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8.6 CONTROLLABILITY AND OBSERVABILITY Controllability and observability represent two major concepts of miodern control system theory. These concepts were introduced by Rudolph Kalman in 1960, They can be roughly defined as follows, Controllability: In order o be able to do whatever we Want with the given dynamic system under control input, the system must be contraliable Definition: A system is controllable if any initial state cen be transferred to any desired stare in a finite length of time by some control action. Observability: In order to see what is going on inside the system under observation, the system must be observable, Observability refers to the ability to estimace a state variable. Definition: A system is completely observeble if and only if there exists a finiie time T such shar the inital state x(0) can be determined from the observation history y(#) given te control wt(O-$ 1 <7) 8.7 KALMAN’S AND GILBERT’S TEST ‘These are the two mathematical test used to find controllability and observability of the system. 8.7.1 KaLuan's Test oF CONTROLLABILITY According to Kalman's test of controllability, the system is completely controllable ifthe determinant of controllability matrix K, is nonzero (K, #0). If determinant of controllability matrix Kis equal to zero (K, = 0) then the system is not controllable, For the system X =AX() + BU) We can determine whether the system is controllable by examining the algebraic condition rank|B AB: A'B : A’Br.... A" ‘The matrix A isan n xn mattis and B is ano x { matrix, For multi-input systems, Bican be n xm, where mis the number of inputs. Fora single-input, single-output system, the controllability matrix K, is described in termsof A and Bas K. = [Br AB EAR: AB... ANB) Which isan n x n matrix. Example: 3 Verily the following system are controliable or not, 0 he {the waCedl de Solution: According Kalman’s test of controllability, the condition for contcollebility is given By K, #0, where Conteollability mats is given by K,=[B: AB] toss {'tissie[® 5] (} {4h s(t 4] = |x #0 +: The given system is controllable 8.7.2 Katuay’s Test oF ObsenvaaiLity According to Kalman's testof Obsetvability, the single-input, single outputTinear system is observable iand only if the determinant of then x n observabitity matrix K,, is nonzeto (K, #0). If determinant of observability matrix I, is equal to zero (K, = 0) then the system is not observable Considerthe single-input, single-output system X =AX + BU and Y=CX Where A isan nx n matrix, Bis ann x I matrix, Cis 1 xnrow vector, and Xis ann x | column vector. Observabitity matrix for a linear system is given by Ky = (CT: CANT (CAT CAYE..CCAMYT Which is ann xn matrix ‘Verify the following system is Observable or not. “LE VFA 2 Solution: According Kalman’s test of Observability, ‘The condition for Observability is given by K,#0, where Controllability matrix is given by K, =(C*:A'C4] Ths,c={2 3} oc |K.|#0 — (K,| isnomsingular) «+ The given system is completely state Observable 8.7.3 Gusenr’s Test OF CONTROLLABILITY AND OBsERVABILITY Let a multi-variable system S represented by X =AX()+ BUG and ¥ = CX() + DUG Where Ais constant n® order differential transition matrix B is constant, input matrix, Cis constant, output matrix.

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