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View from the Fairway
Colorful outfits and even more colorful characters gather for the
Annual Invitational Golf Tournament to play a little golf, join in some
great camaraderie, and raise funds for the WODDF • .....................06

Editor’s Desk: Lights, Camera, Action

Stories and photos are the lifeblood of the Grapevine. See what we
need you to do to keep it flowing, while keeping everyone safe •...13

Fallen Firefighter’s Memorial Observance

A procession of family, fellow firefighters, and friends of the depart-
ment gather in the backdrop of Pikes Peak to honor the fallen—
past and present • ...........................................................................14

President’s Message • ............................................................................05
Battalion News • ....................................................................................17
Station Fridge • ......................................................................................34
Retired Guys • .......................................................................................35
Department in Action • ........................................................................36
Special Commendation
Captain John Marasco Floats All to Safety • ..........................................41
Circuit Training—Workout in 30 Minutes—The LAFD Way • .................42
Retirement Dinners • ..............................................................................44
High Fidelity Mannequins—The Future of Training is Here • .................45
Memorials • ...........................................................................................46
LAFD Handball—There is a New Commissioner in the House • .................47
Mailbox • ...............................................................................................48
LAFD History
The Bel Air Fire • ....................................................................................51
Minutes of the Board of Trustees • .....................................................54
Classifieds • ...........................................................................................58
Fire Station 9 • .......................................................................................61

Notice: Production of The Firemen’s Grapevine magazine is very expensive, and while your dues
serve to underwrite a portion of the magazine’s costs, the bulk of funding comes from advertisers.
Many businesses advertise in the Grapevine. This does not mean that LAFRA endorses these
advertisers. Use of a Grapevine advertiser is at the risk of the member. If you are interested in any
of the advertisements, we urge you to use any and all means at your disposal to investigate them.

Los Angeles Firemen’s Relief Association.
No material may be reproduced without written permission of the publisher.

2 • November 2018
On the cover: Attic Fire - San Fernando - By Mike Meadows

Inset LAFD photo by: Harry Garvin

Hancock Park - Structure Fire

November 2018 • 3
ADVANCED DERMATOLOGY owned and published by the
Los Angeles Firemen’s Relief Association
AND SKIN CANCER INSTITUTE 7470 N Figueroa Street, Los angeles CA 90041


Adjunct Professor of Clinical Medicine, USC Diplomat, American
Board of Dermatology Fellow, American Society for Mohs Surgery Dave Wagner • Managing
John Hicks • Associate
BY WORK COMP, PPO AND MEDICARE Display Advertising.................................................(323) 259-5200 ext. 231

• Exposed to the sun for long periods of time at work?

• Have questions about filing your workers’ PSO’s
Amy Bastman, Margaret Stewart, Brian Humphrey
compensation claim?
Workers’ Compensation, QME, AME, PQME, Personal Injury Cases, CONTRIBUTING WRITERS
Art Sorrentino, Matt Mickey, Frank Borden, Jim Stiglich, Steve Ruda
Expert Witness Consulting and Medical Legal
Locations: David Blaire, Greg Doyle, Harry Garvin,
• 28049 Smyth Drive Valencia, CA 91355 Steve Gentry, Juan Guerra, Brian Haimer, Ryan Ling, Rick McClure,
Mike Meadows, Lloyd Payne, Jeff Zimmerman, Yvonne Griffin
• 15477 Ventura Boulevard, Suite 100,
Sherman Oaks, CA 91403
• 416 North Bedford Drive, Suite 100,
Beverly Hills, CA 90210 Robert Steinbacher................................................President
Jeff Cawdrey ..................................................Vice-President
• 1801 Solar Drive, Suite 150, Oxnard, CA 93030
Andrew Kuljis ................................Community Affairs Liaison
Contact us today! BOARD OF TRUSTEES
We accept most WC, PPO
and Medicare Insurance Chris Stine Gene Bednarchik Rich Moody
Craig White Henry Gasbarri Rick Godinez
Danny Wu Jim Duffy Steve Berkery
David Peters Joe Vigil Steven Domanski
Richard Austria (661) 705-9704
Doak Smith John Jacobsen Tim Freeman Jr.
Charmaine Chavez (661) 705-9712 Frank Aguirre Kenny Breskin Tim Larson
Phone: (818) 906-6900•Fax: (661) 702-1701 Gayle Sonoda Mike Sailhamer Tyler Tomich
To contact a chaplain, please call Senior Chaplain Rick Godinez at (213)
797-2404 or the MFC Floor Captain at (213) 576-8920
Greg W. Gibson...................Chaplain Hershy Z. Ten.......................Chaplain
Danny Leon..........................Chaplain Roger Fowble.....................Chaplain
George A. Negrete...............Chaplain Mark R. Woolf.....................Chaplain
Aquil F. Basheer..................Chaplain Jesus Pasos.........................Chaplain
Tim Werle............................Chaplain

Fire-Relief ...............................................................(323) 259-5200
Relief Association Toll Free Number .........................(800) 244-3439
Relief Medical Plan ................................................. (866) 995-2372
Fax Number ..............................................................(323) 259-5290

Todd Layfer • Executive Director..............................(323) 259-5243
Victoria Johnson • Human Resources Director..........(323) 259-5247
Liberty Unciano • Controller/Treasurer..................(323) 259-5225
Bob Dillon • Operations Manager.............................(323) 259-5233
Marlene Casillas • Development & Marketing Director(323) 259-5217
Ana Salazar • Member Services Coordinator............(323) 259-5223

HealthSCOPE Benefits
Claims & Benefit Information...................................(866) 99-LAFRA
THE FIREMEN’S GRAPEVINE (USPS 191-060) is published monthly by the Los Angeles Firemen’s
Relief Association, 7470 N Figueroa Street, Los Angeles, Cal­i­for­nia 90041. Annual $48 Subscription
included with Association mem­ber­ship; Non-members: $48. Single issues $4 postpaid. Back issues $7
postpaid. Pe­ri­od­i­cals post­age paid at Los Angeles, CA and at additional mailing office. POST­MAS­TER: Send
ad­dress changes to: THE FIREMEN’S GRAPE­VINE Magazine, P.O. BOX 41903, Los An­ge­les, CA 90041.

Printed by Collective Color, Los Angeles CA. For Clas­si­fied and Display Ad­ver­tis­ing rates please call (323)
259-5200, ext. 231 or 232. All editorial matter must be received by the Editor eight weeks prior to the month of
pub­li­ca­tion. The opin­ions ex­pressed here­in are those of the writ­ers and do not nec­es­sar­i­ly reflect the official
views of the Los An­ge­les City Fire De­part­ment or the Los An­ge­les Firemen’s Relief Association.

4 • November 2018
ovember has always been my favorite month. Tur- appreciation for the job of President here at LAFRA. I am
key Day is great, and it just so happens to be my very proud for the opportunity given to me to serve our
most-liked holiday. Early in the month I also look members in this capacity. During this time I have visited
forward to the annual LAFRA Open House. On Saturday, with sick and injured firefighters and know firsthand what a
November 3, 2018, the doors here at LAFRA HQ will be great, unique, and solid community we have created. I also
opened wide to welcome all of our fire friends and family. have visited with the widows of our members, along with
Join us and enjoy good food and great company while we their children, and though I am at a loss of words at these
celebrate the work of two amazing individuals that are be- moments, it is my hope that I bring some level of comfort
ing honored this year for their time, talent, and energy con- by lending an ear or by offering a shoulder to lean on. I see
tributed over the years while raising hundreds of thousands how these spouses and children sacrifice a great deal, and
of dollars for the Widows, Orphans & Disabled Firemen’s I am grateful to be able to refer those in need to our great
Fund. Honorees Craig White and Bruce Galien have hearts chaplains, our Family Support Group, and to the Widows &
of gold, and their work on the Hook and Ladder Enduro Orphans charity.
event has been phenomenal. Thank you, Gentlemen and This has been another eventful year, to say the least,
congrats! but an agreement with Pensions will soon be finalized. The
I am pleased to share exciting fundraising news. The past two years have been a rollercoaster ride of emotions
2018 LAFD Invitational Golf Tournament held at Mountain filled with challenges around every corner, but there has
Gate Country Club on September 24, 2018, brought in just been no backing down. This organization is stronger than
under $170,000 for the Widows & Orphans fund. We never ever, and I encourage everyone to stay informed, stay alert,
could have done this without the incredible generosity of and stay engaged.
our sponsors. I would also like to recognize the hard work The David Moorman Over-The-Line Tournament,
of our vendors, volunteers, and staff that really came to- formerly known as the Firemen’s Over-The-Line Tourna-
gether to make this fun event an amazing success. ment, was held October 30, 2018, at Santa Monica Beach.
This year’s Annual LAFD Fallen Firefighter Memo- This fundraiser was renamed this year in honor of Captain
rial Ceremony was held on October 13, 2018, at the Los II David Moorman who never missed a year. A big thanks
Angeles Fire Museum & Fallen Firefighters Memorial in to Sean Millett and everyone else who make this annual
Hollywood. The 268 names included on the wall represent event a big success.
every known member who died while at an incident or as a
result of a duty-related cause. This amazing tribute reminds Be safe and be kind to each other!
us of the true sacrifice that was made and the fallen have
earned our respect and gratitude. Diane Vigil and Valerie
Lawrence of LAFRA’s Family Support Group did a great
job at the memorial. Robert D. “Steintalker” Steinbacher
The memorial events I have had the privilege of at-
tending over this past year have brought about a renewed 323.259.5200

November 2018 • 5
On Monday, September This is not going to be an article about the
finer points of the game of golf. You will
24th, LAFRA hosted the Invi- not find a list of winner or losers. You will,
tational Golf Tournament for however, find several of my observations
the WODFF. Despite the traf- about this game and its participants. It will
be written in the style of the finest man to
fic winding through the Sepul- ever write a column for The Grapevine,
veda pass far below, the large the late Tony “Never let the facts get in the
way of a good story” DiDomenico. Virtu-
turnout at the Mountain Gate ally none of you on the job today have ever
Country Club indicated that heard of Tony. That’s a shame because he
this event was indeed a suc- was one of the most gifted writers to have
ever appeared on these pages.
cess for a very worthy cause. The other person who was also an
Congratulations to everyone inspiration for this article is a man who
will only be known as the late “Factual”
who helped set this tourna- Frank. I will not use his last name because
ment up and to everyone who I don’t want to besmirch him or his family.
participated. Some of his stories also bordered on “the
never let facts get in the way of a good
A partial list of the participants,
story” style of storytelling.
both players and volunteers, includes
There have been many stories and
Steve Schultz, Steve “The Godfather”
jokes over the years about the clothing
Ruda, Kelly Faulkner, Graham Everett,
worn by golfers. I personally believe that
Glenn Prine, Doak Walker, John Keys
most, if not all, of the stories are true. Or at
(along with his bagpipes), and finally Lar-
least they are based on fact, similar to the
ry “I used to work here” Hoerner.
Easter Bunny or Santa Claus.

6 • November 2018
Then there is Jesse Franco, in all Those photographs depict two guys
his sartorial splendor, and he is real. If that some of you work with: Mike “Chub-
you have never seen a grown man wear- by Fowler” Sailhamer (FS 21), and Frank
ing, on different occasions, a lime green Aguirre (FS 89). To say they would stand
tux or a purple tux, you have missed some- out in a crowd is like saying if you stand
thing that closely resembles the Northern in front of a tsunami you may experience
Lights. Where Jesse buys clothes like that moisture. There is nothing wrong with
still remains a mystery. their clothing, but they are certainly un-
I will be the first to admit that I usual — and more than somewhat color-
have never seen either the Easter Bunny ful.
or Santa Claus but I can’t swear that I have Something that was one of the
never seen flying saucers and little green most unusual things ever seen at a sport-
men. However, that was only after drink- ing event was what I could call “The Beer
ing a large bottle of Akadama wine in Line.” As seen in another photograph on
Japan many years ago. these pages, there are two lines of beer
But I digress . . . cans with five cases of beer at the begin-
Jesse, however, is absolutely real. ning of each line. The golfers took turns
There are many documented sightings of putting a ball between these two lines.
him and his Technicolor suits. After asking several participants what the
After attending the golf tourna- object of this was, not one of them seemed
ment, and seeing them with my own eyes, to know. Whatever it was, someone should
it’s very possible that at least some of have one of those cases of beer just for do-
those aforementioned things are, in fact, ing this in public. Maybe they already had
real. There is photographic evidence of a case and that’s why they didn’t know.
this in two of the photographs accompany- Early in this article, Larry Ho-
ing this article. erner’s name came up. For those of you

November 2018 • 7
who don’t know Larry, he is unusual for
many reasons but mainly because he put
in twenty years on the LAFD and then re-
tired, and then put in 20 more years on the
LACOFD. Now, there is a rumor that he
wants to come back to the LAFD. Good
luck, Larry!
For those of you who are history
buffs, look up a video of the late Robin
Williams’ explanation of the history of
this fine game of golf. But be warned, it is
NSFW and it’s 4:48 long. It’s best to view
this on your home computer. It is one of
the funniest skits by Mr. Williams I have
seen. You have been warned.
As always, this event is open to ev-
eryone. Whether you’re retired, active, or
someone who just enjoys swinging a club,
you should come on out and enjoy the ex-
perience. So, remember to mark this event
on your calendar for next year and join in
on the fun and camaraderie.

