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THE ADVENTURES OF TINTIN ) KING OMOKAR’S | HERGE THE ADVENTURES OF TINTIN KING ONOKAR'S SCEDIRE LITTLE, BROWN AND COMPANY BOSTON/NEW YORK/TORONTO/LONDON ‘Translated by Lesie Lonsdale-Cooper ‘and Michael! Tumer ‘Tho TINTIN books are publched inthe following langueges Hunt ROUSSEAU, Cape Twn, DAR ALMAARE, Ca, MENSAJERO, Bis. DISTREUDOAA RECORD, lo de Jane. JUVENTUD, Bact 00%, Tape. (CARLSEN Copenhagen CCASTERIAN, Ore, ux. METHUEN CHILOAEI'S BOOKS, London. ‘naa REED PUBLISHING, Mabon Canac FREED PUBLISHING Tria. Now Zest REED PUBLISHING, tant epics Soum Area: STAUK BOOK DISTRIBUTORS, ehamesbug ‘Seger REED PUBLISHING, Srgtpr. San EDCIONES O€L PRADO, Maas Poros EDICIONES DEL PRADO, Mas usa LUTTUE BROWN, Boson CASTERIAN, Poe (OTA loi (CASTERIAN, Pat Tu Sea. [EDICONES DEL PRADO. Maas Poros EDIONES CEL PRADO, Mace CARLSEN, Fok arbre RNGLONELENC. Snore FLOW Reine NOWRA ota MODERA PAINTING HOUSE, obra FFURUNBAN SHOTEN, ago LUNVERSAL PUBLICATIONS, Seo ‘SHARIRAT UNITED, Pu Pang. (CASTEROUAN Pare (CENTRO DONA BRASILIA, Loa SUVENTLO ARGENTINA, une Arn [1STRD€ LIBROS DEL PACHCO, Line DDECIE NOVI. Ga Manone. CARLSEN Scant ‘GMASG ¥ OREF WEN, Cant HLL ARTE Tf ly u ‘rtwerk © 1947 by Castorman, Pats and Tour Urry of Congress Catalogue Card Number Ato 7895 Copyright © ronowed 1975 by Castoman LUnrary of Congress Catalogue Card Number Fi S95746 Translation Text © 1958 by Feed International Books Lid, London “Amarin Eaten © 1974 by Lite, Brown end Company (I), Boston ‘Al its reserved. No part of is book may bo reproduced in ny form o by any eleevone of mechanical mesns |inctung inormaton storage and retoval ystems wihout permission in wing frm the publisher, excep by a reviewer who may quot bre passage ina reviow. bray of Conrosecaalog card no, 73-21251 20191817 1615 Published pureuart to agroemont wih Castor, Pats ‘Nt foc salen the Bish Commonwealth Printed in Spin

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