data processing
4. Learning Outcome: After successfully finishing this course, students are able
Level of Bloom Taxonomy
No Learning Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 To compose algorithm of numerical solution for various √
mathematical equations: linear, non-linear, ordinary or
partial differential equations.
2 To develop empirical equations and evaluate the √
parameter values based on available data.
3 To develop algorithm for direct search optimization. √
4 To employ spread-sheet to finish the numerical solution √
of simple differential equations and data processing for
fitting the equation parameter.
5 To practice basics of computer programming √
6 To develop the computational program (based on √
computer working logic) in chemical engineering field.
5. Topics:
a. Find root of non-linear equations (Newton-Raphson, etc.).
b. Develop empirical equations.
c. Introduction to computer programming language.
d. Solution of simultaneous linear equations.
e. Numerical differentiation and integration.
f. Solution of ordinary differential equation with shooting-method.
g. Application of finite difference approximation to solve ordinary and partial differential
h. Numerical solution of simultaneous non-linear equations
i. Direct Search Optimization.
6. Competencies to be developed(Based on PO):
Competencies no. 6, 8, 10 and 11
7. Emphasized topics:
Ability to compose the algorithm of numerical methods and construct computer programming.
8. Specific Characteristic of learning
Emphasis on numerical method; advantage and disadvantages of methods also need to be
understood. Practice on algorithm construction and computer programming. Teamwork
assignments and technical report are suggested.
9. Hidden curriculum (transferable skills):
a. Communication skills
b. Teamwork
c. Problem solving and analytical skills
d. Lifelong learning
10. Assessment System:
Written examination, assignments (team), homework
11. Feedback:
Questionnaire and direct communication
12. References:
a. Burden R., Faires, J., and Reynolds, A, 1985, “Numerical Analysis”, 3ed., Prindle,
Weber and Schmdt, Boston.
b. Sediawan, W.B., dan Prasetya, A., 1997, “Pemodelan Matematis dan Penyelesaian
Numeris dalam Teknik Kimia”, Andi Offset, Yogyakarta.
c. a. Nyhoff, L.R. and Leestma, S.C., 1997, “Fortran 90 for Engineers and Scientists”,
Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey.
d. Constantinides, A. and Mostoufi, N., 1999, “Numerical Methods for Chemical
Engineering with Matlab Applications”, Prentice Hall PTR, Upper Saddle River, New
Chemical 1. Course code and amount of credits: TKK2204 2 SKS
Process 2. Prerequisites: Have taken Chemical Engineering Principles 1
Safety 3. Aim:
To be aware of the importance of process safety; ability to develop holistically effective
strategies in evaluating a chemical process in order to reduce hazard which is related to
materials and operation condition.
4. Learning Outcome: After successfully finishing this course, students are able
Level of Bloom Taxonomy
No Learning Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 To explain the standard and regulations on health and √
safety engineering
2 To identify cause-effects and various types of accident √
in chemical industries, such as: fire, explosion,
dangerous chemical release to environment.
3 To identify and evaluate hazard and risk in chemical √
industry system through standard methods.
4 To develop effective strategies to reduce possible risk √
in a chemical industry system.
5 To explain and apply the concept of inherently afer √
desi n strategies

5. Topics:
a. Standard and regulations on health and safety engineering.
b. The concepts, classification, and sources of hazard in chemical industry, including:
dangerous and toxic materials (Bahan Beracun dan Berbahaya (B3)), such as
flammability, explosivity, corrosivity, reactivity, radioactivity, toxicity, etc.
c. Risks and types of accident in chemical industries.
d. Influences of accidents to human, process, and environment.
e. Hazard identification techniques.
f. Safety aspect consideration on process design.
g. Inherently safer design.
6. Competencies to be developed(Based on PO):
Competencies no. 3, 9, 12.
7. Emphasized topics:
a. Comprehension on hazard and risk concepts and ways to identify them.
b. Hazard reduction or elimination is more important than hazard control to minimize risks in
chemical process system. .
8. Specific Characteristic of learning:
a. Highlight on chemical processes, their danger potential understanding and the
strategy to avoid them with reducing or eliminating the existing hazard.
b. Deliver more theory application in industrial real cases.
c. Complex calculation and mathematics are avoided.
9. Hidden curriculum:
1. Inform the importance of health, safety and environment in chemical industries.
2. Understanding of societal needs and contemporary issues
3. Critical thinking
10. Assessment system:
Written examination, assignments, and homework.
11. Feedback:
Questionnaire, direct communication, and additional questionnaire
12. References:
a. Crowl, D. A., and J. F. Louvar, 1990, “Chemical Process Safety: Fundamentals with
Applications”, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ.
b. Center for Chemical Process Safety, 1993., “Guidelines for Engineering Design for
Process Safety”., American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE).
c. Mannan, S., 2005., “Lee’s Loss Prevention in the Process Industries”., Elsevier Inc.

Course : 1. Course code and number of credits : TKK 2205 2 SKS
Chemical 2. Prerequisites: Have taken Physical Chemistry 2 and Chemical Engineering
Engineering Thermodynamics 1
Thermodynamics 2 3. Aim:
Understanding of the applications of thermodynamics principles on systems of process
equipment. Understanding of applications of phase and chemical equilibrium analysis.
4. Learning Outcome: After successfully finishing this course, students are able
Level of Bloom Taxonomy
No Learning Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 To apply thermodynamics concept in analysis of √
power generation systems, refrigeration cycles, and
gas liquefaction.
2 To determine phase equilibrium conditions and √
compositions for ideal and simple non-ideal
3 To determine chemical equilibrium conditions and √
compositions for ideal and simple non-ideal

5. Topics:
a. Review on thermodynamics fundamental concepts.
b. Thermodynamics analysis of flow process.
c. System of mechanical energy generation from heat.
d. Refrigeration system.
e. Phase equilibrium.
f. Chemical equilibrium.
6 Competencies to be developed(Based on Table V):
Competencies No. 1, 3, 4, 6
7. Emphasized topics:
a. Evaluation of changes of thermodynamic variables
b. Applications of thermodynamics concepts on systems of equipment.
c. Concept of fugacity and activity for phase and chemical equilibrium.
8. Specific Characteristic of learning:
a. Emphasis on comprehension.
b. Variety of applications on real case problems are strongly suggested
c. Mathematical complication and calculational complexity should be avoided.
d. Uses of thermodynamics diagrams are suggested, but should not be considered as a
primary method.
9. Hidden curriculum:
Sustainability, critical thinking, lifelong learning
10. Assessment system:
Written examination, assignments, and homework.
11. Feedback:
Questionnaire and direct communication.
12. References:
a. Smith, J.M., Van Ness, H.C., and Abbott, M.M., 2005, “Introduction to Chemical
Engineering Thermodynamics”, 7 ed., McGraw Hill Book Company, New York.
b. Prausnitz, J.M., Lichtenthaler, R.N., and de Azevedo, E.G., 1986, “Molecular
Thermodynamics of Fluid-Phase Equilibria”, 2 ed., Prentice Hall, New Jersey.
c. Sandler, S.I., 1989, “Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics”, 2 ed., John Wiley &
Sons, New York.

Course: 1. Course code and amount of credits: TKK 2206 3 SKS
Material 2. Prerequisites: Have taken Physics 2
Transport and 3. Aim:
Sedimentation To understand the working principles and calculation methods on storage equipment and
material transport.
4. Learning Outcome: After successfully finishing this course, students are able
Level of Bloom Taxonomy
No Learning Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 To explain the working principles and determine the v
advantage and drawbacks of various solid/fluid
transportation equipment.
2 To use the fundamental equations of fluid flow to v
analyze various fluid transportation systems.
3 To select appropriate storage equipment for particular v
4 To select appropriate transportation equipment for v
particular requirement.
5 To design simple sedimentation equipment. v
6 To select appropriate pump and fluid flow meter for v
particular requirement.
5. Topics:
a. Properties of fluid and solid.
b. Pipe, fitting, and valve
c. Mass balance, energy balance of fluid flow inside pipe.
d. Fluid flow meter
e. Pump and compressors.
f. Fluid storage equipment.
g. Solid storage and transportation equipment.
h. Batch and continuous sedimentation.
i. Thickener design
6. Competencies to be developed(Based on PO):
Competencies no.1, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7.
7. Emphasized topics:
Principle of equipment and theoretical analysis need to be discussed at the same portion.
8. Specific Characteristic of learning
Examples from industries (real cases) are strongly required.
Introduction to concepts of equipment and process design.
9. Hidden curriculum (transferable skills):
SHE, ethics, problem solving and analytical skills, critical thinking, lifelong learning
10. Assessment System:
Written examination, assignments and homework.
11. Feedback:
Questionnaire, direct communication.
12. References:
a. Brown, G.G., 1953, ”Unit Operations, 4 ed., John Wiley & Sons, New York.
b. Foust, A.S., 1979, “Principles of Unit Operations”, 2 ed., John Wiley & Sons, New York.
c. McCabe, W.L., Smith, J.L, and Harriot, P., 2001, “Unit Operations of Chemical
Engineering”, 6ed., Mc GrawHill Book Co, New York.

