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200 E. Vine St.

Oxford, Ohio 45056

(513) 227-1507

TO: Bill Brewer
FROM: Will Hauer
DATE: Oct. 10, 2018
RE: Legal Aid Society of Greater Cincinnati Marketing Communications Plan

Legal Aid Society of Greater Cincinnati (LASGC) is a non-profit law firm that provides free legal
help for civil legal problems including information, advice and representation. It is unsuccessful
in generating awareness of its immigration services and requires a 12-month marketing
communications plan to increase positive awareness of the law firm’s immigration services. The
plan will start Jan. 1, 2019 and will run until Jan. 1, 2020.

RESEARCH- interviews, census

● Survey
o We created an online survey using SurveyMonkey.com to collect a random
sample of 2,000 individuals ages 18 to 60 who have annual incomes of less than
200 percent of the Federal Poverty limit living in Southwest Ohio and Northern
Kentucky. The survey asked participants if they know what the Legal Aid Society
of Greater Cincinnati is, if they are aware of the immigration services provided
through the non-profit law firm, and if they or anyone they know could benefit
from the immigration services offered through LASGC. Other demographic
information was collected; including age, gender, marital status, number of
children, ethnicity, annual income, citizenship status and if they are immigrants.
As an incentive to participate, each participant was entered to win a $150 Visa
gift card after completing the survey.
● Content Analysis
o Analyzed data from LASGC about its current services and who they offer those
services to. This included researching the clients they have had in the past and
what services were utilized by those clients in the past.

● Internet Research
o Extensive research was done on other Legal Aid Society locations and other free
legal aid providers across the United States. The information collected was used
to find advertising, marketing and communication tactics and strategies these
organizations have used to successfully increase awareness of their immigration
services to attract individuals to use its services offered.
● Focus Group
o Two focus groups were conducted with residents of Southwest Ohio and
Northern Kentucky. We presented the participants with information about the
Legal Aid Society of Greater Cincinnati and the immigration services it offers.
After each group was presented the information, the participants were asked to
give feedback on how they came across LASGC and on the convenience and
effectiveness of its services.
▪ The first focus group consisted of individuals who have used LASGC
immigration services in the past or currently use them. We wanted to
evaluate the feedback of those participants who are familiar with the
immigration services provided by the Legal Aid Society of Greater
Cincinnati to assess the overall effectiveness of the immigration services
▪ The second group consisted of individuals who have immigrated to the
United States and have not used LASGC immigration services. The
purpose of this focus group was to assess the general awareness of the
immigration services provided by the non-profit law firm and if they or
someone they know could benefit from its services offered.

● 55 percent of individuals living in Southwest Ohio and Northern Kentucky that can
benefit from the Legal Aid Society of Greater Cincinnati immigration services are adults
ages 18 to 30.
o Of this population, 18 percent were aware of LASGC and the immigration
services it provides. 61 percent were female, and 39 percent were male. 81
percent came from an annual household income of $0-22k, and 72 percent were
● 45 percent of individuals living in Southwest Ohio and Northern Kentucky that can
benefit from the Legal Aid Society of Greater Cincinnati immigration services are adults
ages 35 to 50.
o Of this population, 31 percent were aware of LASGC and the immigration
services it provides. 52 percent were female, and 48 percent were male. 76
percent came from an annual household income of $0-22k, and 55 percent were
immigrants. 45 percent have at least one immigrant child in their household.

● Primary Public
o Adult immigrants, both male and female, ages 18 to 30 living in the Southwest
Ohio and Northern Kentucky regions who can benefit from the Legal Aid Society
of Greater Cincinnati immigration services.
▪ The primary focus will be on adult immigrants ages 18 to 30 living in the
Southwest Ohio and Northern Kentucky regions because research shows
that this population represents 55 percent of individuals who can benefit
from LASGC immigration services.
● Secondary Public
o Adult immigrants ages 35 to 50, with at least one immigrant child in their
household, living in the Southwest Ohio and Northern Kentucky regions who can
benefit from the Legal Aid Society of Greater Cincinnati immigration services.
▪ We will focus on adult immigrants ages 35 to 50 living in the Southwest
Ohio and Northern Kentucky regions because our research shows that
this population represents 45 percent of individuals who can benefit from
LASGC immigration services. Of this population, 45 percent have at least
one immigrant child in their household.

