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BIBLE: The Composition of the

The Holy Bible as God’s Bible:

Written Word:  The Bible is divided into two
sections namely Old Testament and
 The Bible is a collection of books the New Testament.
containing the word of us.  The word testament means covenant
 The Bible is a library of books or agreements.
because it contains different types of
books written by different authors. a) Old Testament:
 God speaks to people through the
 The Bible is made up of 66 books.  This is the first section of the bible.
It contains 39 books.
 It was written by people inspired by
God. These people were led by the  These books explain the origin of the
Holy Spirit. universe, laws and covenant between
God and His people, the life and
 The bible has the following
experience of the Israelites and
different prophesies.
a) It gives us correct solutions to
such problems.  Books in Old testament include:-
b) It gives us the correct guidance Genesis Ecclesiastes
and teachings. Exodus Songs of songs
c) It contains the word of Gods. Leviticus Isaiah
d) It has morals that are needed by Numbers Jeremiah
a Christian. Deuteronomy Lamentation
e) It gives us skills to make correct Joshua Ezekiel
judgments. Judges Daniel
f) It comforts us when we are faced Ruth Hosea
by challenges. 1 Samuel Joel
2 Samuel Amos
 The Bible is very important so it
1 Kings Obadiah
should be handled well. The
2 kings Jonah
following are ways of handling it:
1 Chronicles Micah
a) It should remain clean always.
2 Chronicles Nahum
b) It should be covered well.
Ezra Habakkuk
c) Pages of the Bible should not be
Nehemiah Zephaniah
Esther Haggai
d) It should not be burnt.
Job Zechariah
 A bible should be read all the time
Psalm Malachi
and the scriptures should not be
misunderstood or misinterpreted.
 Genesis is the first book of the Bible
e) Do not use it for swearing
and Old Testament while Malachi is
f) Do not misinterpret the scriptures.
the last book of the Old Testament.

b) The New Testament:  The word Pentateuch is a Greek
word which means ‘Five Volumes’
and Torah is a Hebrew word which
 This is the second section of the means ‘Laws”
Bible.  These books were written by Moses.
 It explains the birth, mission and The law is called Torah in Hebrews
death of Jesus Christ. It also contains  Law books in the Bible include
the experiences and teachings of Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus,
different apostles. Numbers and Deuteronomy.
 Books of the New Testament are 22  The book of Genesis is the first book
in number and they include;- of the Bible and the Old Testament.
Its main information in the book is
Mathew 2 Thessalonians creation. It also talks about the
Mark 1Timothy followings:
Luke Timothy a) The life of the patriarchs of
John Titus Israel.
Acts Philemon b) Noah and the floods.
Romans Hebrews c) The origin of different languages.
1 Corinthians James d) The birth of the nation of Israel.
Corinthians 1 Peter e) The migration of the Israelites to
Galatians 2 Peter Egypt.
Ephesians 1 John
 The word exodus means ‘exiting’ of
Philippians 2 John
‘going out’. The main message of the
Colossians 3 John
book of exodus is the journey of the
1 Thessalonians Jude
Israelites from slavery in Egypt to
the Promised Land.
 Mathew is the first book of the New
 Other messages in the book of
Testament and Revelation is the last
exodus are:
book of the Bible as well as of the
a) The birth, life, call and mission of
New Testament.
 The books of the Bible are further b) The Passover.
classified depending with either c) How God led the Israelites across
authors or the message they convey. the Red sea.
These classes include: d) The giving out of the Ten
i) Law Books Commandments to the Israelites
ii) Historic Books by God.
iii) Prophetic Books e) The life and experiences of the
iv) Gospels Israelites in the desert.
v) Letters
vi) Poetic Books
d) Historical Books:
c) Law Books:
 These books talk about the History
of the Israelites from the time they
 The books are also called Mosaic reached the Promised Land up to the
Books, Torah Books or Pentateuch. time they settled in Canaan.

 They also tell us the life of the f) Prophetic Books:
Israelites in the Promised Land.
 Historical books include:  Prophetic books are further sub-
i) Joshua divided into major and minor
ii) Judges prophets.
iii) Ruth  Major prophetic books are Isaiah,
iv) 1 Samuel Jeremiah, Ezekiel and Daniel.
v) 2 Samuel  Minor prophetic books are Hosea,
vi) 1 Kings Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah,
vii) 2 kings Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah,
viii) 1 Chronicle Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi and
ix) 2 Chronicle Revelation
x) Ezra
 Revelation is the only prophetic
xi) Nehemiah
book in the New Testament. It is
xii) Esther
believed to have been written by
xiii) Acts
John the disciple of Jesus. It
 Acts is the only historic book from prophesise, how the last judgment
New Testament. It explains the life, day will be like.
experience and the mission of the
early apostles. It also accounts the
growth of the early church. g) Gospel Books:

e) Poetic Books:  These are the first four books of the

New Testament. They explain the
birth, life, mission, arrest,
 Poetic books are also known as persecution, death and resurrection
books of wisdom and they include of Jesus Christ.
Job, Psalm, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes,
 Gospels books are sub-divided into-
Songs of Songs and Lamentations.
synoptic gospel and non-synoptic
 The book of Job talks about the gospels.
difficult life and experiences of Job
 Synoptic gospels have repeated
as a God fearing man.
information in most books.
 Psalms was written by King David to
 Synoptic gospels include Mathew,
praise and honour God for His
Mark and Luke.
 Non-Synoptic gospel is John.
 Proverbs, Ecclesiastes and Song of
 The word gospel means “Good
Songs are believed to have been
written by King Solomon.
 The good news is the salvation of
 Lamentation was written by Prophet
mankind from the slavery of Sin by
Jeremiah to lament on the
Jesus Christ.
destruction of Jerusalem and
unfaithful Israel.
h) Letters:

 Letters are also called apostles.

These books are divided into letters

written by Paul and letters written by  Genesis 2 has the following
others authors. characteristics:
 Letters written by Saint Paul are i) It starts with the creation of human
called Pauline epistle or letters. They beings.
include: ii) It emphasizes on the creation of
i) Romans human beings.
ii) 1 Corinthians  God is the creator of the universe and
iii) 2 Corinthians everything in it. Before that, the earth was
iv) Galatians formless and desolate. This means that
v) Ephesus the earth did not have a definite shape and
vi) Philippians it was not occupied by any living
vii) Colossians creature.
viii) 1 Thessalonians  The whole earth was covered by a large
ix) 2 Thessalonians ocean. It was also enclosed in a total
x) 1 Timothy darkness. The spirit of God was hovering
xi) 2 Timothy over the sea. This statement shows that
xii) Titus God existed even before the creation of
xiii) Philemon the earth.
 Letters written by other authors are:  God created the earth in six days. This
i) James teaches Christians that we should work
ii) 1 Peter because God also worked. Work is a
iii) 2 Peter blessing from God.
iv) 1 John  The story of creation is found in the book
v) 2 John of Genesis. Below is the order of creation
vi) 3 John according to Genesis Chapter one:
vii) Jude
 The author of an epistle called
Hebrew is not known.
i) The First Day (Genesis 1:
 God commanded lights to appear and it
happened so. He separated the light from
a) The Creation of the Earth: the darkness and called the light ‘day’ and
he called the darkness ‘night’. God was
 The creation of the universe is found in pleased with what he saw. This teaches
the books of Genesis 1 and 2. Christians that God created Day and
 Genesis 1 has the following Night on the first day.
i) Creation is orderly. It shows what is ii) The Second Day (Genesis
created on each day.
ii) It starts by explaining how the earth
1: 6-8):
looked like before it was created.
iii) It explains how each creature was  God commanded the dome to appear and
created. separate the water and keep it into two
iv) It ends with the creation of man separate places. It was done just like he
had wanted.

 God named the dome ‘sky’. God was appreciated all he created. We should also
pleased with how it was formed. In appreciate God’s creation.
summery we learn that God created the
sky (firmament) on the second day. vi) The Sixth Day:
iii) The Third Day (Genesis  God commanded the earth to produce all
1: 9): types of wild and domestic animals both
large and small.
 God commanded all the water under the  God also created human beings both male
sky to collect itself in one place so that a and female on the same day
dry land may appear. It appeared and God
named the dry land ‘earth’ and the water
‘sea’. God then commanded the earth to vii) The Seventh Day:
produce different types of plants.
 Everything happened just like God had  God had finished working on the seventh
commanded and he was pleased with how day. He blessed the day and set it aside as
it happened. This teaches Christians that a special day because he had finished
God is powerful. working.
 From this story we learn that God created  This teaches us to always have leisure
the earth, the sea and vegetation (plants) time after working.
on the third day.  This day is known as the Sabbath day. We
should worship God on this day. We
should also visit and help the less
iv) The Fourth Day: fortunate in the society on this day.

 God commanded lights to appear in the b) The Creation of Human

sky to separate the day and night and to Beings:
show days, months and years starts.
 He created the sun to shine during the
day, the moon and the stars to rule the  On the sixth day, God wanted to create
night. human beings. He said ‘and now we will
 From this story, we learn that God created make human beings………..’ This
heavenly bodies on the fourth day. statement teaches Christians that God is
trinity. He is God the father, the son and
the Holy Spirit. This is the main reason
v) The Fifth Day: why he used the word ‘we.’
 Using Command, ‘’Let there be.”
 God commanded the sea to be filled with This showed that God is powerful.
aquatic creatures such as fish and sharks.  God took soil from the ground and
 He also created all birds of the air. He created a man. He breathed life-giving
blessed the birds and the fish and told breath into his nostril and he began to
them to reproduce and fill the sea and the live. This teaches us that God is the sole
air. God was happy with what happened. giver of life.
This teaches Christians that God  Man was God’s special creation because
he created him in his own image and
likeness. This teaches Christians to and guard it. This shows that man should
respect and appreciate each person’s work and that work is a blessing from
appearance. God.
 The main reason why God created human  They were also to get food from it. This
beings was so that he could take care of teaches us that God intended human
God’s creation. This is seen when he said, beings to enjoy life.
‘They will have power over the fish, the  The Garden of Eden was very beautiful.
birds, and all animals, domestic and wild, It had different trees and fruits. Water
large and small.’ This teaches Christians came from underground and watered the
to take care of their environment since plants and seeds.
that is the main reason why they were  The garden had four rivers flowing in it.
created by God. The rivers were:
 He commanded man to have many i) Pishon: It surrounded the land of
children so that his descendants would fill Havillah. It had pure gold, rare
the earth and put it under their control. perfume and precious stones.
 The first man created by God was called ii) Gihon: It flows in the land of Cush.
Adam. God created animals to give him iii) Tigris: It flows in the land East of
company. After naming all animals, he Assyria.
became lonely because animals could not iv) Euphrates: It was the fourth river in
make good friends for him. the garden.
 God made man to fall in a deep sleep and  At the center of the garden had a tree that
removed part of his ribs. He made a gives life and the tree that gives
woman from the ribs. knowledge of what is good and what is
 Adam called the woman Eve, which bad.
means ‘living.’ Adam means ‘humanity.’  Adam was instructed to eat fruits from all
 Adam was very happy and said the the trees except the one in the middle of
following words: the garden (the one that gives life and the
“At last, here is one of my own kind-Bone tree that gives knowledge of what is good
taken from my bone, and flesh taken from and what is bad). If they eat they were to
my flesh. die the same day.
‘Woman’ is her name because she was  The snake was the most cunning animal
taken out of man.” in the garden. It convinced Eve to eat the
 A man shall leave his parents and join his fruit from the forbidden tree.
wife and they will become one as  Eve disobeyed Gods commands and ate
husband and wife. By doing this, God the forbidden fruit. She took some to her
initiated marriage. husband, Adam and he ate it. This teaches
 God created Eve mainly to give Adam us that the first (original) sin to be
companionship. In this way, Christians committed on earth was disobedience.
marry mainly for companionship.  As soon they finished eating the
forbidden fruit, they were given
a) Adam and Eve in the understanding and they realized that they
were naked. They sewed fig leaves and
Garden of Eden: covered their bodies.
 When God came to the garden in the
 After creating Adam and Eve, God placed evening, they hid from him behind among
them in the Garden of Eden to cultivate the trees.

 God asked them why they were hiding.  From this story, we learn that we should
God knew what they had done so he always be obedient to God and others.
asked them only to test their honesty. We also learn that God will punish those
 Adam answered him that he heard him in who disobey him and reward the
the garden and hid because he was afraid. righteous people.
 God asked him why he ate the forbidden  God made for them clothes out of animal
fruit and he told God that the woman he skins. This showed that he still loved
had given him made him eat it. Eve also them even after they disobey him.
told God that the snake tricked her to  God did not want the man to come near
eating it. the tree of that gives life because they he
 God pronounced the following judgments had eaten it and known what is good and
to the man, woman and the snake for what is bad. God then sent them away
disobeying his commands: from the Garden of Eden.
i) The Snake: God told the snake  At the east side of the garden, he placed
that it will crawl on its belly and living creatures and a flaming sword that
eat dust all its life. God also told turned in all directions. This was to stop
the snake that its descendants and them from accessing the tree of
the snake’s descendants will be knowledge of what is good and what is
enemies. The snakes will always bad.
bite the human being’s heel and
human beings will crush the b) Adam’s Descendants:
snake’s head. The snake alone
among all animals will face these
curses.  Adam and his wife Eve had three sons
ii) The Woman: God told her that he named Cain, Abel and Seth.
will increase her trouble in  Cain was their first born. He was a farmer
pregnancy and pain when giving while Abel the second born was a
birth. In spite of all these, the shepherd.
woman will still be subjected to  One day, Cain and Abel took their
the husband. She will also still sacrifices to God. Cain took his harvest
have desire for her husband. while Abel slaughtered a sheep and
iii) The Man: God told Adam that offered the best parts to God.
the earth will be under a curse  God was pleased with Abel’s sacrifice
because he listened to his wife but rejected Cain’s sacrifice because it
and ate the forbidden fruit. Man was not the best.
will work very hard on land to  Cain was very angry. God advised him to
make it produce food but instead overcome his emotions. This teaches us
it will produce thorns and weeds. that we should always do good things to
Man will therefore eat wild plants God. We should also strive to control our
as food. God also told the man emotions.
that he will work very hard and  Cain took his brother Abel to the field and
sweat to make the soil to produce killed him because of jealousy.
food all his life until he dies and  When God asked him where Abel was, he
buried into the soil where he was answered him that he is not his brother’s
created. keeper.

 God was not happy with what he did. He  Noah’s father was called Lamech. The
pronounced the following curses to him: name Noah means ‘relief.’
i) The soil will not produce good  Noah’s sons were Shem, Ham and
harvest anytime he farms the soil Japheth.
because it has been soaked with  God wanted to save Noah and his family
Abel’s blood. because he was a good man. He therefore
ii) He will be a homeless wanderer. told him to build an ark (boat).
 God told Cain that seven lives will be  The size of the ark was to be 133 metres
taken in revenge if he is killed. He placed long, 22 metres wide and 13 metres high.
a mark on Cain to warn anyone who  The ark had many rooms and it was
would want to kill him. covered with tar inside.
 From the story of Cain and Abel, we learn  God told him to take in himself, his wife,
that jealousy is bad because it may make his three sons and their wives. He told
us to commit sin. We should therefore him to take in seven pairs of ritually clean
control our emotions. and one pair of ritually unclean animals
 When Adam was 130 years, he was and seven pairs of birds.
blessed with another son and named him  They stayed in the ark seven days before
Seth. The name ‘Seth’ means ‘has given.’ God sent floods.
 Adam’s greatest descendants of that time  Noah was 600 years old when God finally
were Enoch and Methuselah. Enoch did sent the floods. The rain fell continuously
not die instead he was taken to heaven by for 40 days and nights.
God. Methuselah on the other hand is the  The water covered the tips of the highest
man who lived longer than anyone on mountains. All human beings animals
earth. He died at the age of 969 years. and birds which were not in the boat died.
 The water started going down after 150
1. THE STORY OF NOAH days. God brought a strong wind which
blew and the water started going down.
 The ark went and stopped on Mount
a) Noah and the Floods: Ararat
 After 40 days, Noah opened the window
 After creation, the population started of the ark and sent a raven to confirm
increasing. Heavenly beings (angels) saw whether the water had completely gone
how women on earth were beautiful and down but it did not come back. Noah sent
married some. God was not happy with a dove but the dove came because the
them so he said that human beings would floods had not gone down. Noah sent it
not live more than 120 years on earth. after seven days and this time it came
 The heavenly beings and the beautiful back with a fresh leaf in its beak a sign
women they married from earth gave that the floods were over. This teaches
birth to giants. Christians to be honest and obedient like
 When God saw how human beings were the dove and not dishonest and
evil and sinners, he decided to destroy disobedient like the raven.
them.  Noah, his family and all the animals came
 God was happy with only one man called out after seven days.
Noah because he was the only righteous  Immediately after coming out of the boat,
person on earth. God made a covenant with God. During
this covenant, the Noah offered a
sacrifice of ritually clean animals to God. iii) Obedience: He obeyed God
This was to thank God for his saving when he was told to construct the
power. ark.
 God promised Noah that He (God) will
not destroy the earth with floods again. b) The Tower of Babylon:
 God put a rainbow in the sky as a sign of
the covenant and the promise he had
given Noah.  The descendants of Noah started
increasing in number. They settled in
 He gave Noah the following commands:
plains of Babylonia. During that time,
i) Noah to have many children so that
they spoke one language only.
they may live all over the earth.
ii) All animals and plants were placed  They decided to make bricks and build a
under his descendants. This means city with a tower reaching the sky so that
that they are to take care of the they can be famous. They also decided to
environment. build it so that they could stay together
and not scatter all over the earth.
iii) They were not to eat meat with blood
because blood is life.  God did not like this because it was a sign
iv) They were to protect life of other of pride. He mixed them p by making
people. each person to speak a different language.
 Noah was a farmer and he was the first  This made them to be scattered all over
farmer to plant a vineyard. He made wine and stopped building the city. The city
from it, drank and got drunk. He removed was called Babylon which means ‘mixed
all his clothes and lay in his tent naked. up.’
His son called Ham saw him and did  This story teaches us not to be proud but
nothing. He went and told his brothers. instead be humble before God and others.
Shem and Japheth took a sheet, walked
backwards and covered their father’s 2. PATRIARCHS OF
nakedness. This story teaches us to avoid
drug abuse. ISRAEL:
 When Noah was sober, he learnt what
Ham did. He cursed him but blessed his  Patriarchs are oldest founders of a
brothers. community.
 Noah lived 350 years after the floods and  The patriarchs we will learn here are the
died at the age of 950. scriptural fathers of the Israel nation.
 All the people on earth nowadays are the  They include:
descendants of Noah. a) Abraham
 From the story of Noah, we learn that we b) Isaac
should live a righteous life. We also learn c) Jacob
that God saves righteous people. d) Joseph
 Values we learn from Noah are: e) Moses
i) Faithfulness: He remained  The nation of Israel would not have
faithful to God even when the existed without these people.
whole earth sinned.  They also formed the basis of the
ii) Holiness and purity: He was a Christian faith in the world.
righteous man. He did not  They are role models in the life of a
commit sin. modern Christian.
iii) I will bless those who bless you
ABRAHAM: and curse those who curse you.
iv) I will bless the whole world
through you.
a) The Call of Abraham:  Abram was called mainly because God
wanted to bless the whole world through
 Abram was the founding father of the  The call of Abram teaches us to always
Jewish race. be obedient to God. We should also
 His father was called Terah and his accept God’s will to our life because he
brothers were Haran and Nahor. has good plans of prosperity in our lives.
 He lived with his family at Ur in  We should be a source of blessing to other
Babylonia. His wife was called Sarai and people just like Abram was. We should
Nahor’s wife was called Milcah. Haran help in the spreading of the word of God
had a son called Lot to different places in the world.
 Haran died while they were living at Ur.
Terah, Abram and Lot moved from Ur to
a place called Haran. b) The Life of Abraham in the
 Terah died at Haran. He was 205 years Promised Land:
old when he died.
 While they were at Haran, God called  A great famine affected Canaan so
Abram and told him to leave his land and Abram decided to go to Egypt in order to
relatives and go to the land he was going escape it.
to show him.  Before crossing the border to Egypt, he
 Abram was 75 years old when God called instructed the wife to tell anyone who
him. asks her identity that she is her sister.
 He obeyed God’s call and started his Abram did this because his wife Sarai
journey to the land God wanted to show was very beautiful and he feared that
him. He went with his wife, wealth, Egyptians would kill him and marry her.
slaves and his nephew called Lot.  When they arrived there, some of the
 When he reached Canaan at Shechem (at court officials saw how beautiful she was
the sacred tree of Moreh), God appeared and they told the king. The king ordered
to him and told him that that was the land that she be taken to the palace and
he wanted him to occupy. married her.
 Abram then moved further and set up a  Because of that, Abram was treated well
tent (settled) between Bethel and Ai. He by the king. He was given sheep, goats,
also built an altar to God there. slaves and camels.
 God made the following promises to  God sent a terrible disease to the king and
Abram during his call: all people living in the palace. The king
i) I will give you many descendants, sent for Abram and asked him why he
and they will become a great cheated him.
nation.  The king gave Abram back his wife and
ii) I will bless you and make your sent him peacefully out of Egypt.
name famous, so that you will be a  Abram was a very rich man. He had a lot
blessing. of sheep, goats, cattle, slaves, silver and
gold. His nephew, Lot was also very rich.

 There was little pasture where Abram and we do so, we should avoid fighting but
Lot were living so their servants started instead solve our problems amicably.
quarreling over the little pasture.
 Lot and Abram therefore decided to c) Abraham and Hagar:
separate so that to avoid the quarrel. Lot
left and settled in Jordan Valley near the
town of Sodom. Abraham remained in  Sarai was barren therefore she asked her
Canaan. husband to marry her Egyptian slave
woman called Hagar so that she could
 This teaches us that we should settle our
have a child for her.
differences in life properly just like Lot
and Abram did.  Abram did just like his wife wanted.
Hagar became pregnant and despised
 Abram later moved and settled near the
Sarai. Because of this, Sarai treated
sacred trees of Mamre at Hebron. He also
Hagar so harshly that she ran away.
built there an altar to God.
 The angel of God met her at a spring in
 One day, four kings namely Amraphel of
the desert on the road to Shur and told her
Babylonia, Arioch of Ellasar,
to go back to Sarai and continue being her
Chedorlaomer of Elam and Tidal of
Goiim attacked five kings namely, Bera
of Sodom, Birsha of Gomorrah, Shinab of  The angel told her that she will have a son
Admah, Shemeber of Zeboiim and the and name him Ishmael because God had
king of Zoar also known as Bela. heard her cry of distress. The name means
‘God hears.’
 The four kings defeated the five kings and
carried their people as captives. Lot was  God promised her that her son have many
one of the people carried away. They also descendants. Ishmael would live like a
looted their wealth including Lot’s. donkey; he will be against everyone and
everyone will be against him. He will live
 When Abram heard that, he assembled
away from his relatives.
318 men and went to rescue Lot from the
four kings. Abram fought and defeated  Hagar called God ‘A God who sees.’
them. He successfully rescued Lot This is why the place between Bered and
together with his property. Kadesh is called ‘The Well of the Living
One who Sees Me.’
 Melchizedek, the king of Salem went to
meet Abram and congratulate him for  Abram was 86 years old when Ishmael
defeating the four kings. The king blessed was born.
him and Abram gave him tenth of the loot
he had recovered. d) Abram’s Covenant with
 In the book of Hebrew 7: 1-10, God:
Melchizedek is referred to as the priest of
the Most High God. He is compared with
Jesus. He ruled with peace and humility.  Abram remained obedient, loyal and
Nobody knew his parents or even the day faithful to God even though his wife was
he was born. No one knew when and unable to give birth. He thought that his
where he died. servant, Eliezer of Damascus would
succeed his wealth.
 This story teaches us that we should be
mindful of others. We should always be  God appeared to him and reminded him
ready to help the needy in the society. As the promises he had made to him during
his call.

 He promised him that he will give him a changed to Sarah. The name means
son of his own through Sarai. To fulfill ‘princes.’
his promises, god made a covenant with  God instructed Abraham to circumcise
Abram. himself and all males in his house as a
 Abram offered the following animals and sign to the covenant. He was 99 old years
birds during the covenant: when he was circumcised and Ishmael,
i) Cow his son with the Egyptian slave woman
ii) Goat was 13 years old.
iii) Ram  Abraham moved from Mamre settled at
iv) Dove Gerar. He asked his wife to tell anybody
v) Pigeon who asks her that she was his sister and
 The animals were to be aged three years not his wife.
old.  Abimelech, the king of Gerar married
 Abram cut the animals into two equal Sarah. God appeared to Abimelech in a
pieces and placed them opposite each dream and told him that he was going to
other’s in two rows. He did not divide the die because he had taken someone’s wife.
birds.  Abimelech returned Abraham’s wife. He
 Abraham spent the whole day chasing also gave him sheep, cattle, slaves and
away vultures who wanted to feed on the 1000 pieces of silver. He also allowed
sacrifice. When evening approached, fear him to live anywhere in the land.
and terror came over him and he fell Abraham prayed for Abimelech and his
asleep. wife and they had children.
 God appeared to him and told him the  Sarah, Abraham’s wife died at Hebron at
following words: the age of 127 years. She was buried at
i) His descendants will be strangers Machpelah cave which Abraham bought
and slaves in a foreign land for four from Ephron.
hundred years.  Abraham died at the age 175 years and
ii) He will punish the nation that will was buried Hebron in Machpelah cave by
enslave his descendants. his sons, Ishmael and Isaac.
iii) God will rescue them from the
foreign land and they will leave with e) The Promise and the Birth
their wealth. This will happen to the
fourth generation. of Isaac:
iv) Abram will die in peace at a ripe old
age.  It was one hot day when Abraham was
 When it was now dark, a smoking firepot seated outside the entrance of his tent
and a flaming torch appeared and passed when he saw two men standing there. He
between the pieces of sacrificed animals. ran towards them and bowed down with
 God promised to fulfill the promises he his face touching the grown.
made to Abram. He also wanted Abram  He welcomed them to his house and
to obey and keep the covenant he had asked his wife to prepare a meal for them.
made with him. He served them under the sacred trees.
 God changed Abram’s name to Abraham  One of the men told Abraham that his
because he was going to the father of wife Sarah would be pregnant and have a
many descendants. Sarai’s name was son after nine months. Sarah was behind
them at the door of the tent so she laughed

to her said and said that she was old and  Abraham obeyed God and did just like
his husband was old also. God wanted. He started his journey with
 From this story, we learn that we should Isaac and his two servants. Isaac carried
always be kind and generous to others. the wood for the sacrifice while he carried
 God kept his promises and after nine a knife and live coals.
months, Sarah gave birth to a son and  When they reached the land of Moriah,
Abraham named him Isaac which means Abraham built an altar for God and
‘laughter’ or ‘he laughs.’ Abraham was a arranged wood on it. He then tied up Isaac
hundred years old when Isaac was born and placed him on the altar on top of the
 Abraham circumcised Isaac at the age wood. He picked the knife and was about
eight days old. Sarah was happy and said to kill him when he heard the angel of
the following, “God has brought me joy God calling him.
and laughter. Everyone who hears about  The angel of God told him not to kill
it will laugh with me.” Isaac because he had already shown his
 One day, Ishmael was making fun of obedience and faith in God.
Isaac and when Sarah saw that, she asked  Abraham saw a ram caught in the bush by
Abraham to send Hagar and her son its horns. He took it by the horns and
Ishmael away. Abraham gave Hagar offered as a sacrifice to God instead of
water and food and sent her away. Isaac.
 Hagar left and started wandering in the  This story teaches us that Abraham had
desert of Beersheba. When in water was faith in God. He was also obedient to God
finished, she left the child in a bush and as Christians; we should be faithful and
sat away about a hundred metres. obedient to God.
 She was not happy because her son was  Abraham named the place “The lord
going to die of hunger so she started provides.” He later went and settled at
crying. Beersheba.
 God told her not be troubled because he
had heard the cry of her son. He told her g) Death and Burial of Sarah:
to pick the child and comfort him.
 God opened her eyes and saw a well. She
went over it and filled her leather bag  Sarah died at Hebron at the age of 127
with water. She gave some to the boy. years.
 God blessed the boy and he grew up as a  Since he was a foreigner in Canaan and
skilled hunter. Ishmael married an didn’t have a land to bury his wife,
Egyptian wife. He was the ancestor of the Abraham bought a land from Ephron the
Ishmaelite. son of Zohar, a Hittite.
 He buried Sarah in a cave called
Machpelah. This cave was in the land that
f) God asks Abraham to he had bought.
Sacrifice his Only Son,  Abraham also married another wife
Isaac: called Keturah. Keturah gave birth to
Zimran, Jokshan, Medan, Midian, Ishbak
and Shuah.
 God called Abraham and commanded  Abraham was 175 years old when he died
him to offer his only son Isaac as sacrifice and he was buried by Isaac and Ishmael
in the land of Moriah. at Machpelah cave next to his wife Sarah.