Course: 1. Course code and number of credits : TKK 2207 2 SKS
Chemical 2. Prerequisites: Material Analysis Labwork
Process 3. Aim:
Labwork To be able to perform various experiments in a laboratory scale in order to carry out physical
and chemical process, to analyze the data based on relevant theory; the experiments are
mainly related to natural resources in Indonesia.
4. Learning Outcome: After successfully finishing this course, students are able
Level of Bloom Taxonomy
No Learning Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 To perform various experiments of chemical
engineering process, such as: adsorption,
separation/purification, reaction, natural substances
isolation, etc.
2 To utilize experimental data in order to obtain hidden √
process parameter values.
3 To identify hazard (process and chemicals) and the √
culture to use self-protection equipment when needed.
4 To identify the environmental aspect and the waste √
treatment related to the experiments.
5 To practice teamwork and communicate, and to write a √
report of the experiments independently.
5. Topics
a. Phase equilibrium (such as: adsorption)
b. Separation/purification and isolation of natural substances.
c. Separation of organic or inorganic substances
d. Chemical reactions, such as esterification, hydrolysis, etc.
e. Rate processes, both physical and chemical processes.
Note: Experimental modules might change, but they are always referred to the
aforementioned topics
6. Competencies to be developed(Based on PO):
Competencies no. 1, 2, 4, 5, 8,10, 11, 12
7. Emphasized topics:
Keep holding the importance of SHE
8. Specific Characteristic of learning
Learn independently, teamwork, communication, write individual report, final examination
9. Hidden curriculum (transferable skills):
Ethics, understanding of societal needs and contemporary issues
10. Assessment System:
Comprehensive grading system (test before practicum, skills, attitude, report,
test/examination after practicum)
11. Feedback:
a. Report and final examination
b. Grading form
12. References: (based on each practicum modules):
a. Solomon, T.W.G and Fryhle, C.B., 2004, “Organic Chemistry”, 8ed., John Wiley and
Sons, New Jersey.
b. Vogel, A.I., 1978, ”A Text-book of Quantitative Inorganic Analysis Theory and Practice”,
4 ed., Longmans, Green, and Co., London. (ada edisi baru)
c. Weinig, A.J. and Schoder, W.P., 1958, “Technical Methods of Ore Analysis for Chemist
and Colleges”, 11 ed., John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York.
d. Woodman, A.G., 1941,” Food Analysis”’ 4 ed., pp 254-306, McGraw-Hill Book Co.,
New York.
e. Perry,R.H. and Green, D.E., 1984, ” Perry’s Chemical Engineer ‘s Handbook ”, 6 ed., p
3-88, McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., New York.
f. Swern, 1964, “Bailey’s Industrial Oil and Fat Productions”, pp. 948-951, Interscience
Publisers, Inc., New York.

Course : 1. Course code and number of credits : TKK2208 1 SKS
Entrepreneur 2. Prerequisites: having taken Engineering Economics
ship 3. Aim:
To understand the business world especially the one that is related to chemical
4. Learning Outcome: After successfully finishing this course, students are able
1. To understand the principles, mental attitude, and ethics of business.
2. To understand business development methods and provision of necessary
3. To be able to seek the chemical engineering profession related business
opportunities based on Indonesia’s natural resources.
5. Topics
Principles, mental attitude, and ethics of business. Methods of business development and
provision of necessary resources. Chemical industry businesses that already exist and
which could potentially be developed in Indonesia.
6. Competencies to be developed (Based on PO):
Competencies no. 2, 7, 8, 13, 14, 15.
7. Emphasized topics:
The opportunities of chemical industry business in Indonesia.
8. Specific Characteristic of learning:
Descriptive and active learning from existing sources in the library/internet.
9. Hidden curriculum:
Recognizing the importance of the business aspects of the profession of chemical
engineering and chemical industry structure.
10. Assessment system:
Mid and final exam, assignment, and writing a business idea related with chemical
engineering field.
11. Feedback:
Questionnaire and direct communication.
12. References:
Hisrich, R.D. and Peters, M.P., 1989, “Entrepreneurship: Starting, Developing, and
Managing a New Enterprise”, BPI Irwin, Boston.

Course: 1. Course code and number of credits : TKK 3100 3 SKS
Stagewise 2. Prerequisites:
Separation Have Completed: Chemical Engineering Principles 1 and Chemical Engineering
Process Thermodynamics 1 (minimum grade D).
Can be taken simultaneously: Chemical Engineering Principles 2 and Chemical Engineering
Thermodynamics 2
3. Aim:
To understand principles of equipment for stage-wise separations and to apply various
calculation methods based on stage-wise equilibrium approach.
4. Learning Outcome: After successfully finishing this course, students are able
Level of Bloom Taxonomy
No Learning Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 To explain various correlations of phase equilibrium. √
2 To explain principles of various stage-wise separation √
equipment (vapour-liquid and liquid-liquid) and flow
stability in the equipment.
3 To apply concepts of mass balance, energy balance √
and phase equilibrium for analysis of flashing
4 To determine number of stages based on mass √
balance concept and phase equilibrium (McCabe-
Thiele and stage-to-stage calculation method)
5 To determine number of stages based on mass √
balance, heat balance, and phase equilibrium(method
of Ponchon–Savarit, stage-to-stage calcul tion)
5. Topics
a. Phase equilibrium correlations
b. Principles of various processes and equipment for stage-wise separation (distillation,
extraction, leaching, etc.)
c. Calculation method for distillation column with stage-wise equilibrium approach
based on mass balance and equilibrium (method McCabe-Thiele, stage-to-stage
d. Calculation methods for distillation column with stage-wise equilibrium approach
based on mass balance, heat balance and equilibrium(method of Ponchon–Savarit,
stage-to-stage calculation)
e. Flow stability inside distillation column: entrainment, flooding, weeping, etc.
f. Principle sketch of stage-wise extraction equipment
g. Calculation method for stage-wise extractor with phase equilibrium assumption
h. Financial consideration in stage-wise separation process.
6. Competencies to be developed (Based on PO):
Competencies no. 1,3,4,5, 6, and 12
7. Emphasized topics:
Principles of equipment and calculation methods are taught in a balanced portion. The
importance of flow stability in distillation and extraction are emphasized.
8. Specific Characteristic of learning:
Strong correlation between principles of equipment-theory-calculation need to be maintained.
Calculation exercises should also be given sufficiently. Problem variation to deepen the
students’ understanding is very important. Preparation of equilibrium data bases of
calculation need be practiced.
9. Hidden curriculum:
SHE, problem solving and analytical skills, critical thinking, lifelong learning.
10. Assessment system:
Written examination, assignments.
11. Feedback:
Questionnaire, direct communication.
12. References:
a. Brown, G.G., 1953, ”Unit Operations, 4 ed., John Wiley & Sons, New York.
b. Foust, A.S., 1979, “Principles of Unit Operations”, 2 ed., John Wiley & Sons, New York.
c. McCabe, W.L., Smith, J.L, and Harriot, P., 2001, “Unit Operations of Chemical
Engineering”, 6ed., Mc GrawHill Book Co, New York.

Course: 1. Course code and number of credits : TKK.3101 2 SKS
Chemical 2. Prerequisites: Have taken Chemical Industry Process 1 (TKK 221)
Industrial 3. Aim:
Processes 2 Ability to apply chemical process fundamentals, symbols of process-equipment, and
fundamentals of chemical reaction in flow diagram preparations for organic material
production processes.

4. Learning Outcome: After successfully finishing this course, students are able
Level of Bloom Taxonomy
No Learning Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 To develop framework of organic compound production √
2 To determine suitable equipment for organic compound √
production processes.
3 To use standard symbols of equipment for organic √
compound production processes.
4 To design stages of organic compound production √
processes which is demonstrated as block and
symbolic flow diagrams.
5 To analyze influences of operating conditions to rates √
and equilibrium of reactions.

