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Review Units 1-6

Basic I

1. Is he at at home?
a) he b) he’s c) yes, he’s d) he isn’t
2. ______ your glasses?
a) Are these b) Is this c) Are d) Is this
3. ______ are these?
a) What’s b) What c) They d) What is
5. Two _________ books are on the desk.
a) Student’s b) students’s c) students d) students’
6. Are the students amazing?
a) Yes, they are b) Yes, they’re c) No, they not d) Yes, they’re not
7. A: ______ are you? B: I’m seveteen
a) How age b) Who c) Where How old
8. These are my children. Joh’s my son, Eve’s my ___________
a) Daughter b) husband c) sister d) grandma
9. My sister’s married. Her _________ name is Peter.
a) Husband’s b) father’s c) brother’s d) wife’s
10. They ________ two children.
a) Has b) have c) haves
11. Where do your mother and father _________ ¿
a) Work b) Works c) is work
12. That’s my dog. ________ name is Toby.
a) Our b) Your c) Its d) It’s
13. Ana is my friend. ____ is from Argentina
a) Her b) She c) She’s
14. Javiera i sour neighbor. ___________ she have children?
a) Does b) Do c) Do’s
15. How often ____________your father work late?
a) Is b) do c) are d) does
16. Andy ____________ TV everyday.
a) Watch b) watches c) does watch d) do watches
17. John __________ football every Sunday.
a) Plays b) playes c) play
18. A: Do you want some coffee? B: No, thank you. I _________ coffee.
a) don’t likes b) don’t like c) like d) Does not
19. We _______ to the radio in the morning.
a) are listen b) listen c) listens d) aren’t listen
20. I ___________ magazines.
a) don’t read b) reads not c) doesn’t read d) not read
21. This is my new book. ________ expensive.
a) It b) It’s c) Its d) Its’

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