 Lot went to a small town called Zoar but
he did not stay there because he was
h) The Story of Sodom and afraid of the people living there. He later
moved to a far place where no one lived.
Gomorrah:  His daughters did not have men to marry
them so they made their drunk, slept with
 People of Sodom were sinners so God him and became pregnant.
planned to destroy the two cities.  The elder daughter gave birth to a son and
Abraham pleaded with God not to destroy named him Moab. Moab was the ancestor
the cities for the sake of the righteous of the Moabites. The younger daughter
people living there. gave birth to baby boy and named him
 Lot was the only righteous man in the two Benammi who was the ancestor of the
towns so God sent two angels to save Ammonites.
him.  Abraham is remembered because of his
 Lot welcomed them to his house and obedience and faith in God. This why he
prepared a meal for them and before they is popularly referred to as the father of
went to the bed, all men of Sodom, both faith. He is also the father of the Jewish
old and young surrounded his house and community.
demanded him to give them the two
strangers in his house because they
wanted to have sex with them.
 Lot pleaded with them to leave the men
but they refused. He even to give them his  Isaac was the only Abraham’s son. He
two daughters but they still refused. was promised to him by God. His mother
 Lot locked the door but they wanted to was called Sarah.
break it. The angels pulled Lot in the  Isaac was God fearing and obedient just
house and struck the men blind. like his father Abraham. He was faithful
 The angels told Lot to take his family and obedient to God.
members and escape from the town  God renewed the promises he made to
because God was going to destroy the Abraham through him.
city. Lot told men who wanted to marry  There was a famine in Canaan so he went
his daughters to escape with him but they to Abimelech, the king of Gerar. The king
refused. welcomed him and treated him kindly. He
 At dawn, the angels held Lot, his wife and commanded his subjects to treat him
his two daughters by their hands and nicely.
hurried them out of the towns. They told  When Abraham was old, he called his
them not to look behind. servant and sent him to Mesopotamia to
 God sent fire from heaven and bunt the get a good wife for Isaac. The servant
cities of Sodom and Gomorrah and took ten camels and started his journey to
everything in it. Nahor’s town.
 Lot’s wife disobeyed God’s command  When he arrived at well in Mesopotamia,
and looked behind. She turned into a he prayed that any woman who will come
pillar of salt. This story teaches us that we to the well and give all his camels water
should always be obedient to God’s to drink will be his master’s wife.
commands.  Rebecca, the daughter of Bethuel came to
the well and gave him water and all his

camels. She also welcomed him to their b) Jacob Buys Esau’s First
house. Bethuel was Nahor’s son. Her
brother was called Laban. Do you Born Rights:
remember Nahor? He was Abraham’s
brother.  Isaac loved Esau more than Jacob
 Abraham’s servant took her to Isaac as because he hunted and brought him
his wife. Isaac was 40 years old when he animal’s meat.
married her.  One day, when Jacob was cooking bean
 This story teaches us that God gives a soup, Esau came home from hunting. He
good wife to those who pray and depend was very hungry.
on him.  He asked Jacob for the bean soup and
 Rebecca became pregnant and gave birth promised to give him his birth right (first
to twins. The first one was red in colour born right) in exchange.
and his body was hairy. Isaac called him
Esau. The name means ‘hairy.’ Esau
became the ancestor of the Edomites. c) Jacob Tricks his Father and
 The second son was born holding Esau’s
heel tightly. Isaac called him Jacob which gets Esau’s Blessings:
means ‘heel.’
 Isaac was 60 years when the twins, Esau  When Isaac was old and blind, he called
and Jacob were born. his beloved son Esau and asked him to
 Esau was a skilled hunter and used to take his bow and arrows and go to the
bring Isaac game meat. This made Isaac country and hunt an animal for him. He
to love him more than Jacob. instructed to cook a tasty food for him. He
 Jacob was a quiet man who stayed at will then give him his final blessings
home and helped with domestic chores. before he dies.
Rebecca loved him more than Esau.  Rebecca heard the discussion between
 Isaac died at the age of 180 years. Esau and his father so when Esau left, she
called Jacob and asked him to slaughter
two fat goats from his flock.
JACOB:  Jacob did just like his mother instructed
him to do.
a) Introduction to Jacob:  Rebecca cooked the kind of the food
Isaac liked. She took Esau’s best clothes
and put them on Jacob. She also put the
 His parents were Isaac and Rebecca. hairy skin of the goats on his arms and
 Esau was his twin brother. neck. This was to confuse Isaac since
 His name means “heel” because he was Esau was hairy.
born holding tightly on Esau’s heel.  She gave him the tasty food and the bread
and told him to take to his father.
 Isaac ate the food and blessed him. Esau
hated Jacob because he had tricked his
father and taken his blessings. He planned
to kill him after the death of his father.

d) Jacob’s Dream at Bethel:  Rachael went and told her father about
Jacob. Her father welcomed him in his
house and lived with him.
 Rebecca and Isaac sent Jacob away to
Mesopotamia to live with his uncle Laban
because of two reasons: f) Jacob Works for Laban to
i) Because Esau was planning to kill Marry Rachael:
ii) To find a wife because they did not  Laban had two daughters namely Leah
want him to marry foreign wives like and Rachael. Leah was the eldest.
his brother Esau had done.  Leah had lovely eyes while Rachael was
 On his way to Mesopotamia, he reached shapely and beautiful.
a holy place and camped there. He lay  Jacob loved Rachael and when he asked
down to sleep with his head resting on a her hand in marriage, his father asked him
stone. to work for him for seven years before
 He dreamt a stairway from the earth to marrying her. Jacob accepted.
heaven with angels going up and down on  When the seven years were over, Jacob
it. gave him Leah instead. This is because
 God appeared to him and gave him the Leah was the first born and was to be
promises he had given to his Abraham married first before Rachael who was the
and Isaac. youngest as their culture demanded.
 When he woke up, took the stone he used  Jacob worked for other seven years in
as a pillow and anointed it. He set it as a order to marry Rachael.
memorial. He poured olive on it and  This story teaches us to be patient and
dedicated it to God. tolerant just like Jacob was.
 He named the place Bethel which means
House of God. Before that it was known
as Luz. g) Jacob’s Children:

e) Jacob at Laban’s House:  Leah was given a maid called Zilpah by

his father. He gave Bilhah to Rachael.
 Leah gave birth to Reuben, Simeon, Levi,
 Jacob continued with his journey and Judah, Issachar, Zebulun and Dinah.
arrived at a certain well where shepherds
 Dinah was Jacob’s only daughter.
usually brought their animals to drink
 When Rachael realized that she had given
birth to any child, she gave out her maid
 At the well, he found some shepherds and
Bilhah to Jacob as a wife. Bilhah gave
asked them whether they knew Laban. As
birth to Dan and Naphtali.
they were talking, Laban’s daughter
 Leah also gave out his maid called Zilpah
called Rachael arrived with her father’s
to Jacob as a wife and she gave birth to
Gad and Asher.
 Laban helped her to remove the stone
 Rachael gave birth to Joseph and
from the well. He also helped her give
water to all her flocks.
 Reuben was the first born while
Benjamin was the last born.

 Rachael died while giving birth to  He found Abraham at Gilead where he
Benjamin. As she was dying, she named had camped. God warned Laban in a
him Benoni which mean ‘son of my dream not to attack him.
sorrows’ but Jacob renamed him  Laban asked him why he had to escape
Benjamin who means ‘son who will be without informing him and Jacob told
fortunate.’ him that he did so because he was afraid
 All the eleven sons were born when Jacob he would take away his daughters from
was still living with his father-in- law. him.
Benjamin was born when he was on his  Laban and Jacob made an agreement
way back to his mother land. He born on between themselves. Laban asked Jacob
the road to Ephrath currently known as to take care of his daughters. If doesn’t
Bethlehem. That is where Rachael was then God would watch over him.
also buried.  Laban instructed his men to pile stones at
 Dinah was raped by Shechem the son of the place as a sign of the agreement. He
Hamor. Dinah had gone Canaanite called the place Jegar Sahadutha which
women when he saw her. means “a pile to remind us.” Jacob named
 Simeon and Levi killed Shechem, Hamor the place Galeed which had the same
and all people in their city because their meaning.
sister had been defiled. Jacob cursed them  Laban also named it Mizpah which
because he was not pleased with their means “Place from which to watch”
actions. This story teaches us not to  They ate and spent the night at the place.
revenge evil with evil. Laban then bid them bye the next
morning and Jacob continued with his
h) Jacob and Laban Separate: journey.
 Angels met Jacob and when he saw them
he exclaimed, “This is God’s camp” so he
 Jacob continued to work for Laban even
named the place Mahanaim which means
after marrying his daughters. Laban
“two camps”
rewarded him with every black sheep and
 From here he sent messengers to his
spotted or speckled goat from his floak as
brother Esau informing him of his return
his wages.
and requesting for his favour. Esau went
 God blessed Jacob so much that he
and met his brother. He also welcomed
became very wealthy. Laban’s sons
him back home. From this incident,
became jealous of Abraham and started
Christians learn to be forgiving to others.
saying that Abraham’s wealth came from
 Esau went back to his home at Edom but
his father’s.
Jacob went to Sukkoth in Shechem where
 Laban also started treating Abraham as a
he built his home.
foreigner so one day when Laban had
gone out to sheer his sheep, Abraham
gathered his family and animals and left i) Jacob Wrestles with an
to his father’s land. God had instructed Angel of God at Peniel:
him to do so.
 Laban realized after three days that
 When Jacob reached River Jabbok, he
Abraham had left. He gathered his men
allowed his family and all his possession
and pursued him.
to cross over to the other side of the river
but he remained behind.

 The angel appeared to him and wrestled  He also reported to his father bad things
with him and when the angel realized that his brothers used to do.
it was not winning, it hit him on the hip.  Jacob loved Joseph more than all his
 When the angel was about to leave, Jacob brother’s because he was born to him at
asked him to bless him. the old age by his most loved wife. To
 The angel changed Jacob’s name to show his love, he made him a long
Israel because he had struggled with God sleeved robe.
and with men and had won.  His brothers hated him so much that they
 The angel then blessed Jacob and left. could not talk to him with kindness. They
 Jacob named the place Peniel which hated him mainly because his father
means “the face of God” because he loved him more than them.
thought he had seen God face to face.
2. Joseph’s Dreams:
j) Death of Jacob and Rachel:  One night, dreamt that he was in the field
with his brothers tying up sheaves of
 Racheal died while they were on their wheat. His sheaf stood up straight and his
way from Mesoptamia, Laban’s home. brothers’ formed a circle around his and
She died at place called Bethlehem, near bowed down to it. This showed that he
the road to Ephrath. was going to be a ruler over them. This
 She died while giving birth to Benjamin, dream made his brothers to hate him even
Jacob’s last born. more. His brothers asked him whether he
 Jacob died in Egypt and his sons carried was going to be a leader over them.
him to Mamre where he was buried near  Joseph also had another dream. In this
his father, Isaac, at Machpelah Cave. dream, he saw the sun, the moon and the
 Jacob lived a holy life. He was a righteous eleven stars bowing down to him. His
man who did the will of God. He had faith father asked him whether his mother, his
and obeyed God just like his father, Isaac brothers and him were going to bow
and his grandfather, Abraham were. down at him. This made his brothers to
 He died at the age of 147 years. be jealous of him.
 All Christians are expected to emulate his
life and characters. 3. Joseph is Sold by his
 Jacob and all his sons were nomadic
pastoralists. They kept sheep and
1. Introduction to Joseph: animals. They moved with their animals
from place to place.
 Joseph’s parents are Jacob and Rachel.  One day, Joseph’s brothers had gone to
 Joseph was a God fearing man. He was take care of their father’s sheep at
faithful and obedient both to God and his Shechem. Jacob called Joseph and sent
parents just like his father was. him there to see whether his brothers and
 He helped his father by taking care of his the flock were safe.

 Joseph started his journey but he did not  God blessed Potiphar’s house because of
get them at Shechem. He was told that Joseph’s presence. He trusted Joseph
they had moved to Dothan. with everything he owned.
 His brothers saw him from a distance and  Joseph was well built and handsome and
planned to kill him. They agreed to throw because of this, Potiphar’s wife wanted to
his body in a well and lie to his father that have sexual relationship with her. Joseph
he had been killed by a wild animal. This refused because he knew that that was sin
because they hated him so much. before God.
 Reuben did not like this. He planned to  One day when Joseph was alone in the
save Joseph and send him back to his house, Potiphar’s wife caught him by his
father so he asked his brothers not to kill robe and asked him to sleep with her.
him but instead throw him in a dry well. Joseph escaped outside leaving his robe
When he arrived, they removed his in her hands. Joseph practiced self-
clothes and threw him in a dry well. control and purity. Christians should
 When they were eating, they saw emulate him and avoid irresponsible
Ishmaelite traders (Midianites traders) sexual behaviours.
going to Egypt from Gilead. Judah  Potiphar’s wife lied to her husband that
proposed to his brothers not to kill him Joseph wanted to rape her. Potiphar
but instead sell him to the traders. His believed his wife and arrested Joseph. He
brothers agreed and sold him for twenty put him in prison.
pieces of silver. Reuben was away when
they did all these. 5. Joseph in the Prison:
 They killed a goat, dipped Joseph’s
clothes in its blood and took it to their
father. They cheated him that he had been  In the prison, Joseph met two king’s
killed by a wild animal. prisoners, the wine steward and the chief
 This story teaches us that we should not baker.
do bad things to other people because of  God was with Joseph in the prison and
hatred and jealousy but instead we should blessed him greatly. He was appointed to
control our emotions. We should be in charge of all prisoners. He was also
appreciate and feel happy when others in charge of everything that took place in
succeed. the prisoner. He was also assigned the
king’s prisoner’s servants. This teaches
us that God is always with his people and
4. Joseph in Potiphar’s House: He is always ready to protect them from
 The Ishmaelite traders sold Joseph in  One night the king’s prisoners had
Egypt to Potiphar. Potiphar was the dreams. The wine steward dreamt that
captain of the king’s palace guard. there was a grapevine with three branches
 God was with Joseph and made him very in front of him. The leaves sprouted on
successful in everything he did. Potiphar the branches and the flowers sprouted on
loved him and appointed him his personal the branches. The grapes appeared and
servant. He also appointed him to be in then ripened.
charge of his house and everything he  He squeezed the ripe grapes in the cup he
owned. was holding and gave it to the King.

 Joseph interpreted the dreams by telling changed his clothes and brought before
him that the two branches are three days the king.
so after the three days, the king will  Joseph told the king that the two dreams
forgive him and restore him to his had the same meaning. The seven fat and
position as the wine steward. He told him sleek ears of wheat and the seven full and
to remember him when things will be ripe ears of corn represent seven years of
going well for him. plenty of harvest that will be experienced
 The chief barker also told Joseph his in Egypt.
dream. He said that he was carrying three  The seven thin and bony cows and seven
baskets on his head. There were all kinds thin and dry ears of wheat represent seven
of pastries for the king in the third basket years of drought and famine.
and the birds were eating them.  The dream therefore means that there will
 Joseph told him that the dream means that be seven years of good harvest which will
after three days, the king will release him be followed by seven years of a severe
and cut off his head. He will then hand his famine that will affect the whole
body on the pole and the birds will eat his kingdom.
flesh.  Joseph advised the king to choose a man
 Everything happened just like Joseph full of wisdom and insight and put him in
interpreted. charge of the country during the two
periods. He also told him to appoint other
6. Joseph Interprets the King’s officials who will collect a fifth of the
food during the seven years of good
Dreams: harvest and store them. This stored food
would be used during the seven years of
 The king of Egypt had two dreams which famine.
disturbed him very much.
 In the first dream, seven fat and sleek 7. Joseph is Appointed
cows came from River Nile and started
grazing. Seven thin and bony other cows
also came from the river and ate the fat
and sleek cows.  The king’s officials approved Joseph’s
 In the second dream, he saw full and ripe opinion. Joseph was also appointed the
seven ears of wheat growing on a stalk. governor of Egypt by the king of Egypt.
The other seven ears of corn which were  Joseph was appointed as the governor
thin and dry swallowed the full ones. because he had great wisdom and insight
 The king was worried so the following than anyone in Egypt.
morning, he called all the magicians and  The king gave Joseph an Egyptian name
wisemen in Egypt and asked them to known as Zaphenath Paneah.
interpret the dreams to him but they  Joseph was 30 years when he was
failed. appointed governor.
 The wine steward whom Joseph  He married a wife called Asenath the
interpreted the dreams to him while in the daughter of Potiphera.
prison remembered told the king about  God blessed him with two sons. He
their experience with him in the prison. named the firstborn Manasseh which
 The king sent for Joseph and he was means ‘cause to forget’ and the second
brought from prison. He was shaved,

born was called Ephraim which means his donkey and found his money on top of
‘give children.’ the food in the sack. They were all
 Joseph coordinated the collection and the terrified.
storage of food in all cities throughout the  When they arrived home, they told their
country. father Jacob everything that happened to
 Joseph was very successful in Egypt them in Egypt.
because he was faithful and God fearing.  Jacob did not want them to go back with
Benjamin because he didn’t want
8. Joseph Welcomes his anything to happen to him.
 Reuben persuaded him to allow them go
Brothers to Egypt: with him. He also promised his father that
he will ensure Benjamin comes back
 After seven years of plenty harvest, the safely.
whole world started experiencing severe  When the food was over, Jacob sent them
famine. back to Egypt to buy more food. He also
 People from different parts of the world allowed them to go with Benjamin after
came to Egypt to buy food. Judah assured him that he will bring him
 Jacob sent ten of his sons to Egypt to buy sound and safe.
food. He did not allow Benjamin to go  Jacob gave them resin, honey, spices,
with them because he was afraid that pistachio nuts and almonds to take to
what happened to Joseph would happen Joseph.
to him.  He also gave them twice the money
 When they arrived in Egypt, they bowed including the ones they got in their sacks.
down before Joseph with their faces on  When they arrived in Egypt, Joseph’s
the ground. This was one of the servant welcomed them in the house,
fulfillments of the dream he had dreamt gave them water to wash their feet and
when he was still very young. gave them food.
 Joseph recognized them but pretended  When Joseph saw his younger brother
not know them. He asked them where Benjamin, he was filled with pity. He
they had come from and whether they went to another room and cried.
were spies. He kept them under tight  They shared food with Joseph on the
guard for three days. same table. Benjamin was served five
 On the third day, he went to them and times his brothers were served.
asked one of them to stay behind in prison  Joseph instructed his servant to fill their
while others take food home. In order to sacks with food and put their money back
prove their innocence and honesty. into their bags.
 He asked them to bring their younger  He also told him to put his silver cup into
brother (Benjamin) as a proof that they Benjamin’s sack of food. The servant did
were telling the truth. as he was instruction.
 Simeon was the one left in prison until  When they left, the servant was sent by
Benjamin was brought. Joseph to go and arrest the one whose
 Joseph ordered his servants to fill their sack had the Governor’s silver cup and
sacks with corn and put their money back make him his slave.
into their sacks.  After searching the sacks from the eldest,
 While on their way back home, one of they found it in the youngest sack.
Joseph’s brothers opened his sack to feed

 When his brothers saw that, tore their  He blessed them and took them like his
clothes in sorrow. They packed their food own sons because he was happy to meet
back on their donkeys and followed him with his two sons. This is why they
Benjamin, who had been arrested back to are regarded as the tribes of Israel and not
Egypt in solidarity with him. Joseph.
 When they reached Joseph’s palace,  Joseph died at the age 110 years. Before
Judah pleaded with him to allow them go he died, he had made his people to
back to Canaan with Benjamin. promise that they will not burry him in
 They told him that their father would die Egypt but instead carry his remains to
if they went without him. Canaan when they will be migrating.
 Joseph finally revealed to them that he  His body was embalmed and placed in a
was their brother whom they sold years coffin until the day the Israelites were
back. rescued by Moses.
 He sent them to go and bring their father
and other family members to leave in
Egypt. MOSES:
 Joseph sent them to his father with ten
donkeys loaded with goods and other ten
donkeys loaded with corn and bread. He  Moses was from the tribe of Levi, who
also gave them wagons to carry their mostly served as priests.
father and children.  His father was called Amram and his
 He gave Benjamin 300 pieces of silver mother was called Jochebed. They were
and five pairs of clothes. all from the tribe of Levi.
 Joseph forgave his brothers all the things  Moses was born during the time when the
they did to him. Christians should Israelites, the descendants of Abraham
emulate him. were being mistreated by the king of
 The king of Egypt was happy when he Egypt.
heard that Joseph’s family members were  During this period, Joseph and the good
in the country. He welcomed them and king of Egypt who had welcomed them in
gave them a land at Goshen where the Israel had died.
stayed.  A new king who knew nothing about
 He lived in Egypt for 17 years up to the Joseph and the Israelites was in power.
age of 147years. He was 130 years when  This new king did not like the Israelites.
he came to Egypt. This is because they were increasing in
 Jacob’s descendants who settled in Egypt number and they were also very strong.
were 70 in total.  He feared them because their increasing
 Before Jacob died, he called Joseph and population was becoming a threat to him
told him not burry him in Egypt when he in case of a war.
dies.  The new king decided to reduce their
 When Joseph brought his sons, Manasseh influence, morale and population
and Ephraim, to Jacob to be blessed, increase. He subjected them to hard
Jacob laid his right hand on the younger forced labour.
child Ephraim instead of the younger.  The Israelites were forced to build the
Joseph tried to correct him but he told him cities of Pithon and Ramese. He also
that he knew what he was doing. forced them to work in the Egyptians’

land. The Egyptians treated them as  She opened it and noticed a baby boy in
slaves. it. The child was crying. The princess felt
 The more the king oppressed them, the sorry for the child.
more God increased their number. This is  Miriam watched her from a distance and
because they were God’s chosen nation when she recognized the child as a
and God had promised to be with them Hebrew’s child, Mirriam asked her
and protect them. whether she could call a Hebrew woman
 When the King saw that the oppression to take care of her.
did not decrease the population of the  The princess accepted and Miriam went
Israelites, he advised Shiphrah and to call her real mother. When the child
Puah, the two mid-wives in Egypt who weaned, she took him to the princess. She
helped the Israelite women to give birth adopted him as his own child.
to kill the child if it is a boy and spare if  She named the boy Moses which means
it is a girl. ‘pull out’ because she had pulled him out
 The midwives did not kill the baby boys of the water.
because they feared God.  Moses grew up in the palace of the king
 When the king asked them why they were of Egypt but he still knew that he was a
not doing so, they told him that the Hebrew.
Israelite women give birth easily before  One day after Moses had grown up, he
they reach there. went to visit the Israelites and saw an
 This statement about the two midwives Egyptian kill an Israelite. After
teaches Christians to always respect and confirming that no one was seeing him,
obey God’s commands and always he killed the Egyptian and buried his
exercise good values regardless of the body in sand.
circumstances that are surrounding them.  Another day, Moses went to visit his
 The king ordered his security personnel people at Goshen. He found two Israelites
to throw all baby boys in River Nile but fighting. He advised them not to fight
spare the lives of baby girls. Moses was because they were brothers. One of them
born during this period. asked him who made him them a judge
 When the mother saw that baby Moses over them.
was handsome and healthy, she hid him  He asked Moses whether he was going to
for a period of three months. kill him like he had killed an Egyptian.
 When she realized that she could no Moses realized that what he did had been
longer hid him for a longer period, she known.
made a basket out of reeds and covered it  When the king of Egypt heard that Moses
with tar so that water does not go through had killed an Egyptian, he tried to kill him
it. but Moses escaped to Midian.
 She put the baby in it and hid him in the  One day when he was seated by a well in
tall grass at the banks of River Niles. Midian, seven daughters of Jethro came
 His elder sister, Miriam was told to look to draw water for their father’s goats and
after him from a distance. sheep.
 One day, the princess, the king’s  Some shepherds tried to chase them away
daughter, came to the river to bathe. She but Moses went to rescue them and
saw a basket in tall grass and sent her helped them to water their flocks.
servant to go and pick it.  Jethro was a priest of Midian.

 When they went back home early, their  Moses asked God how to handle
father asked them why they arrived home Israelites suppose they do not believe him
early that day. and refuse to listen to what he will say.
 Jethro welcomed Moses in his house and  To prove to Moses that He was a
shared food with him. powerful God, He showed Moses the
 Moses lived with Jethro and helped him following miracles:
to look after his flock. He married his
daughter called Zipporah. a) God told him to throw down the stick
 Zipporah gave birth to two sons. The he was holding. Moses did so and the
firstborn was called Gershom which stick turned into a snake. God told
means ‘foreigner.’ The second born was him to bend down and pick it up by
called Eleazar. the tail. When Moses did so, it turned
 One day when Moses was looking after back to a stick.
his father-in-law’s sheep near Mt. Sinai, b) God told Moses to put his hand into
the holy mountain, the angel of God his robe. Moses did so and when he
appeared to him in form of a burning took his hand out, it was covered with
bush. white spots like snow. This was a sign
 Moses saw that the flame was coming of a disease. \god told him to return
from the middle of the bush but it was not his hand in the robe and when so did,
burning. Moses thought it was strange so it healed and the white spots
he decided to go closer and see. disappeared.
 The voice of God called Moses from the  God showed these miracles to Moses
middle of the bush instructing him not to mainly because of the following reasons:
move closer to the bush but remove his a) God wanted to prove that He was the
sandals because he was standing on a true God of the Israelites i.e the God
holy ground. of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
 Moses obeyed and covered his face b) For Moses to convince the Israelites
because he was afraid to look at God. that he was indeed sent by God to
 God called him mainly because He rescue them from their slavery in
wanted to send him to rescue the Egypt.
Israelites from slavery in Egypt. c) God wanted to prove His power and
might to Moses, Israelites and to the
 Moses was not willing to go to Egypt to
Egyptians in general.
deliver the Israelites mainly because he
was not a good speaker.  Moses obeyed God’s call, took his
family and started his journey to Egypt.
 God promised to be with him and protect
This teaches us that Moses was obedient
him. He also told him to pick his elder
to God so we should emulate him.
brother Aaron as his spokesperson.
 Aaron met him in the desert at the holy
 He told him to worship with the Israelites
mountain also known as Sinai and they
on Mt. Sinai as a proof of God’s saving
both went to Egypt. They gathered all the
Israelite leaders and told them all the
 In case the Egyptian authority ask him the
Lord had told him. He told them that that
person who sent them, God told him to
God had sent to save them from cruelty
tell them that ‘I AM WHO I AM’ had sent
and slavery.

 When the Israelites heard that, they were  The followings were to be observed by
very happy. They bowed down and the Israelites:
worshipped God. ii) To choose a lamb or a young goat
 Aaron and Moses went to the king of aged one year without a defect,
Egypt and asked him to release the slaughter it and eat it roasted.
Israelites. The king did not like the idea. iii) The whole animal should be eaten
He asked the slave drivers to add (including legs, head and internal
Israelites more work. organs). If the family is small to eat
 He ordered them to not to give the the whole animal then they should
Israelites straw used to make bricks but share with the next door neighbours.
still force them to make the same number iv) The blood of the animals slaughtered
of bricks. to be smeared on the doorposts and
 Denying them straws was to make their door beams. The angel of God was to
work harder. Passover the houses of those who
 Moses was 80 years old and Aaron was smeared the blood but went into the
83 years old when they went to the king. houses of those whose houses didn’t
 Israelites complained and accused Moses have the blood killing their houses.
and Aaron for causing more pain and This was also to differentiate the
suffering in the hands of the king of houses of the Egyptians and
Egypt. Israelites.
 Moses and Aaron went back to the king v) The meat was to be eaten with bitter
of Egypt to release the Israelites. God herbs and unleavened bread (bread
made the king to be very stubborn. without yeast). Bitter herbs showed
the slavery life the Israelites passed
 In order to prove that they had been sent
through. Unleavened bread and
by God, Aaron threw his stick before the
roasted meat showed that they were in
king and it turned to a snake. The king’s
a hurry to leave and they were the
wise men and magicians also threw their
journey was going to be very long.
sticks down and they too turned into
vi) No part of the meat should be left
snakes. Aaron
until morning. The left overs should
be burnt completely.
3. GOD SAVING THE vii) They are to eat the food quickly
ISRAELITES FROM dressed ready for the journey. They
were to eat with their sandals ready in
EGYPT: their feet, walking stick in their hands
and girded loins.
viii) Foreigners, temporary
a) Passover: resident or hired worker should not be
allowed to eat the Passover meal.
 Passover is a period when the angel of ix) Slave that had been bought should not
God passed over the houses of the eat the Passover meals unless he is
Israelites and entered the houses of the circumcised.
Egyptians killing their firstborns. x) The bones of the animals slaughtered
 God instructed Moses to tell Israelites to during the Passover should not be
always celebrate this day every tenth day broken.
of that month every years.

 God instructed the Israelites to celebrate Egypt changed his mind and collected
the Festival of Unleavened Bread. During about 600 soldiers on the chariots and
this period, they were to eat unleavened pursued the Israelites.
bread unleavened bread. They were to  The Israelites were terrified when they
meet for worship the first day of the seven saw the Egyptian army and their King
days. matching towards them with chariots and
 Israelites were expected to celebrate the horses. They complained to Moses but
Passover every year as a remembrance of Moses told them to have courage and
how God saved them from slavery and have faith in God because He was going
oppression in Egypt. to save them from the Egyptians.
 After the Passover, God instructed the  God told Moses to tell people to match
Israelites to dedicate every firstborn toward the Red sea. He also told him to
males, male human being and animal to raise his stick over the sea. Moses did so
God. and the sea was divided into two by a
strong wind and a dry route was formed
in the middle of the sea.
b) Israelites’ Journey to the  God caused a pillar of cloud to move
between the Egyptians and the Israelites.
Promised-Land (Canaan): The cloud caused darkness on the
Egyptian’s side but gave light on the
 After the Passover, the Israelites started Israelites’ side. God also made the wheels
their journey to Canaan, the land God had of the Egyptians’ chariots to move slowly
promised them through Abraham, Isaac and with difficulties. All these happened
and Jacob, their ancestors. They were led so that the Egyptians’ army doesn’t reach
from Egypt by Moses. the Israelites.
 They carried Joseph’s body with them  As the Israelites were crossing the Red
just like Joseph had demanded. He had Sea on a dry land, the Egyptians followed
requested to be buried next to his them. God told Moses to hold his stick
ancestors. over the water again and the water
 The shortest route to Canaan from Egypt returned to its normal position. The
was the road that goes up the coast to Egyptians tried to escape but they all
Philistia. God did not want them to follow drowned in the sea. By this time, all the
this shortest route but instead, He made Israelites had crossed to the other side of
them to follow the roundabout way the sea.
through the desert. This is because God  God saved the Israelites from the
did not want them to change their mind Egyptians once again. This teaches
because they were going to fight in order Christians that God is powerful and
to get the Promised Land. merciful to those who trust, obey and
 The Israelites travelled both during the have faith in Him.
day and during the night. God led them  Moses and his elder sister Miriam sang
with a pillar of cloud during the day and songs of praise to God.
a pillar of fire during the night.
 When they left Egypt, they walked
through the desert and camped at the
shores of the Red sea between Pi
Hahiroth and Baal Zephon. The King of

Israelites’ Journey in the them to collect only what was enough for
them for that day. They were not to save
Wilderness: more for the following day. On the sixth
day, they were to collect twice as much of
 After crossing the Red sea, Israelites what they needed and save for the seventh
reached the wilderness where they day. This was so because God was not
wondered for 40 years. going to send food on the seventh day
 The following are the experiences the because it was a holy day. They were to
Israelites encountered while in the use to use the food saved on the sixth day.
wilderness:  Some Israelites disobeyed God’s
instruction and collected more than what
a) Bitter Water at Marah: they needed and saved it until the other
day. The next morning, the saved food
had worms and smelt bad but the case was
 From the Red sea, they reached the not the same with the one saved for the
desert of Shur. While there, the seventh day.
wondered for three days looking for  In the morning, God sent manna. This
water. The later found bitter water at a food looked like white seed. It tasted like
place called Marah. biscuits like honey. The ones left on the
 They complained to Moses because of ground were melted by the sun. Quails
lack of water. Moses prayed to God who were sent in the afternoon.
showed him a wood. He threw the wood  Moses told Aaron to take two litters of the
into the bitter water and the water became manna and store them in a jar. This was
clean for drinking. as to remind the future generation how
 After leaving Marah, they came to Elim God provided food for them in the desert.
where they found twelve springs and 70  God fed the Israelites with manna and
palms. They camped there because the quails for 40 years until they reached
place had water. Canaan.

b) God provides Manna and c) Israelites Drink Water from

Quails to the Israelites: the Rock:
 From Elim, the Israelites reached the  From the desert of Sin, the Israelites
desert of Sin which was between Elim reached a place called Rephidim. Here
and Sinai. There, they complained to they came across Amalekites who were
Moses and Aaron because of lack of food. hostile to them. Moses asked Joshua to
 God told Moses that He was going to send assemble an army to fight them
them food from heaven. God told Moses  Joshua obeyed the commands, he
to assemble Israelites before Him. When selected the army and went out to fight
Aaron was talking to the Israelites, the the Amalekites. Moses, Aaron and Hur
presence of God was signified by went on a mountain and whenever Moses
dazzling light in the cloud. held their hands up, the Israelites won and
 God spoke to Moses assuring him that He whenever his hands went down, the
will be sending Israelites food in the Amalekites won. When Moses’ hands
morning and in the evening. He instructed became tired, Aaron and Hur gave him a

stone to sit on and they stood at his sides  When Moses’ arms got tired, Aaron and
and held his hands up until the Israelites Hur gave him a stone to sit and held his
won the battle. arms up until they defeated the
 Moses built there alter for God and Amalekites completely.
named it “The Lord is my Banner”  As a thanksgiving to God, Moses built an
because God held Israelites banner high altar to God and named it “The Lord is
above other communities. my Banner.”
 From this story, Christians learn that God  From this story, Christians learn that God
is a protector. This is because God gave always fight all our battles.
the Israelites victory over their enemies.
f) Jethro’s Advice to Moses:
d) The Covenant Box:
 Jethro was Moses’ mother-in-law. He
 This was a sign of the presence of God was the priest of Midian.
among the people.  Jethro went to meet Moses at Sinai Desert
 The covenant box and other artistic work at the foot of Mt. Sinai.
were made by Bezalel, the son of Uri  He went with Zipporah, Moses’ wife and
from the tribe of Judah and Oholiab the his two sons, Gershom and Eliezer.
son of Ahisamach from the tribe of Dan.  He also brought sacrifices to be offered to
 It was made using acacia wood and it God.
measured 110cm long , 66cm wide and  He advised Moses to pick judges who are
66cm high. God-fearing and trusted so that they
 It was covered with pure gold inside and could serve as judges and help Moses to
a strip of gold around it. settle cases.
 The man reason why the covenant box
was constructed was to store the Ten g) Sinaitic Covenant:
Commandments so that they are not
broken again.
 This is the covenant between God and the
Israelites. It happened at Mt. Sinai.
e) Israelites War with the  From Rephidim, the Israelites reached the
Amalekites: Desert of Sinai and camped at the foot of
Mt. Sinai.
 The Amalekites attacked the Israelites at  God called Moses to the mountain and
Rephidim. Moses asked Joshua to pick told him to pass the following promises to
soldiers amongst the Israelites and fight the Israelites:
the Amalekites. i) If they obey God and keep His covenant,
 Moses went up the hill and held a tick up they will be His own people.
with both hands as God had told him. He ii) They will be God’s chosen people and
was with Aaron and Hur. dedicated to Him alone if they are
 The Israelites overcame the Amalekites obedient.
whenever Moses’ arms were up but they  Moses went down the mountain and told
were defeated whenever his arms went the Israelites what God wanted. They all
down. accepted and promised to do everything
that God had said.

