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Acta Tropica 180 (2018) 18–25

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First molecular evidence of equine granulocytic anaplasmosis in Pakistan T

a a,⁎ a b
Sehrish Saleem , Muhammad Ijaz , Shahid Hussain Farooqi , Muhammad Imran Rashid ,
Amjad Khanc, Awais Masudd, Amjad Islam Aqiba, Kashif Hussaina, Khalid Mehmoode,

Hui Zhangf,
Department of Clinical Medicine and Surgery, University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, 54600 Lahore, Pakistan
Department of Parasitology, University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, 54600 Lahore, Pakistan
Department of Epidemiology and Public Health, University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, 54600 Lahore, Pakistan
District Diagnostic Laboratory, Livestock and Dairy Development Department, 42200 Mianwali, Pakistan
University College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Pakistan
College of Veterinary Medicine, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan 430070, People’s Republic of China


Keywords: Anaplasma phagocytophilum (A. phagocytophilum) is an obligate intracellular bacterium that causes equine
Equine granulocytic anaplasmosis granulocytic anaplasmosis (EGA) disease in equines. This pathogen has zoonotic potential, which makes it very
Anaplasma phagocytophilum important to be detected and controlled as early as possible. This study was aimed to assess the molecular
Phylogenetic analysis prevalence, associated risk factors of EGA along with its effects on various hematological parameters. This study
Risk factors
revealed an overall 10.67% prevalence in equine. Horses showed highest prevalence followed by mules and
Hematological parameters
donkeys presenting 11.86, 10.53 and 9.43% prevalence, respectively. The samples were confirmed for ana-
plasmosis through sequencing. The BLAST queries confirmed very high homology of our isolates with Chinese
and Japanese isolates of A. phagocytophilum (Accession no’s; KX505303, KY242456 and LC002836). The phy-
logenetic analysis found the study isolates clustered with each other and this cluster closely resembled Chinese
isolate of A. bovis (FJ169957), A. phagocytophilum (HQ872464) and A. phagocytophilum (NR_044762) human
isolate from northern Minnesota and Wisconsin. The key risk factors identified for occurrence of EGA in equine
species on the basis of univariable analysis were sex of animal, housing type, tick infestation, previous tick
history and tick control status, type of acaricides used, rearing system and farm hygiene, respectively. The
hematological parameters like Hemoglobin (Hb), Total Leukocyte Count (TLC), Total Erythrocytes Count (TEC),
and granulocytes were decreased in diseased animals. The mules showed no typical hematological variations
which make sense for its nature as carrier of infection to the susceptible species. This is the first molecular
evidence of EGA in Pakistan. The disease needs to be handled seriously as it has zoonotic potential. The animals
should be properly attended in disease conditions as leukopenia, neutropenia and lymphopenia can aggravate
the condition by making the animal prone to secondary infections.

1. Introduction animal species that are of great economic importance to the equine
owners (Goraya et al., 2013), which results in ill health and calamities
The equine population in Pakistan has risen from 4.8 million in in case of severity (Chaudhry et al., 2014). Ticks are the most important
2006 to 5.7 million (asses 5.1, mules 0.2, and horses 0.4) as per the ectoparasites that are not only responsible for direct damage and blood
economic survey report in 2015–2016. Over 60% of all horses and 95% loss but also the transmission of various diseases such as equine ly-
of all mules and donkeys are found in developing countries (Fielding, meborreliosis, piroplasmosis and equine granulocytic anaplasmosis
1991), which plays a key role in their economics (Pearson et al., 2005). (Sigg et al., 2010). Equine tick borne hemoparasitic diseases, affecting
In Pakistan, equines are raised as draught animal for transportation, mules, donkeys, horses and zebras are most commonly manifested as
riding, racing and companion animal. However, in urban and rural acute hemolytic conditions in the affected species (Traub-Dargatz et al.,
areas of Pakistan the role of equine as working animal is more crucial 2010).
(Javed et al., 2014). Anaplasmosis caused by A. phagocytophilum, a pathogen infecting
Equines are susceptible to different medical ailments likewise other many species of domesticated and wild mammals, including equines