8 • November 2018
TOURNAMENT Closet to the Pin
TEAM RESULTS Lake 3 – Alex Nikolakopulos, 7” 7”
Lake 6 – Alex Greek, 6’ 8”
• 4th Place – Mike Mullen, Lake 8 – Randy Judd, 6’ 10”
Tony Gamboa, Jaime Ramirez, North 2 – Greg Paulsen, 1’ 9”
Peter Pak North 7 – Kevin Wright, 18”
• 3rd Place – Kevin Wright, Jose
Longest Drive
Cronenbold, Paul Schori,
North 9/Women – Jill Goff
Paul Croghan
North 9/Men – Peter Pak
• 2nd Place – Darren Ashby,
Joe Edwards, Jeff Cawdrey, Putting Contest
Russ Garrett Joe Luna
• 1st Place – Roger Camunas,
Kelly Faulkner, Kevin Rennie, Hustle Hole
Ramon Vance Gold Lee’s group - 16.72 seconds

November 2018 • 9
• 4th place: Echo Show by
Amazon - Howard Kaplan #547
• 3rd Place: Resort Stay
Charlie Arnado #593
• 2nd Place: HDTV
Matt Morente #2312
• Grand Prize: $2500
Jerry Hutchinson #776

Tim Larson sold three

of the winning tickets

Shirt Sponsors

•Kevin Wright of Morgan Stanley

•Beacon Pointe Advisors, LLC
•SouthWest Value Partners

10 • November 2018
Greater Alarm Sponsors
•Anthem Blue Cross
•Cohen & Steers Capital Management
•Dr. Kenneth Sabbag, M.D.
and Congress Orthopaedic Associates
•Fiduciary Management, Inc.
•Kaiser Permanente
•Chicago Equity Partners, LLC

First Alarm Sponsors

•Engaged Capital, LLC
•International Value Advisors, LLC (IVA)
•Galloway Asset Management
•Cozen O’Connor
•MIG Capital
•MCL Health Management, Inc
•Silvercrest Asset Management
•Straussner Sherman
•UBS Financial Services, Inc
•Timothy C. Reynolds, M.D., A Medical Corp.
•Principal Global Investors Individual Sponsors
•Edward O’Neill, M.D. •Oakbrook Investments, LLC
•Lazard Asset Management Co.
Team Photo Sponsors
•Firefighters First Credit Union Tee Sign Sponsors
•Alexander T. Latteri, M.D. •COR Medical Group, Inc.
•Samer Alati / Miracle Mile Medical Center
Reception Sponsors •Los Angeles Police Revolver & Athletic Club, Inc.
•Mitchel Silverman, M.D. •Portfolio Advisors, LLC
•Jeffrey Hirsch, M.D. •St. James, Inc.
•Robert F. Meth, M.D., A Medical Coorporation •Timothy C. Reynolds, M.D.,
•Trian Fund Management, L.P. A Medical Corporation
•Lazaro V. Alonso, A Medical Group •VSP
•Edwin Haronian M.D. Inc •Marc Meth, M.D. Century City Allergy
•Arnold Gilberg, M.D., M.D., Ph.D. AME /
QME in Psychiatry
•Jonathan C. Green, M.D., Inc.
•LAFD Sertoma Club

•City National Bank
•Chester Hasday, M.D.
•Robert Davidow
•Laura Wertheimer Hatch, M.D., Inc.
•Mayesh Wholesale Florist
•Stuart Fischer, M.D.
•Edward Biling
•Dr. Franklin Kase, Burbank Podiatry

Golf Ball Drop Sponsor

•Firefighters First Credit Union

November 2018 • 11
Paid Advertisement

Los Angeles Firemen’s Relief Association Medical Plan may cover this examination.
12 • November 2018 Contact your plan provider to verify.
Lights, camera, act….WAIT! Can you heard of anyone receiving formal disciplinary Are we the same magazine we were 20
first take a minute to put on the proper safety action due to a picture displayed in this maga- years ago? No! Like all media, we have had to
equipment so I can take a picture? I know, why zine, I’m sure there has been one or two mem- change with the times, and I believe most of
should I have to ask for what should be second bers who have received a verbal warning over the change has been for the better. One of the
nature in our profession. As a rookie—oops, the years. In fairness to the department, some areas in need of help though is Battalion News.
I’m sorry, I mean probationary firefighter—we issues need to be to addressed to reinforce the We still have the great photographs provided
are taught over and over again, safety, safety, importance of safety and prevent future harm by our talented team of contributing photog-
safety! The first line of that defense should to all those involved. Personally, I would rather raphers; however, the staff of battalion writ-
be our provided protection equipment (PPE) be made aware of an error in judgement than ers has disappeared. Some have retired, while
issued to every firefighter in the field. Brush be seriously hurt or worse. others have lost their desire to write due to the
jackets and web gear for grass/brush fires; Beyond what the public believes, fire- perceived repercussions of what they have to
turn-out coats for structure fires and physical fighters are only human. We make mistakes. say. Even I have to admit some of the stories
rescues; appropriate use of gloves, whether it As a new associate editor for this magazine, I presented in past Battalion News articles were
be firefighting gloves for fire incidents or la- have made mistakes. Back in the March edi- brutal, but the truth sometimes is. It was also
tex gloves for EMS related incidents; safety tion, the cover depicts a lone captain, not wear- filled with stories of camaraderie and just plain
glasses for eye protection; and the list goes on ing his breathing apparatus, on a roof with hilarious antics. For some of you who are not
and on. Not only is this equipment provided for old enough to remember the old Battalion
your safety, it is there to protect the city from News, read L.A. County Straight Stream, and
having to pay for unnecessary medical ex- you will see what I’m talking about. We live in
penses if you do get hurt because you weren’t a generation where people are sensitive—I get
following Department policy and wearing the it. But, maybe they are just a little too sensi-
proper protective gear. tive—but, who am I to say. I believe Battalion
The other day I was having a conversa- News can exist in this kinder, gentler environ-
tion with one of our best contributing photog- ment that we now work in. We just need to
raphers. He was joking that he was mad that he heavy smoke behind him. The way the picture learn to tell it in a way that pokes, not stab.
couldn’t take a picture of a particular individ- was presented, it appeared he was right in the If you are interested in getting your
ual during an auto fire because the person was thick of things while not wearing proper PPE’s. battalion news out to the world but not sure on
not in proper PPE’s. Though we make light of This was not the case. The photo was cropped how to do it, contact the Grapevine staff and
it, this and other issues have become a real con- to fit on the cover; however, the original uned- we can help. Remember, this is your magazine.
cern for this magazine and the department. We ited version clearly showed the captain doing We are here to give you the best content possi-
are in the business of attempting to present the his job but on an entirely unrelated roof and not ble, but we can’t do it alone. We need you to do
best possible stories, with accompanying pho- in need of his breathing apparatus. Although I your part by taking a moment to double check
tos; however, our first concern is your safety. am not sure if the captain was spoken to, I was, that you are wearing your proper PPE’s and
We are also aware of the ramifications of pub- by the Fire Chief. My bad. Cap, please accept then, when you have a moment, write of your
lishing pictures that display members violating my apology for any inconvenience this unin- heroic tales or comical escapades, so that we
department policy, this includes publishing tentional mistake may have caused you. can share your story. In this way you can stay
pictures taken by members while on duty and The Grapevine is an institution. I have safe, and we get the chance to read the fantastic
involved in an emergency operation. This dan- enjoyed many years of reading its stories and stories written by you, alongside the great pic-
gerous action is against department policy and looking at the photos inside. Now that I am a tures taken by our contributing photographers.
we do our best not to publish such photos when part of the magazine, it is my hope that this By doing what we are trained to do, we both
aware of such facts. Although we have not will remain the same for generations to come. win!

November 2018 • 13
On September 13th, the This event is more than a one-day af- On Friday evening, there has been a
fair. It kicked off with a dinner on Thursday long tradition of closing off the downtown
names of David Moorman evening at the Hotel Eleganté. The “Meatball streets as the Pipes and Drums Band takes over.
Dinner” is hosted by Rose, whose son was a The families gather for dinner at a downtown
and Kelly Wong were added FDNY firefighter killed on 9/11. In 2002, Rose restaurant and the Pipes and Drum parade spills
to the Wall at the IAFF Fallen began a tradition where she personally made, into the restaurant for a special performance.
by hand, a meatball for every person attending A procession on a very warm Saturday
Firefighter Memorial. Relief the memorial dinner. She wanted something morning wound through the town and poured
Association Trustees, along where everyone traveling from far away could
sit down to dinner together as a family. But,
into Memorial Park, with a beautiful view of
Pikes Peak setting the backdrop. Thousands
with the LAFRA Family Sup- unfortunately this was the last time that Rose lined the streets and then jammed the park,
will host the dinner. We will miss Rose’s warm, while more than 1,200 honor guard members
port Group traveled with Amy maternal smile, but hopefully the tradition will from across the country marched in the proces-
Moorman and Danielle Wong be carried on by someone new.
Thursday is also the first opportunity to
sion. Even the LAFD Fire Hogs participated in
the procession, riding their bikes all the way
and their family and friends to visit the Memorial at night. All lit up, the Wall from LA.
at night is something very special to see. Amy In a very moving ceremony, 271 fire-
Colorado Springs. They were and Danielle both had private time to spend fighter’s names were read out. Of those, 19
joined there by more of the with their loved ones there. died of illnesses associated with the aftermath
of the 9/11 attack when firefighters were called
LAFD contingent: UFLAC,
the Fire Hogs, and more of our
own firefighters.

14 • November 2018
upon to dig through the toxic rubble at ground
zero. At the conclusion of the ceremony, family
and colleagues had an opportunity to approach
the Wall to pay their respects on this very hal-
low ground.
We were honored that Jan Graff (wid-
ow of Jay Graff) and Karen Prosser (widow
of Darrayle Prosser) were able to attend this
year’s Memorial along with many LAFD fire-
fighters. The entire Memorial event is a stirring
and touching experience that you will not soon
forget. Every firefighter should attend at least
once in their life.
“The IAFF will ensure that the ceremo-
ny remains an uplifting one for the families,
friends, and loved ones, and that it celebrates
the lives, heroism, and accomplishments of our
union’s bravest of the brave,” says a post on the
website for the Colorado Springs Professional
Firefighters, IAFF Local 5.

November 2018 • 15
Saturday, March 23, 2019
Registration fees will be paid for the first 20 to sign up by Sept. 30!

Run, walk or stroll in memory of a fallen firefighter or in

tribute to a special firefighter family. The 5K is open to
participants of all ages and abilities.

Come enjoy beautiful views of Los Angeles as you travel through

iconic Elysian Park before a rewarding finish, set against the
backdrop of world famous Dodger Stadium. Then top it all off
with some delicious dishes from LA’s best food trucks!