 God told Moses to tell the Israelites to  All Israelites were expected to observe
purify themselves for worship and wash these laws and those who disobeyed them
their clothes. They were also not were punished.
supposed to engage in sexual intercourse  The Ten Commandments include:
before meeting God. This shows us that 1. Worship no God but me.
God is holy. 2. Do not make yourselves images of
 God instructed Moses to mark a boundary anything in heaven or on earth or
around Mt. Sinai. Israelites were not water underneath the earth.
supposed to step on or cross the boundary 3. Do not use my name for evil
or climb the mountain. If they did, they purposes.
were to die immediately. 4. Observe the Sabbath and keep it
 Those who crossed the boundary were to holy.
be stoned or shot with arrows to death. 5. Respect your father and your
 In the morning, there was thunder and mother, so that you may live a long
lightning and they heard a very loud time in the land that I am giving
trumpet and Moses led the Israelites to you.
the foot of the mountain to meet God. 6. Do not commit murder.
 God told Moses that He would come to 7. Do not commit adultery.
him in a thick cloud so that people would 8. Do not steal.
hear Him talk with him and they will 9. Do not accuse anyone falsely.
believe in him. 10. Do not desire (covet) another man’s
 On the morning of the third day, there house; do not desire his wife, his
was thunder and lightning. A thick cloud slave, his cattle, his donkeys, or
covered the mountain and a very loud anything else that he owns.
trumpet blast was also heard.  Commandments 1 to 4 guided the
 The whole of Mt. Sinai was covered with Israelites on how they should relate with
smoke because God’s presence was God while commandments 5-10 taught
signified by fire. them how they should relate amongst
 When the Israelites saw all these, they themselves.
trembled violently in fear.  Moses read the commandments to the
 God sent Moses to go down and bring Israelites and they promised to follow
Aaron with him. them.
 Moses built an altar at the foot of Mt.
Sinai using 12 stones each representing
h) The Ten Commandments tribes of Israel.
given to Moses:  God called Moses back to the mountain.
Aaron, Nadab, Abihu and
 God gave Moses the Ten Commandments  Young men were sent by Moses to burn
at Mt. Sinai. sacrifices to God. Moses sacrificed cattle
 The Ten Commandments were aimed at to God as fellowship offering.
guiding the Israelites to relate well with  Moses took half of the blood of the cattle
God and fellow human beings. he had sacrificed and sprinkled on the
 God Himself wrote the Ten altar.
Commandments on two stone tablets and  He sprinkled the other blood on the
gave them to Moses. people and said “This is the blood that
seals the covenant which the Lord made

with you when He gave all His him that it was a victory noise because
commands.” people were singing.
 The sprinkling of the blood on the altar  Moses went down the mountain carrying
and on the people was the sign of the the two stone tablets containing the Ten
covenant between God and the Israelites. Commandments. When he saw the
This covenant was known as Sinai Israelites worshipping the golden bull
Covenant. calf, he got annoyed and threw the two
 During this covenant, God promised to be stone tablets down, breaking them.
the God of the Israelites and to protect  God was not happy with the Israelites and
them from their enemies. He also planned to destroy them but Moses
promised to be with them and to provide pleaded with Him not to.
for their needs.  Moses melted the golden idol mixed it
 The Israelites also promised to take the with water and forced people to drink it.
Lord as their God. They promised to obey He also ordered the Levites to kill people
God’s command and follow His who were not on God’s side and on that
teachings. day about 3000 men were killed
 Moses went to pick the Ten  God sent a disease to the Israelites
Commandment on the mountain with because they influenced Aaron to make
Joshua. They stayed on the mountain for an idol for them.
a period of period of 40 days and nights.  Moses prayed for forgiveness from God
 The cloud covered the mountain for 6 on behalf of Israelites. God heard his
days and on the seventh day, God prayers and renewed the covenant with
appeared to Moses in form of a dazzling the Israelites.
light.  God told Moses to cut two stone tablets
so that He may re-write the Ten
i) Israelite Worship Golden Commandments on them.
 Moses did so and carried the tablets to the
Bull Calf: mountain. God appeared to Moses in
form of a cloud. He stayed there for 40
 When the Israelites saw that Moses and days and nights. During this time, he ate
Joshua had stayed for a long time on Mt. and drank nothing.
Sinai, they thought that they were dead so  Moses face shone brightly as he came
they went to Aaron and asked him to down from Mt. Sinai carrying the Ten
make a god to lead them back to Egypt. Commandments.
 Aaron accepted and asked them to collect
their golden jewels. He melted them and j) Israelites Journey into the
molded a golden bull calf as their god.
 He built an altar for the god and offered Promised Land (Canaan):
sacrifices to the idol.
 People were very happy. They made a  While at the wilderness of Paran, Moses
feast where they drank and had sex. sent twelve spies to confirm the
 God instructed Moses to go down to the following:
people because they were sinning. a) What type of a country it is.
 Joshua heard the noise from the camp and b) The number of people that live there.
thought there was a battle but Moses told c) How strong the people who live there

d) Whether the soil is fertile. bitten by were instructed to look at the
e) Whether the land is wooded or not. snake for them to heal.
 Each spy represented each tribe.
 The spies included: Baalam and the Speaking
a) Shammua from the tribe of Reuben
b) Shaphat from the tribe of Simeon
c) Caleb from the tribe of Judah
d) Igal from the tribe of Issachar  Balak, the king of Moab sent message to
e) Hoshea also known as Joshua from Baalam to curse the Israelites so that he
the tribe of Ephraim may attack and defeat them.
f) Palti from the tribe of Benjamin  On his way to meet the king of Moab, the
g) Gaddiel from the tribe of Zebulun angel of God holding a sword stood in the
h) Gaddi from the tribe of Manasseh middle of the road blocking the donkey
i) Ammiel from the tribe of Dan he was riding on.
j) Sethur from the tribe of Asher  Balaam’s donkey left the road when it
k) Nahbi from the tribe of Naphtali saw the angel of God. Baalam beat the
l) Geuel from the tribe of Gad donkey until it moved back to the road.
 They were to bring some fruit as a sign  The angel also stood in the middle of the
that the land was fertile. road at a narrow part. The donkey lay
 They explored the land for 40 days. The down when it saw him.
ten spies brought back wrong message.  Baalam beat the angel until it spoke to
They told the Israelites that people in the him asking him why he is beating it.
land were too strong for them to be
defeated. They also cheated people that k) Two Spies are sent to
the land was not productive. Caleb and
Joshua encouraged people and told them Jericho:
the truth about the land.
 Korah, Dathan and Abiram led agroup of  After the death of Moses, Joshua led the
Israelites of 250 and some well-known Israelites into the Promised Land.
leaders rebelled the leadership of Moses  He sent two spies to spy in Jericho. While
and Aaron. God punished them by being the spies were in Jericho, the King of the
swallowed alive by the earth. town heard that there were two strangers.
 Aaron died on Mt. Hor and his son,  He ordered for them to be arrested but
Eleazar succeeded him as Israel’s High they went and hid in the house of a
Priests. Israelites mourned him for 30 prostitute known as Rahab.
days.  When the king’s soldiers came to the
 Israelites always complained to Moses house looking for the two strangers,
for removing them Egypt to the desert. Rahab cheated them that they had gone
Because this, God gave them the away. At that time, Rahab had hid them
following punishments: at the ceiling.
a) God made them to wonder aimlessly  After the soldiers had gone, Rahab went
in the desert. to the roof and made them to promise that
b) God sent snakes that bit the Israelites they will not kill her and her family
who wondered in the desert. God during the capture of Jericho.
instructed Moses to make a golden
snake and hung to it on a pole. Those

 Rahab lowered them outside through the blow the trumpets after which Joshua was
window and they escaped and went back to blow one long note signaling people to
to their camp. shout.
 God instructed Joshua to tell the priests to  Joshua did as God had instructed him and
carry the covenant box and walk ahead of on the seventh round of the seventh day,
the Israelites. They were to stand in the the walls of Jericho fell down.
middle of River Jordan.  God had instructed the Israelites to
 As soon as the priests stepped in River destroy everything in the city. They were
Jordan, the water stopped flowing and the also supposed to kill everybody except
Israelites crossed the river on dry land. for Rahab and her family. Rahab was a
 After crossing, Joshua set up memorial prostitute who saved the two spies sent to
stones in the middle of the river using the Jericho by Joshua.
twelve stones picked from the exact place  Israelite soldiers attacked the city and
the priests carrying the covenant box captured it. They also burnt it down
stood.  God asked Joshua to tell Israelites to
 At Gilgal, Israelites conducted the second collect things made of gold, silver, bronze
circumcision to male members of the and iron and take them to the God’s
communities. treasury.
 While approaching Jericho, the saw a  God instructed the Israelites not to take
man standing in front of him holding a anything for themselves. A man called
sword. He asked the angel whether he Achan the son of Carmi from the tribe of
was an enemy but the angel told him that Judah disobeyed God and collected a
He was the commander of the Lord’s beautiful Babylonian cloak, two
army. Joshua fell on the ground and kilograms of silver and a half kilogram
worshiped God before the man. bar of gold from Jericho and buried it in
 The commander of God’s army told his tent.
Joshua to remove the sandals because he  Because of Achan’s sins, God punished
was standing on a holy ground. the Israelites by being defeated when they
went to attack a small town called Ai.
l) The Israelites Defeat of  Achan and his family were stoned to
death by the Israelites for his sins. They
Jericho: also burnt everything he owned at the
Trouble Valley.
 When the Israelites heard that the  After killing him, Joshua attacked Ai and
Israelites were advancing, they shut all this round he defeated them and captured
the gates of the city to keep them off. the city.
 God instructed Joshua to march around  After defeating Jericho and Ai, Joshua led
the walls with solders once a day every the Israelites to defeat other communities
day for six days. The Covenant Box was in Canaan. One of the communities
to be carried ahead of the soldiers. Seven defeated were the Amorites. He captured,
priests carrying trumpets were to walk killed and hanged the five Amorite kings.
ahead of them. People were not supposed During the war, Joshua prayed and the
to shout. sun and the moon stood still in the sky
 On the seventh day, they were to go over Gibeon until all the enemies were
around the walls of the city seven times conquered.
and on the seventh round, the priest are to

 Joshua helped the Israelites to settle in the fastened at his left hand side in his
Promised Land. clothes.
 After giving the gifts to the king the gifts,
Judges of Israel: Ehud sent the men he walked with to go
back home. He remained behind with the
king and told him that he had a secret for
 Israelites were ruled by judges after him. The king ordered his servants to
settling in the Promised Land. Joshua leave them alone.
ruled Israel as the first judge of Israel.  When they were alone in the palace, Ehud
 The main role of judges was to solve and went closer to King Eglon, removed his
settle disputes among the people. They swords from his clothes and killed the
also led the Israelites to war with enemies king by plugging the whole sword into his
to deliver the communities. belly. King Eglon was a very fat man and
 The following are some of the judges who the fats covered the sword.
ruled Israelites:  Ehud left the palace without anyone
noticing him, closed the doors behind him
a) Othniel: and escaped to Seirah. The king servants
did not arrest him because when they
went to the palace and found the doors
 He was the son of Kenaz, the brother of locked, they thought that the king was
Caleb. resting.
 He led the Israelites to defeat the king of  When Ehud reached the country of
Mesopotamia. Ephraim, he blew the trumpet calling the
 God punished the Israelites by allowing Israelites for battle against their enemies.
King Cushan Rishathaim of Ehud led them to defeat the Moabites.
Mesopotamia to conquer them.  After defeating the Moabites, he became
 He ruled the Israelites for 40 years before a judge in Israel. He initiated peace that
he died. lasted for 80 years.

b) Ehud: c) Shamgar:
 Israelites sinned and God punished them  He was the son of Anath.
by allowing King Eglon of Moab to  He saved the Israelites from the
capture the Israelites for 18 years. Philistines.
 King Eglon invited the Amalekites and  Using an ox goad, Shamgar killed 600
Amalekites and they both attacked Philistines.
Israelites and captured Jericho.
 The Israelites prayed to God for
forgiveness and God sent a man called d) Deborah and Barak:
Ehud the son of Geri from the tribe of
Benjamin to rescue them. Ehud was a  God allowed King Jabin of Canaan to rule
left-handed man. the Israelites.
 The Israelites sent Ehud to King Eglon to  Jabin was a powerful king with 900 iron
take to him gifts. Ehud went to the king chariots. He ruled Israelites for 20 years.
with a double-edged swords 50cm long He was very harsh and cruel to the

Israelites. Sisera was the commander of  The Midianites oppressed the Israelites
his army. and treated them harshly. Whenever the
 During that time, Deborah, a prophetess, Israelites planted crops, the Midianites
was a judge in Israel. would invite the Amalekites, attack the
 Deborah was the Lappidoth’s wife. She Israelites and destroy their crops. They
always sat under a palm at Ephraim would also carry their livestock.
between Ramah and Bethel.  One day the angel of the Lord appeared
 She called Barak the son of Abinoam and to Gideon, the son of Joash while he was
told him to choose 10,000 soldiers from threshing wheat secretly at the winepress
the tribes of Naphtali and Zebulun and and told him “The Lord is with you, brave
camp at Mount Tabor. She also told him and mighty man.”
that God would give them victory and  God ordered him through the angel to go
Sisera would be killed by a woman. with all his great strength and rescue the
 Barak did as he was told and led the Israelites from the Midianites.
Israelites’ to defeat the Canaanites. When  As a sign to prove that it was a real angel
Sisera saw that his army was defeated and from God, Gideon cooked a young goat
all his soldiers killed, he left his chariot and baked bread without yeast using 10kg
and escaped by foot. He went to the tent of flour. He took the food to angel of God
of a woman called Jael, the wife of Heber who was still waiting under the oak tree.
the Kenite. The angel asked him to place the food on
 Jael welcomed him in her tent and hid the rock next to him. Gideon did as he
him behind the curtain. Sisera asked her was instructed and when the angel
for water to drink because he was thirsty. touched the food with the end of His
Jael gave him milk and hid him again. stick, fire came from heaven and burnt the
Sisera asked her to stand at the door of the food. This is when Gideon knew that he
tent and not to reveal him to anyone who was an angel of God.
asks for him.  Gideon was afraid because he had seen an
 Since Sisera was very tired, he fell asleep. angel of God face to face but God assured
Jael took a hammer and a tent peg and him that he was not going to die. He built
drove the peg into the side of his head alter for God at Ophrah and named it
killing him instantly just like Deborah “The Lord is peace.”
had prophesised.  That night, God instructed Gideon to take
 Deborah and Barak sang a song to praise destroy his father’s alters of Baal and
God (hymn of victory) for saving the Asherah, build alter of God at the same
Israelites. place and offer a seven year old bull on
the altAr as a sacrifice. Gideon did as he
e) Gideon: was told.
 When the Israelites woke up and found
out that the altAr of the Baal and Asherah
 Israelites disobeyed God and sinned goddess was destroyed by Gideon, they
against Him. God allowed the Midianites went to Joash his father and asked him to
to conquer them and rule them for 7 provide Gideon so that they may put him
years. to death. Joash asked them to let Baal
 The Israelites feared the Midianites defend himself if he is a true God because
because they were very strong. They hid it is his alter that was destroyed. Because
away from them in hills and caves.

of this, Gideon was referred to as f) Abimelech:
 As a proof that God had chosen him to  He was Gideon’s son by a concubine
rescue the Israelites, Gideon placed wool from Shechem.
on the ground and asked God to make it  He killed all his brothers but his youngest
have due and not the ground around it. brother called Jotham managed to escape.
God did as Gideon had requested. He also
 Abimelech was not faithful to God
asked God once again to make the ground
because promoted the worship of Baal in
around the wool to have due and the wool
to remain dry. God did as asked by
 He was killed when capturing the city of
Thebez. A woman threw a milestone on
 Israelite soldiers camped at the Spring of
his head and broke his skull.
Harod and the Midianites camped at
Moreh Hill.
 God told Gideon that the number of g) Tola:
soldiers that were in the camp was large
to be given victory. God said this because  He ruled Israel as a judge after the death
this would make them have credit for of Abimelech.
themselves and not give it to Him.  He was the son of Puah from the tribe of
 God instructed Gideon to announce to all Issachar.
the soldiers who were afraid to go back  Tola ruled Israel for 23 years and when
home so 22,000 went back home leaving he died, he was buried at Shamir.
behind 10,000. God still said that the
number was large.
 God instructed Gideon to take the 10,000
soldiers to River Jordan and observe how h) Jair:
they drink water. He was instructed to
select those who will drink water by
 After the death of Tola, Jair from Gilead
scooping it with their hands and send
ruled Israel as a judge for 22 years.
home those who will drink directly by
lapping. 300 soldiers were selected.  Jair had 30 sons who owned 30 cities.
They also rode on 30 donkeys.
 At mid-night, Gideon led the 300 Israelite
soldiers around the Midianites’ camp.  He was buried at Kamon after his death.
They blew the trumpets, broke the jars
they were holding held their torches up i) Jephthah:
and shouted “A sword for the Lord and
for Gideon!” God made the Midianites  The Israelites sinned against God by
soldiers to attack each other in confusion. worshiping idols such as Baal and
 Gideon ruled Israel as a judge for 40 years Astartes.
and during this period, Israel was  God was not happy with the Israelites so
peaceful and faithful to God. he punished them by allowing the
 At his death, Gideon left 70 sons and one Philistines and the Ammonites to conquer
of his sons called Abimelech succeeded them. Israelites cried out to God for
his father as a judge of Israel. forgiveness.
 When the Ammonites camped ready to
fight the Israelites, the Israelites went to

Jephthah from Gilead and asked him to never been able to have children, but you
rescue them. Jephthah was the son of will soon be pregnant and have a son.”
Gilead. His mother was a prostitute. His  She was instructed to dedicate the child
brothers did not want him to inherit as a Nazirite. She was also told not to
anything from their fathers so they chased drink beer or wine or eat forbidden food
him from home. until the child is born. The child was not
 Jephthah asked the king of the supposed to cut his hair all his life.
Ammonites the reason why they attacked  When his wife told him what the angel
the Israelites and he was answered that had told her, he went to the same point
the Israelites had taken their land when where the angel met his wife but he did
they migrated from Egypt. not see the angel. He prayed and asked
 Jephthah accepted to lead the Israelites to God to bring the angel back. The angel
war against the Ammonites. Before going appeared again to the woman. This time,
to war, he asked God to give him victory. the woman rushed home and called the
He promised to offer to God as a burnt husband who came and found him.
sacrifice any of his family members who  Manoah offered a young goat and some
will come out to meet him when he comes grains to God on the rock alter. The angel
from war. went up in heaven in the flames of the
 When Jephthah arrived home from the sacrifice.
battle, his only daughter was the first  Manoah’s wife gave birth to a son just as
person to come out of the house to meet she had been told by the angel. She
him. named the child Samson. Samson grew
 Jephthah kept his promise offered his up a strong man. He was also a God
daughter as a sacrifice as he had promised fearing man.
Him even though he loved her very much.  Samson fell in love with a Philistine
This teaches Christians to always keep woman from Timnah and decided to
promises they make however hard they marry her. He asked his parents to
may be. accompany him to Timnah to see the
 Jephthah ruled Israelites as a judge for six woman. On their way, they heard lion
years. He died and was buried at his home roar, God gave Samson strength and he
town of Gilead. killed it by tearing it into pieces with his
bare hands. He didn’t tell his parents what
j) Samson: he had done.
 Another day when Samson was going
back to Timnah, he went to see the lion
 During the birth of Samson, the Israelites he had killed and found bees and honey
were ruled by the Philistines for 40 years. in it. He took the honey, ate and took
This was as a punishment to them for the some to his parents and he did not tell
sins they had committed against God. them where he got the honey.
 His father’s was called Manoah. He was  One day, Samson went to Timnah to the
from the tribe of Dan. He lived in a town woman’s house and made a wedding
called Zorah. feast as the customs demanded. The
 Manoah’s wife did not have any child Philistines sent 30 youths to keep watch
because she was barren. One day, the on him.
angel of God appeared to her and said to  He gave the 30 young men a riddle and
her the following statement; “You have asked them to solve it within seven days.

He promised each a piece of fine linen and a spring of water came out from it.
and a change of fine clothes if they got the The place was named Hakkore.
answer.  One day, the philistines caught Samson
 The riddle was; “Out of the eater came with a prostitute in the city of Gaza so
something to eat; Out of the strong came they planned to wait for him till daybreak
something sweet.” The young men did and attack him. Samson woke up at
not know the answer so they threatened midnight, pulled down the city’s gate, put
woman to get the answer to riddle from it on his shoulders and carried it to the hill
Samson. overlooking Hebron.
 The woman convinced Samson and he  Samson fell in love with a philistine
told her the answer to the riddle. The woman from the Valley of Sorek called
woman went and told the young men who Delilah. The five kings of Philistines
also told the answer to Samson. went to Delilah and asked her to trick
 The spirit of God came over Samson and Samson so that he may tell her the source
he went to Ashkelon, killed 30 men, took of his strength. Each king promised to
off their clothes and gave them to the give her eleven hundred pieces of silver.
young men.  Delilah asked Samson the source of his
 One day, went back to Timnah to visit his strength. He told her that he will be weak
wife. He carried for her a young goat. if tied with seven new bowstrings that
When he reached there, he was not have not dried up. Delilah went and told
allowed to get into her room because she the Philistines. They bought the new
had been given to another man as a wife. bowstrings and Delilah used them to tie
 Samson was annoyed so he caught 300 him. She then shouted that the philistines
foxes and tied them two by two by their were coming. Samson broke the
tails. He then fixed a torch on their tails, bowstrings with ease.
lit the torch with fire and released them  Delilah and the philistines still did not
loose into the cornfields and olive know the secret of his strength. Samson
orchards burning all of them. told her that if he will as ropes as told and
 The philistines reacted to Samson’s act gave them to her. She tied him on the bed
by burning the woman to death. They also and shouted telling him that the
burnt her father’s house. philistines were coming. He woke up and
 In retaliation, the philistines attacked broke the ropes he was tied with.
Israelite town called Lehi and demanded  Samson also told Delilah that he will be
the Israelites to hand over Samson to left powerless and weak if his seven locks
them as a prisoner. of his hair are weaved into a loom and
 3000 Israelites tied Samson with two new make it tight with a peg. Delilah made
ropes, brought him from the cliff at Etam Samson to sleep and did as she had been
and took him to the Israelites. When the told. After weaving his hair, she shouted
Philistines saw him, they ran towards him that the Philistines were coming. Samson
shouting in anger. The spirit of God came woke up and he pulled his hair loose from
over him and broke the ropes with ease. the loom.
 He picked a dead donkey’s jawbone and  Delilah kept on asking and nagging
killed 1,000 people with it. The name of Samson and one day he told her the truth.
the place was called Ramath Lehi. He told her that her hair had not been cut
 Samson became thirsty and prayed God since he was born because he was
for water and God opened ground at Lehi dedicated as a Nazirite.

 Delilah made Samson to fall in a deep Naomi that it’s only death that will
sleep and shaved his seven locks of hair. separate them. Naomi accepted to go to
She then called the philistines who with Ruth to Israel.
captured and arrested him. They removed  The whole town was excited when they
his eyes, chained him with bronze chains saw Naomi. She told them not to call her
and took him to Gaza. They forced him to Naomi but instead she be called Marah
work as a grinder in a mill. because God had made her life bitter. It
 The philistines met at Gaza to offer was during harvest when they arrived.
sacrifice to God Dragon and thank him  Ruth was later married by a very rich and
for the victory against Samson. The house famous man called Boaz from the tribe of
was full with 3,000 people. Samson was Judah and God blessed them with a baby
brought in to entertain them. boy and they named him Obed. Obed was
 When Samson was brought in, he held the father of Jesse and the grandfather of
two pillars of the house and prayed to King David. He was a descendant of
God to give him strength. His hair had Jesus Christ.
started to grow. God gave him strength  Ruth made the right decision by accepted
and he pushed the building killing all to follow Naomi while Orpah didn’t
people who were in the building. He also make a correct decision in his life.
died with them. Christians should therefore emulate
Ruth’s life.

Ruth and Naomi: Kings of Israel:

 Naomi and her family migrated from  Israelites demanded for a king during the
Israel to Moab to escape famine. Naomi time when Samuel a Judge and a prophet
was the wife of Elimelech. They lived in of Israelite.
Bethlehem. Naomi’s sons were called  The main reason why the asked for a king
Mahlon and Chillion. is because they wanted to be like their
 Mahlon married a Moabite woman called neighbouring communities such as the
Ruth .Chilion married another Moabite Philistines, Moabites, Ammonites,
woman called Orpah. Elimelech and his Midianites and Canaanites.
two sons, Mahlon and Chilion died while  Other reasons why they wanted to be
they were still living in Moab. ruled by a king included:
 After sometimes, Naomi decided to go a) Samuel’s sons Joel and Abijah were
back to Bethlehem because she had heard corrupt and dishonest so the Israelites
that the famine was over. She called her did not want them to succeed their
daughters in laws, Ruth and Orpah and father.
asked them to go away and get remarried. b) They wanted a human leader who
 Orpah accepted to go back to her family could lead them to war with their
but Ruth refused to leave and told Naomi, enemies.
“Whenever you go, I will go; wherever c) Samuel was getting very old and they
you live, I will live. Your people will be thought that he could not lead
my people, and your God will be my God. effectively.
Wherever you die, I will die, and that is  Samuel was not willing to appoint a king
where I will be buried. “She also told for them because he thought it was a way

of rejecting God as their leader. Other  As sign that God had anointed him as the
reasons why Samuel was not willing to King of Israel, Samuel told him that he
choose a king for the Israelites include: was to experience the followings:
a) A king would take their sons and a) At Rachael’s tomb at Zelzah, he will
recruit them as his soldiers force. meet two men who will tell him that
b) A king would take their daughters and the lost donkeys had been found.
make them his servants as cooks and b) At the sacred tree of Tabor, he will
barkers. meet three men on their way to Bethel
c) A king would take their fertile fields, to offer a sacrifice God. One will be
vineyards and olive groves to himself leading three young goats, the second
and his officials. will be carrying three loaves bread
d) A king would take a tenth of their and the third one will be carrying a
harvest to his officials. leather bag full of wine. They will
e) A king would take their servants and greet him and offer him two loaves of
livestock. bread. Samuel told him to accept
f) A king would take a tenth of their them.
flocks. c) God told Saul to go to the Hill of God
g) A king would make them his slaves. at Gibeah at the camp of the
 People of Israel paid no attention to what Philistines. At the entrance of the
Samuel told them. He insisted for having town, he will meet prophets playing
a king. harps, drums, flutes and lyres. They
 He prayed to God and God instructed him will also be shouting and dancing.
to do as they wished. The spirit of God will come over him
and will join them.
1. King Saul:  Samuel told him to do what God wants
him to do. He also told him to go ahead
of him to Gilgal and offer burnt sacrifice
 His father was a wealthy and influential and fellowship sacrifice to God. He was
man named Kish. He was from the tribe to stay there for seven day until Samuel
of Benjamin. joins him there.
 Saul was looking for his father’s lost  Samuel introduced Saul to the Israelites
donkeys when he met Samuel. When as their king at Mizpah. He also explained
Samuel saw him, God told him that “This to them the rights and duties of king.
is the man I told you about. He will rule  After one month, King Saul led the
my people.” Samuel invited Saul for a Israelites to defeat the Ammonites.
meal. Saul spent a night there.  King Saul’s wife was called Ahinoam the
 At dawn, Saul started his journey back to daughter of Ahimaaz.
his home. When they reached the edge of  Saul’s sons were Jonathan, Ishvi
the town, Samuel asked Saul to tell his (Abinadab), Malchishua and Ishbosheth.
servant to leave them for a while. When His daughters were Merab and Michal.
they were alone, Samuel anointed him
 Saul also had a concubine called Rizpah.
with olive oil as the first King of Israel.
He bore him two sons called Armoni and
He told him that “The Lord anoints you
as a ruler of his people Israel. You will
 The Philistines camped ready to fight the
rule his people and protect them from all
Israelites because King Saul had killed
their commander called at Geba. King

Saul waited for Samuel for seven days so When saw them, he was very terrified, he
that he may offer a sacrifice to God before talked to God but God did not answer him
they go to war as he had instructed him either by dreams, prophets or by use of
but he didn’t come. Urim and Thummim. The king therefore
 People became afraid and started to went to a medium and asked her to call
desert Saul. King Saul then decided to for him the spirit of Samuel. The medium
assume the roles of the priest and offered was not willing because she was afraid
the sacrifice himself. No sooner had he she could be killed but assurance and
finished offering the sacrifice than vows from the king, she did as she was
Samuel arrived. asked. Samuel told Saul that God had
 Samuel accused him of lack of patience, abandoned him and he was going to be
lack of faith and disobedience. Because killed in that war with the philistines.
of that, God promised to snatch the  King Saul died at Mount Gilboa while
kingdom from the house of Saul. fighting with the Philistines. His three
 Samuel was instructed by God to tell Saul sons; Jonathan, and Abinadab,
to choose an army and fight the Malchishua also died in that war.
Amalekites because they tried to block  King Saul was badly wounded by the
the Israelites during their exodus from enemy’s arrow. He told a young man who
Egypt. He was told to destroy everything. served as his body guard to kill him so
He was also told to kill everybody: men, that the Philistines do not catch up with
women, children, babies and animals. him and kill him but the young man
Saul selected an army of 200,000 ready to refused. King Saul took his own sword
fight the Amalekites. King Saul led the and committed suicide by falling on it.
Israelites to defeat the Amalekites. When the young man saw that, he also
 King Saul’s men captured King Agag of fell on his sword and died.
Amalekites a life and spared his life.  The Philistines cut off King Saul’s head
They also did not kill best cattle and and sent around Philistia.
sheep. They carried them as a loot. They  People of Jabesh from Gilead took Saul’s
also carried valuable goods. They only and his son’s bodies and burnt them at
killed and destroyed bad ones. Jabesh. They buried their bones under a
 God was not happy with King Saul tamarisk tree. They also fasted for seven
because he disobeyed His command of days in respect of the king.
 Because of the disobedience, God 2. King David:
rejected Saul as the king of Israel.
 God instructed Samuel to anoint David
 He was the son of Jesse from the tribe of
the son of Jesse from Bethlehem as the
Judah. His grandfather was called Obed
king of Israel to replace Saul.
who was the son of Boaz and Ruth.
 God’s spirit left King Saul and an evil
 David was born and lived in a town
spirit took control of him. His servant
known as Bethlehem.
brought in David, who was a talented
player of the harp, to play it to the king  David’s brothers were Eliab, the eldest,
whenever he is possessed by the evil Abinadab, Shammah, Nathanel, Raddai
spirit. and Ozem. David was the youngest of all.
 One day, the Philistine army camped at  His sisters were known as Zeruiah and
Mount Gilboa ready to fight the Israelites. Abigael.