Corresponding authors.
E-mail addresses: (M. Ijaz), (H. Zhang).
Received 27 October 2017; Received in revised form 29 December 2017; Accepted 29 December 2017
Available online 05 January 2018
0001-706X/ © 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
S. Saleem et al. Acta Tropica 180 (2018) 18–25

(Passamonti et al., 2010). Equine granulocytic anaplasmosis (EGA) is a The majority of animals were originated from small holder farmers,
multi-host infectious disease in human and animal that is characterized keeping equine as a draught animal.
by thrombocytopenia (Chan et al., 2010). The disease prevails in high The selected equines were examined clinically for the primary
tick activity season i.e. spring and autumn (Bown et al., 2003; screening as study subjects. Afterwards, thin blood smears were made
Rymaszewska and Grenda, 2008). The etiological agent is a gram-ne- in triplets from the ear tips for the screening of animals through mi-
gative, small, pleomorphic or spheroid shaped bacteria which are re- croscopy of Giemsa-stained blood smears as described by Moretti et al.
ported to reside principally inside thegranulocytes and especially neu- (2010) to observe intracellular bodies, resembling Anaplasma. Besides
trophils in infected animal (Bjöersdorff et al., 2002; McQuiston et al., smear microscopy 2 ml of blood was drawn into EDTA coated vacu-
2003). tainers for DNA extraction using appropriate extraction kit. The blood
To date, only few microscopic studies are conducted regarding the samples were transported to Medicine laboratory, University of Veter-
prevalence and hematology of EGA in Pakistan (Javed et al., 2014; inary and Animal Sciences, Lahore maintaining the cold chain using
Razzaq et al., 2015). PCR is considered as the gold standard for the iceboxes. Each sample was accompanied by a piloted questionnaire for
diagnosis of anaplasmosis (de Echaide et al., 2005) but unfortunately capturing the information regarding animal, management and en-
PCR based diagnosis is still not developed in many areas of Pakistan. vironmental factors.
Previously conducted studies regarding the risk factors associated with
equine anaplasmosis were confined to small areas in Pakistan (Razzaq 2.2. DNA extraction
et al., 2015). It is very important to obtain correct information about
the prevalence and molecular diagnosis of equine anaplasmosis as the DNA was extracted from all the blood samples using genomic DNA
etiological agent has zoonotic potential. extraction kit (GeneAll®, Exgene™, Cat. No. 105-101). All the steps in
This study is the first molecular based evidence of EGA presence in DNA extraction were carried out according to the manufacturer’s in-
Pakistan. This study also focuses on association of various hypothesized structions. The extracted DNA from all the samples was checked by
risk factors with EGA and effects of this malady on various hematolo- using gel electrophoresis to monitor whether sufficient DNA has been
gical parameters of equines. extracted. The DNA was stored at −20 °C till analysis by PCR.

2. Material and methods 2.3. Molecular screening for Anaplasmaspps

2.1. Sampling strategy The molecular screening was based on amplification of 16S rRNA of
Anaplasma spps. The primers reported by Parola and Raoult (2001)
This study was conducted from March to August 2017. The target were utilized to amplify 345 bp fragment of 16S rRNA gene of Ana-
subjects were 150 diseased equines (59 Horses, 38 Mules and 53 plasma spps. The primers set consisted of forward primer EHR 16SD: 5′-
Donkeys) from district Lahore located in the northeast of Punjab, GGTACCYACAGAAGAAGTCC-3′ and reverse primer EHR 16SR:
Pakistan (Fig. 1). Animals showing clinical signs such as; fever, anor- 5′-TAGCACTCATCGTTTACAGC-3′. The PCR mixture was prepared in a
exia, lethargy, icterus, petechiae, reluctance to move, distal limb edema final volume of 20 μl consisting of 10 μl of TOP real™ GeneAll® (GeneAll
and ataxia were included in the study. Every 3rd diseased animal pre- Biotechnology Co., Ltd.) qPCR 2x Pre MIX (containing 0.2 U of Taq/μl),
sented at various public and private hospitals was included in the study. 2 μl of DNA sample and 2 μl (10 pmol) of each primer. Reaction was

Fig. 1. GIS map of study area showing sampling regions of district Lahore.