5. Topics:
a. Fundamentals of chemical process design.
b. Production process unit, raw material preparation unit, synthesis unit, and finishing.
c. Equipment symbols and process flow diagram.
d. Fundamentals of separation and mixing processes.
e. Chemical process control from the point of view of chemical reaction rate, chemical
reaction equilibrium, heat of reactions, and activation energy.
f. Case study: Nitration, Amination, Halogenation, and Sulfonation.
6. Competencies to be developed (Based on PO):
Competencies no. 2,3 4, 9, and 10
7. Emphasized topics:
Fundamentals of chemical process design, process flow diagram, and control of chemical
8. Specific Characteristic of learning :
Classical lecture, homework assignments.
9. Hidden curriculum (transferable skills):
a. Systematic thinking
b. Work in an organized way.
c. Work innovatively.
10. Assessment System:
Midterm examination, final examination, and assignments/homework.
11. Feedback:
Questionnaire, direct communication, and additional questionnaire.
12. References:
a. Groggins, P.H., 1959, “Unit processes in Organic Synthesis”, 5 ed., McGraw Hill Book
Company, New York.
b. Mc.Ketta, J.J.,1993, ”Chemical Processing Handbook“, Marcel Dekker, Inc. New York.
c. Moulijn, J.A., Makkee, M., and van Diepen, A., 2001, “Chemical Process Technology”,
John Wiley and Sons, Ltd., New York.
d. Austin, G.T.,1984, “Shreve’s Chemical Process Industries“, 5 ed., McGraw Hill Book
Company, New York

Course: 1. Course code and number of credits : TKK 3102 2 SKS
Transport 2. Prerequisites: Have taken Mathematics in Chemical Engineering
Phenomena 3. Aim:
Abilities to perform microscopic analysis based on fundamental concept of momentum, heat,
and mass transfers. Understanding of the correlation between microscopic and macroscopic

4. Learning Outcome : After successfully finishing this course, students are able
Level of Bloom Taxonomy
No Learning Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 To develop microscopic mathematical-equation √
on momentum, heat, and mass transfers for
non-turbulent phenomenon based on volume
To predict velocity, temperature, and √
2 concentration distributions for steady and
unsteady state conditions for various simple-
geometrical shape using analytical method.
3 To relate observable quantities with information √
of microscopic distributions of velocity,
temperature, and/or concentration.
5. Topics:
a. Basic laws of momentum, heat, and mass transfers.
b. Microscopic analysis of simple momentum, heat, and mass transfersbased on
volume element concept.
c. Application of general equations on momentum, heat, and mass transfers
d. Evaluation of macroscopic quantities based on velocity, temperature, and
concentration distributions.
6. Competencies to be developed (based on Table V):
Competencies no. 1, 3, 4, 8, 11, and 12.
7. Emphasized topics:
Correlation between microscopic analysis and macroscopic parameters.
8. Specific Characteristic of learning:
Complex mathematical manipulation aspects should be avoided. While, comprehension
aspect on mathematical applications and ability to simplify problems should be emphasized.
9. Hidden curriculum:
Problem solving and analytical skills, critical thinking, lifelong learning
10. Assessment system:
Written examination, assignments and homework
11. Feedback:
Questionnaire and direct communication.
12. References:
a. Bird, R.B., Stewart, W.E., and Lightfoot, E.N., 2002, “Transport Phenomena”, 2 ed., John
Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York.
b. Slattery, J.C., 1972, “Momentum, Heat and Mass Transfer in Continua”, Mc Graw Hill
Kogakusha, Ltd., Tokyo.
c. Welty, J.E., Wilson, R.E., and Wicks, C.E., 1984, “Fundamental of Momentum, Heat, and
Mass Transfer”, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York.

Course: 1. Course code and number of credits : TKK 3103 2 SKS
Industrial 2. Prerequisites: Have taken Heat Transfer. Have taken Chemical Engineering Operation
Process Practicum (strongly suggested)
Equipment 3. Aim:
Understanding principles of chemical industrial equipment which are designed by vendors.
Understanding advantages and disadvantages of equipment as a base for selections of
suitable equipment for certain purposes.

4. Learning Outcome: After succesfully finishing this course, students are able
Level of Bloom Taxonomy
No Learning Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 To recognize development of chemical industrial √
2 To draw principles sketches and brief working
procedures of chemical process industrial equipment;
especially those which the details are designed by
3 To determine, through calculation, main specification of √
equipment which will be designed by vendors.
4 To determine appropriate equipment for processing √
particular materials based on the understanding on the
advantages/disadvantages of various equipment.
5. Topics:
a. Size reduction
b. Screening
c. Size enlargement
d. Filtration and various equipments for mechanical separation
e. Evaporator
f. Various equipments for a particular requirement, such as: crystallization.
6. Competencies to be developed (Based on PO):
Competencies no. 4,5,6,12
7. Emphasized topics:
• The principles sketches and brief working procedures, advantage or disadvantages, and
bases for equipment selection.
• Aspects of equipment principles are given bigger portion than theoretical analysis aspects
8. Specific Characteristic of learning
Focusing on equipments principles by emphesizing on project-engineering aspects.
Calculation in order to determine the main specification of equipments.
9. Hidden curriculum (transferable skills):
SHE, ethics, communication skills (oral, written)
10. Assessment System:
Written examination: principles sketches and brief working procedures of chemical industries
equipment and calculation to determine the main specification of equipment. Assignments.
11. Feedback:
Questionnaire and direct communication
12. References:
a. Brown, G.G., 1953, ”Unit Operations”, 4 ed., John Wiley & Sons, New York.
b. Foust, A.S., 1979, “Principles of Unit Operations”, 2 ed., John Wiley & Sons, New
c. McCabe, W.L., Smith, J.L, and Harriot, P., 2001, “Unit Operations of Chemical
Engineering”, 6 ed., Mc GrawHill Book Co, New York.
d. Perry, R.H, and Green, D.W., 1997, “Perry's Chemical Engineers' Handbook”, 7 ed.,
Mc GrawHill Book Co, New York.

Course: 1. Course code and number of credits : TKK 3104 3 SKS
Heat 2. Prerequisites:
Transfer Can be taken simultaneously: Numerical Method and Computer Programming; Chemical
Engineering Thermodynamics 2.
3. Aim:
To understand the basic concepts of heat transfer, various heat transfer equipment, and to
have the ability to perform calculation to evaluate the equipment performance in a particular
4. Learning Outcome: After successfully finishing this course, students are able
Level of Bloom Taxonomy
No Learning Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 To recognize various heat transfer mechanism √
(convection, conduction, and radiation).
2 To recognize wide variety of heat transfer equipment √
and have the ability to select equipment suitable for
certain tasks.
3 To determine values of heat transfer coefficients, dirt √
factors, and pressure drop
4 To compare various types of heat transfer equipment √
based on advantages and disadvantages of each
5. Topics:
a. Heat transfer mechanism (convection, conduction, and radiation).
b. Steady and unsteady state heat transfer.
c. Heat transfers in a system which more than one mechanisms of heat transfer.
d. Convective heat transfer: forced convection or natural convection
e. ∆T approach and across.
f. LMTD (log mean temperature difference) and temperature correction factor Ft
g. Calculation of overall heat transfer coefficient (Uc or Ud), Rd, and pressure drop.
h. Heat transfer with phase changes (condenser, vaporizer, condenser-sub cooler and
6. Competencies to be developed (Based on PO):
Competencies no. 1,5,6,12
7. Emphasized topics:
a. Calculation of heat transfer equipment.
b. Allowable limits for heat transfer system parameters (for example: heat flux in a reboiler or
vaporizer etc.).
8. Specific Characteristic of learning
Aspects of concept understanding and calculation skills are taught in a balanced proportion.
9. Hidden curriculum (transferable skills):
SHE, Problem solving and analytical skills;
10. Assessment System:
Written examination and assignments
11. Feedback:
Questionnaire and direct communication
12. References:
a. Backhurst J.R. and Harker, J.H., 1983, “Process Plant Design”, Heinemann
Educational Books, London.
b. Cavaseno V. and Staff of Chemical Engineering, McGraw-Hill Publications Co., New
c. Coulson, J.M. and Richardson, J.F., 1983, “Chemical Engineering”, Vol. 6 (SI units),
Design, Pergamon Press Oxford.
d. Holman, J.P., 1989, “Heat Transfer”, (SI Metric Edition) McGraw-Hill Book Company,
e. Incropera, F. P and De Witt, D.P., 1990, “Introduction to Heat Transfer”, 2 ed. John
Wiley & Sons, New York.
f. Kern, D.Q., 1950, “Process Heat Transfer”, McGraw-Hill Kogakusha, Ltd

Course: 1. Course code and amount of credits: TKK3106 2 SKS
Principles of 2. Prerequisites: Have taken Engineering Economic
Management 3. Aim:
To understand principles of management to be applied on action and decision making.
4. Learning Outcome: After successfully finishing this course, students are able
Level of Bloom Taxonomy
No Learning Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 To recognize various organizational systems of √
companies including the advantages and the
2 To apply operation management theory as the √
consideration for decision making.
3 To recognize the importance of communication, √
motivation, and leadership in a system.
5. Topics:
a. Organizational system of company
b. Network analysis.
c. Linear programming.
d. Inventory control.
e. Human resources management
6. Competencies to be developed (based on Table V)
Competencies no. 6, 9, 10, 11, 12
7. Emphasized topics:
The importance of humanity aspect in chemical engineering profession
8. Specific Characteristic of learning:
Examples of real cases from industries are strongly suggested.
9. Hidden curriculum:
Lifelong learning, teamwork, leaderships, understanding of societal needs and contemporary
10. Assessment system:
Homework, Written examination, report, discussion
11. Feedback:
Questionnaire, direct communication, and additional questionnaires
12. References:
a. Stoner, J.A.F, and Freeman, R.E., 1992, “Management”, 5 ed., Prentice Hall, Inc.
b. Robbins, S.P., and Coultar, M., 1996, “Management”, 5 ed., Prentice Hall, Inc.
c. Levin, R.I., Rubin, D.S., and Stinson, J.P., 1986, “Quantitative Approach to
Management”, 6 ed., Mc Graw Hill International Ed.

