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1st/2nd Adol Name: ____________

Term Exam

Vocabulary ___/12

2) Match the verbs on the left with the nouns on the right. Write the corresponding
letter next to each verb. There is one extra noun.

A - to the cinema
B - the Internet
C - a uniform
D – the guitar
E - music
F - an exam
G - stamps

3) Choose the correct option for each sentence.

1. I love drawing – my favorite subject at school is music/art.

2. I really enjoy chatting online/Internet with my friends.
3. Do you want to go/do shopping tomorrow night? The shops close late on a Thursday.
4. The plane was delayed, so we waited for hours at the harbor/airport.
5. At lunchtime my friends and I always go to the board/canteen.
6. I love listening/playing to my iPod in my free time.
Listening __/12

4) Listen to the phone conversation between Annie and her friend, Brett. Choose the
correct answer A, B or C.

1. Brett goes to _________.

A. football training B. a photography club C. singing training

2. Brett goes to football training _________.

A. every Friday B. every Thursday C. every Saturday

3. Annie can play football _________.

A. really well B. really badly C. really worse

4. Football training starts _________.

A. at 7 p.m. B. at 8 p.m. C. at 5 p.m.

5. Brett and Andy are going to the cinema _________.

A. on Friday afternoon B. on Friday evening C. on Saturday evening

6 They are going to see _________.

A. a horror film B. a comedy C. a romance

Writing __/16

5) Write a description of your favorite gadget. Include its size and color, where you
got it, why you like it and where you use it. Write at least 50 words.








Reading __/10

Tech-free Teens – Is is possible? A report by Isobel Santos

It’s 8.20 in the morning. I’m standing next to the entrance to Southshore High School.
(1) They aren’t texting, emailing or talking on their mobile phones. Why?
The students at Southshore High School are taking part in an experiment. Can they live
without technology for a week? (2) Each morning they write about their thoughts and
feelings in their school diary. So, what do the students think?
Day 2
The experiment is really hard. (3) This week I’m not sending any texts! I miss my
computer, too. I usually send emails to my cousins in the UK every day. – Danny, 15
(4) I usually spend all my free time on my computer. I usually surf the Internet for
hours in the evenings! I like looking at music websites. Now I’m doing other things. I’m
playing my guitar and going swimming. I think it’s great! – Paolo, 16
I’m missing my mobile phone a lot. I always speak to my friends in the evening. We
talk on our mobile phones or chat online. I’m really bored. (5) I want my mobile phone and
computer back now! – Adriana, 15

6) Read the text and decide where these sentences go. Write the corresponding
number next to each sentence. There is one extra sentence.

This means no Facebook, no Twitter, no emails, no texts,

no television and no mobile phones.

b Now I don’t know what to do.

I’m looking at the students and there is something very
different today.
This experiment is a great opportunity to leave my mobile
phone and start a new sport.
e I usually send 100 texts a day.
f I’m surprised because I’m enjoying it.

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