S. Saleem et al. Acta Tropica 180 (2018) 18–25

Table 1
Results of Univariable analysis by Mantel-Haenszel analysis of the possible risk factors associated with the risk of equine granulocytic anaplasmosis (EGA).

Variable Variable levels Positive (%) Negative (%) Odds Ratio (OR) and 95% CI p-Value

Sex Male 05 (12.82) 34 (87.18) 1 –
Female 02 (10.00) 18 (90.00) 1.324 (0.23–7.51) 0.551
Age 1–3 Years 04 (10.26) 35 (89.74) 1 –
4–6 years 03 (15.00) 17 (85.00) 0.648 (0.13–3.22) 0.444
Tick Infestation Yes 03 (08.82) 31 (91.18) 1 –
No 04 (16.00) 21 (84.00) 0.508 (0.10–2.50) 0.328
Previous Tick History Yes 04 (12.12) 29 (87.88) 1 –
No 03 (11.54) 23 (88.46) 1.05 (0.21–5.20) 0.635
Rearing System Single Specie 02 (20.00) 08 (80.00) 1 –
Mixed Sp. 05 (10.20) 44 (89.80) 2.20 (0.36–13.37) 0.333
Tick Control Status Yes 04 (16.00) 21 (84.00) 1 –
No 03 (08.82) 31 (91.18) 1.96 (0.39–9.71) 0.328
Type of acaricide use Topical 03 (15.00) 17 (85.00) 1 –
Parenteral 01 (20.00) 04 (80.00) 3.84 (0.13–109.4) 0.430
NA 03 (08.82) 31 (91.18) 0.32 (0.11–0.981) 0.512
Housing type Concrete 03 (15.79) 16 (84.21) 1 –
Muddy 04 (10.00) 36 (90.00) 1.688 (0.33–8.43) 0.400
Shrubs around the housing Present 01 (06.67) 14 (93.33) 1 –
Absent 06 (13.64) 38 (86.36) 0.452 (0.05–4.09) 0.423

Sex Male 04 (10.53) 34 (89.47) 1 –
Female 01 (06.67) 14 (93.33) 1.65 (0.16–16.07) 0.561
Age 1–3 Years 03 (08.82) 31 (91.18) 1 –
4–6 years 02 (10.53) 17 (89.47) 0.82 (0.12–5.41) 0.596
Tick Infestation Yes 02 (08.70) 21 (91.30) 1 –
No 03 (10.00) 27 (90.00) 0.85 (0.13–5.60) 0.627
Previous Tick History Yes 01 (06.67) 14 (93.33) 1 –
No 04 (10.53) 34 (89.47) 0.60 (0.06–5.92) 0.561
Tick Control Status Yes 02 (12.50) 14 (87.50) 1 –
No 03 (08.11) 34 (91.90) 1.61 (0.24–10.76) 0.480
Type of acaricide used Topical 01 (11.11) 08 (88.89) 1 –
Parenteral 01 (14.29) 06 (85.71) 0.70 (0.06–1.70) 0.77
NA 03 (08.11) 34 (91.89) 0.52 (0.04–5.97) 0.52
Farm hygiene Satisfactory 01 (20.00) 04 (80.00) 1 –
Unsatisfactory 04 (08.33) 44 (91.67) 2.75 (0.24–30.88) 0.403
Housing type Concrete 02 (18.18) 09 (81.82) 1 –
Muddy 03 (07.14) 39 (92.86) 2.88 (0.41–19.91) 0.750

Age 1–3 Years 03 (09.68) 28 (90.32) 1 –
4–6 years 01 (14.29) 06 (85.71) 0.64 (0.05–7.29) 0.574
Tick Infestation Yes 02 (10.53) 17 (89.47) 1 –
No 02 (10.53) 17 (89.47) 1.00 (0.12–7.94) 0.698
Previous Tick History Yes 02 (11.76) 15 (88.24) 1 –
No 02 (09.52) 19 (90.48) 1.26 (0.15–10.07) 0.613
Tick Control Status Yes 01 (07.14) 13 (92.86) 1 –
No 03 (12.50) 21 (87.50) 0.53 (0.05–5.74) 0.520
Housing type Concrete 01 (20.00) 04 (80.00) 1 –
Muddy 03 (09.09) 30 (90.91) 2.50(0.20–30.21) 0.446
Shrubs around the housing Present 01 (08.33) 11 (91.67) 1 –
Absent 03 (11.54) 23 (88.46) 0.69 (0.06–7.48) 0.625