 Prophet Samuel was sent by God to ready to fight the Israelites. Israelites also
Bethlehem and anoint one of Jesse’s sons assembled and camped at the Valley of
as a king of Israel. Elah.
 Samuel did as he was instructed by God.  A giant Philistine called Goliath from the
Eliab was brought to him, he thought he city of Gath challenged the Israelites to
was the one but God told him not to pay nominate anybody to fight him. Saul and
attention to how tall and handsome he his soldiers were afraid of him.
was. God told Samuel that he had rejected  Goliath challenged the Israelites for 40
him because He does not look at the days, morning and evening but no
outward appearance of people but their Israelites came out to fight him.
hearts. This teaches Christians not to  Goliath was 3 metres. He wore a bronze
judge people with their appearance but by armour weighing about 57kg. His spear’s
their hearts and deeds. iron head weighed 7kg. A soldier walked
 Jesse brought all other sons before in front of him carrying a shield.
Samuel but God rejected all of them.  One day, Jesse called David and sent him
Samuel asked Jesse whether he had to the Israelites’ camp to find out how
another son remaining. Jesse told him that they are faring on.
there was his youngest son called David  Jesse gave David 10kg of roasted grain,
who was out taking care of his flocks. and 10 loaves of bread to take to his
 When he was brought before Samuel, brothers. He also gave him 10 cheeses to
God accepted him and he was anointed as take to the commanding officer.
the second king of Israel. David was  When he arrived at the camp, found the
handsome, healthy and his eyes sparkled. Israelites moving towards the battle line.
 God choose David because he was a kind He left the food with the officer in charge
and God fearing man. and ran to the battle line to see his brother.
 David was a very skilled and talented  As he was talking to his brothers, Goliath
musician. He knew how to play a musical came and challenged the Israelites as
instrument called harp. usual.
 David was brought to the palace to play  David asked people in the battle the
the harp to King Saul who was being reward to be given to the person who
tormented by the evil spirit. defeats Goliath. He was told that the king
 David’s wives were Ahinoam, Abigael, had offered to give his daughter as a wife
Maacah, Haggith, Abital, Eglah, to anybody who kills the Philistines.
Bathsheba and Michal.  Eliab, his eldest brother was annoyed
 His sons were Amnon, Daniel, Absalom, with David when he heard him talk to
Adonijah, Shephatiah, Ithream, Shimea, people in the camp. He asked him what
Nathan, Solomon, Ibhar, Elishua, he was doing in the battlefield. He also
Shobab, Elpelet, Nogah, Nepheg, Japhia, asked him who was taking care of his
Elishama, Eliada and Eliphelet. His sheep in the wilderness. He called David
daughter was called Tamar. a cheeky brat who just came to watch the
a) David Defeats Goliath:  David was taken to King Saul and told
him that he was ready to fight Goliath.
King Saul doubted him because he was
 One day when Saul was the king of Israel, still a young boy. David assured him that
the Philistines camped at Ephes Dammim he will defeat the Philistine because he

had killed lions and bears who came to  One of the songs they sung was “Saul has
attack his sheep in the wilderness. killed one thousand, but David has killed
 He had a strong faith that since God had tens of thousands. This song did not
saved him from these wild animals, He please King Saul. He became jealous of
will also save him from Goliath. him because women sang songs of praise
 King Saul allowed him to go and fight for him.
Goliath. He also gave him his armour to  One day when King Saul was in his
wear. He also gave him a bronze helmet palace and David was playing the harp for
to put on his head and a sword. David him as usual, the evil spirit came over him
removed all these things because he was and threw a spear at David two times but
not used to using them. all these times David dogged.
 David took his shepherd’s stick, picked  King Saul became afraid of David
five smooth stones from the river and put because the Spirit of God was with him.
them in his bag. He also carried his sling  King Saul sent him away and put him in
and went to fight Goliath. charge of a thousand soldiers. David won
 When Goliath despised David because he every battle with them. This made King
was just a good looking boy. He asked Saul to be more afraid of him.
what he was a stick for and whether he  King Saul decided to give his daughter
thought he was a dog. Merab to David as a fulfillment of the
 Goliath challenged David and promised promise he had made of the person who
to his body to the birds and animals to eat. killed Goliath but when the time came for
 David told Goliath that he was going David to marry her she was instead given
against him in the name of the Lord to a man called Adreil.
Almighty yet he was against David with  King Saul daughter called Michal fell in
sword, spear and javelin. love with David and when the king heard
 David slung one stone to Goliath and hit so, he was happy because he wanted to
him on the forehead breaking his skull. use her to trap David and get him killed.
Goliath fell dead on the ground.  King Saul instructed David to kill
 David ran to him, used his sword and cut hundred philistines and bring their fresh
off his head. skins as a bride price. This was a way of
 The Philistines ran away in fear when getting David killed. David took his
they saw that their hero had died. The soldiers killed two hundred philistines
Israelites pursued the Philistines and and brought their fresh skins to King
defeated them. Saul.
 David became very famous in Israel after  King Saul had no options but to give
killing Goliath. David his daughter Michal as a wife.
 From then King Saul treated David as his
b) Saul becomes Jealous of enemy.
c) David and Jonathan:
 When soldiers were returning home from
war with Philistines, women from all  One day, King Saul told his son Jonathan
parts of Israel came to meting playing that he was planning to kill David since
tambourines and lyres, singing joyful Jonathan loved David very much, he
songs and dances. convinced his father not to kill him

because he was a good man and he had  The following day was a New Moon
done a lot to the King and people of festival, David did not want to attend this
Israel. festival because he was afraid because
 Jonathan took David to Saul and King Saul was planning to kill him.
continued to serve him as usual.  They agreed with Jonathan that he hides
 One day when David was playing the in the field behind a pile of stones the
harp, King Saul the evil spirit came upon whole day during the New Moon
the king and timed to kill David with the Festival.
spear he was holding for the third time but  He asked Jonathan to tell the King that he
David dogged and the spear stuck on the had travelled to Bethlehem his home to
wall. offer a sacrifice with his relatives.
 David ran away and escaped to his house  Jonathan made a vow that he will ensure
King Saul sent some men to go to his that he will save David’s life from his
house and kill him, Michal his wife father’s wrath. He also promised to let
warned him to escape because her father David’s absence from the New Moon’s
was planning to get him killed. festival.
 His wife Michal helped him to escape  He told David that he will shoot three
through the window that night. She then arrows at the pile of stones he will be
took a household idol laid in on bed and hiding behind and tell the boy to pick
placed a pillow made of goats hair on its them he will tell the boy look the arrows
head and covered it. are on this side of you get them if the
 When Saul’s men came she told them that king is not planning to kill him and the
her husband was sick and was lying on arrows are on the other side of you if the
the bed. The men went back and told the is planning to kill him
same to the king. The king ordered them  When the day of the new moon festival
to go back and carry David on his bed. reached the king realized the absence of
 The men did just like the king David when he asked Jonathan he was
commanded and when it was covered that told that David had travelled to
Michal had tricked them. Bethlehem.
 David escaped and went to Ramah, where  King Saul was not happy with Jonathan
Prophet Samuel was. When the king because he had let him go. He even threw
learnt where David was he sent soldiers a spear at Jonathan. This showed
to arrest him. When the soldiers reached Jonathan that his father was determined
Naioth in Ramah, they saw a group of to kill David.
prophets dancing and shouting with  Jonathan went to the field where David
Samuel as their leader. The spirit of God was hiding and shot spears just as he had
came upon them and they joined them in promised.
dancing and shouting.  David escaped and went to the house of
 Saul finally decided to go by himself and Ahimelech the priest in Nob.
him also joined them, danced and  The relationship between Jonathan and
shouted. He also lay down naked the David is an example of loyal trustworthy
whole day and night friendship.
 David escaped from Ramah and went to  David took the sword that belonged to
Jonathan and asked him why his father Goliath from Ahimelech and went to king
wanted to kill him yet he had served him Akish of Gath.
and the whole Israel well.

 David was afraid of King Achish when d) David and Abigael:
people told him that he was David the
women song in praise. He pretended to
be a mad man.  One day David went to the wilderness of
 David escaped from Gath and went to Pavin. Here was a rich man in the
Adullam in a cave. There, his brother’s wilderness called Nabal. He had 300
parents and other 400 people joined him sheep, 1000 goats.
and he became their leader.  David had saved his shepherds and his
 He left his parents in the cave of the King flocks from thieves and attackers.
of Moab.  David sent his men to him requesting for
 King Saul was told that David had visited some food. Nabal was sheering his
the priest Ahimelech and was given food sheep.
and Goliath’s sword  Nabal refused and insulted David’s men.
 The king ordered Ahimelech and all He sent them away without anything.
priests not to be brought before him and  David was not happy with Nabal’s
when they were brought he ordered their actions. He assembled hos 400 soldiers
killing. They were 85 priests in total. He and set off to strike and kill Nabal.
also killed all people and livestock in the  Nabal’s wife called Abigail was told by
town of Nob. her servant how his husband mistreated
 Ahimelech’s son called Abiathar escaped David’s servants.
and joined David.  When Abigail heard that, she quickly
 David saved the town of Keillah from the packed 200 loaves of bread, 2 leather
Philistines who had attacked them. bags full of wine, 5 roasted sheep, 17 kg
 When Saul heard that David and his men of roasted grain, 100 bunches of raisins
were in the wilderness near Engedi, he and 200 cakes of dried figs. She started
took 3000 best soldiers in Israel and her journey to meet David.
started his journey to look for him and kill  When Abigail met David, she pleaded
him. with him to forgive his evil husband.
 On his way he went to a cave near the  Abigail acted wisely because she was
road to relive himself it happened that intelligent.
David and his men were hiding in the  When Abigail went back home she found
same cave. her husband parting she waited until the
 His soldiers advised David to attack and next morning when she told him what
kill Saul but David instead crept to where David was planning and she took food for
Saul was and cut off a piece of his clothe him and his men.
from Saul’s robe without him noticing.  When Nabal heard that he developed
 When Saul left the cave, David called out stroke and became paralyzed for 10 days
at him and asked him why he wanted to before dying. This happened because he
kill him he showed him a piece of cloth was a very mean man.
he had cut from his robe. He also told  David married Abigail, Nabal’s wife after
him that he has no intention of rebelling the death of her husband. Sometime later,
against the king or harming him, by doing King Saul assembled 3000 soldiers to
so, David saved the life of the king Saul. pursue David whom he had been told was
hiding on Mount Hachilah. He camped
to the road leading to the mountain.

e) David Spares Saul’s Life: f) David becomes the King of
 When David heard that king Saul was
looking for him to kill him, he located  After the death of King Saul, David came
where they camped and the place where back to Israel and settled at Hebron in
the king would sleep. Judah.
 He asked one of two his soldiers,  The people of Judah made David their
Ahimelech and Abishai to accompany king but Abner made Ishbosheth, Saul’s
him to Saul’s camps. Abishai offered to only surviving son of the king of Israel.
go with David.  Rechab and Baanah sneaked into
 Abishai and David sneaked into the camp Ishbosheth’s house about noon and killed
and found king Saul sleeping in the him while he was sound asleep. They cut
middle of the camp with his soldiers also off his head and took it to David. Since
sleep around him. David was a kind man, he did not forgive
 Abishai told David that God had put his them for killing Ishbosheth, he ordered
enemy in his power that night. He asked for their killing.
David to allow him to kill Saul with his  David was made the king of the whole
own spear. David refused and asked him Israel when he was 30 years old.
not to touch God’s chosen king. This  He ruled at Hebron as his capital city for
shows that David was a kind and 7 ½ years. He moved the capital of his
forgiving person. kingdom to Jerusalem. The town was
 David and Abishai took the king’s spear once occupied by the Jebusites.
and his king’s water which were beside  Jerusalem was chosen because it was at
the head of the king and went away. The the centre of the kingdom. The city was
crossed over the other side of the valley known as the “City of David”.
went on a hill and shouted at Abner, the
 David united all tribes of Israel. He also
king’s commander of the army to always
defeated all the enemies of Israel.
guard the king.
 David collected 30,000 soldiers and went
 David also asked the king why he wanted
to Balaah in Judah to bring the covenant
to kill him. By taking the king’s jar and
box to Jerusalem.
the spear, the wanted to prove to the kings
 While the way, Uzziah stumbled and
that he did not have any plan of killing
touched the covenant box God was angry
and he died instantly. This is because
 David escaped and went back to king
only the virtually clean and the priest
Achish of Gath the Philistine. The king
were allowed to loud it. This made David
of Gath gave them the town of Ziglag
to be afraid of the box. He changed his
until king Saul died in war with the
mind and took it to Obed Edom where it
stayed for three months before being
taken to Jerusalem.
 While transporting the covenant box to
Jerusalem, King David danced with
celebration and joy until his clothes fell
of his body. When his wife Michal asked
him why he disgraced himself before the

people he said that he was happy to dance  He told him that there was two men who
with God who lifted him to the throne. lived in a town. One was very rich and
 David showed mercy and care to had many livestock and the other one was
Jonathan’s only surviving called poor and had only one lamp, the he loves
Mephibosheth. most. When the rich man had visitors, he
took the poor man’s only lamb slaughters
g) David and Bathsheba: it and cooked a meal for his guests.
 When David heard that he was very
annoyed and ordered the rich man be
 One day David was walking on the killed. Prophet Nathan told David that
balcony in his palace late in the afternoon the story referred to him. David felt sorry
when he saw a beautiful woman bathing. and asked God for forgiveness.
 The woman was called Bathsheba.  God forgave him but he made the child
Bathsheba’s was the wife of Uriah, the born by Bathsheba through adultery to
Hittite. die.
 David sent for her and he committed  Bathsheba’s bore another son for David
adultery with her. and named him Solomon. God told
 When David realized that she was Nathan to name him Jedidah which
pregnant, he sent for Uriah to come to means beloved of God this is because
him. Uriah was serving in David’s army God loved him.
and had gone to camp with the troop.
 When Uriah came he talked to him and
sent him to his house but instead he didn’t
h) Amon and Tamar:
go. He slept at the palace gate with the
king’s guards  Ammon, one of David’s son fell in love
 David was not happy so he wrote a letter with his step sister called Tamar.
to Joab, the commander of his army  Tamar was a very beautiful woman. She
instructing him to put Uriah in front line was Abisalom’s sister.
where the fighting is heaviest to that he  Ammon loved her so much that he fell ill.
could be killed. This is because it was not possible to meet
 Joab did was he was instructed and Uriah her.
was called in war. David took Bathsheba  His friend showed called Jonadab asked
as his wife. God was not happy with what him why he was sad. When Ammon told
David had done. He had broken three him that he loved his sister and advised
commandments, they include: him to pretend that he was ill and that he
a) Do not covet: he admired Uriah’s wanted Tamar to take care of him that
wife would make him meet her.
b) Do not commit adultery: He  Ammon did as his friend had advised him
committed adultery with Uriah’s wife and when Tamar came, he tricked her and
(Bathsheba) raped her.
c) Do not murder: He ordered Joab to  Absalom killed Ammon his brother for
ensure that Uriah is killed. raping his sister. He fled to Talmai the
 God sent a Prophet Nathan to warn David son of Ammihid, the king of Geshor
of his sins. Nathan told him his sins where he stayed for three years.
through a parable.  Joab convinced the King David to allow
Absalom to come back from exile David

accepted and Absalom stayed in  David and his men reached Jordan where
Jerusalem for two years without seeing or they rested.
meeting the king.  When Absalom reached Jerusalem,
 He later asked for forgiveness and the Ahithophel advised Absalom to sleep
king pardoned him. with his father’s concubines to show that
he was his father’s enemy. A tent was set
i) Absalom Rebels against his on the roof of the palace where Absalom
slept with his father’s concubines in the
Father: sight of all Israelites.
 Ahithophel advised Absalom to select
 Absalom was a very famous in Israel 12,000 soldiers to pursue and kill David
because he was very handsome. He was but Hushai advised him to collect very
neat and without any defect on his body many Israelites to fight David because he
from head to the toe. was very strong and skilled soldier.
 He provided a chariot and horses for  Hushai advised Absalom so because they
himself. He also walked with an escort of wanted time to send messengers to David
50 people. to warn him and advised him to escape
 Every morning, he would stand at the across River Jordan so that he is not
road that leads to the city in order to win attacked.
the favour of the Israelites. This made  When Ahithophel learnt that his advice
him with the loyalty of the people. had not been followed he went back to his
 One day he convinced his father, King city Hebron hanged himself.
David to allow him go with him to  David divided his people into three
Hebron to worship God. David allowed groups and replaced Abishai, Ittai and
him and he went together with 200 Joab as leaders of each group. He ordered
people. them not to harm his son Absalom.
 He went there to plan on how to  David’s soldiers fought Absalom’s in the
overthrow his father. forest of Ephraim and more the 20,000
 One day David’s advisors called people died.
Ahithophel joined Absalom and his  Absalom who was riding a mule met
followers left to the city of Jerusalem David’s soldiers as he tried to escape his
because they were afraid that Absalom head stuck in oak tree.
would attack the city and kill them.  Some soldiers told Joab that they had
 David also prayed to God to make seen Absalom hanging on an oak tree.
Ahithophel’s advice nonsense.  Joab plunged three spears into Absalom’s
 King David went to Mount Olives chest, Joab’s ten soldiers finishing killing
weeping. He covered his head as a sign Absalom and buried him in a deep pit in
of grief. the forest and piled huge stones on his
 When they needed Bahorim, Shimei, the body.
relative of Saul followed them abusing  Since Absalom didn’t has a son, he built
David and throwing stones at him. He a monument for himself at the king’s
accused David of murdering Saul’s valley and named it after him to keep his
family and taking his Kingdom. name alive.
 Abishai and his brother Joab wanted to  King David wept for the death of his son
kill him but the king asked them not to do Absalom even thought he was his enemy.
so. David did so because he was a kind man.

j) David Conducts a Census: 3. King Solomon:

 David called Joab a commander and  Adonijah, Solomon’s half-brother was a

asked him to convert all Israel. very handsome man. The King has also
 Joab did so and reported were 800,000 not accused him of any mistake.
people capable of military service Israel  He was so ambitious and wanted to be the
and 500,000 in Judah. King of Israel.
 God was not with David’s act. He sent  He offer e d a sacrifice of sheep bulls and
God to him with three forms of fattened calves at the snake rock near
punishment for him to collect one. The Enrogal spring.
punishment include:  He invited all his brothers except
a) Three years of famine in the whole Solomon to the sacrificial forest.
Israel  When prophet Nathan heard that he went
b) Three months running away from his to Bathsheba and ask her whether she
enemies knew that Adonijah was being crowned
c) Three day of epidemic in the country king of Israel
 King David chose three days of epidemic  Nathan asked her because he knew that
because he preferred to be punished by King David had promised to make
God himself to the people. Solomon his successor.
 God sent an angel that killed about  Prophet Nathan and Bathsheba went to
70,000 people. God stopped the angel remind the king of his promises and to
when it was about to kill. inform him that people had gathered to
 David pleaded with God to kill him crown Adonijah their king.
instead because he was the guilty one.  King David ordered prophet Nathan
 God sent David to tell him Araunah and and priest Zadok to crown Solomon
built an altar of God in order to stop the the King of Israel.
epidemic and offered an oxen for God as  Zadok and Nathan did as they were
a sacrifice he used the threshing boads told and crowned Solomon as the third
and yoke as forward. He brought all of King of Israel at the spring of Gihon
these from Arauniah for 50 pieces of  When people at Adonijah’s party heard
silver. that they fled to their homes.
 Adonijah went to the tent of the lord’s
k) Death of David: presence and held the corners of the
alter because he was afraid of Solomon.
 When King David was old and he could  Solomon ensured those who approved
not keep warm even after being covered him died. They included Adonijah
with blankets. Shimei and Joab.
 His servant the looked for a beautiful to  He also banished and demoted
keep him warm. The woman was called Abiathai from his position as a High
Abishag. David died after raking Israel Priest and chose Zadok in the position.
for 40 years, 7years in hebron and 33
years in Jerusalem.

Solomon Prays for Wisdom:  King Solomon become very famous
because of his wisdom.
 Solomon was a God fearing and
righteous man .He did what was right Solomon Built the Temple:
in the sight of God.
 One day King Solomon went to offer a  Initially, King David had planned to
sacrifice at Gibeon. God appeared to build the temple to God but God did
him in a dream at night and what he not allow him to do so because he had
would like to be given by Him. killed many people in war and his
 Solomon asked God to give him hands were soiled in blood.
wisdom to rule his people God was  God promised David that his son who
pleased the choice he made. Because would succeed him will build the
of that God gave him wisdom and in temple instead.
addition he gave him wealth and honour  King Hiram of Tyre provided cedar
than any King on earth. and pine timber to King Solomon for
 He also promised him long life if he the building of the temple.
obeys and keeps His laws and command.  King Solomon began to build the
 One day two prostitutes came to the temple during the fourth year of his
king to have their case solved. One of reign. This was four hundred and
them told the king that they were only hundred and eighty since the Israelites
two in the house when she gave birth left Egypt.
to a son, One night the other woman  The temple was 27 metres long, 9metres
rolled over her child and killed him. wide and 13.5 metres high.
He then exchanged with her child who  After completing the building of the
was alive. temple, God promised Solomon that
 The second woman said that the alive He will live among the people in
child was her child and the dead child the temple and not abandon them
belonged to the second woman. if he obeys His commands and laws.
 Since all the women claimed the  The main reason why Solomon built
ownership of the alive child , the king the temple to was to fulfil his
ordered for the child to be cut into father’s work and God’s wish to
two parts and give each woman one have it built by King David’s son.
part.  King Solomon and the people of the
 The first mother full of love for her Israel dedicated the temple to God. The
child, asked the not kill the child king sacrificed 22000 herds of cattle and
instead give it to the second woman. 12000 sheep as a fellowship offering.
 The second woman asked the king to  He also celebrated the festival of shelter
cut the child into two parts and give them for seven days on the eight day he sent the
the parts. people home.
 King Solomon ordered the child to be
given to the first woman because she
proved to be the mother of the child.
 King Solomon exercised his wisdom to
judge that difficult case.

Queen of Sheba Visits King into southern and northern kingdoms. He
took away from Solomon’s house. He
Solomon: left the southern two tribes to the house of
Solomon to rule.
 The Queen of Sheba travelled to  Solomon died at old age after ruling Israel
Jerusalem to prove the wisdom of King for 40 years. His son Rehoboam
Solomon. succeeded him.
 She carried spices, jewels and gold with
her. 4. Jeroboam:
 She tested King Solomon by asking him
all sorts of questions but King Solomon
answered them without any difficulty.  He was the first King of the Northern
Kingdom also as Israel.
 She also saw the temple the king had
built, the kind of food that was served, the  He was the son of Nebert. He was a strong
king’s servants quarters the uniform they young man and King Solomon appointed
wore and how the king was wealthy. him to be in charge of forced labourers
building the destroyed walls of
Solomon Sins before God:  One day when he was travelling from
Jerusalem prophet Ahijah met him on the
 Solomon married from foreign women road. He took off his robe and tore it into
from Egypt, Moab, Ammon, Edom and twelve pieces. He gave 10 pieces to
Sidon. He went against God’s command Jeroboam and told him that God was
of not intermarrying with those going to take away the ten tribes from the
communities. king Solomon and give them to him as
 God did not want Israelites not to their king.
intermarry with them because they will  When King Solomon heard that, he tried
introduce idolatry from their to kill him but Jeroboam escaped to King
communities into Israel and make people Shishak of Egypt.
to worship them.  After the death of Solomon, Jeroboam
 Solomon married 700 princess and 300 came back and became the king of the
concubines. Northern Kingdom.
 These foreign wives made him to turn  Jeroboam later turned away from God by
away from God. They made him to promoting idolatry in Israel. He made two
worship foreign Gods they introduced to golden bull calves and placed them at
him. This made him to be unfaithful to Bethel and at Dan. He convinced all
God. Israelites to worship them as their Gods.
 He also built alters where his foreign  Jeroboam did this because he didn’t want
wives offered sacrifices to their gods. Israelites to continue going to offer their
 God appeared to him two times and sacrifices to God at Jerusalem in Judah.
warned him against worshipping the idols This is because he thought Israelites
but he did not change. maybe loyal Rehoboam.
 Solomon imposed forced and hard labor  Jeroboam also appointed and ordained
on the 10 northern tribes of Israel. from other tribes other than the tribe of
 God was not happy with Solomon’s sins Levi as the laws required.
because of this God divided the kingdom

 Jeroboam died after ruling Israel for 22 She forced Ahab and the Israelites to
years. His son Nadab succeeded him as a worship Baal.
king.  Because of worshiping Baal and Asherah
gods, God sent Elijah to warn him. He
5. King Rehoboam: also pronounced a 3 year drought to Israel
because of that.
 Ahab was present when Prophet Elijah
 He was the son of Solomon. His mother challenged the prophets of Baal at Mt.
was called Naamah from Ammon. Carmel.
 Rehoboam succeeded his father as the  God led Ahab to defeat King Benhadad
king of Israel but when the kingdom was of Syria twice. This was to prove to King
spilt into two, he remained with the Ahab that He was a true God. Ahab still
Southern Kingdom (the two tribes; Judah continued to sin.
and Benjamin) which he ruled as their  Ahab asked Naboth to sell for him the
king. vineyard that was close to his palace but
 After the death of Solomon, people of the Naboth refused because he had inherited
united Israel came to Rehoboam and it from his ancestors.
asked him to lessen the burdens his father  Ahab went home angry and very
had put on them and they will serve him unhappy. He lay on his bed facing the
with loyalty. wall and refused to eat.
 The older men advised him to do as they  His wife ordered for the killing of Naboth
requested but he ignored them and and after he had been stoned to death,
followed the advice given to him by the Ahab took his vineyard.
younger people.
 God also sent Prophet Elijah to warn him
 The younger people advised him to for his sins he had committed by killing
ignore the older men’s advice and Naboth. The followings are punishments
increase the sufferings than his father did. given to Ahab and Jezebel for killing
 Rehoboam was 41 years old when he was Naboth:
anointed the King of Judah. a) Dogs will eat Jezebel’s body in the
 He ruled Judah for 17 years and when he city of Jezreel.
died, his son Abijah succeeded him. b) Dogs will lick Ahab’s blood in the
very place dogs licked Naboth’s
6. Ahab: blood.
c) Jezebel’s relatives who dies in the
city shall be eaten by dogs and those
 He was the 7th King of Israel, (Northern
who die in the open county shall be
Kingdom) after Jeroboam.
eaten by vultures.
 He succeeded his father Omri, after his
 King Ahab and King Jehoshaphat of
Judah planned to go to war with the Syria
 The capital of his kingdom was at
and claim Ramoth Gilead back.
 Before going to that war, King
 His wife was called Jezebel, the daughter
Jehoshaphat asked for the prophets to
of King Ethabaal of Tyre also known as
consult God. Ahab collected 400
Phoenicia or Sidon.
prophets and all led by Zedekiah the Son
 His wife was evil because she introduced of Chenaanah gave false prophesy that
the worship of idols (idolatry) in Israel. they were going to win the battle.

 King Jehoshaphat asked whether there Omri Athaliah
was any prophet remaining. The king
ordered for prophet Micah to be brought Ahaziah Jehoash
from prison. He foretold to them that they
would lose the battle and Ahab would be Jehoram Amaziah
killed. Ahab did not like Prophet Micah
because he always condemned his sins. Jehu Uzziah
 During the day of the battle, Ahab
Jehoahaz Jotham
deceived the opponents by not wearing
the royal garments. He allowed King
Jehoash Ahaz
Jehoshaphat to dress like a king. This was
a cautionary measures so that he is not Jeroboam II Hezekiah
killed as prophesied by the prophet.
 As the war raged, a Syrian army struck Zechariah Manasseh
Ahab with an arrow by chance. The king
bled the whole day and he died at sunset. Shallum Amon
 His blood on the chariot was washed at
the pool of Samaria. Dogs licked his Pekahiah Josiah
blood and prostitutes washed themselves
there just like Prophet Elijah had foretold. Pekah Jehoahaz
 His son Ahaziah succeeded him as a king
of Israel. Hoshea Jehoiakim
 King Ahaz commandments broke the
following commandments: Jeconiah
a) Do not covet because he admired
Naboth’s vineyard.
b) Do not murder because he killed
c) Do not worship idols because he
promoted the worship of Baal in Prophets of Israel:
 Other kings of Israel were:  Prophets were people used by God to
foretell what was going to happen to the
Northern Southern people.
Kingdom (Israel) Kingdom (Judah)  God sent them to warn people to stop
committing sin and do what is right
Nabad Abijah before God.
 Prophets also warned people on the
Baasha Asa punishment of God that was to befall
Elah Jehoshaphat
 Prophets of Israel also had the following
Zimri Jehoram roles:
a) Advice the king on what to do and
Tibni Ahaziah what not to do.
b) Offer sacrifices on behalf of the
c) Acted as a go – between God and the f) That God would satisfy those whose
people. greatest desire is to do what God
d) Prove the powers of God through requires.
miracles g) That those who mourn will be
e) Anoint kings and rulers. comforted by God.
 Prophets in the Bible are grouped in h) Reminds us that heaven is God’s
major and minor prophets. throne and earth is His footstool.
 Major Prophets included: - Jeremiah, i) That Jesus will heal peoples’ different
Isaiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, Elijah, Elisha and diseases.
Samuel. j) Jesus was God’s chosen servant.
 Minor prophets included Hosea, Joel, k) The reason why Jesus will use
Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, parables in his teachings.
Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, l) The hypocrisy of the Pharisees and
Zechariah, Malachi, Nathan, Ahija, Gad, teachers of law.
Jehu, Micaiah, Jonah, Micah and m) Warned the Israelites against the
Obadiah. misuse of the temple of God.
n) The suffering and humiliation of
Jesus Christ.
7. Isaiah: o) He referred to Jesus as a light to
reveal God’s will to the Gentiles and
 He was the son of Amoz. to bring glory to His people Israel.
 He served as a prophet during the reign of  Prophet Isaiah was referred to as the
kings Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz and prophet of hope mainly because he
Hezekiah. foretold the birth of Jesus.
 Prophet Isaiah foretold the followings:
a) The coming of a peaceful kingdom 8. Jeremiah:
(paradise) where human beings and
wild animals will leave in peace.
b) The work and the mission of John the  He was the son of Hilkiah. His father was
Baptist as the messiah’s front runner a priest in the town of Anathoth.
when he said:  He served as a prophet during the reign of
“Someone is shouting in the desert, Kings Josiah, Jehoiakim, Jehoiachin and
prepare a road for the Lord; make a Zedekiah.
straight path for him to travel!”  God called Jeremiah and told him that he
c) Mary, who was a virgin, would be chose him before he gave him life. He
pregnant and give birth to Jesus selected him s his prophet before he was
Christ when he said: born.
“A virgin woman will be pregnant  Jeremiah was not willing to serve as
and have a son, and he will be called God’s prophet because he didn’t know
Immanuel which means God with us” how to speak and he thought that he was
d) The voice that came from heaven and still very young.
said about Jesus during Jesus’  God told him to go and serve as prophets
baptism and transfiguration. and promised to be with and protect him.
e) That Jesus would begin his work at God touched his lips and gave him words
Galilee. to speak.

