Quantitative Color Optical Flow

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Quantitative Color Optical Flow

John Barron
Department of Computer Science, University of Western Ontario
London, Ontario, Canada, N6A 5B7, email: barron@csd.uwo.ca

Reinhard Klette
CITR, University of Auckland, Tamaki Campus, Building 731
Auckland, New Zealand, email: r.klette@auckland.ac.nz

Abstract field smoothing technique described by Schunck [11]. The

condition number of the integration matrix for the system of
We perform a qualitative and quantitative analysis of linear equations was used for estimating numerical stability.
various multi-frame color optical flow methods for synthetic Golland and Bruckstein [3] follow the same algebraic
and real panning and zooming image sequences. We show method. They compare a straightforward 3-channel ap-
that optical flow accuracy improvement can be slightly im- proach using RGB data with two 2-channel methods, the
proved if color images are available instead of gray value or first based on normalized RGB values and the second based
saturation images. We show the usefulness of a directional on a special hue-saturation definition. The standard opti-
regularization constraint for computing optical flow when cal flow constraint may be applied to each one of the RGB
the camera motion is known to be panning or zooming. quantities, providing an overdetermined system of linear
# # #
1. Introduction    
% % %
This paper is concerned with the qualitative and quanti-  & 
tative performance of multi-frame color optical flow. ( ( (
The literature reporting on optical flow from color im-    $
 '  !
ages is quite sparse, despite the fact that multispectral ap-
proaches have been suggested already for about twenty
The solution for the optical flow may be found by using a
years. Markandey and Flinchbaugh [8] have proposed a
pseudo-inverse computation:
multispectral approach for optical flow computation. Their
two-sensor proposal is based on solving a system of two lin-  *)+  +-,/.0 + 21
ear equations having both optical flow components as un-
knowns. The equations are the standard optical flow con- where:
straints: 45 #$7 #$8 9 : 45 #$= 9 :
   % 7 % 8 % =
+3 6 ;  1  6*< ;
( 7 ( 8 ( =
where is one image channel, formulated for each channel <
separately and  
 is the image velocity or opti- The matrix + must be non-singular. The smallest eigen-
cal flow. Their experiments use color TV camera data and a value of +>?+ or the condition number of +>@+ can be
combination of infrared and visible imagery. In each experi- used to measure numerical stability, i.e. if the smallest
ment the data was smoothed by convolution with a Gaussian eigenvalue is below a threshold or the condition number is
of   !" before calculation of the derivatives and the cal- above a threshold, then we set  to be undefined at this im-
culated vector fields were post-processed using 10 iterations age location. We implemented Golland and Bruckstein’s
of median filtering, followed by 100 iterations of the vector method with weights for each channel in a standard least

squares framework. If we assume a constant flow vector in
a /ACBD/EF/ACBD neighbourhood then +>?+ becomes the
least squares Lucas and Kanade optical flow method [1, 7].
We used AGHB for the Lucas and Kanade results reported
here. If all weights were 0 except for the Y channel (with
value 1) then we would have the standard gray value Lucas
and Kanade calculation [1, 7]. If the R, G and B weights are
1 with all other weights 0 we have color Lucas and Kanade.
Lastly, if AIJ , we have the standard Golland and Bruck-
stein method, where the neighbourhood size is 1.
We recast the standard Horn and Schunck regularization
[1, 4, 5] as the minimization of:
LMON  7  8  = 7 8 7 8
$ GU  V W
The weights N importance
indicate the attached M of each Figure 1. Panning flow using the Golland and
channel of image information, e.g.,
  means channel Bruckstein method on the RGB images.
has absolutely no importance. If all are 0 except the
one corresponding to the Y channel (with value 1) then this S S S S S Sihij
minimization is exactly Horn and Schunck on a gray value 7 8 7 8
image [1, 5]. U  G V
egf kl
MOhta [10] derives optical flow in a least squares frame-7 Again, as N for the Horn and Schunck regularization, the
 8 on channel derivatives in color images. Let
 Y and weights indicate the attached importance of each channel
denote the
 7[Z and derivatives
 in color channel . For of image information and can be set so as to include/exclude
example could be the derivatives in the hue image. any color channel. kl
/ is a directional constraint that
Ohta assumes that there are AW\] optical flow constraints depends on one knowing whether the camera is panning or
S channels.
for the different S For A^ , it follows S that S
F8 _ = F= _8 F= F7 _7 _= zooming. Because the 3D translational direction is known,
S S S S the direction of flow can be computed everywhere using the
C  7 0  8  8 0  7 and
  7 0  8  8 0 7 !
< S < S` standard optical flow equations [6] and this can be used to
0 0 F7 _8 M 0 F  8 < F7 0
Both equations are solvable if   . Let- constrain the minimization. The directional constraint can
ting the error in the -th equation0 be a < , taking 0 the sum of hij j S S j S
be expressed as:
all squared errors for all A equations, calculating its partial k
n  IoX    Or!
derivatives with respect to  and
, and letting these formu-
M we M obtainM [10]M SM M M <qpRp pRp pRp pRp
lae be equal to zero,
 7  8 S M  8 S M =  8M M  S 7  =
  b M  M7b  M 8 M < b F7 S MFb 8
  M M
 7 b  8 S M b  7 S M = < b  7 M M  S 8  =