The p-value based on Wald Statistic; Multivariable model was not developed because no single variable was found significantly (P ≤ 0.05) associated with occurrence of equine

cycled 35 times after initial denaturation at 95 °C for 5 min with de- manufacturer’s instructions. The samples were sent to TSINGKE biolo-
naturation at 95 °C followed by annealing at 58 °C and extension step at gical technology, China for sequencing. The phylogenetic analysis was
72 °C, each step was given 30 s, a final elongation step at 72 °C for performed using the Geneious software.
10 min was performed. A positive control (A. marginale USA isolate)
and a negative control (sterile distilled water), were included in each
PCR run. The PCR products were observed for positive band at 345 bp 2.5. Hematological analyses
position against a 100 bp molecular weight marker on ethidium bro-
mide stained 2% agarose gel using UV-illuminator. Hematological analyses were carried out using automatic hema-
tology analyzer (Abacus Junior Vet®) for a total of 12 equines (n = 4
horses, n = 4 donkeys and n = 4 mules) positive for anaplasmosis. For
2.4. Sequencing comparative purpose 12 healthy animals (n = 4 horses, n = 4 donkeys
and n = 4 mules) were included as negative control. Hb, TEC, TLC,
The positive samples were subjected to gel purification kit Differential Leukocyte Count (DLC) and platelets count were assessed in
[Invitrogen® PureLink™ Quick Gel Extraction Kit (Catalog no. diseased and healthy animals. The results were further compared with
K210012)], after slicing the bands from gel using sterilized cutter on reference values of hematological parameters mentioned in Schalm’s
UV-illuminator. All the steps were performed according to the veterinary hematology (Weiss and Wardrop, 2011).