Other ways to participate include:



Sunday, March 24, 2019 & FUNDRAISE

for information and registration visit
All proceeds benefit the Widows, Orphans & Disabled Firemenʼs Fund, a 111-year-old non-profit 501(c)(3) dedicated to helping our LAFD families in times of crisis

16 • November 2018
Scott Hessing promoted to Engineer at 14-A Deputy Chief Fligiel with Joe Magana who promoted to Captain I at FS 4

9/11/18. E-25 handled yet another

09/19/18. It took 150 firefighters two hours to fully extinguish heavy deliberately set fire in their first-in.
flames in a 80’ x 100’ industrial building. Photo by Mike Meadows Photo by Adam VanGerpen

November 2018 • 17
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18 • November 2018
1’s is a full Task Force again, Tom will have timers that has been at 16’s almost the longest,
less time in the box. I’ve worked a couple days “donated” a set of dumbbells and racks for the
with him, always a fun day . . . no really! guys to use during their strenuous wellness
And I hear now that there is a brand program. And this was over 20 years ago. But
Greetings to all the Sinners and Saints spanking new chock block that is being tried now, that he is retiring, he made mention to the
of Battalion 2 and then some. I know, I know, out over at 55’s. The real neat thing about the “guys” that he would be collecting 400 bucks
you are asking yourself… where has he been? new chock block is that it is bright yellow, real- upon leaving or he’d take ‘em away. Of course,
Well, after all the details have calmed down, all ly hard to miss day or night, even at the first run the guys at 16’s said that “hey wait a minute,
my failed attempts at promotional exams, I’m of the morning. For more information inquire we can buy a whole new set for 400 bucks!”
back. I was sure hoping the return of a Battal- with the “A” shift chauffer at 55 A. Maybe he It appears that our retiree has a Fire Station to
ion 2 writer would inspire others to jump on should not have been talking, driving and try- the south willing to cough up the dough for this
board. As I work SOD, trades, and occasional ing to fly his drone at the same time!!!! Speak- underused set of dumbbells that were donated
10th member details around the battalion, I get ing of 55 A, so long and happy trails to Capt. back in 1977. Take a look at attached picture,
the scoop on things by just listening in. You’d Lucas who is off to greener pastures at 79’s and gone. I guess the rumor is true, the more senior-
be surprised how much you can learn by pre- welcome to Capt. Rojas who is inching closer ity we get, it kinda tightens us up a bit? Right?
tending to sleep when “The Bachelor” is on. to home from Battalion 4. OK, now that I approach the end of
First off I’d like to pay my respects to Now here is one that just lit up my my return article, I have to retract something I
one of the best Grapevine writers ever . . The brand spanking new iPhone 10 just today. Over wrote about last year, where I thought that there
Snake (Pink Python) who once called home in at 16’s a number of the members assigned are was a new Book 30 rule that the 800 series RA
Battalions 1 and 6. The best ever. Find some gearing up to run down their clocks and ap- should always take the spot right in front of
old Grapevines from the 70’s and 80’s and proach the end of their drop period. But what the fire. Well, despite my search high and low,
you’ll see. I was told by reliable sources is one of the old through study programs for Engineer, A/O,
Now, I only go by what I see AND Inspector, and Captain. I couldn’t find it. But,
hear from you all. Even when you think I’m based on the pictures in this issue of the Grape-
not paying attention. So what I heard from re- vine of recent Battalion 2 fires, not one 800 RA
liable sources is that everyone’s hero over at took the front spot. I was wrong…. OK.
1’s, Tommy Miller, has had trouble keeping his That’s it for this month, stay safe, look
balance on a couple hillsides at some recent out for each other, we are all in this together.
brush and grass fires, most recently at Griffith Send your Anonymous Grapevine Reports
Park. I don’t know much more than that, but (AGR’s) to
you might want to inquire next time you see
someone from 1’s. But the best part is now that
Donated dumbbells at 16’s See you soon, Capt. Jeffery T. Spaulding

FS 44, MySafeLA and command staff canvas

in Cypress Park after a fatality fire.

November 2018 • 19
20 • November 2018
Wade Tapsfield promoted to Apparatus Operator at 50-B Javier Honles promoted to Apparatus Operator at 50-C

9/13/18. It took 50 FF’s 25 mins to extinguish a vacant On 09/17/18. Probationary Firefighter Jackson gets a crack
one-story home in the 3400 blk of N. Figueroa St. at the big one in Glassell Park. Photo by Peter Sanders

November 2018 • 21
Paid Advertisement

22 • November 2018
Vince Martinez promoted to Engineer at 1-C Mario Rodriguez promoted to Engineer at 1-A

62’s and 63’s

November 2018 • 23
Paid Advertisements:

Judith M. Weigle
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24 • November 2018
A large SFD in Brentwood on 9/14/18. Photo by John Conkle SFD in 63’s district in September

FF Robert Perea’s daughter Ella shows her station spirit

Paid Advertisement:

November 2018 • 25
FF Krista Cona, FF Christopher Elguea, FF Adrian Carballo and
LAPD Hollywood are all in for Breast Cancer Awareness month.

Fire boat 2 proudly watches over the Battleship U.S.S Iowa during
Fleet Week in the City of Angels. Photo by Alex Gillman

26 • November 2018
8/30/18. It took 91 Firefighters less than 45 mins to extinguish flames in a one-
story row of businesses in the 2000 block of Chavez Ave. Photo by Harry Garvin

Engineer Andrew Schmad (FS 20) and wife Christa welcomed their 3rd daughter,
Ella Diane, on 9/16/18. She weighed 8 lb 10 oz and was 20 inches long.

On 9/17/18, this structure fire was knocked down in just 16 minutes

at 328 N Occidental Bl. Westlake District. LAFD Photo by Harry Garvin

Nick Riddall promoted to Captain I at Fire Station 6-C

November 2018 • 27
Engine 24 works above the 210 freeway
on 9/6/18. Photo by David DeMulle’

98’s handles structure protection near Hansen An auto parts yard in Sun Valley on
Dam on 8/31/18. Photo by David DeMulle’ 9/18/18. Photo by Steve Gentry

A well involved SFD on 9/14/18 in Sunland.

Photo by Kyle Andrusenki

28 • November 2018
Batt 13 companies converge at 1826 W 74th St
on 9/21/18. LAFD Photo by Justin Johnson

Unified Command at 4407 Staunton Ave 09-20-18. FF’s confine flames to a well-involved, one-story
on 9/20/18. Photo by Yvonne Griffin home at 4161 S Wall St. Photo by Yvonne Griffin

November 2018 • 29
Flames were contained to a single unit in Valley
Village on 9/23/18. Photo by Kelly Seidel

9/7/18. FF’s from station 60 battle an auto on the 9/14/18. Seems as if someone needs a little more prac-
170 fwy near Victory Blvd. Photo by Mike Meadows tice driving in Battalion 14’s area. Photo by Mike Meadows

30 • November 2018
09/16/18. TF 87 works to shut down a sheared hydrant Brush fire in Chatsworth along Santa
after it was struck by auto. Photo by Rick McClure Susana Pass Rd. Photo by Rick McClure

Engine 93 assists Crew 3 in cutting line at the Mahogany

Fire in Tujunga on 9/18/18. Photo by David DeMulle’

November 2018 • 31
On 9/12/18, Fire Chief Ralph Terrazas & the LAFD Honor Guard joined City dignitaries
to honor those affected by the deadly 2008 Metrolink train collision.

Jim Dolan received the CSFA’s Tom Garner Member of the Year Award

32 • November 2018
The Fire Hogs remember and celebrate at their 2018 Hogs Breath BBQ

What Is The...
Extinguisher Fund?
The brain child of Ted Bailie, retired from the LAFD and LAFRA, your station’s Extinguisher
Fund is a simple way to collect donations for the Widows, Orphans and Disabled Firemen’s
Fund. Ted saw the accumulation of change that the cook dumped into the mess fund box each
shift and had a better idea. If this change was instead collected for the WODFF he figured it
could really add up. With an average of 50 cents per day per station, in a year there would be
. . . well, you can do the math!
So take your turn in the cooking rotation and remember to drop all your change into your
station’s extinguisher. There should be one in every firehouse. And any loose change in your
pockets, any that you find in the TV chairs, or hoarded in the “ashtray” of your vehicle can be
thrown in for good measure.
The Widows, Orphans & Disabled Firemen’s Fund is the heart of the Relief Association. This
fund provides assistance to our firefighters and families who are faced with personal difficulties
and tragedies. Donations are the sole means of support for this Fund.
Firefighters risk their lives to protect the community on a daily basis. Thus, they and their fami-
lies can be comforted in knowing that the “Fire Department Family,” supported by the Widows,
Orphans & Disabled Firemen’s Fund, is there for them in times of need.

November 2018 • 33
34 • November 2018
Dale Dickson was kind enough to send in this sub- of the wire, the toilet flushed. This was often affected when
mission. Please note that Dale has been retired since 1991, the captain was on the throne, surprising him. Naturally,
and may not be aware of many of the Department policy none of the crew on any of the shifts divulged this secret
changes over the last three decades. to the officers, and the officers hadn’t a clue to what was
Some of the best jokers in the world are firefighters. causing the mystery flushing. Whenever a man got up in the
Everybody loves a firefighter, so the story goes, but do they middle of the night for any reason, he would pull the wire
know what really goes on in the firefighters’ private world and the captain’s toilet would mysteriously flush.
once the powerful rigs are backed into quarters and the ap- It was strange that none of the captains could figure
paratus doors are closed? out what was happening, or that they didn’t inspect the
Firefighters are very rarely invited to parties or happy plumbing alley. Captains are supposed to be the smartest
events while on duty. Every call can subject them to ex- men in the firehouse, but some of them aren’t aware of what
treme physical hardship and exertion which would strain is happening in their house. They kept telling their crews
to the limit the reserves of many men and women. The about the mystery toilet, and naturally the men didn’t know
firefighters accept this as routine, and they cope with the what could be causing it.
disasters and heartbreaking occurrences they encounter in Finally, one day one of the captains had had enough
many ways, ways which are often not visible to the civilian of the flushing and placed a call to have a city plumber
population. come out to fix the problem. The men found out about this,
and met the plumber as he drove his truck into the park-
Now to the story: ing lot. They told him about the gag they were pulling on
In many firehouses there is what is called a plumbing the captains, and he was more than happy to go along with
alley. This is a narrow closet-like room extending behind them. Most of the city workers who had any dealings with
the plumbing fixtures, such as sinks and toilets. Most of the fire department liked to be included in any shenanigans
the plumbing repairs can be expedited in the closet, for all these likeable men were pulling off.
the piping and valves are exposed and a plumber can easily The plumber went into the captain’s office and was
work on them. Well, some ingenious person discovered a told what the problem was. He then went into the plumbing
toilet can be flushed from the plumbing alley by inserting a alley, banged away on some pipes and fiddled around for a
stiff wire, like a nail, into an opening in a valve and pushing few minutes more . . . then told the captain his problem was
it up, like throwing a light switch. solved. “The toilet will not be flushing mysteriously any
In this particular firehouse adjacent to Bel Aire, the more.”
men hooked up an imaginative array of wires, running them Then the plumber had a casual cup of coffee with the
from the valve in the plumbing alley behind the captain’s men, and soon was driving out of the yard and down the
toilet up through the ceiling and down into a locker in the street. And then the captain’s toilet flushed!
men’s locker room. Whenever someone pulled on the end

November 2018 • 35
Boyle Heights
Photos by Matt Hartman and Mike Meadows

36 • November 2018
On September 19, 2018, 150 firefighters took just two hours to fully extinguish
heavy flames within a 80’ x 100’ one-story industrial building. Three firefighters sus-
tained non-life threatening injuries with no reported civilian injuries.

November 2018 • 37
Glassell Park
Photos by Steve Gentry, Mike Meadows, David Barrett,
and LAFD Photos by Peter Sanders

38 • November 2018
Deeply rooted flames, downed high voltage power lines and building walls that began to fail were among the
many challenges faced by the 150 firefighters who labored for more than seven hours to fully extinguish a stubborn
non-injury blaze within a party supply company in the 3500 block of North San Fernando Road on September 17, 2018.

November 2018 • 39

On December 5, 2018, the Los Angeles City Firefighter’s Association will vote on this year’s “2018 Firefighter of the Year”. This honor
of distinction and recognition is given to a member of any rank, who, not by any single act, has distinguished him/herself as one of
outstanding character, dedication, and loyalty to the Department, the Fire Service, and to the citizens of the community.

To be eligible for consideration, nominees must have been an active LAFD member for at least one day during the nominating year, and
a member of the California State Firefighter’s Association/Los Angeles City Firefighters Association.

Candidates will be judged on an overall career and life that exemplifies the best qualities of those who are honored to be part of the fire

If you know of such a person, and would like to nominate him/her for this prestigious award, submit your application NO LATER than
December 3, 2018, to any one of the nominating committee members listed below. The nomination must include the nominees name,
rank, assignment and a statement of why the member should receive the award. Photos and other documentation may also be submitted.

Please attend the Los Angeles City Firefighter’s Association meeting on December 5, 2018 at 0830 Hours, Fire Station 59 Training
classroom, 11505 Olympic Blvd. and present your nomination IN PERSON. All Los Angeles City Firefighter’s Association members
are welcome, and encouraged to attend the meeting and presentations, and to show support for the individuals being nominated.

Presentations may be subject to time limits depending on the number of nominations received in order to provide fairness to all nomi-
nees. These time limits will be announced prior to the start of the December 5, 2018 membership meeting and will be strictly enforced.
The nominee cannot be present during the meeting.

The election will be held in closed executive session following the nominations, and only members of the Los Angeles City Firefighter’s
Association Board will vote.

Reminder, applications must be submitted no later than December 3, 2018.

Following personal notification of the winner by the Vice President, public announcement will be made by Department teletype.