 b  7b  8 < b  7  b8 
b b b
where summations are from 1 to< A . This approach and the
generalized inverse method [3, 8] assume constant weights
for all equations. Our implementation allows us to set arbi-
trary weights for each of the nine RGB, HSI and YIQ color
channels. Note that if all weights are zero except for the
Y channel weight being 1, then in a /AcdBD EW/AcdBD
neighbourhood we again have a standard Lucas and Kanade
[1, 7] least squares calculation.
Barron and Klette [2] recast the standard Horn and
Schunck regularization as the minimization of:
K M P M M MRQ S Figure 2. Panning flow using the Ohta
L M N  7  8  = method on the RGB images.

Figure 3. Panning flow using the Lucas and Figure 4. Zooming flow using the Lucas and
Kanade method on the RGB images. Kanade method on the RGB images.

Because sensor motion is only due to translation,  can be and !RBDŽ/ŽŠ/ . For example, to compute
• , we first con-
written as [6]: volve the prefiltering kernel in the dimension, that con-
j h S volve the prefiltering kernel on that result in the dimen- 
j Wt   7/w 8yxe{ z sion and finally convolve the differentiation kernel in the
 s  u o     o +cv

dimension on that result.
pRp pRp
where    is an image location, u is the relative depth, i.e. 3. Error Measurement
uG v~ |"w | €}w e|"| x , { is the (unknown) sensor translation
|"| z |"| ‚
magnitude, { is the pRp (known)
pƒp sensor direction of translation We report on quantitative errors for optical flow com-
and T„…‡†ˆ‰  are the 3D  coordinates of some 3D moving puted from color synthetic image sequences using relative
point projected onto    . Note that since we do not know magnitude error (as a percentage) and angle error (in de-
—˜ —'™
u ,  is only in the direction of the true optical flow grees). – is the correct optical flow and – is the estimated
7w 8Dvector
and scaled by the u value used. We can write +-v as a optical flow in the equations below. For magnitude error we
E‹Š matrix: report: š›
h S
h  t — ˜ — ™
7w 8Dx – –S
+-v  s    —'< ˜ EgBDœ^
<  pRp – pRp
< š pRp pƒp
where is the effective focal length (determined empiri- while for angle error we report:
cally to be about 40mm for the used digital video camera). —˜ '— ™
Ož”Ÿl m ¡/¢Dr£ o £ m!