S. Saleem et al. Acta Tropica 180 (2018) 18–25

2.6. Statistical analysis major risk factor affecting disease dynamics in all the three species i.e.
horses, donkeys and mules giving odds ratios greater than ‘1’. Animals
Data from questionnaires were entered into Epi Data software 3.1. kept in muddy housing were found at higher risk than those kept in
Data were validated through crosschecking. Statistical analysis of the concrete housing. In donkeys the farm hygiene was found as a risk
data was conducted using the SPSS statistical software version 20.00. factor for anaplasmosis (OR > 1). The animals kept in unhygienic
Several categorical variables were changed to binary form to avoid environment were at 4 time higher risk than those kept in hygienic
problems of the linearity. Categorical variables having more than 2 conditions.
levels were presented as dummy variables for inclusion in analysis. For
each predictor with missing data, a dummy/indicator variable was 3.2. Anaplasma 16S rRNAgene analysis
created to indicate whether or not data are missing on that predictor.
All such dummy/indicator variables were included as predictor in re- This study is the first evidence for the presence of A. phagocyto-
gression. Multicollinearity was checked through Pearson’s correlation philum in equines of Pakistan. The PCR products for 345 bp fragment of
and variables “interval between the acaricides usage” and “type of Anaplasma 16S rRNA gene were subjected to sequencing. Sequencing
acaricide used” were found significantly correlated more than the cut was carried out for the16S rRNA (345 bp) of local isolates collected
off value (0.80). Therefore, “interval between the acaricides usage” was from different hosts and locations. These sequences were analyzed
dropped. “Rearing system” and “shrubs around the house” in donkey’s using BLAST and CLUSTAL W alignment tools. Furthermore, for com-
data analysis were dropped because of having “0” count in one cell. parative purposes, DNA sequences of 16S rRNA sequences from
While, in case of mule the data variables i.e. “rearing system”, “type of GenBank database were included. The amplicons showed high
acaricide used”, “farm hygiene”, and “interval between the acaricides homology with the nucleotide sequences for this gene deposited in
usage”. GenBank. BLAST queries of the resulted sequenced nucleotides in-
Univariable analysis was conducted and all the variables having p dicated the sequence identity up to 99% with 16S rRNA of A. phago-
value ≤0.05 were retained in the final model to test the association of cytophilum isolates which was isolatedin China, Japan and USA.
outcome with the predicting variables. Blood parameters mean values Local isolates were identified and compared for variation among the
were compared in positive and negative sampled equines through in- isolates of this study based on BLAST alignment. These sequences were
dependent sample t-test at 95% confidence interval. also compared with other closely resembling (98–99%) isolates from
the GenBank database.
3. Results The comparison between the isolates of this study revealed sub-
stitutions in 16SR DNA/Pakistan/2017/E29 isolate at seven positions
3.1. Epidemiology of EGA in equines i.e. 10, 95, 113, 306, 316, 317 and 318 respectively. The 16SR DNA/
Pakistan/2017/E16 isolated also showed substitutions at seven posi-
This study showed an overall prevalence of 10.67% (16/150) of tions i.e. 1, 2, 7, 306, 316, 317 and 318 respectively. The 16SR DNA/
EGA in and around Lahore district, Punjab, Pakistan. Among the PCR Pakistan/2017/E23 isolate presented substitutions at five positions i.e.
positive samples 7 were reported negative based on stained smear mi- 2, 95, 131, 304 and 306, respectively. The fourth isolate 16SR DNA/
croscopy. The point prevalence was highest in horses followed by mules Pakistan/2017/E2 revealed substitutions at four positions i.e. 1, 4, 137
and least in donkeys presenting 11.86%, 10.53% and 9.43%, respec- and 306 respectively (Fig. 2).
tively. The comparison of local isolates with closely resembling isolates
The assumed risk factors like sex, age, tick infestation, previous tick (Accession no’s; KX505303, KY242456 and LC002836) from GenBank
history, rearing system, tick control status, type of acaricide used, database revealed insertions in isolates sequences of this study at po-
housing type and shrubs around the housing etc. for their association sition 9 in 16SR DNA/Pakistan/2017/E29. All the isolates sequences
with EGA infection in equines were statistically analyzed (Table 1). presented insertions at 18 and 19 positions, at position 31 in 16SR
Their effect on disease dynamics was evaluated on the basis of chi- DNA/Pakistan/2017/E29 and E23 and at position 298 in 16SR DNA/
square test ‘p-value’ (< 0.05). To identify the key risk factors univariate Pakistan/2017/E23 and E2 respectively (Fig. 2).
analysis for odds ratio (OR) was performed.
Certain factors were explored as potential risk factor based on 3.3. Phylogenetic analysis
univariate logistic regression affecting the disease dynamics in horses
(Table 1). The first factor studied was the sex of the animal which was A phylogenetic tree based on 16S rRNA gene fragment sequences of
found as a potential risk for the occurrence of EGA in horses and Pakistani isolates, Chinese isolates, South African isolates, German
donkeys with odds ratios (OR = 1.324; CI = 0.23–7.51; OR = 1.65; isolates and others (Fig. 3) was generated using neighbor joining
CI = 0.16–16.07). Where, male showed a higher prevalence than fe- bootstrapping method at 1000 replications. In the phylogenetic tree,
male animals. Previous tick history proved as a risk factor for the oc- isolates of this study clustered with each other and this cluster showed
currence of EGA (OR = 1.05; CI = 0.21–5.20; OR = 1.26; resemblance with the Chinese isolates of A. bovis (FJ169957), A. pha-
CI = 0.15–10.07) in horses and mules, respectively. The animals having gocytophilum (HQ872464) and A. phagocytophilum (NR_044762) human
previous history of tick infestation were at higher risk as compared to isolate from northern Minnesota and Wisconsin.
those with no such previous history. Another factor confirmed as risk
for EGA was the rearing system of horses (OR = 2.20; 3.4. Effect of EGA on hematological parameters
CI = 0.36–13.37). However, in donkeys and mules this factor was not
found a significant determinant. Horses, reared with other species were In this study the comparison of hematological parameters in dis-
at 2.5 time higher risk than those kept as single species. Tick control eased and healthy animals was conducted. In horses the hematological
status was found to have significant association with disease dynamics picture showed significant difference in the monocytes and granulo-
in horses and donkeys (OR = 1.96; CI = 0.39–9.71: OR = 1.61; cytes among the diseased and healthy horses. However, TLC was found
CI = 0.24–10.76). The animals protected from tick infestation were less raised in diseased compared healthy animals, similarly, lymphocytes
affected than the unprotected. Type of acaricide used were also de- were also found raised in diseased as compared to healthy (Table 2).
clared as key risk factors in horses giving odds ratio (OR = 3.84; Among the donkeys Hb, TLC, TEC, and granulocytes counts varied
CI = 0.13–109.4). The animal treated topically for tick control were at significantly (p < 0.05) in healthy and diseased animals. However, the
the same risk as unprotected animals while these were three times more other parameters like lymphocytes and monocytes showed increasing
affected than animals treated parenteral. Housing type was recorded a pattern in diseased as compared to healthy animals. While the platelets