Robert Cordobes, (310) 977-5041
James S. Dolan, (562) 400-1298
Brian Geiger, (562) 833-2796




NOMINEE’S NAME: ____________________________________________________________________________

ASSIGNMENT:______________________ PHONE:__________________________________ RANK:___________________

(Include Department, Community, Church, etc. work) (Attachments are encouraged)

NOMINATOR’S NAME:_______________________________________ PHONE:____________________________________

40 • November 2018
According to the Centers for Without hesitation, Captain Marasco slipped from his own in-
Disease Control and Prevention nertube and began swimming in the direction of the people to lend his
(CDC), every day, about 10 people assistance. Reaching the group first, he knew what he needed to do. He
die from unintentional drowning. approached the mother first; who, in her panic, was clinging to her young
Of these, two are children aged son and pulling him under. Marasco caught hold of her and rolled her
14 or under. Drowning ranks fifth head out of the water. Suddenly, her whole body went limp. Her son was
among the leading cause of unin- also panicking, but Marasco was able to push him onto a nearby inner-
tentional injury death in the United tube, gripping him and his mother and trying to keep all three all afloat at
States. the same time.
On June 11, 2016, Captain John While attempting to keep the woman’s head above water, and
Marasco was tubing down the Salt control the boy as well, he called for the two girls to hold their inner-
River near Phoenix, with his wife tubes tightly and, with occasional kicks and river-bottom footing, was
and friends. Part of a flotilla travel- able to propel himself and the family slowly across the river and into
ing together, the group had floated waist-deep water. With the help of his friends, Marasco then pulled them
downriver for several hours and all onshore. At that point, Marasco identified himself as a firefighter/
was approaching their intended landing area where they had planned paramedic. He examined all four family members, who were grateful but
to catch a bus that would return them to their starting point. Without clearly in shock but recovering. In speaking with them, he learned that
warning, the noise of the flowing river added screams for help. Captain the woman and her children had little or no swimming experience and
Marasco looked over his shoulder and witness one of his friends from his hadn’t realized how dangerous the river could be.
party scrambling across the water to help a five-year-old boy who had Because of his quick thinking and fast action, as well as his skills
fallen out of his innertube. The boy, who did not belong to their party, in water rescue, Captain Marasco very likely saved the lives of several
was not the only one in trouble. Marasco spied three other people also members of one family, and successfully kept tragedy from marring a
in trouble. It had appeared that a different group of people’s innertubes, summer day’s activity. Because of his valiant actions, The Los Angeles
that had been tied together, had flipped over somehow, spilling the young Fire Department Foundation awarded him a Special Commendation.
boy, along with two teenaged girls and their mother into the swift mov-
ing water.

November 2018 • 41
“We train as if our life depends on it, so why graduate, the two began developing a conditioning program
wouldn’t we exercise the same?” Captain II Paul that was not only creative but more importantly, designed
Ybarra explains to me as we sit in the front of- and geared toward what a firefighter actually does
fice of Fire Station 12. In a confident, but humble while on scene of an emergency. With that, “circuit
manner, Ybarra talked about his ambitious plan training” was born—LAFD style.
to change not only how firefighters exercise in With a combination of strength building and
the station, but also the duration in which they endurance training, circuit training takes real-life
do it. scenarios and turns them into conditioning exer-
When Captain Ybarra first transferred cises. Ladders, hoses, and weights are used, along
to 12’s, he noticed that his crew’s exercise pro- with the wearing of the breathing apparatus for
gram varied from member to member. Some some of the training evolutions. A lot of ingenuity
firefighters loved lifting weights while oth- went into the development of the program. Ybarra
ers worked more on the cardio components. and Stoffel were able to incorporate the actual
This concerned him because his experience equipment used by firefighters into their exercises
had taught him that the job of a firefighter is to make the experience more realistic.
more than just about one’s strength or cardio The program starts out simple enough, with
conditioning, but instead a balance of the two, the crew gathering as a group for a quick stretch-
each exercise equally important to do the job ing session. This is followed by a few short laps
safely and efficiently. Nowhere was this more around the station to get the blood flowing. With
apparent than when he observed probation- the group warmed up and ready to work, the crew
ary firefighters preparing for the phase test- then separate into their individual exercise sta-
ing portion of their training. There he wit- tions that are spread out around the station. This
nessed that some of the recruits quickly is one of the time-saving factors of the pro-
fatigued and how that level of con- gram. By having multiple stations, the
ditioning could translate into poor individual firefighter can do his or her
performance during the actual exercise independently of one an-
phase test. other without impacting the time
As a Captain, he also of others. Once that particular
knew he was in a position evolution is done, the crew
to change that by drawing simply rotates to the next sta-
from his experiences and tion. Ybarra explains that by
implement, at the sta- incorporating the multiple
tion level, the lessons stations, the usual two-hours
he has learned over of exercise can be cut down
the years—and that to a challenging, but man-
is exactly what he ageable, 30 minutes.
did. With the help of Ground ladders
his apparatus opera- are used, some with
tor, Robert Stoffel, added weight to
previously a cap- simulate larger
tain in the U.S. ladder. Hose
Army and a lines were
West Point magically

42 • November 2018
transformed into life size people—both male and female—for the to improve one’s physical performance, the endurance will soon
purpose of a dragging exercise. A halyard pull is incorporated follow, allowing you to be more confident of the fire ground—all
and so is a stair-stepping station that is sure to get one ready just in just about 30 minutes a day.
in case they are called to a high-rise incident. The most challeng-
ing of the program, however, at least to this observer, was the use 1. Stretching and Warm-Up
of a sledge hammer and a heavy tire. There, the participant uses 2. Laps Around the Station (2X)
the sledge in an axe-swinging motion, striking the tire and mov-
3. Step Test (10 evolutions with B/A)
ing the heavy object a short distance across the yard. I got winded
just watching. To say the least, the program is challenging to the 4. 16-ft Ladder Raise (1 time)
beginner, but Captain Ybarra explains, “with a little time and ef- 5. Simulated 35-ft Ladder Raise (1-3 times)
fort on the part of the individual, even the seemingly weakest 6. Dumbbell Carry (simulates carry saws and tools)
member of a crew can quickly progress to one of the strongest.” 7. Halyard Pull
Another benefit of the program is its ability to adapt to the needs
8. Hose Drag
of the individual. If one member finds themselves lacking in one
area, they can simply rotate back into that area of exercise until 9. Sledge Hammer/Tire
their performance improves. 10. Hose-Pack Carry
Now, as with every exercise program, there will be one 11. Laps around the station—Again (2x)
or two evolutions that some individuals will struggle, at least at
12. Repeat as Conditioning Increases and Time Permits
first. However, with a little enthusiasm and the fortitude to want

November 2018 • 43
ANDREW P. FOX, Assistant Chief,
CMD 42-A


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LAFD Retired

44 • November 2018
In the age of technology, how is the large menu of options and then program in the their needs. Having the most up-to-date equip-
Los Angeles City Fire Department staying rel- vital signs, ECG rhythms, and a multitude of ment, along with the willingness to make a dif-
evant? Introducing High Fidelity Mannequins, other life-threatening complaints. In the near ference, is a key to our success.
the latest purchase by the EMS Training Unit future each of our four EMS educators will Times have changed, and we need to
to assist in the training of our members in the have one of these high-tech machines to deliver stay flexible in how we deliver service to the
latest advancements in pre-hospital care medi- on-the-spot training within each bureau of the communities we serve. Those in the field who
cine. We currently respond to more than 1,400 department. are actually responding to the 911 calls know
calls each day. Approximately 85 percent of Along with the adult mannequins, we how challenging it is to get a good patient
our call volume involves a medical compo- also have infant, pediatric, and birthing man- history or even a clear picture of a chief com-
nent of some type. Utilizing the most current nequins. All of these training aids will allow plaint from a patient. Just as we say that there
technology, our members have an opportunity our staff to create real-life scenarios that will are no two heart attacks that present the same,
to respond to a more realistic scenario and ad- only serve to hone our assessment and treat- every patient deserves our undivided attention
minister the type of care needed in a controlled ment skills. Coming just in front of the latest and our commitment to ensure a thorough as-
training environment. EMS Update 2018, these mannequins will also sessment is done. It is often the most difficult
In the past a member recertifying their assist our members in becoming more comfort- patients who need our greatest attention. Ap-
EMT license had to imagine a scenario rather able with the “provider impression” selection proaching every patient contact with our core
than actually seeing it displayed right in front as well as how we apply it. values in mind—service, professionalism,
of them. With the deployment of technologi- With the current model for delivering integrity, respect, innovation, and trust—pro-
cally advanced patient simulators, these new EMT skills and recertification, four hours of vides the pathway to a more favorable outcome
mannequins are capable of exhibiting real-life training is not nearly sufficient enough to re- despite the situation.
emergencies, such as a swollen tongue that fresh one’s skills and knowledge. Having the The LAFD needs its members to be
you might encounter during an anaphylaxis ability to provide realistic scenarios and imme- mentally and physically prepared at all times.
response, absent breath sounds unilaterally or diate feedback will greatly assist our members The men and women of this department devote
bilaterally, pupillary changes, and numerous as patient care experts. There isn’t anything their lives to answering the calls for help 24/7.
other signs that we look for in order to provide more rewarding than truly changing a patient’s It is a team effort no matter where you are as-
the best care possible. outcome as a result of our excellence in care. signed. Those of us with decades of service un-
With the use of large monitors, our The vision of the EMS Training Unit is der our belts still remember the oath we took. It
EMT instructors are able to select a chief com- to align with Goal 1 of the Department’s strate- is our duty to know our jobs and to be confident
plaint from a gic plan, which is providing exceptional public in our performance. The EMS Training Unit’s
safety and emergency medical services to the purchase of High Fidelity Mannequins will al-
communities we serve. We can accomplish this low another generation of LAFD firefighters to
as a team by continuing to sharpen our medical do just that!
assessment and treat-
ment skills while, at
the same time, we can
fulfill Goal 3 of our
strategic plan, which
is to capitalize on ad-
vanced technology.
Every time we come
in contact with a
patient, we not only
have the opportunity
but also an obliga-
tion to take care of

November 2018 • 45
Harlan K. Hedlund, Firefighter II. Appointed February 3, 1958.
Retired on a service pension April 3, 1983 from FS 12-A.
Passed away September 3, 2018.

Freeman K. Dierlam, Fireman. Appointed October 21, 1946.

Retired on a disability pension October 1, 1963 from FS 15-A.
Passed away September 6, 2018.

Charles W. Debenham, Captain I. Appointed August 26, 1946.

Retired on a service pension June 1, 1976 from FS 55-A.
Passed away September 15, 2018.

Elsmworth L. Almany, Captain. Appointed May 12, 1962.

Retired on a disability pension March 22, 1979 from FS 38-A.
Passed away September 17, 2018.

Wallace B. Hasha, Engineer. Appointed July 17, 1952.

Retired on a service pension June 1, 1978 from FS 97-A.
Passed away September 19, 2018.

Deane C. Wickstrom, Jr., Fireman. Appointed January 16, 1965.

Retired on a disability pension August 16, 1984 from FS 105-A.
Passed away September 20, 2018.

Concepcion A. Ramirez, Firefighter II. Appointed December 19, 1955.

Retired on a service pension July 20, 1987 from FS 16-B.
Passed away September 29, 2018.

Ray L. Merriett, Fireman. Appointed December 14, 1948.

Retired on a service pension July 1, 1973 from FS 82-C.
Passed away October 5, 2018.

Norman M. Schultz, Fireman. Appointed April 18, 1959.

Retired on a disability pension April 3, 1987 from FS 37-C.
Passed away October 9, 2018.

William S. Plumlee, Engineer. Appointed March 17, 1947.

Retired on a service pension June 1, 1975 from FS 87-A.
Passed away October 11, 2018.

Judith A. Wahl, spouse of Carl A. Wahl, Jr., passed away September 19, 2018.
Blanche E. Evans, surviving spouse of Daniel A. Evans, passed away September 23, 2018.
Margaret L. Le Clair, surviving spouse of Edward F. Le Clair, passed away September 27, 2018.
Janice R. Baumgartner, spouse of Nicholas S. Baumgartner, passed away October 1, 2018.