 God showed Jeremiah two visions of a c) The Lord will be the God of all people
branch of an almond tree and a boiling pot and not of the Israelites only as it were
in the north. The two visions showed that in the previous covenants.
God will allow kingdoms from the north d) Every person would make an effort to
to attack and destroy the kingdom of reach God.
Judah and Jerusalem city. e) God will forgive and forget sins of
 He warned Israelites of their those who repent.
unfaithfulness to God and idolatry. He  Jeremiah wore an ox yoke made from
also pointed out the sins committed by the cross bars and leather straps to show the
people of Judah and Jerusalem. Israelites how the kingdoms of Judah,
 He foretold the destruction of Jerusalem Israel and their neighbours will be taken
city by the Babylonians. He went on to as slaves by King Nebuchadnezzar of
foretell the carrying of the people of Babylon.
Israel and their kings to Babylon as  The prophet prophesised that King Herod
captives. would kill the baby boys in Bethlehem
 Jeremiah wrote a book in the Bible called with an aim of killing baby Jesus.
Lamentation. The book express  He was nicknamed the prophet of doom
Jeremiah’s weeping over the destruction because he foretold the fall and
of Jerusalem and Judah. destruction of Jerusalem.
 Jeremiah’s had a secretary called Baruch.
The prophet asked people to repent their 9. Samuel:
sins and live a righteous life.
 Jeremiah’s also saw another vision in this
one the earth was like a barren waste the The Birth of Samuel:
mountains were shaking and the hills
were rocking. There were no people on  He was the son of Elkanah from the tribe
the earth or birds in the air. Fertile land of Ephraim.
had become desolate and cities were  Elkanah was a God fearing man who
ruins. The vision showed God’s anger lived in a town of Ramah.
and the coming destruction on Jerusalem.  Elkanah had two wives called Penninah
 Prophet Jeremiah foretold the new and Hannah.
covenant that God made with all people  Penninah had children but Hannah had
in the world. not given birth to any child.
 The followings are characteristics of the  Penninah tormented and humiliated
new covenant as foretold by Jeremiah: Hannah because she was childless. This
a) It was made with all people in the would make Hannah cry a lot and refuse
world unlike other covenants that was to eat.
between God and Israelites or  One day, Elkanah and his wives went to
individual. Shiloh to worship the Lord and offer a
b) Individual people will be punished for sacrifice to Him. While they were eating,
their own sins unlike the previous Hannah got up and went to the temple to
covenants where people were pray.
punished for the sins of their
 In her prayers, she asked God for a child.
She also promised to dedicate the child to
God all his life. This teaches us ask God
all that we want through prayers.
 She prayed silently and when Priest Eli  God called Samuel the fourth time and
saw her lips move, he thought that she told him that Eli’s sons; Hophni and
was drunk. She told Eli that she was Phineas will be killed by God on the same
pouring her troubles to God. day because they had committed many
 God answered her prayers. She became sins. They slept with women who worked
pregnant and gave birth to a son and at the entrance of the Lord’s Tent.
named him Samuel means “name of  God’s message came to pass when
God” or “ask.” Hophni and Phineas were killed in war
 After weaning, Hannah took the son to with the Philistines and the Covenant box
the Lord at Shiloh and dedicated him to captured by God.
God all his life as she had promised. This  Eli fell down from his chair and died
teaches us to keep our promises always when he was told that his children were
just like Hannah did. killed and the covenant box captured by
 They also took 3 years old bull, 10 the Philistines.
kilograms of flour and a leather bag full
of wine as a sacrifice to God. Samuel Rules Israel:
 Elkanah and his wife Hannah went back
to their home in Ramah and left Samuel
at Shiloh where he lived with Eli. He  After the death of Eli, Samuel served as a
served God all his life there. priest in Israel. He also served as a
prophet and the last judge if Israel.
 Each year, Hannah would accompany her
husband to Shiloh to worship and offer a  Samuel called all the Israelites at Mizpah
sacrifice to God. She would take a robe to and called them to turn away from their
Samuel. This teaches parents to be sins and get rid of their idols. He also
responsible and always provide for the prayed to God on their behalf to forgive
needs of their children. them their sins. They drew water and
poured it as an offering to God.
 God blessed Hannah even more and she
gave birth to three sons and two  When the five Philistines’ kings heard
daughters. that the Israelites had gathered at Mizpah,
they decided to attack them. Samuel
prayed to God. He also offered a lamb to
The Call of Samuel: God. God heard Samuel’s prayer and
stroke the Philistines with thunder. They
 One night while Samuel was sleeping at ran in confusion and the Israelites
Shiloh in the sanctuary where the pursued them and killed them.
covenant box was, God called him.  Samuel set a stone between Mizpah and
During this time, Eli was sleeping in his Shen and named it “Stone of help.”
room. Samuel also built an altar to God at
 Samuel thought it was Eli calling him so Ramah.
he woke up and went to him. Eli asked  Samuel’s sons were called Joel and
him to go back and sleep. Abijah.
 God called him the second and third time.  Saul was famous because he led the
This is when Eli realized that it was God Israelites with dignity and honesty. He
calling him. He advised him to go and also advised the Israelites to turn away
sleep and taught him how to respond from their sins.
incase God calls him again.

 He served as a prophet of Israel during the this story, we learn that God blesses those
reign of King Saul. He anointed Saul and who are kind and generous especially to
David as kings of Israel. the needy.
 Samuel died and was buried at Ramah.  One day, the widow’s son fell ill and died.
Elijah took the son upstairs and laid him
10. Elijah: on bed. He prayed to God and stretched
himself on the boy three times. God
answered Elijah’s prayers when the child
 Elijah came from Tishbe in Gilead. He was raised back to life.
was a prophet of Israel. The name means
“My God is Yahweh”
 He was called “wonder-maker” because
Elijah Challenges the Prophets
of the wonderful miracles he performed. of Baal:
 He served as a prophet during the reign of
King Ahab of Israel.  One day, King Ahab called Obadiah his
 He warned the Israelites including King servant and sent him out to go out and
Ahab and his wife, Queen Jezebel against look for grass for his horses and mules.
the worship of idols. On his way, he met Elijah. Elijah sent him
 He pronounced a serious drought in Israel to go back and call Ahab for him.
that was to last 2 – 3 years as a  Ahab called Elijah the troublemaker of
punishment for idolatry among the Israel. Elijah on the other hand told Elijah
Israelites. that he was the one who was the
 After pronouncing it, Elijah went to hide troublemaker of Israel.
near the brook of Cherith. He drank water  Elijah asked Ahab to assemble all
from the brook and ravens brought bread Israelites at Mt. Carmel. He also asked
and meat for him. him to invite 450 prophets of Baal and
400 prophets of goddess Asherah. Elijah
Elijah and the Widow of alone was to represent the prophets of
God. This meeting was to prove to the
Zeraphath: Israelites the true God and the false one
between the Lord and Baal.
 God instructed Elijah to go to the town of  Elijah asked the king to provide two
Zeraphath near Sidon. At the gates of the bulls; one for the prophets of Baal and the
town, he saw a widow collecting other one for him.
firewood. He asked her for water to drink  They were to cut the bull in pieces, place
and bread to eat. it on the altar and pray for their God to
 The widow of Zeraphath had little flour provide fire to burn the sacrifice. The
and oil remaining for her and her son to God that provides the fire was to be
make one meal and live to starve. Elijah regarded as the true God. Ahab did as he
persisted and the woman accepted to was told by Elijah.
make bread for Elijah. This teaches  The prophets of Baal killed their bull,
Christians to always be generous and slaughtered it, laid on the altar and prayed
kind like the widow. to their god for fire.
 Because of her kindness, Elijah prayed  They prayed until noon but their god did
for her and her oil and flour never got not answer their prayers. They danced
finished until the drought was over. From around the altar praying and cutting

themselves with daggers and knives but  He told King Ahaziah of Israel that he
Baal did not answer them. was to die because he consulted
 When Elijah’s turn came, he built the Baalzebub, the Philistine’s god instead of
Lord’s torn alter with twelve stones each God the Lord. The king had fallen from
representing the tribes of Israel. He dug a the balcony of his palace and had sent a
trench around it and filled it with water. messenger to consult the idol whether and
 He placed firewood on the altar, laid the find out whether he was going to die.
slaughtered bull on it and prayed for God  Elijah did not die, he was taken up in
to send the fire from heaven and burn the heaven by a chariot of fire driven by
sacrifice. horses of fire while at Jericho.
 God answered Elijah’s prayers and the  The prophet had crossed over to Jericho
fire burnt the whole sacrifices. This by dividing the water of River Jordan by
proved to all Israelites that the Lord was hitting it with his cloak.
the true God.
 From this story, we learn the following 11. Elisha:
a) Jehovah the Lord is the true God
b) God answers prayers.  He was the son of Shaphat from Abel
c) God does not like idolatry. We should Meholah.
therefore worship God only.  He was chosen by Elijah to succeed him
 Prophet Elijah killed all the prophets of as the prophet of Israel.
Baal by drowning them in River Kishon
because they misled the Israelites. The Call of Elisha:
 After that, God ended the drought by
sending rain to Israel. This shows that  Elijah found Elisha ploughing with oxen.
God is forgiving. He took off his cloak and put it on Elisha.
 Elijah escaped to Beersheba in Judah  Elisha stopped ploughing and followed
because Jezebel wanted to kill him. He Elijah. He asked him to allow him to say
left his servant at Beersheba and went to goodbye to his parents. Elijah allowed
the wilderness. him.
 At the wilderness, he sat in the shade and  Elisha killed the oxen he was using to
wished he was dead. He then lay down plough, used yokes as firewood and
and then slept. The angel of God woke cooked the meat. He shared the meat with
him up and fed him with a loaf of bread the people and followed Elijah.
and water.  He witnessed Elijah’s ascension. Elijah
 Elijah continued with the journey up to left his cloak behind for Elisha.
Mt. Sinai. He hid in a cave on the  The following are miracles performed by
mountain. God appeared to him in a soft Elisha:
whispering of voice. God sent him to a) He purified the water of the city of
anoint Hazael as a king of Syria, Nimshi Jericho by throwing salt in it. The
as king of Israel and Elisha as his water used to cause miscarriage
successor. among pregnant women.
 The prophet condemned Ahab and his b) He multiplied oil for a poor widow.
wife for taking Naboth’s vineyard and The widow’s husband had died and
later killing him. his debtors were threatening to take
her two sons as slaves as payment for
the depts. Elijah asked the widow to j) Elisha had recovered the head of the
collect jars and pour the little oil she axe from a river. One of the prophets
had into all the jars. She was told to who were cutting down trees to build
sell the oil and pay the debts. threw the axe in the river by mistake.
c) When Elisha was travelling from The prophet had borrowed the axe
Jericho to Bethel, some boys made and he was worried.
fun of his bald head. Elisha cursed k) During the war with the Moabites,
them and 42 of the boys were torn into people threw copses in Elisha’s tomb.
pieces by two she-bears. The copse came back to life as soon
d) Elisha prayed for the childless rich as it became in contact with Elisha’s
woman of Shunem and she got a son bones.
as a reward for her kindness. She  Elisha prophesied to King Jehoash that he
always invited Elisha into her house would defeat the Syrians. He did so by
and provided for his needs whenever telling him to shoot an arrow through the
the prophet went to Shunem. window facing Syria. He also foretold
e) Elisha raised the son of the rich that he would defeat them three times
woman of Shunem. He went to the because when he told him to strike the
house where the boy was lying dead, ground with an arrow, he did it three
lay down on the boy placing his times. During this time, the Elisha was
mouth, eyes and hands on the boy’s. sick and old
The boy sneezed seven times and
opened his eyes. 12. Daniel:
f) He made poisonous soup better.
When he was teaching a group of
prophets, his servant collected wild  Daniel was one of the people carried to
wine and made stew with it. When the Babylon by king Nebuchadnezzar of
prophets were served, they found it Babylon.
poisonous. Elijah poured some of the  King Nebuchadnezzar attacked the
stew in the pot and the soup became Southern Kingdom (Judah) and captured
nonpoisonous. it. He destroyed the city of Jerusalem and
g) He fed 100 prophets with 2 loaves of carried King Jehoiakim and other people
bread. The prophets ate to their full as prisoners.
and some leftovers remained. The  King Nebuchadnezzar asked his chief
bread had been brought to Elisha by a officer called Ashapenaz to select young
man from Baal Shalishah. men from royal and noble family. The
h) Elisha cured Namaan, commander of young men were to be handsome,
the Syrian army from his leprosy. A intelligent, well trained, quick to learn
little lady had referred Namaan to and without any physical defects.
Elisha. Elisha told him to go and wash  These people were to be taught how to
himself in River Jordan seven times. read, write and speak in the Babylonian
Naaman gave Elisha gifts but he language.
refused to take them.  These young people were to be fed every
i) He cursed his servant Gehazi and his day same as members of the royal court.
body was covered with leprosy.  After three years, the young men were to
Gehazi had taken the gifts from be brought to the king. They were to serve
Namaan that Elisha had refused. the king in the royal court.

 Among the young men chosen included  When Daniel was brought to the king, he
Daniel (Belteshazzar), Hananaiah read the words as Number, Number,
(Shadrach), Mishael (Meshach) and Weight and Division. He also translated
Azariah (Abednego). them that God had numbered his
 Daniel asked Ashpenaz to feed them on kingdom’s days and brought it to an end.
vegetable and water for ten days and He had also weighed the king and found
compare them with those who were fed him too light. The kingdom had been
with royal foods. This is because he divided and given to Medes and Persians.
didn’t want to eat ritually unclean food.  Daniel was promoted as the third most
 Daniel and his friends fed on vegetation powerful in the kingdom that night.
and water were healthier than those fed  That very night, King Belshazzar was
on royal food. killed that very night and his kingdom
 The king was impressed with them and seized by king Darius of Medes. He was
was selected to serve in the royal court. 62 years when he became a king.
 God gave them wisdom in philosophy  King Darius appointed Daniel and other
and literature. two officers to supervise 120 governors.
 Daniel was given powers to translate  Daniel was very outstanding and the king
dreams. He translated and explained promoted him and put him in charge of
dreams to king Nebuchadnezzar. the whole kingdom.
 Daniel’s three friends, Shadrach,  Other supervisors and governors were
Meshach and Abednego disobeyed King jealous of Daniel so they tried to find any
Nebuchadnezzar‘s command of fault to fix him but they couldn’t get.
worshiping an idol (Gold statue). The  Since Daniel was very religious, they
king ordered that they be thrown in the went to the king and convinced him to
furnace of fire. The king was amazed make a law of not permitting anyone to
when he saw that the three people were pray or request anything from God for
not burning up and their number had thirty days. Those who disobey it were to
increased to four and they looked like be thrown in a den of lions.
angels.  When Daniel learnt this, he did not
 The king called them from the furnace change his mind. He went to his and knelt
and promoted them. at an open window facing Jerusalem and
 God saved Shadrach, Meshach and prayed to God. This teaches Christians to
Abednego. This teaches Christians that always pray regardless of any
God saves his people. circumstance.
 One day, King Belshazzar of Babylon  His enemies saw him pray and they
was having a party in his palace. He was reported him to the king. The king
using utensils carried from the Lord’s ordered that he be thrown in the lion’s
Temple by King Nebuchadnezzar. den.
Suddenly a hand appeared and wrote the  Daniel was not eaten by the lions. God
following words on the wall: Mene, saved him from death. This teaches
Mene, Tekel Parsin. Christians that God saves his people.
 The king was very worried. He called  The king ordered Daniel’s enemies who
magicians, wizards and astrologers but had deceived him to be thrown in the pit
they were unable to read and translate the of lions. The lions started eating them
words. before they could reach the bottom of the

 God also revealed his messages to Daniel 3. Obadiah: He foretold the coming of the
through dreams and visions. punishment that was to come to the
Edomite and the judgment that was to
13. Hosea: come to sinful nations. He also
prophesied the victory of Jerusalem.
4. Jonah: He was the son of Amittai. God
 Prophet Hosea was the son of Beeri.
called him and sent him to go and preach
 He served as a prophet in Israel during the
to Nineveh. Jonah disobeyed God’s
reign of Kings Uzziah, Jotham and Ahaz
command. He instead went to Joppa and
of Judah and Jeroboam of Israel.
boarded a ship to Spain. God sent a strong
 God talked to Hosea and told him to go wind that caused a huge storm making the
and marry unfaithful woman called ship to almost sink. He was thrown in the
Gomer the daughter of Diblaim. sea to save the ship from sinking. He was
 They got their first son and God told swallowed by a large fish. Jonah stayed
Hosea to name him Jezreel because God inside the fish for three days and nights
will punish the king of Israel for murders and on the third day, the fish vomited him
caused by Jehu. He will destroy Jehu’s at the sea shore. Jonah obeyed God and
dynasty at the Valley of Jezreel. went to preach Nineveh. This story
 God blessed them with the second child, teaches Christians to be obedient to God.
a girl this time. God told Hosea to name 5. Micah: He warned people against the
her “unloved” because He will not show oppression of the poor. He also foretold
love to the Israelites. He will also not the return of the Israelites from exile from
forgive them. Babylon. He also warned people against
 Hosea and Gomer had the third child and moral corruption such as dishonesty,
God told him to name him “Not my murder, taking bribes and using false
people” because Israelites were not God’s scales and weight.
people. 6. Nahum: He warned Nineveh against
 The unfaithfulness of Gomer showed the God’s anger for their sins. He also
way the Israelites were unfaithful to God. foretold the fall of Nineveh.
 Prophet Hosea condemned idolatry and 7. Habakkuk: He complained of Israel’s
paganism among the Israelites. injustice. He warned people about the
 The prophet foretold that Jesus will be a doom of the unrighteous.
refugee in Egypt when he said “When 8. Zephaniah: He warned people against
Israel was a child, I loved him and called the coming of the day of the Lords
him out of Egypt as my son.” judgment. He also pleaded for people to
repentance. He foretold the doom of the
Other Prophets: nations of Israel.
9. Haggai: He reminded people to always
1. Joel: He foretold the coming of the obey the Lord’s command.
coming the Holy Spirit and what will 10. Zechariah: He foretold the promises of
happen during judgment day. God to restore and deliver Jerusalem.
2. Amos: He warned God’s judgment 11. Malachi: He pointed out people’s
coming on Israel’s neighbouring unfaithfulness to God. He also
communities. He foretold the coming encourages people to pay tithes.
judgment on Israel.

THE BIRTH, MISSION want her. This is because he was a good
man and did what was right.
AND DEATH OF JOHN  The angel of God appeared to Joseph in a
THE BAPTIST: dream and told him not to be afraid
because Mary was pregnant of the Holy
Spirit. The angel told Joseph that her wife
The Announcement of the Birth Mary will have a son and he should be
of Jesus Christ: called Jesus because he will save his
people from sin.
 Mary went to visit Elizabeth, Zachariah’s
 The announcement of the birth of Jesus is
wife. At that time, Elizabeth who was her
known as annunciation.
cousin was six months pregnant. The
 Angel Gabriel was sent to a virgin woman
Baby in Elizabeth’s womb moved when
called Mary. She lived at Galilee in a
she heard Mary’s greetings.
town called Nazareth.
 Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit
 Mary was engaged to a man called Joseph
and told Mary that she was the most
and they were planning to get married.
blessed of all women and blessed is the
 Joseph was a descendant of King David child she will bear.
from the tribe of Judah. He was born in
 Mary sang a song of praise to the Lord.
Bethlehem but lived at Nazareth.
This song was known as the magnificant
 The angel approached Mary and said, or canticle of Mary.
“Peace be with you! The Lord is with you
and has greatly blessed you!”
 The angel’s words troubled her and she The Birth of Jesus:
wondered what they meant. The angel
told her not to be worried because God  Jesus Christ was born in Bethlehem. His
was gracious to her. She was told that she parents had gone there for a census.
will become pregnant and give birth to a  During that time, the emperor of the
son and name him Jesus. The son would Roman Empire was called Augustus.
be great and would be called the son of Quirinius was the governor of Syria and
the Most High God. God will make him a Herod was the King of Judea.
king just like his ancestors David was. He  Emperor Augustus had given orders for a
will rule the descendants of Jacob census to be carried out in the whole
forever. Jesus’ Kingdom shall never end. empire. Everybody was to go back his/her
 Mary wondered how this will happen yet town of birth. Joseph went with Mary, his
she was still a virgin. The angel told her wife, to Bethlehem because that was his
that she will be pregnant of the Holy birth place.
Spirit and that is why the child shall be  While there, Mary gave birth to a baby
called the son of God. boy, wrapped him in strips of clothes and
 Mary did not object, she said, “I am the lay him in a manger because there was no
Lord’s servant,” …………May it happen space in the main house (inn).
to me as you have said.”  The angel of God appeared to the
 When Joseph learnt that Mary was shepherds who were taking care of their
pregnant, he planned to break the flocks at night. The glory of God shone
engagement secretly because he did not over them and they were afraid. The angel
encouraged them and told them not to be

afraid because they had visited them with  They told him that he would be born in
good news that would bring great joy to Bethlehem as foretold by prophet Micah.
the people. The prophet foretold this when he said;
 The good news was the birth of Jesus “Bethlehem in the land of Judah,
Christ and the great joy was the salvation you are by no means the least of
of people from their sins. the leading cities of Judah;
 The angel announced the birth of Jesus to for from you will come a leader
them and told them that the sign to prove who will guide my people Israel.”
this was a baby wrapped in strips of  King Herod secretly called the visitors
clothes and lying in a manger. A great from East and asked them the exact time
army of heaven’s angels appeared to the the star had appeared. He also sent them
shepherds and sang songs of praise to to search for the place where the child
God. One of the songs they sang was, was born. He also asked them to let him
“Glory to God in the highest heaven and know the place so that he could go and
peace on earth to those with whom he is worship him. Herod actually wanted to
pleased!” When the angels left, the kill the baby.
shepherds decided to go to Bethlehem  When the wisemen found the baby, they
and witness the things that had happened knelt down and worshipped him. They
as told to them by the Lord. also gave him the gifts of Myrrh, gold
 When they reached Bethlehem, they and frankincense. God then warned them
found Mary and Joseph. They also saw in a dream not to go back to Herod
the baby just like they had been told by because he was planning to kill the baby.
the angels. The shepherds told them all They therefore went back following
the angels had said about the child. After another route.
witnessing the birth of the messiah, they  The followings are meanings of the gifts
went back singing praises to God for what given to baby Jesus by the wisemen:
they had witnessed. a) Myrrh: The bitter life (suffering)
Jesus was to go through.
Visitors from East: b) Gold: That Jesus was to be the Priest
of the Most High God.
c) Frankincense: That Jesus would die
 They were also known as Maggi or wise and resurrect again.
men.  God appeared to God in a dream and
 These men studied the star and came to warned him to escape with the baby and
Jerusalem from East. They asked where his mother because Herod was planning
the baby who was going to be the king of to kill him. Joseph did as he was told and
Jews was born. They said that they had escaped with the child to Egypt where
seen the star signifying his birth and they Jesus lived as a refugee until Herod died.
had come to worship him. This happened to fulfill the prophesy of
 Herod and all people in Jerusalem were prophet Hosea when he said, “I called my
annoyed when they heard that. King son out of Egypt.”
Herod summoned all the teachers of law  King Herod was annoyed when he
and priests and asked them where the realized that the wisemen from the East
messiah would be born. had tricked him. He ordered for the
killing of all the baby boys aged two years

and below in Bethlehem. He was planned  Simeon also blessed Jesus and his
to kill Jesus in the process. parents. He also said the following words
 The killing of baby boys in Egypt was to Mary:
foretold by prophet Jeremiah when he “This child is chosen by God for the
said; destruction and the salvation of many in
“A sound is head in Ramah, Israel. He will be a sign from God which
The sound of bitter weeping many people will speak against and so
Rachel is crying for her children’ reveal their secret thoughts. And sorrow
For they are dead.” like a sharp sword, will break your own
 Joseph and his family stayed in Egypt heart.”
until Herod died. God appeared to him in  The very day, there was a very old
a dream and instructed him to go back to woman in the temple. She was a
Israel. From Egypt, he went to Nazareth prophetess called Anna. She was the
where Jesus grew up. daughter Phanuel from the tribe of Asher.
She was a widow aged 84 years. She
Jesus’ Dedication: never left the temple. She worshipped
God, prayed and fasted day and night.
 She thanked God and spoke about Jesus
 Jesus was circumcised and named after a to those who were waiting who were
week (7 days). waiting for Jerusalem to be saved.
 The name Jesus means saviour and Christ  After that, Jesus grew and became strong.
means the anointed one. He was filled with God’s blessings and
 Joseph and Mary took baby Jesus to the wisdom.
temple when he was a week old to be
dedicated and to perform the ceremony of
purification as the Law of Moses Boy Jesus in the Temple for
required. the Passover:
 During the ceremony, they were to offer
a pair of doves or two young pigeons as  Jesus, parents took him to Jerusalem to
the Law demanded. celebrate the Passover when he was 12
 In the temple, they met a God fearing man years old.
called Simeon. He was waiting for the  When the ceremony was over, his parents
salvation of Israel. The Holy Spirit had started his journey back to Nazareth. On
assured him that he would not die until he the way, they learnt that Jesus was not
the promised Messiah. with them. They looked for him among
 Simeon took the child and gave thanks to relatives and they did not find him. They
God when he said the followings: went back to Jerusalem to look for him.
“Now, Lord, you have kept your They found him after three days.
promise, and you may let your servant  They found him in the temple listening to
go in peace. the Jewish teachers and asking them
With my own eyes I have seen your questions. His mother asked him why he
salvation, which you have prepared in had done that to them. Jesus asked her
the presence of all peoples: whether she knew that she had to be at his
A light to reveal your will to the gentiles father’s house.
and bring glory to your people Israel.”  Jesus went with his parents back to
Nazareth. He was very obedient to them.

This teaches Christians to always be that we should not put the Lord God
obedient to their parents. to test.
c) The devil took Jesus to the highest
Baptism of Jesus: point of a mountain and showed him
great kingdoms. He asked Jesus kneel
down and worship him and he will
 Jesus left Galilee and came to Jordan to give him all those kingdoms. Jesus
be baptized by John the Baptist. When sent the devil away and told him that
John the Baptist saw him he, told people the scriptures say that people should
that Jesus was a Lamb of God, who takes worship the Lord God and serve him
away the sins of the world. only.
 John tried to refuse telling Jesus that he  Jesus was able to defeat the devil because
was the one who ought to baptize him he knew the scriptures well. We should
instead. Jesus asked him to baptize therefore read and understand the
because that is how God required. scriptures from the Bible.
 As soon as Jesus was baptized, the
heaven was opened and the Holy Spirit
came down inform of a dove and rested
Jesus’ Disciples:
on him.
 A voice from heaven was heard saying,  When Jesus heard that John the Baptist
“This is my own dear son, with whom am had been put in prison, he moved from
pleased.” Nazareth and went to live in Capernaum
which was located on the shores of Lake
Jesus is Tempted: Galilee. This is the place where Jesus
started his work.
 Prophet Isaiah foretold that Jesus would
 After being baptized, the Spirit of God start his work Capernaum in Galilee
led Jesus to a desert where he was when he said the followings:
tempted by the devil. He stayed there for “Land of Zebulun, the land of Naphtali,
40 days and night without food. The devil on the road to the sea, on the other side
subjected him to the following of Jordan, Galilee the land of the
temptations: Gentiles!
a) The devil asked him to order the stone The people who live in darkness will see
so that they could turn into bread. a great light.
Jesus answered him that the scriptures On those who live in the dark land of
says that human beings cannot live on death the land will shine.”
bread alone, but need every word that  While here, Jesus preached for people to
God speaks. turn away from their sins because the
b) The devil took Jesus on the highest kingdom of God was near.
point of the temple in Jerusalem (The  Jesus selected 12 disciples so that he
holy city) asked him to throw himself could reveal the secrets of the kingdom of
down if he is the son of God because God to the world through them. Jesus also
the scripture says that God will wanted to build a Christian faith in the
instruct His angels to hold him up and whole world through them.
his feet will not be hurt. Jesus  One day, Jesus was walking along the
answered him that the scripture says shores of Lake Galilee, he saw two

brothers, Simon Peter and Andrew  Nathaniel recognized Jesus as the son of
fishing. He got into Simon’s boat and God and the king of Israel. Nathaniel was
taught the crowd. When he finished also known as Bartholomew.
preaching, he told Simon Peter to push  Jesus also called a tax collector called
the boat into the sea so that they may fish. Levi and asked him to follow him as one
Peter told Jesus that they had been fishing of his disciples. Levi was in his office
the whole night and they had caught collecting taxes. He left everything he
nothing. They obeyed Jesus and they was doing and followed him
caught a lot of fish until their boats were immediately. Levi was also called
about to sink. When peter saw that, he fell Mathews.
on his knees and asked Jesus to go away  Levi made a big a feast in his house and
from him because he a sinner. Jesus asked invited Jesus. Pharisees and teachers of
Peter and Andrew, the sons of John to Law. Complained to Jesus’ disciples
follow and he will teach them how to because ate and drank with the tax
catch people. Jesus said this to mean that collectors and outcasts. Jesus told them
he wanted them to assist him to convert that people who are well do not need a
people to Christianity. These were Jesus’ doctor instead those who are sick. He told
first disciples. them that he had come to save the outcast
 Jesus and his first two disciples walked a and not respectable people. He also told
little further along the shore of the lake them that it is kindness that God wants
saw James, his brothers John fishing and and not animal sacrifice.
their father Zebedee fishing. He asked the  All the twelve disciples of Jesus are:
two brothers to follow him and they did. i) Simon Peter also called the Rock
Peter and James were also known as (Cephas)
Boarneges or sons of thunder. Their ii) Andrew
mother was called Salome. John was iii) James
Jesus’ most loved disciple. Peter on the iv) John
other side was a disciple who loved Jesus v) Philip
most. vi) Bartholomew( Nathaniel)
 Jesus called Philip to be his disciple while vii) Matthew (Levi)
at Galilee. Philip was from Bethsaida. viii) Thomas also called Didymus
Peter and John also came from there. (The Twin)
Philip later found Nathaniel and told him ix) James son of Alphaeus.
they had found the Messiah whom Moses x) Thaddaeus also called Judas son of
wrote about in the book of law. Nathaniel James.
asked Philip whether anything good xi) Simon the Patriot also called The
could come from Nazareth. Philip later Zealot of the Cananean
took Nathaniel to Jesus and Jesus saw xii) Judas Iscariot the son of Simon.
him, he told him; “Here is a real  Jesus sent his twelve and the 72 disciples
Israelites, there is nothing false about out with the following instructions:
him.” When Philip asked him how he a) Not to go to any Gentile region or
knew all those, Jesus told him that he had Samaritan town but to the sinners
seen him under a fig tree when he was among the people of Israel.
called by Philip. b) Preach that the kingdom of God is
c) Heal the sick and raise the dead.

d) Cast out demons from people. God requires; the kingdom of
e) To do everything for free because heaven belongs to them!”
they had received it for free. i) “Happy are you when people insult
f) Not to carry with them gold, silver, you and persecute you and tell you
copper money, beggars bag, extra all kinds of evil lies against you
shirt, shoes or stick. because you are my followers. Be
 He instructed them to leave greetings of happy and glad, for a great reward is
peace in the houses and towns of those kept for you in heaven.”
who welcome and listen to them. He told
them to take their greetings back and 2. Teachings about Salt and
shake the dust off their feet in the houses
of those who will not welcome them. This
means that the disciples were to warn
them of the punishment that was to befall Jesus taught that Christians are like salt
them. because they are expected to exercise
Christian values.
He also taught that we are the light of the
Teachings of Jesus: whole world. So we are expected to shine
just like a lamp that is lit and put on a
1. The Sermon on the Mount: lamp stand where it gives light for all. We
should use our Christian faith to serve
These preaching were also known as others.
beatitudes. Jesus saw a great crowd that
had followed him, went to the hill, sat 3. Teachings about the Law:
down and taught the followings:
a) “Happy are those who know they are Jesus teaches us that He did not come to
spiritually poor; the kingdom of do away with the Laws of Moses and the
heaven belongs to them.” teachings of prophets but instead, he
b) “Happy are those who mourn; God came to make them come to pass. He also
will comfort them!” taught that no part of the Laws and
c) “Happy are those whose greatest teachings will be removed.
desire is to do what God requires; He reminded us that those who disobey
God will satisfy them fully!” those teachings or teaches others to
d) “Happy are those who are humble; disobey them will be the least in the
they will receive what God has Kingdom of God.
promised!” Those who will join the kingdom of God
e) “Happy are those who are merciful are those who are faithful to God than the
to others; God will be merciful to teachers of Law and the Pharisees.
f) “Happy are the pure in heart; they
will see God!”
4. Teachings about Anger:
g) “Happy are those who work for
peace; God will call them his Those who are angry with others or those
Children!” who call others good for nothing or those
h) “Happy are those who are who call others worthless fools will be
persecuted because they do what punished by God.