Course: 1. Course code and number of credits : TKK 3106 2 SKS
Utilization 2. Prerequisites:
and Have taken: Chemical Engineering Principles 1
Conservation Can be taken simultaneusly: Chemical Industrial Processes 1
of Natural 3. Aim:
Resources. To understand the concept of sustainable development as the foundation for the utilization
of Indonesian natural resources for chemical industries
4. Learning Outcome: After successfully finishing this course, students are able
Level of Bloom Taxonomy
No Learning Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 To explain the concept of sustainable development √
and the related legal aspects.
2 To explain various global environment issues and √
their management strategies
3 To recognize potentials and utilization methods of √
various natural resources, especially those are
available in Indonesia
4 To explain the principles of sustainable management √
of natural resources
5. Topics
a. Sustainable development and its correlation with industrial activities.
b. Regulations which are related to sustainable development.
c. Global environment issues.
d. Environment management strategy
e. Types and potentials of renewable natural resources in Indonesia
f. Types and potentials of non-renewable natural resources in Indonesia
g. Technology to processes for Indonesian natural resources
h. Qualitative analysis of technical and economic feasibility for sustainable use of
natural resources in Indonesia
6. Competencies to be developed (Based on PO):
Competencies no. 2, 4, 7, 9, 10, 11, and 12
7. Emphasized topics:
• Awareness of environment and potential of added value of natural resources
• Recognize industrial trees of various Indonesian natural resources.
8. Specific Characteristic of learning:
Descriptive and active learning process from information resources and regulations
(references and internet).
9. Hidden curriculum (transferable skills):
SHE, ethics, critical thinking, teamwork, understanding of societal needs and contemporary
10. Assessment System:
11. Feedback:
12. References:
a. Ali, M. F., El Ali, B. M., Speight, J. G., 2005,” Handbook of Industrial Chemistry,
Organic Chemicals,”, Mc graw Hill Book Co, New York.
b. Hartarto Sastrosunarto, 2006,”Industrialisasi Serta Pembangunan Sektor Pertanian
dan Jasa Menuju Visi Indonesia 2030”, Imagon Sum Creatius.
c. Robert A. Corbitt, 1989, “Standard Handbook of Environmental Engineering”,
McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, New York.
d. Samuel N. Luoma, 1984,”Introduction to Environmental Issues”, Macmillan
Publishing Company, New York
e. Pollution Prevention and Abatement Handbook 1998 toward Cleaner Production,
The World Bank Group in Collaboration with the UNEP and the UNIDO, 1999
f. Mc Ketta, D.L., 1987,”Encyclopedia of Chemical Processing and Design”, Marcel
Dekker, Inc., New York.
g. Guenther, E., 1949,”The Essential Oils, D. Van Nostrand Company, Inc., New York
h. Klass, D.L., 1998,”Biomass for Renewable Energy, Fuels and Chemicals”,
Academic Press. London

Course: 1. Course code and number of credits : TKK 32003 SKS
Heat and 2. Prerequisites:
Mass Have taken: Chemical Engineering Principles 1 and Chemical Engineering Principles 2
Transfer Can be taken simultaneously: Heat transfer
Operation 3. Aim:
To understand the principles of continuous contact separation equipment and have the
ability to apply various calculation methods based on differential approaches. Understand
the approximation methods for simultaneous heat and mass transfer.

4. Learning Outcome: After successfully finishing this course, students are able
Level of Bloom Taxonomy
No Learning Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 To explain heat transfer processes in chemical √
engineering practices.
2 To explain heat transfer mechanism in one phase or √
inter-phases with one or two layers on film; and to
apply the commonly used approximation methods.
3 To explain continuous contact separation processes √
and related equipment.
4 To design principle dimensions (sizes) of continuous √
contact separation equipment.
5 To explain mass, heat, and momentum transfer √
analogy; and to apply them as an approximation to
the simultaneous heat and mass transfer

5. Topics:
a. Principles of continuous contact separation process and the relevant equipment.
b. Fundamentals of mass transfer (molecular diffusion, bulk diffusion, mass transfer
with one or two films)
c. Calculation of absorber, stripper with continuous contact system
d. Flow stability in gas-liquid continuous contact operation in a fixed bed column:
entrainment, flooding, weeping, and channelling
e. Analogy of mass, heat, and momentum transfer
f. Simultaneous heat and mass transfer: Humidifier, cooling tower, and dryer
6. Competencies to be developed (Based on PO):
Competencies no. Competencies no. 1, 5, 6,11,
7. Emphasized topics :
One and two film theory.
Common approximation for continuous contact system
8. Specific Characteristic of learning
Emphases on concepts comprehension, real cases are suggested; while complex
mathematical calculations are avoided.
9. Hidden curriculum (transferable skills):
Problem solving and analytical skills, critical thinking, lifelong learning
10. Assessment System:
Mid semester examination, final examination, assignments, and homework.
11. Feedback:
Questionnaire, direct communication.
12. References:
a. Cussler, E.L., 1997, “Diffusion - Mass Transfer in Fluid Systems”, 2 ed., Cambridge
b. Seader, J.D. and E.J. Henley, 1998, "Separation Process Principles", John Wiley and
Sons, Inc. Singapore.
c. Treybal, R.E, 1980, "Mass Transfer Operation", 3 ed Mc Graw Hill, Kogakusha
d. Geankoplis, C.J., Transport Processes and Unit Operations, 3 ed., 1997, Prentice Hall
of India, New Delhi
e. Badger W.L. dan J.T. Banchero, "Introduction to Chemical Engineering " Asian Student
Edition, Mc Graw Hill Book Co. Tokyo
f. Mc. Cabe W.L, J.C. Smith and P. Harriot,1985 " Unit Operations of Chemical
Engineering ", 4 th ed. Mc Graw Hill, Singapore.
Course: 1. Course code and number of credits : TKK 3201 3 SKS
Chemical 2. Prerequisites: Have taken Chemical Industrial Processes 2
Reaction 3. Aim:
Engineering 1 To understand reaction mechanism, have the ability to formulate reaction kinetics, and use
chemical engineering principles to design ideal reactor which is needed for a homogenous
4. Learning Outcome: After successfully finishing this course, students are able
Level of Bloom Taxonomy
No Learning Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 To develop reaction rate equation based on particular √
reaction mechanism.
2 To develop design equations for √
various reactors based on mass and energy
3 To analyze kinetics experimental data to determine √
the reaction kinetics.
4 To recognize advantage and disadvantages of √
reactors for a particular system
5 To design various type of chemical reactors (batch √
reactor, flow reactor with agitator, pipe reactor, and
combination of them)
5. Topics:
a. Concepts of stoichiometry, conversion, selectivity, and reaction yield.
b. Fundamental concept of chemical kinetics, mechanism, and determination of reaction
rate equation.
c. Experimental data interpretation for various reaction type (Multiple reactions,
reversible reactions, irreversible reactions) in order to determine the reaction rate
d. Basic concept of ideal reactor design
e. Influence of parameter design on dimension and performance of chemical reactor.
f. Introduction of flow patter effect on chemical reactor performance.
6. Competencies to be developed (Based on PO):
Competencies no. 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 8
7. Emphasized topics :
a. Data interpretation which is related to reaction rate equation and design parameters.
b. The differences of various types of reactor (for example: required size correlation with
particular conversion).
c. Simulation through simple mathematical models: influence of operation condition on
reactor performance.
8. Specific Characteristic of learning :
a. Emphasis on concept understanding by giving simple illustrations and examples.
b. Beside analytical method, graphical method needs also to be introduced.
9. Hidden curriculum:
SHE, ethics, problem solving and analytical skills
10. Assessment system:
Written examination and assignments.
11. Feedback:
Direct communication and questionnaire.
12. References
a. Fogler, H. S., 1999, “Elements of Chemical Reaction Engineering”, 3 ed. Prentice Hall
International, New Jersey.
b. Hill, Jr. C.G., 1977, “An Introduction to Chemical Engineering Kinetics & Reactor
Design”, John Wiley & Sons, New York.
c. Levenspiel, O, 1999, “Chemical Reaction Engineering”, John Wiley & Sons, New York.
d. Smith, J.M., 1981, “Chemical Engineering Kinetics”, 3 ed. McGraw-Hill International
Book Company, Tokyo.

