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To determins the relationship between perceived methodology, module,

environmen! training materials and training effectiveness among trainee.

iii. To determine to what extent perceived training effectiveness, methodology,

module, environment and training materials among trainee.

iv. To compare the mean level of training effectiveness between male trainee and

female trainee.


On develops the conceptual framework of this research. In addition, discusses briefly

about the research hypothesis concluded from the literature review. Conceptually to define a

series of system that being used to enhance the effectiveness of training among the trainee. ln

this research for the Automotive Engineering Technician Class 2 course is to gain more

technical knowledge in term of theories and practical.

These literature were developed from the theoretical f,ramework which is in line with

the objectives identified research hypotheses are forwarded on relationship between training

methodology, module, envir<rnment, materials, factor of gender and training effectiveness.

Therefore, presented and discussedthe conceptual definition ofeach variable and the related

theory and previous studies pertaining to the research carried out hypotheses are also

outlined based on the theoretical framework.

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