He also taught that we should make peace your shirt you should let him take your
with people we are angry with before coat too or if any soldier forces you to
serving God. We should also solve the carry his pack one kilometre, carry it two
disputes we have with people outside the kilometre. This means that if anyone does
court. a wrong thing to us, we should not
revenge but instead do good things to
5. Teaching about Adultery: them.

Anyone who looks at a woman and 15. Teachings about Love for
admires her is guilty of committing Enemies:
adultery with her.
Jesus also taught that if your right eye or We should love our enemies and pray for
hand causes you to sin then take it out and those who persecute us. By doing so, we
throw it away. This means that we should will become God’s children. God shows
avoid or do away with activities or a good example when He shines the sun
properties that may lead us to sin. and sends rain both to those who are
righteous and sinners equally without
6. Teaching about Divorce: discrimination.

If a man divorces his wife for any reason 16. Teachings about Charity:
other than unfaithfulness, he is guilty of
making her commit adultery if she We should not perform our religious
marries again. The man who marries her duties in public so that we can be seen by
is guilty of committing adultery. people. Those who do so will not be
rewarded by God. We should also not
7. Teachings about Vows: make a big show of when helping the
needy but instead, we should do it in
We should not make vows when making secret and God who sees us in secret will
promises. We should also not swear by reward us.
heaven because it is God’s throne neither.
We should not swear by the earth because 17. Teaching about Prayer:
it is where God rests his feet.
Christians should not swear by Jerusalem When praying, we should not do it in
because it is a city of the great king. They houses of worship or on street corners for
should not also swear by their heads people to see us like the hypocrites do but
because they cannot make even a single we should when praying we should do it
hair on it black or white. in secret and God will reward us.
We should not use a lot of meaningful
14. Teaching about Revenge: words while praying. Our prayers should
also not be long like the pagans’ because
We are taught not to take revenge on God knows what we need before we even
people who wrong us. If anyone slaps us ask.
on the right cheek, we should let them The prayer that Jesus taught his disciples
slap us on the left too. If anyone takes include:

“Our Father in heaven: this, one cannot love God at the same
May your holy name be honoured; time love secular materials.
May kingdom come; We are also taught that we should not be
May your will be done on earth as it worried about what we will eat and drink
is in heaven: or what we will wear because God will
Give us today the food we need. provide them for us. He gives us an
Forgive us the wrongs we have done, example of birds who do not sow seeds
As we forgive the wrongs that others yet they don’t die of hunger; flowers that
have done to us. look very beautiful yet they do not make
Do not bring to us hard testing, clothes.
But keep us safe from the Evil One.”
We are taught that if we ask then we will 21. Teaching about Judging
get. If we knock, we will be opened for.
Jesus said that a father will not give his Others:
child a stone if he asks for bread. He will
also not give him a snake if he asks for We should not judge others because God
fish. This also shows that God will give will judge us in the same way. We should
us exact things we ask from him through first correct ourselves before we correct
prayers. others. Jesus taught when he gave us this
18. Teachings about Fasting: “Why then do you look at the speck in
your brother’s eyes and pay no attention
to the log in your own eye?”
When we fast, we should not put on a sad He also taught us to take corrections
face to like the hypocrites do for people given to us with positivity. He taught us
to see but instead, we should wash our this when he gave us the following
face and comb our hair. We should only statements:
let God to know that we are fasting. “Do not give what is holy to dogs. They
only turn and attack you.”
19. Teaching about Riches in “Do not throw your pearls in front of
Heaven: pigs, they will only trample on them
We should not store up our wealth for
ourselves on earth where they can be 22. Teachings about the Great
destroyed by moths and rust or stolen by Commandment:
robbers but instead store them in heaven
where they will be safe. This means that Pharisees tried to trap Jesus when they
we should always practice Christian asked him the greatest commandment in
values and avoid secular values. law. Jesus gave them as:
a) Love the Lord your God with all your
20. Teaching about heart, with all your soul and with all
Possessions: your mind. This is the greatest
No one can serve two masters. He will
love one and hate another one. Because of

b) Love your neighbour as you love anyone what they had seen until he
yourself. This is the second greatest resurrects.
commandment.  The presence of Moses during
All the Ten Commandments are summed transfiguration showed that all that had
up in the two commandments which have been written in the books of law and in
“love” as their pillar. the Old Testament had been fulfilled. The
presence of Elijah proved that the
23. Teachings about Jesus’ prophesy about the birth and mission of
the Messiah as foretold in the Old
Mother and Brothers: Testament had come to pass.

While Jesus was teaching, his mother and 2. The Triumphant Entry of
brothers came, stood outside and sent
someone call him because they wanted to Jesus into Jerusalem:
talk to him. Jesus told those he was
teaching that his mother and brothers are  When Jesus was near (Bethphage and
those who listen and follow his teachings. Bethany) Mt. Olives on his way to
Jerusalem, he sent his two disciples to go
Important Events in Jesus’ ahead of them to a village. There, they
will find a donkey tied at the road and colt
Life: beside it. He told them to untie it bring it
to Jesus. They were to tell anybody who
1. Transfiguration of Jesus: asks them that it was their master who had
sent them.
 The disciples did as they were told and
 One day, Jesus went to pray on a
when they brought the donkey, people
mountain. He went with Peter, John and
placed their cloaks on it and Jesus rode on
James. As the three disciples looked on,
its back. A large crowd followed him as
Jesus’ face changed and it shone like the
he entered the city. They shouted and
sun. His clothes changed to dazzling
said, “Praise to David’s son! God bless
white. They also saw Moses and Elijah
him who comes in the name of the Lord.
talk to him.
God bless the coming Kingdom of King
 Peter asked Jesus to allow them to David, our father! Praise God!”
construct three tents for him, Moses and
 People spread their cloaks on the ground
Elijah. While he was still speaking, a
for Jesus to step on. Some cut branches of
shining cloud came over them and a voice
trees and palms and spread them on the
was heard from the clouds saying, “This
is my own dear son, with whom I am
 Prophet Zechariah foretold the
pleased-listen to him!” When the
triumphant entry of Jesus into Jerusalem
disciples heard that, they threw
when he said,;
themselves on the ground in fear.
“Tell the city of Zion,
 Jesus touched them and told them not to
Look, your king is coming to you!
be afraid. He also asked them to get up.
He is humble and rides on a
When they looked up, they only saw
Jesus alone. Moses and Elijah had gone
 Christians should emulate Jesus and be they were going down the
humble like him because went to
mountain, Jesus asked them not to tell
Jerusalem riding on a donkey as a sign of 6. Jesus and Nicodemus:

 Nicodemus was a Jewish leader who

3. Jesus Cleanses a Temple: belonged to the party of the Pharisee. He
went to Jesus at night and he told him that
 Jesus went into the temple of God in he knew that he was a teacher sent by
Jerusalem and chased away all the people God. He also told him that no one could
who were selling and buying there. He perform all that he was performing unless
told them what is written in the scriptures he had been sent by God.
as foretold by Prophet Isaiah; “My  Jesus told him that no one can see the
temple will be called a house of prayer, kingdom of God without being born
but you are making it a hideout for again. Nicodemus wondered how one
thieves!” could enter his mother’s womb and later
be born the second time. Jesus explained
4. The Anointing of Jesus at to him what being born again meant.
 Being born again means repenting your
Bethany: sins, being baptized and accepting Jesus
Christ as a true saviour. Christians should
 Jesus went to the house of Simon, the therefore follow Nicodemus actions,
man who had been healed from the search for salvation and accept Jesus
dreaded skin disease at Bethany. This Christ in their lives.
man was also called Lazarus, whom Jesus
raised. 7. Jesus and the Samaritan
 While they were eating, a woman called
Mary anointed Jesus with a very Woman:
expensive perfume (oil). Judas Iscariot
wondered why the perfume was not sold  On his way from Judea to Galilee, Jesus
for 300 silver coins and the money given passed through Samaria. While in
to the poor. He said that because he was a Samaria, he passed through a town called
thief not a kind man. Sychar. He sat down at the Jacob’s well
5. Jesus washes his disciples’ feet because he was tired.
 Jesus washed his disciples’ feet a day  A Samaritan woman came to draw water
before the Passover festival. Simone from the well. Jesus asked her for water
Peter did not want his feet to be washed to drink. At that time, Jews and
but Jesus told him that he will not be his Samaritans were enemies and they did
disciple if he refuses. Peter later accepted not share utensils, food and wells. Jesus
and Jesus washed his feet. disciples had gone to the town to buy
 This actions of Jesus teaches Christians food.
that Jesus is humble and ready to offer his  The woman refused to give Jesus water
service to people. We should therefore because the tribalism that existed
emulate him and always express humility between the Jews and the Samaritan.
and service to all. Jesus told her that he could give her Life-
Giving water. The woman wondered
where Jesus could get his water yet he
didn’t he didn’t have any bucket. Jesus

told her that those who drink his Life- 9. Jesus Celebrates the Lord’s
Giving water will never be thirsty again.
 This life-giving water Jesus talked about
was not ordinary water but the word of
God that was to bring salvation in her life.  One day during the celebration of the
 The woman asked Jesus to give her the Passover (Festival of the unleavened
life giving water and Jesus asked her to bread), Jesus sent Peter and John to go to
go and bring her husband. She told Jesus Jerusalem and prepare the Passover meal
that she didn’t have a husband. Jesus told ready for him and his disciples. Jesus told
her that she had been married five times them that they will meet a man in the city
and the one she is having is living with carrying a jar of water. He told them to
was not her real husband. The woman follow him into the house he will enter.
went to the town and told the people that  They did so and the man showed the man
she had seen the Messiah. showed them a large room prepared
 This story teaches us that we should not upstairs. When the time for the Passover
embrace tribalism in our lives. It also came, he went to the table with his
emphasizes the importance of eternal life. disciples.
 Jesus took a piece of bread and gave
8. The Woman Caught in prayers of thanksgiving to God. He broke
it and gave it to his disciples and told
Adultery: them to take it and eat it because it was
his body.
 One day morning, Jesus went to the  Jesus also took a cup of wine, thanked
temple and started teaching people who God and gave it to his disciples. He told
had gathered around him. Teachers of them to drink it because it was his blood
Law and Pharisees brought to him a that seals God’s covenant.
woman who had been caught committing  It is during this occasion that Jesus told
adultery. They told Jesus that the Law of his disciples that one of them was going
Moses required that such a person to be to betray him.
stoned to death. They did this because  Jesus and his disciples sang a hymn then
they wanted to trap him. he left and went to Mt. Olives.
 Jesus bent down and wrote on the ground
with his finger. When he stood up, he
asked the person who has committed sin
Miracles of Jesus:
to throw a stone at her. After saying that,
she bent down and wrote again. All those  Jesus performed miracles mainly because
people left one by one when they heard of the following reasons:
that. The eldest left first. a) To prove the power of God in him.
 Jesus stood up and asked the woman to b) To prove that he was the true son of
go. He also asked her not to sin again. God.
c) To reinforce his teachings/ missions.

1. Healing the Daughter of the  This miracle teaches Christians that Jesus
has power over demons/Satan.
Woman of Tyre:
3. Healing a Boy with Epilepsy
(Matthew 15: 21-28, Mark 7: 24-30)
 Jesus went near the city of Tyre. He went (Matthew 17: 14-20, Mark 9:
to the house because he did not want 14-29, Luke 9:37-43):
people to know that he was there.
 A Canaanite woman born in the region of  Jesus noticed a crowd and when he came
Phoenicia in Syria came to Jesus and closer, he saw his disciples argue with the
asked him to have mercy on her because teachers of Law and the Pharisee.
her daughter had demons (evil spirit) and  A man who was in the crowd brought to
her health was very terrible. Jesus his son who was possessed by
 His disciples asked Jesus to send the demons. The demon/evil spirit caused
woman away but Jesus told them that he epilepsy to the boy. The man told Jesus
was sent to save and assist the lost sheep. that he had brought his sick son to his
 Jesus asked the woman, to first feed the disciples but they could not heal him.
child. He also told the woman that it Jesus accused his disciples of lack of
wasn’t right to take the children’s food faith.
and throw it to the dogs. The woman told  Jesus asked the man whether had had
Jesus that even the dogs eat the food that faith and the man accepted. When the evil
falls under the children’s table. This spirits in the boy saw Jesus, they threw
answer proved that the woman had a the boy down.
strong faith.  Jesus commanded the devil the demon to
 Because of the woman’s faith, her leave the boy saying, “Deaf and dump
daughter was healed that very moment. spirit, I order you to come out of the boy
 Lessons we learn from this miracles are: and never go into him again.” The evil
a) We should have strong faith in spirit screamed, threw the boy down and
everything we do just like the woman. left him. The boy lay down like a corpse.
b) Jesus has power over the demon (evil People thought that he was dead. Jesus
spirit/Satan) held his and lifted him up.
 Jesus’ disciples wondered why they
2. Healing of the Dumb Man couldn’t drive out demons from the boy.
(Matthew 9: 32-33, Luke: 11: Jesus told them that they couldn’t heal the
man because they lacked faith.
14-23, Matthew 12:22-30,  Lessons Christians learnt from this
Mark 3:20-27): miracle are:
a) Christians should have a strong faith.
 Some people brought to Jesus someone b) Jesus has power over demons/ evil
who could not talk. This man was dump spirits/devil.
because he was possessed by demons.
 Jesus drove demons out of the man and
he began to speak. Pharisees called Jesus,
the chief of the Chief of demons known
as Beelzebul.

4. Healing of a Man with Evil 5. Healing a Man with Evil
Spirit. Spirit at Capernaum.
(Mark 5:1-20, Luke 8: 26-39, (Mark 1:21-28, Luke 4: 31-
Matthew 8: 28-34): 37):

 Jesus and his disciple arrived in the  Jesus was teaching in the synagogue and
territory of Gerasa also known as Gedara. started to teach people on Sabbath. There
A man with evil spirit came out of the was a man with evil spirit in the
caves to meet. synagogue that time. He screamed with a
 The man who was without clothes lived loud voice and said; “What do you want
in the tombs. He broke all the chains they with us, Jesus of Nazareth? I know who
used to tie his legs and hands. The evil you are-You are God’s holy messenger!”
spirit mad him very strong. Jesus ordered the demons to be quiet and
 The man wondered in the tombs shouting leave the man. The evil spirit shook the
and cutting his body his body with stones. man, threw him down and left him.
When he saw Jesus, he ran and fell on his  People were amazed because of Jesus
feet and said, “Jesus, son of the Most authority. News about Jesus spread all
High God, What do you want with me?” over.
He said this because Jesus was driving  This miracle teaches us that Jesus has
demons from him. power of over the demons.
 The demons in the begged Jesus to drive
them into the pigs that were grazing at the 6. Healing Blind Bartimaeus.
sea cliff.
 Jesus asked for his name and the man told
(Matthew 20: 29-34, Mark
him that he was called “Mob” meaning 10: 46-52, Luke 18: 35-43):
that were many of them.  As Jesus passed through Jericho with his
 The demons went to into the 2,000 pigs disciples, a blind beggar called
they wished down the cliff and drowned Bartimaeus sat at the road side. He was
into the sea. The shepherds ran away the son of Timaus. When he was told that
spreading the news of what they had Jesus was passing, he shouted; “Jesus,
witnessed. People who witnessed the son of David!’ Take pity on me!”
healing asked Jesus to leave their  People scolded him and told him to be
territory. silent but he kept on shouting. Jesus
 The man begged Jesus to go with him called him and told him to cheer up.
when He saw Him boarding a board but  He was told that Jesus was calling him, he
Jesus told him; “Go back home to your threw away his cloak, jumped up and
family and tell them how much the Lord went to Jesus. Jesus asked him what he
has done for you and how kind he has wanted him to do for him. The man said
been to you.” that he wanted to see.
 This miracle teaches Christians that Jesus  Jesus ordered him to have his sight
has power over the devil/demons/Satan. because his faith had made him well. This
This is because he drove demons/evil miracle teaches us to have faith in
spirits away. everything we do.

7. Healing a Blind Man at man they knew. He confirmed to them
that he was the one and told them how
Bethsaida. Jesus had made them well.
(Mark 8: 22-26):  This miracles teaches us that people
living with disabilities are like that not
 When Jesus was at Bethsaida, people because they committed sin but for the
brought a blind man and asked him to glory of God to be seen through them
heal him. Jesus took the man out of the when them when they are healed. We
village, spat on his eyes, placed his hands should therefore take care of the needy
on him and asked him whether he could just like Jesus did.
see. The man said that he could see
people but they looked like walking trees. 9. Healing of the Two Blind
Jesus placed his hands on his eyes and Men
this time, the man was able to see clearly.
Jesus sent him home and asked him not to (Matthew 9: 27-31):
go back to the village.
 This miracle teaches us that Jesus was a  The two blind men followed Jesus
merciful person and he cared for the shouting, “Take pity on us, son of
needy (less fortunate) in the society. It David!” Jesus asked them whether they
also teaches us that Jesus had powers over believed and had faith that they would be
all kind of sicknesses. healed. They accepted and Jesus touched
their eyes and said, “Let it happen, then
8. Jesus Heals a Man Born just as you believe!”
 They regained their sight immediately.
Blind. Jesus asked them not to tell anybody but
(John 9: 1-7): they instead spread the news to many
parts of the country.
 One day when Jesus was walking with his  This miracle of Jesus reminds us to take
disciples, they saw a man born blind. care of the less fortunate (needy people)
They asked Jesus whose sins made him to in the society.
be born blind. They asked whether it was
his parents but Jesus told them that the 10. Healing the Deaf- Mute
man’s blindness had nothing to do with Person
his sins or his parents’ but he was born
like that so that God’s power maybe (Mark 7: 31-37):
manifested through him.
 Jesus spat on the ground and made some  Jesus was on his way from Tyre to Lake
mud with the spittle. He rubbed the mud Galilee through Sidon when people
in the man’s eyes and asked him to go and brought to him a deaf and mute man.
wash his face in the pool of Siloam. Jesus was on his way of the Territory of
Siloam means ‘sent’. The man did as he Ten Towns. They asked him to heal them.
was instructed and came back to Jesus  Jesus took him away from them, put his
seeing. fingers on his ears, spat and touched his
 People including his neighbours tongue.
wondered whether he was the same blind

 Jesus looked up and, groaned and told the 13. Healing a Man with
man, “Ephiphatha” meaning “open up.”
Immediately, the man was able to speak Crippled Hand
and hear. (Matthew 12: 9-14, Mark
3:1-6, Luke 6:6-11):
11. Healing a Man Who
Could Not Speak.  Jesus went to the synagogue to teach
(Matthew 9: 32-34): when he saw a man with a paralysed
hand. Teachers of Law and Pharisees
wanted evidence to accuse Jesus for
 Some people brought a person who could doing wrong so they asked him whether
not speak to Jesus because he was it was against their law to heal on Sabbath
possessed by demons. Jesus drove the day. Jesus asked them what they will do
demons away from him and he began to if their sheep falls in a deep hole on
speak. Sabbath. He also asked them if they will
 Everyone was amazed and said, “We save it.
have never seen anything like this in  Jesus wondered whether the life of a
Israel.” Pharisees said that it was the chief sheep was more important than that of a
of demons gave Jesus powers to drive out human being. He called the man and
demons. asked him to stretch his hand. The man
 This miracle teaches Christians that Jesus did so and it healed immediately.
has power over demons/devil/ Satan/ evil  The miracle reminds Christians to always
spirits. take care of the less fortunate amongst
12. Healing a Man with Skin
Disease. 14. Healing a Man with
(Matthew 8: 1-4, Mark 1: 40- Swollen Arms and Legs
45, Luke 5: 12-16): (Luke 14: 1-6):

 A man with a dreaded skin disease  Jesus went to eat in the house of a
(leprosy) went to Jesus, knelt down and prominent Pharisee. A man with swollen
told him, “Sir, if you want to, you can legs came to Jesus. Jesus asked teachers
make me clean!” Jesus touched him and of Law and Pharisees whether the laws
told him that he wanted to make him allowed the healing on the Sabbath or not
clean. He commanded him to be clean but they could not answer him. Jesus
and at once he was made clean. called the man and healed him. He then
 Jesus told him not to tell anyone but asked the people whether any of them
instead go straight to the priest to be would save their son or ox if they happen
examined and declared clean. He also to fall in a well on a Sabbath.
asked him to offer the sacrifice as ordered  This miracle teaches us that Jesus has
by Moses. This teaches us that Jesus power over all kinds of diseases. We also
recognized and obeyed/respected the learn that it is good to do good things
Laws of Moses (the Old Testament). everyday including the Sabbath.

15. Healing the Roman  Jesus knew what they were and asked
them what was easier between forgiving
Officer’s (Centurion) sins and telling the man to get up and
Servant. walk.
(Matthew 8:5-13, Luke 7: 1-  He also told then that he will prove to
them that the son of the man has authority
10): to forgive sins. He then told the paralysed
man, “I tell you, get up, pick your bed and
 Jesus went to Capernaum when a Roman go home!” At once the man got up,
Officer came to him and begged him to picked his bed and went.
heal his servant who was very sick and  People were completely amazed. They
was about to die. praised God and said, “We have never
 When Jesus was on the way, the Roman seen anything like this.”
Officer asked Jesus just to order the  This miracle teach Christians that Jesus
healing from where he was. He claimed has powers to forgive sins.
that he was not worthy enough to
welcome Jesus in his house. Jesus was
surprised with the Roman Officer’s 17. Healing a Paralyzed Man
answer. He said that he had never found
anybody with faith like that in the whole in Jerusalem
of Israel. At that moment, the officer’s (John 5: 1-18):
servant was healed.
 This miracle teaches Christians that that
 One day, Jesus went to Jerusalem for a
they should have faith in everything they
religious festival. At the sheep gate in
Jerusalem, a group of sick people such as
the lame, blind and paralysed were lying
16. Healing a Paralyzed Man in the porches at the at the gate.
(Matthew 9: 1-8, Mark 2: 1-  There are five porches at sheep gate also
known as Bethzatha.
12, Luke 5: 17-25):
 Among the sick people, there was a
person who had been paralysed and lying
 Jesus was teaching people in a room at there for 38 years. Jesus saw him and
Capernaum when four men brought to asked her whether he wanted to get well.
him a paralysed man lying on a bed. The The sick man told Jesus that he had no
room was so full that there was no space one to put him the pool when the water is
for them to reach to the point where Jesus stirred. He also said that anytime he tries
was. to get in somebody else gets in.
 They created a space on the roof and  Jesus told him to get up, pick up his mat
lowered the sick man to the space where and walk. The man got up immediately,
Jesus was. When Jesus saw the strong picked up his mat and walked away.
faith they had, he said to the man that his  Jesus healed this man on Sabbath day so
sins were forgiven. When the teachers of the Jewish authorities saw the man
Law and the Pharisees heard that, they carrying his mat. They asked him who
accused Jesus of blasphemy because healed him and he said that Jesus did
according to them, it is only God who can made carry the mat.
forgive sins.

 Jesus later found the man in the temple 20. Healing the Son of a
and told him that he was well and he
should stop sinning or else something Government Official
worse may happen to him. (John 4: 46-54):
 The Jewish authorities began to persecute
Jesus because he had healed on the  Jesus had gone to Cana when a
Sabbath day. Jesus told them that his government official from Capernaum
father was working so he too must work. came to him and begged him to go with
This statement made the Jewish him to Capernaum and heal his sick son.
authorities to plan for the killing of Jesus  Jesus told him “None of you will ever
mainly because called God his own father believe unless you see miracles and
(blasphemy). wonder.”
 This miracles shows us that Jesus was  The official insisted and said,
very caring. “Sir……come with me before the before
my child dies.”
 Jesus told him to go because his son will
18. Healing Peter’s Mother- be alive. The officer believed Jesus’
in-Law words and went to Capernaum.
 The official’s servants met him and told
(Matthew 8: 14-15, Mark him that his son had healed. When he
1:29-31, Luke 22: 50-51): asked them the time he was healed, they
told him that it was 1 o’clock and that’s
 One day, Jesus visited Simon Peter’s and why he remembered that it was the same
Andrew’s house and found Peter’s time Jesus had told him that his son would
mother-in-law lying on her bed sick. She be well.
was suffering from fever.  This was Jesus’ second miracles.
 Jesus went with disciples including James
and John 21. Healing Ten Lepers:
 Jesus touched her, fever left her and she (Luke 17:11-19):
became well.
 One day, Jesus was going to the village.
19. Healing the High Priest’s He passed through the border of Samaria
Slave (Soldier) and Galilee when ten people suffering
(Luke 22: 50-51): from a dreaded skin disease known as
leprosy met him.
 They stood far from Jesus and shouted
 Jesus healed the ear of a high priest’s “Jesus! Master! Take pity on us!” Jesus
slave. The slave (soldier) had come with shouted to them and told them to go to the
other soldiers to arrest. priests to examine them.
 Simon Peter had cut the ear of the slave  The men were made clean on their way to
with a sword. see the priests for examination. When one
of the ten lepers realized that he had been
healed, he came back to thank him
singing and praising God.

 Jesus wondered where the other nine 23. Miracle of Raising Jairus’
were. He was pleased because a foreigner
was the one who came to thank him. Daughter
 Jesus told him to get up and go because (Matthew 9:18-26, Mark
his faith had made him well. The man 5:21-43, Luke 8: 40-56):
who came back was a Samaritan.
 This miracles teaches us to be thankful
 While Jesus was teaching a large crowd
just like the Samaritan man.
at the lakeside, a man named Jairus came
to Jesus, threw himself down before him
22. Healing a Man with a and begged him to go and heal his sick
Severe Bleeding daughter.
(Matthew 9: 20-22, Mark 5:  Jairus was an official in a local
synagogue. Jesus accepted and started the
25-43, Luke 8: 43-48): journey together with a large crowd. On
the way he met and healed the woman
 A woman who was suffering from a who had a severe bleeding.
severe bleeding touched Jesus’ clock.  While Jesus was still speaking to the
The woman had said to herself, “If I only woman, messengers came and told Jairus
touch his clock, I will get well.” The not to bother Jesus because his daughter
woman had been bleeding for 12 years. had died.
 Her bleeding stopped and she was healed  Jesus told Jairus not to be worried but to
immediately she touched Jesus clock. believe. Jesus went with James, John and
Jesus knew that someone had touched his James. He did not allow other people to
clock because he had felt some of his go with him.
powers leave him.  When they reached the house, they found
 Jesus asked for the person who had people crying and wailing loudly. They
touched him and his disciples told him also looked confused. Jesus asked them
that a large crowd was surrounding them why they were confused. He also asked
so it was difficult to know the person. them why they were crying. He told them
When the woman heard that, she went to that the girl was not dead but she was just
Jesus trembling and knelt before him. She sleeping but they laughed him.
told Jesus that it was he who had touched  Jesus went to her room together with her
him. Jesus said to her, “My daughter, parents and the three disciples. He held
your faith has made you well. Go in peace the girl’s hand and told her “Talitha,
and be healed of your trouble.” koum” which means “Little girl, I tell
 This miracles teaches us to have faith in you to get up.”
Jesus Christ.  The girl was raised and started walking.
Jesus asked the parents to give her
something to eat. People who saw
everything were very amazed.
 This miracle teaches us that Jesus has
power over life.