Course: 1. Course code and number of credits : TKK 3202 2 SKS
Process 2. Prerequisites: Chemical Engineering Mathematics
Control 3. Aim:
To be able to understand basic principles of process control, to design process control
scheme, and to analyze the dynamics of simple processes

4. Learning Outcome: After successfully finishing this course, students are able
Level of Bloom Taxonomy
No Learning Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 To identify control process variables and to explain √
the principles of process control.
2 To explain types and working principles of √
measurement systems, controllers, and control
3 To develop dynamic models, to illustrate them in a √
form of block diagram, to estimate stability limit, and
to design feedback control system.
4 To explain the advantages and disadvantages of √
each type of controllers and control strategy.
5 To apply principles of control system to design a √
scheme of process control for certain equipment.
5. Topics:
a. Fundamentals of process control
b. Mathematical models formulation for control
c. Dynamic behaviour of processes.
d. Principles and elements of feedback control system
e. Dynamic behaviour of control process and stability analysis of control system.
f. Control system analysis using frequency response techniques.
g. Design of feedback control system using frequency response techniques.
h. Design of control-scheme for process equipment.
6. Competencies to be developed (Based on PO): Competencies no. 1, 3, 5, and 6.
7. Emphasized topics:
Introduction of characteristics of control equipment and ability to design process control
8. Specific Characteristic of learning
Complex mathematical analyses are strongly avoided.
9. Hidden curriculum (transferable skills):
SHE, problem solving and analytical skills, critical thinking.
10. Assessment System:
Written examination, team assignments, and homework
11. Feedback:
Questionnaire and direct communication.
12. References:
1. Considine, D.M, 1993, “Process/Industrial Instrumens & Controls Handbook”, 4th ed.,
McGraw-Hill Book Co., Singapore.
2. Luyben, W.L and Luyben, M.L, 1997, “Essentials of Process Control”, McGraw-Hill
International Editions, Singapore.
3. Coughanour, D.R., 1991, “Process System Analysis and Control”, 2 edition, McGrraw-
Hill, New York.
4. Smith, C.A. and Corripio, A.B., 1985, Principles and Practice of Automatic Process
Control, John Wiley & Sons, New York.
5. Stephanopoulos, G., 1984, “Chemical Process Control : an introduction to theory and
practice”, Prentice-Hall International Editions, London

Course 1. Course code and number of credits : TKK 3203 3 SKS
Mathematical 2. Prerequisites:
modeling and Have taken Numerical Method and Computer Programming
computation 3. Aim:
Ability to formulate mathematical equations to model chemical engineering phenomena
based on fundamental concepts of chemical engineering and also to solve the formulated
equations through computer programming.

4. Learning Outcome: After successfully finishing this course, students are able
Level of Bloom Taxonomy
No Learning Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 To develop mathematical models in the form of √
ordinary differential equations for time-dependent as
well as position-dependent, homogenous as well as
heterogeneous, isothermal as well as non-isothermal
2. To develop mathematical models in the form of partial √
differential equations for homogenous and also
heterogeneous systems.
3. To recognize mathematical models for phenomena √
involving uncertainties.
4. To develop algorithm and computer programs to √
solve the mathematical models.
5. To interpret calculation results in written reports. √
5. Topics
a. Review on chemical engineering tools
b. Review on computer programming.
c. Mathematical models for time-dependent, position-dependent, time and position
dependent phenomena.
d. Formulation of simultaneous ordinary differential equations.
e. Mathematical models for processes in series, for example: simultaneous mass transfer
and chemical reaction
f. Mathematical models for phenomena involving uncertainty.
6. Competencies to be developed (Based on PO):
Competencies no. 1, 5, 8, 10 and 11
7. Emphasized topics:
Have the ability to build volume element and time element and to apply chemical
engineering tools for those elements.Have the ability to perform simplification through
several assumptions. Understanding on mathematical concepts and their physical
interpretations. Open ended solution. Have the ability to construct computer program to
solve the ordered mathematical equations.
8. Specific Characteristic of learning
Ability to construct volume elements as well as time increment and apply chemical
engineering tools on the elements. Ability to use well known assumptions and
simplifications. Understanding of mathematical concepts along with their physical
interpretations. Experiences in working with open ended problems. Ability to construct
computer program to solve the developed mathematical models.
9. Hidden curriculum (transferable skills):
a. Problem solving and analytical skills
b. Communication skills
c. Teamwork
d. Lifelong learning
e. Ability to gather information’s and data to solve the problems
10. Assessment System:
Written examination, homework and group assignments
11. Feedback:
Questionnaire and direct communication
12. References:
a. Jenson, V.G., and Jeffreys, G.V.,1977, “Mathematical Methods in Chemical
Engineering”, Academic Press, London.
b. Mickley, H.S., Sherwood, T.S., and Reed, C.E., 1957, “Applied Mathematics in
Chemical Engineering”, Mc Graw Hill Book, Co. New York.
c. Rice, R.G., and Do, D.D., 1994, “Applied Mathematics and Modeling for Chemical
Engineers”, John Wiley and Sons, Inc, New York.
d. Sediawan, W.B., dan Prasetya, A., 1997, “Pemodelan Matematis dan Penyelesaian
Numeris dalam Teknik Kimia”, Andi Offset, Yogyakarta.

Course: 1. Course code and number of credits : TKK3204 - 2 SKS
Unit 2. Prerequisites:
Operation Have completed Chemical Process Labwork (TKK2207).
Labwork 3. Aim:
To be able to apply theories to analyze physical phenomena and to perform experiments to
produce fundamental information, mainly for physical process in chemical engineering.

4. Learning Outcome: After successfully finishing this course, students are able
Level of Bloom Taxonomy
No Learning Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 To operate a laboratory scale equipment for chemical
engineering physical operations.
2 To perform laboratory data measurements and to use √
them to determine values of hidden parameter.
3 To design simple processes to produce various high √
value-added product
4 To identify hazard (process and chemicals) and to √
have the awareness to use self-protection equipment
when needed.
5 To show the attitude to uphold environment aspect,
and waste treatment related to the experiments
6 To show the ability to work in a team, communicate,
and prepare a written report independe tly
5. Topics
a. Drying
b. Fluid flow
c. Integral diffusivity
d. Sedimentation
e. Filtration
f. Efflux Time
g. Height Equivalent to A Theoretical Plate (HETP)
h. Phase Equilibrium
i. Extraction
j. Absorption
k. Special practicum (Topic will be determined in each semester)
6. Competencies to be developed (Based on PO):
Competencies no. 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 12
7. Emphasized topics:
Skill to perform experiments, data collection, and data analysis.
8. Specific Characteristic of learning
Independent learning, team work practice, assistance, communication, and individual
written report preparation.
9. Hidden curriculum (transferable skills):
Ethics, understanding of societal needs and contemporary issues
10. Assessment System:
Lab skill, provisional report, final examination, discussion, and final report.
11. Feedback:
Final examination grade, final report, questioner of materials, and lab-work performance.
12. References:
a. Foust, A.S., 1979, “Principles of Unit Operations”, 2 ed., John Wiley & Sons, New
b. McCabe, W.L., Smith, J.L, and Harriot, P., 2001, “Unit Operations of Chemical
Engineering”, 6ed., Mc GrawHill Book Co, New York.
c. Treybal, R.E, 1980, "Mass Transfer Operation", 3 ed Mc Graw Hill, Kogakusha
d. Geankoplis, C.J., Transport Processes and Unit Operations, 3 ed., 1997, Prentice
Hall of India, New Delhi
e. Brown, G.G., 1953, ”Unit Operations, 4 ed., John Wiley & Sons, New York.