GOALS- don’t have to mention publics

● To increase awareness of adult immigrants, both male and female, ages 18 to 30 living
in the Southwest Ohio and Northern Kentucky regions that can benefit from the
immigration services the Legal Aid Society of Greater Cincinnati provides.
● To increase awareness of adult immigrants ages 35 to 50, who have at least one
immigrant child in their household, living in the Southwest Ohio and Northern Kentucky
regions that can benefit from the immigration services the Legal Aid Society of Greater
Cincinnati provides.

● To increase awareness of adult immigrants, both male and female, ages 18 to 30 living
in the Southwest Ohio and Northern Kentucky regions that can benefit from the
immigration services the Legal Aid Society of Greater Cincinnati provides from 18
percent to 30 percent by Jan. 1, 2020.
● To increase awareness of adult immigrants ages 35 to 50, who have at least one
immigrant child in their household, living in the Southwest Ohio and Northern Kentucky

regions that can benefit from the immigration services the Legal Aid Society of Greater
Cincinnati provides from 31 percent to 42 percent by Jan. 1, 2020.
● To increase the rate of usage of LASGC immigration services from 27 percent to 40
percent by Jan. 1, 2020.

● To generate increased awareness of the immigration services the Legal Aid Society of
Greater Cincinnati provides in Southwest Ohio, we will use a variety of communication
and advertising tactics to promote its immigration services to our primary and
secondary publics.

● The Legal Aid Society of Greater Cincinnati empowers immigrants who are married to an
abusive spouse who is a United States citizen or permanent resident by providing them
with the services they need.

● Media
o Billboard Advertisement
▪ We will purchase a 48’W X 14’H billboard advertisement in Cincinnati
located on Interstate 75 for seven months to target our primary and
secondary publics in the Greater Cincinnati area. The advertisement will
run from Tuesday, Jan. 1, 2019 to Saturday, Aug. 1, 2019. The billboard ad
will spread awareness of the immigration services the Legal Aid Society of
Greater Cincinnati offers and will include general contact information for
the Cincinnati area offices.
o Radio Advertisement
▪ We will create a 30-second radio advertisement that will target adult
immigrants ages 18 to 30 in the Greater Cincinnati area. The segment will
air on 101.9 WKRQ-FM, a popular radio station among adults ages 18 to
30. LASGC radio ad will start Monday, Aug. 5, 2019, and end Monday,
Dec. 30, 2019. The ad will be read twice every Monday and Friday
morning from 7:00 am to 10:30 am on the stations’ popular talk show,
“Jeff and Jen” during our audience’s morning commute. We plan to have
the advertisement read by one of the hosts of the talk show because the
audience of the show recognizes them as trustworthy and credible.
o Newspaper Advertisement
▪ We will purchase a spot in the Community section of The Cincinnati
Enquirer to target adult immigrants in the Greater Cincinnati area ages 35

to 50 with at least one immigrant child living with them. The
advertisement will run every Sunday for 12 months starting Sunday, Jan.
6, 2019 and ending Sunday, Dec. 29, 2019. We chose The Cincinnati
Enquirer because their audience is similar to our secondary public and we
believe it will generate positive awareness about the immigration
services LASGC offers.