S. Saleem et al. Acta Tropica 180 (2018) 18–25

Fig. 2. BLAST alignment of local isolates with reported isolates of A. phagocytophilum.

count was almost similar among the two groups (Table 3). In case of were positive by PCR. This study proves that seroprevalence is less
mules only the TEC varied among the diseased and healthy animals reliable tool as compared to PCR (Ashraf et al., 2013). PCR based di-
(Table 4). All the other parameters showed a non-significant difference agnosis conducted by Razzaq et al. (2015) in Southern Punjab of Pa-
among the healthy and diseased animals. However, TLC, lymphocytes kistan revealed 4.3% of horses positive with A. phagocytophilum but, the
showed increasing while granulocytes reflected decreasing pattern in current study tells us the prevalence in horses to be 11.86% in district
diseased animals. Lahore, Pakistan.
In the present study, male showed a higher prevalence (12.82%)
4. Discussion than female (10.00%) horses. The results were not in accordance with
the results of Maurizi et al. (2009), who reported female (23.1%)
Anaplasmosis in equine is caused by A. phagocytophilum, and it has showing a higher prevalence than male (15.8%) horses. Javed et al.
worldwide distribution and of great economic importance (Goraya (2014) showed slightly higher prevalence in male horses (20.97%) than
et al., 2013). The infectious diseases are serious threat for animal health in female horses (20.19%) which support the findings of this study. The
and productivity (Elhaig et al., 2016; Wen et al., 2016; Yilmaz et al., higher prevalence in male could be attributed to the trend of high male
2016). The epidemiology of anaplasmosis has not been fully explored in rearing in Pakistan for polo, racing and draught purposes while fewer
different districts of Pakistan, despite the fact that the etiological agent female are kept for breeding purposes. In case of donkeys the pre-
has zoonotic potential (Razzaq et al., 2015). To date, only few micro- valence came out to be 9.43% which showed a moderate circulation of
scopic studies are conducted regarding the prevalence and hematology A. phagocytophilum among donkeys which was congruent to another
of equines in Pakistan (Javed et al., 2014; Razzaq et al., 2015). PCR is study, in which different tick borne pathogens were studied and pre-
considered as the gold standard for the diagnosis of anaplasmosis (Strik valence of A. phagocytophilum came out to be 7.4% (Passamonti et al.,
et al., 2007), but unfortunately PCR based diagnosis is still not devel- 2010). It also became clear by Giudice et al. (2012) who examined 100
oped in many areas of Pakistan. Therefore, current study was designed donkeys and prevalence came out to be 6%. The results obtained from
to incorporate PCR testing for direct evidence for the presence of A. the present showed that A. phagocytophilum is more prevalent in horses
phagocytophilum within the surveyed population. To check the pre- (11.86%) than in donkeys (9.43%), as recently reported in Sicily and
valence along with the associated risk factors in district Lahore, Paki- countries like Denmark and Sweden (Hansen et al., 2010; Engvall and
stan. Engvall, 2002). In this study type of housing was found significantly
associated (OR > 1) with EGA in all the three species of equine
4.1. Epidemiology of EGA in equines (Table 1). This study found higher prevalence in equines kept in muddy
houses. The significant association is attributed to cracks and crevices
In the current study, the overall presence of anaplasmosis in equines present in muddy houses that provide hiding space for the ticks. Be-
was 10.67% based on PCR. However, the seroprevalence of A. phago- sides, rodents find their hiding spaces in muddy houses, which are
cytophilum in Danish horses was 22.3% reported by Hansen et al. known to possess this pathogen (Zhan et al., 2010a,b). In this study the
(2010). Maurizi et al. (2009) conducted seroprevalence in center-wes- animals previously having tick infestation history showed high pre-
tern and eastern regions in France and found overall seroprevalence valence than those previously not exposed, these findings are in line
16.0% and 20.1% respectively. Torina et al. (2007) compared ser- with the findings of (Zhang et al., 2014; Leiby and Gill, 2004) relating
ological testing and PCR amplification and reported that 7.8% horses the higher prevalence with direct or indirect contact to ticks. Another
and 8.9% donkeys were positive for A. phagocytophilum by ELISA. High factor found significantly associated (OR > 1) with occurrence of
false positive results were obtained as none of ELISA positive samples anaplasmosis was tick control status. These findings are in agreement