Course: 1. Course code and number of credits : TKK 32085 1 SKS
Research 2. Prerequisites:
Methodology Taken in the same time or after Unit Operation Labwork.
3. Aim:
To be able to compose a convincing research proposal under supervision of a research
4. Learning Outcome: After successfully finishing this course, students are able
Level of Bloom Taxonomy
No Learning Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 To systematically identify research problems √
2 To utilize available references for the purposes of √
preparing research proposal and supporting data.
3 To formulate scientific methods as a base for problem √
4 To develop research methodology. √
5. Topics:
a. Systematic investigation of research problems.
b. Exploration of supporting information from references and other resources.
c. Theoretical and literature review composition based on supporting information.
d. Research methodology preparation
e. Scientific writing methodology.
f. Preparing effective presentation
g. Research proposal writing.
6. Competencies to be developed (Based on PO):
Competencies no. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11, 12
7. Emphasized topics:
Keep up with contemporary issues and idea finding to solve the existing problem.
In the end of lecture, students have to finish their research proposal which will be performed
in the Research Project Assignment.
8. Specific Characteristic of learning
Perform independent activities, active learning and improve the curiosity to find solution for
an existing problem with a scientific approach.
9. Hidden curriculum (transferable skills):
Ethics, communication, problem solving and analysis, critical thinking
10. Assessment System:
Activity in the class, research proposal, evaluation on research proposal presentation.
11. Feedback:
Questionnaire, oral discussion in the mid and end of semester.
12. References:
a. Holman, J.P.and Gajda Jr, W.J., 1984, “ Experimental Methods for Engineers”, 3
ed., McGraw Hill Book Company, Inc.,New York.
b. Rhodes, F.H., 1941, “Technical Report Writing “, McGraw Hill Book Company,
Inc.,New York.

Course : 1. Course code and number of credits : UNU4500 2 SKS
Student 2. Prerequisites: Having the minimum of 90 credits (minimum grade is D)
Community 3. Aim:
Services To prepare students to become future leaders who are creative, initiative, and able
to create jobs.
4. Learning Outcome: After successfully finishing this course, students are able
1. To increase students’ empathy and awareness to community problems.
2. To apply science and technology in a teamwork with multidisciplinary
3. To nurture good personality
4. To develop the ability to implement scientific approach in problem solving
5. Topics
a. Environment preservation.
b. Economy capability of the community
c. Social justice
6. Competencies to be developed (Based on PO):
Competencies no. 10, 12, 13, 14, 15.
7. Emphasized topics:
Individual empowerment, community empowerment, and institutional development.
8. Specific Characteristic of learning:
Living in community and working together with them to solve the community problems under
supervision of the assigned lecturers.
9. Hidden curriculum:
Character building, soft kills, team work, communication skills.
10. Assessment system:
Final report, pre and post test.
11. Feedback:
Feedback from local government.
12. References:-

Course : 1. Course code and number of credits : TKK 4100 4 SKS
Chemical (3 SKS of lecture + 1 SKS of ASPEN practicum)
Plant Design 2. Prerequisites:
Have taken: Thermodynamics 2, Engineering Economic (minimum grade D),
Can be taken simultaneously: Process Equipment Design, System Analysis and
Optimization in Chemical Engineering, Process Control, And Chemical Reaction
3. Aim:
To be able to design feasible processes by selecting and arranging the appropriate
equipment; and to evaluate its economic feasibility.
4. Learning Outcome: After successfully finishing this course, students are able
Level of Bloom Taxonomy
No Learning Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 To select appropriate equipment suitable for a √
particular process.
2 To arrange equipment to perform a particular process √
by upholding SHE aspects
3 To construct Process Flow Diagram. √
4 To evaluate economic feasibility of a chemical plant √
5 To infer maximum information from the data for the √
design purposes.
6. To utilize flow-sheeting software to calculate simple √
5. Topics
a. Chemical plant design concepts
b. Selection of suitable equipment and process design with consideration of HSE aspects
c. The use of references and experimental data for design calculation
d. Drawing and diagram in plant preliminary design
e. Economic evaluation and feasibility analysis of a chemical plant.
f. Flow sheeting with ASPEN: understand thermodynamics equilibrium models, process
variable interaction, and process optimization
6. Competencies to be developed (Based on PO):
Competencies no. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12
7. Emphasized topics:
Selection of suitable processes and equipment for a particular requirement, data
interpretation for plant design purposes.

8. Specific Characteristic of learning:

Accustom with holistic thinking
9. Hidden curriculum (transferable skills):
a. Health, Safety and Environments
b. Problem solving and analytical skill
c. Understanding of societal needs and contemporary issues
10. Assessment System:
Written examination, assignments, and homework
11. Feedback:
Questionnaire and direct communication.
12. References:
Process design
1. Smith, R., 2005, “Chemical Process Design”, McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York
2. Douglas, J.M.,1988,”Conceptual Design of Chemical Processes”, McGraw-Hill Book
Company, New York
Batch Processes

3. Biegler, L.T., Grossmann, E.I. dan Westerberg, A.W., 1997, “Systematic Methods of
Chemical Process Design”, Prentice Hall International Inc., New Jersey
Design fundamentals
4. Rase, H.F. dan Barrow, M.H., 1957, “Project Engineering of Process Plant”, John Wiley
and Sons, New York
5. Sinnot, R.K., 2005, “Chemical Engineering Volume 6; An Introduction to Chemical
Engineering Design”, 4ed., Pergamon Press, Oxford
6. Rudd, D.F. dan Watson, C.C., 1968, “Strategy of Process Engineering”, John Wiley and
Sons, New York
Economic Evaluation
7. Peter, M.S. dan Timmerhaus, K.D., 2003, “Plant Design and Economics for Chemical
Engineers, 4th ed., McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York
8. Aries, R.S. dan Newton, R.D., 1955, “Chemical Engineering Cost Estimation”, McGraw-
Hill Book Company, New York
9. Valle-Riestra, J.F., 1983, “Project Evaluation in The Chemical Process Industries”,
McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York
Chemical Engineering Scope
10. Harper, J.I., 1954, “ Chemical Engineering in Practice”, Reinhold Publishing Corp., New
 Seider, W.D., Seader, J.D. and Lewin, D.R., 1999, “Process Design Principles, John
 and Sons, Inc, New York.
 Aspentech, 2003, “Aspen Plus 12.1 Getting Started”, Cambridge, USA.
 Aspentech, 2003, “Aspen Plus 12.1 Unit Operation Model”, Cambridge, USA.
 Aspentech, 2003, “Aspen Icarus Process Evaluator: User’s Guide”, Cambridge, USA

Course: 1. Course code and number of credits : TKK 4101 3 SKS
Chemical 2. Prerequisites: Chemical Reaction Engineering 1
Reaction 3. Aim: :
Engineering 2 To be able to understand reaction mechanisms, to formulate reaction kinetics and to use
chemical engineering principles to design an ideal reaction for heterogeneous reaction

4. Learning Outcome: After successfully finishing this course, students are able
Level of Bloom Taxonomy
No Learning Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 To develop general forms of chemical reaction rate √
equations based on the reaction mechanism for
heterogeneous catalytic or non-catalytic system
2 To develop particular form of chemical reaction rate √
equation based on the controlling steps for
heterogeneous catalytic or non-catalytic system
3 To calculate effectiveness factor and effects of √
diffusion in a observed kinetics for heterogeneous
catalytic reactions
4 To recognize various types of surface reactions √
5 To formulate model of one dimensional fixed bed √
reactor and fluidized bed reactor
5. Topics
a. Review of kinetics fundamentals, stoichiometry, conversion, reaction equilibrium,
and mass transfer
b. Heterogeneous reactor classification
c. Catalysts
d. Concept of Effectiveness factor.
e. Multiphase reaction
f. Design of fixed bed reactor and fluidized bed reactor
g. Introduction to slurry reactor and trickle bed.
h. Non-catalytic heterogeneous reactor design.
6. Competencies to be developed (based on Table V)
Competencies no. 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8.
7. Emphasized topics:
a. Data interpretation correlated with rate equations and related design parameters
b. Relationship between transport phenomena, chemical kinetics, and overall rate
c. Simulation through mathematical model to study reactor performance
8. Specific Characteristic of learning:
a. Emphasis on concept understanding through simple examples
b. In addition to analytical solution, graphical methods also need to be introduced
9. Hidden curriculum:
SHE, ethics, problem solving and analytical skills
10. Assessment system:
Written examination and assignments.
11. Feedback:
Direct communication and questionnaire.
12. References:
a. Fogler, H. S., 1999, “Elements of Chemical Reaction Engineering”, 3 ed. Prentice Hall
International, New Jersey.
b. Gianetto, A. and Silveston, P. L., 1986, “Multiphase Chemical Reactors”, Hemisphere
Publishing Coporation, Washington.
c. Hill, Jr. C.G., 1977, “An Introduction to Chemical Engineering Kinetics & Reactor
Design”, John Wiley & Sons, New York.
d. Levenspiel, O, 1999, “Chemical Reaction Engineering”, John Wiley & Sons, New York.
e. Smith, J.M., 1981, “Chemical Engineering Kinetics”, 3rd ed. McGraw-Hill International
Book Company, Tokyo.