● Print
o Flyers/Brochures
▪ Our creative team will create flyers that will target households with an
annual income of $0-22k of adult immigrants ages 18 to 30 and adult
immigrants ages 35 to 50 with a least one immigrant child in their
household. Creative, two-toned color flyers will be dropped in mailboxes
of lower-income neighborhoods on the last Wednesday of every month
for 12 months. The flyers will be sent out starting on Wednesday, Jan. 30,
2019 and ending on Wednesday, Dec. 25, 2019. The flyers will include
information about the immigration services LASGC offers, general contact
information and upcoming promotional events.
▪ The design team will also create brochures that will target primary and
secondary publics. Brochures will include information about the
immigration services LASGC offers, general contact information and ways
to contribute to the immigration efforts made be LASGC. We plan to
hand out the brochures at the promotional event. Brochures will also be
made available at immigration resource centers and government offices
in the Greater Cincinnati area.

● Event/Promotion
o FC Cincinnati Partnership
▪ We will partner with FC Cincinnati, a local MLS soccer team in Cincinnati,
to hold a pre-match LASGC tailgate. The tailgate will take place on Friday,
Oct. 11, 2019. The event will target adult immigrants ages 18 to 30 and
adult immigrants ages 35 to 50 with at least one immigrant child living
with them. We will charge a $15 entry fee to each attendee with children
under 13-years-old free of admission. Using demographic information
collected, we will invite our primary and secondary publics to the tailgate
via the flyers we created. The flyers will include information about the
tailgate and a $15 discount off FC Cincinnati match tickets. We will have a
former LASGC immigration client give a story about how the non-profit
law firm positively changed their life. At the tailgate, we will have free
food and drinks from local restaurants, as well as games for children to
enjoy. Brochures will also be available for attendees including
information about the immigration services LASGC offers and general
contact information.

● Media Relations
o Pitch Letter
▪ We will pitch a story on the Legal Aid Society of Greater Cincinnati
immigration services to the editorial board of The Cincinnati Enquirer. We
will send the pitch letter on Monday, May 6, 2019. The pitch will offer an
interview with a former client that used LASGC immigration services to
tell their story and how it helped changed their life for the better. Vincent
Stamp, President of the Board of Trustees, will also be offered to do an
interview about LASGC immigration services for the pitch.
o Television Pitch
▪ We will pitch a 30-second television advertisement to Channel 9 WCPO to
target both adult immigrants ages 18 to 30 and adult immigrants ages 35
to 50 with at least one immigrant child in their household. Through this,
we hope to increase awareness of the immigration services LASGC has to

● Technology
o Social Media
▪ Facebook
● Legal Aid Society of Greater Cincinnati currently has 734 likes on
Facebook. We will use the demographic information gathered
from previous research to target adult immigrants ages 18 to 30
and 35 to 50 with at least one immigrant child living with them.
The research gathered will help improve our Facebook posts and
increase likes on the page. We will post on Facebook every
Tuesday and Thursday for 12 months to generate positive
awareness of the immigration services offered by LASGC.
Facebook posts will begin Tuesday, Jan. 1, 2019 and end Tuesday,
Dec. 31, 2019. The Facebook posts will consist of images, videos
and posters about LASGC immigration services, real stories of past
immigration cases, general contact information and an
encouragement to like, share and follow LASGC.
▪ Keyword Optimization
● Using Google Trends to research what people in the Greater
Cincinnati area search on Google when seeking legal aid for
immigration services, we will start a keyword optimization
campaign using Google AdWords and Analytics. These pay-per-
click tools will help us generate positive awareness of the
immigration services LASGC offers. We will determine keywords
that will help the LASGC website and immigration services show
up higher on a Google search when seeking legal aid for
immigration services in the Greater Cincinnati area. Display
advertisements will also be created for LASGC immigration
services to generate more traffic to their immigration website

page. The SEO will target adult immigrants ages 18 to 50 in the
Greater Cincinnati area that come from an annual household
income of $0-22k.
o Email Blasts
▪ Using the demographic information found in previous research and the
Legal Aid Society of Greater Cincinnati current email list, a series of
emails will be sent the second Wednesday of every month for 12 months
to adults ages 18 to 50. The mailing list will include immigrants and those
who have at least one immigrant child in their household. Email blasts
will start on Wednesday, Jan. 9, 2019, and will end on Wednesday, Dec.
11, 2019. Each email will inform the recipient of the immigration services
the Legal Aid Society of Greater Cincinnati has to offer, encouraging
recipients to contact the non-profit law firm if they believe they could
benefit from its services. Emails sent out will also include general contact
information and the locations of the Legal Aid Society of Greater
Cincinnati offices.