2. Differentiation
4. Experimental Results
The choice of the differential kernel is essential to the
accuracy of both image and range flow calculations. We We generated pan and zoom synthetic image sequences
used the balanced/matched Q filters for prefiltering and dif- where the correct flow is known. For panning, we simply
ferentiation proposed S by Simoncelli [12]. A simple av- translated an image of the Tamaki campus Computer Sci-
eraging filter Π0  0  Π0 was used to slightly blur the im- ence building to the left by 3 pixels to make each new frame.
ages before prefiltering/differentiation. The prefiltering ker- For zooming, we imaged a poster of downtown Auckland
nel’s coefficients were !"Š/Ž/Ž , r!"i‘“’/’”‘“Ž , r! ‘“Š/’/ , (the surface structure is planar) and then downscaled it with 
!"i‘’’”‘“Ž and r! /Š/Ž/Ž while the differential kernel’s the ImageMagick program  [9] from Ž/’$E¤rBy by ‘ in the
coefficients were  r!ƒBD/ŽŽŠ , !"’/ŽrB , !" , !"’/Ž/B dimension and Š in the dimension for each frame interval
< <
Synthetic Panning Sequence x S x S
Synthetic Zooming Sequence x x
vR¥¦ ¨v §i© Z  ¨v §i¦ v¸§i©
Method Data Magnitude Error
ŒŒm­® ­ Angle Error
Œm°®Œ ° Method Data Magnitude Error
­ ® S Œ Z¹ Angle Error
Œ °® S °
Horn-Schunck RGB
Œ 0«ªm¬ ­® 0«ªm¬ ­Zªª ¬ ¯ ° ® ¬ Œ±‡²Œ °
Horn-Schunck RGB
0¬ ²­® 0«¯X¬ Œº­ Œ¯m¬ ² °Z ® ªX¬ ²l² °
¬ ³l± Œm­® ³X¬ ´D0 Œm­ Z±X0¬¬"±0«Œ±¯ °° ® ´DS¬ ° ²D¬"0«Œª ­® 0 Œ¬ ± ­ ¬ ±X0 °
Lucas-Kanade RGB
0 ¬"0´
Lucas-Kanade RGB

0«S¯m¬"0 ­® 0«ªm¬ ­ 0«ŒªX¬ ´Œm­® S0 ¬ ªl³ ­ ±m¬ Z±± ° ® Œ °

Barron-Klette RGB Barron-Klette RGB

00l¬ ´² ­® 0«ªm¬ ´m¯ ­ ¬ ± Œ ° ® 00S ¬ ²m± ° 0 ¬ ª ­® S0«³X¬ ´ºSª ­ ªm¬ ¯ °«®k° 0 S ¬ ²mª
Golland-Bruckstein RGB Golland-Bruckstein RGB

0 Z ¬ ´Œm² ­® 0²y¬ ³XŒm0 ­ Œ¯X¬ ± ° ® 0 Z ¬ ²m°± 0²D¬ S¯l³ ­® ªX¬ ²ºª ­ ³mZ ¬ ª‡²S °® S °
Ohta RGB Ohta RGB

0²y¬ Œm³ ­® 0«¯m¬ ´ ­ ¬ ³ª ° ®Œ¯X¬ ²Œ ° ´S ´D¬"S0µ¯ ­® S ´DŒ ¬ ± ­ 0l0¬"0²°® 0 ¬ ³X°0
Horn-Schunck S+Y Horn-Schunck S+Y

¯X¬ Z ­® 0´DSS¬"0µ³ Z ­ 0¬ ´mZ³ ° S ¬ S0«±X¬ 0 ­® S0 ¬ ¯l¯ ­ S¬ ´ Œm° 0S´y¬ ¯
Lucas-Kanade S Lucas-Kanade S
Barron-Klette S+Y
0²y¬ ¯ ­® 0²y¬"Œ 0 ­ S±X¬ ± Œm°® ° Barron-Klette S+Y
SSªX¬ S0 ­® Œ 0¬"0´Z ­ ±m¬ ±S± ° ® °
0«¯m¬ ³ª ­® ¬ Œm0 ­ ³X¬ ´ °® ZZ ±XS ¬ ²m±° ±X¬ ±«² ­® ¬± ­ Z00µ±X¬¬ ³Z ³³° ° ® ® D´ ¬ ³‡² °
Golland-Bruckstein S Golland-Bruckstein S