46 • November 2018
Jerry Puga rardo “Jerry” Puga FS-26-A, has now volun- His first action as commissioner was
teered to take on this awesome responsibility. to set up the “Handball LAFD” Facebook Ac-
Puga is a 15-year veteran of the LAFD, and he count. Everyone is encouraged to join and wel-
has spent at least 10 years of his career at Fire comed to add to the photo gallery. Be sure and
Station 26, the current LAFD Handball top post photos of your games and any comradery
Fire Station. related to the perfect game. The Fall Singles
Puga is a solid “A” player who is best Handball Tournament starts in late October,
known for his strong front court play, which with the finals scheduled for December 13,
was developed on the 3-wall court. He is a past 2018 at the Los Angeles Athletic Club. LAFD
champion of the LAFD 911 Memorial Tourna- Handball email:
ment at Venice Beach, and he has several titles
outside the LAFD. He will continue to advance SAVE THE DATE
the relationship with LAFD Handball and the The Annual Turkey Burner Handball
Southern California Handball Community. Tournament is returning to Los Cab on No-
Puga was a member of the Alhambra LA Fit- vember 24, 2018. It is a one-day doubles fund-
A special thank you goes out to Fire- ness Crew “Home of the National Champi- raiser to support youth handball. Contact Roy
fighter Paramedic Richard Ramirez FS 2-C, ons” before joining the LAFD, therefore he is Harvey or Jerry
for serving as the Commissioner of LAFD already established as an ambassador to the Puga for details.
Handball for the past two years. Engineer Ge- sport.

mail: phone: visit:

P.O. Box 41903 (800) 244-3439
Los Angeles CA 90041

November 2018 • 47
Claude Creasey, a B/C that when assigned at
the dispatch center always had your back and
was a great contributor to FIRESCOPE; Mel
Leydecker, a B/C that you could trust and was
fun to work for; Glen Dinger, knew his job and
was great to learn from and work alongside;
Dean Cathey, a classmate and very proficient
in his job; Tim De Luca and Don Anthony,
deputy chiefs that I truly admired.
Also, I would like to thank the orga-
nizations and members that take care of us
retired members: LAFRA Board Members,
COA, Los Angeles Retired Fire & Police As-
sociation, Andy Kuljis for always helping
families, Ken Buzzell - pension board with a
vast amount of knowledge, Don Forrest, Work
Compensation issues, and Jim Finn and Frank
Borden for managing the fire department mu-

Dear LAFRA, Dear LAFRA Bob Neamy

Gardnerville, NV
Please accept this donation to the Wid- I wish to make a donation in memory of
ows, Orphan’s & Disabled Firemen’s Fund in my husband, Walter Crumpacker, Jr. I truly en-
the name of Don E. Brian. He was an Arson joy the Grapevine. I always read the President’s President Steinbacher:
Investigator at F.S. 99 where I was an engineer. message first, then the Retired Guys, who is so
Don was one of those people that everyone en- talented in writing articles for us. I noted his A year
joyed being around, and was captivating when space was missing. I also enjoy tips on taxes, ago I wrote to
he would tell stories of things he had seen or finances, and other ideas. Thank your staff. you about the
done. He was very soft spoken and would get loss of Kevin
a little gleam in his eyes while relating these Sincerely, Dowling, re-
stories. He was a true gentleman and friend. He Ethel Crumpacker tired Captain
will be missed. Topeka, KS II Tom Dowl-
ing’s son. At
Sincerely, that time, I
George DeMott Dear Andy, informed you
Newhall, CA that his other son, Erik, was diagnosed with the
We would like to thank you and your same cancer as his brother. Unfortunately, Erik
LAFRA staff for all your invaluable sup- has lost his battle also. Erik fought his battle
Dear Andy & Fire Family: port and guidance for Mom and the family with such courage and he was an inspiration to
after Dad passed away this past July. Many many of his friends and family members.
Heartfelt thanks and gratitude to Andy thanks also to George Negrete and Jim Finn I wish to thank Steve Berkery and the
Kuljis, for his warmth and caring assistance (LAFDHS) for performing and coordinating Relief for the help they have given my sister
after the death of my husband, Assistant Chief the memorial service at Old 27’s. The flag, the and her family in a time of need. I also want
James J. O’Neill. The Fire Family is a top- flowers, 10 bells, friends, family, and of course to thank Mike Balzano for keeping in touch
notch organization. I was deeply touched by an amazing Ray Walker song, all seemed a with my sister and I, and for his concerns and
the outpouring of love, compassion, and sup- perfect way to honor Dad. prayers. Last, for those who did pray, thank
port. Andy, the members of Fire Station 112, you also. I know there were many. For those
and Chaplain Tim Werle, arranged and pro- Ron & Stacey Leydecker, who wish to help, there has been a scholar-
vided a first-class “Celebration of Life” service Kelli Leydecker & Gene Lyerla ship opened up in the name of Kevin and Erik
on Fire Boat 2, San Pedro Harbor. The service at St. Francis High School where they both
was a memorable and moving tribute, honor- played football and both wore the number 55.
ing a great man – beloved husband, extended LAFRA, So please donate to keep their names alive at:
family, friend, & officer. Deepest thanks to all,
who provided solace during our time of loss. Please accept this donation to the
WODFF in remembrance of several great Again, Thank You
God Bless, people: Arliss Berenger, great engineer and A/O Ed Tapia, retired
Lynn O’Neill a person that knew how to sell someone an FF Robert Tapia, FS 66-C
item, plus $100 for each promotion you make;

48 • November 2018

Please accept this donation to the

WODFF in honor of my husband, Richard M.
Smith who passed away in May. You have done
so much for me. I truly appreciate everything:
the Flag from Richard’s last station, the flow-
ers, the online help—everything! The family
and I miss this guy terribly. We were married
for 60 years. I’m so proud to have been a fire-
man’s wife. Richard loved the fire service and
was a fireman through and through. He would
be so pleased if he knew how well I was taken
care of by the LAFD. What a great group of
dedicated folks! Protect Those
Anna L. Smith with Special Needs
Oroville, CA
Firefighter Justin Mendence set up a special needs trust to ensure his
LAFRA- son and entire family is taken care of in the best manner possible.
In honor of Chloe and Averie Lee’s 8th “You want to think everybody’s going to take care of your kid because
Birthday, and in remembrance of their father,
Brian Lee. We would like to make a donation
to LAFRA. Happy 8th Birthday sweet grand-
daughters, Nonie and Pawpaw.
If I handwrite a will,
everybody loves him, but unless you have a plan in place…you’re planning
to fail. Leaving it to chance is not in me and my wife’s vocabulary.”

Love You,
Irvette and Jerry Smith isn’t that
A Special good
Needs Trust enough?
Helps You:
• Set up long-term funding for living expenses & care
• Determine who will be the primary caregiver
Thank you for saving my life. My blood
sugar went to 27 as I thought I was going to
• Create an advisory group of experts to help caregivers make
bottom out and took insulin. sound decisions
Thanks, • Ensure your child’s assets are protected & well-managed
Robert J. Hromadka
• Ensure your child maintains eligibility for special services
“I sleep a little bit easier at night knowing that my son is set up for his
Please accept this donation to the entire life,” Justin said.
WODFF in memory of my good friend, Dean
Cathey. Dean possessed a remarkable blend
of integrity, honesty, and loyalty to the LAFD
and his friends as well as a great sense of hu-
mor. He personified the term, “an officer and a
gentleman.” He was a wonderful human being
and my wife and I miss him dearly.

Sincerely, Whether you care for a child or adult with special needs or not,
Alan and Robin Schroeder everyone should consider setting up an estate plan. Ask for a
Gardnerville, NV “Getting Started Kit” today by emailing Relief Association
Development & Marketing Director Marlene Casillas at or calling (323) 259-5217.
November 2018 • 49
We hope you are enjoying the new yearbook. If you
would like an additional copy, we have a few extras avail-
able for purchase. They are $50 each, plus $5 for shipping.
All the proceeds go to the Widows, Orphans and Disabled
Firemen’s Fund. Send a check to LAFRA WODFF for $55,
along with your name and mailing address to:

2017 Yearbook
7470 No. Figueroa Street
Los Angeles, CA 90041
50 • November 2018
Submitted by Frank Borden • Director of Operations, LAFDHS


Each year when November comes beautiful 1958 Seagrave engine, shop #60013 from total destruction. We were effective be-
around I think of two significant events for me at the time. It was already warm that morning cause of our experienced Captain and Engineer
on the LAFD. My appointment to the Depart- with a Santa Ana wind blowing from the north and a great crew of firemen that never gave up.
ment on November 7, 1959, and the Bel Air east. We were about to have our 8 a.m. lineup at Engine 92 was at the corner of Rosco-
Fire on November 6, 1961. Now with Califor- the front of the apparatus floor when we looked mare and Anzio Road. A beautiful home with a
nia in a major drought, the wildland fire sea- up through the opening apparatus floor doors wood shake roof that had just “taken off.” The
son has already been very destructive, setting and saw the huge loom-up coming from the roof was ablaze. I advanced a one and a half
records in acreage and structures destroyed... Santa Monica Mountains right in front of us. inch line into the home, and was in the attic
– Frank Borden, LAFD Retired We didn’t wait for the dispatch as Captain Jack on a ladder from the house. Engineer Hopkins,
Skinner told us to suit up and respond. Engi- who was out with the rig, noticed the roof was
SUMMARY neer Gene “Hoppy” Hopkins started the rig as starting to weaken and rushed inside, telling
During the week of November 6, 1961, Vince Cortazzo, Jack Holman, Bill Stephens, me to get out. As we quickly made our way
the City of Los Angeles was visited by the most and I jumped on the tailboard for one of the through the hallway to the outside, part of the
disastrous brush fire in the history of Southern most memorable shifts we ever had. This was roof collapsed into the structure. A big chan-
California. Lashing out from a point of origin the day of the Bel Air fire. As we approached delier fell right between us. It was a close call,
high on the north slope of the Santa Monica the fire we encountered the fire blowing hori- but only one of many that we and other fire-
Mountains, the fire raced through tinder-dry zontally across the road in front of us. The men would face throughout the day and night.
vegetation to the summit, leaped across Mul- rig stopped as we watched from the tailboard I have always owed “Hoppy” a great debt of
holland Drive and raged down the south slope Capt. Skinner and Engineer Hopkins (both gratitude for getting me out of the house. On a
into Stone Canyon on a rapidly widening front. experienced veterans of the LAFD) discuss- sad note, Engineer “Hoppy” Hopkins who re-
Driven savagely before fifty-mile-per-hour ing a plan. The plan was to drive through the tired as a Captain II passed away in his 90’s and
winds, the flames sped on south and westward. fire - which we did. When we got out the other still playing golf. He had led a long and reward-
Thermal air currents, created by the intense side our hose had dozens of small smoldering ing life and made a positive impact on so many
heat, coupled with the high velocity winds burn holes from the embers and my dungaree fellow firefighters as a mentor and teacher.
swirled countless thousands of burning brands pants leg was on fire. The fire was moving very That evening we wound up somewhere
aloft to deposit them far in advance of the main fast when we met the chief on the ridge and it in Brentwood south of Sunset Blvd. putting out
fire front. Natural and manmade barriers were seemed like night as the sun was covered by roof fires and structures after the burning em-
utterly incapable of interrupting the progress heavy black smoke. We were told to try to get bers had landed west of the Sepulveda pass. I
of the fire. Before the wild rush of this roaring ahead of the fire and protect the structures the certainly had my baptism by fire on that day
destruction was finally subdued, 6,090 acres of majority of which had wood shingle roofs and and night. It was an experience burned into my
valuable watershed had been consumed. Infi- were burning blocks at a time sending burn- memory.
nitely more tragic was the incineration of 484 ing wood shingles into the
costly residences and 21 other buildings. air and transported by winds Engine 92 on Roscomare Rd. taken by LAFD photographer
Later, when the Bel Air-Brentwood Fire up to 50 miles per hour far Fireman Frank Manwarren, on Nov. 6th.
had reached an apex of violence, a third fire ahead of the main fire. Many
erupted just south of Mulholland Drive near of the streets had no water so
Topanga Canyon. This is approximately seven we used our tank and a few
miles to the west of the Stone Canyon area. times our axe and Hayward
This fire immediately demanded the attentions to pull burning shingles from
of the already overtaxed forces working on the the roofs that had just ignit-
Bel Air-Brentwood conflagration. ed. While on one of the roofs
Concurrently with these fires, twelve Vince Cortazzo and I were hit
other major emergencies occurred within the with a full borate drop. I left
metropolitan portions of the city. Unprecedent- some of the borate residue in
ed demands were made upon the resources of my black helmet as a remind-
the fire department. er. We traveled from block
to block and house to house
Frank’s story: On November 6, 1961, I was a using the “hit and run” tech-
two-year fireman working at FS 92. We had a nique saving many homes

