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Tim Harrower’s “Rules of Thumb”

Basic Layout

 All stories should be shaped like rectangles.

 Avoid boxing stories just to keep headlines from butting.
 Only box stories if they are special or different.
 The optimum depth for legs of text is 2-10 inches.
 Run at least 4 inches of a story before you jump it.
 Jump at least 6 inches of a story.
 Jump stories once and only once.
 Whenever possible jump all stories to the same place.


 Every story needs a headline.

 Headlines should get smaller as you move down the page.
 5-10 words are optimum for most headlines.
 Don’t butt headlines.


 Every page should have a dominant piece of art.

 A well designed page is generally at least 1/3 art.
 Avoid placing any graphic element in the middle of a leg of type.
 Avoid placing art at the bottom of a leg of type.
 When in doubt, run one big photo instead of two smaller photos.
 When using two or more photos, make one dominant.
 Try to vary the shapes and sizes of all photos.


 When cutlines run beside photos, they should be at least 6 picas wide.
 When cutlines run below the photo, square them off evenly and make sure they do not
extend beyond either edge of the photo.


 Use italics, boldface, reverse and special effects in SMALL doses.

 Type smaller than 8 point is difficult to read.
 Text that wraps below a photo should be at least 1 inch deep.

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