S. Saleem et al. Acta Tropica 180 (2018) 18–25

Fig. 3. Phylogenetic tree showing relationship of study isolates of Anaplasma with reported isolates.

with results of Kocan (1995), who reported the similar findings. It is and do not giving much attention to the tick control measures in their
obvious from the literature that tick is the principle vector for trans- animals. The parenteral route of acaricide administration was found
mission of EGA in equine population. Hence, controlling the vector will more efficacious compared to topical route. These findings are in line
definitely reduce the disease occurrence in susceptible population. In with those of Kocan (1995) who also dictated the similar findings.
this study type of acaricide used was only studied in horses because the These findings are not in line with the those of Kerr et al. (2009) who
donkey and mule’s owners are usually of lower socio-economic status found cypermethrin as the better solution for tick control in filed. The

Table 2
Comparison of Horse blood parameters mean values based on independent sample t-test.

Variable Level Mean Standard Deviation Levene’s Test for equality of Var. (F-value) Mean difference 95% CI of the difference p-value

HGB Positive 13.3750 1.48183 51.229 1.150 07.59–09.89 0.759

Negative 14.5250 6.99494
TEC Positive 15.5500 13.70681 7.830 6.150 10.65–22.95 0.405
Negative 09.4000 0.88318
TLC Positive 04.8250 0.57373 10.00 0.727 02.23–03.69 0.570
Negative 05.5525 2.35588
Lymphocyte Positive 53.7500 8.35883 0.903 10.750 02.02–23.52 0.085
Negative 43.0000 6.26152
Monocyte Positive 11.3750 1.90153 7.682 2.875 0.340–05.40 0.032
Negative 08.5000 0.81650
Granulocyte Positive 34.8750 8.75952 0.085 30.700 47.42–13.97 0.004
Negative 65.5750 10.49964
Platelet Positive 2.62502 88.78626 0.026 70.250 67.04–207.5 0.257
Negative 3.32752 68.62640

S. Saleem et al. Acta Tropica 180 (2018) 18–25

Table 3
Comparison of Donkey blood parameters mean values based on independent sample t-test.

Variable Level Mean Standard Deviation Levene’s Test for equality of Var. (F-value) Mean difference 95% CI of the difference p-value

HGB Positive 09.07 1.228 01.38 6.275 08.91–03.63 0.001

Negative 15.35 1.705
TEC Positive 14.85 4.064 03.78 8.625 02.33–14.91 0.021
Negative 06.22 0.935
TLC Positive 02.90 0.419 00.56 1.920 02.58–01.25 > 0.001
Negative 04.82 0.340
Lymphocyte Positive 36.30 10.38 00.13 19.15 02.02–40.32 0.068
Negative 55.45 13.49
Monocyte Positive 09.50 0.663 07.06 1.925 0.360–04.21 0.086
Negative 07.57 01.75
Granulocyte Positive 35.30 14.51 0.887 32.67 54.41–10.93 0.013
Negative 67.97 07.78
Platelet Positive 2.615 90.34 0.063 41.25 97.60–180.10 0.486
Negative 2.202 63.23

Table 4
Comparison of Mules blood parameters mean values based on independent sample t-test.