● January 2019
o 01: Marketing campaign begins; billboard advertisement launches; begin
Facebook and keyword optimization campaigns
o 06: Newspaper advertisement begins
o 09: Email blast campaign starts
o 30: Begin flyer distribution
● May 2019
o 06: Pitch letter sent to The Cincinnati Enquirer
● August 2019
o 01: Billboard advertisement ends
o 05: Radio advertisement begins
● October 2019
o 11: FC Cincinnati tailgate
● December 2019
o 11: Email blast campaign ends
o 25: End flyer distribution
o 29: Newspaper ad ends
o 30: Radio ad ends
o 31: End Facebook and keyword optimization campaigns
● January 2020
o 01: Campaign ends



Survey Incentive $150.00 1 $150.00
Newspaper Ad $500.00/month 12 $6,000.00
Radio Ad $100.00/ad 43 $4,200.00
Billboard Ad $4,000.00/month 7 $28,000.00
● Printing- two toned $.26/piece 10,000 $2,606.24
● Printing- color $.14/piece 10,000 $1,406.99
FC Cincinnati Tailgate
● Food vendors $500.00/vendor 4 $2,000.00
● Game booths $150.00/booth 4 $600.00
Media Relations
The Cincinnati Enquirer $0.00 1 $0.00
Pitch Leter
Television Pitch $0.00 1 $0.00
Facebook $0.00 $0.00
Keyword Optimization $400.00/month 12 $4,800.00
Email Blasts $0.00 $0.00
TOTAL $49,763.23
Budget Received $50,000.00
Remainder $236.77

● A post-survey will be conducted asking participants about their awareness of the
immigration services Legal Aid Society of Greater Cincinnati offers and how participants
knew about LASGC.
● Media
o Billboard Advertisement
▪ Success of the billboard advertisement will be determined if awareness,
website visits and the number of immigration cases increases.
o Newspaper Advertisement
▪ Success of the newspaper advertisement will be determined if the
number of phone calls, office visits and awareness for LASGC immigration
services increases.
o Radio Advertisement
▪ Success of the radio advertisement will be evaluated based on an
increase in the number of website visits, immigration cases and
awareness of LASGC immigration services.

● Print
o Flyers
 Flyers will be determined a success if the number of new immigration
cases LASGC receives increases. Success will also be tracked through the
number of people who attend the FC Cincinnati pre-match tailgate.
o Brochures
 Success of the brochures will be tracked through the increased activity on
the website, the number of phone calls and visits to the LASGC office and
the number of new immigration cases.

● Event/Promotion
o FC Cincinnati Tailgate
▪ This event will be deemed as successful if we reach a minimum of 700
attendees, resulting in a minimum of $10,000 raised for LASGC. Success
will also be tracked through the increased activity on the website, and
the number of phone calls and visits to the Southwest Ohio locations
proceeding the event.

● Technology
o Social Media
▪ Effectiveness of social media use will be evaluated by looking at an
increase of likes, followers and shared post throughout the 12-month
plan. Success will also be tracked through increased activity on the
website and the number of phone calls to the Greater Cincinnati

o Email Blasts
▪ We will evaluate the success of our email blasts by analyzing the number
of opens, unsubscribes, forwards, and clicks each email received.
Increased activity on the LASGC immigration services webpage will also
be measured for success.
o Keyword Optimization
▪ The keyword optimization campaign will be determined a success based
on the click-through-rate, bounces, conversions and amount of clicks our
ads on LASGC immigration services receive.

I look forward to reviewing this plan with you.


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