November 2018 • 51
The LAFD Historical Society has the story frame livery stable. Loss $50.00. Ex- who said they would stay with it until it was
original “Engine 92”, Shop # 60013. It’s the tended to 319 Townsend Ave., dry cleaning out.” Some things have changed.
1958 Seagrave that “Hoppy” drove to and op- works. Loss $200 structure, $100 contents. During Prohibition when the firemen
erated at the fire. The rig is now in our “shop” Extended to 329 Townsend Ave., one-story and policemen were working from 1625-29
being restored with a little engine work and frame barn. Loss $35.00 structure, $20.00 con- No. Cahuenga, several of the members joint-
some polish. It still has the original paint. Re- tents. Used 800 ft. of hose. Worked 2 hours, 50 ly rented a residence in Laurel Canyon. This
tired Engineers Mark Howell and Tim Griffin minutes. Four call men received $3.00 each. fraternal lodging was appropriately named the
have been working on it and soon you will see Although Hose Co. No. 7 had the first “Boars Nest.” Occasionally the Police Depart-
it in running condition with a plan to have it on piece of motorized firefighting apparatus in the ment would raid a speak-easy, confiscate the
display. City, horsepower was still the primary method booze and bring it back to the station, holding
The LAFDHS also has one of our first of getting from here to there, as attested to by it there for evidence. It should be pointed out
LAFD helicopters (a Bell 47) under restoration a May 15, 1911 journal entry: “Got horse and that the P.D. only needed one bottle of the stuff
by volunteer Jeff Moir, retired LAFD helicop- buggy from Eng. No. 20 this a.m. and Shill and for evidence and the major portion of the cache
ter pilot. He is doing an awesome job of res- Atwell tested hydrants all day. Kept horses would mysteriously disappear.
toration, even got the engine running. This is here all night.” The hydrants had wooden plugs In 1927 the City was given property
the same type of copter that was used for aerial in them in those days, hence the term “plug located at Vine and Lexington. Chief Engi-
observation at the fire. buggy” was coined. neer R. J. Scott took the opportunity to rec-
ommend a new fire station there. However,
the community leaders sounded a loud protest
complaining they didn’t want a fire station on
Vine Street. In fact, they went so far as to get
a court injunction to prohibit construction of a
fire station there. Subsequently, the property
at 6428 Delongpre was acquired by degree of
condemnation on October 24, 1929 for a total
cost of $24,321. Three additional lots were pur-
chased for a grand total of $52,415. On Janu-
ary 16, 1930, the Fire Commission requested
The LAFD Bell 47 helicopter that is under restoration the establishment of a fire station at Wilcox and
by the LAFDHS and Retired Pilot Jeff Moir. We will soon Original Fire house of “City of Hollywood” as annexed Delongpre. The City was now being charged
have a special event to display it and see it running in 1910 with Tourist Auto, which was the first piece of $500 per month for the building at 1625-29
(not flying) automobile fire apparatus in L.A. Fire Dept. No. Cahuenga and the tenancy was to expire on
June 30, 1930.
On Saturdays during the month of No- In 1913, a modern structure was built at Los Angeles City Architect P. K.
vember we will be playing the LAFD movie 1625-29 No. Cahuenga Ave and served both as Schabarum, uncle of present Los Angeles
about the Bel Air Fire “Design for Disaster” at the Fire and Police Department. Hose Co. No. County Supervisor Pete Schabarum, designed
our Hollywood Museums. 7 moved to the new location and its designation a two-story, brown, brick building, with natu-
Bill Stephens and I are the only mem- was changed to Engine Co. No. 27. Firefighters ral wood trim, tile roof, and creative masonry
bers of Engine 92 that day here to tell our called this home until 1930, when they and the work. The new building incorporated 18,227
stories. Rest in Peace Captain Jack Skinner, Police Department moved to new and separate square feet and for many years was the largest
Engineer “Hoppy” Hopkins, Fireman Vince locations. fire station west of the Mississippi River. The
Cortazzo, Fireman Jack Holman. According to Chief O’Malley’s records, total expenditure to the City, including land
on New Year’s Eve of 1915, Engine 27 and and construction, was approximately $178,000.
HISTORY OF FIRE STATION 27 Truck 9 responded to Fielding and Fountain, F.S. 27 was going to be “The” Hollywood fire
by Willis M. Martin one block out of City limits and 1700 feet from station and various influential civic leaders ap-
Edited Version from 1910 to 1930 the nearest hydrant. Upon arrival the house was
burned beyond saving. The companies worked
As a result of the 1910 election, the with garden hose, buckets, and pike pole. E-27 Original Fire house of “City of Hollywood” as annexed
City of Hollywood voted to annex to the City and 9 returned to quarters “leaving neighbors in 1910 with Tourist Auto, which was the first piece of
of Los Angeles. Prior to the annexation, all automobile fire apparatus in L.A. Fire Dept.
firefighting had been performed by volunteer
firemen who drove and operated horse-drawn
fire equipment. The City soon established a
firehouse known as Hose Company No. 7 at
Cahuenga and Selma Avenues. Under the com-
mand of Chief Jack Atwell, the small station
housed the first motorized piece of firefighting
apparatus in the City.
Of the many fires recorded during that
period of history, one was journalized as fol-
lows: Saturday, January 7, 1911, 2:40 p.m. Fire
at 324 So. Wilcox. Outside closet and fence.
Loss $50.00; cause: unknown. Extended to
318 S. Wilcox, one-story, frame barn. Loss
$250.00. Extended to 100 Sunset Blvd., one
52 • November 2018
parently exerted enough pressure to ensure an MARINE CORPS 243RD BIRTHDAY AT
appropriate edifice would be constructed. THE HOLLYWOOD FIRE MUSEUM
On July 1, 1930, Engine Co. No. 27, It is time again to celebrate the 243rd
Hose Co. No. 2, Truck Co. No. 9, Rescue Co. birthday of the U.S. Marine Corps, a tradition
No. 2, and Salvage Co. No. 4 moved into the started over 25 years ago on the LAFD by Sgt.
unfinished building. Although the building Major Bill Staples and Master Sgt. Dave Na-
was not entirely completed at the time of oc- varro (Both Members of the LAFD now re-
cupancy, a substantial savings was made in the tired) who do a great job organizing the event
termination of rental fees. As testimony to the and putting on the ceremony. This year they
urgency of moving into the new building, on are turning over the reins to Richard Perron, a
Saturday, June 28, 1930--”Captain Roth and 3 Marine Master Sgt. who served 20 years on ac-
men (went) to the new house to spread cement Dolly Parton at Fire Station 27 filming a commercial. tive duty in the Corps, retired and came on the
on temporary paving. Rec’d. 10 sacks cement Dave Lowe was her tour guide. I was the A/C in Division LAFD. He is a Captain at Fire Station 57 C.
from storeroom.” 1 and got the call to come to 27’s. She was so nice to Now he is in the planning stages of the Marine
As a tribute befitting this grand old everybody and I managed to get an autographed photo. Corps Birthday on November 10th at the Hol-
building, which has seen some of Hollywood’s lywood Fire Museum. I am sure he will have
best times and some of its worse, on October a great program. Marines and friends of the
20, 1976, the Los Angeles Cultural Heritage Corps (Other Branches of the Service, LAFD
Board declared, by Ordinance No. 121,971 Fire and LAPD members) are all invited to attend.
Station 27 to be Historical-Cultural Monument We have a raffle and many displays and there is
No. 165. S.O.S for breakfast on the traditional mess hall
metal trays. We start early at 0800 Hrs.
This article appeared in the May, 1981 issue

Frank’s Note: On July 10, 1992 Task Force 27,

RA 27 and Battalion 5 moved to “New” Fire
Station 27 next door at 1327 N. Cole Ave. In
October 2001, the LAFD Historical Society
opened the doors to the “LAFD Hollywood
Fire Museum and Fallen Firefighters Memo- 1968 – Heavy Duty Task Force 27,
rial”. The biggest Fire Museum in a Fire Sta- Squad 27and Battalion 5.
tion in the USA.

Marines and friends of the Corps are enjoying authentic SOS served on metal trays in the
dormitory of the Museum at Old 27’s during the Marine Corps Birthday on November 10th.

November 2018

Relaxing in the recreation room with some guitar music

a card game and a board game.

Photo of Old FS 27 (Now the Museum) and part of the

LAFD Fallen firefighters Memorial looking south with the
New FS 27 next door.

November 2018 • 53
September 12, 2018

CALL TO ORDER RATIFICATION OF MINUTES 23rd and indicated they will get started
by 10:00 am.
President Bob Steinbacher called the Bob Steinbacher entertained a motion
meeting of the Board of Trustees of to ratify and approve the Board VICE PRESIDENT REPORT
the Los Angeles Firemen’s Relief Meeting Minutes of August 8, 2018.
Association to order at 9:42 a.m. Frank Aguirre so moved. Steve Berkery 1) Jeff Cawdrey provided an update on
seconded. There was no discussion or the upcoming IFEBP Conference in
ROLL CALL objections. New Orleans.

MEMBERS PRESENT: Motion carried to approve the Board EXECUTIVE SESSION

Bob Steinbacher, President Meeting Minutes of August 8, 2018.
Jeff Cawdrey, Vice President The Board entered into Executive
Trustee Steve Berkery PRESIDENT’S REPORT Session at 10:25 a.m.
Trustee Jim Duffy The Board adjourned from Executive
Trustee Frank Aguirre 1) Bob Steinbacher referred to the Session at 10:50 a.m.
Trustee Henry Gasbarri Election of President and Vice President
Trustee Tim Freeman and indicated that at the last Board A Personnel matter and member
Trustee Richard Moody meeting Jeff Cawdrey and himself updates were discussed during
Trustee Danny Wu were the only nominations for these Executive Session. No actions were
Trustee Mike Sailhamer positions. There were no objections taken.
Trustee Chris Stine to the election of Bob Steinbacher for
Trustee Joe Vigil President and Jeff Cawdrey for Vice EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S
Trustee Tim Larson – Pension President for 2019. REPORT
Todd Layfer - Executive Director
Liberty Unciano – Controller-Treasurer 2) Jeff Cawdrey referred to the proposed 1) Todd Layfer referred to the Medicare
Bylaw changes and indicated that there conference he attended and provided
MEMBERS ABSENT: were only a few for this election. He information pertaining to member
Trustee John Jacobsen stated that the Group 1 Trustees are statistics, regulations and eligibility. He
Trustee Tyler Tomich up for election this year and indicated indicated they reviewed coordination
Trustee Gayle Sonoda that all but one Trustee has decided of benefits, DME and hospital beds.
Trustee Kenneth Breskin to run again for the next three years. He indicated that he received good
Trustee Rick Godinez He indicated that any other member information that he would share with
Trustee Craig White wanted to run for a Trustee position HealthScope Benefits and the LAFRA
Trustee Gene Bednarchik has until October 15th to submit their Member Services Dept.
Trustee David Peters intent to run paperwork.
Trustee Steve Domanski - Pension 2) Todd Layfer referred to the
Trustee Doak Smith – Pension 3) Bob Steinbacher provided an Grapevine Assessment, Code 96, and
update on the contract negotiations indicated that it was deducted from
GUESTS: with Pensions and indicated that their the active members’ pay period ending
Jim Dolan, Asst. Secretary discussions are focused on claims 9/1/18 in the amount of $48. This Code
Andy Kuljis, LAFRA Staff data and fiduciary responsibilities. 96 is deducted once per year.
Dave Wagner, Grapevine Editor He also provided an update on Kaiser
submitting a bid for a plan to the 3) Todd Layfer informed that there are
INVOCATION & Flag Salute Pension Dept. He indicated that he new computers throughout the office
would provided another update after and indicated that the staff was trained
Tim Larson led the invocation. Chris the next Pension Board meeting. with the new Windows 10 and Office
Stine led the flag salute. 2016 software.
4) Bob Steinbacher referred to the
Board Offsite meeting on September 4) Todd Layfer referred to the RF Code
54 • November 2018
and reported on the amount spent for amount of $9,595 ADVANCEMENT COMMITTEE
the fiscal year. The Life & Accident Death Benefit in REPORT
the amount of $24,000
ADMINISTRATIVE The Relief Death Benefits in the The committee recommends and I so
COMMITTEE REPORT amount of $40,000 move to advance funds for both active
and retired members. There was no
Frank Aguirre presented the following There was no discussion or objections. discussion or objections.
Motion carried to pay the above Motion carried to advance funds for
The committee recommends and I so Relief benefits. both active and retired members.
move to pay the usual and customary
bills in the amount of $787,219.89. Steve Berkery read the names of GRAPEVINE COMMITTEE
There was no discussion or objections. members who recently passed and REPORT
asked for a moment of silence from the
Motion carried to pay the usual and Board. Danny Wu reported that the City
customary bills in the amount of Employee’s Club has dropped their
$787,219.89. MEMORIALS advertisement in the Grapevine. He
Frederick A. Lammerman indicated that Dave Wagner informed
The committee recommends and I so Glen G. Irwin him that there are 500 extra anniversary
move to approve $500 for the LAFD Richard A. Williams yearbooks and indicated that were
Annual Fallen Firefighter Memorial on Peter J. Goff Jr. sending them to the new recruits that
October 13th. There was no discussion Ronald E. Meador joined the department after the book
or objections. Michael Rydzewski was published in exchange for WODFF
James J. Mullen Jr. donations.
Motion carried to approve $500 for Sam Diannitto
the LAFD Annual Fallen Firefighter SETTING OF DATES
1) LAFRA Board Offsite
MEDICAL COMMITTEE Steve Berkery presented the following – September 23rd
REPORT motions. 2) LAFD Invitational Golf Tournament
– September 24th
Frank Aguirre presented the following The committee recommends and I so 3) IFEBP Annual Conf.
motion. move to accept the donations in the – October 14 – 17
amount of $10,940.58 to the Widows, 4) LAFRA Open House
The committee recommends and I so Orphans & Disabled Firemen’s Fund. – November 3rd
move to accept the applications to the There was no discussion or objections.
Medical Plan. There was no discussion RETIREMENT DINNERS
and no objections. Motion carried to accept the
donations in the amount of 1) Joe Couce – October 7th
Motion carried to accept all $10,940.58 to the Widows, Orphans @ Private Home
applications to the Medical Plan. & Disabled Firemen’s Fund.
RELIEF COMMITTEE REPORT The committee recommends and
I so move to approve the financial Bob Steinbacher entertained a motion
Steve Berkery presented the following assistance applications for surviving to adjourn. Richard Moody so moved.
motion. spouses, active and retired members. Henry Gasbarri seconded. There was
There was no discussion or objections. no discussion and no objections.
The committee recommends and I so
move to pay: Motion carried to approve the Motion carried to adjourn. The
financial assistance applications for Board of Trustees meeting adjourned
The Sick & Injury benefits in the surviving spouses, active and retired at 11:15 a.m.
amount of $83,216.67 members.
The Estate Planning benefit in the Bob Steinbacher, President
November 2018 • 55
Donations to Widows, Orphans & Disabled Firemen’s Fund - October 2018