24. Raising the Son of the  Lazarus was already dead and he had
been buried for four days. Martha left
Widow of Nain Mary in the house and went to meet Jesus.
(Luke 7: 11-17): She told Jesus that his brother would not
have died had he been there. Jesus told
 Jesus went with his disciples to a town her that her brother would rise back to
called Nain and a large crowd followed life.
them. As they approached the town, they  Jesus wept when he was taken to Lazarus
a funeral procession was leaving. grave. He ordered for the removal of the
 The only son of the widow from that town stone at the entrance of tomb. Martha told
is the one who had died. Jesus felt pity for Jesus that there would be a smell because
the widow. He told her to stop crying. he had died four days ago. Jesus remind
 Jesus touched the coffin and the people her that she will see God’s glory if she
carrying it stopped. He told said to the believed. After praying, Jesus called
man, “Young man! Get up, I tell you!” saying, “Lazarus, come out!”
The young man was raised back to life Immediately Lazarus come out of the
and he begun to speak. graze with his face, hands and feet
wrapped in burial clothes. Jesus asked the
 All people were filled with fear. They
people to unwrap them and let him go.
praised God by saying, “A great prophet
has appeared among us!” They also said  This miracle teaches that Jesus has power
that God had come to save their lives. over life.
 This miracle teaches us that Jesus has
power over life. 26. The Miracle of getting a
Coin in a Fish’s Mouth
25. The Miracle of Raising (Matthew 17: 24-27):
(John 11:1-44):  When Jesus and his disciples were in
Capernaum when the temple tax
collectors asked Peter whether their
 Lazarus lived in Bethany. He was Martha
master (Jesus) pay taxes.
and Mary’s brother.
 Peter went to the house and Jesus asked
 One day, Lazarus fell ill so her sisters
him his opinion on the person who is
went to Jesus and told him that his friend
supposed to pay taxes to the authorities.
was ill. Jesus told them that the illness
Peter told him that foreigners are the one
will not lead to his final death but it will
to pay taxes.
happen so that God’s glory maybe
brought.  Jesus asked him to go to the lake and drop
a line. He was told to pull the fish he will
 Jesus did not go to see Lazarus for two
catch and remove a coin from its mouth.
more days after which he told his
disciples to accompany him to Judea to  Pater did as he was told. He used the coin
raise Lazarus. The disciples tried to stop to pay taxes.
him from going there but he insisted on  This lesson teaches us to respect/obey the
going. Thomas convinced other disciples authorities. We are also reminded that
to go with Jesus and die with him. paying taxes is not bad therefore
Christians would always pay it.

27. Miracle of Cursing a Fig to do. Philip told Jesus that they required
200 silver coins to buy for them food.
Tree  Andrew told Jesus that there was a boy a
(Matthew 21:19, Mark 11:14, boy among the crowd had five loaves of
20): bread and two fish. Jesus asked his
disciples to make the 5,000 people sit
down on grass.
 One morning, Jesus was angry. He saw a  Jesus took the bread and the fish and gave
fig tree by the road side and went over to blessings. The food was multiplied and
it. He didn’t get any fruits so he cursed distributed to all people. Jesus asked his
the tree by saying, “You will never again disciples to gather the leftovers and 12
bear fruit!” The tree dried up baskets were collected.
 After witnessing this miracle, people
 The disciples were amazed and wondered proclaimed that Jesus was a prophet who
how the tree dried by itself that quickly. was supposed to come to the world. Jesus
 Jesus told his disciples that if they believe went off to the hills because he was aware
without any doubt then they will be able of their plans of crowning him a king.
to the same things that he had done to the  This miracle teaches us to be kind and
fig tree. generous like Jesus.
 With that faith they are able to command
a hill and throw itself in the sea and it will
happen. If they believe then then they will 29. Miracle of Feeding of Four
receive anything they ask for through Thousand People
prayers. (Matthew 15: 32-39, Mark
 This miracles teaches us to have faith and
believe without doubts and anything we 8: 1-10):
want will happen.
 A large crowd came to Jesus and stayed
28. Miracle of Feeding the with him for three days. Jesus told his
disciples that he felt sorry for the people
Five Thousand People because they had not eaten anything for
(Matthew 14: 13-21, Mark those days. He therefore didn’t want to
6: 30-44, Luke 9: 10-17, send them away with hunger because
some may faint.
John 6: 1-14):  Jesus’ disciples asked him where they
would find enough food in that desert to
 One day, Jesus crossed Lake Galilee also feed all the people.
known as Tiberius. Because of the  Jesus asked his disciples how much bread
miracles he had performed, a large crowd they had and they told him that they had
followed him. seven loaves of bread and some few fish.
 He reached a hill and sat down and when  Jesus asked the crowd to sit down. He
he saw the crowd, he asked Philip where took the bread, gave thanks to God and
they could buy food to feed all those distributed to the people.
people. Jesus asked him test him because  All the 4,000 people ate the bread and fish
he had already known what he was going to their satisfaction. His disciples
collected seven baskets of leftovers.

 After sending them away, Jesus went to Jesus up and told him this; “Teacher,
the district of Dalmanutha with his don’t you care that we are about to die?”
disciples.  Jesus commanded the wind to be quiet
 This miracles teaches us that Jesus has and the waves to be still and immediately
powers over nature. the storm stopped.
 Jesus accused his disciples for lack of
30. The Miracles of the Great faith.
 This miracle teaches us that Jesus has
Catch of Fish powers over nature. It also teaches us that
(Luke 5: 4-10): we should have a strong faith in
everything we do.
 Jesus got into Simon Peter’s boat at Lake
Gennesaret and taught the crowd. 32. The Miracle of Jesus
 After preaching, he asked Simon Peter to Walking on Water.
push the boat into the sea and let their nets
ready to fish. (Matthew 14:22-33, Mark 6:
 Simon Peter told Jesus that they had 45-52, John 6: 16-21):
worked the whole night and caught
nothing.  One evening, Jesus’ disciples went into
 They did as they were told and they the boat and started sailing across the
caught a lot of fish that the nets were lakes to Capernaum near Bethsaida. Jesus
about to tear. didn’t go with them but instead he went
 When Simon Peter saw that, she he fell up the hill to pray.
on his knees and asked Jesus to go away  When the disciples reached the middle of
because he was a sinner. the lake, Jesus approached them walking
 This miracle teaches us that Jesus has on water. It was between three and six
power over nature. o’clock (morning). A strong wind was
also blowing.
31. The Miracle of Calming  When the disciple saw him, they thought
the Storm that he was a ghost and started screaming.
Jesus asked them to have courage and not
(Matthew 8: 23-27, Mark 4: be afraid because he was the one.
35-41, Luke 8: 22-25):  When Peter saw Jesus walk on water, he
asked Jesus, “Lord, if it is really you,
order me to come out on the water to
 One evening, Jesus told his disciples to
you.” Jesus called him and he started
go with him across the lake to the other
walking on water towards him. He
became afraid when he noticed a strong
 They left the crowd behind at the sea
wind. He started sinking and called the
shore and went into the boat with Jesus.
Lord to save him. Jesus held him and told
A strong wind started blowing. They
him, “How little faith you have! Why did
caused waves that filled the boat with
you doubt?”
water. This almost made the boat sink.
 Jesus went into the boat and the wind
 Jesus was sleeping behind the boat as the
settled and the disciples who were in the
strong storm rocked. The disciples woke

boat worshipped Jesus and said that Jesus  A parable is always used to teach the
was truly the son of God. truth, moral lessons or religious
 The miracle teaches us that Jesus had principles.
powers over nature. It also reminds us to  Parables were mainly used by Jesus to
have faith in everything we do. teach people. It helped people to
understand the lessons well
33. The Miracles of Jesus of  The followings are parables used by Jesus
during his missions:
Changing Water into Wine
(John 2: 1-11): 1. The Parable of the Children
 One day, there was a wedding in a town
called Cana in Galilee. Jesus mother had (Matthew 11: 16-19, Luke 7:
attended. Jesus and his disciples were 31-35):
also invited to the wedding.
 The wine got finished and Jesus’ mother  In this parable, Jesus compared modern
told him that there was no wine left. people with children playing. While
 Jesus told his mother not to tell him what playing at the market place, one group of
to do because his time had not happened. children would shout to another group
Her mother told his servants to do what telling them that they played wedding
he tells them to do. songs for them and they did not dance.
 During weddings, Jews had washing They sang funeral songs to them and they
rituals so in this wedding. There were six did cry.
stones of water jars capable of holding a  Jesus told his disciples this parables in
hundred litres of water for this rituals. order to remind them the response of
 Jesus asked his servants to fill these jars people towards the preaching and mission
with water. After they had done so, he of John the Baptist and that of Jesus.
asked them to draw some of the water and  This parables also teaches us how God
take it to the man who was in charge of will reward his faithful servants and
the feast. punish the unfaithful.
 The man tasted the water which had  He reminded his disciples that when John
changed into wine. He asked the the Baptist fasted and didn’t drink wine,
bridegroom why he had to serve the people said that he had demons. He also
ordinary wine first and the best one later. reminded that He ate and drank and they
 This was the first miracle that Jesus called him a glutton and a drinker.
performed.  They also called Him a friend of the tax
 The miracle revealed Jesus’ glory collectors and outcast.
through Jesus Christ. It also made people  This parable teaches Christians not to
to believe in Him. critic the servants of God and instead
accepts their teachings and God’s
The Parables of Jesus: wisdom.

 A parable is a simple earthly story with a

spiritual interpretation.

2. The Parable of the Faithful 4. The Parable of the Friend at
Servant Midnight
(Matthew 24: 45-51, Luke 12: (Luke 11: 5-8):
 Jesus told his disciples suppose one of
 Jesus used this parable to explain who a them receives a friend from a long
God’s faithful and unfaithful servant is. It journey and goes to a friend’s house at
also teaches us what is expected of a true midnight to borrow three loaves of bread
and faithful servant of God. because he didn’t any food and suppose
 He told them that a true servant is that the friend refuses to open the door
who his master puts in charge of his because it was late and the door was
household and to feed his masters and locked.
does just as he is assigned. The master is  The friend will open the door and give out
happy with him and places him in charge the loaves of bread to his friend if keep on
of all his properties. asking and not because he is his friend.
 A bad and unfaithful servant will wait  This parable teaches us to keep on
until his master has gone on a long praying to God if we want Him to answer
journey then he will beat his fellow us. (Persistence in prayer).
servants. He will spend his time eating
and drinking with the drunkards.
 The master will come one day when the 5. The Parable of the Gold Coin
bad servant is not expecting. He will cut (Luke 19: 11-27, Matthew
him in pieces and share suffering with the
disobedient and the hypocrites. 14-30):

3. The Parable of the Fig Tree  This parable is also known as the parable
of the three servants.
(Matthew 24: 32-33, Mark  In this parable, a king was about to go on
13: 28-29, Luke 21: 29-31): a long journey. He called all his servants
and gave them property to take care for
 When we see the leaves of a fig tree him according to his abilities.
beginning to appear then we will know  He gave the first one five thousand gold
that the summer is about to appear. coins, the second he gave two thousand
 In the same way when we see things and the one thousand to the third one then
happen then we will know that the he left for his journey.
kingdom of God is near.  The one who was given five thousand
 This parable teaches us that we will invested the gold coins and earned other
experience signs of the coming of five thousand. The second servant also
kingdom of God. invested his gold coins and earned other
two thousand. The one who was given
one thousand did not invest his. He
instead dug a hole and hid his master’s
money there.

 When the king came back, the servant  Jesus said that there was a man who was
who was given five thousand brought the traveling from Jerusalem to Jericho when
money he was given and another five robbers attacked him, stripped him, beat
thousand he had saved. The one given him up and left him half dead on the road.
two thousand coins also brought his  The priest who was going down the road
together with another two thousand he walked on by road side when he saw the
had earned. The king was happy with injured man. He did not help him. The
them because they were able to manage Levite who was also traveling on the
small amounts. They were therefore put same road passed by the side of the road
in charge of large amounts. when he also saw the injured. He also did
 The one who was given one thousand not help him.
brought his and told the king that he knew  When a Samaritan man saw the injured
that he was a hard man who reaps harvest man, he was filled with pity. He poured
where he did not sow and gathers where oil and wine in his wounds, bandaged
he did not scatter seeds. He also told him them and put him on his own animal.
that he was afraid so he hid his money in  He took him to an inn (hospital) gave an
a hole in the soil. The king was not happy innkeeper two silver coins and asked him
with him. He called him a lazy man and to take care of him. He also promised to
took the money away from him and gave pay whatever else he spends on him.
it to the servant who had ten thousand. He  This parable teaches us to be kind to
was thrown into darkness where he cried people especially those who are needy in
and grid his teeth. the society.
 This parable teaches us to use our talents  We also learn that a neighbour is any
and abilities well. person who is in need of help regardless
of the geographical distance, race and
6. The Parable of the Good tribe.
(Luke 10: 29-37): 7. The Parable of the Great
 A teacher of law came to Jesus and tried (Luke 14: 15-24, Matthew
to trap him by asking him what he must 22; 1-10):
do in order to receive eternal life.
 Jesus asked him what the scriptures said
 This parable is also known as the
about the matter and what his
wedding feast.
interpretation was. The man told Jesus
 One of the people seated with Jesus at the
that the scriptures said that one need to
table said “How happy are those who will
love the Lord with all the heart, with all
sit down at the feast in the Kingdom of
the strength and with the entire mind. He
God. “Jesus answered the man with the
also told Him that one also needs to love
parable of the wedding feast.
his neighbour as he loves himself.
 There was a king who made a wedding
 The teacher of law asked Jesus to explain
feast for his son. He invited many people
to him who a neighbour is. Jesus told him
but they did not come. He sent his
the parable of the Good Samaritan as an
servants to call them and tell them that the
explanation of who a neighbour is.
party was ready.

 They refused and gave different excuses. field. He covers it and happily sells
One said that he had bought a field and he everything and went to buy that field with
was going to look at it. Another said that the treasure.
he had bought five pairs of oxen and he  This parable reminds us to use everything
was going out to try them. Another one we have in order to join the kingdom of
said that he had just got married. One of God because it is very precious.
the invited guests went to his shop.
 Other invited guests paid no attention to 9. The Parable of the Lamb
the servants and went on with the
business while others grabbed them and under a Bowl.
beat them up and killed others. The king (Matthew 5:15, Mark 4:21,
was not happy with what was done to his Luke 8: 16, Luke 11:33):
servants. Sent soldiers to kill them and
burn their cities.
 Since al people the king invited did not  A person does not light a lamb and places
deserve the feast, he sent his servants to it under the bowl or bed but instead puts
go to streets and invite all people to the it on the lamb stand so that it can give
party, both good and bad. They did as light to all in the house.
they were instructed. Many people came  This parable teaches us to express our
among them crippled, the blind and the Christian values, talents and abilities
lame. openly so that we can be role models to
 When the king went into the hall that was all people in the world.
full to capacity, he saw a man who was
not dressed in the wedding clothes. He 10. The Parable of the Lost
ordered his servants to tie his hands and Coin
legs and throw him out into the dark
where he will grind his teeth and cry. (Luke 15:8-10):
 This parable teaches the following
lessons;  If a woman losses one coin out of her ten
a) All people are invited to the kingdom silver coins, she will light her lamp,
of God especially the spiritually poor. sweep her house and looks for it
b) God has invited many to the kingdom everywhere.
of God but few are chosen to join it  If she finds it, she will invite all her
especially those who are faithful and friends and her neighbours to celebrate
obedient to the word of God. her lost and found coin.
 This parable teaches us that God is happy
8. The Parable of the Hidden and angels in heaven rejoice when a
sinner repents.
(Matthew 13: 44):

 Jesus taught this parable in order to make

people understand the value of the
kingdom of God.
 He said that the kingdom of God is like a
man who finds a treasure hidden in a

11. The Parable of the Lost  The parable reminds Christians what will
happen during the judgment day (the end
Sheep of the age). The angels of God will pick
(Matthew 18:10-14, Luke sinners from the righteous people. They
15: 3-7): will then throw them into the fiery
furnace where they suffer. The righteous
will join the kingdom of God.
 If a man with a hundred sheep losses one
among them, he will leave the 99 and go
to search the lost one. 14. The Parable of the New
 When he finds the lost sheep, he happily Patch
carries it on his shoulders. He calls his (Matthew 9:16, Luke 5: 36,
friends and neighbours together for a
celebration. Mark 2; 21):
 This parable teaches us that God is happy
and there is more joy in heaven when one  No one tears a piece of cloth from a new
sinner repents than when 99 people who coat and uses it to patch an old coat. If he
have refused to repent. does that then he would have torn a new
 This parable has the same meaning with coat. Also, the new piece of cloth will not
the parable of the lost coin. match the old coat.
 This parable reminds us that we can mix
Christianity and sin.
12. The Parable of the
Mustard Seed 15. The Parable of the New
(Matthew 13: 31-32, Mark Wineskin
4: 30-32, Luke 13:18-19-19): (Luke 5: 37-39, Mark 2: 22,
Matthew 9: 17):
 Jesus said that the Kingdom of God is like
a man who sows a mustard seed in. It then  No one pours new wine into the old used
grows into a huge tree bigger than any wineskin because it will burst and the
pant yet it is a very small seed. Birds wine will pour outside.
come and make nests on the tree.  Instead the new wine should be poured
 This parable teaches us the growth of the into the new wineskin so that they may all
kingdom of God. remain intact.
 The parable teaches us not to practice
13. The Parable of the Net hypocrisy. We should not practice
Christianity at the same time commit sins.
(Matthew 13: 47-50):  The parable has the same meaning with
the parable of the new patch.
 Fishermen threw their nets into the sea
and caught all kinds of fish. When the net
was full, they pulled the net out in order
to share the fish. They take good fish into
the bucket and worthless ones are thrown

16. The Parable of the Pearl  The parable teachers us to be meek
(humble) while praying like the way the
(Matthew 13: 45-46): tax collector did and not be as proud as
the Pharisee.
 When a man looking for a pearl finds the
one that is unusually fine, he sells 18. The Parable of Places at
everything he has and goes to buy it.
 The parable teaches us that the kingdom
Wedding Feast.
of God is very precious and we should do (Luke 14: 7-11):
everything possible to get it.
 This parable has the same meaning with  Jesus said this parable after seeing how
the parable of the hidden treasure. guests choose best places in parties.
 Jesus said that when someone is invited
17. The Parable of the to a feast, he/she should not choose to sit
Pharisees and the Tax in best places because the place may have
been reserved for the distinguished guest.
Collector The distinguished guest may come and
(Luke 18: 9-14): you may be asked to vacate the seat for
him/her. This may embarrass you.
 Jesus taught this parable mainly to Instead, sit at the lowest place and wait
people who only knew their own for your host to invite you to sit at the best
goodness and looked down anyone place. This will ring honour to you.
others.  Jesus went on to say that those who make
 Two people, Pharisee and a tax collector themselves great will be humbled and
went to the temple to pray. The Pharisee those who humble themselves shall be
stood a side and prayed like this: “I thank made great.
you, God, that I am not greedy, or an
adulterer, like everybody else. I thank 19. The Parable of the Rich
you that I am not like the tax collector Fool
over there. I fast two days a week, and I
give you a tenth of all my income.” (Luke 12: 16-21):
 The tax collector on the other side at a
distance and prayed. He did not raise his  A man from the crowd asked Jesus to tell
face to heaven but instead beat his breast his brother to divide with him his father’s
and prayed like this: “God, have pity on property equally. Jesus told him that He
me, a sinner.” did not have powers to judge or to divide
 Jesus summarized everything by saying property between them.
that those who make themselves great  Jesus advised us to be aware of every kind
will be humbled while those who humble of greed because human’s life does not
themselves will be made great. rely on things he/she owns even if he/she
 The Pharisee did not humble himself. He is rich.
saw himself as great and righteous.  In this parable, Jesus said that there was
 He looked down upon the tax collector. once a very rich man who owned a big
The Pharisee was proud while the tax land that gave him a lot of harvest. The
collector was humble in his prayer. man did not have a place to store the large

harvest so he decided to tear down his old  This parable teaches us to help the less
small barns and construct bigger ones fortune in the society.
where his harvest could fit.
 After that, he said to himself that he will 21. The Parable of the
take life easy, eat, drink and enjoy
himself. God called him a fool and took Growing Seed.
away his life at night. (Mark 4: 26-29):
 Jesus reminded us that this is how it will
be to those regard earthly wealth other  The kingdom of God is like a man who
that heavenly wealth (Christian values). sows a seed in a field. The seed
 This parable teaches us not to regard germinates and grows day and night. As
earthly (secular values) highly but instead this happens, the man does not see it
pay more attention to Christian values happen.
(eternal life/kingdom of God)  The soil helps the plant to grow. All parts
of the corn develop and grow. It becomes
20. The Parable of the Rich ripe and the man harvests it.
Man and Lazarus:  The parable teaches us how a person
develops Christian’s faith until judgment
(Luke 16: 19-31): day when God will take them to the
kingdom of God.
 There was a very rich man with very
expensive clothes. He also lived a very 22. The Parable of the Servant
expensive lifestyle. There was a very
poor man called Lazarus. (Luke 17: 7-10):
 Lazarus’ body was covered with sores  When a servant who was ploughing or
and dogs licked them. He also ate bits that looking after the sheep comes in from the
fell from the rich man’s table. field, he will not hurry and eat a meal but
 When the poor man died, he was taken to instead he will make supper ready for his
the kingdom of God by the angels and sat master and wait while he eats after which
at the right side of Abraham. The rich he will eat.
man died and was taken to hell  Jesus also said that Christians should also
(Hades/world of the dead). He was in do the same.
great pain while there. He called
Abraham and asked him to take pity on 23. The Parable of the Shrewd
him. He also asked him to send Lazarus Manager
to dip his finger in water and cool his
tongue because he was being burnt by (Luke 16: 1-9):
 Abraham told the rich man that there was  There was a servant who managed who a
a deep pit therefore no body could cross rich man’s property. People went to the
over to either side. The rich man begged rich man and told him that the servant
Abraham to send Lazarus to warn his five who was managing his property has been
brothers not to sin so that they don’t join misusing his money. The rich man called
hell. Abraham told the rich man that his the manager and asked him to submit his
brothers had prophets to warn. full account.

 The servant was afraid because he did not a) The sower is the preacher and the
have strength to dig ditches for his seed is the word of God.
income if the rich man sacks him. He was b) The seeds that fell on the road and
also ashamed to beg. were eaten are like people listens to
 The servant called those who owed his the word of God and Satan took the
master and reduced their debts. He word away from them.
reduced the man who owed the rich man c) The seeds that fell on the rocky
one hundred barrels of olive oil to fifty. ground are like people who listened to
He also the debt of another debtor from the word of God gladly but it did not
1000 sacks to 800. sink into them and it does not last
 The master of the dishonest manager long. When trouble and persecution
praised him for engaging in such shrewd comes because of the message, they
act because people in this world are not give up.
honest. d) Seeds fell among thorn bushes are
 Jesus therefore advises us to make friends like people who hears the message
with the worldly wealth so that you will but the love of the earthly wealth and
be welcomed in the kingdom of God the worries of the earth prevent them
when it gets finished. from serving God.
e) The seeds that fell in good soil are like
people who listen to the word of God
24. The Parable of the Sower and understand it.
(Matthew 13: 3-9, 16-23; Mark  This parable teaches us the response of
4: 2-9, 13-20; Luke 8: 5-8, 11- people to the word of God.
25. The Parable of Ten Young
 Jesus started teaching at the shores of Women
Lake Galilee when a large crowd started (Matthew 25: 1-13):
to surround him. He got into the bought
and told them the parable of the sower.
 Ten young women went to meet their
 In this parable, there was a sower who bridegroom with their oil lamps. Five of
went out to the field to sow corn. While those women who were foolish did not
sowing, some seeds fell on the paths and carry extra oil while the other five wise
birds came and ate them. Some fell on women carried extra oil with them.
rocky ground with little soil. They
 The bridegroom came late and the brides
sprouted but were burnt by the sun
started to fall asleep. The bride arrived at
because the soil was shallow for the roots
midnight. They all woke up and trimmed
to grow deeper. Other seeds fell among
their lamps. The foolish women who
the thorny bushes. They sprouted and
didn’t carry extra oil begged the wise
grew but they didn’t produce any fruits
ones for oil because their lamps were
because they were chocked by the thorns.
going out. The wise women refused and
Some seeds fell in good soil. They
asked the foolish women to the shop and
sprouted, grew and produced healthy
buy more oil.
 The foolish women went to the shop to
 The following is the meaning of the
buy oil. The bridegroom came in the
room and locked himself in with the five

wise women. They refused to open the 27. The Parable of the Tower
door for the five foolish women who had
to buy the oil because they were late. The Builder
bridegroom told them to go away because (Luke 14: 28-30):
he didn’t know them.
 Jesus asked his followers to be on guard  If one wants to build a tower, he must first
because they don’t know the hour and the sit down and calculate the cost of building
day. it. This will help him to know whether he
 This parable teaches us to always be had enough money to complete the tower.
ready for the second coming of Jesus.  If you don’t plan then the building will
not be completed beyond the foundation
and people may laugh at him.
26. The Parable of Tenants in  This parable teaches us about the cost of
Vineyard being a disciple. One should assess if they
were ready for the faith.
(Matthew 21: 33-46, Mark
12: 1-12, Luke 20: 9-18): 28. The Parable of Two
 A landowner planted a vineyard and
fenced. He also dug a hole for the (Luke 7: 40-43):
winepress and built a watchtower.
 He went for a journey and left the  Jesus said this parable while in the house
vineyard in charge of tenants. When of Simon the Pharisee.
harvesting time reached, the landowner  In this parable, one man owed a
sent his slaves to collect his part of the moneylender five thousand silver coins
harvest. The tenants beat one, killed and the second man owed him fifty silver
another and stoned the other. coins. The two men were unable to pay
 The landowner sent other slaves to the back so the moneylender cancelled the
tenants did to them the same way they did debts.
to the first ones. He sent his own son to  Jesus asked the person who will love the
the tenants believing that they will lender most. Simon said that the person
respect him but when they saw him, they who had more debt love him most.
too killed him.  Jesus used this parable to teach that those
 The meaning of this parable is: with this serious sins will be more happy
a) The landowner is God. when their sins are forgiven.
b) The vineyard is the earth.  Jesus said this parable because a sinful
c) The tenants are people who live in the woman came to Jesus, cried and wet his
world. feet with her tears. The woman kissed
d) The slaves are servants of God Jesus’ feet, dried them with oil and dried
(preachers/prophets/priests) them with her hair. Jesus later forgave her
e) The son is Jesus Christ. of her sins.
 This parable teaches us the response of  People wondered who Jesus was because
people to the servants of God and Jesus he was able to forgive sins. Jesus told the
Christ. They reject and persecute them. woman to go in peace because her faith
had saved her.

29. The Parable of Two House 31. The Parable of
Builders. Unforgiving Servant
(Matthew 7: 24-27, Luke 47- (Matthew 18: 23-35):
 Simon Peter asked Jesus whether he can
 Those who listen and obey Jesus’ forgive his sinful brother seven times.
teachings are like people who builds a Jesus told him that he should forgive him
house on a rock. When it rains and rivers seventy times seven. He also told them
overflows or winds blow over the house, this parable to support his answer:
it will not collapse.  A king decided to go through his
 Those who do not listen to the word of servants’ accounts. While going through
God and does not obey it are like a person the accounts, a servant who owed him
who has built on sand. When it rains, one million pounds was brought to him.
strong winds blow and rivers overflows  The servant was not able to pay his debts
over the house and it falls. so the king ordered that the servant, all his
family members and everything he
owned to be sold as slaves. When the
30. The Parable of Two Sons servant heard that, he knelt before the
(Matthews 21: 28-32): king asked him to forgive him and give
him more time to pay the debt. The king
 There was a man who had two sons. He felt sorry for him and pardoned him.
sent the elder one to work in the vineyard.  The man left the palace and went out. He
He refused to go but he later changed his then met another man who owed him few
mind and went. pounds. He chocked him and asked him
 The mother then told his other son to go to pay him his debts. The servant begged
to the vineyard and work. He agreed but him to him some time and promised to
he did not go. pay him. He refused and threw him in jail
 Jesus asked the person who did what his until he pays him.
father wanted. People told him that the  Other servants who witnessed that were
elder son did. annoyed. They went and told the king
 Jesus said that sinners like tax collectors what the servant he had forgiven had
and prostitutes who repent will go to the done to his fellow servant.
kingdom of God ahead of those who  The king was angry with the servant. He
pretend to be righteous yet they are sinful. sent him to jail until he pays him the
 This parable gives hope to sinners that whole amount because he had not
they will enjoy eternal life if they repent forgiven the person who had his debts yet
and believe in Jesus as their Saviour. he had forgiven him.

32. The Parable of the 34. The Parable of the
Unfruitful Fig Tree Watchful Servants
(Luke 13: 6-9): (Mark 13:33-37, Luke 12:
 A man had a fig tree growing in his
vineyard. The tree did not produce any fig  The second coming of Jesus is like a man
for 3 years. The man ordered his gardener who goes on a long journey leaving his
to cut down. servants in charge. He also assign them
 The gardener asked the man to leave the work to do and informed the doorkeeper
fig tree for one more year. He also to keep guard.
promised the man that he will dig around  We are advised by the parable to be on
the tree and provide it with manure. He guard always as we wait for the coming
promised to cut the tree if it doesn’t of judgment day (Second coming of
produce any fruit. Jesus).
 This parable teaches reminds us that God
wanted to destroy all sinners but Jesus
accepted to come and save them from 35. The Parable of Wedding
their sins. Those who will not change are Guests.
the ones who will be punished. (Matthew 9: 15, Mark 2: 19-
20, Luke 5: 34-35):
33. The Parable of the
Watchful House Owner  The guests at a wedding party are not
(Matthew 24: 42-44, Luke expected to be unhappy or go without
12: 39-40): food when the bridegroom is with them.
A day comes when the bridegroom shall
be taken away from them and they will be
 Jesus tells us to be on guard all the time sad and fast.
because we do not know the day the Lord  This parable teaches us that it is very
will come back again. important to fast now especially when we
 In this parable, we are told that if the have received salvation and grace from
owner of the house knew the time a thief Jesus Christ.
will come to steal then he will be awake
all the night to keep away the thief.
 This parable teaches us to be ready
36. The Parable of the Weeds.
(righteous) all the time because Jesus will (Matthew 13: 24-30, 36-43):
come like a thief (without giving
notice/no one will know when he will  One day, a man went to his field and
come) sowed wheat seeds. An enemy came at
night when everybody was a sleep and
sowed weeds in the same field where the
man had sowed wheat seeds. They both
germinated and when the wheat started
forming ears of corn, the weeds began to
show up. His servants asked their master

whether they would pull the weeds. The  Jesus went on to say that God will judge
man asked them not to uproot them but in favour of those people who cry and
instead wait until the harvesting day pray to God day and night.
because they might uproot the wheat in  This parable therefore teaches us to pray
the process. without seizing/persistence in prayer. It
 During the harvest, the workers will has the same meaning with the parable of
uproot the weeds first, tie them together a friend at midnight.
and then burn them. The wheat will then
be harvested and stored in his barn. 38. The Parable of Wine and
 The following is the translation of the
parable of the weeds: Wineskins
a) The man is Jesus Christ. (Matthew 9: 17, Mark 2:22,
b) The field is the earth where we live. Luke 5: 37-38):
c) The wheat seeds/good seeds are
righteous people who belong to the
kingdom of God.  No one pours new wine into used / old
d) Weeds are sinful people. wineskins because the new wine will
e) The enemy is the devil/Satan. burst the old wine skin. Instead, new wine
f) The day of harvest in the judgment should be poured into a new wineskin.
day.  This parable teaches us not to commit sin
g) The man’s servants /workers are at the same time pretend to serve God.
God’s angels.  We are also taught that we should fast as
 In this parable, we learn that God will a genuine show of our commitment to our
send his angels to gather all sinners prayers and not express our hypocrisy.
during judgment day and throw them into
the fire where they will suffer. The
righteous ones will join the kingdom of 39. The Parable of Workers in
God where they will enjoy the rest of their the Vineyard.
(Matthew 20:1-16):
37. The Parable of the Widow
 A man hired some workers early in the
and the Wicked Judge morning to work in his vineyard and
(Luke 18: 1-8): agreed to pay them a silver coin a day.
The man also went out to the market place
 There was once a judge in a certain town. at nine o’clock, saw some men and asked
He didn’t respect people. He also did not them to go and work in his vineyard. He
fear God. In the same town, there was a also sent other men to work in his
widow who kept on going to him for vineyard from the same market place at
justice. All the time, the judge refused to 12, 3 and 5 o’clock.
judge her case. The widow did not lose  The man ordered his foreman to pay all
hope but kept on going to him. One day, workers one silver coins including the
the judge was tired of her nagging and ones who started working at 5 o’clock.
finally judged her case. People who started to work in the
morning started complaining because

they thought they would be paid more  He knelt down and prayed to God saying,
than others. “If you will, take this cup of suffering
 Jesus finished the parable by telling them away from. Not my will, however, but
that those who are last will be first and your will be done.” The angel of God
those who are first will be last. appeared to him and strengthened him.
 This parable teaches us that all people Jesus prayed so much that his sweat were
will join the kingdom of God regardless like drops of blood falling on the ground.
of the time they believed in Jesus Christ.  He went back to his three disciples and
found them sound asleep. He asked Peter
40. The Parable of the Yeast why they were not able to keep watch
with him even for one hour. He also told
(Matthew 13:33, Luke 13: them that his spirit was willing but the
20-21): flesh was weak.
 Jesus went away to pray the second time
 A woman takes mixes yeast with 40 litres and when he came back, he found his
of flour until the dough rises. disciples asleep again. He woke them up
 This parable teaches us about the growth and asked them to be on guard. He left
of the kingdom of God. them once again and went to pray the
third time. He came back and found them
 It has the same meaning as the parable of
asleep once again. He woke them up and
the mustard seed.
told them that the hour for him to be
handed to the sinners for crucifixion had
The Arrest, Death and come.
Resurrection of Jesus:  When Jesus was still talking, Judas
Iscariot arrived with a group of soldiers.
They had been sent by the Chief Priest to
 One of Jesus disciples called Judas arrest him. Judas had instructed that he
Iscariot agreed to betray. The chief priests will identify Jesus by kissing him. Judas
paid him 30 pieces of silver for that job. went to Jesus, kissed him and told him,
Judas then started looking for a chance to “Peace be with you, Teacher.” Jesus told
betray Jesus. The priests had met in the him to be quick about arresting him. Jesus
High Priest’s (Caiaphas’) palace. asked Judas, “Judas, is it with a kiss that
 One day, Jesus went to pray on Mt. Olives you betray the son of man?” The disciples
at the Garden of Gethsemane. He went who were with Jesus asked him if they
with Peter, James and John. This garden were to use swords to defend him but
was located across River Kishon. Jesus refused. Simon Peter used his
 He told the disciples that the sorrow in his sword to cut the right ear of the High
heart was so great that it almost crushed Priest’s slave soldier known as Malchus.
him. He said all these because grief, Jesus asked him to put his sword back. He
anguish and distress had come over him. touched the servant’s (soldier’s) ear and
Jesus left them and went to a short healed it. He also told them that those
distance. He asked them to stay awake who take the sword will die by sword.
and keep watch. He also asked them to  The Roman soldiers and Jewish guard
pray so that they may not fall into arrested and took him to Annas who was
temptation. the father-in-law to Caiaphas, the one
who was the current High Priest.