Variable Level Mean Standard Deviation Levene’s Test for equality of Var. (F-value) Mean difference 95% CI of the difference p-value

HGB Positive 13.47 4.21 2.329 1.65 7.9–4.6 0.17

Negative 15.12 1.87
TEC Positive 10.97 3.11 4.059 4.27 0.46–9.01 0.09
Negative 6.70 1.02
TLC Positive 4.88 2.77 6.541 0.515 4.8–3.8 0.04
Negative 5.40 0.577
Lymphocyte Positive 56.17 4.22 1.092 23.77 13.0–34.5 0.33
Negative 32.40 7.14
Monocyte Positive 9.87 1.65 0.145 1.37 1.2–4.0 0.71
Negative 8.50 1.33
Granulocyte Positive 33.95 5.11 1.262 28.67 40.6–16.0 0.30
Negative 62.62 7.86
Platelet Positive 2.675 154.73 2.313 18.75 255.3–217.8 0.17

lower efficacy of cypermethrin could be attributed to the faulty usage of Keeping in view the previous studies reporting Anaplasmosis in equines
this preparation due to the lack of knowledge regarding proper use of based on microscopic examination. The samples were preceded for
acaricide. Secondly this might be due to lack of resistance to ivermectin molecular identification of underlying etiological species. PCR, DNA
in our study area, which make it the better choice in controlling the tick sequencing and phylogenetic analysis confirmed the microscopy results
population and ultimately reducing the occurrence of EGA and pir- as well as seven samples negative on microscopy also showed positive
oplasms. In this study horses kept mixed with other animal species such results on PCR. The results indicated the existence of A. phagocyto-
as cattle, buffaloes, sheep and goats appeared to be affected more than philum, in the blood of the sick equines. The presence of the A. phygo-
horses kept as single specie these findings are supported by Zhan et al. cytophilum isolates in horses is considered to be transmitted through
(2010a,b) who stated that infections of A. phagocytophilum have been ixodid ticks as reported by Yaxue et al. (2011) from china stating its
reported in rodents, sheep, goats, cattle and buffaloes. Hence, they can presence in ixodid ticks.
act as a source of infection to the ticks and horses kept there.
4.3. Effect of EGA on hematological parameters
4.2. Molecular characterization of A. phagocytophilum 16S rRNA gene
In our study only monocytes and granulocytes varied significantly
In this study clinical cases from equine population showing clinical while, the other parameters showed non-significant variations.
symptoms and microscopic observation of inclusion bodies resembling However, a slight decreasing pattern was observed in Hb, TEC and
Anaplasma were included from various stud farms, polo club, race club platelets count, while, increasing pattern was seen in TLC and lym-
and veterinary hospitals. The samples were processed for PCR based phocytes. Similar findings were observed by Rashid et al. (2009). In
detection on the bases of 16S rRNA gene fragment amplification using donkeys, a significant decrease in Hb, TEC, lymphocytes and Granulo-
primers reported by Parola and Raoult (2001). The samples revealed cytes was observed in diseased animals. These findings are in line with
345 bp of 16S rRNA gene upon electrophoresis on ethidium bromide 2% Franzén et al. (2005) who reported marked lymphopenia, neutropenia
agarose gel. The positive samples were preceded to sequencing and the while contrary to his finding no leukopenia was observed in donkeys.
results were compared to other isolates submitted to GenBank database Mules showed a decrease in erythrocyte count which could be due to
using BLAST. The BLAST showed the local isolates resembled closely mixed infection because the characteristic decrease in granulocytes and
(98–99%) with A. phagocytophilum isolates (Accession no’s; KX505303, leukocytes were not observed in mules (Franzén et al., 2005). Fur-
KY242456 and LC002836) originally published by Zhang et al. (2016), thermore, the mules can be carrier of infection for the susceptible
and others two unpublished from China and Japan. equine species.
Equine infection with A. phagocytophilum has not been reported yet
in Pakistan; and this is the first occurrence report of an infection with 5. Conclusion
Anaplasma spp. in equines of Pakistan. In our research, Giemsa-stained
thin blood smears were examined under light microscopy, and several Here we identified A. phagocytophilum as a principle etiological
samples revealed inclusion bodies resembling Anaplasma in the blood. agent for causing anaplasmosis in equines. Factors like sex of animal,

S. Saleem et al. Acta Tropica 180 (2018) 18–25

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of Veterinary and Animal Sciences for the provision of laboratory and 73–83.
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