PHILIP KNIGHT in memory of James Mullen BRUCE L. BLACKWELL in memory of Ronald Meador

RUTH MULLEN JOHN H. KLEPP in memory of George Fischer


MARVIN H. FINK CARLA BECK in memory of Mel Leydecker T

DIANE LEYDECKER in memory of Melvin L. Leydecker TED AND LINDA DAHL in memory of Peter Varnum

UNITY OF OROVILLE in memory of Richard Smith JOAN JOHNSON in memory of Peter Varnum A
KIRK P. BINGHAM from the Retired Firefighters’ Breakfast TIMOTHY KEEGAN in memory of Ronald Meador
at Mimi’s Restaurant in Thousand Oaks C
KELLY KEESLER in memory of im
LYNN O’NEILL in memory of James O’Neill Battalion Chief Joseph Archbold u
ROBERT D. SCHULZ in memory of Gregory Schulz KELLI LEYDECKER in memory of Melvin Leydecker a
BETTY R. SCHWAN in memory of Thomas J. Young JANE MAY-AHEARN in memory of Peter D. Varnum a
JAMES R. GOLDWORTHY TERRY PAULSON in memory of Peter Varnum a
JULIE L. SPICKA-JEFTIC in memory of Peter Varnum SUSAN SMITH in memory of Vernon B. “Bruce” Larson

JAMES L. STIGLICH in memory of Pete Goff DEBBIE ZAURA in memory of Cecil Morris B
RAYMOND CIRANNA in memory of Sam Diannitto LYNDA BADUM in memory of Melvin Leydecker
HELEN F. WERGELAND in memory of James J. Mullen, Jr. PATRICK CROWLEY in memory of James Mullen b
FAYE A. STEVENS in memory of Jim Mullen CATHY EGAN in memory of James Mullen
DANIEL J. KEMP in memory of George Fisher HENRY FUHRMANN in memory of Melvin Leydecker o

DENNIS L. COVILLE in memory of Jim Mullen PAUL HOLMEN in memory of Melvin Leydecker H
DENNIS LUNDIN in memory of George Fischer CAROL KEENAN O’GORMAN in memory of James Mullen
NANCY M. NYQUIST in memory of Bruce Larson TIMOTHY LARSON in memory of Dean Wickstrom m
KAREN R. FISCHER in memory of Peter Varnum ELISABETH LOTH in memory of Melvin Leydecker im
JANET HERMAN in memory of Sam Diannitto, Jr. LEIGH MANTONI STEWART in memory of Sam Diannitto b
LON F. ROBERTS from the Antelope Valley Breakfast Club LISA MCKILLIPS in memory of James Mullen M

JAKE DAMERON in memory of Mel Leydecker WENDY MILLER in memory of James Mullen M
MARGUERITE KEATING in memory of Mel Leydecker DIANA MOORE in memory of Peter Varnum
UNITED WAY, INC. MIKE AND CATHY NYBY in memory of Melvin Leydecker w
GREGORY MITCHELL JEREMY PEREZ from the Secret Society Car Group
M. MCLOUD in memory of James Mullen DENNIS STRONG in memory of William Rose

WERNER WAHLERS in memory of George Fischer JEFFREY WILLIAMS in memory of Melvin Leydecker

PAUL TERRIS SEETA ZIEGER in memory of James Mullen


A. KEN KRUPNIK GEORGE F. DEMOTT in memory of Donald Brian and
56 • November 2018
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markets and share certificates is also an in each of the different maturities, strategy can help position you to
important decision. If you are expecting to you will have a certificate maturing benefit regardless of the direction of
make a purchase where you need cash, it may each year and you can use the interest rate changes.
be best to park the needed payment in a proceeds to buy a new 5 year
Money Market so you have ready access to it. certificate. That way, as time goes on, Take advantage of the rising rates and
more and more of your funds would let your money work harder for you.
Money Market accounts offer more flexibility, be earning the highest rate and you
but usually with lower rates. You could get would still have annual liquidity. If Sincerely,
higher rates with longer-term maturities, but rates rise, you have liquidity to buy
what happens if rates go up even more? higher yielding certificates. If rates Dixie Abramian
Choosing a combination of account types and fall, you are still earning high rates President/CEO
maturities can combine the best of both. on your existing positions.

No one can accurately predict the

future of interest rates. Reminder: The Annual Meeting will be
February 28, 2019.