Course : 1. Course code and number of credits : TKK 4102 2 SKS
Product 2. Prerequisites: Have taken Chemical Industrial Processes 2
Engineering 3. Aim:
To understand the importance of product quality and the methods to obtain it based on
chemical engineering knowledge.
4. Learning Outcome: After successfully finishing this course, students are able
Level of Bloom Taxonomy
No Learning Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 To correlate between quality of materials √
(macroscopic characteristic) and its microscopic
2 To design methods to obtain chemical product with a √
certain desired properties/quality/functionality
3 To explain steps for product development √
5. Topics
a. Molecular properties and its effect on the macroscopic characteristics
b. Stable mixture of heterogeneous system (emulsion, etc.) and its macroscopic
c. Process influences on product macroscopic characteristics
6. Competencies to be developed (Based on PO):
Competencies no. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 12
7. Emphasized topics:
To obtain a specific quality based on the knowledge of microscopic properties.
8. Specific Characteristic of learning:
Comprehend and summarize various theories to be applied in product design
9. Hidden curriculum:
Development of the awareness of the importance of product quality
10. Assessment system:
Written examination and assignments.
11. Feedback:
Questionnaire and direct communication.
12. References:
a. Moore, W.J., 1972, “Physical Chemistry”, Prentice Hall Inc, New York.
b. Bailey, A.E, 1945, “Industrial Oil and Fat Products”, Interscience Publisher, New York.
c. Charpentier, J-C, 2002, “The Triplet “Molecular Processes-Product-Process”
Engineering: The Future of Chemical Engineering”, Chem. Eng. Sci., 57, 4667-4690.

Course: 1. Course code and number of credits : TKK 4103 2 SKS
System 2. Prerequisites:
Analysis and a. Have taken Heat and Mass Transfer Operation
Optimization b. Can be taken simultaneously with Chemical Plant Design.
in Chemical 3. Aim:
Engineering To be able to use systematic methods for systems analysis; and to carry out system
optimization in chemical engineering field.

4. Learning Outcome: After successfully finishing this course, students are able
Level of Bloom Taxonomy
No Learning Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 To organize correlation between variables which √
control a chemical engineering system in the form of
relationship diagram
2 To analyse complex systems by dividing them into a √
number of sub-systems and by developing inter-
variables relationship diagrams
3 To develop quantitative correlation between objective √
functions and their independent variables.
4 To practice calculation of system optimization using √
various optimization methods.
5. Topics:
a. System and sub-system in chemical engineering.
b. Determination of design variables.
c. Correlation diagrams among variables in series of sub-systems in a complex system
d. Basic concept of optimization
e. Direct search optimization
6. Competencies to be developed (Based on PO):
Competencies no.: 5, 6, 10,
7. Emphasized topics:
Quantitative correlation between objective function and its variables.
8. Specific Characteristic of learning
Analysis of real chemical engineering systems based on chemical engineering fundamental
9. Hidden curriculum (transferable skills):
Problem solving and analytical skills, critical thinking, engineering judgement development.
10. Assessment System:
Written examination and assignments.
11. Feedback:
Questionnaire and direct communication.
12. References:
a. Edgar, T.F. and Himmelblau, D.M., 1988, “Optimization of Chemical Process”, McGraw-
Hill Book Company, New York.
b. Pike, R.W., 1986, “Optimization for Enginering Systems”, Van Nostrand Reinhold
Company, New York.
c. Reklaitis, G.V., Ravindran A. and Ragsdell, K.M., 1983, “Engineering Optimization
Methods and Applications”, John Wiley & Sons. Inc., New York.
d. Rudd, D.F. and Watson, C.C., 1968, “Strategy of Process Engineering”, John Wiley &
Sons. Inc., New York.

Course: 1. Course code and number of credits : UNU 1000-1005 2 SKS
Religion 2. Prerequisites: -
3. Aim:
Education of religion in the university aims to develop students’ character which is devoted
to God Almighty, faithful, to be rational and dynamic, broad-minded, and to participate
actively in inter-religious cooperation in the framework of the development and utilization of
science and technology to human and national interest (based on decree of DIKTI
(Directorate General of Higher Education) No. 263/DIKTI/Kep/2000).

4. Learning Outcome: After successfully finishing this course, students are able
Recognize Level of Bloom Taxonomy
No Learning Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 To recognize essence of a religion. √
2 To practice religious teaching in daily life. √
5. Topics
As per decree No 263/DIKTI/Kep/2000,
a. Islam:
Man and religion, Sources of Islamic Teaching, Framework of Islamic Teaching,
Aqeedah, Islamic Worship and Social Dealing, Islamic Manners, Piety, Science and
Technology from Islamic Perspective
b. Catholic Religion:
Catholic students who are aspired by the people and the Church, Religious study
method in public higher education, Basics relation possessed by human
(philosophical descriptions), Mind seeking truth, Faithful man want to follow Jesus
Christ and believe in Him, Jesus Christ’s nature and His role on the lives of believers,
Church as a community of believers, Basic considerations and steps in good and bad
decision making, Motivation, Catholic Family, Catholic religion acknowledge the
autonomy of sciences even the methodology of sciences, the Responsibilities of
Catholics in developing the world, the lay apostolate as the duty of the believers in the
middle of the world..
c. Protestantism (Christianity) Religion:
Human, Christianity, Church, Christian Faith, Science and Technology, Human
Development, ethical issues in social life and capita Selecta themes
d. Hinduism:
Philosophy of science and religion, history of Hindu religion, the Universe, the Veda as
the Holy Book and also as the source of Hindu Law, Principles of Srada in Hinduism,
Catur Purusartha and Catur Asrama, Catur Marga Yoga, Hindu Sociology, Sad
Darsana, Sila and Hindu ethics, Yadnya, Pandita and Pinandita, Holy places and Holy
days for Hindu.
d. Buddhism:
Man and religion, Buddhism, Buddhist teaching sources, Basic Framework of Buddhist
teachings, the Dharma, the precepts, meditation, Buddhist, add sciences and study
6. Competencies to be developed (Based on PO):
Competencies no. 3, 9, 10, 11, 12
7. Emphasized topics:
Understanding on tolerances in social life.
8. Specific Characteristic of learning:
Contextual materials
9. Hidden curriculum (transferable skills):
SHE, Ethics, lifelong learning, understanding of societal needs and contemporary issues
10. Assessment system:
Written examination, assignments, and observation
11. Feedback:
Questionnaire, direct communication, and additional questionnaire.
12. References:
Based on each religion

Course : 1. Course code and number of credits : TKK 4104 3 SKS
Process 2. Prerequisites:
Equipment Have taken Heat Transfer, Stage-Wise Separation Processes, Equipment of Chemical
Design Industry, and Heat and Mass Transfer Operation
3. Aim:
To understand the concepts of selection and detail design of equipment, particularly those
related to flows of materials and mechanical aspects.

4. Learning Outcome: After successfully finishing this course, students are able
Level of Bloom Taxonomy
No Learning Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 To select suitable chemical industrial equipment for √
the required task.
2 To design pressure vessels (internal, external and √
hydrostatic pressure).
3 To recognize various standards which are commonly √
used in equipment detail design.
4 To design distillation column in detail, concerning the √
aspect of flow stability and its mechanical design.
5 To design heat transfer equipment or others in detail, √
in order to achieved optimum conditions.
5. Topics
a. Selection of operating conditions and shapes of fluid storage equipment.
b. Detail design of pressure vessels (internal, external, and hydrostatic pressure).
c. Process design of distillation column using short cut methods
d. Detail design of distillation column concerning the aspect of flow stability and mechanical
consideration by using design standards (code).
e. Detail design of heat transfer equipment with concern on design standards (code).
6. Competencies to be developed (Based on PO):
Competencies no. 3,5,6
7. Emphasized topics:
Basic concepts of selection and design of chemical industrial equipment, emphasizing on
flow stability aspect and mechanical design as well as the use of standard sizes.
8. Specific Characteristic of learning
Understanding of design and detail calculation of equipment, use of standard sizes,
procedures to obtain detail designs of equipment.
9. Hidden curriculum (transferable skills):
SHE, problem solving and analytical analysis, ethics, communication skills (oral, written)
10. Assessment System:
Written examination, assignments and homework
11. Feedback:
Questionnaire and direct communication.
12. References:
a. Brownell, L.E., and Young, E.H., 1959, “Equipment Design”, Wiley Eastern Limited,
b. Coulson, J.H., Richardson, J.F., Sinnott, R.K., 2005, ”Chemical Engineering
Design“ ,vol(6), (SI unit), 4 ed., Pergamon Press, Oxford.
c. Rase, H.F., and Barrow, M.H., 1957, “Project Engineering of Process Plants”, John
Wiley & Sons, New York.
d. Standard ASTM, API, ASME dll