 Simon Peter followed Jesus and remained authorities remained outside because they
outside Caiaphas palace gate while Jesus wanted to keep themselves ritually clean.
was taken to the court yard. One of the  Pilate asked Jesus whether he was the
High Priest’s servant woman went to him king of Jews. Jesus asked him whether
and told him that he was also with Jesus that question came from him or he was
of Galilee. Peter denied Jesus when he told. Pilate told him that the accusations
told her that he didn’t know what he was came from the Jews. He also told Pilate
talking about. Immediately the cock that his kingdom does not belong to the
crowed. Another servant woman saw world and if it were so, his followers
Jesus and told the men there that he also would have fought for his release.
was with Jesus of Nazareth. Peter denied  Pilate asked him once again whether he
it by saying that he didn’t know Jesus. was the king of the Jews and Jesus told
After a short while, men standing there him that he was born to the world to speak
went to Peter and told him that he was the truth.
with Jesus and the way he spoke showed  Pilate went outside to the Jewish
that he was his follower. Peter denied by authorities and told them that he did not
saying, “I swear that I am telling the get Jesus guilty but they insisted that
truth! May God punish me if I am not! I Jesus be crucified.
don’t know the man!” Immediately the  Pilate had a culture of releasing one
cock crowed and he remembered that prisoner during the Passover festivals so
Jesus had told him that he will deny him he asked the Jewish authority the person
three times before the cock crowed. He he should release between Jesus and
went out and cried bitterly. Barabbas. They chose Barabbas who was
 At the Sanhedrin’s court, the chief priests a bandit.
and the council tried to look for evidence  Pilate took Jesus in the palace where he
that will support the killing of Jesus. was whipped. Soldiers made a crown of
Some men said that they heard him say thorns and placed in on Jesus’ head. They
that he will tear down the temple of God also put a purple robe on him and stopped
and built it after three days. The High him and shouted “Long live the king of
Priest asked him to defend himself the Jews”
against the accusations said against him  When Pilate learnt that Jesus was from
but Jesus kept silent. The High Priest Galilee, he sent to King Herod. Herod
asked him whether he was Messiah, Jesus was happy to meet Jesus because he heard
accepted and told him that he will see him a lot about him and he wanted to see his
sit on the right side of God. The High miracles.
Priest tore his clothes and termed that  Jesus did not answer any question from
Blasphemy and took that as an evidence Herod. Chief priests and teachers of Law
to kill him. accused Jesus before the king. Herod and
 They spat on him, blindfolded him and hit his soldiers made fun of Jesus, mistreated
him asking to guess/ prophesy who hit him and placed an expensive royal robe
him. on him. He then sent him back to Pilate.
 Early the next morning, Jesus was take This restored his friendship with Pilate
from Caiaphas’ house to the Governor because they had been enemies before.
Pilate’s palace. Since they were about to  Because of pressure from the Jewish
eat the Passover meals, the Jewish authority, Pilate washed his hands in front
of them as a sign that he had nothing to

do with his death and said, I am not mother that John, his beloved disciple
responsible for the death this man! This is that he was his son. He also told John that
your doing!” Pilate took Jesus outside, sat she was her mother and he should take
on the judgment seat known as care of her.
Gabbatha in Hebrew (The stone
pavement) and handed Jesus to them and The Death of Jesus:
asked them to kill him themselves.
 They started their way to crucify him. On
the way, they met Simon from Cyrene  The son stopped shining and whole earth
and forced him to help Jesus to carry the was covered in darkness from 12 o’clock
cross. Simon was the father of Alexander (noon) to o’clock. The temples tore itself
and Rufus. into two pieces.
 They crucified Jesus at a place called  At three o’clock Jesus cried out saying,
Golgotha which means the place of skull. “Eloi, Eloi, Lema Sabachthani?” This
This place was on Mt. Calvary. means, “My God, My God, why have you
 They gave Jesus cheap wine mixed with abandon me?” Some people who were
a bitter substance called Myrra but Jesus standing there thought that he was calling
did not drink it. They then divided Jesus’ Elijah. A serious earthquakes shook the
clothes by throwing dice. earth, the rocks spilt and graves open
 Notice that read, “The king of the Jews” wide. God’s who had did rose back to life.
but the chief priest asked Pilate to write,  Jesus who was still hanging on the cross
“This man said, I am the king of the Jews. said, “I am Thirsty.” They soaked a
But Pilate refused by saying that, “What sponge in a cheap wine, put on a stalk of
I have written remain written.” hyssop and gave it to Jesus. He drank it
 Two thieves (bandits) were crucified with and said, “It is finished.”
Jesus and hanged on both sides of Jesus.  In a loud voice, he cried and said, “Father,
One on the left and another one on his in your hands I place my spirit.” this is the
right. last words he said and then died.
 One of the criminals mocked Jesus and  The soldiers who witnessed all these said,
told him to save himself and then save “This man was really the son of God!”
them because he was a messiah. The (Certainly he was a good man). Women
other one asked Jesus to remember him who stood there and witnessed the death
when he joins the kingdom of God. of Jesus were Mary Magdalene, Mary the
 Jesus prayed for those who crucified then mother of James and Joseph and Salome,
and asked God to forgive them because Zebedee’s wife.
they did not know what they were doing.  Since it was on Friday, the Jewish
 The passerby insulted Jesus and asked authority did not want the bodies of Jesus
him to save himself because he said he and the two criminals crucified with him
was going to tear the temple and built it not to stay on the cross until the Sabbath
after three days. The chief priests, day so they went to Pilate and asked him
teachers of Law and elders jeered at Jesus to allow them break their legs and remove
and said that he saved others and he was their bodies from the cross.
not able to save himself.  The legs of the criminals crucified with
 Jesus’ mother, his sister’s mother, Mary- Jesus were broken but they did not break
Cleopa’s wife and Mary Magdalene were Jesus’ legs because he had already died.
standing next to the cross. Jesus told his A soldier pierced Jesus’ ribs with a spear.

Blood and water came out of the pierced to tell the disciples that Jesus Christ was
place. This action was foretold by going to Galilee ahead of them.
Prophet Zechariah.  Mary Magdalene turned back and saw
 In the evening, a respected member of the Jesus and she thought that he was a
council went to Pilate and asked for gardener. Jesus asked her why she was
permission to take Jesus’ body and burry crying and the person she was looking
it. His name was \joseph of Arimathea for. She asked him to show her where he
from Judea. He was a secret follower of had put Jesus if incase he had taken his
Jesus. He was also a good and honourable body. Jesus called her by her name and
man who was waiting for the coming of she recognized him when she turned
the Kingdom of God. Even though he was towards him. She called him Rabboni
a member of the council, he did not which meant “teacher” in Hebrew. The
support them. He was allowed to take the women went and told the disciples who
body so he wrapped it in linen sheet. He went to the tomb to confirm.
then buried Jesus’ body in his tomb.  On the same day, two followers of Jesus
Nicodemus brought 30kg of spices, a were on their way to Emmaus when Jesus
mixture of Myrrh and aloes for the joined them but they did not recognize
preparation of the body of Jesus. him. They were talking about the
 Chief priests of the Pharisees requested resurrection of Jesus. One of them was
Pilate to allow a sign guards to guard the called Cleopas. Jesus asked them what
tomb because they thought the disciples they were discussing and Cleopas
would come and take away the body. A wondered whether he was the only
huge stone was rolled at the entrance of stranger in Jerusalem.
the tomb.  They narrated to him how the women had
gone to the tomb and found it empty.
Resurrection of Jesus: Jesus wondered how foolish they were
and slow they were to believe all that had
been foretold by the prophets. He
 Early Sunday morning, Mary Magdalene, explained to them what the scriptures said
Mary mother of James and Salome went about him from Moses’ books to
to the tomb to take spices to the body of prophetic books.
Jesus and to anoint it. While they were on
the way, they wondered how they would Jesus Appears to his
remove the huge stone placed at the
entrance of the tomb. Disciples after Resurrecting:
 When they reached the tomb, there was a
heavy earthquake and the angel of God  When they approached Emmaus, Jesus
rolled the stone from the tomb. The angel pretended that he was going a little
looked like lightening and his cloths were further but they begged him to stay with
as white as snow. them because it was getting dark. While
 The angel asked them asked them why they were eating, Jesus took bread,
they were looking for Jesus among the blessed it, broke it and gave it to them.
dead even when he had resurrected. He This is when their eyes opened and they
told the women not to be afraid. He also recognized him. Jesus then disappeared
told them that Jesus they were looking for from them.
had risen back to life. He instructed them

 The two followers went to the other  The story of Thomas teaches Christians
eleven disciples and explained to them always to have faith in Jesus Christ. They
what they had experienced. While they should also believe that Jesus died and
were explaining this, Jesus appeared to resurrected.
them and said, “Peace be with you.” They  Jesus also appeared to seven of his
were all afraid because they thought that disciples while they were fishing. Peter
they were seeing a ghost. Jesus asked had decided to go fishing when his fellow
them why they were afraid and doubtful. disciples accompanied him. Some of
He showed them his scars on his feet and those disciples were Simon Peter,
hands. He asked them to touch and feel Thomas, Nathaniel, James and John. The
them to ascertain that he was not a ghost. disciples did not catch any fish the whole
Still some of them could not believe night until day break. In the morning
because they lacked faith. when the sun was rising, Jesus stood at
 Jesus asked them whether they had the shore of the lake and asked them,
anything to eat. They gave him a piece of “Young men, haven’t you caught
cooked fish which she ate as they anything?” They told Jesus that they had
watched. He did this to prove to them that not caught anything so Jesus instructed
he was not a ghost. them to throw their nets into the sea at the
 Jesus appeared to again to his disciples right side of the boat. They did so and
and greeted them, “Peace be with you.” they caught so many fish that they could
The disciples had locked themselves in not pull their net.
the house because they were afraid of the  John (the disciples whom Jesus loved
Jewish authority. He breathed on them most) told Peter that it was the Lord.
and asked them to receive the Holy Spirit. Peter, who had removed his clothes at
He sent them to go throughout the world that moment, covered his body with his
preaching the word of God and baptizing. outer garment and jumped into the water.
He also gave them powers to perform The other disciples pulled the boat full
miracles, drive out demons in his name, of fish up to the sea shore. When they
heal the sick and to speak in strange were about hundred metres to the shore,
tongues. they noticed a charcoal fire with fish on
 One of the disciples called Thomas was it. Bread was also beside it.
not present when Jesus appeared to the  Jesus asked them to bring out some of the
disciples so he doubted his resurrection. fish they had caught. Simon Peter
He did not believe that Jesus had removed a total of 153 fish. Jesus then
appeared to his colleagues. He told them invited the disciple for a meal but the
that he would not believe unless he sees disciple did not care to know who he was.
the scars on his hands and touches the Jesus took the bread and the fish and gave
scars on his sides. After one week, Jesus them to the disciples.
appeared to the disciples once again and  After eating, Jesus asked Simon Peter
this time, Thomas was present. Jesus whether he loved him. Peter affirmed to
showed him the scars and told him to stop Jesus he loved him. Jesus asked him three
doubting and believe. Jesus asked times with Peter assuring him of his love.
whether he believed only because he had Each time Jesus asked him to take care of
seen. Jesus went on to tell him that happy his sheep (the church).
are those who believe in him without
even without seeing him.

Jesus Ascends to Heaven: eleven disciples. They later chose
Mathias as Judas Iscariot replacement.
 The followings are some of the activities
 Jesus went with his disciples to Bethany carried out by the early apostles:
after his resurrection. He raised his hands ii) They performed miracles and
and blessed them. wonders.
 While there, he the disciples asked him iii) They preached the death and
whether he was going to give the resurrection of Jesus.
kingdom back to the Israelites at that iv) They converted people to Christianity
moment. Jesus God was the one with the and baptized them.
authority and He was the only one who v) They fellowshipped together.
knows when that will happen. vi) They sold their belongings and shared
 He also told them that the Holy Spirit will the money amongst according to their
come upon them and they will witness for needs.
Him in Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria. vii) They always met in the temples.
 He ascended to heaven and was covered viii) They shared meals.
with clouds. Two men dressed in white ix) They praised the Lord and enjoyed
clothes stood beside the disciples who their time together.
were still looking on the sky. The men x) They were one in the heart and in
asked them, “Galileans, why are you mind.
standing there looking up the sky?” he  Some of the major and most influential
told them that Jesus whom they saw apostles include Peter, James, Ananias,
going up the will come back in the same Saphira, Barnabas, Paul and Stephen
 The death and resurrection of Jesus gives
Christians hopes of eternal life. This also
a) Simon Peter:
proved that there is life after death for
those who will live a righteous life.  Peter was the son of John and his brother
was called Andrew. Jesus loved him more
than other disciples.
Apostles:  One day, Peter and John went to the
temple to pray at around 3 o’clock.
 These were followers of Jesus who  At the Beautiful Gate of the temple, they
ensured his mission was passed to other found a lame beggar who was always
generations. brought there to beg money people. The
 After betraying Jesus, Judas Iscariot used man was 40 years old.
the money he was given to buy a piece of  Peter and John called him and asked him
land. He later hanged himself in that land. to look at him. The man thought that they
People later called the land “Akeldama” were going to give him money.
which means Field of Blood.  Peter told him that he had no money but
 After the death of Judas Iscariot, 120 he was going to give him what he had. He
believers led by the eleven disciples of ordered him to get up and walk in Jesus
Jesus met and decided to have him name. He held his right hand and lifted
replaced. They proposed Barsabbas him up. The man started walking
(Joseph or Justus) and Matthias and immediately.
agreed to choose one of them to join the

 Peter and John went into the temple and vision of heaven opening and a large
started preaching. 5,000 people were sheet lowered down. On it were all kinds
converted to Christianity that day. Priests, of animals, reptiles and birds. A voice
Sadducees and palace guards came and was heard from heaven asking him to get
arrested them while they were preaching. up, kill and eat them. Peter refused
They arrested them because they were because he had never eaten anything that
preaching the death and resurrection. is ritually unclean. At that time, Peter
 They jailed them until the following day was hungry. This vision teaches us that
because it was late. The following day, no one is unclean or unwanted
the Jewish authorities which included the community or nation but all people are
High Priests Annas, Caiaphas, John, equal before.
Alexander and other members of the  The Holy Spirit told him to go downstairs
High Priest’s family met in Jerusalem to and meet the three servants sent to him by
judge Peter and John. Cornelius.
 Peter talked boldly about the resurrection  When Peter asked them why they came,
of Jesus due to the influence of the Holy they told him that he had been invited by
Spirit. The council released them and Captain Cornelius to his house. Peter
asked them to be silent and not speak asked them to spend the night.
about Jesus Christ.  Peter went with them the next day. He
 One day, Peter went to Lyda and met a was accompanied by some believers from
man named Aeneas. This man had been Joppa.
paralysed for 8 years. He called him and  Cornelius invited him to his house and
told him, “Jesus makes you well. Get up knelt down before him. Cornelius told
and make your bed.” Aeneas stood up and him to stand up because he was just a
all people from Lyda and Sharon were human being.
converted to Christianity.  Simon Peter preached to all who were in
 At Joppa, Peter raised a woman called Cornelius’ house. The Holy Spirit came
Tabitha. Tabitha was a God fearing down upon all people who were in
woman who always helped the poor. She Cornelius, house.
was also called Dorcas which means deer.  Cornelius’ story teaches us that all
 After raising her, Peter lived in Joppa communities/nations are equal before
with a leather tanner called Simon. God.
 In Caesarea, there was a Roman  Apostles in Jerusalem sent Peter and John
Regiment called Cornelius. He was a to Samaria when they heard that people
good man who worshipped God. He also there had believed and were baptized.
assisted the poor in the society. They prayed for the people and laid their
 An angel of God appeared to him at three hands on them and they received the Holy
o’clock in the afternoon and told him that Spirit. When Simon saw that, he
God was pleased with his charity work attempted to bribe Peter and John with
and charity. He told him to send some money so that they could give him the
people to Joppa and invite him to his powers so that he could give people.
house. Cornelius send his two servants to  Peter rebuked him and told him that he
Joppa to call Peter. cannot buy the gift of God with money.
 While the servants were on their way to Simon the Magician repented and asked
Joppa, Peter went up the stairs an noon to Peter and John to pray for him.
pray. While he was praying, he saw a

 The story of Simon the Magician teaches honour when addressing people of Sidon
us that the Gift of the Holy Spirit cannot and Tyre. These people had come to ask
be bought. him for peace because their country
 King Herod persecuted many Christians depended on his country for food. As he
so one day, he killed James, John’s spoke to them, people shouted and said
brother with by the sword. When he that it is god speaking and not a man. This
realized that this act pleased many Jews, angered God.
he arrested Pete and placed him in prison.
He did this because it was the Festival of b) Stephen:
Unleavened bread. Peter was put under
the watch of sixteen soldiers divide into
four groups of four soldiers each.  Stephen was one of the seven deacons
chosen by the early church to help in the
 Other believers prayed for him and one
distribution of funds among widows.
night while he was still in the prison, the
Other deacons include Philips,
angel of God came to him, shook him and
Prochorus, Nicanor, Timon, Parmenas
told him to wake up. Peter was sleeping
and Nicolaus. These men were full of the
between two soldiers. The angel told him
Holy Spirit. They were also having strong
to hurry up and immediately the chains he
was tied with fell off. The angel told him
to fasten his belt, put on his sandals and  The Greek speaking Jews complained
clock and follow him. Peter did as he was that there were not being treated fairly
told and all this time, he thought that it when funds were being distributed to the
was a vision. widows.
 All the prison gates were open as the  Stephen had powers and blessings from
angel led him out. The angel left after God so he performed wonders and
setting him free. Peter went into the house miracles.
of John Mark’s mother called Mary.  Members of the synagogue of the
Jesus’ followers were gathered in her Freedmen (especially Cyrene and
house praying. When Peter knocked at Alexandria) and those from the provinces
her door, her servant called Rhoda went of Cyrene and Alexandria opposed his
at the door and recognized him. Believers preaching. They also argued with him.
did not believe when she told them that it  These people bribed some people and
was Peter instead they thought that she told them to lie that they heard Stephen
was mad. They also thought that it was speak against Moses, sacred temple and
Peter’s angel. The believers were amazed against God. They also accused him of
when they realized that really he was claiming that he will tear the temple and
Peter. build it after the days. People who
 Herod searched for Peter the following attended the council looked at Stephen
morning but he did not get him. He and saw that his face looked like an
ordered for the killing of the soldiers who angel’s face.
were guarding him.  Stephen preached the death and
 The story of Peter in the prison teaches us resurrection of Jesus Christ to the
that God saves his people. He is always members of the council. He also accused
with his people in terms of need. them of not obeying the laws and
 Herod was later eaten by worms and died. covenants. Members of the council were
This is because he did not give God annoyed by his preaching.

 Stephen looked up, saw Jesus Christ reading from the book of Prophet Isaiah.
standing at the right hand side of God and The Holy Spirit directed Philip to go into
told them what he had seen. In great the man’s carriage.
anger, members of the council took him  Philip went over and asked him whether
out of the city and stoned him to death. he understood what he was reading. The
Saul, who was later named Paul took care man told him that he will only understand
of their clocks as they stoned him. only if someone translates to him.
 As he was being stoned, he cried out to  The verse he was reading was:
Jesus to receive his spirit. He also asked “Like a sheep that is taken to be
God not to remember their sins then he slaughtered, like a lamp that makes no
died. sound when its wool is cut off, he did not
 Saul also known as Paul confirmed say a word.”
whether he had died. He was humiliated, and Justice was
 Stephen was the first Christian to be denied him.
martyred. A martyr is a person who is No one will be able to tell about his
killed because of his/her faith. descendants, because his life on earth
has come to an end.”
 Philip explained the meaning of the
c) Philip: scriptures to the Ethiopian eunuch. He
also taught him about the Good News of
Jesus Christians. When they reached a
 Philip preached in Samaria. He also place where there was water, Philip asked
performed many miracles and many him what was to stop him from being
people believed. He also drove evil spirits baptized.
away from people and healed the  After baptizing him, the Spirit of the Lord
paralysed and the lame. took him away. The spirit took him to
 There was a magician named Simon in Azotus. From there he went to Caesarea.
that city. He performed great miracles  The story of the Ethiopian eunuch teaches
and this made him a great man. People us that the Holy Spirit guides the life of a
thought that he used the power of God Christians.
known as “The Great Power.” People
believed him and started following him.
 People in Samaria were baptized and
d) Ananias and Sapphira:
believed in the Kingdom of God and in
Jesus Christ after listening to Philip’s  Ananias and Sapphira were members of
preaching and the miracles he performed. the apostles. Sapphira was Ananias’ wife.
Simon the Magician believe and was also  When they sold their property, they
baptized. He followed Philip every day agreed to keep part of the money and take
and listened to his preaching. the remaining to the apostles.
 The angel of God appeared to Philip who  Peter asked Ananias why he allowed the
was one of the twelve disciples of Jesus devil to control him and make him to
and told him to go to the road that leads deceive the Holy Spirit. He also reminded
from Jerusalem to Gaza. him that he had not lied to human beings
 Philip did as he was told and met an but instead he had lied to God.
Ethiopian eunuch who was traveling from  Ananias collapsed and died because he
Jerusalem. The man was in his carriage lied to the Holy Spirit. His wife came in

after three hours and when also lied that  He remained in Damascus and preached
the money brought by her husband was the resurrection of Jesus. Jews who lived
the exact money got from the property in that city planned to kill him. They
they sold. She also collapsed and died waited for him at the gates to kill him but
because she lied to God. Saul was saved by being lowered in a
 Ananias and Sapphira made a wrong basket outside the city gates.
choice in life. Their story teaches us to be  From Damascus, Saul went to Jerusalem
honest to God and others. where he also preached the resurrection
 Barnabas also known as “One who of Jesus Christ but the disciples (apostles)
encourages” sold his land and gave the were still afraid of him. Barnabas
whole amount to the apostles. This is introduced him to them and convinced
what Ananias and Sapphira would have them that he was a believer.
done.  Saul’s name was later changed to Paul
after believing and being baptized.
e) Paul:  Many people believed in Antioch and
received the word of God. When the
believers in Jerusalem heard this, they
 He was once called Saul. He was a sent a good Barnabas to go and preach to
Gentile from Tarsus. He was sent by them the Good News about Jesus Christ.
Jewish authorities and the High Priests to He went to pick Saul from Tarsus and
arrest and persecute Christian believers in went with him. Some prophets also went
synagogues. to Antioch from Jerusalem. One of them
 One day when he was on his way to called Agabus foretold a serious drought
Damascus to arrest the believers, a strong that was to affect the whole land.
light flashed on him and he fell on the Disciples therefore collected funds and
ground. He also heard Jesus’ voice from sent Barnabas and Saul with it to Judea to
heaven asking him why he is persecuting help people affected by the drought.
him. The voice also told him to go to  Barnabas and Paul were chosen and sent
Damascus and he will be told what to do. to serve God by the prophets and teachers
 Saul was blind when he woke up. He was from Antioch. Some of them were
led by his people to Damascus where he Barnabas, Simeon also called black,
stayed for three days without eating or Lucius from Cyrene and Manaen. The
drinking anything. Holy Spirit told them to send them while
 A man of God called Ananias saw a they were fasting.
vision of God telling him to go to the  Paul (Saul), Barnabas and John Mark
Straight Street and place his hands on went to Cyprus at Paphos where they met
him. God told him that He had chosen a magician called Bar-Jesus (Elymas).
him to preach His words to the Gentiles. He was a Jew and he pretended to be a
Saul lived with a man named Judas while prophet. One day, the governor of the
he was in Damascus. island known as Sergius Paulus invited
 Ananias did what he was instructed. He Paul and Barnabas so that they may teach
placed his hands on him and things like him the word of God but the magician
fish scales came from his eyes and Saul tried to oppose them and turn away the
started seeing. Saul was baptized, ate and governor from being a believer. Paul
regained his strength. rebuked him and accused him of his evil
tricks. He called him “the son of a devil”

because he was an enemy of good things. the future. Certain group of people used
He also told him that he will be blind her to make a lot of money from his
never to see light of the day. The predictions. This woman followed Paul
magician became blind immediately and and Silas everywhere for many days
when the governor saw that, he believed saying, “These men are servants of the
in God’s salvation. Most High God! They announce to you
 In Lystra, Paul healed a man who had how you can be saved!” Paul was not
been lame the whole of his life. He was happy with her behaviours so he cast the
listening to Paul’s preaching when he told spirit from her by saying, “In the name of
him to stand up straight on feet. When Jesus Christ I order you to come out of
people saw that, they were amazed and her!” Those men who used her for
thought that gods have become men and monetary gain were not happy with Paul
ascended to them. They named Paul and Silas because they had cast the evil
Hermes and Barnabas was named Zeus, spirit from her. They arrested them and
these were the names of their gods. They took them to the Roman authorities and
wanted to offer a sacrifice for them but accused them of the followings:
they asked them to stop it. i) They were Jews living in the Roman
 One day, Paul and Barnabas agreed to territory.
visit believers in towns where they had ii) They were teaching customs that
preached earlier. They disagreed and were against the Roman laws.
separated because Barnabas wanted to iii) They were causing trouble in the city.
with John Mark but Paul did not like the Paul and Silas were beaten and later put
idea because he thought John Mark had in prison. Their feet were tied between
not stayed with them long enough. Paul heavy blocks of wood. At midnight they
went with Silas and Barnabas chose John sang songs of praise to God and prayed.
Mark and went with him to Cyprus. The foundation of the prison was shook
 While at Troas, Paul saw a vision of a by the earthquake. Chains fell off the feet
Macedonian man telling him to go over to of all the prisoners and the prison door
Macedonia and help them. Immediately, was opened. The soldier in charge of the
Paul and Silas went there and preached jail thought that all prisoners had escaped
the word of God. so he was about to kill himself when Paul
 One Sabbath day when Paul was told not to do so because they were all
preaching to a group of women who had there. The soldier fell on Paul’s and Silas’
gathered for prayers at Philippi, a woman feet trembling and asked them what he
called Lydia from Thyatira listened to his should do in order to be saved. They told
teachings and believed. She was him to believe in Jesus Christ with his
converted to Christians and was baptized. family and he will be saved. They also
She also invited Paul and Silas to stay in preached the word of God to him and all
her house. Lydia was a God fearing prisoner.
woman and she always worshipped God. He invited them to his house, washed
She also dealt in purple clothes. their wounds and gave them food. They
 Timothy who was a strong follower of also baptized him and all his family
Jesus followed Paul and Silas after being members. The Roman officials instructed
circumcised. the soldier to release Paul and Silas. They
 While at Philippi, Paul and Silas met a also asked them for apology.
woman who used evil spirits to foretell

Paul and Silas went to Lydia’s house Many people were baptized and 3,000
when they left the prison. joined the believers.
 In Corinth, Paul met Aquila and his wife
called Priscilla. He lived with them and
worked as a tent maker.
 In Ephesus, Aquila and Priscilla met a
man called Apollos. Apollos was a Jew
was born in Alexandria. He was a very
eloquent preacher and he was versed with
the word of God. He perfectly preached
about the teachings of Jesus. When they
heard his preaching, they took him to
their house and explained to him the
correct facts about the way of God.
 One Saturday at Troas, apostles and
believers gathered to share fellowship
meal. Paul preached.

God’s sends the Holy Spirit

(Acts 2: 1-42):

 One day, the apostles and other believers

gathered in Jerusalem. Noise that
sounded like a strong wind blowing was
head from heaven. The noise filled into
the house where they were.
 Tongues of fire appeared and touched
each person in the house. They were
filled with the Holy Spirit and started
speaking in strange language.
 People wondered why the believers were
speaking in their languages yet they were
 Some of the people thought that the
believers were drunk. They also made fun
of them.
 Peter and other eleven disciples spoke to
people and told them that the believers
were not drunk. It was nine o’clock in the
morning. They also reminded them the
prophesy of Prophet Joel about the
coming the Holy Spirit.
 Peter preached repentance and warned
people to save themselves from the
punishment that is about to come to them.


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