*APY=Annual Percentage Yield. Minimum balance is $1,000. Federally insured by the NCUA. Dividends will be compounded monthly
and will be credited monthly. A penalty will or may be imposed for early withdrawal. Fees can reduce earnings on an account. All rates
subject to change without notice. For current rate information, please call 800-231-1626. Rates accurate as of 10/1/2018.
November 2018 • 57
compensation assets. Invest- WINDOWS & PATIO DOORS
ment Management of other - vinyl replacement windows
retirement and non-retirement & Patio doors. I also carry
assets is also available. We aluminum, wood and entry door
charge a fixed flat advisory systems. Rick Brandelli, Capt.
fee to manage your deferred LACoFD, FS 8-C (800) 667-
For advertising information, please contact: compensation plan. We do NOT 6676.
Eric Santiago - (323) 259-5231 - charge a percentage of assets
under management. (800) 573-
MERCHANDISE options.Contact LAFD Engineer
FOR SALE Chad Logan (562)537-9644
BIG BEAR CABIN. 2 bedroom,
2 bath, 2 story. Sleeps 6-8.
We are a professional planning
1978 YAMAHA IT250. Like new, SERVICES organization that specializes in
About 6 miles from ski slopes
only has 430 miles on it . Never & lake. Fireplace/wood, cable,
“tax-free” and secure retirement
been crashed, all original, still ARE YOU LOOKING TO full kitchen - furnished. $100
plan strategies which allow the
lic. Been in my garage last 35 BUY, SELL, INVEST IN A per night M - Th. $110 per night
public to benefit from competent
years. Tools ,aluminum ramp HOME?  Call me, Diana Fuen- F-Sun. Weekly available. Sheri
and ethical financial planning.
and 5 gal. Gas can included. tes, Realtor® and wife to Fire (909) 851-1094 or (760) 948-
We have offices in Palos Verdes
$800 or best offer. Dennis Gro- Captain 56A at 661.373.6569, 2844.
and Simi Valley, California. Call
gan (714) 743-0392, Todd Ford (424) 772-6050 or fax I also BIG BEAR - Beautiful decked
(424) 242-0002 or email:
2007 WINNEBAGO/ITASCA specialize in Probate Sales.  A 2 story cabin. 2 bedroom, 1
MH 34H. 350 Caterpillar, MH generous donation, at close of bath. Sleeps six. Pets OK. Near
Allison 3000 6 speed on a escrow to Adopt-A-Station. lake, slopes, shopping. Fire-
Freightliner chassis. One owner, Cal-BRE License 01794244. place/wood, cable/WiFi. Fully
– Call us when a loved one
non-smoker, 77,500 miles, furnished except linens. Winter
passes, moves to a nursing facil-
transferrable extended war- BUSY BEAVER TREE AND $120/$700. Summer $110/$600.
ity or downsizes. Our profession-
ranty. Full body paint, always LANDSCAPE. Tree trimming 2 night minimum. Call Donna/
al staff can handle every aspect
covered. New cover included. and removal, stumpgrinding, and Beep (760)723-1475.
of estate liquidation. We have
Many extras, 2, 130 watt solar firewood sales. Mixed firewood,
worked with many fire families
panels, 2 TV’s, Direct TV auto eucalyptus and oak. Delivery and are here to help. Rebecca
satellite locator. All service available or pick up. Licensed BIG BEAR LAKE’S FINEST-
Martin, (818) 216-3637
records along with oil sample and insured. Dwayne Kastor, FS Deluxe lakeside townhouse,
records every year since new. 63-B - (818) 535-6368. 2 bedrooms, 3 baths, 2 cable
$78,500 OBO. Located in La TVs, HBO, DVD, WiFi, 2 wood
Habra, CA. Must sell do to CALI+HI PHOTOGRAPHY burning fireplaces, laundry room,
medical reasons. Roy Francis Weddings, Family, Maternity, tennis court, indoor pool, sauna,
562-5051413 email: Newborns Lifestyle + Portrait spa, boat dock. Fully equipped,
ERS. Have you considered own- Photography including all linens. Sleeps 6.
ing a franchise? Most brands
CALIHIPHOTOGRAPHY.COM 310-541-8311 or nmbigbear@
offer 1st Responder and Veteran
2012 KAWASAKI NINJA 650. Contact:
discounts. Let me help you sort
Red, 1960 miles. $5500. Chris- through the options for free! The
tian (310) 548-3671. Follow on Instagram: BULLHEAD CITY, AZ. Home for
franchisor pays me. I’m the son
@ calihi_photography rent with river access, 15 min-
and grandson of LAFD, Army
TIRES FOR SALE. Goodyear LAFD FIRE FAMILY utes to casinos. Google search
veteran and multi-unit franchi-
Eagle F1 Asymmetrical (Run airbnb 17558148 for pictures
see. andy@thefranchisecon
Flat) 225/40/19 (89Y) - $250 ea. CRAIG SANFORD HEATING & and more info. Call for Grape-
255/35/19 (92Y) - $200 ea. AIR - Free estimates, residen- vine rates. Contact Lewis Smith
Call (310) 876-5758. tial, commercial. Great rates for 112-B (310)261-0894
LAFD and LAPD. Toll free (877) TION & SERVICE. Garage
REAL ESTATE 891-1414, (661) 298-3070, FAX doors and openers. Need to
- 3 bedrooms, 1 bath, one block
FOR SALE (661) 298-3069. State License replace your broken springs?
No. 527114 to beach, view, fully equipped
or does your door need repair,
housekeeping unit. Marci (818)
even replaced? We do it all from
UNIQUE 20 ACRE PROPERTY 347-6783 or Clarence (310) 510-
DEFERRED COMPENSATION new product to repairing old.
suited for private estate between 2721.
MANAGEMENT: Introducing Call (661) 860-4563 Grassroots
Los Angeles and San Diego on
My Deferred Compensation Garage Doors, Inc. Lic# 950020.
the Reagan Ranch properties. CATALINA CONDO - HAM-
Manager® AL HEWITT, INC., a Son of 35 year veteran fireman.
Twenty minutes from Tem- ILTON COVE. Ocean front, 1
FEE-ONLY Financial Planning
ecula Wine Country, you will find bed, 1 1/2 bath, sleeps 4. Steps
and Investment Management MACKENZIE TUCKER HOUSE
privacy and beauty. Located in to beach, pool, gym, putting
Firm, offers Comprehensive SITTING & PET SITTER. Short
Tenaja Valley, enjoy miles of hik- course, tennis and more. Newly
Deferred Compensation Man- or extended stays. For Reserva-
ing and equestrian trails, groves refurbished, fully equipped.
agement using Elite Institutional tions, call (661)703-7154
of oak trees and seasonal Includes golf cart, WiFi. Contact
Money Managers. Personalized TuckerMackenzie@rocket
running streams. On a water Bart @ (310) 510-0190. Ham-
portfolio selection and ongoing
table, so well-ready. Excellent Ask for “LAFD
management of your deferred
retirement property with multiple
58 • November 2018
8-89” discount. Owner active LAKE HAVASU LANDING and 13% tax. All linens included. MAMMOTH CONDO. 2 bed-
LAFD. RESORT. 3 bedroom, 2 bath, Drew or Nancy Oliphant (661) room & large loft, 3 full baths,
waterfront house, boat, moor- 513-2000 or mammoth241@ sleeps 8. 5 minute walk to Can-
COEUR D’ALENE IDAHO ing out front, fully furnished, yon Lodge. Fully furnished, TVs,
Lakeside Resort Town. 1909 laundry, gas BBQ, launch ramp, VCR/DVD, pool, spa, rec room,
Vintage Vacation Home walking gated community, grocery MAMMOTH CONDO - 2 bdrm, sauna, linens included. Winter
distance to lake and downtown store, hardware store. No pets, 2 bath, 2 TV’s, phone, garage, $175 weekdays, $195-week-
entertainment. Sleeps 12 with no smoking. Email Kathy at pool, jacuzzi, fully furnished - ex- ends/holidays; summer $125,
5 Bed-2 Ba, 3000 sq ft Fully or call ept linens. Near shuttle/chair 15. plus cleaning. No smoking; no
Furnished including Hot Tub. (760) 858-4470 Winter $125/night. Weekends pets. Craig Yoder (909) 948-
Winter, Summer, Spring or Fall and Holidays $110 midweek. 3659.
easily accessible from Spokane LARGE LAKE HAVASU HOME Summer $95/night. $495/week.
Airport. FOR RENT – 5 bedroom, 3 No smoking. No pets. Jim John- MAMMOTH CONDO. Updated
php?UnitID=11928 bath, 2900 sqft home with ame- son (818) 992-7564, FS 80C. 2 bedroom 1 bath old mammoth/ nities & pool that easily sleeps eagle lodge area. Sleeps 6. Fully
php?UnitID=11928 14+ people. Centrally located, MAMMOTH CONDO- SEA- equipped kitchen, wifi, pool, spa,
LAFD Family Owned 1 mile from the lake, close to SONS FOUR RESORT. laundry. Walk to restaurants,
downtown shops and restau- Charming and cozy furnished bars, stores, park and trolly.
JUNE LAKE CABIN - 2BR/2BA rants. Check out home at 1 Bedroom sleeps 5. Updated Winter $150 summer $130 plus
cabin with Carson Peak https://www.vrbo. unit with amenities including cleaning fee, holiday rates vary,
view. Close to fishing & ski- com/4648549ha wifi, sauna, jacuzzi, phone, multiple night discounts. No
ing. Furnished, wood deck, Call Julie 818-268-7906 for spe- rec room, 2 flat screens , DVD pets.Contact Will Nevins 26”B”
equipped kitchen, wood burning cial firefighter family rates. players. W/D on site. Shuttle (714) 697-2587
stove, tree swing, cable /DVD/ stop. Walking distance to village.
phone. Garage/ample parking. LAKE HAVASU LANDING RE- $120/night + $80 Cleaning fee MAMMOTH LAKES - One
$100/night plus cleaning fee. SORT BEACHFRONT HOME Bobby@310-350-5552. bedroom, extremely charming
Email for pictures. Jeff Easton with boat mooring. Swim, ski wildflower condo. Full amenities,
LAFD retired (805) 217-5602. or fish from front yard. 4 bed/2 MAMMOTH CONDO Cozy 2 close to shuttle. Antiques, art, bath, fully furnished. DirectTV/ bedrooms, 2 bath. Fully fur- satellite TV, fireplace. Sleeps 4.
DVD/WiFi, pool table, laundry, nished, WIFI, 3 TV’s, pool, spa, Winter $110, Summer $85 plus
LAKE HAVASU BEAUTY FOR BBQ. Gated community with ca- walk to shuttle, Old Mammoth cleaning fees. Call Bill Clark
RENT - 3 bdrm, 2 bath, 1600 sino, groceries, marina, launch area. Winter $115, Summer (818) 371-6722
sq.ft. Fully furnished with all ramp and off-road trails. No $90, plus cleaning fee $139 and Email:
amenities- Laundry & BBQ. pets, no smoking. $350 Bowen/ 14% city tax. Includes linens. No
13,000 sq.ft. lot. 3 car boat-deep Garner email: smoking. Call (310) 540-4648. MAMMOTH SKI & RACQUET:
garage. 3 miles from launch Studio/loft, 2 bath, king bed,
ramp. Close to downtown shops MAMMOTH CONDO NEXT TO sleeps 4. Full kitchen, TV, VCR,
& restaurants. View of the lake. LAKE NACIMIENTO. Oak THE GONDOLA VILLAGE – DVD. Garage parking. Walk to
Quiet street in good neighbor- Shores gated community. 3 Fully furnished, three bedroom, Canyon Lodge. Ski back trail.
hood. No pets. No smoking. bedroom, 2 1/2 bath, large loft. two bath with towels and linens, 2 night minimum. Winter $100/
Snowbird rates. Call Mike (661) 3minute drive to main marina in internet cable TV, pool and nite, $125 Fri, Sat & Holidays.
510-6246 Oak Shores. Large flat driveway. Jacuzzi. Walk to the gondola, Summer $60/nite. Plus $120
Fully equipped kitchen, BBQ, shops, restaurants and ski in on cleaning & linens. Jeff & Lisa
LAKE HAVASU LANDING- washer/dryer, TV/DVD. No the new comeback trail. Park- Moir (661) 254-5788.
WATERFRONT, steps to the cable. No pets/smoking. $225/ ing at the front door. 2018/19
water. Boat mooring out front, night. $150 cleaning fee. 3 night RATES: Winter: $275/night. MAMMOTH SKI & RACQUET:
off-road desert behind house. minimum. Call Ben (805) 444- Summer $175/night. Holidays Walk to Canyon Lodge. Studio
3 bed/3 bath, fully furnished w/ 2264. $325/night. Cleaning is included. loft sleeps 4. Queen beds, full
linens. Direct TV/DVR, BBQ, Mike Whitehouse, Retired, kitchen, 2 baths, garage parking,
Casino, Grocery/Meat Market, LAKE MOHAVE / BULLHEAD email: or TV, VCR, DVD. Winter Sun-
Launch Ramp, Marina with Boat CITY. 4 bedroom, 3 full bathroom, Bruce Galien, Retired, 661-645- Thurs $100.nite; Fri & Sat $115/
House, Gated Community. No 2200 sq/ft Located in private 7448, email: nite plus cleaning fee $100. Non
pets/smoking. $350 Dan Cook community w/ private marina and smoking complex. Joel Parker,
(310) 418-1577. launch ramp. Directly across from MAMMOTH CONDO AT MAM- LAFD retired.
the river, backs to large park with MOTH ESTATES, 4BR/3BA, email:
LAKE HAVASU HOME FOR grass. Fully equipped kitchen, sleeps 10, fully furnished, 2 or (213) 399-6534.
RENT- 3 BED/2 BATH, Fur- BBQ, Washer/Dryer, TV/DVD. No TVs, DVDs, WiFi, towels/linens,
nished Modern Home, Sleeps 9. cable. No pets, No Smoking. Call fireplace. Full kitchen. Walk to MAUI BEACH FRONT CONDO
2 Car Garage, Covered Boat Kevin (805) 279-2430 Gondola Village and shuttle. ON NAPILI BAY - 50’ from
Parking . Laundry, BBQ, TVs, Complex has pool, spa, sauna, water. Studios and 1 bedroom.
Cable. Quiet Cul-De-Sac Street. MAMMOTH - 1 bedroom Sum- laundry. Winter $335/night, Sum- Luxury furnishings + full kitchen.
3 miles to London Bridge, mit condo, sleeps 6. Convenient mer $215/night, plus cleaning. All the amenities! Maui’s best
located near Golf Course. Lake underground garage parking. Ja- Includes city bed tax. No pets, snorkeling/beach. All island
View. No pets, No Smoking. cuzzis, gym (pool/tennis in sum- no smoking. Dory Jones (310) activities & Kapalua within 4
Summer/Winter/Snowbird/ mertime), shuttle right outside! 918-0631 or Kelly Corcoran minutes. 5-day minimum, from
Holiday Rates. Cleaning Fee in- Across from Eagle Lodge, Win- (310) 619-5355 $150 per night (regularly $310/
cluded. Call John (323)449-4473 ter $110 per night, Summer $80 night). Call Sherrie or Bill for
per night plus $65 cleaning fee info/reservations (805) 530-0007
November 2018 • 59
or email: PALM DESERT - Gated mini 8–10. Cable TV, washer/dryer, MOTORHOMES FOR RENT.
or visit: estate on half acre. Multi-family microwave, woodburning stove. Several Class C’s & Class A’s for friendly. Spacious 4 bedrooms 7 minutes to casinos and Heav- rent. Serving family and friends
with game room. Come relax enly. Located in Tahoe Paradise. for over 15 years. LAFD, LASD,
MAUI’S MOST BEAUTIFUL and enjoy the large pool with $115 per night plus cleaning. IPD, OXPD, OXFIRE, LACO,
BEACH - Napili Bay. Beautiful jacuzzi and built-in BBQ. Game Call Shawn or Rose Agnew at LACITY, LACITY SKI CLUB.
furnished condo that sleeps 4. room has a pool table, ping pong (661) 250-9907 or (661) 476- Visit us at
Lanai/balcony, full kitchen, king table, pinball machine and bar. 6288. or call 661-297-2398 as for Jeff.
bed, flat screen TV’s/DVD, AC’s Patio areas with seating for all. Make money with your mo-
free WiFi (internet), complimen- Walk to “El Paseo” dining and SUNSET RANCH PALM torhomes to offset your payment.
tary maid service, complimen- stores. Pet friendly. No smoking. DESERT. 163 acre ranch We sub-lease RV’s.
tary coffee every morning and Email: lilinoecastro@yahoo. private ski lake. Perfect for
breakfast on Fridays. Special com or text (562) 895-8263. Family vacations. Ranch house WANTED
firefighters’ discount - Best value accommodates large groups.
in West Maui! Nice pool & BBQ PALM SPRINGS- 3Bdr/3Ba Amenities: pool, AC, billards, LOOKING FOR A RETIRED
area - Close to beach! Pool home with great back yard TV, fishing, pet friendly. Nearby FIREFIGHTER OR INSPECTOR
(800) 336-2185 to BBQ. Fully furnished w/WiFi, golf, casinos, ATV riding. Also, with high rise experience and a Big screen Cable TV and Pool Premier lodging for Coachella passion for training. Part time,
Don Sprenger - retired LAFD Table. Pets Ok on gated proper- music festivals. *Seasonal duck $300-$700/day. Mainly So-Cal
(949) 929-0989 ty. Close to Palm Springs Aerial hunting club. See website for area with possiblity of travel to
Tramway,Casino and Down rates and info: SF, CO & AZ. Certificate of Fit-
NASHVILLE CONDO. Two bed- Town. Call property manager for ness preferred, but not required.
room condo, sleeps 6, in Down- DESERT SUNSHINE house and or call Nick Davidson Contact Olga @ Sure-Path Solu-
town Nashville. Walking distance ask for seasonal pricing. (424) 237-4121 tions to join our fun team! (951)
to Broadway St, hockey and NFL (800) 215-9880 277-1761 or
stadium. Contact Wayne, LAFD
@ (805) 796-7863 for availability SOUTH LAKE TAHOE Ro-

and price. mantic Chalet Family getaway.

3 bed/2 bath plus loft. Sleeps

Deal direct with authorized Factory Dealers

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60 • November 2018
Fire Station 9

Circa 1910. Standing left to right: Moreno, Gardner

Seated left to right: Jordan holding Petie (dog), Hammill, Lt. Tillotson, Capt. Gentry, Criss and Blake

According to Firehouse Magazine’s 2017 National Run Survey, Los Angeles City Fire Station 9 has just been announced the busiest
fire station in the county. We at the Los Angeles Firemen’s Relief Association are extremely proud of the men and women of the sta-
tion for their dedication to the citizens of Los Angeles. In 2017, Fire Station 9 ran a total of 33,380 calls, a 22% increase from 2015.

Circa 2018. Front L to R: Capt I Galvan, FF Fryer, FF Johnson, FF Coughlin, FF Ramirez, FF Winn, FF/PM Newman
Back L to R: Capt I Clayton, Capt II Kalenga, Eng Martinez, FF/PM Mulligan, FF Rappaport, Eng Clements,
FF/PM Roach, FF Bobadilla, FF/PM Zelaya, A/O Gocke
2 members not pictured (on a call) FF/PM Evison, FF/PM Patrick
November 2018 • 61
Los Angeles Firemen’s Relief Association
7470 N Figueroa Street
Los Angeles CA 90041-1725

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