Zine Unit Handouts

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Multiple Means of Representation:

1.1 (PPT, different fonts for emphasis, promethean board)

1.2 (print / outline)
1.3 (auditory, visual aids)
2.1 (real world examples, pictures)
2.4 (word wall)
3.1 (warm-up)
3.3 (direct instruction, scaffolding)
3.4 (repetition)

Multiple Means of Action & Expression:

4.2 (Chromebook, worksheet)
5.1 (video, zine, collage, drawing, painting);
5.2 (calligraphy pen, markers, colored pencils, printer paper, glue, magazines, scissors,
watercolor pencils, watercolor cakes, small, medium, and large watercolor brushes);
6.1 (prompts and SLOs);
6.2 (planning worksheet, collaboration, pre-planning, reflection)
6.4 (formative assessments, feedback sessions, reflection)

Multiple Means of Engagement:

7.1 (options for zine material, layout, message)
7.2. (apply to pop culture)
8.2 (mixed media options for final project)
8.3 foster collaboration and community (students work together to finish typography
9.1 (positive feedback, assessment)
9.3 (end-of-unit self reflection worksheet) https:/
Anticipation Guide

Name _______________________ Date ______________ Period ______

Read each statement below. Respond in the left column whether you agree (A) or disagree
(D) with each statement. Think about why you agree or disagree, and be prepared to share.

Agree/Disagree Statement/Question Agree/Disagree

1. Art is for hanging on the wall.
2. Text by itself is not art.

3. Art is about self expression.

4. Art lets me think about what I have learned in life.

5. My art can have an influence on people I will
never meet.
6. Visual art adds to the artistic value of printed
7. Geometric shapes can be aesthetically pleasing.
8. Reusing other people’s work is wrong.
9. Artists can find inspiration in written words.
10. Numbers can have emotional significance.

Choose TWO statements that you feel strongly about. Write the number below, as well as 2-4
sentences explaining WHY you answered the way you did.
Name ____________________________________ Date ____________________ Period _______

Your Choice of Text

For this project, choose one of these two options:

Option 1 Option 2

 Draw a 3x3 grid with a pencil and ruler.

 Choose a poem or song that  Choose at least 3 numbers/letters that mean
has influenced you / means something to you.
a lot to you.
 Draw overlapping numbers and letters.
 Get approval from teacher.
 Keep balance and emphasis in mind.
 Create a visual
 The text will be in color.
interpretation of the
 The background will be in black, white, and
poem/song using the
grey to create emphasis. Each square of your
precisionist style of
grid will be a different pattern.
Charles Demuth.
 Incorporate at least 3 letters
/ numbers that relate to
your final piece.
Assessment Rubric

Student Name: Class Period:

Assignment/Problem: Date Completed:

Connectio Craftsmanshi Rate Teacher’s

Content Composition Creativity
n p Yourself Rating

chosen, 2-3 of
the taught in-
practiced into
final artwork.
- Collag
- Wate Purposefully
y explained Created
rcolor designed the layout
Meaningfully how a very original
- Uniqu of the artwork to
incorporated a personal ideas and
e clearly demonstrate
theme from the experience appropriatel
5 Typo at least one Principle
art unit studied or interest y adjusted
graph of Design which
into personal was used to artwork
y enhances the
artwork guide and based on
- Illumi meaning of the
inspire feedback
nated artwork
- Silho
- Overl

A personal 2-3 of the

One Principle of
Theme is experience techniques At least one
Design is evident in
evident and or interest learned in original idea
4 the artwork, but does
clear in the is present class are used is used in
not enhance the
artwork in the in the final artwork
meaning or message
artwork artwork

It is unclear
Artwork does 1-2
what the It is unclear whether Somewhat
not techniques
personal the artist used a original
3 meaningfully learned in
connection Principle of Design to ideas are
focus on the class are
is in the organize work used
unit theme attempted

No None of the Ideas are

Artwork does Principles of Design
personal techniques not original
not represent are not selected or
2.5 connection taught in class and
theme in any demonstrated in the
is made or are shown in feedback
way artwork
explained the artwork was not
used to
adjust and

Your Teacher
Total Total

Student Reflection:

Teacher's Comments:

Grading Criteria:

• Map your layout BEFORE creating your final product

• Use text and visual elements on each page
• Thoughtfully use a minimum of two hand-drawn fonts
• Thoughtfully use at least two principles of design
• Create a zine with an understandable message
• Use at least two different media to create your masterpiece
• Make at least five copies of your zine to share in class (this is part of the zine experience!)

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