0«¯m¬ Œmª‡S ²­® 0²y¬ Z³Z ­ ¬ ³ª °® ¬"0² ° S Œ ¬ ª ­® ŒS0«ªX¬ ŒºS±m­0 00¬ ¯ª°
Horn-Schunck Y Horn-Schunck Y
Lucas-Kanade Y
S¯XZ¬"0 ­® 0S0¬ ³ ­ 0S¬ ¯‡´Z ° S¬ ´ Lucas-Kanade Y
³X¬ ¯ ­® 0 S ¬± S ­ ¬± Z ° 0S´y¬ ¯X0
0 ¬ 0 ­® 0²y¬ ´ ­ ±X¬"0² ° ® Œ ° 0¬"0² ­® ±X¬ ª ­ ±m¬ ±Œ± ° ® Œ°
Barron-Klette Y Barron-Klette Y

0l¬ ±‡² ²y¬ ±ª 0 ¬ ³ ¬ ³³

Golland-Bruckstein Y
0²D¬ ³m0 ´D¬ ª 0l0¬ ¯ 0¬ ²
Golland-Bruckstein Y

Table 1. Panning sequence results. Table 2. Zooming sequence results.

to generate each new image. Thus, the second image was and Klette method produces slightly better flows than Horn
the Ž/E…”‘ central block of the first image, expanded to and Schunck.
fit the original size of Ž/’&EcBy . Similarly, the third image We obtained diverging flows for the real panning and
was the central ŽŽ”‘…E¶‘“’ block of the first image, again zooming sequences using Lucas and Kanade, shown in Fig-
expanded to fit the original size of Ž/’·EIBD . The correct ure 6, and for Horn and Schunck, shown in Figure 7. The
diverging flow field has corner velocities having a magni- Horn and Schunck flow is slightly worse than the Lucas and
tude of ‘ in the dimension and a magnitude of Š in the Kanade flow. These flows are poor but in the correct general
dimension. Our real image sequence was at Point England direction. Our directional constraint proved to be useful to
on the Tamaki river in Auckland. The scene consists of a obtaining a more feasible flow field for these images, see the
flat lawn in the foreground with water in the background. flow shown in Figure 8. In this case, there is no (or little)
We used UGJŠ!" , fG3B!" and 100 iterations for the Horn angle error, although clearly there is magnitude error.
and Schunck and Barron and Klette results reported here.
Tables 1 and 2 show some quantitative magnitude and 5. Conclusions
angle errors for the synthetic pan and zoom sequences.
Figures 1, 2 and 3 show synthetic panning flow fields while Color optical flow computed via the three color chan-
Figures 4 and 5 show synthetic zooming flow fields. Be- nels (with weights 1.0) seems better than gray value opti-
cause good directional information is available the Barron

Figure 5. Zooming flow using the Barron and Figure 6. Zooming flow using the Lucas and
Klette method on the RGB images. Kanade method on the RGB images.

[1] J. L. Barron, D. J. Fleet and S. S. Beauchemin. Per-

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Capri, Italy, World Scientific, 1994, pp. 241 - 250.
Figure 7. Zooming flow using the Horn and
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[6] H.-C. Longuet-Higgins and K. Prazdny. The interpre-
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0.114. Similarly, weighting the RGB channels equally with
weights of 0.333, 0.333 and 0.333 gives the same flow as [7] B. D. Lucas and T. Kanade. An iterative image-
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nally thought was the best candidate for adding extra mo- sion. DARPA Image Understanding Workshop, 1981,
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[8] V. Markandey, B. E. Flinchbaugh. Multispectral con-
tical flow when the camera motion is known to be panning
straints for optical flow computation. Proc. 3rd ICCV,
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the best.
[9] D. P. Mitchell and A. N. Netravali, ”Reconstruc-
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[10] N. Ohta. Optical flow detection by color images. NEC
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[12] E.P. Simoncelli, ”Design of multi-dimensional deriva-
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1, pp. 790-793, 1994

Figure 8. Zooming flow using the Barron and

Klette method on the RGB images.

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