Course: 1. Course code and number of credits : TKK 4105 2 SKS
Research 2. Prerequisites:
Project Have taken: Analysis with instruments in Chemical Engineering, Research Methodology
3. Aim:
To be able to design and perform a simple research under supervision of an advisor; to
collect, analyse, and interpret the data; and to communicate the results both orally and in

4. Learning Outcome: After successfully finishing this course, students are able
Level of Bloom Taxonomy
No Learning Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 To design a simple research with concerns to safety, √
health and environment aspects.
2 To perform the planned research. √
3 To collect, analyse, and interpret data obtained from √
the planned research.
4 To compose a research report by upholding methods √
and ethics of scientific report writing
5. Topics :
Various processes which relevant to chemical engineering field.
6. Competencies to be developed (Based on PO):
Competencies no. 2, 3, 4, 8, 9, 10, 11
7. Emphasized topics:
Relate theories with real cases, laboratory skills, and data analysis.
8. Specific Characteristic of learning:
Independent under supervision of a research advisor.
9. Hidden curriculum (transferable skills) :
Ethics, communication skill , problem solving, analysis skills, critical thinking, teamwork and
leadership, understanding of societal needs and contemporary issues
10. Assessment System:
Activity, skills, analysis, communication and teamwork
11. Feedback: :
Oral and written
12. References:
Depending on the topics

Chemical 1. Course code and number of credits : TKK 4200 3 SKS
Plant Design 2. Prerequisites:
Project 3. Aim:
To be able to design a chemical plant at the level of preliminary design by applying chemical
engineering tools and upholding health, safety, and environmental aspects.

4. Learning Outcome: After succesfully finishing this course, students are able
Level of Bloom Taxonomy
No Learning Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 To explain: background of a process, its √
implementation (plant location, market, etc.), and
societal impacts; and to describe the philosophy of
process control.
2 To construct a complete process flow diagram of a √
3 To perform detail design calculation for main √
equipment of a process and quick designs for other
equipment; with sound justification of the taken
considerations and assumptions and also to choose
appropriate referenced standard.
4 To interpret available data for design purposes. √
5 To prepare economic evaluation of an investment √
6 To prepare written report of the preliminary design √
and to present it.
5. Topic
Preliminary design of a chemical plant with the topic decided by the Department.
6. Competencies to be developed (Based on PO):
Competencies no. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 11, 12
7. Emphasized topics:
Equipment and process selection for a particular requirement, SHE aspects, and data
interpretation for design process.
8. Specific Characteristic of learning
Independent assignment in team with supervision; development of targeted goal oriented
9. Hidden curriculum (transferable skills):
• Problem solving and analytical skill
• Critical thinking
• Understanding of societal needs and contemporary issues
• Teamwork
• Communication skills
• Ethics
• Work completion based on target and time
10. Assessment System:
Grading is based on the working process and quality of the results. Evaluated with 10
11. Feedback: Discussion
12. References:
• Rase, H.F. dan Barrow, M.H., 1957, “Project Engineering of Process Plant”, John
Wiley and Sons, New York
• Sinnot, R.K., 1983, “Chemical Engineering Volume 6; An Introduction to Chemical
Engineering Design”, Pergamon Press, Oxford
• Peter, M.S. dan Timmerhaus, K.D., 2003, “Plant Design and Economics for
Chemical Engineers, 4th ed., McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York
• Aries, R.S. dan Newton, R.D., 1955, “Chemical Engineering Cost Estimation”,
McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York
• Chemical Process and Equipment Design Books.

Course : 1. Course code and number of credits : TKK 4203 2 SKS
Industrial 2. Prerequisites: Having the minimum of 120 credits (minimum grade is D)
Placement 3. Aim:
a. To know the real situation in the industrial plant (actual dimension, working of
equipment, and professionalism atmosphere in the workplace).
b. To solve the real problems in the industrial plant by applying the chemical engineering
tools and SHE consideration.
4. Learning Outcome: After successfully finishing this course, students are able
Level of Bloom Taxonomy
No Learning Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6
1. To understand the processes in the plant √
2. To interpret the available data in the plant to solve the √
special assignment.
3. To compose the industrial placement report and finish √
the special assignment report systematically.
5. Topics
Industrial placement is conducted in the work places that employ chemical engineers.
There, the students have the opportunities to obtain experiences in the design and
operation of chemical and physical processes.
6. Competencies to be developed (Based on PO):
Competencies no. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 11, 12.
7. Emphasized topics:
Process/equipment selection, SHE aspects, and data interpretation for problem solving.
8. Specific Characteristic of learning:
Individual assignment with directional supervision, with target oriented to the project
9. Hidden curriculum:
Problem solving and analytical skill, critical thinking, understanding of societal needs and
contemporary issues, team work, communication skills, ethics, and completing the work
according to the target and time.
10. Assessment system:
Assessment is based on the process of the assignment completion.
11. Feedback:
Questionnaire filled by supervisor in the industry.
12. References:
All of the books used in chemical process and equipment design.

Course: 1. Course code and number of credits : TKK 4205 1 SKS
Research 2. Prerequisites: Have finished Research Project
Project 3. Aim:
Seminar Ability to effectively communicate results of research both in written and oral
4. Learning Outcome: After successfully finishing this course, students are able
Level of Bloom Taxonomy
No Learning Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 To compose a scientific report √
2 To report research results in comprehensive and √
interesting presentations.
3 To report research results in systematics oral √
4 To demonstrate ability to argue based on sound √
scientific principles
5. Topics
Based on the research topic.
6. Competencies to be developed (Based on PO):
Competencies no. 1, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12
7. Emphasized topics:
Ability to analyze, synthesize, and communicate
8. Specific Characteristic of learning
Presentation of the results of the research.
9. Hidden curriculum (transferable skills):
Ethics, problem solving and critical thinking
10. Assessment System:
Competence in the research subject, impression , analysis, and communication skills
11. Feedback:
Oral discussion
12. References:

Course: 1. Course code and number of credits : TKK4201 1 SKS
Comprehensi 2. Prerequisites: having finished the Design Project report.
ve Oral 3. Aim:
Examination. a. To be able to convey the ideas associated with the design of chemical plants.
b. To improve their communication ability.
c. To be able to convey technical concepts clearly.
4. Topics
The Design Project and comprehension on chemical engineering.
5. Competencies to be developed (Based on PO):
Competencies no. 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15.
6. Emphasized topics:
a. Basic chemical engineering knowledge.
b. Design of chemical plant.
c. Engineering judgments.
7. Assessment system:
Oral examination. Students must defend their work in the front of an examiner team that
consists of 1 supervisor and 2 examiners.

Course: 1. Course code and number of credits : TKK4202 0 SKS

Engineering 2. Prerequisites: -
Ethics 3. Aim:
a. To understand the rights and obligations under his/her profession.
b. To provide the relevant information.

Course : 1. Course code and number of credits : TKK4204 1 SKS

Comprehensi 2. Prerequisites: having the minimum of 120 credits (minimum grade is D)
ve Written 3. Aim:
Examination To understand the fundamental concepts of chemical engineering.
4. Topics
Written examination related to chemical engineering courses.
5. Competencies to be developed (Based on PO):
Competencies no. 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 11, 13, 15.


Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET) 2005, web edition
Charpentier, J.C., 2002, The Triplet “Molecular processes-Product-Process”
Engineering: The Future of Chemical Engineering, Chem. Eng. Sci., 57, 4667-4690.
Chemical and Engineering News, December 6, 2004, web edition.
IChemE, Accreditation of Chemical Engineering Degrees: A Guide for University Departments and Assesors,
online sources: www.
Jurusan Teknik Kimia, 2010, Laporan Evaluasi Diri (Self-Evaluation Report),Yogyakarta
Peraturan Rektor UGM No. 581/P/SK/HT/2010 tentang Panduan Umum Penyusunan Kurikulum 2010
Program Studi Jenjang Sarjana di Universitas Gadjah Mada
Surat Keputusan (SK) Menteri Pendidikan Nasional No. 045/U/2002 Tahun 2002 tentang Kurikulum Inti P


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